1 Continued from Pint nairel I tha Council .hall so into lt of be City of St Helen, for ix months text ot any force until approved tj m preceding tb election. Mayor, except a. provided in th three SectioS S. Immediately after any following sections, vote eaat at any municipal election ha. Up tho paaaago of any V.. eaavnsscd in the manner pro- ordinance the enrolled copy thereof, Tided or te be provided by the Council, attested by tha Kordar, ahall be sun. the Recorder must make and issue to """ed to the Mayor by the Recorder, each person deeUred by the canvasser ' be Mayor approve, of the me to be elected to any office, a eertifi he .hall write thereon, Approved, cat thereof; .uch certificate ahall be ,,h he dt" of,u.c'!, PP prima facie evidence of the facts b m officially, and there thereia .tated; but the Common Coun- P.. thOTW," , Pded all i. the judge. of election, and q.ialifi- 'I"1". ch ordinance .hall become a eatlon. of the Mayor and Couneilmen, ' Provided , th.a charter nd In cam of a contest between two wm . If the Mayor do, not or more person, claiming to be elected approvn of an ordinance a. submitted, thereto, must determine the same. Aa . lh' f ot iU receipt election contest for anv office other thereof, W" K th.a the Mayor or Councilmcn must be rde- with his reason, for not approv determined according to the laws of t, and if in ten day. the Mayor the State regulating contest, for ?oc. not return it, such ordinance shall eoanty office necomo law as n u. nau rprov.u Section . All officer, elected or ..!. , appointed under thi. act, before en- ,LKc'on ? firrt. meeting of taring upon the duties of their office, the Council after the retnra by the must take, .ubscribe and file with the ayor 01 me oru.nauce oi npprovea, Border an oath of office to the fob the Recorder shall present the same to lowing effect: "I, A. B., do solemnly the -ouucil with the objection, of the ...... t tk.t T .ill annnnrt Mayor, all of which must be rend to the Constitution and laws of the the Council, and such ordinance .hall United State, and of the State of Ore- be put upon its passage again and gon, and I will, to the best of my ' two-thirds of all members eonsti- ability, faithfullv perform the duties tuting the Council as then provided by ' " 3. law Ahull vote in f.vor nf .lien nnll. or aunng my -- -,, -- , " eontinnance therein, so help me Ood." ,rt "ha" thereupon become a law If the person afTim instead of the last I l" "IT' f', -i ...a ..k tk... .k.ii hafbut not otherwise. added: "And I do affirm under the Action 6. The Mayor shall take and -.i .i;. r Mrin I approve all official undertakings which Section 5. The general election for "' 't and the ordinance, of the city aaid city officer, shall be held annu- ""V -v ."'V , "'"' ally, at such place or place, as the for the faithful performance of Council mar designate, on the first bia duty, or any undertaking which Monday in April in each vear. m? .be of any contractor for Section 6. Nomination for officers"" faithful performance of hi. eon ki. h. m.i, , ,. tract, and when he approve, such un meeting of the citizens, when 'certifi- drtakings, he must immediately file . ... ... .1 rhA dcivka with hd WaaaviIas rate, of .uch nomination, shall he I 'uv; - . i, ..ifin ti,ol Section i. He shall perform .uch name of the candi.mte for each office Ptnf' l,uti' and exercise .uch other nominated and be .iimed by the chair- authority as shall be prescribed by this act, anv city ordinance, anv law of the United State, of or this State. CHAPTER VI. OF OTHER CITY OFFICERS. Section 1. The Recorder shall be man aad secretary of the mass meet ing and filed with the Recorder at least tea day. before election. Provided, that the independent candidate, for ny office may be nominated by at least twentv-five electors of said city netitioninv the same in writing signed I the Judicial Officer of the CUT. and by the twenty-five electors, which pe- shall Save jurisdiction of all offenses tition shall contain the name of the against tne city or violation of any candidate, the office for which he is ordinance thereof. He shall hold candidate, and be accompanied by the Court in said city at such place a. the afridavit or one or more ot the pen- council suau airecc, wnien vouri scan tioner. to the effect that the petition- be known as the Recorder'. Court and era are elector, of mid city, and that he may impose fine, or commit to the all aigned aaid petition, which petition City Jail any person or persons found and affidavit or affidavit, shall be guilty of any offense or violation filed with the Recorder at least five within hi. jurisdiction. He .hall have day. before the election, when, at the authority to issue process for the ar expiratioa of the fifth day before any rest of any person or persons accused election, nomination, shall be closed, of any offense against the city, viola and the Recorder shall immediately tion of any ordinance, and may commit prepare an official ballot for the city such accused to imprisonment or ad nnder the general election laws of the mit them to bail pending trial. He State, a. the Connty Clerk i. directed shall have the authority to issue to do for the county and State officers, subpoenas to compel witnesses to ap whieh ballot shall be printed on clear pear and testify on the trial of any white paper aad in quantity not less cause before him and enforce obedi thaa two for each elector of Mid city, ence thereto; and to issue any and all duplicates of which, to the same nam- processes necessary to carry into effect ber, .hall be printed on colored paper the judgment or sentence of hi. Court, for pnblie distribution in said city. All civil and criminal proceeding, in Section 7. The Recorder shall give the Recorder's Court are governed and tea days' notice, by publication in regulated by the general laws of the aome newspaper published in the City Slate governing Justices of the Peace of 8t. Helens, of each general and ind Justices' Courts, except that the special election, the officer, to be accused shall not have the right of elected thereat, and the place and :rial by jury unless he demand the places designated for holding the same, -a me before any witnesses are .worn and shall post notices of the same in on the trial of the cause and shall pay at' least three conspicuous places in the jury fee for one day. the city. Section 2. The Recorder shall have Section 8. The Council shall by or- the jurisdiction and authority of a di nance prescribe the manner of regis- lustice of the Peace within the limits tration of voters. of the City of St. Helens, in both civil Section 9. All election, shall be ind criminal matters; and when exer feeld in accordance with the general cising such jurisdiction and authority election laws of thi. State so far as shall be subject to all of the eeneral the same may be applicable. The law. of the State prescribing the du- Couneil shall give notice of each ties of a Justice of the Peace and the election a. may be prescribed by ordi mode of performing the same, and he nance, shall appoint such judges and 'hall receive the same compensation clerk, of election and fix their com- therefor. Hi. duties and compensation pensation and establish wards and as clerk of the Common Conneil shall polling places and may change the be as prescribed by ordinance. section 3. The Treasurer shall re ceive and safely keep all funds and moneys of the city; and shall pay out the same Onlv on n warrant miimaA K be I the Mayor and attested by the He re- corder; and no claim against the city man tie paid until audited and allowed by the Common Council. Section 4. The Treasurer shall keep nane .hall b placed upon it. final passage on it. day ot introduction, unless in case of an emergency and on the vote of three fourths of the L'oun eil, and each ordinance .half receive majority vote of all Conneilmon eon stituting the Council, which vote (hall be taken by yea. and nay., and after approval by the Mayor, a. otherwise by this act provided, ahall be enrolled in the Book of Ordinaaee. and it. pas. age certified to therein in full by the Recorder. Said enrolled ordinance, or certified copy thereof Hit tha Recorder, shall be received in evidence in all court., Section 7. In the absence of the Re eorder or if he be from any cause un able to act, the Mayor may designate any person having tne quaiineationa or Keeorder to act in his stead, auen appointee shall immediately take the oath of office and perform tha duties of the Recorder during .uch temporary absence or inability, and ba .hall re ceive the same compensation n. the Recorder, all sum. so paid to him being deducted from the salary and fee. of that officer. Section 8. The Council may provide for the time and place of ita regular meetings, at any of which it may ad journ to the next succeeding regular meeting, or to some specified time prior thereto; but its regular meet ing. must be held at least once in each month. Section 9. Tha Council must keep a journal of it. proceedings, and on all of any two of its member, .hall cause the yea. aad nay. to be taken upon any question and entered in ita jour nal; but upon a motion to adjourn it. yea. and nay. shall not be taken nnless upon a call of four member.. Section 10. The Common Council shall have authority and power within the City of St. Helena, to provide for the punishment of all violation, of the ordinances by fine or Imprisonment; but no fine shall exceed tha sum of 4500.00 and no imprisonment mora than 230 daya. Section 11. Whenever any person shall be convicted of any offence un der the law. or ordinance, of the city aad shall be adjudged to pay a fine, " ne iaii 10 pay me same, ne may in addition thereto be sentenced to labor one day for eaeh two dollars of said fine on the streets or public works of the eitv under the charge of the Marshal, Street Commissioner or other persona designated by the Coun cil, aad the Council .hall provide .uch letter, ana manacle, a may be nece. sary to secure such person during .uch term of labor. CHAPTER VIII. OF THE COMMON COUNCIL, ITS POWERS AND DUTIES, CONTINUED. same. CHAPTER IV. VACANCIES. Section 1. An office shall deemed vaeant upon the death. moval from the eity or resignation of the ineumbent, or upon such incum bent', eeasing to possess the qualifi cations of an elector. The office of an account with the genera fund and "J va Dueat.a asv i. v its iliau I whenever the ineumbent thereof shall be absent from the eity for a period of sixty day.. Provided, that the Com mon Council may grant to the Mayor leave of absence not to exceed ninety daya. a separate account with each special fund that may be raised for anv specific object; and when a warrant is drawn on any particular fund, it can ouiy ue paia oui or sucn tuna. Section 5. The Treasurer and Re cnriler nhnl! mnlro . rarmH tu . Section 2. The Mayor, with the ap- Ueipts and expenditures of the eity for proyal of a majority of the Council, thc quarter ending with the last day hall hi tha nnrn, tn VAfnnw. n. I , i i . , . J . ... . OI .1Iarcn, june, scptemher and De- uspend from offiee any appointive member in each year, and file the same officer of the eity for violation of with tne Recorder within five day. - from tne expiration or each of said quarters, respectively, which reports shall be published by the Recorder a. may be prescribed by ordinance. CHAPTER VII. the same; the ground, for such action to be stated in the order of removal or suspension. Section 3. The Council shall fill all vacancies that may oecur; but if such office be elective such appointee shall OF THE COMMON COUNCIL, ITS bold office only nntil the next regular election, at which time a person shall be elected to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term. In ease a mem POWERS AND DUTIES. Section 1. At the first regular meet ing of the Council in April of each ber of the Council is' absent from thcHT"' "'as oon thereafter as practi- city for two consecutive regular laB. Y,unc" ?na" ,nooe. W - meetings, unless by permission of the ' "e f. . ltn '"ember, to preside over Council, hi. offici may be declared n! ft""'1, "? P7,orm th,e.udue'' ' vacant and be filled as in the case of 'he . the b,M ?f the Mayr other vacancies. from the city or if he be from any Section 4. An officer appointed to ?aus?, '"b' act. " "u.ch' a,4 fill a vacancy must qualify within five " 1 'r- . J"J!; "5 days after his appointment, or they snail De deemed to decline the office, and the same shall be deemed vacant and be filled by the Council, and so on until the office, are all filled. THE CHAPTER V. DUTIES OF PRESIDING OFFICERS. I exercise the powers and perform all tne duties of the Mayor, and the mem- tier so presiding shall not lose hi. vote I as a member of the Council. Section 2. No member of the Com mon Council shall, during the period for which he is elected or servinz as I such, be interested in any contract the J expenses of which are to be paid by tne eity. or in any contract where n Section 1. The Mayor shall be thc the city is interested, executive officer of the corporation Section 3. A majority of all the and must exercise a careful supervision members of the Council elected shall of it. general affairs and over it. sub- constitute a quorum for the transac- ordinate officer.. He shall have power tion of all business, but a less number to call meeting, of the Common Coun- may meet and adjourn from time to eil and .hall preside over and at their time and compel the attendance of meetings, but shall have no vote ex- absent members. eept in ease of a tie, when he shall cast Section 4. The Common Council a deciding vote on all questions. He shall have authority to adopt and es- hall at least once in each year state tablish rules and by-law. governing w tne council xne conaitions, nnan- their own proceedings, and the Con cial and otherwise, and recommend duct of anv and all elective and an. such measures for the peace, health, pointive officers, and may punish any ..r.w..VHW -" r "opv. . . j u. in, c.tT inu an trictLivi, uiiu appointive uiucerg as he may deem expedient. He shall and may punish any member for di. at the first regular meeting of the orderly behavior in it. presence. Council after each annual general Section 5. All proceedings of tb. lection appoint three members of the Common Council shall be public. Council upon each of the following Section 6. The style of the enacting committees, towit: 1, Judiciary; 2, clause of all ordinances .hall be "The Finance; 3, Street; 4, Fire and Water; City of St. Helens doe. ordain a. fol 8, Health; , Printing and Police; who lows." All contracts made or to be mill be and remain standing commit- made wherein the city i. an interested tee. for one year and until their sue- party, all franchise, granted, all ap eessor. are duly appointed, and shall proprintions made in excess of $500.00 have general power and supervision and all other important acts shall be over the different subject, pertaining by ordinance and the right of referen to it. department and such further d'um shall remain inviolate with refer power a. may be prescribed by ordi- ence thereof, as provided by the State aanee or assigned it from time to time law. Every ordinance shall be read by the Council. three times, and may be read the see Section 2. No ordinance passed by ond time by title only; but no ordi- The Common Council shall have the power and authority within the limit, of the City of St. Helen.: section I. To assess, levy and col lect taxes for general municipal pur poses, not exceeding one per cent per annum of all property, both real and personal, within the corporate limit, of aaid eity without exemption for in debtedness; mid taxes to be collected under the general law. of the State of Oregon. Section 3. To license and tax auc tioneer., taverns, hawker., peddlers. pawnbrokers, hotels, factories, .tables and shop, in the said city. Section 3. To license and tax hacks, cabs, drays, wagons and other vehicle, and fix rate, thereof. Section 4. To license, tax and re strain barrooms, saloons, drinking shop., theatricals, or other exhibitions, shows or public amusements, billiard, pooi or pigeon-Bole tab es, shoot n gsiieries. ten-pin alleys, and all and everything carried on in aaid eity for pay a. amusements. Provided, that no oioer inDunai in uolumtxa County shall have power or jurisdiction over such license, and provided further, that no lieense for the sale of spiritnou. or malt liquor, .hall be issued for a .urn less than i. prescribed by the general law of the State of Oregon and pro vided aaid lieense shall be issued ac cording to the mode prescribed for the issuance of license by thi. act. 8ection 5. To make all necessary or appropriate regulations to prevent the introduction into said eity of any in fectious or contagious disease; to re move any person affected with any such disease away from Mid eity to a suitable place to be prenareH h tha said Conneil; to secure the protection of person, and property therein, and to yroviue ior tne Health, cleanliness, or nament, convenience, peace and good order of the eity. section 8. To remove, .oppress or j.--- - an vmugB wucn wouia be detrimental to the health or morals or toe city, or prevent or restrain ooscene or boisterous language, drunk ennes. or disorderly conduct Section 7. To prevent and remove nnmances. Section 8. To provide for the pre venuon and extinguishment f ,u and for the preservation of property ..uUKC,cu mcreoy, ana ror the ap pointment of officers required for the purpose, to rezulate the Mtnraam a f gunpowder, tar, pitch, resin or other combustible materials, and the use of item thereof, from any fund applicable thereto, Soetioa IT. To provide for th. ur- vey of the city blocks and streets thereof, and for the making and estab lishing boundary line, of .uch block. aad streets. Section 1H. To mv out and construct new atrect. and alieys, and to build, construct and regulate landings, at the foot of the street, terminating ai in. water front. Section 19. To erect wharve. and docks, to fix a maximum rata of wharfage and dockage on public or private wharves, and to provide proper regulation, for keeping the same In repair, to compel Wie owner, of the driveway leading to such whnrves to keen same in repair and to rui a ami able railing upon all such elevated driveways: to enforce th. observance of all ordinance, passed in reference to the roregotng in the Mm manner a. the ordinance, are enforced In re lation to the laying and maintaining of sidewalk, in the City of t. neiens. Section 20. To tax. regulate or pro hibit animal, from running at large within th corporate limit, of th. city or any specified part thereor. Section 21. To dutermin. and pre scribe by ordinance the number and siae of all place, of entrane. and .ait to and from all public halls, churches, theaters, schools, and all other build ings used for publie gatherings: also to prescribe the manner of hanging door, thereto and providing for fire escapes wherever deemed necessary. Section 29. To control and regulate the manner of constructing awning. and advertising sign, aad sidewalks and to compel repair, and change in signs, awnings and sidewalks already constructed at th. cost of th owner or owners thereof. Section 23. To regulate and control the construction and location of all telegraph, electric light and telephone poles, and telegraph and telephone and electric light lines, and all electric and other apparatus for lighting streets, park, and publie building, of the eity, and the laying of water and ga main, and pipe. Section 24. To levy a license on dogs and other domestic animals within the city, aad to enforce the collection of the same, and to kill or p,.etl8.bl., prow t P,d ;jd pl.t. water system for the elly and maintain the same, and Mr that put pose they shall h.v. '" ' struct. purch..e. acquire. ''' manage and operate a om'l f tern of water wor.s ror me - - .gainst Br. and when a neweraga system been provided by the Common lounell, and tn. board I. hereby fully author iaed to put In pipes, mam. and drain., both within and without the limit, of the said City of St. Helen., and for that purpose may purchase of lease property without the limits of .alJ city, and shall have the us. oi an str'eet. and maintain storage reservoirs and tank, either within or without the corporate limits of th. .aid eity. d acquire real estate or other property either wlthia or without th. corporate nf iit eitv. hv purchase or otherwise, for th. use of the said water mn system; and to enter upon any r;r the nuroose of making .urvey. or for any other purpose In order to earrv the Intent of this art Into effect; and to begin and maintain any action or proceeding la the Circuit Court for the purpose of carrying th. Intent of this I-. I. la affart- Sail th. ITCH""! WWS of the State regulathg th. mod of proceeding to appropriate land or pn vate corporations shall govern and con trol the mode of any proceeding or action for aueh purpose or purpose.. Section 10. The Common Council of the eity shall pay all preliminary it penses ' Incurred by said Board or Water Commissioners In commencing and carrying on operations under th provisions of thi. act, and all sum so paid shall be returned to the eity by the Water Commission as soon as me snid Water Commission has sufficient funds under its control for ni pur- pose, . Section 11. The Commiionrs for and la behalf of the City of St. Helens, have power and are hereby ...tk..ri..t ta raise monev to pay the costs and expenses that may be in curred in constructing and operating a vstem of water works and it. neees urv annliancea as in this act provided for and for that purpose the City of St. Helen., br it. water i ommiMion r is hereby empowered and author iaeil to dispose of the bonds of the city to be known aa St. Helens Water Rnmls. in denominations of from otherwise dispose of dogs and other domestic animals when such license 1. not paid; and to provide a fin for .100.00 to l.iMX.01. as th purchaser keeping same or any of the .am with-1 may desire, with Interest coupons at- out paying said license. Itached thereto, the total par vslu of Heetion 23. To build culvert., I whlrh shall aot exceed the sum or bridges and sewer, aad maintain same. I $.10,000.00 ; said bonds shall he signed section SQ. To take, purchase and hy the Chairmaa of Ihe Hoard or sell real estate when Mid for eity taxes Water Commissioners, and be attested or for any improvement ordered by the I hy (he Clerk of said Commissioners Common Council to .ell aad ditpose of I with the seal of said Commissioners the same. I attached, and when so issued shall be Section 27. To prohibit or suppress , an indebtedness against th gaming, gaming houses, gambling, city of St. Helen, as if the same had gambling houses or bawdy house. heea issued by the Common Council of section so. to enaei any ana an I ..id iy. HM bonds shall b sold such ordinance., by-laws and regula- for B0t ies th.o par value, nor bear ions not inconsistent with the eonstl- more than 0 ner cent interest, nor run ution of this State or of the United for . i0ner period than twenty rears. State, .s shall be needful to th peace, The fund ariilnir from the sale of said good order, health, cleanliness, orna- bonds shall be known ss th Water ment, prosperity and general welfare r'UB.i. ...i aha!l be km! senarat and of the eity, and secure the protection Uowrt from all other fundi of the eitv of person, and property therein. ,B(j h, be used only to pay the cost. CHAPTER IX. ni1 expenses mat may tie incurred or . -,T the eity through its Commissioners la WATES COMMISSION. n( Hi. construction, purchase. Section 1. There shall be a Water operatioa, extension and betterment of Commmsion, consisting of five members, the system of water works in this act who shall be residents and eitnenta ef proyiuei ror ana tne issuing and d s this eitv and electors thereof, and they posing or said bonds. shall constitute and be known a. th. Section 12. The Water Commission Board of Water Commissioners. 'or and on behalf of the eitv shall Section 2. The said Water Commis have power and is hereby authorised sion shall have power to provide, con- to fix a scale of prices from time to struct, furnish and maintain for aaid time for the use of water, provide for city a complete water system and have eonm-img tne same and provide for eootrol and charge of the .ame, and the time of payment of same and fit do all things necessary to earry into penalties for failure to pay for th effect the provisions of thia ehapter. same and for wast of water, aad The following named persons, towit: prescribe rules and regulation to gov- C. C. Masteo, Edwin Ross, Charles era the ose or water and for the pro Muckle, A. T. Law. and H. F. MeCor- teetion and regulations of the users. mack shall constitute the present and Section 13. The Commissioner, shall first Board of Water Commissioners. aP!ly all income from th said system The first one of the said Commission- f water works first to paying the ers named shall hold office nntil the operating expenses, eitensions and municipal election in April, 1911. and "etterments of the said system: second till bis successor is elected and quati- towards providing for a sinking fund l...M may PI'1. ",,lB ?!? day. aft .ii.r.natln ny tt...sors of damages, to the t.lwult C mrt Tf Colimilila fouiily. Oregou in ,he following manners The person ap pealing shall gW. a wrlllen not tee hi. ground, of appeal, and " copy of th same on the lloeorder ami nlJ the original uotioe wUk U P'"' of service indorsed thereon, togeln-r-lth a complaint .tallHg th. eaiis or e,,:,.. of action im lb. Clerk of Columbia County, li h ,u,t Court for said county; and in ten .lav, thereafter the said e ty must fi n' answer to said complaint, and tu, npiMdlnnt may then reply to nek wer is necessary, when the cause shall lie for trial lu the Circuit Court a other causes; but no .t'-t or al ley shall bo opened or rtudd Mat1' damages finally assessed or agreed iimm have been paid, Section 2. The l oimnon t oundl of the City of St. Helens I hereby authorised and empowered to establish Hie grade of any aud all street and alleys in said city. Moction 3. The character and stoat of all Improvement ar Id b deter mined hr the Council, which authority hall Include all .ulewalk. and ro walks. Heel Ion 4. The Common t ounell or the Citv ot HI. Helens la hereby au thorised" and empowered to expend any money in th hand of th CUy Treasurer not otherwise appropriated to maintsln all streets when improved and to improve and maintain all ems mgs or Intersections in like manner s the balance of h street is Improved from the general fund, whlrh fund ahall b obtained from licenses, fines uul th one per rent tax levy hereto for provided. Section 3. Whenever th owner, ef a oiJrlty of all abutting properly upon anv street or adjacent or eontigu ou streets petition th t ounell to tn prove said street or streets the Council hsll Immediately publish said petition two consecutive week la a paper pub lished in said citv and also post three copies thereof in public and eontpira ous places, aad proceed to nlimsts the cost of said improvement. If no I monaratioa be filed with the Recorder withia tea days from the dat of first publication, the Council may order, h.v legally published ordinance, said Ira provement with such mo.l'hVacloa as said Council may in it discretion rec ommend, but if a remonstration sup ported by owner of two firth of the property affected b filed withia e day from the first publirslion of no tire, then said Council shall not order a expenditure exceeding ten per cent f th aggregate assessed vtlue of Ihr real estate, as determined by th last county aisemiient. Section fi. Th expense of the lot provement of any street or streets re ferred to in Section .1 shsll be borne by IN property abutting therr. Section 7. Whenever th ownrrs of property upon sny main thoroughfare neglect or refuse to (wilt ton for need". I improvements, thea twenty per rent of the taxpayers of the city may ask for aid improvements, which shall to all intents h blading upon th owners of said property rwt k a. I poa receipt of a petition J tranimlttltiir ta thorn a irtlfl4 ,., of .aid ortllua.No, and It shall b. iVl duly of th aaid appraisers or arhltM. lor., and they ar hereby .uthorlaai and empowered In promptly nrtwZ tu make an nuilahl amiortuisa,!!? of th probable. ut. of i.ij nv ' system among all tli real mlfi: owner. In Mid district, basing s.i! osllinaie upon tha last prneadi" J iismlit 01 real stt poly, .J upon tha Improvement th.rvo. .Vj report th nanus to tha Heenrder, ' Heel Ion . Tha Council a km-, fully authorised aad mpowrd asses, levy and Collect In so a. required by Hoetlnn fi of UU chapter, lu provide a lien doek.t, (la tu provide by ordinance for necessary and co.v.nl.nt for a ! plei enforcement of all provision iiisde hy ordlnnnr la aecordaa w,tk etlsting Hist law. and la conformity to Ihla hartr. , "'"'V Heellon . Th. tax evld ,,1 itolletd aa provided In Hho f TJ I hi chapter (hall be Used nly fat iw, payment of tha principal and ih u. (ereat of aforesaid warrants, aad s warrants shall b drawn la uk tvrm and ilenomlimlion. that aaid Uiaaae any part thereof may be sna.la ossm. dlately applicable o tha pyma u torn portloa of aaid warrants. Meet l.. . Tba Conneil of said tlty shall have tha power and authority u eoniiwl all persons arswiing or aula, mining pnv!e, water aWta, .i.,. drain or Mot. wllbla on ks4ri aad lty fel of aay trt r U m which a swr has or may hr.fisr I constructed ta oaet tha sasu therewith at their own cost .j M, pens, and provtd by ardiaanc h when th person aiweting ar maiatal. ing said prlvle. water sIomi o. pools, sink or drain. aglt ar Mas after ten daya otle fa writing b th Keeorder or Marshal, os, th sm with aaid wr, th it au, utak sueb (onaeeitoaa aad .-rssa th eo.t thereof against tba property am which sue privy, water liet or ssss piot I situated. Section 10. For th lmprovarat.1 above referred to, th Couaeil a) hereby authorised t tswn warrants, haseJ npoa th credit af Ik district so Improved, ta b known as rUwsran tn.lr.cl Warrant, bearing llr as to i. six pr rent per aaittot. pay. abl annually, aad which aaid warrant, hall b accept.) at aot lea th.a pari said warrant ta be Issued fro list to tins a required la dfry Ik si. pease of pulling" ia said ylx f ewersg. Th tins of payl .asQ Im designate by erdiaaac; payable ta iastallmaat. but final payment kH ii. . i m any lostan aaUod beyond Ik period of lea yar. CIIA1TK8 XII. A TO TTI8 CZTT Of iT. JTZLXim tn alt actions and prodiag aJ in alt matter. whria tha City of rh. Helen is a party or ta Interested 1 aay way, directly or Indirectly, U4 city shall b substituted; aad all actions and prtx-rodlag where, th City of St. Helen I. inlerd g bv Ihe City bo eeat lotted sad aa durted. Al) property. rl, prat and mid. aad all right aad inter.!, of the City of Ml. Helen .ball b aad th same U lb properly of this rtlf, od all obligation af tb City af M. Helens are b'-ret.y aus4 aad aaaQ riU PEOTECTIOK. In order lo mora rltaalty provi sfegusrd against fir, th toisnai Is oisnasa to Imp nr. any street or streets the I bo paid by lb Hy ia assnaer asd rouneil shall by ordmanr provide f.,r j form as th an wer required ta k maamg sa sswasment district covering j paid ty lh t lty af HI. Helens, ta street or streets to be Improved: to make n equitable apportionment of th espenui of said Improvement among Ihe owner of the proper! af (foundl is hereby authorised to ) feeted. based upon Ihe vslu .,f th wsrrant Indebted not la .rd real estate onty, as determined bv ths infteea hwodrod dollar, to b tpdd last previous eonntv aesment: to f fr lire boa. kaa aH. ladders aad provide a lien docket and prescribe !-t ber appliaae; aaid Udebtedne. I a mode of collecting the neeearr j b incurred only whenever aa adeqaal taxes In strict aceiirdane with the ' water mi-i.lv ha heea nrayideaV State laws with reference lo the sal SIDEWALK. and redemption of property sold fr ! Sectloa I. It .ball ba th. duty f non pavment of tales. ! ihe ('ommoa Conneil lo bolld aad as!- Seetinn 9. Th Council is fry I laia irnnd and auhalantlal sroaawala. authorised and empowered la sell wir ' th interwtlon of any or .11 trst rants at not less than par and drawing i whereon th poopl have built M no more than sis rwr ent interest the walks thereto, ixl to nrohihit obtr payment nf whlrh shall be gusranteed Hon of said erowwalka by Maadiaf by said assewmenl district; which shall tems or othrwls. neu, me seconu one named snail aoiu r paying on me said water bonds ; become do and pvabl as a.lie.l fot I Heetmn 2 Tb I'ooaril Is hrbf hi office until said election in April, and the interest thereon. Should the I. aforesaid o-ti," . ."!.?! T i ...1 . .! 1912, and until hi. successor i. elected income from th. water rate, not hej.ermlncd by '.aid Con'nel. pavabl, T by or, laiae. thawarVVr installments, but final pavment .hull sny lot. ixircel or hiuek of lead ia lb canuies, ramp, and other lltrht. I store., .hops, stable, and other place., to suppress, remove or secure any fire plaee, stove, .tovepipe, chimney, oven, boiler or other apparatus which may be dangerous in eausing fire, .nd to Freveni. Dy nn possible and proper meana danger or rkk nf inlr. . "7 arising rrom careless ness, negligenee, or otherwise. Section 8. To provide for tb sup port, restraint or employment nf g'ants sou paupers. Section 10. To determine th. ber ' day and night watchmen, who shall ba appointed bv th. mi,.i subject to the approval of the Conneil! puiy ajarsnaw, .nd to provide for paying the aame, and to regulate and fix compensation of the Marshal for the .erviee. rendered by mere is no compensation r-roTiuea Dy me jaws or the State. Section 11. To provide for the pre ventioa and removal of all h.t tion. from the rtreet. and sidewalk, and crosswalk, and alley., and or cimoing ana repairing the same. Section 12. To regulate the location and management of market houses and piaee, and slaughter house. Seetion 13. To provide for City Hall nod Jail and maintenance of same. Section 14. To prevent, restrain and punish any noise, disturbance or riot or disorderly assemblage, or any un lawful or indecent practice in any street, house or pise in the eity. Seetion 15. To provide for the col lection and disbursement of all money, which the eity i. or may become en titled to by law, or which may ba as sessed or authorized in connection with the laying or establishment of sewers and drains, or in connection with pav ing, grading, pranking or otherwise improving tha street of tha aaid City of St. Helen.. Seetion Id. To appropriate money to pay the debt., liabilitie. and ex penditure, of tba eity, or any part or and qiialmed. The third shall bold sufficient to pay Ihe interest on th his office until the said .lection in I said bonds and provide for a sinking April, 1913, and nntil his successor is fund the Commissioners shall certify elected and qualified. Tba fourth shall that fart to the Common Council, and noin nis orrice until tne said election snau aiso eeniry to the said interest in April, 1914, and nntil hi successor nnd to provide for said sinking fond, is elected and qualified. The fifth shall whereupon the said Council shall levy hold bis office nntil said election in aad collect a tax and cause to he levied April, 1915, and until his successor is and collected oa all the taxable nron. elected and qualified, and hereafter any erty within The eity a assessed K th. person elected on the Board of Water Assessor, sufficient to rsise money for Commissioners shall hold bis aaid of- such purposes. f ice for a period of five years and until All money arising from such tax his successor i. elected and qualified; shall be credited to and become a part and at eaeh annnal election hereafter of the water fund. Taxe. levied under held beginning with April, 1911, there and for the purpose of carrying out the shall be elected one Water Commis- provisions of this set shall be levied '0D'- nd collected the same as other taxes Section 3. No person shall be eligi- are levied and collected h..t ... ble to any other offiee in said eitv ener than once In ..k .... -j .l. . v:i. ,.:.. u..i.i....;ii," . '., . 7 rV"" "na " eovere.i . m . V ' " " " collected snail not exceed dent or Inl.irv of Water Commissioners. one per cent of .11 it,. . '"jury. ... - . .1 ' - riuinrnr as- section . vacancies on .aid Board sessed within the corporate limits of shall be filled in the same manner the said eity. and for the same cause as for vacan- Section 14. The City Treasurer shall cies in the Council be the custodian of the water fund Section 5. No person .hall be eligi- and shall give such additional bonds ble to membership on .aid board un- from time to time s the Council shall less he be a citizen and legal voter ia deem necessary and proper and the said eity, and shall have, immediately said Treasurer shall keep the water preceding hi. election, resided ia tb fund separate and distinct . said city for a period of on year. funds and at all time, have the same Section fi. The said Commissioners subject to the insneettn. n.. :. may from time to time prescribe rule, and Water Commissioners If .hsll and regulations for their own govern- at all times, on the demand of th ment and for the government of their Commissioners or Council render a agent, and aervants; and for tb man- statement to the Council 'of th agement of the water system, both eeipts and disbursements, showing th. during the process of construction and financial condition t.9 Ik- after the same ha. been completed; tem; such statement to b. mad not , - v u twice n year. not in any Instance ettend beyond the "!!v of St. Helen, ta ntrurt f period of ten yesrs, j ,j,inm,,b of t,,rlk. abattiag Seetion 10. The Conneil I. fully ! id lot, parcel or block af land, at I. empowered to provide n. .ot.rm,, ctpn of th owner or owaers thereof, everyth Ing necessary and convenient and lo maintain tba la rd r concerning .rh improvement, .nd i p.,,. nnl walk hll b eoo.lmet. pairs, and Ihe City 0f St, l,.en. shall of such material aad o aswh dlraa not in .nr event be liable for nv .tons s lh Council may provide, damage, to any person by reason of Mection 3. Should any property av defect in any sidewalks, ere... holder for a period of thirty day T walks street., alley., bridges, fnuym leet or refu to bnild th idwlk, f ground., public building, or ditrhe,. nil it In proper rplr who rdr4 unless said city shall have had notice i,y th Council so to do, th Conneil I or said dereet r dangerou. place with hereby authorised aad empowered W reasonable lime to remove or re,,,,, lay .aid walk, or repair th m. , . ,"r,r" "e happening of lo asset lh eot thereof against i said accident, and no ,, .h im,nf. p,n.mtty more Ih.n on hnndre.l ,,r. j Section 4. To mak .ffectlv th. !, i T ,or accl provision, of (ha foregoing Hcetioa. I OIIAITER Xt. BEWEK8 AND DRAINS. Heellon 1 The Council ,h,II employ a eompetenl engineer, whose duty it shall be lo divide Ihe' ei.y Into aZr" district., to b, numbered iooimeullv.l. In accnr.lanea Hi. .i.. . ' - . .lie n.lMn.1 : ,hy of the several additions, blocks pfopoed charter amendment nil lots comnosinir j.i.i -ii. i. . t ...K.iti..l ta tk. .. l. tha Council """"""anons, map. snd it- j nied with tba KocofUer or in snd 3. the Council la hereby authorised lo pas such needful ordinance aa may bo proper ami nrry thrfor, i eluding an ordinance providing fn' tha arseaament. levy and collection of th I pout, .nd th sal and rodempiloa af lh property offending agalnit Secnoas 3 and 3. . Ile,lved, furihar, that tbl. ri- " i.onneii. .Mayor, for aii im anion ta n "IT I Ilin v Was . . m . i t the c;ne, , . ven- the thing, necessary and convenient for tne conduct of their business and exa- 0HAPTEB X.' cution of their power, and authority 8ET8 AMD ALLETS, THEIB given toem oy tnis act. Tney shall receive no compensation for their ser vice., but nray fix and pay wage, to mir employe, una agent.. OBADB AND IMPROVEMENT, Aflii l.U)S THEEEFOHB. fla.tln. 1 .1 n Section 7. All money, received by full power an I control .J the .aid eity to ba used for th. watar ... iT.I. ".LMntr"1 .f th iim miA .it ....i a , 7. . a improvement. j - -- vuvj irtci.cu iui inereor and m. ..,.t.u . . water or in any way ari.lng from tb. , llZ7,hn tL,l?d.,P. water system or which may properly ,.M elt,. . " " l"'" . belong to the water .ystem shall ba hereafter la d not V. . i . " f0" ot immediately turned over th. T.a... 2::;".' ",..ont h "poe'al ordinance ure, of th. ..id city and by him 'Zt , o ordinanv, ZUT iWll placed in the water fund and the same a. I L"'"e -,hM b Introduced shall be paid out only upon the written iVi.; 7 ' . ""!" .P e pe- or.ler tigned by the Pre.ident and Sec ,aid eitv f.vorino .! '"Jl" reury the Lard of Wat.r Commi, 't Seetion 8. Said Water Commission- i v. 1 M" reu'f mart- er. shall at all time, have a President romonstr.ne. Z. I wnnc". baa a and Secretary, who .hall be .elected uSr. of M 1 T th from their own number, and ia the mon.tMnla is (ll.d'' tni f absenee of either ana or both of Mid ,r..t.. !' Jl .f,!d- "iK.n"l by a officer, from their place, may ba tem- J the rjetit n th. . , " ' porarilv filled by tfi. remaining mem- S na.Ld d tr "'V1'"- -hll ber. of the .aid board, said boa?d shall P. au2.i ,uch ""rtrane. also adopt a seal. A majority of tha n, their ih ser.ti . th P0,rer member, of th. .aid board .ball eon- P,vld.d .Jra.. " th " 3noTnm " " tioa ,h.i B,m tiXZZ.?" ! vi iiiH 7 1 i.v rn ii . ' flo.4Un A All i - . - .. ' uDtiivu y. All contract, mad. by occasioned th.' " "magn. the said board shall ba signed by the ner a. Iuh damage, T"- Prcldent and Secretary of ..id board th. opening of county LllTlT?4 and tba aaid board .hall, a. soon a. perso, aggrieved by thl l "I Council necessary fo, the health and con ience of the citv a. . .... . .Ilstrlc., .bov. referred' Pr',"",', -."h a ful and -. f"" " """ ln.t.V .1 T'y ""'inane. for lh, installation of . eomplel ,y,,,n Section 3. Th. Council shall h.. un power nnd aulhorlty ,0 . and make any " or any sewer, drum or water nin niw on i. . i-i--. any lot or block so I eel II so nl.i day. t, t,"'" :i t".'ry U'n said prami,;,," " ol wo" Section 5. Th. n promptly refer .11 .1.1 . " a board ' ' ellm" '"''res. to private owner of Occupied Wlin n... i,..Titl,..,Be "rder within thlrt. Section fj. crusted. vuu -hall bv "f, I.. ' Canaan voters of the City of St. .Illa their rejection or approval to b T'f upon al th regulnr Hy aleetloa oa tha m day of April, IBlO, ta ba bald a by law In such eases mada and pf VI, led. K Iveil, further, that said Recorder be, and be 1 hereby, Inalnieted aaa required l publish tbl. roluila, w Kther with the ballot till provided V lh City Attorney, at least one ' official newnp.per of tha City af Helen, within tea day tmrnediawiy preceding said aleetloa, .. I'a.sed by th Common Council ta" 24th day of March, 1910. Veae .1. Nay Nona. , Hiilimltied to lh Mayor th. " dny of March. 1910, Approved by tha Mayor tb. day of March, 1910. M. E. MILLER, Maya' J. Q, OAIK, Becordef. Piled March 24, 1910. .. Tim ballot tltlo and number al aaia proposed measure will ba a. follossrw. towlti ' AN ACT To amend "An Act entitled aa A to Inrorpnrata the Otty of St. H.l In Columbia County, and Htata of Ore gon," filed In tha office af tba Beer. tnry of Bint February 8, to amend all act. amending .aid sine enacted by Legl.Iatlva AtnhJ; ...i i. . j -i- ...nnnul charter amendment, .ubmitted to voter. ofJ Helen, .t .l.tln. k.ld AilffUSt X. Hhnll said adnptadf proposed moa.' IrtO Ves. 101 No.'