Smith Wants Veal Wa will Bay as fidtosre for trat-f lass pro duo. Ship br ivim Vaal IOC Fork 120 Live Hens 180 Uvt Spring Chickens, lb 20 to 22JC Eggs 23c Addrasa ntANK U SMITH MEAT CO. Tla-htlng the Beef Trust" PORTLAND, OREGON Dr. B. E. Wright Have your ath out and r-lata ami brMw done Fur out-of-town patron wa ttiosn ad brkUre work in on day if umoursr. work plats isoo $3.50 ala-Craa-.... rftTsaV. un .Jla, $1.00 SFikon ... SOcaj Caai raw J5 00 fauna tunc . 50c PrST MKTHOUS Palrtfeaa Extraction Frae wtin platra or brlrta-a work la ardrrad. Consultation Krxv You cannot a-rt bsttar pamisaa work anjwhera. no mailer kow mwi you pay. AN Work faMy Oaarantttd lor rifttea Yaars Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 3421 Washington St, Portland, Oregon Takr for at drpo and rrartsfrr to Washington St. Protracted. Hello. Barker!" said Smttkln. meet ing his friend on the street. "How com UT . v "All right. I guess," said Barker. "Seen Bobbie Sponger lately?" "Yea; Bobbie Is down at mj- place at Westhampton now. I Invited him down for the week end" "Why, I thought that waa three week ago! "It was." said Barker, "but, you know. Bobble Is an expert at making both ends meet." Harrier's Weekly. Alalac Mta Lot, Patience Peggy Is very happy. Patrice She's engaged, isn't she? "Tea, and the man she's engaged to fs cross eyed and he's looking at her all the time and no one can tell it but herself." Tonkers Statesman. Denmark's co-operative agricultural societies, to which England htrgolj owes her cheap supply of dairy pro duce, have an annual turnover of ovei DAISY FLY KILLER t-re2S ftCSA- C taO. tat coYort. cfwisv tkiti u nun. Made Ol H-ml, ip.a x rap win M tu o - Aur. C - tavd fcti. Of all Mtm m mm aar-r1 kx 3) (. A OLD BO K I ft 1M sVsUM A.. aWM-. .U BEST READY ROOFING KNOWN 8nd for Samples and Pries. Majestic Roof ing Co. tit Warctstcr tit fORTLARD, ORL Union Painless Dentists Pull Set of Teeth 11.00 Brxitra Work or Teeth without Pla'.f S3 50 to 5 Gold Crowrui SJ.50 u. Ji.liil Pore lam Crowns 13. SO to 5.00 Gold or Ponrelatn Fillinzi II. 00 Ue Silver Killinmi 50ctatt.O0 I Beat Plate Made S7.50 No charges for PainieM Extrartinjr when otKnr work ia done. IS years' Guarantee with all work. Hours. 8 a. m. to e p. m. 22m Morrison Street. Trial Bottle Free By Maui If too sailer from Epilepsy. Fits,FaiimgSi'knrs, gpasma. or hart chiidn's that do so. ajy Nw In eoretywill rrlieT them, ard all "o araarknlto do Is to aeudforaFrecTriaKi! Buttle of Ur.ilsr'i Epllop'tlolclap Oure It has cored thousands where eTerrtfting aiM filled. Guaranteed tij fT lledkal jLatwrato f I'ndrr Pure Fond and Drui! Act, June 80iti, VAA Guaranty No. ln. Please write f. r 8ic:a.Fxee 'i BotU and eive A G K abd com p'ete ajdtes Oa. W. H. MAY, 548 Pearl Strat, New York. C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondeful man has made a lifestiidy of the properties of Roots, Herbs and Barks, and ia friTinfc the world the benefit of his aervlcea. No Mercury, Poisons or Drugs Used. No iMa&i Operations or Cutting Goarsntaas to cure Catarrh. Asthma. La nr. Stomach and Kidney trouble, and ail Private Diseases of M n and Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Jaat received from Pekin, China -safe, sure and reliable. U. Jailing in Ha works. If yon cannot call, writ for symptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cants in stamp. CONSULTATION FREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 4214 Fas- K UIU. Daaaatl. STV. TEETH l iJi J gn 'V'.tMrry:- WE WELCOME ALL VISITORS ATTENDING THE ROSE FESTIVAL To our warerooms. Wo will offer special induce ments to those wishing to purchase a Piano during the Festival Week. Your railroad fare to Portland and return will be paid should you purchase from tu. Don't fail to call and get one of our Handsome Souvenirs. BUSH & LANE 3S6 Wuhuigtoi Street, Bet West Park and Jaat HlnM (op Tfcat. The visitor's host was showing him through the more or less celebrated town Hint has grown up around the Pullman shout "I don't see very much vegetation here." observed the visitor. "The soli Mm, tn ha too sandy." We raise the Juiciest melons here you will find anywhere In the world, briefly responded hla host, who hap pened to be a stiekholder In the com' pany. Cblcaso Trlhune. Hotnan will una Mrs. oinamw-a o.-i..nm syrup th.- N at rented to usa tos UeirubUdnM CaaeaMlva 1- "Colonel, don't you think, as the re sult of your observation during many years of public life, that the holding of a government position tends to take away a man's Independence and make him merely a machine?" asked the In quisitive acquaintance. 'Undoubtedly," said the Internal revenue collector. "There waa a time, for Instance, when, if you had asked me such a question as that, I shoiiW have kicked you out of my ornce, but I have become used to such thing not and don't mind them at all." Too Slow for Tkla Asa, "Qrandma, you never took a Joy rids, did you?" "Yes, child, once: but you wouldn't call It Joy riding nowaday." "When waa it, grandma?" "Sixteen years ago. 1 took rid In the Ferris wheel." "How fast did you goT" The wheels made one revolution In about fifteen minutes." 'Shucks!" Chicago Tribune Tit for Tat. 6tranger (to prominent clergyman) I enme In here, sir, to criticise, your church management and tell you how it ought to be run. Prominent Clergyman (amaaed) What do you mean, tr? How dare you? Who are you, anyway? "I am the humble editor of the pa per you have been writing to." Life. .Not Heally .eoeaaary. "We don't us wine aa a beverage, you know, Mrs. McGarvey," said Mr. Lapsling; "but It's good to have a lit tle of It In the house for medicinal pur pose. You know how grateful I am for the bottle you sent over the othor day.' To thank you In words would be merely a work of super-Irrigation." Chicago Trlhun. ttariiaalpa of Ptatacraer. His Pastor My iK-ar sir. don't you think you ought to try to come more In contact with your fellow men? Mr. Muiuoburn My dear doctor, so many people touch me every day of my life that I have keen compelled to em ploy a secretary at a good salary to act aa a buffer. Growlers. Cabby -Xo, times ain't wot they was the dignity of the perfesslon's gone Everybody wants a blooming taxi and when they've blowed "emselves 'oarse and can't get one they 'are you as s hapology. The Sketch. HOWARD t BrHTUS - A. r aad Chaml Liuir.ll,,. CUonuin. Rims'Iium nnn: lioltl. ttilvrr. Lead. tl. O.'l.l. SUtsr, k-: Gold, Sue: Ziae or fopprr, . suiliagmTrlopaa and mil prlra iih sent oa arti-at ion. Ornittnl "d rnipir aorkso liolted. ila tanmcs: Caruooata Motional Sauk. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. of Portland. Orrjruti FURNISHES HELP FREE TO tMPtOYERS Main oIKco. 12 North Second St. Main WTO: A 1405 ladies Drpt. WSH Momaon St. Mam 1(W2. A 206 Phone or wire orders at oar expense. EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN First elaaa work at mLMHiabie pricM. Free namifiatKn and perfectly littad glftaiefti an low aa $2.00 No fsak intr msthads. DR. C. 1- HAYNES Suite 427, Marquam Building Fourth f loor Opposite Portland Hotel, Portland Ore. Alcohol, Tobacco, Cocaine, Morphine, Cigarette or Other DOPE HABITS CURED I Positively and harmlessly in short time : by the new Olconeia Method. Treat- ment is not expensive tr painful. You ; need not remain a slave to your habits, j when a short stay at our Sanitarium win maice you m-e. Address OLCONEIA CO., Arleta Station. Portland, Or. NOW BEST TIME " 'ft'" 3 Jf00 usuta oo ant " s '4 flnish nT-te Anei A bridge work ! 4ae - M.OO Pain is or paiui BearnSA. St. Ulf. M. ts4srs,ttel PIANO CO. Tenth. Portland, Orrfoi aVs.-.7..iin'.aVaa ,1 Kanyon'a raw 11 ttlia post tne iiTrr Into actlrliy by geulla tuethoda. They do not scour, cru or weaaru. inry are a toast-to tli atoiuai'o, llvrr and oerra Inrlgnrate instead of Wfakon. Thvy ru rkh the blood and enable the etomat k to get all the Bourtshairiit trout food that I put Into it Toes puis contain do cnto Biel; tliey are aoothlng, boallug ud itim- tiatinr. For aie py all druggist la too nd 2 hv. If yon m-ad nirlral ad Tie, writ Munron a Poctor. They will adrlse tn the br-st of th.-lr aMIItr abo lutely fro of Charir. Ml NVON'g, a4 Sad JcsTcraoa Sta, rhUadaluhla, Va. Sand 10a for trial packasw. Well Mtaal, kat Hade. The wedding was over and the guests had departsd. when a tarrllla din broke upon the stillness. The tooting of fish horns, the beat Ing of tin pana. and the ringing ot cow bell could be distinguished clear ly, while agonising (creeche from un Identified Instrument and the diaboli cal noise produced by drawing a scant ling across one edge Jf a dry goods box contributed thi-lr share to the vol unte of sound. The bride, a young woman recently from Boston, turned pale. Harold," she said, turning to the bridegroom, "those friends of yours doubtless mean well, and I appreciate their heartlnes and sincerity, but hall consider It a great favor If you will go out and request them to dis continue their eplthalamlum. It la quite too boisterous and may attract attention. Chicago Tribune. She Waa t'rtak. Miss Mary Morris, daughter of the (ate William Morris, poet and crafts man, said at a dinner in New York "I Ilk the American tasta for its frankness. Better be frank, even If wrong. The pretty American girl was by no means hopeless whose comment on first seeing the Incomparable glory of the Tenus do Medici was, 'I wouldn't be seen dead with ankles like that!'" t'eeleaa stady. Mr. Fond Father reproved bis little son for having only 76 per cent In arithmetic "Mathematics, my boy,1 he said. "Is a very useful study, and you must try to do better." 'I thought that waa only useful for sailors," said the boy. Why for sailorsr 'Well, people on land have adding machines, don't theyT" New Tors Tribune. Waateal Small On. Customer My wife told me to stop tn and buy her a bathing suit What are your prices and sizes? Dealer W have very nice one hers that Tva sure she will like. A $50 bill will Just cover It. Customer That Is Just about the size ihe wants. How much Is it?- Springfield Union. Caalda't Staad Etaosara, The member of the legislature, of whom some graft stories had been circulated, was about to build a house. 'You will want a southern exposure, 1 suppose,?' asked the architect. No, sir," said the man; "If yon can't build this house without an ex posure I'll get another architect" Yonkers Statesman. Got the Eaaentlal Fact. Nan Te: I've released Jack from hi engagement He told me yesterday over the telephone that his rich unt il' who was going to make him his heir you know, had gone broke. Fan Did Jack ask to be released? Nan I don't know whether he did ot not As oon a he told me about bis uncle I hung up the receiver. Coalda't Fool airs. O. They were looking at a famous col lection of paintings, and had stopped in front of a "Portrait of a I-ady." Why, that's a Rembrandt!" delight edly exclaimed Mrs. Upaome. "I'm not o sure about that," said Mrs. Gaawell. bringing ber lorgnette to bear upon It "It looks to me more like a Merry Widow." aaf l,ouu but !. Village Constable (to villager, wfco been knocked down by passing tor cyclist) "You didn't ses the mber, but could you (wear to tht in?" Villager "I did; but I don't think "eard me." Punch . 1 THE KEYSTONEj TO HEALTH IS HOSTETTER'S, STOMACH BITTERS The Bitters has clearly proven, during the past 56 years, that it is an ideal tonic and invigorant for those in a weak and debil itated condition. It aids digestion and keeps the bowels open. Try it to-day. I fZ. iwht jtstn nxi wa)t? u w V lrrw ryvw pills civt one Jity Apl APPETITE 1 1 f aaWaaaaaaj Tna3 AT CURTISS MAKES RECORD FLIGHT Albany to New York, 137 Miles, With One Stop. Actual Time In Flight 2 Hours 32 Minutes-Wins SIO.OOO-Traln Could Not Keep Up. New York, May 81. fllonn H. Cur tiss flow from Albany to Now York City in an aeroplane. Sunday, May 29, winning- the $10,000 priio offered by the Now York World. He covered the distance of 137 mile in 2 hours and S'i minutes, aiut rame to earth as quietly and aa ItKhtly aa a pigeon. His average speed for the distance 54.06 miles ir hour -sur- patwes any other record made by an aeroplanre in loni; distance (light In its entirety, his Might perhaps eclipse any flight man has made In heavier thnn-air machines. The start was made from Albany at 7:03 o'clock under weather condition as nearly perfect as the most fastid ious aviator could demand. One hour GI.ENN rl. CfRTISS and 23 minute later Curtiss made his first stop near Poughkeepsie, where there was an hour s Intermission. Ke- ml v-L U . jaaaal mJl lac surmnjr his flight at 9:2b. he sped j di,,.RJK. tweause of the character southward, and landed within the i .,r.c. uf ,..,r fliai?e on tics boundary of Manhattan Island at 10 :85. i-auinans nigni irom i,onnon to Manchester, tits miles, exceeded the Curtiss feat for distance, but not in speed or in danger. The Frenchman' average was 44.3 miles an hour and below him lay English meadow land. Curtiss followed the winding course fof the historic Hudson, with jutting head lands, wooded slopes and treacherous palisades. Ke swung high over the great bridge at Poughkeepsie, dipped at times within 50 feet of the river's broad surface, and jockeyed like a fal con at the turns. Only once did his craft .how signs of rebellion .This was off Storm King . near,W,e,! nint: Whe? hlMKht nearly 1,000 feet a treacherous KUI)l struck his planes. The machino dro- ped 40 feet and tilted perilously, but Curtiss kept his head and by adriot manipulation restored the equilibrium of the machine. With his eyes and brain cleared of the cobwebs of sleep, he went with his mechanician and a handful of ariecta- tors to Van Rennselaer Island, in the Hudson, three miles south of Albany, where ho was to start Waiting at the river brink was a special train charter ed by the New York Times for Mrs. Curtiss and her party, from the train they could not see the actuul start, but those on the island witnessed a re markable scene. With the signal that Curtiss was off. the special train of five cars and a lo comotive gathered impetus and sought to follow. But so quickly had he flown that for 21 miles the locomotive, run nine nearly a mile a minute, was un able to catch up. Grain Fields Fire Swept. Chico, Cal., May 31 News has been received here of the first serious grain fire of the season, in Butte coun ty. It occurred 10 miles south of Chico, on the farm of E. Davi and ad joining places, and burned over 800 acres of ripe grain, worth about ((), 000. Some of the grain was insured. Scores of farmers fought the flam for six hours before its progress was topped. Many men were overcome by the intense heat and smoke and had to be carried from the fire, which trau. eled almost as fast as a man could run Dr. Cook After Record? New York, May 81. The mvHtorv of the whereabouts of Dr. Cook, the American will say tomorrow, was solved last night. He in in Scotland, preparing for a trip to Etah, whence he plans to bring back his records of his iscovcry and his instmmenta which are cached there. He h!bo Intends to bring back the two Eskimos who .. companied him on his dash to the Pole. UT. KAOK s oijjectivo point When k shall have recovered his records and instruments, says the newsnuiH-r. win be Copenhagen. Rice i Higher In China. Amoy, China. May 31 Thn ri,. of rice has risen 50 per cent Mnd th poor are unable to buy food. As a consequence of this a demonstration took place at Changchow. Owing to the practical failure of tho rice crop In certain of the Interior provinces this year, an almost prohibi tive price already prevails for the ... eal. A further advance means famine conditions among the teeming coolies whose principal article of food is rlco' Bear Lassoed From Auto. Cody, Wyo.. Ma 31 Wh.. . i.i brown bear paused to look at nn anln- mobile near the ranch of G, C, Rudo son at the foot of tho Big Horn moun tains today, Rudolph Rovingo, the cow boy chauffeur, holding the steering wheel with one hand, lassoed bruin as the car swept past him. The captive was dragged to the Rudeson ranch and son exhibition there, with several bars spots on his coat. FIRE DUGHT IN APPLE TREES A Brief Description of the Dias and It Cure. ly II. 8 J..'.. Or...A..KKsl f.4les I iM Villi. Fir blia-ht I the mtt rlous of H the disease, which attack the pear ami apple. It l eoiiUgU'ii disease r bacterial origin which, under proper conditions, may attack any part of the tree. Hesi.le the pear and apple, the quince, wild crab apple, hawthorn. Imtain ash. .ervlcel-erry and mj. other iH.nm.-eoU tree are subject to attack of this disease. Myriad of germ are present In all freshly blighted portion of the tree and In the sticky wio exuding from canker. The germ live almost en tirely in the py portion of the bark, though In some vigorous growing vari eties of tears the germs have Wn known to Invade the p wood to a limited extent Kire blight occurs In more parts nr less severity in .f the I'nited Slate where war and apples are grown. In Oregon lire blight has apeartl in two general localities one in the Southwestern part of the state, includ ing the Itogue Kiver valley, the other in the Northeastern part. Heginning in the spring the first ap parent damage produced by the disease in an infected orchard is the blighting of the blossoms. Infection ia brought alwtit by insects, principally bee, which have visited a case of hold-over blight and become covered with the organisms contained in the sticky ex udation, inoculating the flowers in their search for noclsr. The organ isms divide and multiply In the nectar and are able to enter the living tissurs through the unprotected nectaries. Having entered the tissues they quick ly blight the blossoms, psss down the blossom-stem and into the fruit ir. killing the tiiwuca and cutting off the leave from water supply, causing them to ihrivel and dry. thus prtaluc ing "fruit spur blight" The latter occurs several weeks after blossom in fection. In very serious case nearly all the fruit spurs may be bliMcd in this wsy tl the tree set no fruit. Usually the germ die out and do not grow into the twig or branch en which the spur occurs, but occasionally the germs may continue into the bark of the branch at the base of the fruit spur ami form a typical canker. Fruit spurs on the larger branches are a fruitful source of body infection aod man) cases of blight canker originate in r wlly Thl. Mme blight" is given to Lr urm.h.. which have been killed by th .irtr am Th Iravra turn l.l.rk organisms. a though scorched by fire and fre quently remain on the tree during the following winter. It should be noted that this color of the foliage ia rharac ti-ristic of the pear when it has bern killed during the growing season. If a grower not familiar with the war blight desire to known how the "twig blight" louk let him girdle a twig In mid summer and tch the result. The cankers are lo quite character istic, but are very variable In appear ance. The disease progresses mtt r.(,i(,y jn ,ho mU.T , of ,,u, krk ,m, ,t w.t..rv Plrsnce in the affected area. Later the tisstlva lif th. l.ark .r ... I.... broken down and the canker become tisrk in color. Ilt-sitlc the blight cankers f.mnd on the limbs and trunks, one frequently finds in some varieties of pear and Spitzciiberg apple a larger r.-"ir at the surface of the ground extending up on the trunk for some distance and down the large r,U. This condition is railed "collar rot," and may n-sull from a blight canker A tear tree when batlly cankered is easily rtvognixed at a distance in the early autumn by the general reddish cast to the foliage On the apple the foliage of twig and fruit spur blight turns brown and dry. One of the most fruitful sources of infection has been by the pruning shears or saw. In pruning, If an active ranker is cut into, the tool be come infected Mv wrlK M instruments to spread the disease. The only method known of control ling fire blight i to rut out all cases of canker wherever they apar Spraying with fungicides is of only supplementary value and the various blight cures arc Worse than useless. r.xpericncc has shown that it 1 of little permanent value to a:tmoi i,. cut out the fruit spur and ,iight they appear. Unleaa ,.... of the disease extend Into the branches on which they occur and a canker is formed the disease usually becomes naturally limited and the germ gradu ally die. The efforts of the grower should he directed to cutting out all case of blight canker and My canker during the fall, winter and early spring, when the cankers have become more or less limited in their growth and are not actively spreading;. Summer cutting is Intelligently an. plied is frequently f KreHt vnluf. particularly when, there I only a litll llllgllt. In llu, ,,,ltll,.,r, . , . I . ,, , ioe eaves fall is K0sl timu to do the cut- ting, as all cases easily observed. "I twig Mljfht sro The tree should bo particularly ex arnined for cases of the rollnr rot It la this form of the disease that cause many trees to be killed outright. In cutting out cankers it Is'neees ary that the tools bo kept rnolst with some good disinfectant. If this snot done each cut will rclnoculate the germs Into the hark at the edge, of the canker and the labor may thus, be useless. Corrosive sublimate In a solution of one part to one thousand of water has l.-en found to be the most satisfactory disinfectant. The solution is a violent poion. It must be kept In glass. Information Free to Orchrdi.l. The Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology f tfie Agri.-ultu Hl College atCorvallis, Orcg.m, wX Kind to answer inquiries relating to "sect pests or plant disease a? any time Always Include with your In quir es as full . description , f tlm trouble as posHlhlesnd send specimens for examination. Address n,.L. "! 0re7nnT,Ty,1,,nd, ,'la"t Oregon Agricultural Co)Ulue r ".' "I, Oregon. " ' - A Cough Medicine Aycr' Cherry Pcetoril U regular couth medicine, t stron. medicine, doctor medicine, llood for Cliy coucna. turd cough, despcr- no coughs. If your doctor endorses It for your cse, take It. If not, don't. e It. Never go contrary to his advice. A j ttxtm t kxfxtteiin-) iers latif Thsdose of Aver" Pill I iwsll, only one si bedtime. A ful. Uutive doses k-n.., than ratharllc dose, l ofcon. Hipsltiin, blllousnfM. dvspep!. uk. 'lOsJlittcs. ine cannot pt "'.., Ask your doctor '"""I tli'. ..t.a oJ ' - -' . SHERMAN, CLAY & CO. UrABUMUD 40 YEARS SIXTH. AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. We 5 KT HUMS our At f hurt;" !' ' j lig-ht! j W this Welliiigton 1'iaiHk- we're sollina" fr ,"78-wn easy aaurnns-.tkt we're willing to let it U I rS OM'.V MUtSMAX. It will tell Wt own .rg fo eow tn jrour Itome If you'll setkl us tU ctHimn. '(.-ot ttnJ sns full pstk uJ.i'1 fotvrnial Mt mumtl PUmt vlttt. ,Vjme ... ANGELA HOTEL Ota Ham Xoam with T 1 OTTO AV SJS WWrloa Straw ITtvata aji JtZa X U XX X rWKTLAHO, OS. Sw Wtk i' f-,fnhafc,l ta.l(a' aa.kar. st aafcwai Miltr: saavats, staaa. aat. masa aatar. pK&m tn si) Mm 4fuM aatatSAaarSsaai. Tak M Irwss UaSsa laj4, Irsnafaf Saa mat.a atrMt, Manhaii I9K Taa shaa'a Haasar. On of Ihe treasures af Ibe shah of IVrsIa la a tlUtituud st la OB of hi s. Itnllrrs. ahl. h rBlrr Its pcaMKsf ltivlD.;.U T.'inra I also 44tar wl.n the sam lir'JiTtjf. but It Is of daltir,) that t ! alio use It tboulil prrlah by It It la thrrefitra farufutty thul up In a s-tnitld Ut on which Is anrl rts Imiii the Kufas. t ti'.caan Nr A i.i'sl II. la. "I lock f iraard to having I great giid.-n this yit "You tin" Ife-us-hl .in naw vrr Ilea of sr. ! "No. but l found a man tn ths H"lghNrhiHt who own a whrlhr row, ami slit t a (troot halu." lartrolt Kr" f'tras E-.eadache "Mv fatlirt hustarm tatiffrter from sir k hrajUchr (..t Utr Ust twrnty llvyrara4 nrrrr (.,n:ul any irltrl unlit lie lagan taking y.ut latrt. hnrr he li N-gim (-king l"a airla li haa nrver Ul tlir lir.lai Uc Tbrt liair rnlirrly ruir.J hltn Cavarrts do what you Iwooirocnd tlwtn to il.. I wilt gtv "U the l-rmlcj-e ol O'ittg his name "P. M lix-kwin, IIM krslnrr bt.. W. twItaiMpalus, ImL -Ua,,ro. I'alalaW, I faaia la, t..l N..,r W -ahi , (if..a Ittr. I to, K. , ..SI ta hails Ilia . aina latitat tiut l t; t C tearart!awl la Rioucf thc cosr or ovittn useCRESCENT BAKING POWDER 25c. FULL POUND NamldicO mass ABSOLUTtLY CURES DR. WllirsNG'S REMEDIES vim reii in, , NATIONAL Ml OICINr. CO., I.TD. 422 -, Bhallev HiK., Votitaon t, Koonia J ana 4. I or land, Ol. I. APPrNDtbins KtliriCDY. II. . .i.l .,( s,,,,. 1,1,, ,, ...,. ,,,.( ? lin"?"w "' ' ""' "" " . "8i r.ciAL" Ki:MrnT. ll, Srm Hoaail. t, . t.MI, Ht,.a,M .:.:.;''.:::',', "' "'" -- erupt w,,,n ... -. . atnu mis au. rOR rRLE PREMIUM Pacific Coast Biscuit Company Haallla MHliana Ask for Their Good and FTSMt THESE i LiT SWASTIKA END SEALS THEY ARE VALUABLE They Will Secure You Many Uieful Article! Without Cost LET EVERY PERSON TAKE CARE OF THEIR TEETH b'U'vi yTHel'i' Z::nl .,,u!,",!, '-,h " '"' 10 ,i "'" I a r "r asn.rl Wi.rUmm. a,k .l.iii ... i,i, ui vrns- M .v.timt a SISS 1 at asrrmi rrwia. ara rlia" ' ICt',) OniplaiJ Flllln,, h Hears (i 10 le ti tmXit. ntivar. V a. awrrra'aaa. ann -orerlslri SOtUII Cl kl'SlVaa, Clold Cruwiis anil llrWua. fc i'tNJl V. L. DOUClii -o,la.og,3, 12.80.,. TMI tTANDARD FOR SO Y I Artt. MIuhmn af ataa waar WXtMslaaalHasska. " , wn al artiiaa, aualHs saw. (has era tka law. Eraa, as n VMM, lVB SsBi4f wrf ItMI LaalksM. k. Ik. HMH4 4aktUas! sV1M9HMelsj aa aa ia W, I- IWaaslu II fast 4,M altaM 4i taMaaa ". W...L Mjmi Sa uA s aa n,. PIPE REPATRiwn at aiaeeiskinat iSaii Hill aa) siiKuts sMaa, jFwa mm SttVt taaaaiX M.MMUTU PI SIBV. rtl T, Ilia IfSSja SaWavW, ll.tiwiai. al lf'T3TJ,--s L A iv "a lAUwst- rxwiuj want ym tu try this llano V YtH.1t mm. We want you to try It u a xn berausw the end of thirty days the Pun W, la IMSWM MfiSu 'W 1 f.wii,.. inan.,,,,! J;,i7l,r';' . i) j , '.cij ' ItSM.r will runvliie) yu of the fulWwir. facta: ' It' tit beet value on earth for the pric J (l-7. I It's MUStCAtJ.Y tui Mi:t lHMt'Allv kmiw there I so much real value la rla'Jrewf,, tailMl II hf lit. Th dar Utile irl than mi ka ami ,vlia4 II to this nwnnar i "tenure sanity up N, l"asc Widow ItarUortl N K 'ti Rllll IL t Vina, silll .r Wu Wis, Imii la tsbel Auntv Wails Than alih the lomullunu Sp!as, ot th audlanea lrtin in hef ran. sal Mt dowo In hsppr ufuio -CM Trltiuna, Whan young a iH wondsr If M III vr mt a maw h wtjl star ry; aftar h sl e!4r. aha wrfal If aha will ever on h aval'! ntarry. Jawt4 unl.urta In ahirh ana sal f ray t m4 lo ro!a of tr by esmkworli data tn Wrasial y an Knshn woman. Harness Catalog free! .W or our )W ,owv Hmm ( alalmt 'rvw, M III uw vou .V at M pr nut mns. HMim HAKSKSS tU ,Va( Ust rws4 Oasja , correct ilk spices BAftlNO PCWDll . tXTSJaCTS JIISI KHillT ctossnacntft A TRIP TO PORTLAND FttI nrf ttiTTt It. PAINLESS I)k.tTUTII Palntaaa Kslraallaa rj" Siirat ftiio.aa !T (toM riin - rw , ut., Lifr llrhlaa W.-s. U K Oauj... -nl.rrina,l-faosl4 Itaal Pl.ta aa'h . ..,.;, at.1. Till WOK IS ,. : IWl Ihrow tr isy.rwr ar. ...LZZt lata.a.M'araaafa-4. Ouf otltl all'! I'alnlaaa Mataaria an4 aur illil twatr SMit l Mf , Ot tlllW.hi r"t IWWO. .Ul 0ST0N DIMTIils, llaaHsrrlsa. fartaua tmnrnttitt UxtH.. see alia r- rs. laaJUM la 10 " aaill t as saaaan aattl II 1 10, M r-f ' P M U No. - llsar ,tj (BwaBjaaaswa rvr KM wrlllna Us ail varlUar uiaailna llils pa par UST sall.ra.aluu. tMiular prlcas wllh's w I Am Masln e Seaclal'f BrWws- Thl Is without doubt Ihs ssl llfulsns lastlns wor sriaw" iw Ul Balance, luaaaa w"on;" laalh har baan Mt I "V, 'J!LV4. so natural tkat dalaolkai Is m'Tl Ask to sae samolaa f Iam work. All aantlaU haw f from U to W rr' ,,p"r a 14S Fifth Straet Opp. Frank' Flflh-Streel E"" rn an! Usv AsawaU Alww U All v ;