The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, December 16, 1910, Image 3

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A. A
Klrtt-t'lHOH WHtcli rruiriii at Vim
Oray'a. : "" 7"
WaM.iuftar- anil Jewlur. jNint for
get llut Vuti A. (inty iitriiv a arsl i-Iii-h
lint. , "
Citriot. lufclmHiiir runic cliokn vlnw
point Win; M. Uor. i 2 t(
. Jrolen Iminvciiicnt, ('inn.
Tl.k . ill
1117 b.ivu lotcr ul men Ufiw' a live.
...I Itnlh ..I 1 ton. I
airtel. ami a arvin a Unit ia roini.lile I ,r I wmpti-ii deriilUn of
Will shirt in on I'rauktin Hreur. Most We teriu oMli,eoiitot. F,very,,ilit
oflha Maui. IkjIioI 1 1. i'w sUt'tU Imva "liUliia a COUj.ull good lor fghl
W Biolil v.-rl uuw litmus niflySiltl anil, sad yry
adui. lie Otiilor ay ibe e, - yeur'ssiilim riptiim entitl.-s the s'llisrriliel
Number of Candidates Ara Strivina Wi.liii-iiluv !.r, nil 7. lulil f'nurt
For ilia Priia. 1 caina pursuant to adjournment. All
-The I: IcihIh o it lew voiiiik ladii i in oHlwra present. Dun proclamation b
Hi i iit-'ni ami in ICuinirr liuve 'K mdi', the following- proceed ings
alrtiady cast amno vottn for tliem in ttiaj ! ' l'd : -I .
Mist's lien lot coutt'it. TUi contest It I Matter ol claim ul Geo. Carriuau fur
line tlmt will an Hike u lot u( interest te- j damage received on highway :
lure tin) la-t vuta la caftt. The Int In one : 0,1 7lb day ol ltecember, 1010, tlie.
that mat fliNI, and Iwfme very lung it ' claim (if Geo. Cariigan for damage by
will b woita, mo. a."' To iii'itUel union ' tsiaaot. of being Injured 00 the Rainier-
Apiary road came 00 for bearing, tlie
I AilUac.Ai! kin tlx roc. 111 biu..
1 plaintiff aprarin in perion and by his
attorney, J U. uarrigu, unit liw Conn,
altar hearing tb ti alimony in- aopnorl
ff mA eliilm mnt th utiitMinHnt of Sll-
. to IfiO vnr,wr.ilewiit. enrh stilwriptiou j iww" ol !Utrict No. , und beinu d-
In. acre ol land Ivr' l. ch-,,,. CaM on '"' "U '""" "5 X'"' '.1 1 "m"''r' " ,
WT 1 . T u.dui A 1 .id.. ai I.,. , 11... C nnrt Llutt I lit Hitliii he A-til the MUlC IS
Columbia bounty AWr.,-1 l,rt,jV. Mist o(). t,,e . ' ' ' I la.reby allow.,1 In the ..! .S0 in f
Mr. and Mr. Ja Mili kiebf ' 1 wrttai.d I ,., . f.,r all damawa or c ainn bv reason of
rrt Kt. Helena vimtorn tliia vit-ck. J ,lMu ti,. i ,1, laid accident.
p Mill n cidved l"ltM thii wfk tcntuiila hmild come to tlinr aiiiioi t at Matter ol reading minutea ol meeting
frbJll lolim coy, lornieriy 01 1 luBIMti once, a t lie one that villa a lead In tlie or voiera 01 Koail uiHinev no. it, u'
inow rwilding In Abi-rdcen. lie aaya aturt will have an advanlnie ov-r an
- . . ; - . r
thai; lie it lotRtrd in bia m-w horns ami one ataiting towanU the close. The
want lti Mit, at it Is like Keitinn a vole up to Wedncuday night atood
letter Irom bonip. " lollowt: ' ' "
"TKK Uh At Kelvin (ir"Ve I'arni, ('atherina Silva. Hnlnier... fi72
on f)eceiulier 7th, a Clieiti-r White br,
weighing about ibO poumla. Ownprijan
have the im by calllne on A. 11.
Drown, lor4uan, paying Uaningaa and
for thia adyertiamnclit. , 4 1m
MAaONlOKrii kb ltainirr f-dge, V.
a. A U fmt It ti,,.lln9 lAht. Kuttirilitv
n a. i." -
nlghfj elected the folio ing mlkera lor
the enWnil Masonic yean W, T.
Hlanghyer, W. M. E. K. Mucker, Heuior
Wuien; O. A. Nutt, Junior Werdte ;
Kly Uayia, Treatmer; Frank Sherwood,
Keof.taryi Fred Flnhrcr, Senior IVacon;
llogll Nuit, Junii r laconj Dean lllae
cluad, Chief Hleward; W. V. Huyck.
AMtant Steward; C. A. larby, TyU-r.
felvl MoNKV We want an agent iil
every 4owb; aalary and couimllim ; re
ference rejulrcd; lor full particular
addren aubwrlption - lpt., National
Bportamanlnc, 7ft Federal St., lt' ton,
Maaa. A y
Jewelrjr Von A. (Iray'a- '
We liiy in large ciuinitil it and ru
able to'aellat aroallo' prerea than the
other Ullow. Jiunea Mnekle A Kon,
I Ktiara unclaimed at tie ht. Ifcbna
Mailia M(irfvev. Itaiuier
( Ur Stf vein, St. Iliilflit
Nellie l.iwa, Si. Ilnlena...
l,ei Wilkii.a, St. Helena
MuMn 'lb impnii, lloulton
Dnnt lute IhU oikm tnnily to
reiiort of coininil tee appointerl to invei-
tigate tiinbeia being used in building
bridge on Rock creek. ,"
On ttiia day the minutoa of the meet
ing of the votr of ROad Diatrict No
14 were read, allowing the election of Mr.
T. It. Milla aa Supervisor of aaid diatrict
and tle report of the committee on the
Uli quality of the timber oetng uaeu in me
Rock Creek bridise. and it la onleren
, . . ,, 11. . ., 1 that Hon, W. K. iicnenor oe, ana ne
ot in the new addition lo tli.a thriving 1. . .... i
. 1, , 1 hereby appointed to examine and In
burg. lUilro.d Addiu-ia 1 nm.t favor- ' ,,,...,,!,.,
ably located and it aill n 't be very long
bi-fore it will be close to the center of
the town. A liulit work on the part of
aoiue young lady In goin to secure her
a valuable piece of property. Now ia
the time to Htmt it.
Wall Known to Old Ratidanta
lumbia County
of Co
ns' II. tirreii.
letter not called lor by December Kith
.ill be attut to the Dea l Letter Oilice.
I'r- U inv MeiiiiiM'', October !
14lh. one red atecr, weiitlit about 4M).
Ilaner ran have win by paying ex-
wtnaaai and advertiailig. bkuxie,
'Warrvri, Oregon. nl
TiT. ...eomt i-Mie of the Clutiknnie
Brave, tbemoothly pai:r kued by the
apect aaid bridge, with full authority to
act in ;iid matter.
Mutter of acalp liounty claim No. 30:
On thia day the Clerk preaenl to the
Cour the nawa of three wild cata and
claim for & bounly, which la approved
bv the Court.
Matter of petition of Goble Tide Creek
Purat Tuletihnnn Coraoanv for right to
erect a telophone line along county road
from tioble to T de Cr eek :
On tliii day the petition to e rect aaid
Utenhone line coming on for hearing,
and the Court being advised in the mat
tsr, it is ordered that aaid petition be,
ml the aaine ii hereby allowed, but
wiih the understanding that irt the erec
tion of aaiil line the aam muat ba o
erected a to not interfere with the pub'
lii; trivel or the working and improve
niHiit of anid road.
Matter of fixing amount of b nd for
iff Mlrci A. i'.. Thomown as Tax
Collector (or delinquent taxe.
On day it la otdered by tbe Court
Yi Mir Xf j j w J w v w www - -j- - . - CyCO
1 :,V'
' X M A
UViU " Tli a I tm tvMS
D. () (juick, fiilher ol K. K Quick of
St. llelcm, died at (irantt rata, Oregon,
I Snliir.l iv. December 10lh. and Wit
buried Von lay, D. cember l'-'lli. in the
Scoliish Chuich cemetery, four nulea
north of HilUboro, Wahington County.
Mr. (Jiiick waab--rn in Franklin Coun-
tv. Indiana. Aiigunt '-' , l'.".i 11 moved
... in:....;. ..I-..,! WM lnvinir thtirft in!
poatoflkefor the tek inding Deceniler L;, , accomprire I by Ida aieond wife!
linn ; ""'"i I aim hinoiiiy ton, r.. r,. r-,
rived iu lUa VV'iiUtmiillc Valley iho fall,
.... 1 ... - ..... III n I
01 mat voar anil oper.ew a v , "... , .
.1 .1. :.. .. . . ..1- 1. i- it... am t hat tbe aniotllH 01 oonu 01 id oucnu
When you are Uo vown ..... .u ....w, n, ...... .. . .. . CdleCtor ol the delinquent
Von A.O-ay.w.n.owiM.pniy. p.enuen.iw. m . - hertbyDieo
t- 4.;.l..r .Iron a 1 ne to to .iliuiiiiiihihh, .i,n...s. ... . . .
r ,". . . ..... .... 1 .:...... 1.,'ni !,e mnifli
CIU8. B, ltnbl. ! m. ft. Hl..p. ''V,Z ' i bills allowed by the County Court.
ir'n, 01. n.H ......... m
..... .... 1 ilin followinu December.. IU10.
I RUIVlVl'll w " v " " " " A
...l ..hildren: K. K. Quick, St. VSt" m H. r, C.rc i.tCMirt J.iror 10 w
Helen.; Mm. T. A. To lea. Mountain ;M K M,,er. expense D.str.ct At
da1 ; O. 1'.. Q'. ''" ,-,T"y"' " ' jo!, , Me d im, Const ablu Rj.. 1
D Quirk, Forest (iroA-e; Mr.. A. .1. ii- i,-l H v F i.tri
I et, r.riinlsP.i.s"; Warren Quick. Slier- . M ttoaL. Justice It ad District 8
.i.U. ; ' F T. Quick. I'hilomatli; Mr.. 8 i-i'v. Sio;
l'..r1. r Trn.bain. riiilolliatll. vf 1 ,ii, s:..ta va Wat-
Clatakani rch'xd, hn arrived at the Mr. ()uick bad been in the habit of , ,
....... . ... ..... i..fl.. iia p. wilt.
Mi.t office, and it i a cre.111 i- nmk inB !lt e :rt yearly visiia to r-i. i.e.- j .s v.-v lor the town 1 , U l iimny Here. ,,e , j; justice S ., 8 Vi Rey-
a el nit ii atatnre and a man 01 ,yu
strong individuality a goinl type o( tbe I jai j, MP, Ci "Stable Sta;c va Rey.
sturdy men who made their way a. ros. j ,,, .
.1 !-; 1.. i!.h Oregon counlrv in ine '
i"" "
Will il wi11 tn rn11 "Jit
TV 111 UW ?T waa. , v
this store befoic making
.inv selections of -presents.
Without doubt.-we, have, a IX
And dont torget that we
are now in our new., store
and better equipped , thari
ever to handle your busi-
ness. urop in touay.
boaat abo'it. There an. nnguty lew
place like it that have I he ability and
.pirit t.. get out .m-h a publication.
There are twenty-the pnge ol god live
reading contributed by tli V'P'" '"
by County J. H. Colun
anil Stale Superintendent ol l'ublic Ii.
truollon J. H. Also Uve
pagei of adverting, bebidci th ad. on
the back ol the cover. The cover de
. .... 1, ..r iio.inti Wtbei. n
8 no
1 lJ I
1 70
3 95
7 15
4 23
0 15
fe.- W
X aiViA
1 . v.'
Pfm'"': white 'Sgk I
L jSW . 1 1 0 U LTQN - ORE,-ir : J
The Mist's Contest
gjimgy iwmmmwww wmwfwriwuf mmm
oljen days.
C l.'ilcv, witness State vaK j nolds
1 50
1 50
1 50
Planted TTees on the Other Fel
low' Properly
V II .11 uimes State vt K: ynoiua
i J II McDonnell, witness S ate vs
I T (J Walla, wituesa State va Minna
I ,t Oale
! 11 u Knwler. Sheriff. Stale v
... .1 - 1... In luil. I ft, : . ... f. rlnt J
.1 .Mill lo.ll OO.lUOb n , n.iiiui ...w
inn I IMS wora o. 1 . - . , u, ....... ir 11 H.i,i..n. Demitv SlurlH 10 10
hlghachoo. ..udcitoriXaud .. - ' 1 m White, expenee Sheriff........ 189
and attractive. ami iicni...K " - F H Snerwooil, coroner, co.u
and attractive. v. urg ...... to get rich was to plant tree. ,r Kp,llte .
If you muat buy i hriMma jui ia ihem, he decided that u kos., Coroner' phys.cun,
anend the interest n our aavingi and K I ,., n,inn for ' K.
-. . .1 .... n.l h.. KIIDll ItruTKUWI""! ,. " .' fl . ..
a anuvuru 7" , . i , ,.,,i, tini ( II Mierwoxi,
Kniik this sectlim tnni Jlrj(,
ol the Hood Kiver country, lie put a 1' M I.aren,Coroner a physician,
. i..l nunilierof fine apple tree aim
deposit. , . ,.., .he site of the new
Amona those purchasing lot in Hail-1 . , ,.,,.. -lmvcl. eut out and
roJ addition b. W. Helen since the
1-.. ul the Miat me tbe bdlowmg
:i Railroad Addition the Best Buj
lt the nrlncinal May
i.l .n. Tli.) Columbia Connty
pay 4 percent on timo coitiucates
3 50
SCO . .,, , 1
w An nnt ram that St. Helens win De as targe as
7 80 Portland, but what we do claim Is this:
M K. Rodger, N . Kinney, 11 van
el, John I.ind.ui-t, Cha.. Piidt, N. B.
Wliitten. A. M. stout, If. W. MiUerand
A. S. Harrison.
Mlti"K M ki" nt Mmkle,
Lot of new pattern In linoleum at
tried lo dig up the ground with me
shovel, and li en came down town and
I l,Kht a pick. H was a col.l .lay out
i,,n ,.,.i ,,,.1 .u.ilee it. He put in one of
ti e longest and harder! days of hi life
digging holca and pliit.urg .;
5 00
1 .. . ...
J Alirui ww. - ,
K.i.t 3 U0
f t tairtrk rill ttt fOiiB 18 75
l itj....ii timiiMr'it lict?ne
.Hilllll . -
Ultx 11 rv .
hi..... x. lti. ilmmtnt Munnlies to
. 1 , rt -
. - f..ALi .. Mn an militia for
1149 illllV-BVivi a - "TI Art
C4url .loiwe 10 00
V. H Flit kill, tipplies lor ue,
,liK! holes unci l - 7" c- ' h; "r v .ndSur i!own town to ioa o. ... . " " 3l 00
.... r:ll II wai n,il vcror. .................
voung ercl.Br.i. -oor ..... - 1 u Cl)Uingf postage ana expies.
1-.. U-fore tbe fall. Tlie- ... ,
OCklna. ..ii-.r . . n ,,.... ,. ., i. anmi an
, wanting wood trees were there, am. . .T" ... J...i .. 2t 00
1 " ... at I ... .. !.. et.n t nfl mill nlUUL D M -
awed plea-e leave order at tho urwn.a t ,11 ine.e. - of tlie ' St Helen. Mill Co, lura
e so
' , . nf the St Helen. Btu.w,
lot arc in enureiy ........ - I st Hcleti. Mill CO,
iini.i.nd they will Iw ptomptly "'.
ed to at reaton able raten.
3-lm hI arb Kaoa"'
Oppoktunity roa IhvesTohh The
Noon estate, one ol tbe finest piccea of
ln property in Oregon, ia now on the
n arket. and will be .old in tract, toaui
'" nrchacr. It i nivii gt Wrrrn'
h ' 'Jud Kling agent ..Mr. II. J. South-
I1'1' t ho building on their lot.
rapidly in vaiue, ""
...Jcome first are bonn.1 to ec"re the most
Vr. tbe Make Two Arrefor Slight Violation
tbe .ib.livi.lon. the better for Vi
..,- ntrlty ol thicoiiiinuiiity. J 11
1 o
for No
. - .,..... lffll.'eu ...... " on
tiacl. lie pianicM -e-i ! veuioei . on An
the street and u other people's premises R Coiistantm, repair, to boiler, etc JO JO
m pu'uee did h. . PnhU - . iTO
ii! and Nov. .. .. . . 1500
Mr. H. W. Mlltnr l having plans i c"n Mft (upplie to Sobieskl. 20 1 04
i.. .. . -mnfortabifi co'.tnge oil ins
III1II..O v1'- " ,
lot on lloud street lu Railroad addition.
We understand that Mr. Van laasel ana
Mr 'N. Kinney era also conuinpiaung
,:BAtliN" WANTK.-Hring then, to
of Law
A Deputy Game Warden, on Monday
l,t. made coniplniut to the District At-
IJAR!!"" - I i.l..v'l ltllUe ft till ft
ThAtl-office. Wecanaell your f'''f"2 arrest Arthur and Noble Van charging them Willi " u.
A complete
H 1 ,. ni-AnArtV
t Wi t "
. . I IhllUIl. .lltaaV'ub
..tlvoudont buy Devoe Taint., you , n u Bp,)eani that I .deer,
' dont get the best. A complete "ne c,ased by dog., becm. entangled in .
ti" .. . I .. i, .... ..U.. and the
Oerue. U' , feuce on neorge e.. , -
UaNO F.i.CTioN-At the regular Iv,laln ta possession of it and
, e"ig ol Vail tlr.rge the following k t in confinement, prob-
J "Sew er. IcleJ: K. V. Lnrnen. ilU lhe llltention of
, Master- Mri. V. M. lhtulure. Overseer ; ,,e vigilant game warden ln-
' VSh . I M Iloyt, Lecturer; Job H" te;fcred. (iam. Warden, get bu .mall
'S. Jew id i C W. Martin, f the State. nd. a. they re-
rrtStn. J. s-t'-rd'Chap. 3VWH.ii-.nnnt.n.u.
' S A. U. Bwill. Irewurer: R.tiGrew- nrrest for what ..em to ns
the law. ami tne
: Flora Zelia nencmi":.
,. Steward. . , '
.. Madroom for rent at reasonable price.
...hi. ollice ' County .una, - -..,, .
II )'" L7.v f Astoria .,, Comment- i.l..
tif .it. i. Ia.ia annnliM to draniiC
mi; t i . ri - . w
jnnMnckte A Hon, to Mo
MArta ,1 L ........ .
A it Miller, nupplies to LaBren..
n vv Richardson, care of Cha.
Larson ...........
L U Una, medical treat. Mprtn. . ,
Falwin Bos, exam insane, Helle,n-
lierg... . ..
L It Hos. exam inrane, Uellen-
N Ward', brlnK"',8EV'r,on 10 &
L Fluhrer, expense insaue, I'""!
Kdwin Ross, exam, Deacb
L ( Hoi., exam insane, Deacti. ..
I, O Koss, exam insane, Jacobeeu.
A J 1'eel, exatu insane, Jacoben.
.atacTioM aoARne ano MxaatNoaa
I 11 40
0 95
13 75
10 10
5 00
0 00
5 00
5 00
5 00
2 50
5 00
6 00
5 00
5 00
- . i.n. ba interest on your
savings accumulate, when the Columbia
T! I :!....! have a. more snbstardiHl . ; '
, kiiu ...... , r".,t,,mri i ihk" V"
" . ,l,.n anv town on the Colnmmi , ... .
r.v... The SS J TUe beit .verything at Mnekle'. .1
(lei Ca rlgan
J RHeaiUee.
W L Brown
Wilson Lowmou
C, ( Brown..
Jos llaekeuberg
Ira I'archer..
W R Ihilaon
Sam Hoala
M D Barbonr
D C Kirby
Wn. I nabs...
f I I l?.,n,'pm .............
J W McDonald
I 8 Haumgardner
V Maleom
LO llelknap
OCt Weed
OH Houston
I J I'ophant
K Hughe..
C II Limlahl
W J illpian, -x
A M Merrill.. . .'-
N A 1'lekering
v II Adam 1
Geo Merrill
r. ti.i v..,o rnnn npanV in three vears.
Ol. neieua win Haw. r t . . . ,
St Helens will have a new manufacturing plant ou the
north within iS months. -
St. Helens will have something else snoruy.
It now has a payroll of S2500 per day.
There is no town of 1200 people in the State with halt
as large a pay roll.
Building improvements ior tuc ""v' '
not courting our $50,000 water system.
We do not hesitate to say me year iyn "
present year for improvements. w, ,
r t. v.,. nrr t Helens nrooertv. Why f
ion-rcaiutui3 iv uuj '"t, 11 - -
Because they appreciate good investments.
Au abstract will be furnished with each lot sold.
For further information apply to
St Helen Improvement Company, t
A. T. LAWS, Treasurer and Agent.
T .nt 4 block 6. 50x100, in Railroad Addition to St Helens, will
be given away to the Most Popular Young Lady in Columbia
I County, to be decided by the number of votes cast prior to March
1, 1911. Each coupon clipped from the Mist counts 3 votes, fcacn
new yearly subscription counts 150 votes if sent in before January
mm 1 ml- . . ti
,. n-.t.,. ..,V,cr nrirvn counts la VOieS. ine bulj-
I, 1911. ICH l iiiuuuw duu.i.
is $1 per year, After January 1, 1911, it win De
Scappoose. Oregon
The Violin a Specialty
' !
! I
6 00
6 00
6 00
e 00
il 00
H 00 oAPintion Tvr-ice
12 80 ... , ,.,:ii l-i roHiifpfl nne-third
00 $1.50 per year, ana tne numoer 01 vu ...
a nA T .-a- , 1 . 1 .
" 1 j cit Tnor'Piiiv tvi.vv vv npn
a no Pilr nnf vrvtir contestants ana ouuow .v"
13 20 .. . . ,.i.. ,1.. rtf iVio vo.incr ladv for
e 00 subscribe be sure to give piaimy me :
AAl ."Work Guaranteed
iUiUiUliliUiUiUii. iiWUii.iiUUiU.UiU iUiiiiUUUUiUiUUlR
, 0 r, ;; ... F. J. BASEEL, Proprietor. ,'
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps,
bhoes and tsoots, men s
Suits, Shirts, Etc.
A first Class Line of Ladies' Suits, Skirts, Etc.1
'. i
-i-. . , i
I If you want to save money, get the best goods
and always be satisfied with your purchases,
patronize - '
1 1
00 whom you wish to
vote. If you prefer
another lot you have
vour choice at the
same price, or you
0 00
0 DO
0 00
3 00
3 00
S 00
S 00
3 00
O Vs
300 run aDnlv the pur
1 no
3 his Coupon
Vote fof
is itooti for 3hre j
S. S. Eons & Son.
I7;.i 1 r'-... Unrlr A Snaeialrv '
Bridges, Sidewalks, Septic Tanks, Etc.
Columbia County Abstract and Trust Company
. 01- uc rrajc nocr.nM 1
of this
ZJZ r .. . .
MAKF. Vnnr Abstracts
DO Your Notarial Work
INSURE Your Buildings
SELL Your Buildings
RENT. You a Safetv Deposit Box
road a.iuiuon r - , Ul ,,Ti0
In a lot or to.