LOCAL Mb ,Unci at Ht Acuta llIJ 8t Novfii.l rllll.. u. .d Mm. W. II. Hw-lapn a 1 1 1 wim Mary V. r.... alit Will .,. ,V"k City. Vole, ' ",l ly. ... VH,""e. lor 11 ' W- "" V ' .. ... . . a 1 .M(f i rortlBUU, wn omnia ...... ml Kant Two ulta of 1W " ... 1 111 iHirrurt!. In 7,1 fltaudwood' ature, HI. Helena, ... t M ..oaeatidlamlly, ofCalliu, tWil Mr' '' A,T' . .'iiiteek. Whll hurt Mr. Low . i . HmI for lilt t'lac uear Cl( ...1. wiling to Mr. VanOrdeti,, of llili ihiounh Mr, Lawi. Ku ""l rl" I"1'"' I1"1'"' " ,0 ... 11.. ..I..... fl. jfc, .Skinurr, ii""""" U'.lllntfloll MCXCa to Hit l.1 ih.l tn-rylliliiK he aril la marked i pUIn Hume. ClMflr A Kulr. " bav licail run .l,,ih pteamlaud Thmut, In Morgua' ball. ""' '""I" (kiartrlKh" '"' wivr"l lt Cortland, .rtowclni Hi ihrr thurt Hut . is,, gfiillniicn !. conducted i.l.i... rlraii nine ill nill'lr lllrlit MJilllilh merit regiel lht w Ibrw Ml"" tin", (HI. VamUli. Neil, Hhrlt H)l. ' ami IMu ell kind mSuiI.Ui'i u.i"il lb lortol Jut Jfacile It &h. Lot f '' last lb Pacific Col Pbl Th "IU. K'Veu u l I lie which to NVw In w.. .., . " V ,V" ,M ' ''-. Hie urn- 'ioii ill the H""'l a ih. wr""K'ully rim In III.M..I..U .. 1 . 7 "nil ( ., 'your inn-.. '"((. ruiuhihuI Lr1'"'' ' ,, "riric Wo,),, 1W..L.I M....,' """""1. 4I '"to ltll.,.1 8 Tr""" Mil,,, I'IiI.Ui.Ui..-i . ..... . I... . ,. H l'l IH..I i' Hnikii... Mlli'tl COUNIf COURT. 1 "i lllht liny', c"'tv no,,,. .!.,:.. II A 11. .......' ' I..,,.. . I'"" wile 11 'Mi'll. I'iUvili.ll.,. till iiiiuIh ,y I'IhikI, Tin. 1..:. 1 .'.niui II I... U mm 1,1,1. 1 .,. B,"" wur- . "in Tor t2,7() I,.', . ".Vl,u ,"'v"'l n M tllMlluklni I t'i '',,"r, "'wisM '""'''"'I'.M.llly ,,Ui UUl0X Nl7i)0L tl:,'0kr. " """"'"I I'- llll.k the Nmi.U r il.i 1 - .--i MZ'ztT!' t "Mi-mIhii,, As HuAlIav fuu b"fUII KUN cloMli. ..,lli ol lh IKI1H I Mlo! It in ' . . I frtocliro, 0-.'; rorimnn, ; imi ah nlM,M: 8oritmriilo, T3 ; ( wk ' oil . 4'J; Vrffcoe. Cwl boil roll yon IIIk' fct mull returned oUkli r mil tmrnlt'l ' UinoilKf column la nollr ra linn I ifiloollh' Vnliloii ami Si. 111 I TilJw Aliion, ftr Hi pur tat ol lattKfi( ill lln. A kikmI In'tAoe lior hi tttillr hcciIihI. Tlrr mtlwy ft Uituri lwln brut it. I ad Viekloo in nc it. ml It li ra. rniinr llul Ihry ntntinl (f.wil tu ! ti'kwit, Witln wdu h i( kfM in Mw.l I wkf il wulil U ( grtHtl lu la our fftlMBll rt.n. . , "1 ,MU""i""n , . 1 " " rni.il U -""Mic In ,p (,,,,, CCHIrlriy, ''THB r., Vit. "VIKI ,.f, 7-, ",c 7wj M I.'l 48 "ini'nor iti.,1,,. tinily 'Infill i. nit ' m . V gt.neiensbteam Laundry i Tlic rainv season is ur, :.., ...t. K'-Uu tlic fauuly washiug dry is the baue of the House wifes life. Do away with Blue Monday. We do ROUGH DRY and deliver your washing. Try us ORE. Ami call for ST. IIELKNS, lnvinl rrlli.. Iluutt. N..ini., r Hi,,,.,!,,,. ''nn-t ,,c, ,. ' ''"1 f (l-.r: 1 "' 1 '' Crrni,, li,,,.K w,k,... ;"M-. r.,,,1;v,,.,l ,!,, ,,. Wa 1(; ......... . ihuv,.,, t:u,..,ll(, " ' 11 1 HM A .1.1, ...I t ' 1-fT. nsiff .... . ai('i-. Aici.i. u. 1.. Electric Wiring Get Our Prices. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Columbia ELECRIC WORKS 1 St. Heens Bakery Pies, All Kinds Of Cakes, Bread J. E. RAMSEY, Propr. Wiring, Fixtures, Repairs. Supplies. Estimates Free Columbia Electric Works Over Watkins Confectionery. St Helen., Ore' (MI4MMJiMM....uiA......... ,,r(T,Km((tuttMU4 Ci i T-1 . iaiten. Job Work Done. oil or llorptbe tlirrl (, In ii. .... .... ! I HtlJ III l U 1.,;:";;. 1 IHWIJ uf W.... f ' " """UHMHIlii lioiilllly, 5!t I'olum- "I.1VK DONXKU, C K. LAKK, ' T.;clier. l"t.((.r hi from hqo till in M. lick. niSMtiinlnvi. J II (.OI IRl-V, "Kii.rii ""in oh VasVkw. up ,n Or llolor Sotd.r 14, 1 litlipw Hi Want to l mn tanp or lrie aiii lor Nrm or taWrUr.il. Aj t !y " IoIIchIkhiu Utr Cotxranr. I,nlttn, tr. yA U1DI l.(uff. ,1) nUf fn.tfM'4 k. Colowt.i, t 'r. idc Wcrk. C T. J Wuti. (-..mtwuir! l;jr It II. k. wni mcf Int. Ill N,-I,lm V. kyUrt Niur.!. lor t , rHir. t i.r iu rtintbr iter) I il.lKe m Ki.i. Mr hA lBii, 11. .xk mtulnriorv IS. t-e "tli. (uulrt'tor. IU j.ile jwlBrlh etmniy Iik Til !um ) f.t .t.n, with rnncrrln M!SMll. .1,1 i, aplri-vnl ,( ttarktlw ruuiily ruurt n.l llitciin. rt-ntW"ttl. , hn mr ! Ifilurt twl Ihn. I. ,0 , tJ lie)K. Tlwrir in n'i ilmihi I...I i).. wl wtvlc l lai. riiii,iuy , Itnr ol Whu, I'mtan,! Tar. lit oM coujli rrtnr-lr. Hot M. a, J. dniKl.l. LKUnit Xirt Dm. are tlil Ami! '-Him ile Aro.e Hall Tliai.k.. f.rt. Tt.krl.. I..-Ii,.l,a W wi.r on. Tukrt. lil.,.. .IW. M.lcl. kkharil' Imi' Cwl (net, ,,.( loaf it jidr, a( vr. Hton "irlUnJ ,uin, i,!,. MU,... ,,. Wi m t if lll ,., I. Tk. I'tuniilu, Urn k.l ... , b' K' ny an.l all canirr rK. unit I'rrry AH.1111. r'i.irrc l Vllre Hoifrton In Ih. l.r.llv l.,.nM " 0I, 111 ll.,n CII..I InJ It r. .. "wm, v.niii- pkkr. Ittniraoti, l're:titl, Wll- Ika rti rt.iu.i, 1 ui,,,,,,,, ttTft Mt.fn u, i.ii.l UI..,., .. .1 . .... I. . ' ' '"HI ail in IIIC I'i" Thf nll, !.... . . ... ..'7 in llri.fl f.f ii 1. i ""I'pwioUii.l givii ch.iice will L ' Um 'lyrrteinfiil lor IhU UIIy, lo, Wfliim,!,,,, i.i,.. ii.ij '""IHU. C.L.V.. 1..... . . . r- lu'r. t"v In i.,0nn IVrtUnd. - I'liiii 1 . m.,,,1.. .... .... m ilia luiiuwuiy u.i.imi.1. County: Win. An ScaptaiH.... Armr 0 s, ki: In 11 1 . . . V. , '"aaril, lailKlilDI ! L pw, IVtr M,. t , u..i..i.. ,!. V.rHl. ''"NlTimt ... o.... ctn.ii. .... . ". .--xiitiiig "i llllf lu.,1.1,'.. .. . 1. hi.... ' . '"""f'K nu luriuiur 7,' ,r larding how. In Cum. 7 " C""W , ;,. man coitf I you do mn... ""' m high aula of w haea, uo ,U(, ,me , "Kxwir. -.,i. ... w ",. : ' "i'"ru. nine room """We fl..i.i.-.i. . . BlN,( : ",,r"i coum nut ba tiui.ii- L : ; I"wrty lie. within one iil . . ,""0' "oulton, and two D, M "''K'lUnrliooil unit on R. V h.,.l "'UUl'' 8i' IJiwt. th Itral man. 1... . 'ly I. Kolng to need pulut, oil '-""). I have lh good. M.C.CRAY, 81. Helena Tli. .... . nutea i U. Hup,,.. "mi I tVtfHltt I III' rililll to Irirr! ,.v ,,.! II hi, I". the 011 rebate bv of liter Inland, of Hit 11 v Jeraeycowi from the J r., ''"'"tan, near Indeiicnd- hn'.ii. ! I)MC"' Inoludai Victor' ;lMrr,' "Mi Ru,h ""w-4 J0 I Clilel', pluck Prince, 1 year, III!, " P'olwftla Colmnhla Count. Hkihiti. e l"n 01,0 " ' Jfeya ""WUDifit 11.. o.. .. .. . r.iwtiic i!,M,t uii. (... lila Klft irlc work.. If llrt arr.ii. . . . 1, , , -. . -,,r.lt llllal. lor llii aitliou. ,1...... ... III .Ui yn lil,!,, of 1. i.L .. ..... . , l'. . :. . . . -.n,i, rintii 1 .... t. . . "i iiiJmjYi.n:('ni ui i'.- . MiigM lo (,,,,1,1 ,,fJOW, , Mu , l,,.ai , p,,,,,, 0( llU.r(.lion ()( MJ I"'"- itaxrimu irM-iiihCow)Ii .1,..., ... M.C. fiUAV. H. HrlcH, : '"" " .i.iil.erly to and t.T.i.i. Mr. and , vUMrt , i naliiig at a ix.jm 111 ( 'lIRKllll II Cl . U..I yl.lting their ir,,. Mr a. Mr. ; 'H'"l 1 iVI ill lil.lt tM ol i.J city Uilitwr, olll.c hi, HctB, ,;, onlH-"J ""I'f'Vrui.nUto Uf ai0 Bc. fiundajr Ut. " ;n.lan.. with i!ala ai.d ,,r,,iilt., ow Tlx, alr.MWf ).,,. ,.J1(W :'.'lli...m.-eof lUcity recorder. Irl '""Ml , nl ,,: rl nrirni mi;! t, rk . the Ui lake on nul'i.tn (Vrt '( JOII.M (j.ttJK I'latmr. .,..1 ... . ... . City lift ordrr . i i"'". itiiiii m.. : ,. IricUoikt I ! S4.i;-A 1 ...i.ti-ml licrk.hire An r ir. viic'iMl Uikcu at miw J W. Vim ' " te. ik. Xirti,, Hk :ui. fin " ,!' M- He-en, g.m. rUedund r J Unl l,t k.,u,,i.v OMClAIMlO UTTERS Carfr4 ih la lamra ol a i.u...l. 1st Mai! nuralt...! n, u.i . ... . . . ' " " " : ' ,-,!,! llt'll'll. ebl. km., ll,r ,.,,iy W U. )!)td. "irfi -i.. ltorti,-., (Mu!, 31. lafty. lr. ill.t I,..,,,! clk . ,, li. W. ( li.ll..!, I l,.ii. , an I. luiiiiiiij; .,. luBbj ,t,r t0 . S I ivid; .!,u .i. 1 1,'ite.; Anaelin Ui.kilitf ti k. I .r the tail IiiuIkt ll.; JoLliMMl. 2 .V.li-r: t.,l,, .....,... orilrie.liHirt,i(u.n)(ltojIlI(,,ji,,,f.. i,,, i,, . 4..j. i"g. and w. .,n , Antunaanil drliv, red ; aid U. Kad kuin. t 1,-lti i ; Anh Mn Itlmlu Sheiui nin e, wh ,m,u: 1 UUvr; Mdlard N,.d.l.l i-.ud, lound l,i, ltu;lii-r Julia at lb n,irry. ' Mim M . I IVin-l,., ..rl;J. Stone, I litre die t. "tt;hcd" tk-rilier . Hutu ! f't-t ; Jon u 1U r.k. I l.tterj rrank ,w" ." ! 'iei-Mlcd i h '. s , I li I: . Mi. h iey. iitu.anee inn mr mi i. laiaiu-c Miinda, but ; a.it 1 '. t !i!c. jel Ihej bate lt abuwa wt. and iu l.e-tei 1101 tliimed by vein her "Uih all ,lolMluluy C.,.,i,,l, Cvuuly i, i i wi.t !; llm iKa l l.e eroffne bu u I M. v. (iU IV, r. M. W reir anything tlrclikal. t,. utiihia l.levtric VWika, Sra vki 1 im ,t,c CojirUnd i!,t;e near '.Vanen, lln-.. atsHit July Sj, jmiu. i veailliiit beiirr,, eoUr ol bulb rol and i Willie, bl lio i l light tar cut oil". Oilu h. bell 011 hIkii U-l (ti In'oruMtion . leading in moverr "I (belli wiilbe lib- ORDINANCE NO- 87. rHy 11 aai.lt.l. j An irdiiiini-i gran ling unto Hie Col I . A M-.I.si iN, j ,,.a (,-oui.ty lii,k, an im-urpointiou uairt-n, uit'tfoii , 1B 1 ,-ht ti t-.ii sirni't and nmitiluin a J'rtero, ol Natal, a a M rhme ,encr, lof 11 U-nii of I.i jenrd, Kt WetlueMlay. , along Itm-r (.lic-i-t, or r 1 1 m 1 1 1 , fiom t lit .......... V !' . ...i.. r ,.l t ,,t IH liR- 11 ill k .,,11,1, .IV .r,fii.r. mi 1 11c ifl.iwici. , - - - - 1 ili.i.li i .u 1 1 1,1, 1 ni 1 he Tiu-trr ! erlv d;i,i ti,iii to ,i i-oint where the Mid E.A.CROUSE mmmmsmmsmmm CONTRACTOR g BUILDER if) ak ;:; & to THE ARCADE ST. HELENS. An Up-to-date Moving Pic ture Show Opens Sunday In the old Muckle store building, which has becu remodeled for the purpose. Three shows every evening, beginning at 7:30. ESTIMATES FURNISHED Telephone N'dlre. Notice is hereby given to all member olthe Yankton and St. Helen T.le tdi'ilie AiFociation. ihat it sneeiul meet. ing will I held iu the Vnnkton Grange lmll. Siiturd iv. Novi-mbei 13, liOii, ut i o'clock , 111., dr the purpose ol rai ing fi' li add' to IU nh chis al:e:idy on liiind, lor th(j purpoBc l incorponit inj; a Lo-operntivK Associalii.il, and hav ing said telephone line ..it in goad re p.iir. I'.y order of Board ol Jiircctore. I.. F. BAKGFK, Secy. Ilosolullons ol t'ondiiU ncc. We supply cvervtbii.g elei liic.il, C01.1 miiia Ui.i-.ctkic Works. livery alloc we Uimv h.i a "toiii'h ol jdi.tinction'1 in apHrjiice and is priced ' tin tint all pucneihouM. V elbnulou r. Mr, I'rank vltitor to ti.e county Wlart Nmii.RMirr.s-Thc ol ItM chool houM iK lob-r S:ird, ami awint j K'ver ttr.el, or itriind, iutt muds : V Vw ti sii,i. ill) ed tMuimilirea to il irrniiue where county rua1 ol the dinirict wU.-tll b proved th reoorl were before the county omit .....i.. 1 ..... . .1.... i.. . IUi.L. .111 ini-iii imritlitin. its fiiii't'eiiiiorii n eiiiiewmr. wiinuiu icuuc. niuiiMr, - aurveyor I inttructed to iu,pect the ; "f .ign are hereby giiintexl the nKlit to ley Bint inmiii.iiu a piiiiiic sewer, in The City ol Si. Ill-lent does ordain as lb committee reported and j l"llui; Nn'lloll l. mill inc toiuiiuiitt c unniy Wcdurdy. with the icuncsl that the i l;"k. ilieorporalMn, .. .. . . , t.... 11..... I. ,11. i.i.-lii.. ill (lirilil.t.r lu, III litrillMl ,.,'., r;i ...... v ... order Ihat the dituirt nmy lo lb amount ol tan necctwiry leyied at the ro.nl meeliug in Keeimlier Thin teeitii lo Im an intelligent nruceediuir. and worthy ol emulation by other dlntrictn ol the county. Tcleohoue tumdie and repair. I ol- umbia Clccinr Work. Curxat. The eoiiinn.n council, nl ii tension lal Monday mght, mimc1 an or dinance granting lo the Columbia Coun ty Ibtlik Ihe right to maintain rivuie ewer. Hill allowed weie: A. Mc Cauley, i cord ol wood, .S.()0C. T. rretoott. urveying, , iO ; Columbia County Abtliact and Trust Co., rent, .. .. Ualvpr MotliKill v II. U. Iloaaru is 1,1.,.. Hi. rin-uit court to-dliv lhe plainilll claim eiiKH) dutimgca lor nil in- r . , ..m-... 1.. ii...,,.i-. liry inciirreu m an ii - .un ci to le I ewr pipi', "long the west tidv of River . ., I.......I 11, uii'i.t., fr.1111 1)1.1 R enrnpr eiiiiier, ( . - w.iy of i l ot Is. li!k lul l'xt' "ui" toutberly ulalionjabinK ra.tl xetl aide i f River atreet, or tiund, ami imt li innn u not iroui tliu tr. it hue to it polut wbeie tid River r-tiert, or ttriind, i iteects with Com bin niiret. Section 2. That said ColuinbU Colin ly llnnk, its MUVtssom or aralgna, shall have exclusive riglit to Use and control tut id newer, and Ibis (aid grant bIihII Moiitimie in force for ll period of 15 veara from data of taking eirect of this ordinance. mllliieai Rainl.rlast l)H;eiulK-r i..i.. 1k r.,,iii.,it 11111I hf u illKiK lararjr c .-,.." - ii.., I,,, llm uliiititift : Harrison Allen and Hillard A Day for the defense. DitNTisT l'f. Rambo will I in M. .. , . .... O. II.. .... H.1I..I ITlllllV lliiicnt, ai me 01. ..v,,,- and Saturday of each week, prepared to do all kind of dental work. Miss Sutie Stfilikerand Will C. Jones . . . 1..-.. V.........1... 1.1 were unlleil in nmrnngo uu.... Rev. Jftinea K. I.ewla olllclntlng. Orace . 1...... ...,t r..nrire I). Weaver were also milled on tho same date, Justice Roala, of Ileaver Kulla precinct, peitorni- ing the ceremony. I'or 8At,K Twenty head of sheep ami lour bead ol Ciltllc iMuira o. .t". HHjott erpoil. ltW5 tried In riuiin aguiu.i mw..-. -the circuit court last Saturday and re sulted ill a verdict of It f-r the plaintiff. , ... .i...,n,,,l.l on. both lllir wora, can 1 vj... electrically and mechanically correct, Wr nrraic W'OHIS. STREET NOTICE Pr. HKI.KN. Ore, Oct. 22, 1009 To the Hon City Council of tbo City ol ii .l...... U'.. II... ii.i,1.rit.llld. rl. Illil-uo. ., .. .. . , property owners located on Walla Wiilltt St., in theCily of St. Helena, Oregon, lierenv ri'spi'cnuny pcuuun yum nunui .... ........ . ...i llllle llOllV to 0111 U nillll iur H-ania nun 1 t-.ll.. tv..ll. C. fool pnasengera along ' ..,.... from Its point of intersection with Willa ,n St. in snld cilv to St. Helena SI. and your petitioners will ever pray. John l'hilip, J S Watson, 8 K Lynch, J Warren Quick, K A Crouse, John Rubella, William Cox, Clmrlea Mni klo, 0 11 John. J H Wellington, Jacob George, R Cox. CARD OF THANKS. I desire to thank the Odd Fellow ami ... 1 .. 11..1. 1.1... 1. Relicccaa anil oiiirrieniiiu. ..re.. ness during Hie last iicancn mother. Mr. A. M. Williams. Wbeieat, Aluiiiih y U l, the Popienie ('"iniii.iiier i f the I niverte did on Fri-. ,i,iy, the 1st day of Octohcr, 19li9, in the exiici-e of bin inlii.iu- w;sdoui m id p,er, remove from Ilia os of duly here upon earth, to ihn home not made w ilh hanlls clemal In tbo heaven,' our be loved comradi', lieorge Fo-ter, of Gobi,-, M g.n, uiid Whereaa, C .inra I.i (ieore Foster was a tin mber ill glut! slundii g of Mcl'ln r soil r, al. No. ll'. (i. A. 1!.. Ii. niriini'iil of Washington and Alaska, a eoldjl-r who wore the blm iu the ibukest bouia of b;a country, peiil, kind father, a Irue friend and obliging neighbor, there foie be it Resolved, that in the dcalh of George l ojter. Slel'ln rson Poet No. 13, G. A. K, IVpartim-nt of , Wusbiugloii- mid Al.iekit. bus lo?t Irgbly re-pi'Cted and belovcil couiuide. bis fatuity a kind mid iiiiliilt'tit pmc'iit, the ro.iiinnuity lit Imgi: a patriotic cittjceii, 11 11 honorable and honest nun, triu friend nud kindly neighbor, and be it Further icaolved. that the Charter ol Mcl'hers 111 l'ost ba diaoed iu niourninu for n triod of thirty ibiya in honor of the uieinorv of Coinraile (.iconic hostel. that a Copy of these lesolmions be tent to each member of bis family, and that a copy thereof bc furnished tlieUiegoti Mist, printed mid p iblished at St. Helena. On iron. 111. d a Cuov each 1 1 Ihn Cowlitz Couiitv News and Kalama bulle tin for publication, ami alio that theie ie?olutiotia be cprrad tipin the minutes of the l'ost. Dated at Kalama, Wash., Oct. 0, W09. 0. KAl.AH.tN, GEORGE JENKINS, Committee. Once in a while it is possible to drag 11 Healthy banker to tbo penitential)', but it is like trying to bind a ten-pound trout nith a pin hok. The blamed luck lets him slip off. Kven nfter yon get him in stripes lie Is likely to flop out and away to deep water. 2 Leave orders at residence on Hoiiirrm c tti.. JL ... Wl. 11CU9, 2 or by mail. THE CHICAGO STORE F. J. BASEEL, Proprietor HOULTON, OREGON I am building up a business because I sell for reasonable r. i jwu waul iu save money try me. Coal Oil, per Gallon, 15c Gasolene, per Gallon, 20c Dry Goods, Hats, Caps Men and Boys' Clothing:, Groceries Boots and Shoes, Tinware. Male rlt hirrbrshen that lhe nmlemjinert . , , 7 ,SU; And'lc ct, everything usually found in a firstclass Gen- iiiiiiuimiiiro he e,itei.(i.:i..!nda Warn-hard r 1. j- "i Aj.cii.iiauui:sc oiore. A..Ot'ACE3IE5T Having purchased Ibe interest of lame I In ft ril M.i (. fc f ... . miiciuc, we wish to an nounce to our friends and patron that tlie business will be continued under the name of Jaa. M,-L. I x, ... , . u uv. e solicit l ie patronnge of the public, assuring llieui of courteous treatment and lowest r..vs , uaiu; coiifinereil. K'spectlully NOTICE TO CREDITORS. L',tiJ lh"'.l'ytn Ihat lhe ninleitninerl iir. ., i,...-..i..;.":'i. c,lru o miiil,iniirol the eute ..( i.Mi'nda Itlincba" ,l-e,..,l. mill ,.s i.l,iij .Hell .."T. ili.iPton.. all pvt,jiit l.tviu claim. .a i he .uiie,. i.nho r.,i,bi ( ,i. ; .V Irll.t l-...u. ....... ... .. .. . " '..-.''-7- ........ 1 , " e' " -ieiw, c;iunib ..rtK.ui. aiiuia mi inuuih, tiii, d,e Huiej Ih is Oriober -17. 10m E. E. orn-k- Ailinininiininr. SOTICE 10 IKElilTURS. Ijiiiiilj.iipm.liiteJ ailniliilMrnior o( theesoilc ll ..ti e h. "'"J iU"l. Now, lli.ref.'ire. til pernout hnvlnj e!,i!n,i . ; :, ........v..r,lBi, i.,iire.i u lre- elil lliewime l,ime :.l;ti r,,,..r voueliari. .1 IIIO II Itl'U II... 11,...... 1 . . " ." 1 ilHiiioiai .muiy, lirrgou, wlihiu six iooiati United tali October 27. lutw. WALKiOVER -SHOES- Don't Insist XOTIIE TO CREDITORS, . Xullee Is hereby dvf n that lhe nn,lr,l..,,..i lias lieeu. by eoiihlv court, of IlicSlaleiil t ... . v """" oniiiy. UFpniuteil ail iniiil.trakir i.f lhe ,.,tie ol u. 8. Korter, v., ...... ,11,, j .piniiin.j qs savh. n.i.i' ll,r..,..,u .11 ........... , ...... ............. !.-,- iiviur citiiin, i Kiuuiliiietiiieore hereby r,H,iire,l lo .re- WMil l he ..I,,,, I., n,. ..-it,. ..1 ' . '.. . I ii.. i7... . . i . .7 .. I""!1" .ouenersai .... - ,,, . rosWr, jr., at Oohle. ," "",f 0rei. withlu tlx monibt Oaleil this October 27, l'ina. .?. . Administrator. ...i-.. ivt n.iuiiuiAiraior, SUMMONS- of my R, I, WILLIAMS. -faced gold back. Watch Lost An ojien ii. lll, Initials Q W K on .iv, . i in t I", reward bv return riUUCI Will .i.vv.. t - iug to Kelly Bro. Saloon, Houllon. Hm k to tbo land" eotinda as gr,od to the grabbing corporations na to the homescekor. With the belt) .of Ibe law ami the oitit-iuls, judges, statesmen and t pec in I ngents.lbe corporations have the start. When you give your paiuting contract to Williams you know that you will get the best job that can be done for he pos iely guarantees satisfaction Our customers of yesterday are patrons of to-day because we give them the goods at right prices. WKt.WNQTO.V. Fine sauerkraut at the meut market. Uuy you some. Don't (ail to see Wellington's Full & Wiuter line of underwear. Lost Slick Tin, with map of Aus tralia and. Tasmania on it. Finder can obtain reward by returning to Dr. Cliff. Horsr For Sai.K Weight about 1250. Will work anv place. Price f50. Geo. Terry , lloultou. . 07tf 1 utlie Circuit conn, ot iho stuieo Oieoo, I , , '- wtuiiiui. l.u in lhe ,iiirnr ... ..n I nr. i, m : . vi, 'SLsxr"?. . ...... ,,. . teiiui. i ill nv. r,-R18- ii, vine io me nest h.111 ol III. Norltl- Pllcauli. vs. I R.tr lin.i. ...... ...i I i. -..i.i 7; " "iwr iwviupQu, Alexander I i. . . .v, una mi oinun wnoiu It irmv ftiHtr,i .'.ir..n.i..t0 i) m!u Vn Ul d Jy of September serill. " "ou, ut Now, iiulen yon uppear on or before the 27th nay of November A. I)., likM. and show eause r H"! I'Plt'-atlon shall uol be arauted the aine will bo taken at eonfewiHl. and a decree will be entered aeeordtux to the praver of lhe .-,........., ,, , w lorever narrea ....u,,iyti,iug me tame. ts''l) W. A. II.VRRH i.J. i.i.kkton, ctork. Attorney lor Applicant. On wearing Corns when you can wear WALK-OVER SHOES And discard the Corns. We are Sole agents and the prices are $3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $i00 WHITE & ANDERSON Houlton, Oregon NOTICE TO CREDITORS- $44.50 Knll.u I, kah.).. ....... ..... ..... ... has been, by lhe county court, ol the Mtate of y,.....,a vuiniiy, aiivtttniea aa iiiliilstralor ol Ihe estate of Win. Iloleatln, de- "in., iiiiniiaeu an uen. ....... ....(....T, 0I, person, naving eiAims nenliint said estate are hereby required to nre- ................,..,,.,,, voueners, at the nine of the I'olumbln County Abstract and Trust Company, at 81. Helens, Columbia h" ' ""'a0'1' wl(hln sla mom ha from dale Dated this Kov. 8, HOB, K. K.Ql'IOK, Admluittrntor. 221, Board of Trade Bldg., t'ortland. tf Born To tlie wife of Finnic Donn. ol St. Helens, on Tuesday night, on. HoRSKS FOR SALH Inauire of Tank Appleton, Deer Island. Shwing Machine for Salk Inauire at this office. ' We iustall everything electrical. COfcUMBtA EtKCTRIC WORKS, Of course you have to eat and vou want your money's worth. Ha my busi ness to see that you get it. M. C. GRAY, St. Helena A good five Year old horse for sale. iT. B. Lott, 8t. Helena. Portland to Billings, Montana AND RETURN Account 4th DRY FARMING CONGRESS, Billings, Mont. Tickets apply via S. P. & S. Ry to Spokane and G. N. or N. P. Railways Sale Dates October 23 and 24. - Final return limit Nov. 8. . Stopovers Allowed on Return Trip. Berlin Bakery and COFFEE HOUSE Everything New and Clean. Try our Coffee and Cake. HOULTON OREGON - u. oiaia rair oraiir, Vei.va.in