The Oregon Mist Entered at the Postofr at St. Helen, Oregon, a aeconl-cl mail natter. Issuxn Evkt FtnAY Bv K. H. FLAGG. Borrom and Frofkiktor. SuRscBrrnoK Rates One year Sl roonthi - - ."5 Advertising rateade known on appli cation. Legal notices 26 cents per line. County Official Paper a county: fair. Do tye people of Columbia Coun ty want i county fair? If they do they can have it notwithstand ingr the Govenor vetoed Mr. Miller's bill providing for State aid to the amount of $1500. In vetoing this and all the other bills providing for fair appropriations the Govenor said: "This legisla ture has passed two bills which, in my mind, provide a solution of this puzzle. One of these is House Bill No. 172, providing that the county court of each county may in its discretion appropriate $2000 out of the general fund in the county treasury for the support of its county fair. The other bill House Bill No. 337, provides that each county fair association may draw $500 from the general fund ' of its respective county for the benefit of poultry or livestock exhibits. These two bills wil yield to each county a total of $2500 for the aid of its county fair. These two measures, it seems to me, are eminently fair. since they allow the required aid for these fairs to come out of the pockets of the people most inter ested and without additional bur den upon the already burdened taxpayers of the state at large." The Mist is in receipt of the report of the Single Tax Confer ence held in New York under the auspices of the Joseph Fels Fund Commission. The single tax is to be a live issue in the next cam paign in Oregon and it is certainly an extremely important one. The editor is not at all sure that he ful ly understands. If it means that all taxes shall be levied upon land we fail to see the justice of the proposition. It has long been con tended by many that money, notes and accounts should be exempt because of the elusive nature of this class of p roperty, but how can it be made to appear right to place the entire burden up on the landowner and exempt the manufacturer and merchant? The people of Oregon passed the coun ty tax amendment, but we believe they were misled into doing so, and that when the question is fair ly before them they will reject the single tax by an immense major ity. A new bank at Scappoose, and we predict that it will be a success and a great convenience to the prosperous farmers of that fa vored neighborhood. Among the good bills that es caped the Govenor '3 veto the Pa cific Homestead classes Repre sentative Miller's bill regulating the settlement of damage for live stock killed by railroads. Another good one by Miller wa3 the bill which prevents the starting of Of course it is the duty of the United States to police the bor der, but it is not our duty to in terfere in Mexico's family row, Though nominally a republic the government of Mexico is in fact a despotism, where slavery exists under the name of peonage, the condition of the average peon be ing worse than was that of the slaves in the south. The Engineering News calls the rental paid by the Post-Office Department for postal cars gross ly excessive. Such a car run 300 miles a day can earn $12,000 a year for the railway company, The News thinks it would be fairer to Dav for transporting mails by the space actually used than by the weight in a given month, which is capable of manipulation With the failure of the project for taxing magazines to cover postal deficiency, the department and Congress will have another chance to try better bnsiness management Do not forget that the subscrip tion price of the Mist is $1.50 per year. This rate took effect the first day of March and all back dues will be settled up to that date on the dollar a year basis. CHANGE IN SCHOOL LAWS. Office or Cointy School Si pkrix-te.ndknt. St. Helens, Ore., Mar. 1, 1911. To the Teachers: Pursuant to changes made in our school law, the next teachers' examina tion will be held on June 21, 22. 23 and 21. There will be no examination in August; hence, all teachers tthosd cer titicates expire in August, or persons who wish to take the teachers' examina tion to teach next year, should write at the June examination. The new law dees away with our county certificates, but county certificates will be issued on State grades until May 20. All persons now writing for a State paper, under the present law, may com plete their examination under the same law, but m jst appear at the June exami nation. For a one-, ear State certificate, is re quired an average of 75 per cent, and not falling below 60 per cent in arith metic, civil government, geography, grammar, history, orthography, physi cal geography, reading, school law, theory and practice of teaching and writing. For a five-year Stale certificate, appli cant must make an average of 83 per cent and not fall below 70 per cent in riting, orthography, arithmetic, physi ology, grammar, geogrsp'iy, theory and practice of teaching, reading, history, civil government, school law, psychology, American literature, algebra, physical geography and composition. Twelve months teaching experience is required for this paper. For a Life State certificate, the appli cant must make an average of 8 per cent and not fall lelow 70 per cent in methods in reading, methods in arith luetic, methods in language, methods geography, theory and practice of teach ing, writing, orthography, physiology psychology, and in addition thereto shall write a thesis on an educational subject selected from a prepared lis jweive monttis teaching experience i required for this paper. The holder of this paper can teach only in the firt second and third grades. No examination in the Fnglinh class ics win lie required in trie June exami nation on account of lack of time for announcents and preparation. (Questions will be based on the State text books. Very Truly Yours, J II. COLLINS, County Superintendent of Schools. T I T I I Out of Onto or NO USE TALKING When you want the best in Job Printing the proper place to go is THE MIST PRINT SHOP ST. HELENS. OREGON FINE STATIONERY For PARTICULAR People We Are Confident of Our Ability to Please You. A NEW LINE OF FOUNTAIN From Ont Dollar to Fiv. 0U You Can Get Hair ...Off a Frog a PENS uarge issorrmenl or ZL osl Carets Deming's Drug Store ST. HELENS, OR. S of &ULSUJUL8JLB IU ft.g HHILSU gJLa. g.ft a I aJUULB JLxJLajLa JlAAJLxJLJU-l a3 liiULAiiULlitULlatULUtULlUti.LUtULlAt..L -4 IF. B. Holbrook Col ROOH i, Worcester BIdg. Portland, Oregon E Will use this space for ex ploiting a tract of Colum bia County land : : : fust about as easily as you can raise pardon truck off of a great many of the "milding lots for sale around here. You know this to be a Fact But do you know that the lots in the "New Grouse Subdivision, Houlton, Ore.," ARE Lots With Soil on Them THE VERY BEST SOIL ARK LOTS WITH THIC MiST LOCATION IN THIS COUNTY ARE LOTS THAT YOU, MR. LABORING MAN, CAN BUY ON EASY TERMS. Quit paying rent. Own your own home almost before you realize it. Our choice lots. $100 TO $200 Are slling. Sold eight the last week without trying. Don't know hew many we'd have sold if we'd tried. We are TRYING now. TRYING to get you IN TERESTED. Drop in and see us at our office. Office on the tract, between Houlton & t. Helens. The Grouse Realty Co. H.C.WIKOFF, Selling Agt. 1BL O U 'JLi rIT O ? List your property with us. We have Houses, Lots and Acre age for sale. It's of the right sort, too, else we would not handle it. C -t Summons. what are known as gallon houses , .lV CW In the f'lrruit Court of the Htate of Oregon for Wlulfrcrt iihrxm. plaintiff, v. EwaM II. How To KrJwunJ If. Hownul (jlbbon, defendant i'iovh nit men. In Wit ritime Ol the NIhN of firovnn hf-rffhy rcMMire! to apf-nr nnl kh-w r the mm Iitalnt Hied fti'nint vuii in the hImivh -iitltlrf nut on i.r heior MoihIhv. the :Jnl tiny of April I V.tll. LrfjiiiK not let ihun MX wt-fki from the i mirnmiii) in dry precints. Still another!?, .,,.,t'ti':, r.'mrt wUh,n. whl,h lh0 - i "vim-mm, rixn MpifHr hihi an-twer trie mi1 was me county attorney bill i-Sri .VeViffVhV i-".,:.r.wr.,ip:r.rI;I"S which the Govenor vetoed without ; ili.IiiMnrLrn"'.... Z coon reason, in iact Mr mi Her ? " :r """'"v"" "" ",i"'" r matrimony , , , ilUItr hr.-t.,l,,rfe.xilli,Kf-(-.ii the FLIiititT irnl made Columbia County a good i'V.V'i'.lr.i'.V y"'".' r"ief ,,,e l;ourt and effective representative lh" l,,f!,"l"t ,w'" notice timt thin I Oii n cif iii pummiH e of m iirili-r of ihc Jn.J Every citizen of St. Helens .i.:;;S.:r'' should be an active member of the ! 'iZZi X'X Commercial Club. Your aid is i WiZVi VlT 'XLrZtti needed in the development of a 1 "tir1 bigger and better St. Helens. The admission fee is only $1 and the dues .W cents per month. Columbia County will spend $127,000 to secure good roads this H. I the dull' of the Unit i,r,hllctlon ,.l il.i. notice. FRANK KPITTI.K, A Homey for plaintiff. Eatat. of Rufui R King. Notlre I. herel.y riven tint the timlfnlnit Riolmlhl.trtri of the e.t!e nl Knfii. II Kinir. ! i-mi.e.1, hitu Illeil her final annum In year. That ought to help some. I I'Xl!;. MS'ZJJWX Incidentally it may be mentioned , foil Z'XZft, XSZli that it would pay six per cent on ' ZLXf. Z't'LJ: Wtiriti, one million dollars and leave a fflS r'','' sinking fund of $G7.000. j Wt ;imiMx Colonist Fares From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United States and Canada to Oregon, Wahington and all the Northwest WILL PREVAIL DAILY March 10th to April 10th over the Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Company. and connections, the Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific and Chicago & North -Western from I 58 m ft Chicago - - $33.00 Omaha -St. Louis - - 32.00 Kansas City - . St. Paul - - $25.00 and from other cities correspondingly low YOU CAN PREPAY FARES The Colonist faret are Westbound only, but If you have relat or friends or employees in the Ea-t whom vou desire In hrln stale, you can deposit the value of the fare with your local railroad Kent, and an order for a ticket will lie telegraphed to any addresi LET THE WORLD KNOW Of our vast resources and iplendid opportunitie for home build injf. Call on the undersigned for Kood instru. tlve printed matter to send Ka-t, or Kive him the addre.M of those to whom you would like to have such matter sent. $25.00 25.00 til pa this 1 rest WM. McMURRAY, General Pa.ienger Agent, Portland, Oregon I lAttaLiAtULlAiULiAHlLl U.UL UtlL XiiUL iiL 3 Great Land Opening -49,000 Ares 1PALM BEACH COUNTY FLORIDA $250 In Monthly Payments of $10 Buyg A And Indepnndence. II ome A TOWN LOT ABSOLUTELY FREE WITH FARM M No frott No snow. Three crooi a" vr. Annual Profits $1000 per acre. For particulars inquire of OL. rJT. Ore well Warren, Oregon tiLUtULlALaLiliitULliHal.iiiiil.i.iiiiir WELCH a CHAMBERS Fresh and Salt Meats The newest and best Fresh Meats, Hams, Macon and Lard. Highest prices paid for butcher's stock -4 White Clothes for Clean People ST. HELENS LAUNDRY! Under new management p Watch for the Wagon Monday C G. F. ROJiERTSON HOULTON, - . OREGON ZT. Watches r-i i . 3 Clocks Von A. Cray Watchmaker and JcweW. All worn ouaranteed. t Optical Goods St. Helens Or. 3 3 3 3 iUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiUiiUaiUiUliUUiUiUiUiUlUlUK