LOOAL ('UtHkuiile Roi Hliow liit Hitlur - ureler iticfeo Uinm tiiy ill lu W" ". .1.. . -1.11,11. I. , ( i lint county, and the nl- ?.-.!. iiotwlllil'U"K ") threaten- I. weather 1,1 "le ',,rel,ol)n treklti h.racord. M. Helena well iu tin- ..llmlioii of prlM. Ml. y eciirinK th(gri(1irl.eothilw anil ifvctHl Blrp'l"''""J Mf- Artuur (,,rKe d uvfwl allien being In tint winners t.. ih. afternoon there whi bull (inrt In wlik'li 111 lii'Mi team defeated J Portland team, and therrt was plenty of free cntcrtttlumcnt lu Hit way ol fool launch ' ulc, Iu the cvfiiliiK then wm an si-rlUut entertainment at 0ltlm'i Hull where there m not !vn lUadluK n'"i ,ot A" ,,,e oimlncss housca were closed in honor ol tt tlv. I,ujr between Hi Warren iP pot mil Uie tcliaol houiw, a why's goi watcn finder' p'' leave l Werteu P. 0. Hud l,MWiuilabhi rewaia w. Coodni- houaeamilot wliuoiilbulld- lufi lor sale, ircaied ut south ol Cronst place, on Milton Creek. House hu ilt rooini. Good spring. For Iu r- theritifuroiatlon apply at MUt Office. The I-sdlra Aid Society ol tht M K. Cborrh St. Helen will meet "Villi Mr Win. Koi W, dncaday June With Don I fomet Hie Koclallst ih ole July 4th it Oasla Park Itverybody li welcome, I)r. fUuiilcr ol Tlio Dulles will dclive tbe omtion. A prl of $V(K) Will lie ptld to ny per,!! coder 21 years ol K who will write Hie lot may on socialism Over twenty colonics ol lces (or "! cbeap. IiKjiHre i tins, n. x. r itr.i'. MAN, )err Island. IlcoU'rmlnli tiUuka (or fold I on pre cinct can I fouii'l al Wlii efc And r-oi.'i star, rorelitu lorn CUlf-lltl must or ink" thflr aatnmllration paiwra with tluiu A coat inir irciwn'. ti (It city of Jlutiltou la tlie (fading nd rrunhrd ruck work on ita atrcet-, and the lilting of the low olac-In-twecn Perry and Urahuma tt.irt and U.e railroad track. Fa Hunt A new five room cnttuKc wlih all modem ciiiivcuit-io-tM Price rsaioaahli. Ai-ply lo J Ildl at UeorKc'M Market, St Helen!. i ' : ID1' 1 ' ' ' -" KlI.l.Hti y l.AM (:,, i 7. inouiMa .... ; ':::." r. . iih u. V y ""K"1"' n"ii ii "Hit. , !! thettairuefc r " ,7;"no,,Kietn.olf1lirtri,n ' wm mil known In RH,,er. w '"U-tmr-l l..rwui.tl,-fr r 1 1.. ' 'y' """" 'iieiiiil'rof the Or,l,.r ,.i if... etcr, ntid Mf. I rx w 1 ,mx.l. u..,.., ini.,...ti i . ., . r onniy lr ,wi,i 0( the !'"'l.v He wna bulled with il. , .1 .. ... i I loll UJ vuinoiic tliiircli. t e kll n ... I......I " - h cxpciucoi the uii-rHl KAINIKh'H (;i(l,miiuTION TIi. Mien'K celchitttlou ol the 1-uurlh of Jul. one week l otuxt Muuduy in evidently Iff il III I.. .1... a . ' . u.KW H l,lK crow, (,., ,!, nelKhlhou,l. The K..l(1i r folki h,,ve iiuicie nr. hi i.r,rllH. f..r il, and nil b. ,,,( W! ,)e h0M,jlllil ,7'" ''")")' "y ol the hat aino oi u ,rt. Then- aliMild be at I. n.t three hundred funi t , root ,r tlio h. me wain in Iih KitH bull gmo, dkwinii Maciiin i'OR 8 Lit- Inquire , mil i nice. Next Sun lav tltcKl. II Irltl Hall team plarithe CathUmet nine, and a kkh1 mriamH. In the iihmiiIii lloie Ciiiuny No. I will hiy I ieNo. Sand the I'hcmiral ('ninpiiiy. At ita mt.'tiiu Ut Monday nii t th'' City Council t oitiidt red plana I r a ( I y Uail.aud it l likely llmt !,rfore the eiuiiiig winter lira bur will have l public Iui1diii to te piotid (. i'hhm rich V OiKwliich aul Kroner .V I trim were the l'.ir.lii.idriiiiti:i tr.'(ircoiiic I, aad tbe dun il prclrrruiK ihe ilun lubmltted by Mr, Goodrich, be waa In itructtJ to cu e a.ici liicntiou and alto to niaki aome cltaii)e lu hia plana. The buildinu will he two 'lorica. with accomui hl.iti ma lor fire equipm int, ciU couucll, etc, on Hie lirat floor and the beat hall and opera bouae in Ihia part ol the country on th eccoud floor. Then will be a atace IS bv 20, with a goad alt drtiuiuf room at each eud ol il. The door be 41) by 75, and accommodate abljrcroitd Thla building will b in ia Ma moulh Ijciidoa the rent lor the ball, which will he at Icaat $.'3 and probality aoniu tnoutha $K) or more. It Will pay, ami at the aauie time hu an I'lvertiaenicnl lor the town. Aaldc (rum tbia It ia abuilululy Decenary tbai aouie place be provided lor the clty'a fire fight ing apiwrutua. Gixd home icow anil float for mlc vtrv cbcr. l'rt cah. Inquire at Ihia ofllce. Tan home engine and two lioilera for ale cheap. Inquire ol J.S. WATSON, Warren, Oicgciu. Tbe Portland "Bluea" were defeated last Sunday hy Hi. Helena in a gun i that aa a auin cine lor the blue. Score, flioli Tim gnmo waa a joke, and if the local hova had been in llieir uauul (onu Hie end would have bcou (r from clo-e. Tlie Portland lioye were geiitlcumuly lellowa. and af'er a game with Canwa thp dlHerciice betwrpn ball tcunia ia v.tv noticeable Jack UfTe lv nm hick on "irat baae ,,,(, took n ,.llllK.e, without an error, le;.lea doing hi allure attheatick. Urukke and Morton were the Iwtteiy. Launch I'or Palk ::0 loot boat, 8 M bciiiii, cquipiHid with 12 horae 2 cylinder lny cV lkiweu engine. Ilont nd engine in good condition nnd coat overJiK)0. Well woith l(J0.. Ooea t l00 if t ikcu at once. Inqulro at the office. CHKAM Klt.,iKATOR SAI.K-Pt! Uvill. 1 nrat class condition, chenp. Cnpncity pounds. IiujtiirB U.S. Pup.iin, Pt. Iidcni. on h.i,R OMe bv iimio, aged six, "e'Kiit inuo lh. liuiini.leed sound. I'rlceliHr, (J, j. j(l8)Pri ivr idumi, 0,l'K"". JI0-2-ll I iiu do your family winshlng coaler, inloki-r and bettor; mivo rubbing nnd ' the eidthcm; ninkfl them clenn, ll",' " and Hnowy-whlto; brighten '"Iii,m, Kofiun woolenn nnd kill genim. 1 "in WA81IWAX, the new HelenWIc c"itioun, ti,t doc, tho work without lie aid of noun or blench; nm lined In "t or cold water, Theio Ih nothing ko ni". Send ten contH Btniups toduy lul I will conio by ninll In regulnr bIi. Y"n will i,e Rind you tried me. AddfcHi) Wimhwax Co., St. Louis, Mo. HoUSKHOMJ KURNIWRK I'OR SAI, i'.noiigh to furnish a five room house. A '""Kiln. Inquire of JI.B. Beunc'tt, Milea' Cotle, opposite II. P. Wnlkiim. 11 City Shoeing Shop ha been en WRiia twenty (eet in length and ia now running tw0 flrM, o SAi,K-Three choice loU in St. 'Wens. Cholco bearing fruit treei and ier smnll fruits, n new 9-room house, new woodshed, barn, 3 block! from Co lumbia Uiver. $1700. Ilnll down, bnl 1"C8ontlme. Abarcttln. I'ulnta, oila, varul.h, titaiU, ahell bard ware, screws and bolt-all k uda of builder's material at thi store ol hp, Mucklc & Hon. I.ol I r Rale, with two amull bulldu.e. Juhteaatol the Wircleaa Telegraph nu ll n. Pike ;MMJ. Apply t0 Mm. C. U. imicoii, Waiicn, Ore. le'llf A iwrlytif J'orlhmd uuluUti. bender! hy Julma I,. Mclre MciuUiy of the I'ortlaud mil. .mobile a.;ut. pr linn to make the trip Irooi I'oillund to Attoria on July :inl. A. mii outc mie ol thl.tnpit iaKitibe the i'oilUnd nuiointa, win are rnthuaiarU (or good roads, will mnkf ropoitiou to Oilmiiliia ami Clatsop counts t.i chare in the cxpeiiae ol huililioira gnu I aii'omol,ilc rond Ip-iii Vankioii io Aatoria. This wilj l Co liiiiild Couny'a 'xnt i ppuitumlv io secure a firicliia oml on u new auiviy fr..ii Ht. 1 1 t-U-it to I'.t'shurg. II )ou iloot buy Ik-voe Pulnt 'luiil g. t thu lict. A complete lier.te., o.idIs Pmk. Cleaning mi l pr.niiig of Indies' and gentlemen's clothes done at the St. Helena Steam laundry. Kend drop po.t.il io Mr. I, lioyd SALOON MEN FINED t!'JiiilHfiit wiih f!lt:.l viitli tli Cily lie corder Wt Molldy ,,y M,(rs!ll 'n th.it W,u, Karnlng ,,n, (icrge yl.d,onK4urd,,y Jact. sold inlox tlg liquor to IJooilu. Hull, JB. '"'V. Newell Wool H.ul V,. ).,), ,e ! ""Mi arntecoplulntb dug liled ... , uiKe. wiirrimlH w,.r.i lu. i i 0r.e Kelly npp,.B., thv mmo ,Jay ,i,e.eleii uuiny t Mlrt.n ,, ,l,0 oinpliiintH and whs fined f,0. Faming nm ni town nt the trial was iei(i. n i ou line at time, but 1.1 the Ilei'finler'i. f'iu,., on vteuiiCHibiy nfieriioon. t. w Ti. v, nuorney, prosecuting tho C8e. All ('irof the hovawhoin it was alleged ..-leiYi-ii intoxtrunls were supposed h' appear, hut one, Newell Wood, had "uirniMj to tlie Nelialeni, where nil il. ooya live, Hn.i as bis ureseiice waa n iei,e anrv tlio ease wa triml uiii... nun. nut two coniplxlnls won i. u,e.i, moke III lliecaie Of Win. Prlnul. and Booths Hall, tbe defendant nlea.l- 'iH guilty lo selling to Prlnirle but rl ny'nu ,,,,9rifl BS ,0 Th(f )rli Wis stioit, birt four wltnessea bel caneii y thn prosicnlLti and none by the defense. A verdict of guilty whs leii'.crea nmj on the two cbarirea Parn- h'KWih nnerj Inland coma, aniountliu loa-lii in all. Cliamliers A Keeier of ll'iullon were urrcsied Wednesday mori: ing, ihnrgid with selling Ibiuor to tbe name nova, ami in the liecorder's court of that city were fined 2!. hi ..i .i , on u. t,iee Hiinion men have given noiidstoolicy the law. Why don't the city attorney bein uu action against the nontlmi. n? I l,c cily uiijiicil s hould in it'ttet him lo do so, SCHOOL EXERCISES i-8.tl .-nr. IMv- Kay, of Nnl il. hnulud In Icrui ol Juty duty the I nter put ol but week and rrturncd to his home ,ui the bank of the Nclutcm. He ;iy St. Helen h t'cr-amly go-id ton, lot give hi in the c.icefiil vullvy, ula-re le can conquer ln.u-i tingle biiinK-d unit nle seven or ighl cr of K.i'e every year, Ilul iir, ,irc only groni up n ilim-s. Dune, ore ilie -cms oiddUrs lieunici a'Ctiie sec if dimes, Muely you i nn :ce i at ilime uu I pcuniet are ihc il of fiirtune, Ti.e Cohiilit.i.i Coii.tv Ilink cn ah w e-ry nun tlut this is true. AvaTempU, I'ytliian Si-teis, and Avon Lode, Ku'nuta ol i'ythiii', and a num ber of their f , lends, making in all ajyarty neatly fifty strong w-eut to Kidgefi-ld Uat Thutaday nunt to enjoy tie hos pitality ol Uke View Lodge, lv. I'., and Incidentally to help destroy the atraw bsrry crop of Clark County. The trip was a success In every particular, fhia strawberry fee I has become an aumia! festival, ami the St. lU-leus people certainly hope il Will continue to hssuch Ridgefield is certainty a pro-pernnisllttlt burg, and the rcnidenlt are the kind thut place th, ir town on Ihc map. 300 Ackk Ranch to LkaSK -hirst lass dairy much. Inquire at the .Mist office boa 8AI.K A new uiisoliue launch, 5,tj hoi se power. Inquire at this ofhee. For Sai.k One Jersey cow and one thoroughbred Jersey bull. Inquire of E. .Smith, Milieu ranch, Yankton, Or. ILi alwut the Income from Inst years crops Mr Punnet? DM you save some thing from it? Dep wit something tonny and watch it grow. On Saturday last w visited tin atraw- beirv patch ol Mr. A, M. Ooodenougli, of Clatskanie. Mr. dooilenouuli lias a tract of land 10 ) by 2(H) fect. nnd his hiuse tubes up about 20 hy 30 of Unit .then lv has bbickl) rrics, lognn berries, -nd raapla-rne.. Ihc 'esi ol un siiiall t.act is in -iniwherries, mid this year he will pick s miethlug "V'T 2,W)0 boxes of first clas- berrie, for bieh be has had a home nurkcV at not le-s man three boxes (or twenty live cents, tlie herrl.s will continue to yield until lute in tho dill. In fact wc expect Mr. lodenoiigh to lurniah us with a cmie of fine berries for Columbia Uuiu exhibit at the State Knir. The knowledge that j on are prep.ircd r any eiucr.-ency glve.-i you a lucium ..i i...l..,..,i,1e mid re O 'Ct. (let tli.H knowlcilg-bv h.iv.ug n dep ,it in the Columbia County Il.irk, Time Ccr ilica c ol Deposit draw A per cent. J.'OR Sai.k -A good Sinith-l'r, miet Tyiiewriter. A baignlti. Columbia Oouuly Abstract Co. Mr. M. C. Orav has been apjioinied poHtwnstcr lit St. Helens. Us a presiden tial olllce now. Hicr vichs at Hot-LTON M. E. Church Sunday school 10 a m. Treadling every second and fourth Sunday at 11 a in I'rnyer meeting every Thursday evening at 8 p. m. Ernest M. Smith, pastor. CaiiT 1'or SAi.K-Duinp cart In first class condition, and one set alngle harn ess, both lor f'10. A bargain lor any one living on a farm. Inquire at the Mist office. Come iu and talk it over anyway, We are alwayi ghid to get ncquninted and our interests are mutual. The Columbia County Hank invites all atidmiudry, sin surely, truthfully. Time Certificates ol DepoHit draw 4 per cent, arf . e.r .!. trim for hatching. C Brown Leghorn, i B.C. Black Minorca.,; S. 0. Haried Rocna. Market eggs at market price. Yards opposite wireless station. W.C.MORLKY, Houlton, Oregon, Box 07. Full Wood . yearling Jersey bull for salt by Ci J. Larson, Warren. Closing excrciccs of the school at Chapman's ramp were heid in Hie scho d room uu Kridav ion 17th of Jun. Th" chool was beautifully ileoral by Misj May I'lirniim and ably a-o-i-de I by veiy willing pupils, abundance ol material being at bund to make the rleco ulioiis the envy of schools Ins favored. Around the walls was exhibited the work ol t! e pupil, sh win their handiwork and ti.e (roods (r, care ol tlie te tcher. The work was n in27tf J good th it utiy school mi.dit lie proud of S. It. The following vi-iurs from Scao piose witnessed tie- exerci-cs: Air Orant Watts. Dr. and Mrs. IU li drl, the Revcr end Mr. Cook, Mr. George A Farnuiu, Misses S. Liizre, Helen M. and Mildr d Khruum, ubo Miss riloiw Murker. It 1 hardly nei ssary to si ite tha- th camp wusnillv ri-prec nted. t la school room Ifcmi; filled to .v. .!ing, u la ge liuiilli. r lisii"i u to the xercie-t Irom the ouuiilc. Kciiurk.icoui,limt iiiary to MiM r'arnutn und her pupils .n lite good Work done, a ex' hited. an l the enihutiiasm clioiin by toe pupils in h ir st-hoi'l work an I the exercises to please the visitors. Among. t those who spoke were Mr. Giant Watt, Reverend Air. Cook, Dr. and Mrs. Hatfield, Mr. James McXaugbtou an 1 Mr. O. Hep worth. The expressions made were so complimentary that they m wt keep Miss Farnutn's ears tingling for some time. The exercises o' the alternom had glveti so ni.K-b pleasu J to those who heard them tl: : tbey had to be repealed in the i veiling. To make meat! a of any particular pieco reudered or to givu any names would draw an invidious com parison, as every numbet wa co well tender d. The b-llowing is the program Song, "Welc- me' School M,-uiory Gem, "Welcome" fell .ol "How the Clock Knows".. h.ilgar i'ennel 'the fchool Marm"....i. Viola Walling "A Mortiiyiug Mirtakb". Murgaiet Donnval) Song, "Scatter SunsliinB"........f-cliool " i he Old Army Coal". .Viola c'iupatrick "When rajas was a Little Hoy Kenneth Howell "What is a name"... Herve llarrette "Mouon Song Tht Wag". II asie Uuiiwoodi, Grace tlowe.l, Viola ritrpairick ami Alice D. navan. "suppose" Willaid Howell "Gratidpa's Spectacles".. Bessie Dun woody Hoop Drill, Ten Girls "A i.yy's I'ocket" Kdwatd Vea?ie Sons', "Spring Wessons"... School Grandma's Balance, Olive Duuwoody "Welcome" Uatlicriue .McNauhtou Idalogue "Ite i .Hiilen at lilue ' trace il ell, Vioia iMi.jrairick, and .iici li..uiivan. Lutile iltrd '. ...Maggie Wupalrick Dittloguo "theaick Uotl" ivniuciti tlowell, urace iioell and Viois riiu.pauick. Mis, Msscluet" Grace Howell io d t,J" Alice Doiiavnn "I'uitnigSoiig" Tim Simool. " CLL POri Piillvl ARIES. In punjuiiiico of a resolution adopted by t.io Hepuhllcun County Committee at a mooting hold at the courthoiwe In St. llcleiiK on June 21, 1910, It lu here by recommended that precinct meet inn ho held In each precinct of Culum bl't County on July 0,- ti)10, for tho purpoan of electlnR delegntea to the Itopiiblleiin Stato Asaembly, according IO ttie following nppoilioniiieiiv; Apluty y Vei-nonlii Denver Fulls Chttiskniito . .. . ; Deer IhIiukI Coble .Mniishliintl Mini Onk Point Knlnler " Mocek Snappoose St. Helena Houlton Wnrren COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE Indorets &tato Aembly but De nounces County Asaemuiy. Tlin Crmnly Cnntrai t;o)iiimlti;e lor Coltimhlii Coiinry ti'lol c.t the County Court room hint Tuesday afternoon, piirmuint to the call of Chairman Doan, Tlieiii won; eight lnnnibera of the committee pifvent, and the first htisl nesH wiik nu Rlbutlon to (111 vicancici. The full committee, as It now stand: for tho forthcoming campaign being ItH I'ollowri: Aplary--.lm-(.(i Wlhion. Veiiionla--.;udnon Weed. Heaver Knlls W. Morrbi, Jr. Clutnknnle (J, D. Sutherland. Deer iBland Jamea CultieiiB. Coble T. C. WutlH. MarnhliiiiU W, D. Calvin. Mint Cutquii- J.lbel. Oak I'olnt-Robert f'avno. Hulnler J. H. Dlbblee. ScfiipooBe W. E. SteveiiH. St. Helens Martin White, Warren A. Freeman. Mocck J, II. Doan. Houitou Chas. oraham. The Important business of the meet. Ing then came to the front in the In troduction by W. E. Stevens, of Scap poone, of tho following resolution: Whereas. Tho Stato rtemilillran Central' Committee of Oreeon has called for State Assembly of Tfn. puuncana, to be held In the City ol r-oitiana. orcKon. on Ju r 21st. vfilft. and Whereas, Columbia County, under he apportionment, of delCKates to nucta isscnibly h entitled to 25 deleeaiBS: and WheiTau, Com-blernble discussion has been and ii; belnir had an to tlie advisability of holding such annombly and the election of such delegates from thin county; and Wherean, We realize that under the present conditions the jmrty la losing prestlKe, politically, which tt ;a right fully entitled to as the mainrilv nrtv in uio Biare. an mat aome means should be devised whereby the party h:ill be harmonized In order to secure all the benefit of a majority party In Ihe Stato; and- Whereas, No other method has been siiKgeKted for the acconnilli hnient of he much de.ilred end. and that we ure 111 favor of giving this method n trial; inererore hu It Resolved by the (Jitnty Central Committee of Colum- Ida County, that Columbia Countv mo- cet-d lo select delegates to the Stute Assembly to he held In the City of oitUtiul on the 2lBt day of June. 1!10: Hut each precinct In the county elect ill legalca on each date as may be tie elded upon al this nieetiuji, auii that c. ch precinct coniiiiltteeniiiu give ten days' notice thereof, and that the num ber of delegates from each piecinct be apportioned by this committee before .lijouriiment. That each precinct committeeman, nfler tne selection of sucli deleaates. I certify the uanieg of such delcgutes to iiau committee, and that tae cummU j tee, tii: oui;h its chairman und secre : l.iiy, eenify the same from ull the dif j leient precii.cts to the State Commit- tco and to the State Assembly, j Tno.,e favoring the resolution urged that it waa not mandatory, and this lien v.-aa accepted by tht members of ,.;e comioltiue, nearly evofy one of .. uoai ilischilmed any authority to bind tlie people of their precinct. Never theless tho resolution la a clear In dorsement of the State Assembly, and does not represent the wishes of the Kcpublican voters of this county. Only one member of the committee, Mr. James Oalttens, of Deer Island, voted against the resolution, all the rest fa voring it. Tbe committee recommended that precinct meetings to elect delegates to the State Assembly be held on July 9th. Total ' 28 , J, B. DOAN, Chairman. T O. WA TTS, Secretary. Mr. and IDs. Win. Ross and family visited Portland on Wednesday last to attend the graduating exercises of tbe Washington High School. Harold Ross has been attending this school for some time and was a member of tbe graduating class, , . Dr. Ross, A. t. Stone .and Frank George attended the Grand Lodge Knights of Pythina in Portland this week Also E. I. Ballagli went up Inst Tuesday evening to become a member of the D.O.K.K, ' , Mr. Martiu White introduced the following resolution, which was unan imously adopted: Resolved, That it is the sense of this committee that no assembly be held for Columbia County local matters, but that the committee, in county matters, favors the direct primary without as sembly. Tho committee then adjourned with out date. John Rude, an instr uctor at the Hill Military Academy, ol Portland spent the past week nt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. August Ketel, in this city. Cannkiv Fruit For Sate Home canned. Ten cents per quart. Wst. KKUZIE. Bachelor Flat. NOTICE TO CREDITORS rfc In the Otinty Court of the State of Oregon fo llie coutilv o Columbia. In the Matter ol I ho Kststeot Kachcl K. l.int, (leeesntHl. All petnons liivlntr eUlms npiilnnt the entitle .f Kiiehel K Link, ilecptiseit, lire hereby netl lleit lo present tl-.e mime within nix inmtthti (rom tlie .lute hereof nt t he miles of John F. Lo. ciin, No. 4-J I Molittwk lliiiliUuir, I'ortliuid, Ore i:in, duly verified Mecir.llnc to law. This piibllenltoii Is intde by virtue of the ap poinmieul of the tnnlcrii;iie(l hs ndininlstriilor or tlio KMate of Ksehcl K. Ltnlt. iteceioteil.ln the Cuuiity i'eiii-t of tho Slate of Oregon! for the County of t'nlumhlii. Palo ot first tiubltcntlnn June SI. V.UO. WILLIAM M. LINK, AdmlnUtrntor of tho Kvlute ol Kiiehel E. Link, ileeenseU. SUMMONS for III tbe Circuit Conn of tho Slate ot Orcgcn i;olmntlii county: . W. ft. Nlehobi", elnlnillT, vs. W, A. Harris, I. M. HtirrfH and A. Kenzl, rtefentlants. To A. KenI, defendant above Uiiiuo: In tlie iiHiiie of the Hinte of (ireKoti yon tire lien-by reqitlrod to appotir anil answer tho eotu pttitnt filed herein on or before six weil.s Irotn Juno 17, 11)10. the dannf tho first putillen tlon befeof. sod if you fiul so lo answer tlio pisbtlill will niiply to llio court for tho reltet denmiHleit Li his cniiipluttit, whieh Is to quiet hiHtiilotn the tract or trrtois of iand in wed eottntv doserlhel ns tlio E '.. of tbe SK of see 21 and the M ! of tho S S ot the W i (it ee i, In t H ii r 4 w of the Willamette mertdlrtii. TuW MumtniitiM Is published by order of Hon. J. V. Campbell, Jndee oUuld court, niado oa the nth diiy of June, IU 10. C.KAIIAM CLKETON Ann Jt. H. NICIHILAS. Attoruejs for l'lalnillf. jJ K. MILLER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW , St. Helens, Oregon QR. EDWIN ROSS, PHYSICIAN & 8T. HKLKNS t SURGFON ! OR ROC VANCOUVER Washington, Properly, to exchange for Small Farm. Splendid quarter block, two houses fn excellent, conditien, bringing income ot $05 per month, located on valuable cor ner, close to Main street; value R,500. Will trade for email farm, suitable for nice home, value lo be about $3,000. Owner will take mortgage on property for difference. Address' Western Real Estate and Brokerage Co., 3rd floor Mill key Block, cor. Second and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon, Copy of Order to Show Cause. In the County Court of tho State of Ore- iron, lor Columbia Countv. I.l the matter of the estate and Guardian ship of Carl F, Uustufson, an ito-aiie person . Matilda C. Johnson, tin? Ouaidifiri of the peruo-i and e-tnte "I ('nil K Gn-tef- m -ii. an in.nriii icrsnn. biivinir on lb 'Ui .iriy of May, IIH0, filed Iter petition be'C;n, duly v.'i .l'rr, raying fur an order of hit e of tbe northeast onnrler nl i neuiion Jxeniyia) . lownslno Six (0 rih of liunite Four West ol the Wllliniiietic Merldinn in Columbia County, Oregon, the same constituting an i ne csmie oi sam insane person, lor the reasons and purposes set forth in said petition. It is therefore ordered by said County Court that said insane person, Carl F, Uuatafson. and Matilda C. Johnson Peter John Uuatafson and Louise UustaO on, the next kin of said insane person and all persons interested in said estate appear before said Countv Conrt on Saturday, the 18th dav of June. 1910. at one o ciocK p. m. oi aaia any, at the County Court room, at tbe court house in the citv of St. Helena. Columbia County, Oregon, to show cause, if anv there be, why an order - should not be made wanting to said guardian permis sion ana license to sen an tbe BDnve de scribed real property of said insane per son at private sale; and that a copy of tins oraer Dt published tor lour succes sive weeks in the Oregon Miet, a week ly newspaper regularly printed, pub lished and circulated in Columbia County, Oiegoa, and now specified by tnis court is tne proper paper in which to make eucn publication. , Ordered and done in open court at St Helens, Oregon, this 12th day ol May. At LI. 1U1U. James Dart, County Judge, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Iu tho Mutter of Estate of John Murphy, de ceased : Notice is hereby ulven that the Adminfstra tor's tittiil aoeouut In tlio matter of the Kstute of John Murphy, deceased, was tiled in tlie of llce of the Cuiinty clerk, Columbia County. Or eiroii. May 'iSili, 1010. and Honorable James Dart, County Judge of miid countv, tins fixed Ssmrday, June i. 1910. at 10 o'c lock a. m., at tlie Court House. Columbia County, Oreaon, an the time and place for hearing- objections to said A al oceoutit. if any. and the settlement thereof, Ail persons whomsoever are directed to file written objections to said Html account, if hiiv, or anv particular item thereof, on or before Friday, the 24th day ot June, 1010, at 10 o'clock a. m.of said day. (IKuliilK J. I'KKKIN.s. Administrator, address 3U." lewis huihling, I'ortlaud, Orejron, Xlrst publication Mar 27, 1'.UO.. Lat publication June 21, 1910. ' Notice to Creditors In tho County Coiirt of tbe Sinte of Oregon, fur Columbia County. In the matter ot llie estate ol (ieoru Ub.tl, decease.). Notice is hereby mven by the iiiidetsii:i-.c.l, tbe administrator of the estate ol tleorLi Jllott. deceased, to tbe cieii'tors of, and nil o -r sons liflVliiK claims acniiist said esl.-ile, o, pre sent them with the priurer voucher u-Hhlti sit mom lis from tbe tint.- of this notice to tin- sui.l ndmiiiis'.rsrnr, at the law otliee of Diltiud liay, at Wl. Ileiens, I'oluml.i.i County. )reu tit (ho same behiu the pln-e l'r tho transaction oi ol the biisio.-ss of s.iol e t;;te. Han d June 3rd, i'.'pl, ' VICTOR C. ill.OTT, Administrator of thu estate of livoi-e liloit, deceased. Notice to Creditora Children's OXrOPDS STYLE - FIT - WEAR Nifty Ankle Strap Pumps. Neat, Dressy Oxfords that can not be beat in the City. Come in and we will prove to you that we have a line that combines low price and quality. How abont the Btyles we have pictured here? They don't make them any neat er. The prices range from $1.95 to $3.50. Tim fin --Last Process is used in making FOOTSCHULZE". "MAIDWELL (womens) .N.uire ir hereby uivi-n tloit the u:i.;ersii;li" lias t'ft-u iippoluti-d by tbe Couinj Cottrr ol Uie siai.e of orcunn aiiministrtitor of tbe estate oi C. W. Johnsou. deceased. All persons havintz eluims aj-ainst said estate are required to pre scut Ihem to me, properly verified as nqitfred by law, at my orllce lu St. Helens, Ori-Ron, witnin six mourns irom tne aate nereor. M. t. SIILLER. Administrator Ol the estate oi C. W, Johnson deceased. Date of first publication Apll 15th, 1910. Notice of Sale. In the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for Columbia County. In the matter of the estate ot Theodore J. Kckerson, deceased. Notice is hereby given that hy virtue of an order made and entered by tbe above entitled court in the -above entitled matter. 1 will on and nfler tbe lsih diiv of June, 1910, oiler lor sale and will sell at privatesaie, to tho persons oileriiitr the highest price, for cash, all of the riht, title and estate of the deceased, Theodore J. hckersou. of, in and lo blocks sixiy-toiir and sixty five, ol Ihe Cily of St. Helens, iu said county and stale. J. B. GODFREY, Administrator of the estate of Theodore J. Kckerson, decease. Notice of Final Account. In the County Conrt of the State of Oregon or uoiumota county. In tho matter of the Estate ot Luclnda Wiin chard. deceased NOTICE 18 HJ2I1EBY GIVEN that E. E. Quick has liled his final account aa execu tor of the Estate of Lucinda Illanchard, do oeased.in tlio County Court of the State of Ore cm for Columbia County, and tbe Judge of said court has splinted Saturday, the lath day of July, iviu, at roe nouroi m o chick a. in. as me time, nt the court room of said court In tbe city of St. Helens, Colombia County. Orejron, for the Hearing oi objections to ancn nnai account and the settlement thereof. R. K. UI H'K, Lxecutorof the tstate of Luclnda Blauchard, deceased. Notice of Sale of Real Eatate. In the County Court of the Slate of Ore gon, for Columbia County. In the ina'ter oltbe Ustnte and Guard ianship of Donald Keith Carr, a Minor. Notice is hereby civen that in pur suance of and by virtue of n liceneeduly issued anil miide by the Comity Court ol the State of Oregon, for Columbia County, on May 14th, 1910, in the matter of tlio eslato mid Guardianship of Ootvald Keith Can , u minor, author sir g li censing and empowering the guardian tliereol to sell ell the real property ot said estate at private sale, the under signed, the guardian of said estate, will sell at private sal , to the highest bidder, forca-Utn u. S. gold com, 10 per cent to be paid on Hcceotnncn of bid an. I balance on confirmation of sale by this court: or 25 percent if the purchase piiie in ca-h und Intlnncn st-cnied by mortgage upon toe property, from aud after Saturday, tho 2Gth day ol June. 11)10, continuing said sale until all of said real property lia.s been sohl, nil the nclit, title, interest and estate ot the es tate of the said Donald Ivtiih Cuir, a minor, iu and to the following describe I real property to-wit an undivided interest in arid to the following descri ed real estate: The southeast iiuarter of the southwest quarter of section three (3); lots three 18). lonr (4), live (5) nnd the enst )i ol the southeast quarter, and the nortnwost quarter ot llie soutneast quarter, and the east half of the north west quarter, nnd the northeast quarter of section ten (10); lot one (1), lees a strip 80 rods long and 40 rods wide off the east side, gold to IMvinu lI. Uonsor liv deed recorded in Book X. page 114 of Records of Deed a of Columbia County , Oregon, in section 11; lots two (2), three (3), tour (4) ami the west hair nr the west half, leas about 'JO ncrea oft' the south side heretofore sold to Fred A. Jennings, in en id section 14; lots one (1), lour 14! anil live 16 in section 15. all in township ibree 131 north, range one 1 weBt, of the 'Willamette Meridian in Columbia County, Oregon, containing 807 acres: All bids to be directed to the under signed In cure of liillaid and Day, St. Helens, Oregon. Dated at St. Helens, Oregon, May 19, 1010. , ' ' Mrs. K. B. Cahh, Guardian ol the person and estate of Donald Keith Carr, a minor, Date of tjrst publication May 20th, 1910. '..,,. . - . ,, a, 'The reco&nized shoe leaders In the making of the ordinary shoe the last is removed when the heel is put on the shoe is wrenched it loses shape and tset" . 'One Last PrOCeSS means the same fast remains in each shoe from start to finish of its .. construction. Permanence or shape results. Toot. Schufze & Go's guarantee" with a -40 years old reputation you. 3 JTifyi with a 40 years old reputation Al i Men '8 Cool Shoes, Canvas Tops, Leather Bound, A Good, Substantial Sole. They'll rest your feet price $1.50. Jas. Muckle & Son St. Helens, Oregon NrJ fr s. irT t 3K CS rl. T 1WALK-OVEE LP i Pa te$a Emm assesses mm fM Advertisino; The Walk-Over scheme of advertising has" 2 m always been to make the shoes themselves do the lo"dest talking. For 36 years the manufacturers have tried to make each pair of shoes leaving their plant tell of Right Workmanship Real Value Rigid Inspection For that reason we take pride in selling and you can take pride in wearing the Walk Over Brand. $3.50..-$4.00.-.$4.50.$5.00 1 WHITE & ANDERSON HOULTON, ORE. MAY 1910 Johnstones Syrup Sarsparilla Combined with Iodide of Potassium, Cascara , Sagrada, Yellow Dock, is an ideal Blood Purifier and Tonic $1.00 PER BOTTLE r y r c iteming s urug otore st. Helens, OR. fc