I LOOAL i tt. & Horn Hull Tm, i( Wrrn 'Yankton last Humlay at Yank facor of 1H to 4, At 110 Hid I gam ma ih ii him nav any ilunlng, Hi pUrlilng of Dun too much tor limn. If u-cured lull Th gm in well ill W Warns and Yankton peoptt day Hi YVarrn lioyMiptot to it. Helen second ulna at War Mr. C. K. Wnltnvv, J, n hit Mrs. Lota O lirlta wart In thli week, attending to but Wli'1 villi tlia tti at Mm J, Godfrey. Mr. ami Mr ellvlngat HutUr, Washington by U la butlnet In Portland, b nrltnlt waking tier bow liter In Cathlamt. Poa (UkftM foot boat eqiilppml with 13 bora I Cay fc Itowsu nglu. Iloat In good eunnltlon anil coal Wall worth f 1000. (iota at ken at our, inquire at Hit laCAKATOM Sai.K-I T.aral la condition, cheap, Capacity Inquire I' . 8. IHpaln, ttt. lar'li-r and far wort, Co ton' and gat Imtb lb quality tv nt tli right prlc. hi it. Waa ku'.iiT lliuihrr Review aaya Hit rlly council ting city mi Ilia comet In the wiili vryiieiy tim mm it lhwcat. W tuppo every p'luuva iiiu. nil ami aa in Jertaluly in lb Northwest everybody taw it in Hie ulca It waa uat to 1 ag AtMHrart .ml Tru.i tompm, f, H,t Monday ,,, .lld JJJ mw fir tomrany, tob. known .. ih. HI. Wr.. VIU., lPK.r...,Im mrli!iw; Mart u Whit. i ... LI tt ft... " a vniurui : . K. Miller, Vl.....r,..(nl. f5torg, 'ligg.HreratHryi M.O. ! t Tli mmtilwn ol Ilia ilr...n,.,.H. ni . ' dlvld.d t,, u.re. c,,,,,,,,,,, ,0 , known aa CUcuilial N i it, v. , am II.. No. a. Kacb company will b ander tba cl.arg ol loraoiati, who will b appolut! by Cbt tt Hint.. Tl Chemical anil lloas No. 1 will ,ava their I'paralui In th. new City Hall when It Ucmuplaicd, and Hot No, 2 will bav uelqurtnr tmutahtre In th Lot. vlll. iii'igblxirbuod, and lb cointuuv win I. recruited Iri.tn that section. Tli next iiiwilng will l Mi.nday. Juut (lib. .ml verymxiy should alltn.1, The depart. Weill .till need a number ol members. Tbre light w.gunt tor aala che.n loqulr Jobn llavellck. rk.i.ooo-.. Oregon, Till it a good opportunity to purcliaM serviceable rig at a low Dilc Ulf John Havkmlii. Kc.mK. Jbtint. IatIIi urkTuM M. R. Cm am nt 10 a in I'reacblng ry tour l It riumtay at II in ag rttry Tbumtay rvciilng ritrt M. Hiiillh. tor. 1, Cut lint baa rrlnrl br )l C'lattkanlo actuxl wbr glit wllb Mtialactttn to lb rral jttar anb tli MM krfor Inn w may numder .Mr. Cullint among our Wdrolt. IW, dim or quarter fnm Chang now and llito tl. You want to Ij In jour oi l ag. It jauoijr lUnk help you. jMrr tttralblay, ol Olaag&w, it iter lliit tk at th it k ol ku MillCoiiiany, and will iwo million frrt from Iit fey can cirr about Ibnw and )! nd will grt th r tt o Uillvirnt plarrt ali' g the it bound lor Kircumiitlo ill In the y to a anmetbing tor Ibe I will Cum to you a It kavi:. s.wi: tv Co. ity lUnk will wlcon your I U . IW and Cm. K. Hmilh Wt, wcr milled in marriag .boiite Utt Saturday, County Dart orticUllng. Tb eon- irtiM ar Certainly well Itlieir matrimoni! voyage, i tliein all kindttil bappluei HI begin th depotit Iiabit It jy to you ti put your tpar tank , Aa y at that tltra not nemt. Th Ci'lmnti't I iyt 4ir ci-iit on Time t DrpOtit. Si. Iiuuii. cart in flrtt ii, ami one tct tingle darn 1 1-U). A bargain lor any Btt a farm. Inquire at the ,M't. Kiiuvr Wharton ol I vltiling Mr Wl rt..n'i -and Mrt 8. A. Milrtol Itilt I iKiliimn ol I'oitland, wboin foplc ariala nprclatly t, w.t ibe nrt ol Mr M Jng th putt rtk, r tbnuld ii nk a prtic rtitln xrtiun of lb iniMin H. Tut bit .avlng In ibe nnty lUnk. lb oldrti ink f, and it will Iw ready wbtn t mrt met again but Wed be flrat matter contidercd ol Ari-hilmld vt. Ilrougbton In which tb plaintiff atked lanugra. Tb cat waa dlt Klge Campholl. It. A, T. Uwi left Thurtduy vitlt with relative In jkiugioii. lotlmi hut moved iuto bit bouto on tb bill, W. A. moved Into tb relilenc liawd framj. Warren Quick, Zormick will have bit new Idy lor ocenpnnry In ita $ I. It. Kntlirrl. nl baaeti ue vucuUmI liy Mr. Morion owmlml will move into W. Sontul p.iy check r el- Coliimbla Uonnty Hank, lilt, to hnlpyou inve. Time I Depotit draw 4 per cent n. Mlta rbllllp and Mitt lienn engaged tn tench xt year. Tlio lourtll bn in engaged . I June K'th, the St. II lent Meet the undefeated Caniti nt tlmt time there will be ting. e ami Anna Quick have With Mrt. Cliff at Seaaide Mice returned on th train It that wa delayed by the and did not gel to lloulton midnight. -A new gatolln launch, b)4 : Inquiie at thlt oflice, "-One Jcrtev cow aud on t JrtHy bull, Inquir of ., diiltca rnch, Yuktou, Or, , Monty itii't tbe only ihlim th.t uikt. Quality bat a lot to aay at Wtllingiou'a. Ham t'Mima-Mlpah t.hanier ol in Kat'ern hit. I kpptart to bav It uitKulln in.HiUrt under exitlleut Cun trol . On hut Saturday evenlmr au .nii-r aiiuiicni comuiiUr i-omixwd euiir.lv ol urollura g a turlal and lunch to the Mar that will long be leuiciuU'rtd at great auo.. The early bourt ol tbe tvening wer tut in game and at uuui iu u ciwi an wti teatcu at a Iwaulilully arranged tab!, partaking ol tlrawber.iet, and rutin, ice cream, Mindwicl.et, ckt. d oolle. None ol th titter l.ad anything to do with tbe preparation of tb lunch, but they all. tud tbeir invited gurttt, rc e.orpteiit in pri of th oou.iiiittc. Tb neat-ne-t ol tlw tahln and ibe beauty of be floal di-ci'tationt wr-e etptciaily ad nurrd tiuctt ol red and whit rote were tb binam.n i and in the center a lovely floral nar. No doubt tbe brother conipotiug tb ouiiuuitlpu felt amply rewarded by tb appreciation ab.iwa for their ttt Ut, but Juat wait uu td tlw titter iclurn the compliment. Tl.e ev. nt wtrnb-red unutually enoy able by yi pietrnc of nuuilw. of former rrtidrottol our city who rre that given an oppoilunlty to meet and aciauigrt ingt with ibclr old Iricndt. II w liaveu't got it w will get It for you. That It to rmt.n Wellington can alwajrt tupply your necdt r'tatirtait " Sai.h-1 will tell cbetp lr catli, at li e Olteu hou.e, not door lo II I'. Wnikin.', tbe following n.tun-: rive doubl tieilt, with all uecnatary iHiUllug; on oeu, a ilicrrt, & toilet tctt, 4 ttandt, lllibatra, alt curlalti and tbadct, 3 tablet, 1 tola. I Ctt.k tfive and all cooking utrnr-lle. Uao, HTKWAtT. lb repreteniallveaol the P. (;, Uvey .. of I'o,tl,imi, Oregon, am for Tburtilay. i,,ay Hulur,lliy A(, l'it Klamath lull. 1. coming inetrop ollt It beli,K carefully dftnon.trated by tl'etn, taking the que.tlon from all tldt-t. They are now nt the St. Helen. Hoiel, In 8t. Helen and hi lloulton , n,er rom, Uom ,,, w, I by way of the A. & C. railroad toward luler, making Hop at all the placet of proinlneni- along the line, Th.t tbe Popi. think well ol ll.it prop..,it0n eing prominently demonttratcd by th ytbattb Portland and other large City Dalle art uklng up tbe work of punnaiiiiig thlt, the other Central wregon propertle without tollcllatlon I.tt Wedneultv Mfternoon I. C. Wlk. trom & Son' mill near Scappoow had to eioK aown on account of fire narted bv .. oiieoi i ne donkey rnginct. No grin iiimwr wat injured, bnt It took teveral miurt oi nam Hglitlng to tav th mill ami buililingt. Mr.. C. W, Hlakatley and Mr.. W. K HeiloM are oJ.iurnlnK at Beaaidn, REAL, ESTATE. rolliiwiug are the trantftrt of real estate monlcd m i le county clnrk' lat two week in May: THE INCUS PLANT BURNS. Fire Dettroyi Properly Valued at About $75,000. yi. s 5K 'A, Mr. F. A. ticorge baa purcbated tbe tiwllrry plane and will mak bl future borne there, Tli J It on of tbe moat thtly rrtidtnee in lb city tud will mak Mr. and Mrt. licorgc a betutllul bom. Mr. and Mrt. C, C. Matten and daughter Hemic paid vitit to lb inclropollt on Wetlnenlay but. Mrt K. Co wtt a l'ortland vititor tlrtwitk liave Kay of Natal hut been doing ury duty hero thlt week. It you. lout buy Devi Paintt. you ilonl gel tbe bett. A complete line at (icrdet, OatltPtlk. Cleaolnir and pitting of ladle' and uentlemen' ilothei done at the tt. Itrlent Steam laundry. mSTtl The steamer Stanley Iolar, ol tbe tkillur Line, rnn iloan th lull Ut ol Louie, Iverton lt Monday evening ami Idtal accident wat etcaed l-y a narrow margin, Iv rton and hit boat puller, f.u Ittwortb, w.re trotting the riwr in lvcrn't launch near tbe bilht boute, d at it wat In tbe middle ol the day It t bard to imagine any excute for the vAturr hiilimr till) mull boat. The Uiim h wat ttrui k aquart'ly undaltipan I it In two at rlcan at It wuhl le clout with a taw. Kiltworib tei-uinl a goon hold on the lore part ol the boat, wh.cb lloalrd and but for hi help Iver-on would bav drowned. They wete boih pulled out of tb witter by J. II. Micldon, bo wt near by In the Watp and a he a cid nt. Tb b. ngm.. ami net arc a total lota. IkteUall next Sunday. The O. R- & N. IU..HI, of I'oitlaiid, mid the St. lljlcnt lliie. The O R S S. team, of Portland, will . . ... . .i... i i mrel defeat at the nanut oi mo ball tottera net Siiuday. The Columbia Contract Coiiiiuny' rebuilt boat, '.be Triumph, came uown lib two bnmea Tuetday, with Captain llertrand In chrg. The llrtt pupil of Ditlrlct No 0 to finltli the Kighl bOrade 1 Ml Ague nonteroi Kauviet Itland, who ptiwd at the rtwcti1 examiuaiion. 8kwino Maciiink for SAtK-Itiquire at thla i ITicc. 1'ulnt, ollt, varnUb, nail, "bell bard t.-1... .11 b.,,.1. builder' material nt th store ol Ji". Muckle & Son. 'For (?ai.K A good Smith-Premier pewrlter. A bargain. UoluuiDia County Abttract Co. Kvorytblng for everybody nd t the ight price. That la the reawn ou.iuc it good at Wellington'. Oet the bett and tave money WellliiBton'i ciittomert about It. nil know For 8aIK Kgg tor hatching. 0 S. Srown Legbornt! 8. 0. Black Mlnorc! 0. Inured Roc MarKei eggt market price. Yard oppoaiie wireiet. tatlon. W, U.Mcjici.,, Houllon, Oregon, no vi. Why pay more? Wellington bat It for 1M. The Or. gnu Lumlwr Comimny't plant at liiulU i i dvttr.iyed by fire at about 3:18 p.m. Tiiftlty, And with it went I other hnildlng and nlioul on mil. lion fen of luiiibi-r i he lota. Inaiead of Id-lng.f-HW.OilO. ttatinl In the Eve - K ii ieiiraiii, in not earee.! one third of that amount and It expected to total nbont "."i.llciO. The fir origiuatd In th enjiin r.tjm duiiiu th ubwi.ee .f i Iih flr-iiieii, mid lit cute it unknown. A to whether tb plant will be rebuilt cannot now t. ..ld. The Hood Itlver people, alio pp-nr In have cbaiseof the corporation' concern In Oiegon, K expected lo ba at Ingt: ye-U rlny Iliey will ici-orl lo lieadquaririi at Ogdeu, t?iub, where the dec lion will be made. Tbe only canunhy iluring tbe tire b ip en.-d to the engineer, ho had lilt bead burned by a tttniu jet while trying to get the steam pump to woik-log. For Sal Three choice lot in St. Helen. Choli-e bearing fruit tree and other m I fruit, new 8 -room boute, new wnodtht'd, barn, 3 blorkl from Co lumbia itlver. $ 1700. Hall down, bal ance on time. A bargain. 4-fi-l I John Rcuhns, ST. HELENS 3i RAINIER 2. ol Atk They The wore le'la tb whol story. It wtt pcacb if gtui and leloili(el to n)b dy from the Hart until the latt man wa om, Tbe t art waa lovely and it l.ked a thoughtm Iik'jiIi were going lo tiaVf it a ea a tin- bav had mott of t ir ya.uet title tea-on. Thur.ton wt retired, Hummer to I awt, and long fly to Auttin and one to Owent ended the inning, Auttin, McDonald and Camp bell rach led oft with a bit aud every Ixidy wat bappy, but the way llairgin bandied La' grounder, And m ight Auttin at I lie pla c gaveThuralon I chance to catch IvJ at th fir.i tack and m ike Ibe flctt double 'hat hut been puli d off on tbe local ground tbi yeai'. Summer truck out and ruded tb iv ing. In the fourth Jo Brough turprited everybody by knocking the ball over tbe right field lencw. Doty followed with A hit, took tccond on an err.r, and came home ou I'M Ilrough't bit. And Hint wat all that the vititor got. Only -me man reachud tb fi'tt tack thereafter. Campbell took firtton Dlor.iiii't error in tbe fifth, and when be getton it it jutta well to count o:ie more. Ic4iita bo can ileal all tbe three bate if he. hallo. And til t time wat no exception In the drat half of the ti itli dnipbell went into the box, Auttin took bit place on third and D.akkx wmt Into ccnterficld. Iu the tail half Dapuit took Grit on Welch' error, ttole tccond and Iblnl. and came home on a panted ball And it ttood two and two at the brginning ol ih cirth, and everybody wat predicting extra inning. Brakke wtt out, Ilnggin to Welch, but Auttlu mtub firtt on Patterton'a errir, atole iind a .d got thir I on Tiiuit'on't bad throw. McDonald laid down a pn tty bunt and while llaitgln and Ed Brough ere iquabliling over it Auttin tbd borne, fjimi-bell wts certainty the right man In the right place and denerve rote ol thank from Si IWen. Morton' work bchinil the bat wat atxive reproach, and be lto secured two hit Owent, Hrakke, Auttin and Terry each pulled down a bnrd cbunie In ouifield. Following it tbe tcore iu cb'tail: ST. Hki.kn. A i-tln. cf. 3b .. Mclto ld, .. Campbell, 3b, p I.uwii, lb Summem. 2b . . Owen, If . . . . Perry, rl Dnpult, rl . .. Morton, o llriikku, p, cf . ,. All ..ft ..4 ...'J '..4 ..3 ..4 , 2 . 2 . 4 . 4 FO A 1 I 2 1 8 1 2 0 1 0 2 Total Thurston, e tUnttnlll, 3b .... loe llrotiith, II... Dotv, cf llKln. i;d liroorfi, rl, lb Welch, in. Pattnrtotl, 2b 8 lUtNtKR. 3 3 3 3 7 27 7 3 Morrison, at ! 0 Total 31 3 4 25 13 8 Next Sunday the St. Helen nine will play the O. R. N. team of Portland, and a thla team it uppoed to be one of tbe boatiemi profeaslonal club in the tate a good game It ntured. Rainier and St. Helena will tangle np again ou July 4th . . . . 1 ..! !... Tat at Rainier a mg i.'ciuuiw.u. hop- the reult will be the tame at la.t Sunday. . ; , Plants Dkmvrrkd Tomato, cauli flower and cabbage plant 10 cent per doxen, In any qu.nilty. Delivered free on Warren R. r. V. oenu oruer. iu L,w Dii WAntn. ofhec for Hie I' C lloyti n to Geo W Vogel. land in NIC ',, Sec 2, 0, 4..$ May liiildttiii to . ir 'i rcc Lbr -Co, iiiul V,, S y Mi & E Vi SIC Vi Sec 2. h. 2 V Burton lo Geo Koncnbooni, Mi u SIC 'A. Sec 34, 7, 2.. Dean iJlaticliiird to Jerry JCver iiinn, !ih :t tk 4, blk tt, lilutichnrd' He'll to Rainier. A C lliihh to las ICIwood & Ii M Snow, WM of Sec 3.1, J A J &"k"a CanpbclY'to Sarah A Schoonovcr, 2.1x100 ft in Sec 4, 4, I...,. D1C Carter to C L Wcl burn, lit 7 St S, blk 7, Klancltard'i ndj to Rainier Columbia & Mi Ry Co to Peninsula ,br Co. land, tim ber & K. R C F Crank to I. aura liverman, lit II & Ii, blk A. lilanch Mnl't add to Rainier Ii E St II I. Crosby to John Pease, SW t t,f Mi '4 & NW Vi of Sli 'A. Sec 1. (1.4 W Ii St S H Uillard to (at (1 Dennett, It 4, blk , St Helen C II Si A K Fcldtnan ct at to I'ir Tree l.br Co, und j Mi A & Ii V, of S Src 2. 5. M C II Si A K l-elilman to Fir Tree l.br Co, W SE , Sec 2. S. .1. exceot limber.. 0 S Foster to C C Jlovcn. water front nr Goblc Si M C Gray to If Ii & A L I. a Hare, Its 5, fl, 7, g, 0, 10, II. 12. 1.1. blk 7:i. St Helens K C Si W F. Ilette to John Pearson, Sli 'A, Sec 4, 5. 3. St M C Hill to the City of Clakanie, 50x39 ft in Clatt- kanie & S C Hoadley to G W lloynton, W y, SW 'A, Sec 11. IS. 2 1.200 I Ii Hyde to ICIla Ii Greiriit. land in Sec no, 5, 2 5lH) G R & M A Kelley to L II & I It ComU, Itt 4, 5, blk , Georgetown GO F A Si W Kenncy to State li.mk of Rainier, W , SW 'A, Sec .11, 7, 2, except 5 acre and X , X 'A, Sec 6, 0. 2, except 14 acret 1 A & II Ii l.a Hare to A & ii T l'loyer, 3.7.1 acres in It 10 of sub div Kryanl est... . 10 C G & M 1) Mmlgren lo Jobn Pcaron, land in Sec Hi, 6, 4 10 Cora Macoott to Sarah E Hen dricks, various land 25 J I. Maxwell to J M I.ock wimhI, It .1, blk 25, Columbia City 200 Ii M & M Newman to Win Rose, 24 85 acre in Sec 2t. 4, 2 1 Ii T & 11 E Noble to Chat II tJtborn. NW 4 SWr 4, Sec 1. 3, 2 570 I'nited State to C W Rade bauub, SW 'j.-Scc 3. 5. 5. ...patent 10 2,000 200 1,000 100 430 1115,000 200 10 350 10 10 205 10 1 United Stales to T L Carter, Ii Vi Sli 4, Sec 2; SW A SW A, Sec 25 and NE A .Mi 'A, &rc 3.1, 7, ... patent r. rerry to .Mitiie van Uolali, land iu Pcrrydale IJ M St S S Robinette to J Ii Kobitieite, S V, NW '4 SW A, Sec 31, S, 1 Same, to Geo W Hatty, X . XW.14 SW 'A, Sec 31, 5, 1 Same, to Jat Van Tattell, X 'A SW XW , Sec 31, 5, 1 , FP&W Host to E M St M Xcwman, 21.83 acrei, Sec 24, 4, 2 V P, E, MJ4WM Rot to O J Clark, It 12, blk 3, Co lumbia Park I & S A Spencer to J & D W Kcilttein, 5 acrct in XE 'A Sec 4, 4, 4 Slate of Oregon to D It Mc- Jlrnlc, XE '4 & E ', ol XW 'A, Sec 33, 4. 4 C & J Stewart to D It Mc- Ilride, XE 'A St E A XW 'A, Sec 35, 4, 4 Nina Stewart to Geo McMclan St G B Hare, land in Rainier E E Tompkin to J St S Tompkins, land in Sec 14, 4, 2, for life. J St V A Van Dolah to Xoble Van Dolah, 5,06 acre in Perrydale II H Vogclsand to Exel Vogel, Sli 2-3 of E blk 9, Dob bins' add, Rainier.... Weil Shore Lbr Co to Board of School Trustee, land Sec 2.1. 7. 2 Same, to W E Newicn, land bee 21, 7. 2 & S Wirkkala to Johan Pcsio, land in Sec 10, 7, 4... Matti Kirkkala to Johan Pesio, land in Sec 10, 7, 4 A J Wright to Jerry Evcrman, Its 3 and 4, blk !). Blanch- ard't add. Rainier C Zoller to F & G Ranlcker, ti V, XE 'A, Sec 20, 0, 2.... 712 712 712 100 300 10 450 10 83 300 400 I EXCURSION RATES TO THE! W . -4 P EAST DURING 1910 FROM-fl ALL POINTS ON O. R. & N. CO. 700 Full blo.nl jearlinir Jersey bull for tale by C. J. Larson, Warren. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT In the Miller n( Euatt ot Julio Murphj-, de ctned: NiAIrr It btrrhy tire n that Iba Ailmlnlntra tor t AutI arrotiut In Hie miiuer nl Ihe Kuu oi John Miirny. .ifeea. wnn (lie. I In tbe of. flea of the Cuiintr Clerk. CnluriblA nnnnrr. Or. moii, Mar 2.Vh, lvui. anrt lloi,orable Jtmct Hart. County Juilee nt mid county, hat And iiaiurdty. lui. t 10 oVUvfc t. in., at tnetroun lltis. t'f.liimljia County, i.NHT'in, t ih cime au.l 4ana f. hearlna olmtimii lo Mm mi neeimiiT, n any. aim me MMtiemeni 'hereof. All peruina whominrver are illrecte.1 10 Hit wrillen ulijccilnnt In uld Aual are.. not, If nv. or an) irtlriilar item Ihtraof. on or r-efore Krl.lar. Ihe .'llli iiay ..I June, 110, at 10 o'eluefc i m. in urn uar. i,r..iitiK J. PKKKIN4. dmlnlairator, aitdreot 3uj UU Hulklinjt, Fortlaud. Cireton. F1rt puhllealiuB May 27, l'.MO.. Lajl publieailuu June 21, 1I9. M. K. MILLER ATTORN E Y-AT-LAW St. Helens, Oregon m i WALK-OVER SHOES Dainty Delights We have never displayed a finer line of Wo men's Oxfords than we are showing right now in the WALK -OVER line. New patterns, new models, and a large variety of leathers. Light and medium weights made from the softest skins and the most flexible side leather. We will weleome the opportunity of show ing you what daintiness and comfort in foot wear means. $3.50.v.$4.00.Y.$4.50 LOOK IN OUR WINDOW ig WHITE & ANDERSON W ' til "tVB m, k i .jaV aa-. tts liUULIUIN, UKt. I a i TO Ct Chicago t Council Bluffs IW Omaha C. Kansas City M" St Joseph F St. Paul P" St Paul via Council Bluffs... & Minneapolis direct F Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs... F Duluth, direct F Duluth, via Council Bluffs...."" St Louis KATES - T $60.00. 63.90' ......60.00' ,63.9031 66.90 rl 67.60 MM bi.ocjle E Tickets will be on sale May 2nd and 9th; June 2nd, 17th and 4 tn; juiy omana snd; August3rd; September 8th. - 41 Ten days provided for the going trip. Stop-overs within limits in either direction. Final return limit within three months from date of Bale, but not later than October 31st One way through California $15.00 additional. InquireofanjO. R. & N.Agt for More Complete Information i , WH McMURSAY, , General PatBftnr Aganl i PORTLAND, OREGON .lkMiUK M.UULL Ut4a.lt XA.lfL HiUtJ Mist and Oregonian $1.80 City Shoeing Shop General Blacksmithing, Woodwork and Repair pair Work Promptly and Neatly Done. Pav ing Cutters' Tools Made to Order. Horse shoeing a Specialty. All Diseases of the Foot Scientifically Treated Free of Charge. E. H. WICKS, Proprietor First Door West of School House. ST. HELENS, ORE. You simply turn the Faucet-the Coffield does the wash ing. Gets your clothes spotless without the wear and tear that ruins them. , C Columbia County Abstract and Trust Company ST. HELENS, OREGON MAKE Your Abstracts I J Li DO Your Notarial Work nxiUKt x our liuiidings SELL Your Buildings RENT You a Safety Deposit Box FURNISH Your Bonds prririnrrinrrinnnnn rirrirririrTiririra g'B'g &m y utav 10m JohnstonesSyrup Sarsparilla Couibined with' Iodide of Potassium, Cascara Sagrada, Yellow Dock, is an ideal ' Blood Purifier and Tonic I $1.00 PER BOTTLE Deming'3 Drug Store st. Helens, or. J- afh ali afh A AA Jl. M..m.m. 4 The eoffield Motor J Washing Machine 4 CITY WATER RUNS IT Absolutely will not damage the finest of fabrics. Washes heavy blankets, bed spreads and all heavy pieces with ease. Takes all the heavy work off the laundress and leaves her fresh for other things. Nothing is slighted when the Cof field is used. The last tubful is washed with the same en ergy and thoroughly as the first Your washing is finished in half the time, with little labor, and your clcthes come out clean and white enough to suit the most exacting. FOR SALE BY 4 R. CONSTANTIN COMPANY 4 ST. HELENS, OREGON f Notice to Creditor Nolle It hereby Klven that the undersigned hu beeu appointed by the County Court of the Slate ol Ore rob administrator ol the etlaie of C. W. Johnton. deceased. All persona having claJUM aaalnU aald eouta art required to pre teal Ihem tome, properly verified at n quired by law, tt my oitlee in St. Helena. Oregon, within tlx mouilM from Ihe date hereof. M. K. MILLKR. Administrator of the estate ot C. W. Johnson, dooeate.1. Date of lirnl publication ApH 15th, 1910. Node of Sola. In the Comity Court to of the State ot Oregon, J. for Columbia Countv. the matter of the estate of Theodora Kckeraon. dpneiiaed. Notice It hereby given Chat by virtue of an order made and entered by the above entitled court in the above entitkil matter. I will on and after Ihe I.nh day i t June, 1D10, offer lor tale and will sell at private sale, to the persona oflVrli! the hiahest price, fur rash, all of the rlt.-hi. title and estate of the dt-oeaseil, Theodote J. Eckerson, of, Iu and lo bbx lta tixtv-four and tlxlv live, of Ihe Cliy of t-t. Helena. In said county and ttate. J. B. GODFREY. Administrator of the estate ot Theodore J. Kekenou, decease. Notice of Final Account. Id the County Court of the 8tate of Oregon for Columbia Comity. In Ihe mailer of the KsUle ol Peter Farllu, deceased VOTIOK li HEREBY GIVEN that John it Kudeeu, administrator of the above en titled estakt hat Hied hit rlnal account in the manor of said estate Iu the ortlce ot the Clerk of Columbia Couuty, and that Mouday. tne lUih, day of June lull), al tbe hour of ten o'clock a. m. hat been tel by Ihe Judge of said Court tit tne time for hearina and nettling said 6nal ac count and aay oltjeettoua that, may be tiled mereiu. Dated thla 10th Jay of Mav 1910. JOHN KUDKEN, Administrator ot th Estate oi feter Farlln deceased. ' BUSINESS CHANGE. I have sold my general merchandise business at Veruonia to Mr. Guy Mill, who will conduct it.ln future and Carry on a first-class place. AU account are payable to Mr. Mills. Thanking tbe public tor past (avoi I am, very truly JOHN PRINULE. Copy of Order to Snow Cam. In tli County Court ot the Slate of Ore- ' gun, for Columbia County . In the matter of the estate and Guardian- hip of Carl P. Sustafion, an inaan person. Matilda C. Johnson, the Guardian ol the person and estate of Carl F. Guetaf snn, an insane person, having on the 12th day of May, 1910, filed her petition herein, dnly verified, praying for an order of sale of the northeast quarter of Section Twenty (20), Township 8ix (6) , north of Range Four West of tb Williamette Meridian in Columbia ' Connty, Oregon, th same constituting all the ent.it e of said insane person, for the rean and purpose set forth iu -said petiiion. It is therefore ordered by said Connty Court that said insane pertou, Carl F. Gustafson, and Matilda C. Johnton, Peter John Gutafson and Louise Gustaf son, the next kin of mi d insane person, and all person interested in said estate appear before said County Court on ; Saturday, the 18th day of June, 1910, at one o'clock p. m. of said day, at tbe County Conrt room, at the court bout in the city of St. Helens, Columbia County, Oregon, to show cause, if any there be, why an order should aot be made granting to said guardian irmie sin and license t sell all tbe above de scribed real property of sai l insane per son at private sale; and that a copy of this order be published for four succe. sive weeks in the Oregon Mist, a week ly newspaper regularly printed, pub lished and circulated In Columbia Connty, Oregon, and now specified by this court as ihe proper paper in which In make such publication. Ordered ana done in open conrt at St. Helens, Oregon, tbi 12th day of May. A. D. 1910. James Dart, Connty Judge. Cahnbd FauiT Fob Saik Home canned. Ten cent per quart. Wm. HK.UZIB, Bacbelo Jt.