The Orsn Mist Ei tred6l the Po..t"!lu i. at St. Helm, t tcitoii, u secou.l-cl: mail matter. tha road put through, arid if Rainier will start the bill rolling, tlii cu be dona this fall before the rainy season ots Id. IaSCKI EVBRV FRIDAY BY E. II. FLAGG. Editor and I'rofristo. County Officia Paper tit'BSCRIPTIOK RaTKS Oae veer Six (Jacinths Advertising rates made known on cation. Legal noticea 25 cent per pll- ine ClRCFIT CornT OFFICERS: J. A. Eakin District Judt T. V. ramphell District Judge E. B. Tonxiie District Attorney CorNTr Orricim Jamea Psrt, Tudea PL Ilelens W. A. Harris, Clerk -t. Helena Matin White, Sheriff- Pt. Helens V. K. Tichenor, Comm'r Clatakanie H. West, Commissioner Scappooae E. F. Quick, Treasurer St. Helens F. W.oWk. wor Pt. Helen J H. Collins. Sohool Punt Ctatskanie C T. Prr -o't, Pnrveyc -Pt. Helens Frank Pherwond. Coroner ..Bail ier THE EASY REMEDY The oretronian is constantly accusing Demecrats of the crime of perjury in registering as Re publicans in 1908, in order to nominate for Senator a man they could beat at the polls, and the facts seem to bear out that paper's contention. It is no new trick, but was repeatedly used under the old primary system in the citv of Portland whenever the two factions struggled for su premacy in State and County- conventions. The evil is admitted . but we are unable to see that the t suffgrsstire assembly provides any nr.neir. On the contrary, k wiU only make a br.d matter worse, .for the inharmony heretofore .; existing will be aggravated by 1 the struggle for the nominations ti assembly and whoerer wins out there will be bitterly opposed in the direct primary by those reposed to the assembly. and, if nominated, will be fought at the polls by many Republicans. There is only one remedy for Democratic interference with the Republican primaries and that is for Republicans to vote for th Republican nominees. Had the Oregonian and the assembly politicians adopted this remedy they would have taken away the motive for interference. But they held that a plurality nom inee was not entitled to the sup port of the party, and this doctrine is likely to vex them in the coming campaign. RAINIER HIS SHORT CAREER Boy Confesses That He Stole Seven Horses BillT MeriaritT. aired 18, is in the County Jail charged with atealing seven hoiaea aud a buggy from persona living in St TTaiena nd vicinitr. He ar rested in Portland Sunday afternoon and brought to Pt. Helens Monday. He ad mits all the charges against hint and in- Load io relr uaoa the mercy of the court for a teatence to the Reform School until the age of 21. Bill is one of the many youths who hare been allured by the charms of" easy money. In the tmat he has been employed as a hotel clerk in Missouri and Eastern cities and carries letters recommending him strong ly for bit industry and honesty. As a boy he was a pupil of Kemper Military School, of Kirksville, Mo., and hat a diploma, showing that he graduated with honor from that institution. He held the amateur championship of Missouri as a boxer, aad when out of work in St. Helens attempted to pull off a boxing contest here, but was interfered with by the authorities. Then according to his story, he fought young Gans, a colored welterweight, at Fendletin in June, knocking him out in nine rounds. His next and last boxing contest was at St. Johns, Or., on July 4. where he defeated a man named Gillen, at the Armory, in six rounds. Moriarty fays bis troubles have been caused by the de sire to secure enough money to take him to the East, where lie thought ha could eet remunerative employment at his profession. He knows nothing of the ownership of the horses or buguy he stole except that it struck him that the buggy which he saw in the ehed would do to ride to Linntou in, as he had be come tired of riding horseback. Moriarty, during the past six weeks, has stolen seven head of horses . Two from John Berdahl, of Bachelor Flat ; one from I. G. Wikstrom, of Scappoose; one from W. B. Dfllard, the St. Helena attorney; one from S. S. Montague, of the St. Helen's quarry ; one from Dr. H. R. Cliff, of St. Helens; one from Alexander Ask, of Scappoose, and a buggy from the Free Methodist minister at Houlton. Moriarty caught the horses in the pasture or on the raage, and led them to Linnton, where he sold them to a man named J. Kolentz, on representation that he was acting as agent for his father who had a surplus of horses on his place and was selling them for what he could get. The exact amount he relized for the horses ! cannot be ascertained, but for one of i Berdahl'a horses, worth easily $200, he received $125. The approximate value of the horse3 aud buggy was f 1200. Sheriff White does not delieve the story of i Moriarty'a boxing contests, thinking tbey are invented to explain his pos session of money. He was arrested by Sheriff Stevens at Linnton on a telephone message irom Sheriff White, who had bim under surveillance since the attempt to pull off the boxing contest here some six weeks ago. The Sheriff has located all of the stolen horses with the ex. ception of Alexander Aek's and their owners will recover them. What We Carrvl A COMPLETE LINE OF I GENERAL MERCHANDISE 9 t- 11,1 - Can be bought everywhere, but not the kind that you get at this store. Our line of canned goods is one that will save a lot of cooking during this hot weather. We handle a complete line of staple gro ceries at the lowest possible figure. Furniture Hardware Stoves Ranges Trunks and Suit Cases i St till " II V -t"t--- WORK CLOTHES Serviceable, useful gar ments for wear on the farm, in the woods and in the mills and quarries. Our line of shoes for the men who work outside is certainly a winner. Gents' Furnishings Summer Dry Goods 4 Have always been one of our specialties and our Shoes, Hats, Shirts, Neckwear. Suspenders, Sox, Etc., are the best and the price on every article is the lowest. We have not mentioned our line of wash dress goods for some time, but we can sup ply your needs for the liest. All prices, and everyone the best for the money. IJ. Ii. WELLINGTON! i ST. HELENS, OREGON sA..i.LAiiULAAilt,L.UiU I NORTH BEACH! CIRCUIT COURT Elziur LeDuc wuo has been visiting with his sitter, Mrs. Vogel, f Jr several d.tja, returned home last Mndiy. ?.lia E:hel Dotso:), of Fotneroy, Wash ington is visiting her old schxl mate Mrs, Vogel. Miss. Laura SLennick, of Pottland, is veiling Rainier frit, uds this week. Father Ernnngol took Miss Koenig and luembers of his ehoi.- for an outing last Monday. They started on the early train, landed at G-ible, ha 1 breakfast, took U.e launch f' r Kalaun, had lunch and th rn took a p.-viid launch back t UoUe, where ility had dinner with frier.. if, after which they were taken to Fred Wi.tevV Ur U.e afternoon aud evening Fred i oi,; cf the most roj;il t rite, tuinerft in the Courty, nothing is l0 liood f..r friend, lie has a tine home and one of t:,e urut attractive places alootf the Ator-ia lirr-. Erdd rniiks 2i cow, ai, 1 (ico. V". Vi.gel who wus one of the party, deflated he could milk as Uialiv cows a anyone on the ranch, he toi.k a )fti) and went 0':t nitli the boys to milk ; hut before he finished milkiii!? the I'r-i'.. ow r.',n jive him a kic': tht wt utm sprawling a-iinst the tide of tlie l.irn. IT" ruarn-'d to save half a uallori of rn lk wh'Xi lie inunediiitely proceeded t (ioAii, tl.'n left the barn in dis,'ibt. Ered took the pictur of tl.e troml, iifl'-i w Inrii they were Irea'.ed to a most royal dinner. The party then nift lu a run f r ttio .A loria track vvheie they ha'ted U.o iu.iiiicr local with a red I llaz wliic'- Mr. Welter keeps for th:.t P'ir. -'e. ri" ivg uni- o' t'-c mt-st siic5- I 111. in. :"p 'ties tl till .-earon. 'ili-re i.s c us derablo atritation in rc K ird to an nu'.oii.ohil ? road from Eoi t Und to .Ai.toiia, and while' the road is now lein run tl.iouh tho 'eha!em Valley, it wou'd ba an ensy matter to have it inn throiU'li Kiinier, especially niiine the fi AiV: dintrirt U cutting a i-auntv Mad thronjih the Sjlid roek nL tlml pi,H. and i uni inir in to Tri'scott. It v.iudd Lp a fiinul matter to continue liio toaI fr.nn Pivscott to liainier on the l i'i-iil' al-,11 the Columbia river rulit, into Kainier. One of th.' moil biiit :;inl bi eni.: route' on tho Columbia Elver h t'.e ona riinnin out from K.uiiier end plonj ths ilnd. o:i rood f ir a number of UiileB. The writer Ii reliably uii-k in n iiiai u iui etrip ci roa-j would j Committee. hvt 'oni pii'to i, the autouiobii road w.iiil 1 run through Upinier iristen I of s.nt! of it ns iio-r contemplated. Tl.e piop'e in the ea't end of this Uirtritt would do trtrytliing potWhl to hairs f-'mall tract of land For Sale Five ten, fifteen or twenty acres. All Kuod I fertile land and easy to clear. About i two miles from Houlton. Watered by a . streaiu that never toes drv. School one quarter ot a mile from the place. Mai route aud cream wauon passe a everyday . Inquire of Wm Skuzie, Houlton, Ort'tton Queen of the Northwest Resorts 2 Near the Mouth of the Columbia River on the Wash. Coast a THE PLACE TO SPEND YOUR SUMMER VACATION Twenty Fiva Miles of Magnificent Beach I i ( Level. Compact, Smooth i : DILLARD & DAY Attorneys-at-Law Practice In any Court, 8taU 01 f ederal. Next door to court houss 8T. HELENS, ORE. Court convened Julyll, l!'10. Hon. A. Eakin, Judge, pre-iding. Following is the more important business transacted up to Wednesday evening: Matter of Registration of Title of K.I. Staines Order referring to E. E. Quick as examiner. Parker tennick vs II. W. Lemcke et al Wm J. Brewster substituted as at torney for Merchants Saving & Trust Co. in place of Wm T. Muir. Ordered that ! the decree in favor of defendant Lemcke Co. against the defendant L. S. Thomas, ordering the cancellation of a one quarter j interest in certain lands and ordering a j reconveyance to eaid H. W. Lemcke Co., I and for $13.t)0 costs be and the same is! vacated upon the condition that said Thomas piy forthwith said cost, and I thai this suit shall stand for trial at t hi- ! term of court. I T. U.Blaney vs. Clatekanie Lumber Co. Jury empaneled. After two special venires had been called and part of testimony for plaintiff introduced, case dismissed to July 12, 1010. T. C. Watts vs. E. Potter Ordered that W. A. Harris, garnishee, be required to appear before the court on July 18, to be examined concerning said garniBhrni-nt. F. E. Ellerbie vs. X. fi. Fllerlx ln. fault and r jerred to Carl Kuutson to! MfVlok Anna May Berwick vs. Jame K. BerwickSame order as above. EUerbce vs. Ellerbee Decree of di vorce. Berwick vs. Berwick Decree of di vorce. fjanlner vs. Gii'dner Decree of di vor"'. Amciicni Importing Co. Vs. C. Keys et al Default and judgment for plaintiff for (338.06 and interest and costs. Dis missed as to defendants Holmes and C. II. Wilson. Many thriving and tidy communities, delightful hotel, cottaKe tent and camp life. All the comforts of home and the healthful, invigorating recreation of the seaside and bath ing, fishing, clam digging, beach bonfires, riding, racing, ' hunting, strolls and drives through picturesqe wooded headlanbs. ' Reduced Rates from all parts of Oregon, Washington VIA E Oregon Railroad and Navigation Co. Season Rate: From Portland Round Trip, $4.00 Three Day-Saturday to Monday Rate, $3.00 ir r Purcrchas tickets and make reservations at City Ticket Office, 3rd and Washington Stoeets, Portland, or inquire of (J. K. & xm. Agent elsewhere lor inlormstion. WM. McMURRAV, General Passenger Agent PORTLAND, OREGON EOH PORTLAND DAILY STEAMER AMERICA Leaves Sl. Helens fl;00 A. M. Arrivea at Portland 10:30 A. M. Leaves Portland at 2:30 p. M. Arrives ht. Helens at :30 P. M ' raUiH.L.Itil.LilH.LiiiliLlliLl.k.Uii,L.tAiiiiLiAiliLi Notice of Final Settlement. N..U In lit-rehv given that R. Ii, FoM. r, n. niliiiftrator n( tin- i-tgi; 1 h. r il. rnv.'. hiu 11 led lot tlriul ait oinit mimI ri'w.'rl in the matter i.l s.0.1 ,-siul... 111 tliu ,iiuly Court -.1 :.. .iml.ia ( ourtty. Onon. and t)lt .l eniirt h.m lined M.iii.Ihv, J.ilv II.IjIii t III A ., :t- tiling and lh eoiuily ,,mn ,, U ll.'len.. Oieirmi. a tlm .ln. e t..r rha Inuring of (,l,j.-. liii, irny. m,nMd .," arid Hie will, nieril id kkI.1 ntale Ialed at Ht. Il.t.ii. Orevi.ti, thia Junes mo v t ii '.' . KOH-IEK, Adinlnutrator. K. T. llngliy, altnrucy. 3? COUNTY CONVENTION NOTICE The Socialist Tarty of the County of Columbia is called to meet in County Convention at Houlton on the (i.h day of August 1010, for the purpose of nominating a County ticket for Co lumbia County, and electing LMefrates lo the State Convention to bo held In Ponluiid, Oregon, on the 7th aci 8th day of Aug-nst, 1010. I. T. GfcRDKS, fiec. Columbia County Central t. jyy.j St .Helens ,Julyl5 Eear friend : The Japanese lived on rice when thny had a war with the Russians. It must have made them strong. Rice ia good for breakfast I eat it three times a day. I don't have the heart burns. Do you? If you do, try making a din ner off of rice. Your friend JACOB of the ColltltV, I rice get for 3 pounds 25c from of nice lCaT ' Caprrijht ? r Outcauii AOtRiitni c WELLINGTON Cleaning and preosing of ladies' and gentleman's tkithej done at the St. llclcni Steam Laundry. Bend goods or drop postal to Mrs. L. Boyd . m27tf Shoe and Harness Repairing I have opened a shop in the building just back of the Methodist Church, and am prepared to do Shoe and Harness Repair ing. First-Class Work and Reasonable Prices. SAM HAZLETT, ST. HELENS Notice to Creditors. f'-N.itie,.. Mut. i.v h',.n tlmt th, i,ii,.r.x,.d ; hn Ix eii ,,.lnl. . by the Cninly I'mirt ol It,.' ..i .,r.);.,ii l,,r l,e l.'nillity nl I oIiiiiiI.Ih ee- or ..f II,.. e.ul.. f ) ,, M,.rrlll e. se.l All mi havn,K. i,k ,.., ,,, ...Ulearn re.ulr.-. lo pr in it,,.,,,,,,,. ,, r, ly lerliii d a. re.,iilr.-. l,y n, t,, .' (',,,,. ., Uiiiard .V l.av, Ht. Helen. rtrl, , within -l month, frmn ihe dale l" r', ,,V ifAHZAut ' ,h- '""t- lMU .1 Muy l:;th, I'jllj. Notice of Sale of Real Ettale. In the Conntv Court of the Suite of (,,.. gon, for Columbia County. matter of the estate and (iiiardian M.ip of Carl P. iri(iie fierson . Nothei, hereby given that In aneeofand by virtue of R lieense ,v isncd and nmdi; bv tha ( Stnt of Oregon, f r Ciltimbiii on the Inn. il.iv .,r ,. ...... In the mutter ol the eaUteanil guardian! ship cf ( arl V. (iiiHtafson, an Insane fierson. authorizing, lieeniing RmU,,, powering the guardian thereof to cell l u. (ir.iierry oi aiil eitate nt privat "nier-ignei. Hie guardian of tald estate, will, from and after Nat.ii day, the Mil day ol July, !lI0, . ,t y,e Htlffi rn .n I,. .1..... lii ' II u Kiouer, lor caah in K"ld eoin, ten per cent to l, ;(il on acceptanca f ,i(J ,,,, hilUnJ he right, itle, interest , ,.,Ht; the e-tateoftKeMiid Carl K. f;i.Mafw n tii-ane rK-raon, in and to tho follow! log derenlHM real properly, 1 he northeast quarter of Heetion Ten four Wes of the Williamette Merl" Z l anres C""iy' T"'m COn,-ini " . All bids to be directed t U,,. un,v. .I - TILDA V.. Jf)IIN'snv itn of the tiei-aon im,i fnrl V r. " Ol 'iunrdii i, . . .'. """'"on, an insane lierm.n id, mi nnt ,ui"icai"' her.orrr;,;iy- LODGES ST IIKLK.NS 1,01 K NIL X.. A V A A M. MU 1st and 3d tiaturday In each mouth. Visiting brother cor dially welcomed. V W Clark, Mas ter; K. K. Qtih'k. .Secretary . iltt'LTtN CIKCLK NO 47. Women of Woodcraft, meet A and fourth Tuelay afleruoou of each month at Houlton. Ore. Minnie Motley,'. iuatdian NelKhbor; Anna Van Malta. Clerk. COl'RT UNITY NO, 7rt, f. of A. Meet every FrIJav night In K.ofV. Hall, M. Helens, Oregon, Visiting brother web come. . . M K Miller. Chief Ranger; Leslie II . Comb, financial Sec. COLl'MUIA HOMKSTRAU No, Brotherhood of American Yeomen, meets the second and fourth Wed nesday night of each month at Yank ton, Ore. Visiting member welcome. K. S. Kaxon, Honorable Foreman, C. K Lakk, Correspondent. sr. iii-iuonTcTMi'.iTliww M W. OF A. Meett first and third Wednesdays. K. I. BALLAti II, Consul. H K. LaBAKK, Clerk. NOTICE. Suite l hi rel.v len lhai the utHtentitinl. Aaion J Kelley and iin. Krlley. Sm.wu a. K.l ley Hn., hav hy uiuiual toiiM'iit diwiva.i iwrnvrhll, and (hat all hill" diia Ih .armr .luuwlllkv aval. I aliher al lliwluis r M. Herein lo tllh.l nl Ihelil. im or M J I'llU. Bl,ued AAKON J. K J.I IK J ,KO. W. KM.I.KV EXCURSIONS To The East July S, 22. Aug. S. Sept. H Keturn limit threainontha, but not execcdinx (ctotHr 31 at . VIA ASTORIA & COLOMBIA RIVER RY SPOKANE PORTLAM D & SEATTLE RT (THE NOKTH BANK ROAD) Chicato . $72 SO St. Louis 67 50 Milwauke. 72 50 St Paul 60.00 Minnaapoh 60.00 Omaha 60.00 Kansas City 60.00 Duluth 60.00 Choice of point? and returning routes. Stoiwvers allowoil. "North Hank" trains run thnjiiRh to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Chi cago without chan)r Ixw Round Trip Hates to Portland for tho Rose Festival in June and the Ililiernian Convention in July will give your frienda a chance to come to the coast and stop oir at Houlton. Details furnished by CHAD CHADIMA, Agent Portland or H.::M. ADAMS & P. A. G. F. Oregon NOtlCR OP SALB. lu lha Couutv t ourt, ot th HiaUai lc Cilamhu l ouni, M its, wall., ,. h. aate o'tkto. ' Kekrraon, ila'Masl. 1 "n J Noll, a l ii,,, thai h 1m. onlar ina.Uand raiaod hr lha mhm ,hiiM In Ilia alaita anl'lla.l a,aiiT. i """ and alior lha lih dav f Mar. In id .a 1 .""'-a and will uill al .rn... J, J ! Ml, lerln. lha hiahaat ,rW. , JT Tm . rial. 1. nil. audaaiala ol th. al f. J Kek.raou. ol. la and lo hl..,7v,'. "ifaj .IstH as,, ol th. Uly ol au M.".i f!?,M couuljr and alal. ta ta4 ol U. t.i, o'iljt. arauu, daeaaaaj. u 11. DR. R. L. Jeffcott DENTIST Offlc with Ir. Cliff. 8T. IIELK2fg jr.h.b. cur, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON T flLSMI OMKUOH Bids for H4 IarTM iaftaaa District No. 1. atwt hlda will ha rclv.d hr thar,-.. I'onri id ol urn Ma IMini up lo i.'il . ol Jul. h lino lor ii.. iZH'J V?k ?" Ma.mMi('anroli Hnad al l arnaall 1 t2L ?! with prolll. and ia-lDc.nia. Ille In th. olllr ih. i:onnlr l lart I ai'muiiwulad h rrrlin.,1 rh- .. A Ova f inl nl lha amotlal bid Tim2 "' ihT rlhl l rrm-i .n aa sl) u.v t-tl.l) JA M KM UAHT. touw" Jad,,. Nolk ot FImI Sattlaaiaat In Ih. ( ounlf IimiM ol th. Slata o( OiMna I l olumbla Coanlr. Mr Intt.a matter ol ih. Kataia ol Wllliaa ni. I In, drraaamt: Nolle la harahr alvaa that K. K. quirk hx ntrdhlalinal muunl aa adinlnlalralot al lia tvtal id William llolaalln. ilmM la !. ( .only I'ourt ol lha Mala ol Oraaon lot hla l ounlr. aud lha n .aid Conn hat K)lnlnl aalunlar. lha aNh JaP nl July iu al ih.. hour id loo !. a. m , al lha eourt'naiai ol aald court la lha i llr al Ht. Hrlana ( olnaWa ( oouir. orratm. htr lha haarlnt ol b)antaaata ii h Anal account and Ui. aalllrmanl Ihrraal. . r laUlta JidmhiMraiar ol th. Kalal. ol IS llliaai Mota alia, ilaraaard. jj Str. Ira! da RAILROAD TIME. Ibarra Kalnlar dally (i(wd Hundar llaf fan land, al . M.. riruarlina? from HL llalrat all ..flora Krtarnlnj, laa rNartlaad al IB t M arrlolng al at. Ilclaua ai 44. PasscBicr: and Fait FrtiihL FOI fOITUNO OAILT IX)RTLAND LANDING. ALPEB 8T ELECTRIC Fixtures. Colombia Electric Works an Maaaaaaaaiiaaaaa. f k' X . I 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 i 1 w 1 FV 2. OLAttS - LIMIT ftVER BLOOD r RICHT f Cool -r COLD r- FltRCt - POUTJCS r ZERO : Jhwl t- 0 Andrew C came to America. He uoikcd hard lie saved a part of Illf IIUlllAst I. 1 . a -j c wmicu. icxlay it just keeps him ousy giving away the interest on his fortune. We will pay you 4 pp,. ccnt jntcrcst on tjC money you deposit in our hank. Columbia County Bank Cy,ftaU2S,ooo. Surplus 2400, OLDEST IN THE COUNTY St Helen.. Or. 4 ' 4 Wm- M Edwin Ko-8, Vice-Pres.; Wm. M. Ro. J Cashier: A. L. Stonp. A--' CmMpp. r'n-u- . ' 1 "'BB ice-rre. , ni Cashier: A. L. Stone, Ass't. Cashier. vm. M. Koss, Kdwin Dart, Martin White. 4 electors: Wm. M. Ross, Kdwin Ross, James