ROIMB TOVl P,,TII J""" Iihmi.k Mr. John iHI,l'lc.''ntlthc'oMrHt.i,.l lat kiinaii ' j.1,.,1. ..I liainir-r. Tticlay mom . ...iiinlrH alltrr rvrn, il llfa.1 lull ai utile. M- Ii,'l,,r' ,',ea lli,, ' r..i.r or live Vtrara, lull lint uillil ,.t I A.I H-alai0 ' IrollMc Coll lettJ .erinu.. He I" " K''lHy , ... i In- tuil mine a alaive Vi-.I Mr. IHbliUe a burn In Wmul ituck. Nw Hruuilik. Irc. 3. 1M7. end .... .1,. lima cil hi death He wa m.rriVd I" rl,'"h w",on lltichfl Soeio-r 13th. I WIS. at Wo.Hl.tock, N jj Mr. IHWli it .urvlved jy hit wi(c, hUJiughter M. K Clark, and hi. .on Ruirt IhbUlee, all ol whom am Ik ing in lUlnler. Mr. IHIildee cam to KaiuU-r i'" ''"'r ,n K. '.ruary. IWitf, 1 1,lcr' weralmt 'iur diiildintra in the cily owned by white menMic dure. w r,,','em' ' I, ami llm reid nce of Silvi. Al tlila time there was el, a haoJol Klatl.tad Imliaut living in the ..tend ol ton. in what la now th nurih eii.l ol Dohlilua' Addition. Alter Die iulcule ol old Clilcl Ttn the ramp w.ln linel. ihehuihliiiK hurneJ and t,a lite url ai a:i lu.lian buryiun gniuiiil. I'urliiK hit loix re.ldcnce in Kaiuirr Mr. Inlililea haa lw-n idcntilird uh umiiy of Hie larger Intrrraia ol the city anil at tin tune ol hi death Ins wm tliuiicr ol the Kamier inuiMinieni Telcli"ii l'oinaiiy. Vice I'lfaidrnt of tlx lUnk ol liamicr, I'rraiilenl ol Ike llwrd nl Wat r v'oiiiniiaioiicr, and the oau.r ol the I. Kit' at utofk In Columbia County. Whin Kainii-r waa oiK"i'el Into a loan Mr. 1'il.l.lce one nl it rl ounciliuen. t uneial ar r rwi-metiU had not Imtu ma le at the the time ol the receipt ol till neat, bill the bmlv will I taken lo I'lirtland mid pla.rd in the latnily vault. II you an iHH.r (dd you an- poor in ilrnl. I. I. nd V'iir obi i!C NOW while ymicai. The C'duniWa t'ounty It ink jmyt 4 r cent. W (Mil attention to the watt-r notice puliliilird in thia nr. The Hoard trnaL (but all (imsumom will I careful in their ac ol the wati-r, at ollirrwia there ii hnlilr Ui he a alKirtae diirinx the ln.t wi-athiT. Ihloru the middle ol Auk-uit the new xupply will la available and there will be au abundance lor all j.ur- lr Wil l. Iln.f- Mr. Addioii It. illicit, one nf tlic l-it known iiewpar men ul lrry; and all the liiue an oplimit. viMti'd M. Helena Tnrxluv. He it in-ti-ie-ted itli the IV It. 1 CMiipauv, ol Portland, in a L'V! acie tract ol 1 ni'l nenr I toble, nnd lie inter tirwid the honl up iintrlldent ill rr grd to the luriiintioii ol a ik'Ii.hiI district ml the build ni I a ik IickiI home. An olllce will 1 eatnblished al Ked l .n. on the tract, and tranoportaiion l.cilitlr will m furninhcd proupcctive biiver.t The Ibilbneik ( illlmiiv I a live wire, ml the hu t it hua taken hoi I o: Co lumbia Cminlyy real III run a Kreut deal, a they Mill M.II ill ainall tractn to p.irtiea who will ciikK'' i" Inteniitied (urmit!. ,V,i Icar that land heie will depreemtc in value whrn the tiuiter i rut. The nil a kkxI and the climate the bel in the world. Ptil C. t irtn, brother i.l Mr S C M irton of tin city, wli i ice ntly uu b-r went a'l operntioii for aloiuiu h tro iMr t the North I'acilic HoNpibil in 1'ottUtid, w Krmtlv brnelited thereby. IK' U a pupulur tritveliiiK nil.'siiian. well known in tlm canity . Skvk ks at llori.TON M. H. Ciimcii Sunday nthool 10 a III. I'rcachiiir! oery econd anil lourlh Sunday at II am. I'myer meeting every ThurnUy vcniiiK t Hp. ni. Krnent M. Smith, jator. Cakt 1-'h Sai.k Hump enrt in tlrwl ciaMeimdition, and one aet tingle harn e, Uith (or .!0. A Ijargain f..r any one liviiiK on a lartu. Inquire at the Miit olliee. K. I. ll.illnijli tiHik a boat load of people up to jre the motor twat race at Van couvsr lHt Sunday, June a uniulicr ol the local (una took in the bull Ktlui, at Kalnfia lat Sunday. Mr. Chan, ('lurk, who waa recently in inrd while tryinu to handle a traction "r i.nojvupand around, and will roon rwcniupletely recovered, an I Mr. Claik. ha returned to their home at Siella I'ntil liirlher notice, Hose Company s'o. I, ol the St. Helena Volunteer lire 'epnrtnient will hold a practice drill at i p. m every Thnrdav evenini No BieiulK-r of the company rihould mi-a n inKlP drill. Idle d.dhiia tiring nothing but worry I'MfiiiK in .ncy nnd louliiijf men aiV hke. Thev produce ilotliin' Monev ""'ki in th.) Columbia Couii'y Hank. Mr. J. A. Kit.pntiii k, a carpent'-r em P'""d ni the Clmpman I KK''iK camp. II dr ml last Sunday afternoon, lie hud I'ten in the hospital in Porlhuid and wua walkiliir from the Scnnnnn'O atiltion to lierniii, ,n sficken A e nnd. rsliind 1,e t a fitiml v man anil that he but a "tarried son t the catnp. lie had been in poor health for aome time mid hail '"I'll advised bv a idivieiiiu that I"' 'Hint m-ck , rhnnfre of climate '-asi'.Miii,v l'itimAKli The rriiniiriea ciilU-d by tl,e Kepnbllcnn County Coin mittec were lu Id in number of H"' I,re ict ol Colunibia County but Saturday, to elrct deleirute to the State Aaaeinbly . The attendance waa very iiiiaU. In St. Helen precinct there were ten Kc pnblicaii votera preaent. In ScappiniM ""re were live, while in lloulton and a "iii'iher ol other prenincta no ouo but J'e conitnitteemaii paid any attention to I-AfNCll I'or Hai.k 3rt foot bot. 8 '""t lieiim, equipped with 12 horne 2 cyliniler I'ay & llowen engine. Hoat rid enKiue ) K,MH condition and coal crf2iK)0. Well worth iltltH). Coeaat WW if Uken at once. Iuiuire at the t office. Itl I'l'U llu.i. " -: il.....u.i. . . miK ... ,. -ot land boy, ' put in n appearanre. Volunteeied to . " '"'"'"'"id that they can buy what the, . .ultedin oreol lilo-,, , le -; nt in ,1 tlr ho, ,n and then the '" ' " '''V"'1 ,D U,Ul' t!' """"y e here instead ol torn lent v ..t- a collect.,. , ,uu, .,, lhllUjlhl , lo ,,or(ii(1 st iMt it ,g e mI Ihey I,., ,he uaine. but the fuemen .lw, 1 ! point on the Columbia river and got two in th. inuid,. When ,hre. men tanner, .re beKinniD) to under.t.nd rroaact the pl.t. in tl .l,vtnth tlle thi, f,(.t l,h7ll,Z77,B.7,!:"t lUty,1",', V-, ol lui . whh L J. 1 "'.e me,"Ur lh L""""" ' u :x neunr w,kinK ,i 12 10 s;- "d enjoyed a .pecial dinner at the M. lUatu To Kknt-A k.hkI ten-acre 'Helena Motel. They roamed about the ranch to rent, with i.,ooui houw. city and admired it. be.utiful location Urn and chicken coop., a .plendid well ! and many new relidenre.. but of rmir. and .mall orchard. An ide.l place for they could not (ail to notice the litteied ehii ken and ber. Apply to Mr. S II uu condition of or im. Kreenian, llrer Nhiiid. :a The I xv r Island Artiwti had one ol their a-ial evetiiiiK hmt Tuenlay. There I. alway. a Kood altendance at these uii etiiix" anl they are an atlractiva lea- ture ol the order', woik. . S. II. Freeman, of le. r Island, wa a cal'er at the Mit olliee Wednesday. MAimuii-At the M. )i I'a.onKe in tiresham, Oregon, on July 7th, Mildred A. C.Mwell ol Colutu ia County to Ktchard J. Tenn nit ol Sellwood, Mult- iioinah Coiintv. Itev. II. I'a-ou- nKian olliciatinu;. I on Sai.k- A K"'l Smith-Premier Tywwriter. A barxiiu. Columbia County Atmtiart Co. U W Achk KanC.i T.. I.KASK-Iirs, el... dairy ranch. Impure at .he Mi.l , oDic,., i It n K. W. Cnyera, of Clatskunte, mine up Wednesilay to attend ciicuil Court. He is a delegate f r. til CUtskauie precim t lo tint I'ortl.uid AsM'iubly and in spoken of us a prohibit recipient of the Assembly ui'iiiinatiim for the olliee ol Joint Senator from Multnomah, Co lumbia and Clackamas counties. Kiauk Montai(iie .tarted Wednesday lor San Krancisco, to meet his father who I on a visit to the Coast. Mr. N. M. Hall, a cout actor Iroiu Cortland, was in loan last M inlay look ing over the situ lor the new citv hall, us he intends to put ill a bid on It There will also I M'veral local contractors figure on this rnnldintf, liesidc a number ol gentlemen from out ol loan. Mr. Clvde Sutherland has cc: pled the j .b of tiianKiii) the St Helen b ill time and the f ins will have an opportu nity lo see mini!. i r game nt this place lint Sund ly tVe rslaud that the C.reriitield t.-aiu will be the victims of the new mmuin' meiit, mid everyone who likes ti ""1 clean sport should tuin out. 1'ok Svl.i'. -tiue Jeisev cow and one thoroughbred Jeiwy bull Ir.ipiire of J. M. Smith. Milieu laiich, anklon, t)r. I'ort Saw: A new .asoliini launch, i'j hnisejNiwcr. luijui e at this olliee. Men hive lost Knat fonunci and have won new ones. The dei-ilin! habit, however, lirlja-d them lo u.-over. ii.clplmc our-elf. i'.KOlN' TJD.Y. The Columbia County the oldest lUnk in th County will help you. I ra in,-. IW.-Mr T. C. Walls l krulVii is tne owner ol a crossbred Leg- lu.tii and l'lymoth U-ck hen that, one . tuy 1s t week bud an egg i. by S inclies and weighing one ipiartcr ot a pmnu. Illns a regular habit of laving egg'' nearly that large. II anyone has a ben Hut can beat tins we arc willing to ex b.bit laith .1 Ihciu ac the State l air as a ample of what can lc done in the poultry hue in this county TlUCV Wll.l. CoMi'KTK Coble Oiailise has informed us that it will compete lor that -t) pnie ottered (or the irauge (uriiishing the best collection of ...rii-ultural ir.Hlucts (or Columbia County's exhibit at the State Fair. We !. lireu iiiforined, tliougti un' mriciallv. that .anklon grange will do its t-st to net the money ami me gi" iv exnect Natal to enter the j race and ho, every K""K ' thee 'Uiity ill lake a h MI.L It ii ool r:"1 w,uk and every memb.-r o( toe order should be interested. Lot f.r Sale, with two small buildings jTTsl cisTTd the Wireless Telegraph ta li n. riiee.'ik. Apply to Mrs. (... Iv. lirtcon, Warren. Ore. e2lt( Jo.. Hohiday takes considerable piidc in the span ol high-steppers he recently acjiiired. The price paid '"l",",c that farming in Colunibia County is not without protit. For SAi.K-Cood Timothy Clover hay. C. J. LARSON Warren Ongoti. M,s. Arnold Graham, of Portland, was visiting trf.nv of her old friends in St. Helens oil Monday last. A C.K.iwrn iMMCAToK-As nnjln dicaliou of the growth ol St. Helens for the p. si live years iioth.n can on the followiuu statement of stamp foUiming statement ol stamp t... .it.4wt.r (ir.iv i canc.liaiiou .....lo ... , " t..r lliM illlrtl tern n ling June ,io: juu :;.), I'...,, Jll;Jnn..:!.i, imi7. ;'' RtMiHM, t US; June l. I'.HW. ; ' ;!,). M0, 171. During that jartod, also, tbe box rent has Increased threefold. If you .lout buy Dcvoo I''"""!. )' dont get the best. A complete hue at licrdes, Oasis Talk. CAMNIU 1'KIIIT l'OK 6AI.h-l.- canned. Ten cents r quart. Wm. HKIV.IK. ISachclor Hat. Kor SaLK One bay mare, aged six, ilit 1:!IK lbs. l.iiaraii.rt... - Price I.V vl. J. Jasi'f Orrion. Deer Island, jlO 2lpd I'aitits.'oils, varnish, nails, shell hard ware, .crews -ml '-Its-all kinds cd builder's material at the store of Jan. Muckle & Son. The more jour money vroiks for you the less you will have to worn n.r y. money. Deposit, in the Co.timb.a County Rank r indus.r.ous Time Ccrtillcatet of Deposit draw 4 per cent. r. f " - k "re I ln lm rease.1 trade i not ultoKrther due to the iucn-awd i.onula- lion l.m I ' rubblnh are in evidence everywhere. We underUnd thul it i. hard to clean up while much iinproveuieut is tjoin on, l,ut aoneihiii)( could be done in that '",c to improve appearances. Mra. 1. J. Switzer. Mis Amv (leorife. Mr- Uiarlea Muckle starte t Saturday 'ail on trip lo the ellowslom 1'arlc . T1'ey l" ' aW,lt ",'out Ul,e '"y "Kr'ement with the County Court r"'' upervisor Ilespain has resumed "rl 'he St. Helens-1 loulton read '" complete it, n iK " a mile ol "le ,"'t 1 Columbia County. Mr- ai"1 Mr- M- H"n r-peut M!ral ,li,' visitinK their son, Mr. M. A. Haen '"I'-t tlard last week, .peuiliug 1 'JU',,, ' fi-h,,,8 10 :lacaJa Mr Asa llol.duy, sr., atart. this week (or lienver, Colorado, on a visit to oneol his sons. Iiui iii( hi ta he expect, to K trout I'ihIiiiik in viuie of Colorado'. fuiuouM streams. You wora hard for your money. Let your money work lor you. MONBY WORKS in the Columbia County Bauk, Time Certilicatea of Deposit draw 4 per cent Two Ykak Old 1i kiiam Iti'i.l. kik I Sai.k-Ii nire of J. J. I.ISDAIII., I Win ren, I Irrjjon. tf. MkKiKt At the residence of the Ijrooiu'. brother, at Cotur d'Aleue, Ida ho, Miss Minnie I'etnar ami ( has. White of lloulton. The newly married couple , r:turneI to lloulton Wednesday and will I make H eir future home at that place, v.heie Mr. White is encased ill the gen eral merchandise bus ncss. i Huh ill Sund.i) . Greenfield "Hlues" of I'ort! n 1 and the Icol aianicd St. Hel ens nine. July 3rd the "liluen" plajed a tin iniiiiiK i; with Rainier that ' resulted in a ft to I score) in , Rainier. Mr. X M. Hall, a c. ntracter from 1 l'oitlaud was in town last Monday, l.wkinjf, over the : t for the rew City Hall, us he iuttuds i put in a bid on it. There will also be tat L-ral local contract ors figure on this buii in(, beside, other Kentlcinen bom outsi e ol town. Mr. Clyde Sutherla. t has accepted the job i f i :iuiii th St. Helena Ball Nin. mid ii. e laos si.', have an op poiluuity to see another i nue here next Sunday. We understand tl it the Cireen lield team will l tin! victi. is of the new nmn.,Kcineiit, and every on-- who lik.'S g md, clean sp .r'. should tuin out. Mi. and Mrs. J. A. lleegle and daughter Laura ate visiting relatives in St. Helens. Horn on Tnursday July 7th to the wife of Lawrence Holman, of this cily, a girl. The Ladies Aid Society ol lloulton will serve ice cream on Mrs. McQueen, lawn on Saturday evening next at 7 ;30, weather permitting. Everyone is invited to hear Judge Diniick.ol Oregon Cily, at Mornus' Hall, St. Helens, Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. Udies especially invited. Wm. M. Ross is spending a well earned vacation with his fon at Copperficld. front which place he will g to the Hot Springs near that place, but over the Idaho line Ft KNisiiKii Room For Rhnt Apply at this olliee. Chkam SCTaraTo St.K IV Laval, in first class condition, cheap. Capacity .VH) pounds. Imiuire C . S. Pspain, St. Helens. Ten horse engine and two boilers for sale cheap. Inquire of J.S. WATSON, Warren, Oregon. Horsks Tor S.M.K Light nnd heavy horses lor sale at the Scappoose Livery Stable. Shwinc Machink for Sai.k Inquire nt this oflice. Good house ecow and float for sale verv rncar. l'art cash. Inquire at this oflice Call For Bid. For City Hall Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids for the construction of City Hal in t.m I .. ... , M.,.lav. June 25th. rp in i in, I'hins and iiiiei'illcalions can no seen ni the Mint olTict', nnd at the olTice of Good rich A (lootlrich, architects, Portland, Oregon. Tho Collinion Council ol the f'itv ol St. Helens reserves the right to ., ..i.l all bids. Mail bids to Citv Recorder. St. Helen. Oregon ni.l- nni.l lie ni'COIllUttllicd by a cerli- 1IB ........ . - ged check for 10 per cent l nmt. bid UKORUE It. KLAOlS, City Recorder Special Soad Work Road District No. 5 Sealed bids will bo received by the County Court of Columbia County, OrcKon. up to 12 o'clock noon Wednes day, AtiKt '1". I'110 ,,,r fJI,,"ciil1 t0A work in lbwvd District No. fi in nc- ,:l... .i.l Mner I eat ions cor.lnnce wmi pi". .e n ;-r-" : llle in the olll.M ol the Coiinty Clerk. Hidunui.t I sccoiiipamed by certilled . heck or deposit ol 5 per cent of the mount bid. The County Court , reserves the right to reject anv and all bids. JAMES DAKT Conuty Judge. ELANEY GETS $2100 The jury in the caauof Clancy v. the Clalskmiie I.ululier Comyauy, after be iu out all nitfht, returned a verdict Thnrs lay inorniiiK in (avor of the plain till' lor li e sum of y'.'llX). illaney bad the tinner- ami . p.rt of the palm ol his left ha, d i tit oil by a cu off .a in the defei daiit com pally', mill. Lost Some heie between theskatinu; rink and the courthouse, chain and locket. Kinder will receive suitable reward by returning it to the St, Helens Drug Stoic. $1,000,000 FIRE IN PORTLAND Atl2:'i0a. m. Thursday oi.e of the worst fires ever experienced in the City of Portland broke out In the old Expo sition Building and about tiveu Mock, were burned over. At least two Uvea were lost i u l probably more. One hui.dred and fifty liolse were burned to death and the total prpeity ban i. more than fl,IHX),(MHj Au.oiu the bin bi ll, L;s desiroved wai the Multnomah Clul Kxiioxitioii liuildiiiit, Cilendora ! " Hotel, three apartuii.-ut houseM, ecveral saloo: . and otner bu-iness bouees, and i nuiuljer of ri sidi'iices. TimUkk La mi Ior Sai.k Se jr w qr sec Hi, t 3 n, r 2 w. :)0 peracie. jerttl WM. M. UOSS NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice la hereby given that J. U. Cod frey, iidinlnl.strator of the CHtate of Florence E. Godfrey, deceased, has filed his final account and report In the matter of said estate. In the Coun ty Court of Columbia County, Oregon, and that said Court, has fixed Saturday, July 23rd, at one o'clock p. m., as the time and the County Court room In St. Helena (Oregon) as the place for the hi nrlui; of objections, if any, to said reiiort and account and the dual settle ment of said estate. Dated at St. Helens, Orepon, June 18th, liltO. ' J. B. GODFREY. Administrator. Guardian's Sale In the County Court of the State of Oregon, in and (or Columbia County. In the timfter of the guardianship of Irene Marschull, a minor; NOTICE in hereby given that by vir tue of an order of tbe County Court of '.be State ot Oreiion for the County of Chltimbia, made and entered on the .uh davnf April, 1!10, in the matter of the gnardiatishipof Irene Marschall, a minor, the lindersigned lis the guardian 01 the estate of said minor, will on the I'Jthday of August, I'.CH, t the hour of 2 in the afternoon of salJ tiny, at the front door of ti e court luni-e in tbe fuvur of.CitvoiSt Helen", Oregon, fell al iiub I lie auction, d.r cash in hand, the fol lowing dewcrmeu real esuiie icnuins In mid minor, situate in the County of Columbia, Stiite of Oregon, to-wit:-The Soutliweft )uurter of the Noi thcui-l luarter ol Section Twenty-two, Tom hipFive, North of Range Three, .West of ttie Willamette .Meridian, subject, however, to the doner rinht of Julia Walczak, whois the mother and only heir and next of kin of said minor. JCLIA WA1.CZ K. M. E. MILLER As guardian ol said Atty. for (iuardian Minor. Klist publication July 8, 1910: last pub lication July .i, I'JIO. Special Road Work Road District No. 4 Sealed half will be iec-ived by the County Court of Columbia County, Oregon, up to 12 o'clock noon Wednes day, August 3rd, 1U10 for grading toe Deer. Island Cpper Tide Creek road in Road District .No. 4 in aci-or.iance w uu prolile and specifications on llle in the othYe of County Clerk. Kids must be accompanied by a certified check oi I -posit ol 5 per cent of the amount bid. The County Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ' JAMES DART County Judge Notice of Sale. Iu the Comity Court, of Ihe State ol Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate, of Theodore J. Kekersoll. ileeeasfit. Noll.-e lr hereby alvi-n that by virtue of an oeiler niaile ami entered by the atmve entttteo eourt In the above eiillllisl mailer. I will on anil after t'-. lsth .lav of June, Mill, otter lor ale ami will sell at private sale, to the wrwins interim: Ihe hiuhest riee, for eah. all of the ntlil. title ami eslate of th ilecease.l, I heoilore. J KikiTon, of. in ami to blinks sixty -four .ml sixty live, ol the City ol St- Helens, 111 miiii eounty ami state. J. B. UOPKRKY, Administrator of the estate of Theodore J. Eekerson, decease. HERCULES The Old Reliable Stump Powder 501.0 BV J. Warren, Ore. BIDS WANTED Bids will be received by the Directors of School District No. 37 lor turning the school house one quarter around, build ing 8-inch concrete wall and placing building thereon, and painting building iuside and outside. The dimensions ol -he house are 24x4'.. All bids must be received by 10 o'clock p. m. July 10, 1010. F. M. DAX1KI.S, Chairman. U. 9. DANIKI.9, Clerk, Goble, Ore. fPLEASE slCr. J?ovewel tPi o tog rap h er IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR COLUM BIA COUNTY NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT. lu the matter of the estate of John Uorehler, def eased. Notice la hereby ftlven that the un deinlnned, Kxecutor of thu estate of John Koi'chler, deceased, haa filed In the County Court of Colunibia County, State of Oregon, bin final account us auch Kxerutor of aald estate, and ttiat Monday, the aoth day wf July, IS 10. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. ni., haa been fixed by said Court aa tbe time and the Court room of said Court a. the place for bearing all objections to said final report and account and the settlemont thereof. JOHN J. BANZER, Executor of the Estate of John Borchler, deceased. J. B. McDEVITT, Attorney for Ex ecutor and Estate. First publication June 24, 1310. Ijist publication July 30, 1310. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT lo the MstU-r of Etie of Julin Murphy lc- Noilee Is hereby xlven that the Adnilnlir. tor's flnsl MeoHlit In II, e lnUer of the K-!nt, ..f O.h n Slurnhv. .lm.asfd. wss HIe,l in rlie of Hr of Hie County Clerk, Citut Cimnty. ir- U..- or.,,. Kill, a.,a If (.liftfitl. l:tmM i)Hrt' '0iiuiy Jie'lite of nil rnunty, has flxel r. i;" V. tin- nine Mini lilsoe for hearlns objections lo mill B Hi Mceounl. If any. ami Ihe seltlHinelil thereof. All persons honiMrf-vi-r are illnelc-'l lo tile wrillen objections to !(! rlual amount. If anv, or auv isrtii iilar item thereof, mi or I i fnre Krlilav, the Zllh ilny ot June, I'llll. nl If o'elm-k a. m.of mill .lay. l.KOIH.KJ. I'KKKINa. Administrator. aililie- art lwis lIuiWniK. PortlHinl. Oreifiiii. Kir-l iulileatlin May 27, Villi.. Lai-t lillliiieatlon June '21, I'JIO. WATER NO 1 ICE At tbe meeting of the Board of Wuter Coininifsiouersof the City ol St. Helena, Monday, 'June 27lh, 1!H0. the followir.K resolution was pa'.i-d : Whereas the City's supply of water is running low, and whereas it will be four or five weeks before the present rupply will lie rein forced by the new system ; therefore, Be it resohed. thai tbe Water Su perintendent be and he is hereby in structed to warn all water ucers to re frain finm tbe use of the same for tprirkling lawn9, sidewalks or streets either by use ol garden hoe or other wise under penalty that any one dis covered an usfng water be immediately cut oiT, not to be again connected during tbe water stri igen y. And said water Superintendent is further pa'tfcnlarly nstructed to see that the lloulton iater users a e fully advised ol this order, and that he take vigorous means t) inform hiniie'f of any disola-dience thereof. By order of the Iloa'd. Notice to Creditor. Notiee Is hereby uiven that the nnilersliriieil hfut bren uiusiliiUti by I lie County Court of the stiire of Oregon ai.ruinii-trstor of the estate of c. W. Johnson, ilex-a-ed. All persons huvlnx elsinis sitantst said tsutu are require,! to lire Mil them to me, properly vririel as rmnired bv law. at uiv olliiu in ftt. Hele-us. Ore.ou, wllblli six muliths (roni ilie dure hereof. M. K. M I I.l. K II. Administrator of the estate ol C. W. Johnson, deeeiise'l. Dale of lirst publi. atloa Apll 1Mb, I'JIO Notice of Final Account. Id the County Court of th State of Oregoa or Columbia County. In the muiterof the Estate of Lucin la lilun- eliard, ilweaM'il VOTK'K 1H HKKKHY lilVE.X that E. E. ' uiili k ha' llleii Ins tlnsl lurounl as execu tor of the Kstnte oi J.uciuda isluucbard, de ceased, in the l ouuiy Court of the state of Ore koii lor Columbia Countv. and the Judire of said eourt has apisiuted b.tnrday, the utli day ol July, 110. at the hour of 10 o clock a. m. as the lime, at tiie court room of said court In the city of St. Helens. Columbia County, Oregon, for the hearing ot directions to such final sccoinit and the settlement thereof. E. E. HI UK, Eieeutorof the tstaie ot I.uciuila lilauchard, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS la the County Court of the State of Oregon fo ihe County of Columbia. In the Matter'of the Estate of Rachel E. Link. deeea-sed. All persons having claims a?in-t the estate of lUcliel E Link, dei-easert. are hereby noti fied to present the same within six months Irom the date hereof at the ortice of John F. I.o taii.So. l-i Mohawk Huildinx. Portland, Ore iron, dulv veritle.1 accontin. to law. This nulilication Is made bv virtue of the ap pointment of the umlerslirued .s administrator of we. e.siare oi nacnei r.. i.ina, owsmo,h. County Court oi th. State of Oregon, for the county oi t oiamnia. lhtte of rlrsl uubllcatlon June 24, P.H0. WILLIAM M. I.1SK. Administrator of th. Estate of Rachel K. Link, deceased. SUMMONS lu the Circuit Court of th. Stat, of Oregcn for Columbia County: W.C. Nicholas. plninnfT. v.. W. A. Harris, I. M Harrfs aud A. Keoii, defendants. To A. Kenzl. defendant above name: In the name ot the Slate of Oregon you are hereby remilred lo apiear and answer the com plaint tiled In rein on or tiefor fix weeks (rum June 1". t'.'U). the dutt of ihe Hrst puliiica lion hereof, and if von Mil so lo aner the plaintilt will npnl to the court for the relict auman. l..,1 i.i bis roiiiolitint. w hich Is lo uuict his title to Ihe tract or tracts of land in said countv dcseriiiel ns the E 'jiilthe fE'of s.s- il ,i.l Ihe is l. nf the S uf the S of M S2. intsn r 4 w of the Willamette meridian. Tills .irnninn Is t,nltlihPil bv Order Of Hon. J. t Campbell, Jndce of said court, made on th. 9th AI little. I'llll. C.KAIIAM ,V CI.EF.TOS AND II. H. SICIIOI.AM. Attorue). lor t'lainiiff. K. M1LI.KI1 ATTORN EY-AT-L AW St. Helens, Oregon JK. EDW IN ROtW, PHYSICIAN & SURGFON T. HELENS t ' t ORECC VANCOUVER Washington, Property, to axchange for Small Farm. Kolendid ntinrter bltK'k. two bouses fn excellent condition, biingine income ot to per month, located on valuable cor ner, cl. se lo Main street; value f.S.fiOO Wiil tradn for small farm, suitable lor nice home, value to be about ;l,000, Owner will take mortgafre on property for difference. Address Western Real Kstnte and Krokeraee Co., 3rd floor Mttl ke tilock. cnr. Second and Monison Streets, l'ortland. Oreion. NOTE WILL BE TIT THE 6T. HCLCAtl HOTEL. ROOM 17. ME1RLY EVERY D1Y IMTIL SL P. K UNTIL FURTHER NOTICB aBaBaaaBBaB-aaa.aa-as-aaawav-aaaaa ATtTiTm T T TTIirTlIT ! liiiAIW d. Candidate for the Republican Primary nomination for Gov ernor ot Oregon. WILL SPEAK AT riorgus' HALL St. Helens SATURDAY July At 8 p. m- Mr. Dimick is an advocate of the right of the voters to nominate as well as elect their own candidates. Ev ery voter interested in Good Government is requested to be present. Ladies are especially invited. 'Ml walk-over! wfi M I .SHOES jJB m We Sell Them m 'Cri n0 1-nf.w wTint thev arc. 3 BECAUSE we f&i and because we what they are. BECAUSE they are stylish, comforta ble, perfect fitting, and AM BECAUSE they are "the cheapest in the end." rS $3.50..14.00.$4.50.-.5.00 rfj& WHITE & ANDERSON Kfi ?8 m M HOULTON, ORE. am. - FINE STATIONERY For PARTICULAR People We Are Confident of Our Abilityto Please You. A NEW SLINE OF FOUNTAIN PENS From'On. Dollar to Five arje ssorfrnent of IPost (Bards Deming's Drug (QjLiLP-BaaprpaaBaflaaaaatatcoQQPttQaHttJrUB.B DIMM 16th know what tney are, f j know that you know t? Store st. Helens, or. err." mtst!