The Most Liberal Offer Ever Made in Real Estate . - - , ; ; WHERE FORTUNE CALLS. OREGON'S SPOKANE A Lot in IClamath Falls is a Better investment Than Any Small Investment we Know ot Today on the Pacific Coast. The city will treble its present population within the next 3ycars KLAMATH FALLS, county-Mat of Klamath County, in the heart of tht great lake country of Southern Oregon, asleep for aeveral decade In that love ly land, mountain guarded and serene, far and remote from the ouUlde world. receiving her mail and passenger by stage-coach, sending her only market able products horses, mules, cattle and sheep on hoof for long distances to market (having no transportation facilities for carrying wheat and other products to the railroad) ha awakened from her long deep and bids you corns to share her prosperity. , RAILWAY COMPLETED TO KLAMATH FALLS IN JUNE, 1909. The wonderful natural resources of that immense country attracted the attention of the world's most far-sighted railway king, Edward H. Harriman, who purchased a line of railroad, projected by the Weed Lumber Company from Weed, California, to Klamath Falls, Oregon, In the early part of 1905, the Harriman Interests completing the line to Klamath Falls in June, 1909, and now the line is being pushed vigorously to an Intersection with the main line at Natron, Oregon, and when completed will become the main line from San Francisco to Portland, via Klamath Falls. Klamath Falls hasgrown from a small hamlet In 1905 to about 5,000 prosperous persons In 1910. The wonderful transformation from old to new conditions within the year 1909 shows endless trains of cars laden with merchandise, upon which the freight receipts the first month after the completion of the line amounted to over 175,000 on Inbound freight MAGNIFICENT PASSENGER DEPOT IS COMPLETED SHOPS, ROUND HOUSES AND BROAD RIGHT OF WAY TO HANDLE HEAVY TRAFFIC. A magnificent "Class A" granite and cut-stone passenger depot is just completed; In design and arrangement it is ample to accommodate a city of 4G00 people. The freight depot is finished, fitting the needs of commerce. Suitable sites for shops and round-houses have been purchased by th Sojthem Pacific Company, together with broad and extensive rights of way, 300 feet wide by 3,000 feet long, through the city, ample to accommodate traffic of almost any magnitude, thus abundantly attesting th wonderful present commerce of Klamath Falls, and prophetically forecasting the future growth of the great Inland Empire tributary to that city. THE STRUGGLE FOR THE RAILWAY MASTERY OF THE INLAND EMPIRE. As this article goes to press, the struggle for the mastery of the Inland Empire is in progress. The James J. Hill Lines are rushing southward through the Des Chutes Pass, under ths title of the Oregon Trunk Railway Company, pointing towards Klamath Falls, and It Is an assured fact that they are seeking a share of the enermous prize already enjoyed by the Harriman Lines. THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT APPROPRIATES 14,500,000.00. Soil, sunshine and moisture are the essentials of production. Nature has been kind to Klamath Falls. She has endowed her with soil, and warmth, and has put moisture within our reach through the medium of irrigation. The farmer now controls the situation: it has made his work scientiflo In that it Insures against crop failures, it insures full crops, and it Insures better and more uniform crops. 8o clear Is this, that we have as a result a new agriculture. We have intensified farming. Fewer acres and better farming is now the watchword leading to success. THIS VAST SUM IS BEING SPENT IN KLAMATH COUNTY. DO YOU WONDER THE PEOPLE ARE PROSPEROUS? m The Klamath Irrigation Project, th largest in the United Stat, has for its natural storage, Upper Klamath Lake, a body of water approximately forty miles long by ten mile wide, covering about 94,000 acres, and lying sixty-three feet above the great Klamath Bln an Inexhaustible supply. Many a farmer fails, because buffeted by climatic conditions over which he hae no control. Here, with water to turn on at will, and a fertile soil, the farmer who fails to produce the best of crops, has only himsslf to blame. This laks not only dischargee Its waters down a stream that In part Is a series of rapida and cascades capable of developing 700,000 horsepower, but is a natural reservoir from which life-giving water to the valleys southward ia obtained by gravity flow. Thus forests give way to lake, and lake give way to vast stretches of fertile valley, over-topped by rugged hills and snow clad mountains. Scenic attractions and hsalth-glvlng hot springs are there, while lak and strsam comprise a sportsman's psrsdlss. TWENTY BILLION FEET OF TIMBER. When Mr. Harriman received the reports of hie engineers, who hsd care fully examined th timber resources tributary to Klamath Lakes, what did he learn T He found that five saw-milling concerns cutting 100,000 fset of lumber each, dally, making total of 600,000 feet per day, computing the working day eaen year, would require two hundred year to harvest th forest tributary to that natural commercial center, Klamath Fall. If this material were reduced to carload of 15,000 feet aeh, th train would con tain 1,333433 car, and equal a train approximately 42,569,556 feet long qulvalant to 1,080 mil, or nearly one-third the distance around th earth. Thl will mean pay roll of over S200r00000.00. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES UNEXCELLED. The substantial brick and ston business block and school building furnish ample proof that the City of Klamath Fall I destined to become a large commercial center, that ha new outgrown th courthouse facilities and a new courthouse of ample slis, built of ston and to be on of th most nobis and ornat structures of th great Stat of Oregon, I to be erected, fund for thl work having bn appropriated by th County Com. missloners. The city has likewise outgrown the street railway facilities. Two euperb schoolhouses of modern deeign, built of ston, on a grsdsd school, th othsr a high school, considered ample for yeare to come, are already overcrowded, requiring added accommodations which ar now In process of construction, and their splendid efficiency testify to th high social and commercial Integrity of the population, and the end Is not yet. CHURCHE8 IN ABUNDANCE. j . Churches of many denominations ar represented, affording ample op portunity for 8unday achool and devotional exercises. At Klamath Falls ars located th famous Hot Springs, welling up from th heart of Nature at a temperature of 190 degrees Fahrenheit, crystal clear, and of the analysis of the world-famoue Carlsbad Waters of Germany, puri fying the system and prolonging life. Extensive natural hot-water bath ar located near th springs, enabling the afflicted to enjoy these famous waters, within and without, at nominal cost. ' MOUNTAIN VIEW ADDITION is th name of th tract now being placed on th msrket by P, C Lavey 4 Co. We gusrentee thl tract to be on of th best in th City of Klamath Falls. It overlook the famous hot springe, the te beautiful lake ana) Link River, with Mt. Shasta In th distant. It I well Ineld In ally tlmits, and w ar starting It of at !75 00 per lot ANO TWENTY CCNTft A DAY PAYS FOR IT. Easy terms. No Interest. No taxes, A WORD TO THE RtAOCR. The firm of P. C. Lavey Company Is th Isrgest rest estate firm en th Pacific Coast today. Ita main omces are In Lumbermen's Bank Building, Portland. Oregon, and It hae branch offices and representative in practically every elty of tenee quence In the United Statee. Thl company Is Incorporated under the la of Oregon, and ite capital stock Is Quarter Million Dollar. Th offlcsr nd mmbr of thl firm ar all energetic, hustling men of business who are giving their enllr time and attention to th upbuilding of great business and the development of that great Inland empire f Oregon known as ths Klameth country, Whlls we call epeclal attention In thle ad. t th City f Klamath Fall. Oregon, we dssir to ssy that we have th exclusive sal of sll of the official Southern Pacific towns between Weed, California, and Klamath Falls, Oregon, a distance of 15 mllee, and ar ready to furnish you Information upon request. - In Portland, our msln office elty, we do our banking business with Th American Bank 4 Trust Co.; ask that bank about we. WHAT WE SAY, IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT IS TRUE. If It la not true, then we ar Hare, pure and simple, and should b preee euted according to law. W Invlt the moot cereful and eearchlng Inveetlg. tlon. W ar offsrlng you In our Klamath Falls property an opportunity to make a sur fortune.. If you grasp this opportunity, well and good- If you do not, soma other reader will, and the future will show that of all real t.t In th United State todsy, Klamath Falls. "Orsgon's Spok.n." I th bast. NO REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN THE WORLD EVER BEFORE DEMANDED AND RECEIVED SUCH CAREFUL INVESTIGATION AS HAS P. C. Lavey & Co. WE WILL GIVE ANY MAN $1000 IN GOLD "w'mTO ME"R8' MIN'H 4 ROB JUNE 2WS!4L " AT 8T MCLEN AND HOULTON Ask Them About a FREE Trip to Klamath Falls RESPECTFULLY, P. C. LAVEY C& CO. We Guarantee 10 Profit the First Year, You Never Had an Opportunity Like This. Think of It 10 per cent Guaranteed to YOU A QUARTER MILLION nninoc V BEHIND US. b