Purify Your Blood Th cause of pimple, toll anil oth er eruption, a well a of that tin J feeling; nrn1 poor appetite, whli h are ao fiiiiiinon In tha spring-, la impure and Impoverished blood. Tlii best ay to purify enrich tlie blond, ua thouauml of people know by experience, la to tuke Hood's Sarsaparilla Accept tin substitute, but Insist on h.ivlnir Mo'nl'a. Oct It to. I iv In usiml Idinlil form or chocolated lublvta known it. Muraitluba. .JuMl:l T HI'IITtlN - -vt en l-namM. ll I ll. I'ttlotlCiU. CH' '""It lt H., ill..r l.m.1. II I I. Hll. , II. .11 J.- y, it i ..kl4.r, ll. M.liiel nvwl.4 a .il full .rli' ! .it .hi .. i.l .i't "ii in. I .1 Cn.i.lm ntk a 14.IUNI. UufvfWIIW! (felUlB.l ftl.ll.tUJ ItOU. MOHAIR wrd Wrile It-lay f.-r I'rlr.- the 11. r. NOirroN co. ll.lanJJIStruiilSi. IHMILA.Ui (IKK. KODAKS AND KODAK SUPPLIES A nla for rmtmUrum an. Htrmt .jra. wLt'n Uxl prti.ttiifl MniI iilr apweMi promt' I atlaiitttai I ortiand 1 ho to fcupply Co I4U Third SUmI I'uiilUAM). OUR. die lha mtrl and nitMl rrhaMc cathaitlr and vtnit ctranarr. Thr tri remedy for Toipiu J.ivrt, lulnmsue) ami Hit k llrmlarh. At IkuvvUU' or by Mali, 28 Cant iluvr CiikMHAi. Co, rumukb, oaa TTJ BELVONT.AUTO SCHOOL mm ,1W5 W M V.e BMftli Wk ul IM favaWsd ate M Mk, ! fe Ml rl Itfkrtr MTt ta) itj jJ Sat) 'mi Win M i li u $41 ataaaU VM M Mali It 2U . Kmimc ."vitai 0. SAN DIEGO MISSION FLOAT WH CH WILL APPEAR AT THE CELEBRATION IN SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA, JULY 19 TO 22, 1911. etfy fCte-l y j 1NMI.ST IH'OM WESTERN cr2 j k.ww MANTLES L SLIIH a IU , IK., IftUIIMI-fl II j 2i r.mt.Slwl 1'iirtlaiid. rmf Skylights Tanks Gutters Down Spouts Slept Ceiling . C. M)'ft i'OI Maikel Portland. Oregon HKNI) FOR CATAUKitlK. I will rriv fur e raa of Stmnarh Tmu Will Kivc lil Ka.umb.cr will mil rur. f fOft f( N"" "f ll yiu iii mr " Juu,uu nw l.M ' N.uruluay. War " llmllh." Maiiral fr. DR. II W. FREEZE, N.urolo.i.t r MrrrhanU Tnil llkla. Port land. Or. " Snn I)ifK do Alcala (St. Jarnon of Alcula) was tht first mixMion in Cali fornia and wan foundnl by the IradiT of tho KriincinciinH, Juniu-ri) ScrrH, in I j :- Ni-:ir tin tniMrtiun ('ulirillo Imidi-d in l.r)42, thi firxt whit man on lhi I'lirific CouNt of tho United StHtcH. One of the bi-autiful fi Hturcn of the ri'lclirittion mid patf"iintry planni'd in Sun Dii'Ko for July l'J ti tl, will be th Kiitnonii li'i'tid, taken from Ilidt-n Hunt Jackiuin'a roinuneu of liumona and Alli'Manclro. It ia thi- purpocti of tho nimmitt"e in rhurKii l' coMtumr Knmuna und Iht fricndM, aa well an hundri-di of rhar actcra of that period, in auitnblo drcxa and to huvi- her hold court with K i rK ( alirillo, who for tlnn ocoaslon will lie tran.rrnii-d from a MulT old piratieal aeadiK to a nuinilicent creuturc of ilks and untitix. An nearly aa poHaibh' Kamona'i court will ciuu-t tho prineipal acenen of the mmant'f, with Kamona m the central figure. No painii are beinc "pared ti make tho repreentation aa accurate hiHtorinilly, both in action and cimluiiiiiiK, aa punaiiiie. Iliitfe miaiiion archea are to be erect el in the Htreeta of the city. The whole, city will be auitably decorated and hundred of peraona will be on the utreeta niht and day in appropriate coatumea. Aa far aa possible and compatible with buaineaa, San Die'o will limply auapend ordinary activi tiea, drcrta herself in Rala attire and do nothing but entertain her (tuet., cat, drink, nintf. dance and be merry. The'ctdebration ia in honor of the K'round-breakinjf and dedication of the lirat building of her I'anarna Califor nia KxKinition, to be held during the entire year 1915. To Build a Beautiful City. The I'lK-ilic Northwest has aent out several nmn who are taking a prom inent part in big alfaira in other place". One of these ia Frank I. Allen, the constructor of the Alaxka-Yukon-I'ttcilic exposition, who ia now director of works of the I'anarna Cali fornia exK.iition, to be held in San Iicgo, Cul., during the year l'Jl.V Mr. Allen has associated with him Iterlram (I. (ioodhuc, who is designing the buildings nnd John Clark Olmsted, who devised the landscape features of the 1 10U-acre park in which tho expo sition will lie built. Thei-e three men promise the most beautiful grouping of buildings ever built. FARMS, ACREAGE v. CITY RIAL ESTATE AND HOMES IJO Railway CwManaa UuitdUf. Portland, Or. KILL YOUR MOLES, GOPHERS AND OTIItR RODENTS Whitir- Kilnl Tun-h wil! ill. S !. .:i l-.tnl al Ijwm ami l la'li Fair and U. A. C. Ail.lma M. T. WHITNEY. ChitwooJ, Or. They Want a New Rose. The I'anarna California Exposition, wliich ia to be held in San Diego throughout the entire year of 1915, has otTens.1 a prize of $1,000 for a rose to be called the "San Diego." The Floral association of San Diego has suggested that this rose should be of a deep golden yellow, with the hardi hood of the strongest varieties now grown, but this ia only a suggestion. The contest is open to all jiereonB in the United States, any Moral society or club, in fact any person or association. The rose must be shown at the exposi tion in 1915, so that there are four years in which to propagate it. Flor ists say the time is none too long. BRIEFS. U. S. Grant Jr., son of the 18th president of the United States, is now president of the Panama California , F.Xosition, to be held in San Diego ; throughout the entire year 1915. Sir Thomaa Lipton has signified his j intention of bringing one of his Sham rocks to San Diego in 1915 to take part in ocean yacht races that are be ing arranged during the I'anarna Cal- : ifornia Fxosition. I Lyman J. Cage, one time secretary of tho United States treasury, is one of the active vice presidents of the I'anarna Califonia Exposition, to be I held during the year 1915 at San Diego, Cal. In the harbor of San Diego this spring were eighteen warships at an chor. The members of the crews had a week of boat racing on the bay and ' declare the racing course one of the best in the world. j San Diego will hold four days of ; pageantry and celebrating beginnng jJuly 19, to celebrate ground breaking j for the Panama California Exposition j to be held in that city in 1915. The I pageants will surpass in spectacular i effect anything ever held on the Pa ' cific Coast. Frank P. Allen, who built the j Alaska-Yukon Exposition, , is director 'of works of the Panama California ' Exposition, in San Diego in1915. FARM ORCHARD Soles txnj Insttuctitmt from Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations of Oregon and Washington, Specially Suitable to Pacific Coat Conditions FLAT-HEAD APPLE TREE BORER ALCOHOL CPIUM T03ACC0 rUMt ftYtaHltrtv irU t 'nip all iria '1 KtMliV I n Mtuts In ( rfiiii VI ru I t f i!tt-trfttf cliulr. PACIFIC COLLEGE OP CHIROPRACTIC 401 ( ommitnwmllh HWg., Pari ln d, Or. rpMiMft lv tttl'ntN writ ttr lnfurmatlrtn. ''ti Mini i.rnntr 4'linu'. ni'iimritr. ftrrn.n mini tvr-tili.tf. IliVNlrtll mini III Itrrl llrB.rltir KMlllrtlMt- Ut..m-i nhoitiil wtu for ruum4 lu 0tl k ur Creiner's Chiropractic Health Home MITILCt M. CHtlNin, D. C, Suptrlnttndent. 775J Will ami Avenue, Portland, Oregon Trail. M nurna. nklllil irmlim anil th lat 'h.toiiai-tic aiivic ut ciiiiaullalmn in vry raa. mm . C0FFEEI TEA SPICES BAM I NO POWDER - EXTRACTS H it H":!H J !.l'll.'.t.l CU)SSn&DEVEB5 KaiLtNtX 0L ll FOR YEARS Mmiarwivva hav uarcl a rlnth tn pmtrt thlr hair whil awtlriff. I.ut nothing tu pnitt-t lliir liinva, raiiBUta Irrltatlun anil Inrlamma t.un. liiiit a bill h Hananiiia and annoy ma. Y.iw woulil refit watr that waa not rlnan. Imt nmtlnii In hrlh IMtllut-! atnruihr ni nwvwr mmiilatn. NdHI'ST HWKKPINd CllMPfltNn ta rtii'mtrallr prriianml. aliMirtia thdii"t and dia I'ao a-nrnia. ava itoi.tum' lillta. WmW your l-n-mia,- "iIiini rlfan" hy tialne hwptna imilMiuml; horn lh awn'liini'a. No. I M 1ST No. I. fur h nih..M ua. In S ami l'1 Hi. rana. Vic and urxurvn; 7Mb minal ilriima, Nil IHIST Nn. t. for blllnM plan-a. 76-IK ilriim. $7.-.':,; .').h. harrfla. (4 mi; v'm-lh. Iiar n Mm, f. (K n ',iinil. Ilnlt-r hy mail or thnniiih yt)Ur unn-nr ur druaalnt. Hriul for cir.-ulura. CRESCENT CHEMICAL CO. S2 Waahlncton St, Portland, Or. trees the insect probably goes deeper into the wood from the beginning II. r. WiU.n. Aa.i.ia.,1 Ei.t.n..l.i-. Omron where it feeds and lives until ready for Agricultural! 'ulf-a!. I -ir-milla. I . , , . .. ,, , i . pupation. In other sections of the "The records of the entomologist of . ...... r. , . , United States it has been reported as the Oregon Agricultural college show workjnr mostly in the parts of the that there has been reportitl injuries trees ranging from the base of the by this species in Oregon for the last trunk to the limbs. fifteen or twenty years, and that these j There seems to be a difference of injuries are usually Unin two or three opinion regarding the health condition year old trees. With the large num- of the trees attacked, but in Oregon her of young trees that have been set the first signs of trouble appear as a out during the past few seasons, these result of the damage caused by the in- rcKrt.s have grown more numerous, ; sect itself. Hesides the apple, a num and a considerable number of trees have been reMrted as killed. Usually the fruit grower notices that some one or more trees planted the previous season appear unthrifty her of other trees are attacked, as the pear, peach, prune, and some shade and forest trees. Clean culture should be thoroughly practiced, and nurseries should not be I H.n examination, me trees are iounu ooat,,, n,.r infested orchards. When to be attacked at a point near the . tr,. ,.,.., ininr.-.l b. vi.nd re- - I rt.. I ! surface of the ground by a long, flat. broad-headed worm, which has worked along the bark, cutting a broad chan nel ami usually girdling the trees. The place of infestation may he de tected by the discolori d bnrk covering the tunnel made by the Uirer. The adult of this insect is a green ish, metallic brown beetle measuring a half-inch in length. The body above is flattened, and in fresh specimens is coated with a grayish powder. The under side of the body is bronze col ored. The adults come out in the spring, anil, after mating, the females begin co very it should be removed and burned, so as to get any larvae or pupae which may be present in the infested tree. Perhaps the best preventive meth ods are mechanical barriers. These may be defined as something placed about the trunk of the trees so that the adults cannot lay their eggs upon the bark. Newspapers or untarred building paper will do for this purposu, if bound with string and tied at top and bottom, so as not to permit the beetles crawling under. The string used should be such that the expansion of the trees can break it, should the laying the eggs upon the bark; the fiirthriiniimr liirvHe born into the bark. excavating a l-niad burrow just under ! growth be excessive. Window screen the outside layer. Tho bmad heads of ! n-'-y us.nl, but must be placed far the larvae cause the necessity of a enough away from the bark so that wide burrow, and as the insects ne KKS cannot do lam inrougn me crow this channel is made wider, so ' " etw of the wire. " ... I I. .,1. ...... I L. that freouently it may be eighths of an inch or more in width. The larvae continue feeding through out the summer, and when full grown bore directly Into the sapwood of the tree, pupate, and remaining there un til stirinir. come forth as adult beet les. Reports of injury usually come in the fall of the year, as it is then that tho insect has finished its work and the tree begins to show the effect of the injury. In tho case of large Cotton should three- "e placed about the opening at the top so that the beetles cannot crawl under. In case of any of these bar riers, the dirt should bo mounded up above the base of the tree so that the adults cannot crawl under them at the bottom. A good stiff whitewash containing crude carbolic acid should be applied to the trunk of the trees above the barriers. If the orchardist thinks these are too troublesome, perhaps the W Are Never Satisfied. Tat which la well within our grasp feels mean and Insignificant, wlilla that hlch Is far beyond our reach seems absolutely necessary to our erjr happiness we are never to be Quite satlsfterl Expert Chefs on Vesseta. The term "son of a sea cook" Is no loriKcr a title of reproach. Tho highly paid specialist who presides over the kitchens Is a chef with ao Internation al reuutalion. Money From Wast. Rome of the street cleanere" gather ings sold by Glasgow, rVotland, last year were: Clinker, for $81,916; tin, light Iron, etc., 92H.2 19 : scrap Iron. $.".8,675; waste paper, $.:2,f94; bottles, tl.219. Ooet Not Remove Blame. Injury caused by carelessness Is not remedied when you say: "I didn't mean to" nor are you absolved from blame and responsibility by those words. whitewash applied to the entire trunk win act as a ueterreni. CLOVER AND ALFALFA. By Gwnre Svranc. Supt. Wtrn Washington Kxpr:mcnt Station. Red clover is preferable to alfalfa wherever the crop is desired primarily for its beneficial influence upon the soil and when a short rotation is de sired. For two or three years after seeding, red clover produces hay and pasturage about equal to that pro duced by alfalfa, but generaly it prac tically dies out after the third year. Alfalfa keeps up its yield indefinitely if pnifierly cultivated. Hence, alfalfa is preferable to red clover if the pri mary purMse is to secure a perma nent, long-lived meadow or pasture. Alfalfa is also more likely to make a fair stand where the soil preparation and seeding are not done with sj!!i cient care. To obtain uniform success with clover, it is important to observe the following essentials: 1. Good seed. 2. A firm seed bed which will hold moisture near the sur face. 3. A shallow but well pulver ized mulch. 4. Seeding with a drill or other implement which will place the seed on the firm, moist earth under the loose, dry mulch. 5. Absence of a nurse crop. fi. Avoiding pasturing the clover until it is well established. 7.- Protection from squirrels. Only seed of high vitality and ftee from noxiuos weed seeds should be purchased. The vitality may be de termined by counting out two hundred or more seeds representing an average of the entire lot and determining the percentage of these which will germi nate between moist blotting papers or cloths kept at growing temperature. Examine the seed carefully for the presence of weed seed. The cleanest looking sample may not always be the best, because of the very noxios char acter of the weeds represented by a few seeds. Poor seed is dear at any price, and it is false economy to pur chase poor seed because it is lower in price. The source from which the seed comes does not seem to be as im portant in the case of clover as in that of corn or other farm products. In experiments of the Washington exper iment station in 1902 seed was secured from thirty-eight different sources, in cluding several foreign countries. Practically no difference in results was obtained, except a poor stand where poor seed was used. Making Work Easy. How many of you sisters ask rmr dear Lord to help you through the tri als of the day when you get up In the morning? I do. Try this; It makes tha work easy. Tennessee Housewife. Th Other Way Around. fr. Annus "If you knew how to cook we could save money." Mrs. AnRiis "If you knew how to save money we could employ a cook." Answers. Stomach Blood and Liver Troubles Much ilckneS IterM with weak stomach, and eonaequene poor, impoverial.ed blood. Nervoua and pale-peopls lack (ood, rich, red blood. Their stomachs need invigorating lor, after ell, a man can he no stronger than his stomach. A remedy that makes the atomach atror.g end (lie liver active, makes rich red blood and overcome and drive out diaeate-producinl bacteria and cures whole multi tude of diacatcs. Cef rid of your Stomach Weaknesa and Liver Lazlntma by taking a court of Dr. Pierce O'orfef Medical Dlaeorerr tha treat Stomach Hemtoratlve, Liver lavi&orator and lllood Gleaneer. You can't afford to accept any medicine ol unknown competition as substitute for "tiolden Medical Diacov cry," which is a medicine OP known composition, having complete liat of ingredients in plain F-ngliah on its bottle-wrapper, some being atteated at correct under oath. Dr. Plerct't I'leatant Pv'letn rcfulate and Invlyortt Stomach, ii.'jw a tin fr z-Mlw tfr ; Lhrtr end Bowel. W. Ij. DOUGLAS b7s 2-.?2 3 3 fit 4 S H o E s rso-s: rV. L. Douglas Spring Style include more Snappy and Up-to-Oate Shapes in Oxfords and High Cuts than ever before produced. WMi-IiouiiM warrants f-vury pair of hi k)io to hoM thirshrie, Ji.k anil lit better an.1 wear longer tban any other inak. giving GU better valuo for the iiioni-y than you can obtaiu eiaewbetu. trroEWARFOF suerriTUTc-a.TM Tha ffeniitn Imva W. I lotiglM iiftme and the rfa!1 prli- ataiiii-l mi t It bottom, wlili-h ruarantrt full twIimi muiI proli-la t hti wrr again! high prl-a mill Inferior aho. if v-.lir rti-al-r .nn n.,1 ii.iiy .. w .ih tn irr.-wlli W. I.,l.nuiiu !.-.. a rna tr W .l Oiuer I'val. t. H...w- nt 'l.r-.-i fr..m fn.-tory t'i w-i.-r. u fl.nrir-a prepaid. V. 1. l4,uglM. 14d Mir. ! HrwcklvM, Mum. Bova- 6 hoc 2 00,i.6043.00 Knew a Thing or Two. The farmer had bought a pair of shoes In the city shop. "Now, can't I cell you a pair of shoe-trees?" sug gerted the clerk. "Don't git fresh with me. sonny." repMod the farmer, brist ling up; "I don't believe shoes kin be raised on trees any tnore'n J believe rubbers grow on rubber plor.ts, or oynUTS on oyster plants, b'gosh!" Mofian win fori Mrs. Wtnl(rw Snnthlne, r7rup tin- brat rmed-' to uioiui tlieircuUiliaj ur.ug lue u-eliiiufr periuu. To Stop Bieeding it the Nose. Introduce by means of a probe a small plec'of lint or soft cotton, pre viously dipped Into some mild styp tic, as a solution of alum, white vit riol, creosote, or even cold water. This wiil generally prove successful, but If It should fail, cold water may be snuffed up the nostrils. If these remedies fall, and If the bleeding be very profuse, medical advice should be obtained. too VKAHS OLX Waste Land Crows Rubber. Wide reaches of waste land on the Island of Singapore are now being set out In rubber plant, which seem to do wall. In Malacca there were for merly square miles of land covered with lalang, the hiding place of tigers and other big game, which have been transformed Into fin rubber plant, tlona. To Get Its Beneficial Effects; Always Buy the Genuine anc) 5 Irrigation to Reclaim Island. The Hawaiian Island of LaoaL which has been practically barren for several years, will be reclaimed by a water conservation system and de voted to enrar heet culture. Headache "My father has been a sufferer from sick headache for the last twenty-five Tears aodl never found any relief until be began taking your Cascareta. Since he ha begun taking Cascaret he ha never had the headache. Tbey have entirely cured him. Cascaret do what you recommend them to do. I will give yon the privilege of using his name." E. M. IMckaon, I130 Keainer St., W. Indianapolis, Ind, Plaaaant. Palautbla). Potent. Taata Good. Do Good. Nvr Siekan. Wakn or Gnpat 0s. Hfro, W. Novar aoJd n bulk, ft ra alna tablet ataaapd C C C tiuarantaa a WHY PAY MORE? Men's Hijrh Grad Black or Tan Oxfonia, Nsw Spnnif styiws. AH Leatiherm, tS.bit hhi, all $2.50 LIU manufactured hyiho (il!F05i!Af(flSv?(5. Sold by o.I leading Drwjqlsts OneSIze 0nl'. 50f o Doiile Thrlr MIrtake. Pome fo'.ks get to thinklnst In sums of figures, and seenil:i:ly forget the bright and shady places peopled by men and women with their Joys and rheumatism, for the very reason that they cannot set such trivial Ciias down In their ledgers. PAIR Mall On! n rrx.ri.pTly till.! ROYAL SHOE COMPANY 229 Morr ten St.. Bet. 1 at and 2d, Portland, Or. IS TUP of tti year t tiara your tcfth oat and pUt and briticr-work dtn. ainl her the )iare to ftt Iba bet iiu)t?a work poamb.e. i. uwpart our i tv. J tirtunt wurk f..r out cn any il iei rtvi. u 5 1'n.iuit- itni!-tio "jl r: w.i i ortlr. if ' 3 Coaaaltaltfa ta. Alcohol not needed Aycr's Sarsaparilla is not a strone drink. As now made, there is not a drop of alcohol in it. It is a non-alcoholic tonic and alterative. Ask your own doctor about your taking this medicine for thin, impure blood. Follow his advice every time. He knows. A Wa publiBb tur form Mi ijers W banish aTpohol 4r from our antHlictu Wi urea yoa ftc ODtUii your duftor KolarCrtwivt $5.09 1-ZBnJ.-tTtk4.0(j w " "' ( V : i-'4 5.C3 t. : .tki J n.iM 7.50 pa a arisi, fSftiecarfM Mtuua f- r ttt tWon .0 J IUM HI4M4IM.I rWtUSl BJCaT MCTHOOt All work lul.y aiurtiutevd for firttwa ytMaraw Wise Denial Co.,3c Painless Uentisis fit'ii SuMdlra. Third fd Wlllrtoa. KirirjIKD. 0ft euiaaara: A at. to t U Saaaaja. to I T'."v55'a Ask your doctor, " w hat is the first gresi rule of health?" Nine doctors out of ten will quickly reply, ' Keep the bowels regular. Then ask him another ques tion, "What do you think of Ayer's ruts for constipation f ' Mad by tat I. 0. Aye Co., Lawtll, Matt. I rin C. Gee Wo TU C!iir.S38 Doctor Thia wontlefut man has made a Ufaatudy of tha rrojtrt.a of Koota, lerha ant Bark, and ia trivinar tha world tha benefit oi hia attnioasa a N. Ua.rr.aew Pa.l.u. "ill i TiigAat''-.'-- Operations CatUasf Guaranta to cura Otfarrh. Asthma, lnr. Stomach antl Kidnry troubl-a, and ail rival j)iaaaipa of M n and Vmn. A 8UR7C CANCER CURE Juat recivsd (rora Pfkin. O.ma ai and net table. U..tatlinir in ita wuraa. If you cannot rail, writa fr aymptom Ad Circular. Incloaa 4 cent in Launpa, CC4StLTATrOM TRCC The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 1 1 ST I a Ci KM 1 B . aV aMaSHHsmiaSlaTaM P N U No, IS 'll ll r.11 wHtlnsj to adTartlavra pla nia.it.ua tnia pa par.