The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 17, 1910, Image 2

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    Tie Oregon Mist
Entered at tb PostolTice at St. Helens,
Oregon, us second-Class rami maner
Issued Evkrt Friday By
Editor and Proi-riktor.
County Off icia
Subscriptiom Rates
, One year L
,i . RJ months - .W
J (, Advertising ratet made known on appli
cation. Lejjal notlcei 25 cento per line,
Circuit Cotmr Officers:
r i7.irn THutrlct Tudee
J. U.' CampbelK.'..'..! District Judffe
B. B. Tongue Diatrict Attorney
fames Dart, Juris:
W. A. Harris, Clerk
Martin White, Sheriff.
..St. Heleni
.-St. Helens
..St. Helens
W. K. Tichenor, Comm'r...
H. West, Commissioner
E. K. Quick, Treasurer
U.W.Clark, Assessor
J. H. Collins, School Supt....
O. T. Prescott, Purveyor
Frank Sherwood. Coroner.
..St. Helens
..St. Helens
..St. Helens
Those persons who are finding
a great deal of fault with Re-
Dresentative Hawlev for not in.-
surging around in Congoess
wonld have been pleased, no
doubt, with the results or rather
want of results. What wouia
have haDDened to the Ooegon
City locks appropriation and the
Siletz bill, for example?-Ore-
Its a rather interesting quest
ion. Were the measures referred
to meritorious ones, or were
they merely local grafts, passed
as a reward for Mr. Hawley s re-
gularity? Is it to be understood
that hereafter any measure in
the interest of the people will be
turned down by the regulars if
introduced by a representative
who has the temerity to oppose
any feature of an adminstration
measure? If so, the, growth of
insurgency will be very rapid.
The Congress is supposed to be
the law-making body, but of late
years the administration seems
to have usurped this function
and those who do not cheefully
accept administration measures
are to be branded as insurgents
and their constituents are to
suffer for their acts. There has
becu quite a lot of this kind of
talk, but it does not seem to
have frightened any one. As a
matter of fact the advantage to
day in both Senate and House,
is with the iudependent members
and their every action has been
in the interest of the people. By
opposing the railroad administra
tion bill as introduced they se
cured many amendments in the
interest of shippers, so that the
bill when placed upon its final
passage received the vote of all
the Republican senators and a
number of Democrats. Such
work commends itself to the
voters of the Republican party
and the administration will gain
nothing by attempting to punish
men who are doing good service
for the people, nor is the Ore
gonian aiding the Republican
party in Oregon by its new born
Thin question crops up now and
again In the public press and runs its
course through the columns of the
metropolitan dailies, even as a dose of
measles. Each reader of the paper
constructs an answer which will in
clude himself and thinks he has solved
the problem; or else he gives vent to
some high-sounding statement such its
"that any man who is a virtuous mi.n
and a f?ood citizen is a gentleman,"
and looks' around for the
which seldom fails this appeal to the
Yet every one knows what is the
thing which Is meant when it is stated
that such and such a one Is a gentle
man. It is a saying in the South of
this country that it takes' three genera
tions to make a gentleman, which is to
say, that the breeding of any man de
pends upon the education that he has
received from bis mother and, natur
ally, her breeding in a great measure
depends upon that which she was
taught y her patents.
It is easy te be a good citizen If one
lacks the temptation to be the reverse.
It Is easy to have nice manners If one
has been brought up from childhood In
that way. It Is easy to be polile to
one's inferiors if the speaker is by
birth sufficiently removed from them to
think It unnecessary by rudeness' to
show his superiority. It is easy te be
Honorable if the society In which one
was reared Iirb fastidious feelings in
that regard. But if these advantages
have not been possessed then the pari
of the "Broad Stone of Honor" is dif
ficult indeed, and honor is Indeed due
to him who shall keen the narrow wav
This Is to say, to be H"geiit)eman"
means birth, brooding and education, a
knowledge of the minutiae of Boclety,
un outwardly chivalrous atntude to
women and an outwardly nnselfUh at
titude toward one's neighbor. Any
man possessing these qualifications has
the "open sesame" to the magic' coves
of society. If ho has them not he
hath not the "wedding garment."
Nevertheless, If the possessor of all
I his small change has not the true gold
of a manhood he may find at noma su
prams moment that after all he has
J D and N Baker to Jas A Bay
land in 34 5 4 10
Same to same, land in 84 5 4 . ... , 50
B P Crouse to W A Ketei, land
in aw or 4 41 60
M S Dippold to J and E Gard
ner, ne or 11 6 3 1800
W B Dobellbower to Bainier
Lumber A Shingle Co., lot 5
blk 87, Moeck't ad to Rainier. 1400
Q O Engelke to John Pearson,
120 acres In 21 4 4. 10
C L and M Hastings to Geo W
Vogel, blk 12, Dobbins add to
Rainier..... 183
J B Godfrey et al to FA and C
E George, lots 6 and 17 and
part of 18, blk 17, St Helens. . 2500
A A Hosford to Wm II Franklin
lots 0 and 10. block 6, Blanch-
ard'a ab to Rainier 10
Jas Kennedy to O and M Trostle
75x75 Dobbin's ad to Rainier. . 600
EM and W H Kyser to J W
Thurston, e bt sw qr and w hf
se or sec 168 825
A R Levenei to S E Mclntire,
sw or ne qr. s bf of nw qr ne
or. sec 14 7 3 900
0 and E Lewis fo Rainier Trust
land in Rainier 1
F J and J Malcom to A E
Thompson! land in North Clat-
skanie 550
M G McSweeney to Thos and G
Can ill, one acre se qre sec 19
65' 40
C W and J Mellinger to Jas A
Ray, e lit sw qr and w hf se qr
see 27 5 4 10
C A and A L Mills to Thomas
McPaniel, lots 2 and 3. block
3 Vernonia 100
A C Miller to West Oregon Lbr
Co., sw qr lie qr sec 29 7 4 10
C 6 and Morand to EE Mclntire
ne qr se qr 14 7 3 900
E O and II Moll to D W Fisher
swqr32 9 2 100
M W and W E Newsom to Nel
son Churchill, 75x75 feet in
Rainier 100
B and T W Nordby to PaciBc Na
tional Lumber Co., land in sec
16 7 2 1
United States to Caleb M Rie-
man, sw qr sec 32 4 3
B and O Oftelic to John Pearson
755.14 acres in sees 3 and 6,
6 5 10
Oregon Wood Company to John
Hober, lots 3 and 4, see 35 5 1,
except 6 acres lying south of
Milton Creek 1250
O M Price to H M Price, se qr
nw qr and ne qr sw qr sec 28
44 1
C M Rfeman to J T Alexander
and F F Berry, sw qr see 35
4 3 100
E W and L A Ring John Pearson
755.14 acres, sees 3 and 9,
6 5' 10
FP.E.M J and W M Ross to
Louis Nelson, lot 7 block 2,
Columbia Park 100
E, M J and W M Ross to Fannie
P Ross, lot 20 block 5 Colum
bia Park 10
F P, E, M J and W M Ross to G
M Ketel, lot 19 block 4 and lot
8 block 3 Col u mbf a Park 200
R and R M Shepard to Anthony
Hardy und )i interest in e hf '
of sw qr of se qr sec 10 6 2, lees
Right ol Way;
A IM and L Stondall to John
Pearson 755,14 acres sees 3 and
and 9, 5 5 10
J W Thurston to R L Rucker w
htseqrsecl 6 3 800
E L and A I Thompson to W A
Andress, W E Clark and H C
Ward, trustees, lot 10, block 1,
Clover Hill 60
A E and J F Watson to James
Dart lot 5 block 50 St. Helens 875
B ank Wm Werthes to C R Hall-
berg and Geo E Lyherg, e hf
lot 2 block B Rainier 1405
Copyright 19- by Outciull Ad'cniilrif Co., Ch0
St. Helens, June 17,1910
Dear friend :
Tea is good if you get
good tea. You can get
good tea if you go to a
good grocery. Tea makes
you think because it makes
the blood flow faster. It
makes you feel good when
you are tired-good tea.
We buy our tea from
The whole family likes it.
your friend
P. S. Wellington al
ways has the best of ev
4l ..BS
Do it anywhere you want to and in your own
way-BUT CELEBRATE. Make a gooa oegin
ning by purchasing one of our new
An Exhibit of Columbia County Roses
Clatskanie, -
Admission to Rose Show - - Free
Grand Entertainment in
Prominent Speakers. Gyand Civic and
Athletic Celebration. Ball Game.
Launch Regatta. Athletic Sports.
Special Rates on
Mist and Orepian $1.80
r TO
Chicacro . . , -
Omaha !
y Kansas City
I?" St. Joseph I
P St. Paul I
r St. Paul via Council Bluffs
B- Minneapolis direct....
Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs
W Duluth, direct
lr Duluth, via Council Bluffs
St. Louis
E. Tickets will be on sale May 2nd
24th; July 5th and 22nd;
Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs
within limits in either direction. Final return
limit within three months from date of sale, but
not later than October 31st. One way through
California $15.00 additional.
Inquire ofanyO. R. & N.Agt.
. rw .
And when it conies to Gents' Furnishings we are there
with the goods. That's our business and we only want
you to give us a chance. Don't stop at a new suit-be
dressed up It will go a long way towards helping you
to enjoy yourself. And don't forget that you can't look
and feel the best in the world without a pair of shoes
that are the real thing, and that is why we always
carry the best that there is. Try the Dougherty Fithian
College Brand, There's a lot of satisfaction and com
fort in every pair.
A new suit and shoes call for a new hat. You never
saw a stock of hats in a General Store before like the
one we carry. Genuine Panamas and Stiff Sraws, Soft
Felts in all shapes and colors, Stiff Hats, English
Knockabout Hats We have them all and the pricos are
- - Oregon
the Evening ... 25c -9
A. & C. R. R. j
$72. m k
63.90 3
670 g
and 9th; June 2nd, 17th and
August 3rd; September 8th.
for More Complete Information
....... . 3
General Pattenger Agent
Small tract of Laud For Side 1'ive
ten, fifteen or twenty acres. All Kod
fertile land and easy to clear About
two miles horn Houlton. Watered by a
stream that never goes dry. School one
quarter ol a mile from the place. Mai
route and cream wajion passes every day
Inquire of Wm. Skutic, Houlton, Oregon
. Attorneys-at-Law
Practice, in any Court, Stat oi
Federal. Next door to court bouts
Leaves St. Helens 0:00 A. M.
Arrives at l'ortliind 10:,'K) A. M.
Leaves Portland at 2:M I'. V,
Arrives bt. Helens at :.')0 p. M"
Notice of Final Settlement.
Nolle .hereby given Hint It R. Hom.t, ad
numerator ol the i,-tHt ol (I H. Fo-fr ,...
I the matter f mm ...mi,., lh i-,umy i:,irl
"I (.oluiiihla County. tlriKnn, anil lli'u .Ri,i
' 'nm I. ll. Il, Monflav, July II I 0 at I . A
i M., an the time, ami th.. .,,,. .
iV ' ";"" ' l'l' for lh hearlliK
of bjW'l Ion,, ir .my. to , r,,r..jrt nn. m, I
Duteil lit St. HoleiM. Oregon. 11,1. jnt. 0 ,Jl0
T. I)Kley; Attorn.y. "
Notice to Creditors.
CKUio lire require.! to ,ri.wmt the ..
Within nix tnonthn from the
...... ....nun... .-.xeemor ...
Lyman Merrill, .leeennctj.
latel Mny nth, vtvi.
Iho eninto of
Notice of Sheriff'. Sale
'.'V virtue of exo-
. i ..1 "li "1'ier nut
Jiff, n KTKS Sr EIKnM
. Jli.zen, J. if, WellliiKi,.,, ,11,1 i, i, 1
tliO!.,...,,..! ,!..... . J'-'K""-rit nutUUM
tlie alKve-iifi
i Hiid Loiiii
1 tht-r urn
' of IIW a. tt,r,;' if,,' ni'.l the'eoiu
And rliftli
He a, 1 er" t" K ''"T''' "" ' V
Notice la hereby vlvvn Ibnt Iho iinili mlt-m il
hn.bcen Wolme.tby the County , ,r ,V
hUU, of on-yon lor the Cow.iynf ("in 1
executor of the of i.y,,,,,, Merrill ,1,.'
1 neerce iMiierl ,mi
. . .c.,.mm.,oiirtof the Mute ol Orcioii .
he County of Colimibl.1,1,, , ,
tbe7th , y ,.f j,,,,,., ,.j,u wiu.Wln , ,,, f ,1
i'n'TiI'i iL2-'i?5L . ."""lie!;';"
It WAN rn
l'""l'la'..., Oregon. K, i 'or' ,H, i, Jh'T,1
im may be neeeMwrv to Hutlr ..
foreeli,l, exee, t herli ht to L.'t'""
vhlc.lbv iLw ' '"onifiii to reileom an .,ro.
fay of July, mo, at the h'o n ' i., ! ''h
the forenoon of nil, I ,!, n' ,i, V,, 11 k '"
rSr HiiioN wwk no. ":ia, a m
A M Meel.lHtHii-UM Hnlut'.ly In
cell month. VWtii'K Hrtrthm cor
dliillv welcomed. V W Cl.u k, Ms-
trr; K. K. Quirk, Sa-rol.iry,
iTuVLWN CIKCI.B NO 47H, Woiiwb o
Wwderull, meets Hie "coiiil nl
fourth Tur.l.iy tilternonn of each
!, t Houlton, Ot. Minnie
Morlcy.-tiuiirdllin Neither! Anim
Vn tlKlUi Clerk.
" court unity no.
7(1. V. ot A.
Muets evtry Friday
tilulit In K. of imuii.
8t. Helens, Oregon,
Visiting brothers wl
Willi!, , .
M. H. Miller, Chlel
UnnKer; Lenlle II. Conibs, nnnc''i' See.
Brolherhood ol Americmi leouien,
meets the secnml nni fourth 'e''
ncs.lny ulKhl ol euch month si Ynnk
ton.Ore. Vlnllititf memlicrs welcome.
1C. S. 1'axon, Honorahle l'oremsil,
C. K I.akh, Coneii"letit.
ST 7n t;iK In! s"c a m v, n o ' i . M
W. OK A. Meels Hist ! thlrO
K. I. HAlXAlill, CotHtil.
II. K. I.aIIAHK, Clerk.
Nolle.' U herebv nlveii tht Iho im.lrliie,1.
mo. Mgucl: .'vv'Jw'.l'iv
To The East
Mv U. June 2. 17. 24, July n,22. Aug.
3, SepltMiil'cr Hetiirii limit thrn
months, hut nut excce.linit Oct.iluT 31t.
a mi
(the noutii bank road)
Chicago $72.50 Minnpol 60.00
St. Louia 67.50 Omah BO.OO
Milwaukee 72.50 Kanaaa City BO.OO
St. Paul 60.00 Duluth 60.00
Choice of jroinK and rt'turninR
routes. StojKivers nllowed.
'North Hank" trains run through
to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Chi-
cao wiinmtt cnanKe. aamv
Round Trip katks to i-oktland
for the Hose Festival in June and
the Ilik-rnian Convention in
July will fdve your friends a
chance to come to the const and
stop off at Houlton.
Details furnished by
G. F. & P. A.
Portland Orcsron
-iff 'fiiiffi.
' Hi
r sk iv-- h va
py&f Fixtures
SEc 'aafl.
1. --Hiiit u jr' 1 111 o'w fx"
you hsve never looked
."..ivm-Muii: oaiance to your crcau
j jrci nave tne most mtercstiug of all books to reao
11 y once begin to read in your Bank Book youH
never lose interest in that book, because we'll pay yu
4 per cent interest on your deposit. You'll enjoy
seeing your money grow.
Columbia County Bank
Capital and Surplus $14,000.00
St. Hlni ftVaa
. . w va
Wm. M. Ross, Pres.; Edwin Rosa, Vice-Pres. ; Wm. M.R0
4 tx, jj. oione, ass l uasnier.
m Directors: Wm. M. Ross, Edwin Ross, James
In ttio I'oniity Court, ol the Hlatoof c.
Fi)r(i,iliiiiihla Uouuiv, ' 0ri
ItllM limltnr of lh aatata ot Tha,id .
Notice ln horiihy iIvkii lliatbr vlrtua
urilor iiimUanil eniviH I.y ttia abov.
imurt In IIib l.v,. i,t'ti;, !"'
nml atior thn ttth ,Ujr of May, Itilo, ofi..V iJi"""
ami will ll al prlvata aalV. to ll o ii ,w
f,.rln Iho hlshMl .rliw, fo, h.
rlahl, lllle ami .'!. of lh .lr.,J !',.
J. Kckeraiiii.or, III and to bliwka alai.fT!?,,r
.l.ty llv., ot Ih. (Jlty Bt. Hal,",'
vuuuty am) atat. ' ,u A
Ailmluliitratiir of Ilia MUtoof ibwdVrf V'l
oriHiu, licusaaad,
DR. R. L. Jsffcott
Oluce with Pr. Cliff. 8T. HKLk
jR.u.H. our,
ot hmjw; J2iww
In Hie Clraull tlnilrt, of th Hlila of Or..,,.
tlultlllllila ( "s. lot
Arthur Thmnaa Kobln.nn, nlalnufr
ri,:r.lla Hol.liiann. .Irlro.f.m. "' Tu
To IVarl Holiluwu, Uit atmva.aai
lolviiilam: '-"as
In Iho iiama of th Mtaloof Ontoa. roo
hrrrby rwiiilrwl to awaran,t an.w., tt,
pUlui tllr.l aiialmt you In Uio aboyt tatiS
i-mirl ami nuiao un or twfor Iho Ulk d.I w
of tin. nunc.. . ,u fall to appKr ud
..r iho .lalnUir will for th-lJuS
.,avl f,rlnhliP,.iolali,l.uUli:
i,r.u i1I.bjiI.IIii. Ik. k.M.1. ... . . ,
.... ...... ...w w..... , n.innoif i..
phi.iiou Iwlwoon lhaaluiva namxl i.l.iniiirTj
U.lvn.lalll. ami fop .....l. mk.. ...A.
Ilrf ia liioooiiit mviiii ml ami Ju,l
'I hi. auiiiiiinna I. a.,il,.Ir, ,. unl.rolik.
It.,,1, Jaiurallarl. Jo,llv ol IhaCouul. CoaitS
Columbia Cminiy.
II. (!, I.AKK. Atlornfy for nlal.uo
Dalnnf Hrt imbliratlon April , ivit
Halo f laal imblltalloii Uay IS, Iiiio,'
tHrtnirnl of th Inferior. I'. H. Un.l OfSMat
r.,nlan,l, Orraou, April Ju4, mo.
K.ill. I. k...... ..... .I... I . ..
of Kin, t'oli.njbla I'uutity, Or.n, liv, U
r..... .-i, ...... i. u,iimia. aptHlrvtloa
rUn . looiiahln 4 north, rn 7
I. H,.,lll.H I,.. ..., . . . . '. . r
....... . . .. ...... .. ...... u, iBtaanai
lu rnaka llnal oommulatlon briaif Inmabliia
claim l ttof. taint al-oro ,lwrlld, Ivfon lk
n.-.i.,., mn.t nni.,,D u, v.m. jOq Ufl
al I'orllan.l.onton.onlho I Jll. day of MavlMl,
( lalinaiil nalnoa aa wllUonan I'.t.r Httnt
on, ioro Olaoii, RUmun.l H. Millar aadjaM
... a'M,..., ... nt.t, ,n,ui.
as ( UA B. NKHRICK, Ktglaiar,
Str. Iralda
C. . Hffhkirk, It ait, r,
Iaava Kaltitordallrfaieoiil Huiula.ifmfho.
Ian. I, al A. M.. dsMtrlloa from Hi. l.,u m
nrlura. H.-turnlo. Imt pnrllaud al 2ar
M arilvlm at U flalciu al la.
Passecjer. and Fast FreuM.
Norlc le Creditors
Notlra la hrmbv alvau that Ih nu,lir,lni
haa !mi.ii ai.poiutvit. by Ih toonty Coait if
tiiv Htato of tirpffon for 1' I'uunly,
n.lnl.iraii.r of lha nMli of W illiam l a
ctHtl. Atl having- claltna aaalaal hot
..tair are rc.ioiro.1 to pre' thr aaro. proa
l voriovwi aa rr.UirMl or law, 10 on al afM
III hi llrl. iu. Ilrcaou, wllhln all moniha Ins
tho lal lino..!. at. K. Mll.l.iS,
A.liiilul.lniiorof th.ut ot Willll.m latav
lai ot ant publication, April U, UIO
olumbia Electric Worts
at the pages of Your bank-
tut publication July mh; tiJJ;
jL an, Martin White.