T I Notice of Itrteaboa to Apply for Liquor Lkeaea. LOCAL ITEHS To all paraooa rotar-nrd an1 the teai rotm now rvaMtaf n SaiHHe r-nvifu-t. t'oluiubia CoaalJ. Saaieof On-. in particular Yoa ft) aa. h of vou will lake notice lhatoa ItierUi dof Juaa. 1W1. ii. . Millot wll ply lo lh"rlolurab i'ounl? Court of llum bialVunlr Stat of Orvni. for a Iicn i wt BiMnloua. Tioous a'.M mall liquors aad ttrmnl e.1 cMec In la quantui than on sallon in ftrappooar prvrmrt. Ooiunilna County. ui of irravn. for a wn1 of on jrwr, which ai'p.1 caUOB will ba Daaad upon the fallowia- PETITION. To lb RoiBorahle Coanty Court of Columbia CouatT, Ornroo. w. l nadarsirnaxl lecal Torara and rat drauol Hear" prvrim t. County of Colum bia. tat ol An. rwpo'ifaUy iwtitton yviur Hoaorabla Body, that a lioaaae be (ranted lo 1). B. Millor. losaU p4rtMta. mall and vmotw liquor and fannamrd cider, commonly called baie ci4r. in ouanut'.ea lee lhan od taiion. w .Oita tha Umiu of SoarixHw praoind. I ounsy o iAlumbia. Mit of Orraon, for a partod of ona Tear, from lb Tib dar of June. 1411. and w do barebj. aacb rot aimseil. caruiy aa fol Iowa: That I an a ra:Jent and IcrO ror In 9cap pooa prertoot. CouniT of lolumtwa :al of Oraayo. aad that 1 bar Nra a raai.laot and Wal volar In aaid precinct ior mow thau thtr tr dara prior to tba data on wnich I bar alcnad thu petition. DuIMrVlU. Harry Hood,Cbaa Flora. Loon Ferrer. E P. McKay. A W. Atcbiavm. Yaia fcalch. Loan Prk . Wert. M. A. Buticr. T. X. Bryant w M fiailo. Tom Grant. A'.oU Jaknbav, K. T. tior. Chaa. Grant, vi. Kn!cn. J K. Mrra. Anpa Schmkit. JobaA aiuon 0 B Fmtn. Harr Canoa. r. P. KatntnaTirr. Haraian Scbmidt. O. Garriaoa. M. J Fuller. J. H. F'.jnn. 1. 6. Wiklroni. F. A. W.kstroul. Cbaa. M. O'Coaaer. Xila Grubli-a. A Brownine. uo. . tiraut. J. R. Tabor. J. A. Pender. Jerry LaS'.:. A Zwaman. J. T. 't.c. T. Callahan. V B Baaa. Henrr Daeia. J. C. Fatea. Joa Tru.a iu. w. TeU, Fran Scott, And. HenJrukn. EJ Nelson. Alax Mtarr. r-ed Peter-, n J. M. Payna. Oo. a- Wiiaoa. H Vandem.vt. Pr Stayara. Jobn Brown. Dentin Balcb. K J. Bj. rran Krr. Cha. An lrewv tava Sixoa. B J. Hawkmaoa. Cbaa. Bun.-(ardnr. O. A. Plau. Frank NoraX. AlCvrt MwmL Jobn M. :ra Mauar. ueo. . Ramev. w O. Jerfs. Anion Kmotroa. C. K LindioS. Cbar'.ey R. Cveen. Haz Xatcmaa. HtQretcb Knmvou. INiri Martin. C. Hanaen. Harrr "M.revr. i. C. Kabiuky. O. Headnvka, J. H. Tartr. C. 0. Couch. Ne'j (noiBtm. R. A. McKay. EJ CrawfoM. Frel (bia X mark) Kaymayer. Julias !' X mark) Zataman Jaa. oraau Joba K.oa;r'a. U. Meal. Loai sar. Alei. Ak. P. Lusifaouu w H. Hamilton. Louia Hen R E. rUiea. J. F. Ckai. J. etria. stera Hermatiaai. t. K. Vmll Henry Mauoa kei.y. ITtd Jvhnaoa. F. Koaher. J F-eea. C. Kabia..v. ! J. H. Kliey. H- S xanu. r M roao. L. M. (rant C. H. Scaddtr. A .: ;aD. U j Para. Fen Olarn. John ra. B. B !siil:b.l A9WO Peknic. Cbaa. Miller. J. P. McKae. K. I M. Johaaoa. A Koa;t. 1. C. Myr. H He!i- beck. li. Aru. 01f vmwn. J. Tru mcu. J . Kowaleek). ' A MoKar 0 B'.a iftia. Keaiy j Neamaa, A. MrCraoey. Wauon. ilvr ' M. Baiea. H. K. Mine. T. K wa ea:. H . OrriTun Route 1 Raianakr. c. Allen, H. J. Roberta. Abei Joa- i S0' twu'g bert, Feiii Hiemo. John C. Aaoss Joa J.'&a- f H.HI.J R. Sandua. Atuca Sb:ey. K. K. Jtaick CiHWaatwd 1 i ttariieii. 31 uun. ivo Keeu. am tau .v mark) Adam. Jaha Jahnvoa. R- F. M"t. S. U lulia. Louit M.Uer. C. L Smith. CS. B M . cy. J. C. Hamaaoa.. J. H. Ha99a. Clv.W Hoedei. V. A. Hoaf. laaac Ad4iai. J . Vorak. B. K N'izoa. G. W. ni. M. U bit. Georce hauo. H. ClVarhan. J Clbiiletf. Herman Millar. Thoa-Hsater. Jota Nelfcia. Jcha h tala. T. R. ebraia. Tbos. H. Ro?. P. k. Fraaman. J Ca:.Ahaa, Ernest Zeliman G iMae Tu. Claada Wood, Jo. A Uu. Newaan. H. M. Adams. G. I L:rnoui. H A Etwr.. R. Hedaiaa. H U Hanwa. A. F-.rbai. c 1 Kerr. Mika Hanon. Teo Ak. W F. Rivaen. D Holteaaack. w H. Cope. aad. J E. Scauae L J. rvftmidi, Jacob Sasaer. at. isoltem-er. p. c. Fay. Jan. Krob. M J. EuW . K. H ja. ab-It Gaiaea. R. A. McJaii.o. E. Ca.-lai.'a. R. P. ai dar. K. clooia(er. A numtr of the Wdiog men of Ri cierwrin tomn last WfJimday for the rurjee of protesting to th county court axainit the completion of the rvt1 tvntlr turryexl np Nice Crw-k. We wen unJer the iaiplv,lon tllt tht woutJ I nicercuul nd jut the thing that the fanner ol that neighborhood wouM want, but there aeerui to beeererml tide to the matter Mr . LoreUce clairut that the road would not only open np no new territory but that the old road can be put in food condition in lest time and at a whole lot le expent. The grade on that o!d road 1 not all that could be desired br a who lot, but after the mat ter is threshed out befoee the court they will know about what will be the beet course to pursue. It it good to tee Rai nier ptV'Ple at last taking tome real in terest in the road work. The following letter were unclaimed at the t. Helena post office on the SOtb of April, 1911: Capt. P. S. Abrahamaon, care of Sen. Alvena; H.W. Cadet ; Miss Emma Hershey: Albert Smith. Letters not claimed by Mae 15th will be sent to the dead letter office. M. C. Gray, P. M. FOB SALE. 2 lots. Cheap. In quire of Uarold P. Roes, St, Helena We bay in large qaantitiee and are able to sell at smaller preve than the other fellow. James Xluckle A Son. For Sal. lrtO acres of timber. A small farm A large farm. House in St. Helens. City lots. WM. M. BOSS. Death erf Mies AUcaa Lewis. Miss Alicia Lewis died at the hone nf her neice, Mrs. C. II. Johoi.last Satur day, the 29th day of April, aged 81 years, three mouths and seven days. There was no immediate cau toe her death, a it was due to the wearing out of the body which must come with age and up uutil a few days of the time when she passed away she was able to be about and take a short daily walk, jhs was buried at the cemetery is Rain ier on Sunday, the M. G. minister of that place conducting the services. Miss Lewi as born in Ireland 00 the 22nd of January, 1SS0 aud came direct from there to St. Helens in 1S80, where sbs made her home with her sister, Mrs. A. L- Richardson, moving from here to Rainier, where the lived for ab jet twenty fire years, returning to this city about a year ago. No relatives are known in the old country. Mrs. W. Vj. Muckle aad Mr. C. II. Johns, of this city are netcee of the deceased, and Tom R chanlaon, of Seattle, and John Richardson, ol San Fraucisco, are her nephews YANKTON eigbt For Sale -One tram of good son nd horses, pounds, agree 9 and 10 years. Wagon, new 8!4 inch. Harness new. AU for ItoO. Addiess Ernest Sicsman, Scappoose, To do general hous this ov.- work. ItKiaire at Ejf for batching from Single Comb Bu3 Leghorns. Fine winter layers, f 1.25 for setting of 15, packed for ship ment. A. D. Larson, box 51, Reuben, Oregon. MooeT to loan on we "improved farm acd city property. Columbia County Abstract and Trust Co. 2-tf The figure? for the cost of macadami sing of the part of Columbia St. between St . Helens and Cowliti will be a surprise to those who know anything about what rock usually coals. One thousand and forty yards of rock were used aod the district paid about $ 400 and the amount assessed to .the property owner was 06. 4.5, making a total of 305 45, or 71 cents a yard tor the crushed rock pat oe the street and rolled down. Is most towns if they could get this kind of work done tor that they would be macadamising the back yard and alley. There is a probability that the work just dose will be oiled and if so, good as it aow is, it will be a lot better. H. T. Grewell and A. B. Swift, of Warren, were callers at the Mist office last Tuesday. Mr Crewel showed the editor a letter from Ivo Wambeke, who recently left here for Florida to locate on some land for which he is the agent, and Mr. Wambeke speak in the highest term of his new borne, saying that he prefer it to Oregon eery much. P ant for Ss'.e. Cabbage, toaatoea, pper and celery. Loui Roeasoo. M en. 10 u in linoleum at Lou of new patterns Muckle s. Burbank seed potatoes and seed oau for sale be C. J. Larsen, Warrea. Ore. Mar 10 4t Time loans 00 DilUrd and Pay. real estate. Apply to T Horses Tor Sale rJ'i'e- H 1 i.e... ... wj 1 1 ) Le-JaT.- -.-d- "u ijq L-: iasga, I I I I The Yanktoa Red Socks played ball with the Warrea Uaa Sunday. It was s very Interesting game the score was 13 to 14 in favor ol Warren. There will be a game next Sunday on the Yankton grounds. The Yankton boys bave fitted themselves out in new suits and have Axed their grounds over and to sum it np they are ready to plsy ball. The dance gieen by the Brotherhood of American Yeomen, Saturday night was well attended. The Cooper Orches tra from Portland furnished the music and were highly satisfactory. The Yanktoa Public School will give its Second Annual Commencement exerciae on the erenlop of Jane the second end third. Mr. Chestnut died at his borne Isst Saturday night. Service were held in at Yankton Monday at ten o'clock. The tody was buried in the Yankton ceme tery. Mr. M. A. Kale died at the hospital in Portland Tuesday, May 2nd. The service will be conducted by lee Red men Lodge ol Yanktoa. The stumps have all been blasted Out snd burned in the rued from the How ard place to the Yank on School, which adds much to the appearance of the road. V. S. Dspaia Informs us be will com mence grading next week. Mr. John Robert's baby Is quite (Ick. Mr. P. Roberts has fattened his oxen foe beef and has decided lo drive horses for a change. Mrs. (upont had to go to Portlajd lor blood poisoning in her hand. Mrs. WikorT of H out ton stepped ia a hole in the sidewalk st St. Helens and fell against a telephone pole, bitting her head near the temple. Her head has pained her so much since that she ha gone to rot tland to a hospital. Charles Bumgardner was found dead last Sunday. He was buried at Deer : Island Tuesday. j J. T. Woodward's mother, who wnt east, had the misfortune to be robbed : in the Chicago depot of twenty-five or e thirty dollars aad also ol her lunch. She tl was very ured aixi aroppecj asleep, while waiting for a train. She had her money ia a little handbag and when she awoke it was goae. : . . n . WM. M. BOea. pseaiBSST R. L. RfTHItlORU, Vtcs Tassissst A L. STOHE. Casus i. ALLEN, Asatarasv Ctaarst Columbia County BANK OLDEST IX THE COUXTY Does a General Banking Busineu St. Helens, Oregon UtsaL litUkLUl titlakiiil,4jAtllLUitkij Uocka 5 E Watch IS Von A. Cray Watchmaker and Jeweler. AU Work Guaranteed. St Helena Or. t Optical Good symiUJM.illU.Mm Mf tt? tTf ttTtTf W W TTf !Tf TO Iff Iff TO Iff Iff TO Iff Iff fffF WELCH & CHAMBERS Fresh and Salt Meats The newest and best Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon and Lard. Highest prices paid for butcher's stock I White 3 Clothes for Clean jj People eis Znter Oaturta Good Huslc Weighing from 1000 to 1600 pounds. Single or in pairs at reasonable prices. Ev ery horse guaranteed as represented money returned. or T I I I W. C. MUCKLE St. Helens. Ore. Mr. Joe. Isy was a land last week. Mr. D. A. Morrison and family arrived ia St. Helens last Friday sight and will make their future home here. Mr. Mor rison is a pressman and has accepted s position ia the Mist offce. FOR5AL. " Two seated, lour spring hack, doahk harness. One horse, heroes aod light wagon . Cash register, computing scale. counters, blocks snd other article aed in Weal em Market. IT. Wslker, Hooltoo. Ore. REWARD Foe iosonnstioa or return of bey mare. Weight. SoO I be., branded oa right hip j") , cropped mane and tail. Address Mr. J. B. Thsyer. Co lumbia City, Oregon. " SCA?POOS Miss ET.ree Butler of Scappooae, visaed st Chspmaos rsoip a few day last week at the borne of ber arxle M. A. Butler. Mr. and Mr. I. Piser rare a recerHton Saturday evening in honor of MiasBet- l. j The evening was spent ia Basic and , games. j Mis Butler gave them e treat ia the I way ol special soags sed instrutuectai 1 solos. j A dainty lunc was serted cioe.Dg a eery pleasant evening. M A. Batier eatrrLaicei oa Sunday with aa old fMhiooed picsac, with a barket dinner ie the wood, at wbich everyooe had a pleasant fame. HEAVY TEAMS FOR SAii Three heavy teatse for sale, weig from ?"00 to 3X0. Guaranteed to true to pu.l sad can be tried oaL Igea from i to 13 years. Iaqiire George Grast. Scappooae. Orerow. ;;u Mr. a E. Waoder'.y. the road boa ' from Eaiaier, est s basmeee Tiatior to the coanty seat last Taesdsy. It wul aot be very Voag a a til the labor of the iroad supervise ia the Rainier precioct wCI be very mateRally I a Teased ae that city is waking to the feet that they hare '. j go to hare good road to mske the lews ' ' go ahead. A terser would Deed an eero- pUae to get into Rainier at the present trse, and that place ha some of tie bet orctarl aad farm leads ia the state, ' back of it Mrs. J. S. A:e. of Spokaae. Wasting, too, is etsitiog with aer daaghter, Mrs. L. R. RatheriotiL and ber soa to.' AHea. Un. O. H. Washbeirn aad ckildrea of ( stHwS W,lh hMB '! GEORGE H. SHLN'N ATTORKEY-AT-LAW orr.ci Bans bv:ui5u Iltxaxs. I HOTJLTON, - - OREGON 7im iUiUiU iUiUiU iUliUUii, iUlUiUiUiU UeiUileiaiUM; I M lAilak litlaL IlilaL UtlaL 1 .ai.aX laiUkiVtlslkittUlii ST. HELENS LAUNDRY fader new management Watch for the Wagon Monday G. F. ROBERTSON H St. Helens Skating Rint iCanaoement ST . - at, Stpril st. Skating' Wednesday and Saturday Nighta Courteous Treatment Good Ord W. J. SKINNER ITSiniA DITMlMFr Duck Egg. $1.00 for TlxaV S. C. Blaok Minorca. S, C Bart Racks and S. a Rhode iM ReTjrs S1.50 for 15 W. C MORLEY Box 97. Houlton. 0rf. AD Work Guaranteed. Eatlmatea FurnlheA R. CONSTAMTIN S i Plumbiaf and Shewt Metal Heating Work St Helena Oregon Sr. T A crew of meet are at work this potting a aew steel bride McNelty Creek oa Uc Warrea S. IleWas road. The eoe tract lor thie k , was givew to the Colombia Bridge Co., Of rorUaod, and the bnde reprce aa ! antjqaatea wooden etrsctare ta at bee T . . . . .. i crew osagrroes ior some Late. Rhode lalaad ecg lor eeCUeg from ( S. WHITE FUNERAL DIRECTOR LKI5.ID lasaUttH Dr. Alfred J. Perl PHYSICAN AND SURGED Bank BmldiBg. Su Hslees.0' DR. R. L. Jeffcott DENTIST oroagkbred caickeaa. D. T. GIRT IS. HOl-LTON, OREGON j ST. 11 EL KM 8 ORE