Smith Wants Eggs Wa will par as follow! for fint-clasa pro duo, bblp or niinit, Veal 100 Pork 120 Uvt Hans 180 Uvt Sprint Chicken, lb 20 to 22JC -..... 26 Addreas FRANK L. SMITH MEAT Ca "nchtlnc the Bee) Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON ... AtatMt the Lavr. Sheriff HI. thar, what you doln" with them thar worms? Fisherman I'm putting a new worm on my hook. That confounded perch got away with the last one. Sheriff I guess you'll have ter come long with me. Don't ye know that rebates Is agin' the laws of these here United States? Independent. Te-wdedl Coraceenloiia. "In a true love affair concessions must be made on both sides." "That is what the duke says. He has offered to give up baccarat if dad will part with another million." Kan sas City Journal. MlaaTaderatood. Mrs. Hoyle One of my ancestors was a signer of the Declaration of In dependence. Mrs. Doyle Whose di vorce decree did he sign? New York Press. REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c. FULL POUND EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN First class work at reasonable prices. Free examination and perfectly fitted tlasses as low as $2.00 No faktrur methods. DR. C. L. HAYNES Suite 427, Marquam Building Fourth Floor Opposite Portland Hotel, Portland Ore. ATRIP TO PORTLAND FREE art KATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY Painless Extraction Free Silver Fitlinea 50c I Gold Fillings , r 22 K. Gold Crowns... Porcelain Crowns ........ Molar Gold Crowns Bridge Work, 22 K. Gold.. Inlay Fills. Pure Gold .... Verv Nice Rubber Plate.. Beet RubbetjPlate on Earth ALb iniB rVUKA. 19 OUAKAD I KILU, Don't throw your money away. A dollar tared Is twodollars earned. Our original reliable Moderu Painleaa Methods and our perfected otoa equip ment ftaVMt. HA time and vt-mr mnnprw. KOSTON DENTISTS, SthSMorriieParllaad Ratrsace 29m Uon'aon. o-ppewue Posumet and Meier a Fiaak. EaobUtbcd is ponUnd 10 years. Open ereoinrr aadi I aad SuwUn until 1.2 1 JO. for people who work. SWEDISH SANITARIUM Oar method of treat ins diMMH ia do a new one bt t tiolduul well tented one. worthy of a triaj io an, diacouraaed end hopleea sufferer. Being gradual. of Sweden and employing ell the fcuropeen methods the result in carina; ere lo.raculoue to which hundreds of petiente in ell steiionsof life will testify. Our method are not entire)? riruKleaa hat we ad t are to the nee of phjsieal methods as much as ixk-aii.h. such a Electricity, i'hiropractic. Mi-men rays. Uaif.e-.iMm. Manipulations. Baths of all kinds. Physical Culture, also the famous Kauheim treatment prescribed so much in. aLarope for heart trmitile and athuja. Our Hsnltariam is especially eiuipje with a mod ern sanrerr and a staff of Hurt-eons and Physicians of wide experience and high repute. Wu cure Uhcu matiam. ljL-ieases peculiar to Women, il'hronie I nn etipation. Kidney, bladder. Live r and Htomach Trou ble. Blood and hkin liiaeases. Paralysis, Habits of various sorts of both old and young, and all Nrs. ous and Chronic Diseases. Testimonials on hie fro,a patients oured whom you can write to. W rite or call tor particulars. Consultation free. All question.! aonfidential. Charge moderate Address f)rs. Nis beth, hwedixh baniuurioin. 433 Market bt.. Cor. Lib. Portland. Ore. SEND THIS AD. FOR FREE PREMIUM LIST Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Portland Bcattla Spokans Ask (or Their Goods and SAVE THESE SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure' You Many Useful Articles Without Cost 'jritCSn jf 'tsjS s?w fljf SPUES MaN1 W .CHICAGO, MM Would Cat Uat Doera, "In Norway," remarked the tlob trotter, "no girl la allowed to have beau until she enn bake bread and knit storking." "In this country," rejoined the fussy bachelor, "there ahould be a law for bidding any girl having a beau until she I able to navigate the streets without the aid of a dog on the end of a Btrlng." Chicago News. Blood Humors Commonly cause pimples, bolls, hives, eciema or salt rheum, or some other form of eruption; but sometimes they exist In 'he system. Indicated by feel ings of weakness, languor, loss of ap petite, or general debility, without causing any breaking out. They are expelled and the whole sys tem Is renovated, strengthened and toned by Hood's Sarsaparilla Get It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs, Somebody Surry, Sunday School Teacher Now, chil dren, the subject is the story of the Prodigal Son. Can any one tell me who was glad when the prodigal re turned r "The father," was the unanimous re sponse. "And who was sorry?" asked the teacher. "The fatted calf." promptly re sponded a little girl. Plttston Gazette. Precocious Foresight. "Tommy," said the teacher, "yon have made some inexcusable mistakes In your geography lesson." "Yes'm," said the precocious youth. "When I'm a man I'm going to be an explorer. I want to avoid the minute accuracy which will lead people to discredit my observations." Washing ton Star. J.D7on'i law 11 rnie coax me lire. Into activity by geutle metboUs. Tbe de cot scour, srlt'e or weaken. They are a tunic to the ttoniac h, liver and nerves; invigorate instead of weaken. They en rich the blood and enable the stomach to got all the nourishment from food that Is put into it These pllla contain no calo mel; they are aoothlng. healing and itlm cltitlrir. For sale by all drug-Kilts In lOe and 2.V titoit. It yon need medical ad vice, write Monynn a Doctors. They will advise to the best of their nhlllfy abso lutely free of Charere. MCNYOVg, U sad Jefferson 6ta I'hIUdeliibJj, ls. Sand lOe for trial package. TRY MURINE mtVr EYE REMEDY t.. wa u. a Liquid Fonn, 25c, SOe. Salve Tubas, 25c, S1.00, ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER are quickly relieved by Wyatt's Asthma Remedy. Ask your druggist or send six cents postage for Free Sample to J. C VVYATT, Druggist, VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON. WE GROW HAIR We Cure all Scalp Diseases, atop Fall in Hair, Prevent Baldnen, Grow Jules' and Children'! Ha;r rapidly, noft flrloBay and beantiful. "We Furnish out of town people homo treat ment. Write us today for question blank and particulars. THE GARLOW HAIR GROWING CO. SPECIALISTS 207-8 Rolhchild Building, fourth and Washington Strecta, PORTLAND, OREOON. Consultation Free, H to 6. BAKING POWDER EVERYTHINGLOOKi AS GJOD AsOTHT NEW SINCE YOU CLEANED WMSEJ 8 II .S3 PAW PILL UST NIGHT T.-O If I M7 RESOLVED' ITSPRETTY HfRD TO GET Ah'i ASSISTANCE FROM A MAN WHOSE LIVER OR STOMACH IS OUT OF ORDER. MUNWK! PAW-PiW LAXATIVE PTU.S KEEP YOU WEIL -1 v-v an saii'Siiisf sa' ssT as si I'atsaTa COMPLIES WITn ALL PURE FOOD LAWS Makes the Baking Sweeter, Lighter Always works rlht NO FAILURES Costs YOU Less NO TRUST PRICES . 25 Ounces for 23 Cents BEST AT ANY PRICE or your money back aBe. What does that meant It means that the men that la put generation would have been In dependent merchants are now the em ployee of these stores, and never can be anything else; employee on wagot with time checks, fines, and their daily work dependent upon a manager's ca price. That Is their prospect In life, it Is hard (In some of Us aspects), and we dislike to admit It, but It Is the truth. The gigantic department stores and mall order houses are built of the ruins of independent stores, just as the Christian churches of Pome were built of the fragments of the old tern plea, and each independent store de- stroyed Is an Independent merchant turned Into a Charles Edward Magazine. salaried employe. Russell In Success VatkeT-e lrffl And HfS. WlneloWl Snnthlna pyrup we dsi re-near w un iuv laeu oauorsii uxuls .as teauuof psriuu. Kstare sa Hwaler. A great, broad, consoling and funda mental fact remains that In a large majority of diseases which attack hu manity under 90 per cent of the unfa vorable Influences which affect us na ture will effect a cure If not too much Interfered with. As the old proverb has It, "A man at 40 Is either a fool or a physician, and Nature Is a good deal over 40 and has never been ac cused of lacking Intelligence. Woods Hutchinson, M. D., In Delineator. Serine Thlncs Dlffcretatlx, "What you lack, my boy," said his elderly uncle, "is the definite purpose, the steady aim, the overmastering Im pulse, the all-absorbing, all-compelling determination to force your way to the front, regardless of whatever obstacles may lie in your pathway." No. uncle," demurred the nephew; "Tve got every one of those things all lack Is the sixty horse power auto mobile." Shake lute Tour Shoes Altai's root-Ease, a powder for the feet. It cure painful 1 0 ollen, amarting. sweating feet. Makes new ahoea easy. Sold by all Drumriataand Shoa Stores. Don't accept any aubstituta. Sample FrUtus. . AtMreaa a. a. uimaua. ijt van, a. x. Preferred to Pay, A little miss riding on a Brooklyn trolley car the other day tendered the conductor half fare. "How old are you, little girl?" he queried, gingerly handling her fare. She pursed her lips for a moment, then calmly opened her purse, drop ped two more pennies Into the con ductors extended palm, snapped her purse and demurely replied: "You have your fare, sir; my statis tics are my own. Rrooklvn Life. Ilia Kxhaaatlaa; Meats! Labor. "If you have any trade or occupa tlon," asked the woman of the housa, why don t you follow It?" "Ma'am," said Tuffold Knutt, with his mouth' full, "I work fourteen hours every day." "How? At what?" "wit me mind, ma'am, same es .ill de great Inventers do. Fm try In' f think up a aubs'toot for Injy rubber."- Chlcago Tribune. The Obllatiait Grandmother. "You will have to let me o9 for day or two In April, ma'am." "Why, Nora, what for?" "I must be sick a bit, ma'am." "Sick, Nora?" "Sure, ma'am. I'm th' grandmother I of an office boy who wants to git off I an' see th' openln' ball game, ma'am." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Oaitelaaac4 Wearied wltb bis everlastlnr hike. toe Wanderlnr Jew stopped to rest. "What's the user he exclaimed. "I can't ksp up with old man Weston to I save my life! He's forty miles ahead of me and going like the wind!" Running a trembling hand through his flowing beard, he proceeded to heap a few choice maledictions on the day of I bis birth. What's the TJset Teu don't take your doctor with you when you travel now, I see,- said his confidential friend. "No," said the financial magnate: "he's too tyrannical. Besides, it's jut as cheap to have him fix me up after I've come back from one of my long trips." Sueclnctlj- Staled. Visitor I have often heard of your "elevated loop problem." What Is It? Old Resident (who happens to be a stockholder) The problem Is how to get the moat nickels out of It with the least expenditure of money on It -Chicago Tribune. LAZY LIU "I find Cascarets so good that I would Dot be without them. I was troubled a p-retat Heal with tornitl liver anrl hsnrlarri Kow since takini; Cascarets Candy Cathar- tic I feel very much better. I shall ccr- tslnly recommend them to my friends aa tne Dest medicine i have ever seen.' Anna Bazinet. Osborn Mill No. 1, Fall River, Mass. Pleasant Palatabla. Potent. Tasta Good. Do Good. Never Sicken. Weaken or Grips. 10c 26c. 60c Never sold In bulk. The sen. sine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to euro or your money back. 93.00 SAMPLE Derby, felt, straw I Kemodsled, Willow rUitws n-twd aad I Dved. Compile Line ot Milbsjerv. I 31 SAlJ)ltt ST.. PORTLAND I ITUH CAN Ot. CURED In abort lime by uain PLUMMER'S ITCH REMEDY In 60-cent cans only. Addf-eas ' DLUMMER DRUG COMFANT Third and Madison Portland, Oi. HANSEN'S Hansen Hires Help EMPLOYMENT Free to Rmptoyera OFFICES St North Second St. Phones: Main 1628; A 1S2C. Ladies rjepartment, 34814 Washing-ton St. Phones Maui man A vm. Portland. Orozon. Union Painless Dentists Full Set of Teeth , $5.00 Brldco Work or Teeth without Platea $3 50 to S Gold Crowns J.i.50 to 15.00 Porcelain Crowns $3.50 to 55.00 Gold or Porcelain Fllllnsa .$1 .00 Up Silver Hminirs 50c to $1.00 Best Plate Mads $7. SO No ehai-sres for Painless Extraetlns when othiw won at clone. IlsamSs.aa. 1( rears' Guarantee with all work. 1 to 9. as. aaiVs ssot-rieoB stnab i gap En ATCHOOHT OLOBB SIGHTS. Every man thinks his brutality Is "tact." Fishing seems to be the favorite form of loafing. Any woman closely associated with a man can make or break him. None of us realise how much peo ple talk about us behind our backs. Every shiftless man la a liar: he acquired the habit In giving excuses We despise a man who doesn't ap preciate a friend; friends are so rare, Talk with any man live minutes, and he will say the trouble with htm Is, he Is too meek. Out of one hundred people who try to save money, ninety-Ova will make the attempt very feebly. Even when times are very good, things will not come your way unless you carefully start them. There are so many kinds of mean Bess that people now talk about the meanest kind of meanness. People nearly always predict disas ter for their own town, and tell bow well other towns are doing. It Is easy to say to a man, "De sensible." But halt the time a man does not kno? what Is sensible. An Eastern man is teaching people how to kiss by means of correspond ence course. Aj though everyone does not know I Much of the clamoring now going on has a tendency to make industry and honorable achievements almost disreputable. Our experience Is that an artist who Is not appreciated U just about aa disagreeable aa it Is possible tor human to be. FASHION HINTS The back view of this little dress is so attractive that it deserves a word all by Itself. The jackety tab at the waist, and the cute little knot of the girdle that crushes up to It, are very distinctive. In front, the ovor.kut families in deep point. ELECTRICAL NOTES. London has a trackless trolley. Monorail . systems nave proven suc cessful in India. The old horse car lines of St, Peters burg, Russia, are to be electrified. Buenos Aires has authorized the con struction ot an electric subway under tbe city. Wireless telegraph apparatus Is pro hibited in British India except upon government license. Ozone generators are advocated for the subway cars in New York to in crease tbe oxygen In the air. A French syndicate has contracted to develop the water powers in Uru guay to furnish light and power to the Inland towns. The City Council of Cincinnati is planning a subway to connect the busl neas section of the city with the out lying residential sections. Lightning will strike more than once in the same place. A transmission line In Colorado was recently struck five times in the same place. Cincinnati boasts tbe only church on wheels. It Is a large electrlo bus which Is loaded with singers and DUnaey. . , M . . The development of the water pow srs In California has helned honm the "ate by bringing new industries and helping old Industries with plenty of "heap electrlo power available. Tbe Cm row "My doctor ordered a trip to Europe 'or me. "And you took HV "Not he presented his bill and took a trip to Burooe hlmaalr Her Klna. "That pretty girl when she cries Is a very affecting sight. She is a regu lar picture." "Tes, what one might call a movlns plcture." Baltimore American. The Etsrnallir UlesstuassL "How do you like this system by which you deposit your fare Instead of waiting for the conductor to coins and collect itr "First rate." answered Mr. Grouch "But why don't they go a itttls further and put In a treadmill so that th passengers can furnish their own power T" Washington 8 tar. For the first two months of her mar ried life a bride keeps her expenses down to 16 a week, and her frisn-ta hooat ahnur It fn ... c spout it tor twenty years. WIRELESS GRAFT UP IN MILUONS Leaders of United Concern Ar rested by Federal Officers. Postal Inspector Says Officials Company Sold Stock for Thous and Times Its Value. New York, N. Y.-United States Dostofflce inspectors raided the hand some Broadway offices of the Unitud Wireless Telegraph company today and caused tho arrest of Christopher C. Wilson. Dreaident of tho company; Samuel S. Bogart, first vice-president, and William W. Tompkins, president of the New York soiling agency, which, officers of tho wireless company say, was formerly their fiscal agent, but has ceased to represent (hem. Chief Inspector Mayer subsequently gave out a statement. In whien no charges that, althouKh the company has been running at a loss, the prico of its shares have advanced by manipula tion to fictitious values and that indi vidual officers of the company have sold out thoir stock to the general public at a profit estimated in one instance at between 5,000,OUO and Jiu.uuw.uini. Wilson was released on '.'5,UUU bail and Bogart on $10,000 bail for appear ance on July 12, when a further hear ing will be hold before a Federal com missioner. Tompkins was arrested at his farm near Mahop Falls, 1'a., and brought here. He could not find $10,000 and spent the ni;ht in the Tombs. The specified instance of alleged fraudulent use of the mails is given as the mailing of , a letter on March 8, 1910, to Michael O'Brien, of Water burg, Conn. "There are 28,000 shareholders of the company throughout the country, said Inspector Mayer, in his statement, "many of whom have placed their sav ings in the stock of the company through false representations mudu by its officers. "The real Bssets of the company consisting of land stations, patents, manufacturing plants and real estate of all kinds, appear to bo worth, at conservative estimate, $400,000, or an actuul worth of 2 cents a share. Two million shares have been issued at a par value of $10, but the stork has recently been put up to $50 share. "Thus," argues the inspector in his statement, "by taking the last amount quoted ($490,000 of actual assets) at $50 a share, the stock is really worth as $4000,000 is to $1,000,000,000, or $0.0004 s share." The inspector says the company was originally incorporated as the Amalga maien wireless burettes company in 1904. In 1906 it took over the assets and buainess of the defunct Ameri can Ve forest Wireless Telegraph company, which was then running ut a loss, exchanging therefor its own se curities on a ten for one basis. At this time," says the inspector's statement, "when officers of tho De Forest company were secretly conniv ing to abandon it and leave the stock holders a mass of worthless securities. its stock had been forced to an alleged value of $12.50 a share, or 12.60 above par. "Another item in the statement sent out to stockholders was patents and patent rights, $5,620,233. The affairs of the company were recently audited by a firm of licensed accountants, who placed the book value of all patents at The officers of the comimnv have sold to the public thousands of shares, claiming all the while that they were holding their own shares and putting the money received from the public into the plants of the comnnnv. On of the officers is believed to have cleaned up $5,000,000 and possibly $10,000,000 at prices ranging from $10 to $50. Water Route to Be Used. North Yakima. Wash. Two nf the large department stores of Kennewick will order their fall storks of (roods shipped from New York by water to the isthmus of Panama, via railroad to the Pacific, and up the Col umbia river. This is nearly an "all water route." A considerable savinf? in freight rates can be made in this way. The first large shipment over mis rouie was made this spring, when the entire shearings of the Coffin Bros.' sheep were consigned tn H,.tn oy water. Rough Riders Gatherine.. new iorK. irom nil rw, Ui u. wie compass ine Kough R aers are assembling to act as escort of nonor 10 Lionel theodoro Roosevelt on Saturday, and from the moment th.. ex-president puts his feet on his native soil at the Battery until he takes 'the train for Oyster Bay he will be sur rounded by the men who helped in the uimrge up oan Juan mil. At least 400 of the hard-riding cavalrymen are ex pected to be on hand to greet their old commander, and their oreaencn la n h one 01 me many Icaturcs. Playground Bride's Gift. Chicago, A munlelnal nl ground, Inamed as a wedding pres ent, is the unique "keepsake" that has been given by Miss Alice A, Christo- puer, 01 avansion, who this evening .-. uriue 01 uerry lid ward Bn appie grower of Spokane, Washington. Dr. Walter s r-h.i.. ' eral years a member of tho 1 1 -'J wi 1.110 uriuvn. urn. tv, a.. J 41 . J. . .. . """-' "I uu-a, unneicn the impression of his sterling personality upon It. Great Gold Strike Made. Vancouver, B. C. A..1...1. at Stewart B C., In the Queen Char otte is ands, today sent dispatches to this city confirming the news of the phenomenal strike of free milling gold Inland, that Is causing a stamnerlo everyone from the entir m,.,i, country. A gold reef has been found and traced for 20 miles, with the end not in sight. Samples of the nr ,1 Care Hair Fine It's fine cure that makes fine hairl Use Aycr's Hair Vlfor, new Improved formula, sys tematically, conscientiously, and you will set results, wc know It stops falling hair, cures dandruff, and Is a most elegant dressing. Entirely new. New bottle. New contents. Dm, not thangt tht tlt of " Afr. ot jroriaute sun eaek hetila shew 11 10 rear iers dosles Ssk klra spoil! II. then a ss he eavs Aver's Hiir Vieor, as now nude from our new improved, is the latest, most KlenilAe. and in every T "he vwy belt hair prepsrsllon evrr plsced upon thr mar.e.. l or railing !''' dandruff it is the one Rreat medicine. Mad. bj the J. 0. Ajrar a.. Kell, Mail. Sherman Fine ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH. AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. I r ll ft ' ,l'Ml,m ,t 1 right! "7 i Wm this Wellington Piano we re eelling for $'J7t on fniymnti Utal we're willing to let it bo ITS OWN SAUiSMA.V. it will loll li't own tforg to yott In your homeIf you'll send us the coupon. rUvstr stnJ m mil pailhulan commtlng Ihlt unusual llano off. A'tim She lll.ln't ar. Mrs. Stuyvesant KIhIi, at a llinrhron In New Yurk, siilil wllh roml liuinorrj nicM-kerjf ot tho sufTriiK-'ltm: "If thcr kpip on. (In Ir outlook, real ly, will brioiiio us naively ! lUh as Mrs. Iiush's. Mr. Iiuah, as bis young; wlfo posed tx'foro tlio mirror In a dec ollete gown from thn ilf:Hi'st shop In th Hue tie l.i 1'alx. rri;iirtli'd Hie pret ty little laily tudului-utly, and said wltb a sixli: " 'You do look nice In that frock, dear, but It rout tun a heap ot mniiry.' '"You di'r old boy.' she crlrd. 'what do I care fur monty ln n U s a qurs tlon of plcaln; you?'" FaiuMna Mere Wtto .lirrr Marrlvni. Among the llluntrlmi-t mru who pasncd throiiKh life In hIiikIb bli-sned-Ocas may l mentioned Kir Isaac New ton. Thomas IIoIiIms. author of Th I.avladmu;" Atlnm Smith, the father of political economy; t'hnmfort, the (rcntest of French tulkrra; Uassnndl, Galilei, llcaiartps, Huluoza, I.ockn. Kant. DIkIiop llullcr. the author of "Analogy;" nayle, Illinlls, lluitif, Olbbon, Mitcaulcy, llurkl. Pitt. Charles Jnincs Vox. Ionarde da Vinci, Knphttfl, .VIihfliiiiKulo, filr JoHtiua HfynoUls, the arilHt Turner. Iltind-I, Ilnethovrn, 81 hopcnliauer, Rnxslnl, Mendelssohn and Meyerbeer, Iietrnlt .loiirnnl RESTORE YOUR HEALTH It is the privilege of most men and women to be strong and healthy, and if you are sullering from any weakness of the Stomach, Liver or Uowels, Lake the Bitters just now. It is for Poor Appetite, Head ache, Indigestion, Dyspep sia, Costiveness, Miliaria, fever and Ague. Try a bottle todav. but be sum and get the genuine, with Private Stamp on neck. I ROSTETTER' VaJ CCLCBRATCO fl STOMACH J U BITTER Alcohol, Tobutto, Cocaine. Mnrphln. Cigarette or Other DOPE HABITS CURED Positively n, hurmleHHly in short time by the new Olconeia Method. Trout, merit is not exnciwivo or painful. You need nt rmam a slave to your habits, " " l,hort "ty Ht our 8anitarium juu Jrc.e. u(lros OLCONEIA CO., Arleta Station. Portland, Or. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOES B. 4, 3.50, 3, 2.C0 & 2 the STANDARD FOR 30 YEARS. millions of mas wear W. L. Douilaa .hoe. be. causa thes are the low. VI "f -"'lir eon. Idereii, In the world. Made upon honor.es1 the i .!.h,"' br the laailUMUtest laahiora! and 14.00 shoe. Cuatoa, Bench Work Ua (S.00 to ls.00. w. r. DooflM ! llasaJirs for lain tn' Dr. B. E. Wright II.... ...II tMlk Mlt l.H.l l..s ...I k snd krliltra work In wis day U neve-war, . IMtlfva. W beat,;, 'It a. M'iX. $i. iMritka,.,. , as '.. I" Wars. 7-S raWse) f,.araj 54. UI UV t. ' toe i Palnlesa Kslrarllnn Fras whan plain. OT hrU work la uraanal. t'wisuliatlon r. Y,i .,72 aft twll.-r va'nlma work anywhere, no buhV!! ow much arm) iar. mails. AH Work rMr Uasranlf aS fee rift... yiw, Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342 Washington St., Portldnd, Oregon Take ear at rlspnt anrl transfer to Wsshlnatm, Ik DAISY FLY KILLER CtStSa eeaasaereaaaa-e-s-ei hfu.,i.n.muS, HL IMH.MS. ,a, Sl?.,!." Ml, mmii. Will ill' sim.w. a- IsNf. apis. t.,.... ,iu; Ot Ul Saw, m as 9y tut .m. . B HOLD Ulna IM D.aa Sse-Ue. a.j. pay & Co. --Vjiir '' --''"- We want you to try this Piano .V YOVH liom t'Ht.t:. V want yuu to try It at our rxpenne Iwcause At the end of thirty days the 1'lnno I1SM.F will convince yuu of the fallowing value on earth for the price LL Y and MCIIAXICAUY tnnis th.irsi la am rrlllrih Nn1 voln. ! AJJnns, A Trtselfsl Mum-art. "A man wulkd out of Ins home la this town and was Rons for two years "What ru-uae did he niuke wIkB b jot hark!" "Said ha d been alttlni up with sick frlrnd." "Haw! bawl That's rich." "Yes; and hat's more, he actually renvlnerd his wife that his friend was a i-bronlo Invalid." Dlrmlughara it Hswtld. Merer ASJsrla II lea. That airantje frrnay, that parullu saernraa, with which tu many paople rush tn pay (heir Uses durlna Ihs Ut ter part of Arll." remarked IHnsuas, "has always N.n an unnrcnuntaMe mystery to me. Iiy sum, I never pJ anvthlntr till I have to." "I've nodrtd that In your rata fur mbra than twenty years" aiulied Mha4 bolt. nrt. IVrak, Wsarr, Walrre Kan. Iti'llwvetl lly Murltie jre Iteme-Jy Trf Murine Kur Your Truuliiea. Yuu WiH I.Ike Murine, It K.)llira. bte al Your Imiatfiais, Write Kor fc'ya It-oas. Krea. aturlna tra Home! Co., C'lilcaso. PIPE RETIRING We-ete-wraea.waa-t IBItl UUI sat StttUaaia Artataa Cease, 1 8tO B1CIIXL th CO. N last ISal PACIfIC EMPLOYMENT CO. of Hortland, Oresan rURNISHCS MflP fREC IO tMr-tOY'.Kt Ma n istles. It N.,Mh Hemaul Hi. Mam Wit); A IMS I tvliea Ih-pl. aubW Morrison !L Main HKt; A WM I'hmm ca wire anlera at sur sipriaa. MODERN METHODS ftmtr Fklslla PARCBAWF SECRET SERVICE AGENCY Wa srs Dn-taareil tn onl-ruke aur Inrlilmau deleellva Kuril lla.ltl civil anil rrltnlnlll In all pans of the United Mtaua. Open Oar ami NiiM. C I. rtllll, Seat raaSK Oasa. SasJW atvlMIt 214 lSa-, lssa(. rMtUnO. OtlUM. , coffee: J TEA SPICES BArtlNO POVVOCR IXTrUCTS l..a.l ..l.-IIT IHI5I lUlMII CLOSSETADHEu PWtlUND. uu NamedicO ataas ABSOLUTELY CURES DR. WHITING'S REMEDIES MArltTM'Tt'ltr-li IIV NATIONAL MEDICINE CO., LTft Shelley BlaV Morriuon Sfc, Rooms 3 and 4, Portland, Or. I'M r. Vrir-linH SHU 1. APPENDICITIS KEMEDY. The wilr ki.n.t, , ura lor A,n.lii'iiis w,"t?y ha alii ..(Ilia knlte tlliaa Imini-ll"'" an l -!,:!, a reriLanenl sure in a aliurl U I'ltlt'K f, . ''SPECIAL" REMEDT. ,,. Kor Human s Allmenia luiioia o els Alan nialaitea. KlUi.a, ami lllaililar leM IJe. I HICK . . 'Ibis Mae HHeallfln nrs Is a hnme tri alinsnl. Wrlie tr aall au4 tn will anilalii. a Irnarmanl ftnl,. N07 'best TIME el t.ia '""".n fnl.h sfais aai hrlilse swrs la taw da It niM-estarr a as HoUrCrowsi JVJ J2kBrld(.TMl3-5! t En.m.l rilll"! Illvsr Fllllni .61 Oood flobbar . ng Pistes Is.l Hubbef f ei . e. a. win, ramam (as mauan .TMoo is ,,,, rmawate la ramus. . " fsln . KsiraaHim irroejhenelatae .r'y,;iial isorrlarail. Coiisullatlimtfrea. oo fJ-Sfa tMlnlaas wnrkaiiyshara. no matter bos '"' 'SaT All work tuUf simrnutewtl lor Ut""Tm . Wise Dental Co. Painless Dentists Ml"l Bulltllrn. Third WnMndM, PORTl NB. W"" eiOee asarsiSA. M. le S f. M. SaBdara. I w P N U N aa a 1 rtiser. pls - 000 feet assayed $49 a ton. LPf now WHIN writlne toeUlTSItUsr "Uilae, brwiltlaa, Maaa 1 r anasiiota tnis paper.