The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 23, 1911, Image 4

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    rfti-ffti- ii rfi i fnglPQI IPOS' 0' tC
,mmt "" ,' 11 11 ' " ' ' ' tami 11 A
Yes, we are giving them away one with every $2.00
cash purchase, and the dish $.00 worth ot goods is
twice as good as the dish with $2 worth, and so
on up to a $10.00 purchase, with which you get a
piece set, consisting of Cream Pitcher, Sugar Bowl
and Butter Dish.
Jas. Muckle & Son's Department Store
. St. Helens, Oregon
The .TV. ... n iff .
Oregon riist
Founded 1S81
Entered at the Postoffice at .'St. Helens,
Oregon, as second-class ma il matter.
Iam4 Evary Friday by
The Miat Publishing Company H. Flajg
Editor and Mansur er
Subscription rate3
One vear
8i months
uu,iniiiR mu;a mi. lC Known on appli
cation. Legal notic- es 5 cenu per line.
County Official
Written by E. H. Ktioo
The writer enjoyed to a consi
derable extent the ptrsonal
friendship of George W. Mc
Bride, who died at Portland on
Sunday last. The news columns
of the Oregonian gave a fair
synopsis of his life and achieve
ments, and the editorial, proba
bly written by Mr. Piper, does
ample justice to his character as
a man. In one sense his death
is not to be regretted, because
he had, owing to constant sick
ness, outlived the enjoyment of
life and hope of future useful
ness. St. Helens was the home
of his young manhood, and his
career here, as a private citizen
and struggling business man,
was quite as creditable to him as
any honor of his after life. The
people loved him liecause he was
one of them and sympathized
with them in all their troubles.
No one ever applied to him in
vain for any assistance in his
power to render. Repeatedly,
to his own financial disadvantage,
he broke the rules of strict bus
iness in order to extend credit to
his neighbors, and thousands of
dollars of accounts were cancelled
by him rather than to resort to
legal processes of collection. A
more perfect gentleman, in the
full sense of the word, we never
met During the years of our
former residence in St. Helens
the McBride home, postoffice and
store stood where the Morgus
buildings are now located, and
the older residents of the com
munity can bear testimony that
it was, the home of true hospita
lity and refinement. Friendships
were made there that stood the
teat of time, and the influence of
its social gatherings were of in
calculable benefit to the commu
ni ty.
As to his ability, it is certain
that very few men ever fought
their way upward against greater
obstacles and yet retained the
integrity of character and seren
ity that seem to us attributes of
greatness. Within the space of
twenty years he was Speaker of
the House of the Oregon Legis
lature, twice Secretary of State,
and for one term United States
Senator for Oregon. During a
great part of his term as Secre
tary of State he was confined to
his bed and conducted the affairs
of that office while often suffer
ing intense pain, and his election
to the office of United States
Senator was achieved while la
boring under such difficulties. He
was not an orator but he was a
profound student, and no man
Oregon ever sent to the United j
states senate had a better un
derstanding of the great political
questions of the day. His ability
was at once recognized in that
body, and he wa3 given commit
tee appointments very seldom ac
corded a first term man.
The writer sorrows over the
suffering and sickness George W.
McBride was compelled to en
dure. The ways of providence
are inscrutable; but we know
that he had supreme confidence
in the existence and goodness of
his creator, and we believe he
did not live in vain and that he
now lives where bodily infirmities
are unknown and where there is !
a reward for a Hfe lived to the
best of one's ability.
The garbage wagon will make a round
of the city on Monday, June 21th, and
will be at work until the city is cleaned
up, making the rounds there-after once
Hch week. Residents are required to
have rubbish, etc., ready for
Portland, Or., June 20 (Special) -Good
road throuhot Oregon is a subject
that will in future receive a great deal
of attention from the Oregon IeveIop
ment League. Besides having a good
roads day at the Astoria Convention,
August 14, 15 and 10, the League wil
take up highway betterment actively
and the olllces of Secretary Chapman of
the League will be headquarters fur the
Through its ramifications throughout
)he slate the League will learn public
sentiment on the subject of good roads
nil. I strive to aid' the various sections.
Secretary Chapman of the League be
lieves the subject tout lies very closely
the welfare of the fanner. He hopes fo
bring together the various interests Ho
they will work trge'her Firt, he wiil
learn the wishes of the people in the
matter and do nothing not thoroughly
repr sen'ativi of public opinion through,
out the state.
The railroads, state agricultural college
and the business interests Of Portland
are united on a plan to aid Morrow,
Sherman, and Gilliam counties in agri
cultural advancement. A demonstration
train will be operated next Fall through
t at section and experts from the col
lege will explain the possibilities of di
versified farming and stock raising in
oider to build np the soil, although
there is no intention to do away with
wheat as the principal crop. It is be
lieved, however, that improved methods
will conserve moisture in the soil and
by growing other things than the single
grain, as at present, two crops can be
bal in three years instead of two in four
years as at present. Heed will be dis
tributed from the train nd prizes offered
fur the best results obtained by tfte far
There will be a lafge representation
from the various Central Oregon com
mercial clubs at the convention held in
Brownsville June 30 to July 1, when the
Central Oregon Development League
will lie formed. There is keen interest
taken throughout that section and much
Is hoped from the projected organization,
which will take up the problems that
confront Central Oregon, a new country,
yet in the making. It is considered
important that right steps be taken and
the new league will be of great benefit
along these lines,
Salem's annual cherry fair has been
set for July 0, 7 and 8. and promises to
be bigger and better than ever. Port
land people are taking much interest in
the affair and a special excursion will be
run from this city, taking prominent
business men to the Lilr. Big parades
will be features of the event.
Lake county will work as a whole in
future for development. The former
Lakeview Board of Tra.le has been dis
solved sad the Lake County Develop
ment league has taken its place. Thor
oughly aroused to the benefits of united
work, IjikcJCounly people may reason,
ably hope for results from the new organ
ization. A-h!nnd will hold its annual Chats
qua Assembly July 6 to 18. The talent
offered this year" is of high order aud
the forthcoming session will attract
people from all parts ot Southern Ore
con. Portland was visited by an Fasti in
flax ex ert the past week, who express
ed surprise tiiat more attention is not
paid to this crop In Oregon, He praised
the quality of the flax he found here us
being superior to that found elsewhere,
either in this country or abroad and
hopes to see the day w hen a great linen
industry will be built up and farmers
generally throughout Western Oregon
will grow flax with profit.
Notice To Creditors
In the County '"ourt of toe Stale ot Oregon,
tor Columbia County.
Ill the mutter f the estate "I John A. C. John
son, OrWaseO.
Not lee l hereby tiven r.y the uii'lerslirnn!
Ih mlmlnlstrator o' the entitle nf John A i:
Johhaon. (IprcAsefl. to the creditor of an all
persons having; claims aalnl sal'l enlntr. to
.n in tin-m with the proir rom-hera. wltlilu
Is month, from the date of thla nnih e, to the
aalft 'ltiOn!trlor. at his realtlenee at Mint,
ii. iiir Mint wink wie fiia'-e ror ins trails.
at-Hoti o( ttie loulne. of said eatate.
llale.l April JA, t'JIl.
Atrnliiltrstnr of the Estate of John A. C.
Johnson, rlcecaned.
Department of the Interior
U. t. l.tud Olhue at Portland, (Ire.
..... . My lih, PHI.
Notice Is hereby lven that Clifford . lUrrm,
of Ynnkioii, lolur.iols Comity, Oregon, who 011
April lltth Hart, mn.le Home.tea.t Kntry No.
KiMf, ferial No, OVM, for one nuarter Kreiinn II
Town-hip 4 North. IUnv J VVt, Willamette
M.-rlil an, hs Ilk. I notice of Intenlloii to nialie
final five Year 'r,Mif, to etalillh claim to the
land shove itw-erllieil, before the kcirl.ier nd
Keeel 'er of the tinned Wales l.anl tilllce. st
Pun land, Oregon, on the wih dnv ol June Pill.
flaimnnt nsinw as ltnew; freil W. Kloe
ter. ol Yankton, Ore., Jne litiont. of llonllon,
Ore., Oeorgo Kla, of lloultoil.ore., T. K. Mills
ot lloiilton. Ore.
For Sale.
One team of good sound horses, weight
20W pounds, ages 0 and 10 years.
Wagon, new ai inch.
Harness new.
All for ff50.
Address lvrncst Siesman, Scappoose,
Oregon, Route I.
To whom it may concern : I, Martin
White, Mayor of the City of St. Helena
Oregon, lh hereby proclaim that the
shooting of firecrackers, fireworks, cap
pistols, an I like explosive is hereby
prohibited In the City of St. Helens from
and Including July I to July 10, lull.
Makti Whitk, Mayor.
Out of
When you want the
best in Job Printing the
proper place to go it
proooooooooe ott a t t sTrsTfTstrrsTfirn-t mm miTmrj
We Are Confident of Our
Ability to Pleaie You.
From One Dollar to Five
g ZyC yfssorment of Post 6arJ$
Deming's Drug Store ST. Helens, or.
Columbia County Abstract
And Trust Co.
Time loans on real estate, An.dy to
Dillard Mid Dy,
Ab,ract.,ReaIE.tate, Insurance,
Loans. Conveyancing
St. Helens, Oregon
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