The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, August 04, 1911, Image 8

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' MIZI'al: J.i..'TKi. NO 30, O. K
- MecU In Manic liU the ud
and fourtn Sstur vo. ach month
V. OK A Meets ami t.'iinl
A. B. LAKE, CoukuI
H. E. LaBARE, Clerk.
HOUtTOS CIRCLE NO 478, Women of
Woodcraft. meeU the second and
foorih Tuesday afternoon of each
month at Honlton. Ore. Minnie Kelly
Unardian eighbor;Anu Van Kat-
ta, Clerk.
. "fV AFAAM. Meeta 1st and 3d
Saturday In each month. Visiting
brother cordially welcomed. U W
Clark, Master; E. E. Quick, Secretary
Brotherhood of American Yeomen,
meet the second and fonrth Wed
nesday night of each month at Yank
ton, Ore. Visiting members welcome
. S, Hinsox, Honorable Foreman,
C. E Lake, Correspondent
Two seated, four spring hack, double
harness, One horse, harness and light
wagon. Cash register, computing scale,
counters, blocks and other articles used
in Western Market.
F. Walker, Honlton, Ore.
A girl for general housework. Inquire
at this office.
DR. R. L. Jeffcott
Notice to Creditor
huh ('nunty Court of lb tfule of Oregon tor
tuh mailer ol the eatata ui I'ynthla M. II al
I . r t . (ttHfHBtnt.
Viillr I nvrrliv ilvcn mat the Miult-miimM
s.lmiiiislmtor with will aunt'ieil ol the ttli
)Ulhia M. llallKMt.iltt'vawti, liy til
i ninny t ii li rl ol Ilia date ol lri'n ur in
nimlv nf l'tlii,ntii. All lMr.OIIS liavill
'latins ai-atnst the nIi! estaU i hrri'liy unit
ami niim il M pitu nl th ui to in al
ullage tirovo, orvtiou, iiuiv vrmru wnnin -i
iHUlia lr.nnlh.dal. of lit lint publication
ihu n lie.
Ktist July 1 1911.
Laji Publication Auk-u.l Uth.lDll.
Administrator with lh.. will aunexiil of 111 ea
st of c'ynttil M. lialtwrt, dviewl.
In the (Mrriilt Court of the Slate of Oreion for
the I'onntv of t ommnia.
Ilaiilee K. T.i.vlor, PlaiulKT, r. Fred D. Tav
li-kr ilMfMnilutit.
To Fivit l. Tavlor. tvtendant- In the name
ol the Mate of omron you are hereby required
to at'ooar ami answer Ihe complainl lile-l
asaiiist yon tu the araave euimea iuh ou or oe
fore the lltti day ut Annual, l'.'ll. ami II you
fail to answer, )aliitin" will taka ilet ree
aa-alnst vou a prayed for In the complaint
herein, lo-wii
Thai the homta nf niatrimonT heretofore anil
now existing between plaiuiln aud youraelf be
Servue of thlasHmmonaumatie nron you oy
uaut to an omeroime tion.
nnhllcation nil
iamea Darl. Cnmiti- Jiiilne. ma le on Ihe inl
Uv if Jiiiim lull illreotinif said DUbliuatlotl ttl
tlie oreirou Mist, oure a week for sis. nuuuenatr
wetka, beguiiUUK with June outn, 1111.
n. ,t . i.. a
Attorney tor flaintlff
Dr. Alfred J. Peel
Bank Building, : : St. Helens. Ore
Plants for Sale. Cabbage, tomatoes,
peppers and celery. Louis Rosasco, St
St. Helens,
June 23 1911
Struts & Fortney cedar Company
have this day dissolved Partnershi
agreement, all collections will be made
and all debts paid by If. E. FortDey
H. E. Fortney
For Sale
' ?ew 8 room housp, 0 ehoiee lots fo
. garden, bearing truit tre,(?nced, im
provt-d with electric lights and sidewalk.
tnree Mocks from Columbia River, on
oiock uitv park. st. Helens.
Price 2300.00, a fine home,
John Rubers
Claude M. John
Attorney and Counsellor at Law-
Practice in all Courts
Clatskanie Oregon
THC HotutAOt
for our matchless Groceries, because
they please all housewives in purity ami
high grade. And a woman knows let
how money can be saved in the purchane
of Groceries that last long and are of
the best qualities. Our prompt deliver
ies also appeal to the buying heads of
families, a do also our very reasonable
price. Suppose you give us a trial
Found On Deer Inland sand bar one
gasoline boat named Red !evil, owner
will 6nd same at Connels Landing,
Mr. A. Tracy.
Petition for Liquor License
In the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for
I 'nni mini, I mimv.
In fhA lh annlfcatlon of O. B. MUlor
Mr license toaeii spirituous. inuauu wan
lioiiora ami fermented cider In scaiipo.wr
nM.ini.1 rn iimK . c.uintv. Dreirorj.
ro the honorable County Court of Columbia
County, state or Oregon :
The unileralmieJ ietltloner. leiral oterof
9ca.u)M( precinct, Columbia County. Ktate of
Orevon, and unitituUns an actual majority
of the legal roten of iwtl precinct. an.t being
actual reai.lenu if aalJ Sl'moow precinct.
ami having a.'tuall mldett Iftttrcln st leat
thirtr dav immediately preceedlng tile date of
niKiiliig and filing of thin petition, would rea
pectrully petitiou your Honorable body, and
ak that licenw to aell piriluoiia. vluoui
and aaj liiinora and fermented cider In ."cap
ixmiw nr.dl,t, I'olumbia County, !iate of
Oremin, be grauuU jaji.i iasueil to ii. B. M illoy a
resident of aald previui, (or a periou oi oue
W K Stevena. H E C.earhart. O W Arta. 9 A
WikrlXHB. Chaa K Oatecn, lac Adallla, R .M
Joiitwm. Jdiu kontrlia. (i A I'lau, Johu NcUou
Joe H HaaMill, K A UcUuinn. W A McKay.
IVmii Kalch, t'lule Itoemc. .-uaji i-aner.
Harry Wol. W T t.rewell. l.oula Furrar. Johu
uark4. t.i'i. W (irant. J II Kllry. K K ciouinger
K nanilus. Ant.ui MareS. Kan Martin, M J
Butler. KKWehrmau, O b Freeman, John A
Hati-.u. I h Kelp, Chai K LlndloR, Henry
Dsw. H kbebeclt, John M Flseuiilatler.
f M Boewl. lujph Novak. J T Cloud. Henrv
Sew man, Vade Hat, u. crt Wet. Claud Wood.
Ixibii illll.-r. C Hansen, f.autj K'eer, J C Ham
moinl. tt' Kowalewi-kl, H N Hianiou, C K Flher
Frank KorSk, A Koiitek.O W Morn., B J
Grewell. Luiii E Filch. J M Payne. L U
Payne, T C Haiuw, H A Khlers. J II Flynn.
U A Hegele, i Bornnidt, Loan Herve. J T
Dangertleld, 1 D Mckay, Ctas M O'Connor.
Bob Reed. Teo (hla X mark) A, Aleander
(hi X mark) Aak. Ueinreicn svrimaou, muo a,
Krakea. Andy Oaloa. W Tell, ti C Rabiuki.
Erneat Zenman; Max ZeUman. V D Kaiurne' er
Kreil (hiaX mark) Kamiuerer. oiot Rwanaou
Win D HoWkl, Hn Hauwu, llnduey (hut X
mark) Adania, J A fender. Chai Miller.
Herman Miller, W it McTatrgart. Out 9i4ii
on. LMUraut. J.Alnn. U B Beaver, J R
Tabor. H U Hlni. L A orlierg. ff Kablnky
K A McKay. Andrew (hii X mark) I.uml.
Gimtav TeU. O Hlaulm, td I rawloid, G W
Rhodea. O L Loualguout, Peter Meyers. JoliU .
Wells, Audrew Anilerwm, Joa Trukosite, Ja:ne
(irant, Tom Gram, Otto A Killer. 11 JUliu, W
Oeorite Shatto, Tom Kowalewskl, Robert Wt-
on. w r na ken, Junas tni a niar wimu
B . HawkiiiK. J K rsannell, N L Ellis, red
Peterson. E D V' Kay, J'Ulut J Tewmer. U
HollenlxHk, J M Fry, U I Itmilert, Geo W Ram
sey, Clarence Batteraon, I U GfMjn, m And
erson, John Callahan Ncls Ifeniiiuaen.
Aagust rilaana. A Zelraao. fCjay, ffarman
. , i,i. MA.i.irli-kn. Turn I'allaliau.
ni iiiui'i,, flii'i'." .. w.. ,,
SfhisXuiark) Newman, M L Whlto. Byron t
Nixon, I tt lkstrom, John C Adams, In
Balch. W O JcBY Tb" Hunter. Fred I'blmau,
M A Butler. Fell lanen. Jerry (his X mark)
UBell, R J Ruby, G aud0, t'ui,M',.lr-.
CRablnsky. HC Bushwao. C fc ltrom,
aiigut rM hmldt, J Meyers, J 0 Katta R h.
Bate, ('has Mi-Karlaud, t Uinsignout, A Flrbal
Atwl JoulMjrt, Chas Graut. Frwi I'aaeu. John
Mo-iman, Anton rVklllc. A lelbert MatOi-ck,
los Clhultt. Geo M Bau-s. L t opWaud. Auum
Kiuotras. C Belle. E T Gore. H T Grewell,
K Kosher, harie Botieria, V ilorrison,
r . ii K.,c ii B Millov. Jief Kuljes. 11
W...L H A Cameron. Thos ifuningnn, loeitiia
x m.rkl Harrla. Chas Andrews, Tom NutU-r.
Christian Bril. H'm T Gillette. J TrilknsIM, f ii.'ltiniri.p. iha Wicks. K l ll'is K is
I'll., Riinnlorfe. A Browning. H
i.'oleioaii, Ji JoIiumhi. Burl ilsruit;. A H ug
ernd, ' Wndesky. R O cuyuer. nanin i.n
Sum Oalll. . I. KMIlll, jonu a run, no taw
f....i i. u linnean liliver (Gthsell. E I'arlsoil.
II J MrGregor n n nniuu, mi i,um.ii, uv
Mevers. Frank McGoweu. O K Merrill, rrau
nit, Geo. J, onana.
.ri t. whom it Mar conegan: sotten is
hereby given thai Ihe undersigned, a resilient
,f AejiiiOiKfse preciui-l. j"hiiii'i' ..'fiiiiit, in-
uunt, win fn nsiiiiMsinr me no uny 'i -uiu A. I). 1911. at leu o'clock A. M. of said
mi the foregoing petition tor license
li, sell niiintuoiia. vinous and nialUrl llifiiors
..,,1 fermented c der In Kcapuoo.e iirecinct
Coliimliia County, Oregon, to the county Court
nl i-i.liimtii County. l . Helena. Oregon
and at aald time and place will uk thnt a
lleense l Issued til III" u uderigiied alii. Ill-nut
to sell spirituous, vinous and malt ltiinis and fili.r In .caiitMKise ireci net Col n m-
1,1a Countv, Oregon, lor a nerio.1 of one year
frm the date of the Issuance ol such m euse.
Ijaled this 1st day ol August s. u uu.
O. h. UH.I.OV,
Notice ol Final Account
Kotie la heroiv alveii that the undersigned,
as icuar.liau ol ihe terson and estate of HouaM
ku-th Carr. a minor, has tiled her final account
ill Ihe County Conn of Columbia County, Ore
gon, end that i ICourt has set Tueaitai the Mb
day of, I 'll, at lUo cba-k A. M. a. lb
time for henring of otoectloua lo said filial
account and the settlement ol Kald auardtaii
snip msfter. All persons tuterestcd are hcrel.y
notlrled to apear on or before the nine atove
mentioned and show caUH. If auv Ihev have
why aald aeciiiini should not lieachrovcd and
aid estate settled.
Mra. R. H. Carr.
Guardian of the person and eaut of Donald
KMh carr. Minor.
IHte ol tlrsi piildii ailoa August sth i'.'ll
Iie ol second publication Heptemlier 1st 1'itl
Always Try to Parry the Blow With a
Ready Reply, Beoaus Staring In Re
proaohful Silano Qlvee the Lady
Chance to Change Her Mind.
Incredible aa It may seem, proposal
of tuniTuige are sometime) refuaetL
UHiinlly becauaa the lady thinks she
knows better.
To comport one's self fittingly when
rejected la no easy matter. The young
DoKluner la advised to give some
thought to hla next move In the event
of but proposal bring declined To
stand staring In reproachful alienee
displays a lack of savior fair and
Incidentally gives the lady a chance to
chnnge her mind.
The really nice young man when re
jected Inclines to gloom. The average
young man take up an attitude of
sprlgbtUneaa. To display relief when
rejected may not seem In the best
tnste, but If a girl ha refused yon
that la sntBclent evidence that she baa
no taste at all.
Let us consider the method of the
really nice young man. He hints at a
broken heart a picturesque but Im
probable happening. He asks If there
la no hope. Always be speaks In "low
tone." Tbere Is the authority of the
beat Qctlon for tht. Apparently be
never shouts hla qnery from the door
steps as be Is departing. He men
tion suicide In a uoncommltai way
and eventually takes his leave "with
one Inst fond, lingering look at her."
One can only hope he does not spoil
the dramatic value of hi exit by trip
ping over the doormnt
So much for the really nice young
mm. The average young innn hn a
variety of methods for keeping his end
up In the event of being rejected, fie
scalp to their collection last Sun lay Imparts an air of levity to the proceed-
Mr. N. O. Larabce, the postmaster at
Treuholui, the new otllce at the old bolt
camp, was a business visitor to the
county aeat.aud of course subscribed to
the Mist while in town. He reports that
everything iu hit neigh borhood is boom
ing, end that from two families up aie
buying In the holdings of the Western
Cooperage Co. The company baa cut
a large tract up in ten acre places and
is selling thetn rapidly. Most of these
people will move onto their new places
In the fall The school house at Tren.
holm is completed and is a mighty food
structure. The contract for it's erection
was taktn by Professor Shute, of Clatskanie.
Beginning the unit cf'this month, the
City of Honlton will get Its water supply
through a meter, and the City Council
pay the Water Commission of this place
for all of the water uxed in the town, I
and the water aurt in turn pay the
Council. This arrangement has been
uoder consideration for some time by
the Water Commission, as it is a hard
matter for the superintendent to keen
rack of the water users at lloulton and
see that they do not leave' the ftiicets
turned on all the time. The charge
made Is very reasonable, being 100 per
1000 gallons, with a minimum rate o
fiV). This amount does not seem a large'
sum for the water for a town of 300 peo
ple when the people of this place are
keeping tip he interest on j0,0tK) used
n the construction of the water system,
The Clatskanie Indians added another
Crief Rules For the Guidance of
Unfavored Suitors.
V "1 This is tae tlU of a beautiful H,n T)
nifiNIFYINfi .!:r.
uiui iii i ii iu
to aim i ui vuueg la lo ttUalry an '4
the Industrie, aa to serv All uie ,, r '?'''
courses la Agriculture. Civil taneerlai V S
Englnserlng. MechanloaJ Engineering ku.rM''
eerlu. forestry. ri'Mu
nieroe. raartnacy and dual. Tbe cVti J
September lid. Catalog, (re. "
Subscribe for "The Mist."
We I hive the Best and Latest inpj
Shoes lor iuen, Women & Childi
A New Line of the Best in Fishing Tackle Just Rett
A complete1 and up-to-date stock of General MeJchan
disc, Groceries, liny, Granin, l-'lour and Feed, Etc.
when they took the Eaton', of Portland
nto ctnp by a 2 to 0 score. The game
was a dandy, and the borne team had
the best of it from the start. One of
the tallies was made by Srnilinz Rufe
Eliott clouting out a home run. This
and a beautiful one handed catch bv
ksela. together with the stingy pitch
ing of Joe Haggin, was the feature of
the game. The left ban ler gave f ur
scattered hits. The batteries were, Clats
kanie, Haguiu and Elliott; Eaton's
Aronld and Bartholomew.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
lor (.'iiliimlilat.'O'tntT.
'1. K. Anllker. Klainliir, rs. Oeorie W. Bailecr
I . i.eurae W. Kailirnr, th deleniant alxive
nan. Ml.
In tlie name of the state or iirrtrun; ou are
cn by reiillrel lo apiear and answer the com
lamt llleii Mtralnst von In the aliove ciill li-.l
ml. on or llore the l th ilar ol Heriternoer
11 the sarrle iielnir the Ih1 'ay ol the tiim-
.re-i'rilK-l In Ihe orler for the pnhncstlon of
his siimmnns. ami the sai'l H-rloil m time be-
ntr his wi.ks irom the 'lav ol me nrsi inn, ica
Ion of this sum moiis, ami if von fall Uiso npnear
ami nnwvrs saiil iomillnt, the (ilKlntill will
ie your nelault to I entT?l nl aptly to
the Court eoove namf-il for me renel nemanileil
n as il coinnlitliit. to-wit: nr a uiireini:nt
aifainat you 7isjb, with Interest ihereon at tlm
rale l Kltwr '-en! Icr annum irorn Jlsy ith
110, for the further sum ot l si un as atiomer s
liH-a ami for eotts and ilishurscments: tor a ile.
f sale iimler foreclosure ol ihe personal
projierty iieiw;nte'i in tne complaint, to-wit
lie IMielne ami Holler complete, z pumf
Ipinir, lituns sun lieltlnit inerclor, formerly
kiMiwu as the Tide Creel l.uiiinrinn l ouiiisny
Mill nropifrty loircther with 4 sawsamj all thone
crtain too s, tlxtiires. Iiells, cablea, oiock.
Ills, kilnlthlui outfit, earrtsee, lieatlhlocks.
eiiirr, sawartior haiiirinirs, shafts, roils, eli(er
frame, Ikixcs, wrenches, iloirs, sawteeth, roller
pulleys saw-hammers, canting- ear, loir-haul,
pipca, ami all mill machinery sueil In connec-
n salt mllli Ami that you anq all tM-mons
aiinlui uii'ler you. suheiiieut to th execti-
ion of sahl morfasie Ire forecioe'l of all riht.
islm or equity ol reilernptlon In said premir-es.
I his siirnmolis Is puliM-he'l 'ij onler of the
Itonorahle J. V.. CHmpill. Jml.e of saiil
ircijiti'ouit, mais aiid usteil July Slut lull
which onlcr f,recriiKl that service of summon.
n tills suit snoui'l lie maile upon you oy puhii
atloti once a week, for si cousei'Utive weeis,
which time will lM.fln to run from the Oay of
lie first niiMicatioii hereof: ami trie time with-
ti whii h yon are n o.ulrel to answer aniil coin
nit is on or ietore trie last itay or trie time
recnlw In sal'l opler lor puhiicatloii, to-wit.
t.'.emlier l.'.th PHI.
1 he ilaie of the first nnlillciitlon of this sum
moua Is Kriilay August 4ih I ill.
uiiiani aim nay,
Attorni-js lor rialutifl.
Time loam on
Dillard gad Day.
real estate. Apply to
Mies Rva Ilarns, of Hudgon, visited
with Mis A. J. Ketel on Tuesday.
The County Court went to lUinier
last Wednesday for the purpose of lit-
siecting the new concrete bridge acrosi
.nica tieea at inai place, ami lliey are
more than pleasetl with the structure.
This bridge is, without a doubt, the flu
sst eomity bri lue in the State of Oregon,
and it would be impossible to put up a
better structure for the purjiose it wa
des:gned for. The bridge, contrary to
the expectations of even the contractors
in) engineers, has not settled the sitinll
st fraction of an inch, though generally
these pri-lges do settle a trifle. Tlie court
n v j BQ'iut iinccn loos or concrete, tun
horses, four wagon, a quantity of lum
ber and thir'y person on the middle
bent of the bridp, which is (itiite a
severe test ir, u-elf, as altogether the
the weight on this one part of the struct
ure must have len nearly thirty tons.
Il is too muili lo urge that all of the
bridge In tin- county be made of con
crete In the fi Hi re, though there seems
to I no doubt but that this style of
hridge will l adopted almost univers
ally at some time. Hut the steel bridges
that are being put up in this end of the
county are Very good for all practical
Among those coining up to the bul
nesa men's ball game Thursday was the
editor of the Rainier Review, Mr. ir
nson. We never had the pleasure of
meeting Mr. Garrison until recently,
but are always glad to renew the nc
One day this week Max Summers ami
Win mith passed through here on their
way to Seaside. The poung fellows live
in Port'and ami arc walking the entire
distance to the beach, currying a camp
ing outfit on their backs.
The Club held a well
at-ended meeting at the City Uali last
Thursday etieniig, and transacted cod-
sidcrable business. Wm. M, Koss was
elected as delegate lo the meeting of the
Oregon Development league at Astoria
which meets Augunt 14, 15 and 10 Mr.
M. K. Miller was chosen agallcrnatc, and
Mr. Laws is a delegate, as are the secre
taries of all the Commercial Clubs in the
State The club also passed resolutions
asking that Ihe Railroad Company put
iu a station In St. Helens, which reso
lutions will be put in the hands of the
proper officials at once.
For Sal.
One team of good sound horses, weight
2!)m pounds, sges 9 and 10 year.
Wagon, new 3! inch.
Harness new. '
All for ftBO.
Address Krnest Siesman. Sinnnnnao
Oregun, Route 1.
Loit In St. Helens, necklace with
pendant, and amethyst setting. Finder
plMH leaf at till Mlit'offlc.
Ings which must be distinctly Irritating
when one Is expecting time honored
references to fractured heart and
blighted hope.
Copying the avernge young man, you
may therefor when rejected laugh
heartily and then remark:
"Well, but, joking apart. Isn't the
weather beautiful r'
There la something about this formu
la which preventa the waste of any
emotion except annoyance.
Another gambit In taking refusals la
to smile with satisfaction and say th
simple word:
"I win!"
While the damsel la puzzling out
What the word may mean yoo can ef
fect yonr escape.
In the event of an emphntlc refusal
you can always ask smilingly:
"How did yon guess I was Jollying?"
An effective way to prevent a lady
promising to be a sinter to yon 1 to
get there first by promising to be a son
to her, and yon can follow It np by
"Ob, well, I must be getting along.
I've got another call to make."
There Is a snbtlety about this remark
which ennblea you to take your leave
guile enslly.
Alwnys try, however, to be ready to
sny somettiiiti: at once. If after her
"No" you think you have been alletit
overloug, assume a puzzled look and
"Let me aee what were we talking
Should the girl give reason for re
fusing you remark:
"Tes, that's Just wbot Jane Jones
en Id last month when I proposed to
It may happen tbnt the lady answers
your proposal thus:
"No, Harold, 1 can never be yours,
lam afllanced to another."
The best thing to do to avoid ex
posure of your disappointment Is to ex
claim: "Yes, I knew that when I aakod
Another formula when rejected lies
lo taking a list of name from your
pocket, consulting It and remarking:
"You're Miss Susan Smith, aren't
Then yon pat m tick a en Inst th
name, sigh rellevedly and take yonr
it yon nave come pnmca to say
"Thank yon, Harriet; you have mad
m the happiest man In all the world,"
In anawer to her acceptance tbere la
no reason why you houldn't aay It In
reply to her refusal.
In the event of receiving a refusal
by letter pretend that you did not get
It. This baa a disquieting effect Or
If you want to get even wait till she
queationa you about It and tben aay
with every aympton of glad rcllefi
"Oh, that letter was from you. waa
It? 1 couldn't quite make out the sig
nature, and I thought It was from
some one else on a similar matter.'
A sportive remark Is permissible
sometimes when on Is refused with
lofty contempt:
"That's all right, old glrL Truth la
I only asked yon because I was feeling
a bit sorry for you."
The main point Is to be ready witter!
enough to keep your bat and stick In
your band. Do not leave the bona
whistling, though. It preventa 70a
from exhibiting an amused itnll when
she poops at yon from behind the
front room curtains.
With luck aad practice yen wffl be
able to take a refnaal of marrhtm
quits welL Don't propose merely for
practice, however. Tour luck may not 1
bold oatv London Cpl&fen.
St. Helens Repair Wort
General Blacksmithing ani
Repair Work
I Horseshoeing A Specialty
St. Helens, Oregot,
Fully matured at $1.50 U
I5ox 97. lloulton, OrY
Excursions East: Low
Rcnnl Tiip Fares
Raises tlicDough
SO 00
iso m
m 00
l iO 00
tso mi
May Mto Id, ' U 2-1, 27 tu .
June 5, 7. 11,10, 12, III, 17, .
2 , ..0.
July 1 to (I, l!l, 20, 2IS, 27, 2S.
AugitulS, 4,5, II to 17, 21 to
to ::o.
.September 1, 2, 4 to
SI. I'aul
f llinenpoln
K -iisiis City
O. nulla
Dilutli '.'.".'.I'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'
itiiiwuiikiv 7
St. Ixinla
l-nver .Vi 00
olnrjiln NirinKn., f,,-, 00
New nrk
WnHhinirton .()7 W
, Ihdt'iiiore 107 M
"""l"n - inn no
$00 00. , l-'M,,u'Bl,I'li and St. 1W,
A val id v of mtltf'a Of, If,, n...l
Inif Ik oiieu i,r c,.ii,i. i(,.,.,.
Oi tuber .'IU. HtniH.ver. .11 ' '
each direciiiin. .11
J. O. DIVI-NS, Aicent,
lloulton. r
W. C. CO M AN. '
lcn. Frclxht and Pasacnger Agt.
Chrmixts and Authen
tic stale that Crcuccnt
is pure and whole
sonic. Sold by Grocers
70 00
1 1 OS ."SO
10s ro
For Sale
Six head ol Kd Krmle J.-r., y coas ami
ilv head of Angora goats.
19 11
From All Point on
Oregon-WathiniTon RaiM
& Navigation Compn!
C11111111I llluff
K.uiH.n City
St. Jimeiih
Ht. I'aul
St. I'aul, via Council Iiliifi.
St. Uul
Mav M, 17, 18, 10, 22, 2:1, 24, 25. '
and 2I
June 6, 7, 1, 10, 12, UI, 17. 21, ft
n..l m
"ll'l lilt, M
inly 1.2.3. 4. B.fl. II). 20. W.!
AutriiNt 3,4.5, 1-1,15. Id, 17, 21,
2H, 2! and 30.
HiMiteiuher I. 2. 4. 5. A anJ 7
1 1 1 w v
,11'l'iiicriii nny i r. , ' -
fur more romiilete liiloriintiofl'
Ceneral Pangr Agent,