Catarrh Is a Constitutional Disease It originates in impure blood mid lquirp constitutional lnatimm acting through and purifying the blood, for its radical and por'mnni'nt cure. The greatest constitutional n-medy is Hood's Sarsaparilla In usual liquid form or in rliocolntotl tab lets known as Saraataba. lOOilososJl. Nasal and other local formo of catarrh re promptly relieved by Antiwplets or Catarrlets, fioc., dnippint or mail. C. I. Uood Co., Lowell, Mas, t lortrla'o T-fmt rossibly the tallest IkwhImo In Amer lea grows In Arcadia. Via., and la about 70 feet high. Tlie climi.i has pread of 60 fest and the diameter at th ground Is 12 feet The specimen Is only 8 years old. This Is the common bamboo of In dia, probably brought to south Florida from the West Indies. In Jamaica It has become naturalized and is popular ly supposed to be Indigenous. It makes an astonishing growth during our rainy season, the eanes often at taining their full height In six weeks, after which they begin to put on lea res. The canes are from four to five Inches In diameter at their base. Unfortunately this species cannot tand low temperatures, and the spec imen In Arcadia has frequently Been damaged by cold. A t.aod StlUrtl. rd like to own a street car line; It ought to pay. The people ride when It is Ana, To heat allay. Of course they ride when tt Is wet. For then they wish To quickly under shelter get; Uaa is no fish. And so a street ear Una, you see, May business find. No matter what conditions be With human kind. Then to another point Is my Attention drawn; No other business profits by Its hangers on. wLoutsvltle Courier-Journal. Was aa Hrmnfri I le Prlaetple. Perhaps It day be laid down aa general rule that a legislative assem bly. not constituted on democratic principles, cannot be popular long aft er It ceases to be weak. Macaulay. Twa Dleeeeat Keecle. If you only knew how nervous I w when I proposed to you!" "And If you only knew how nervous I was until you proposed to me!" Ifesgendorfer Blaelter. Pratm Taxis. Under the figure of Proteus, the old man who In many forms was always the same unpleasant customer, the an clents probably typified the charge for toxica ba. New York Post. Rep Frlrade. Nan How Is poor dear Lll thli nonilng? Fan She looks dreadfully. Nan O, I know that; I'm asking you how she feels. Rivalry af Merkrakere. "Chicago people think their city al most as corrupt as San Francisco." "Don't you believe tt." said the Call fornlaa. warmly. "That's Chlcagt nerve. Always trying to get Into oui class." Philadelphia Ledger. Desperate Coughs Dangerous coughs. Extremely perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. Coughs that shake the whole body. You need a recu- lar medicine, a doctor's medi cine, for such a cough. Ask your doctor about Aver'i Cherry Pectoral. A We boolefe eleohel from our nedietiieo Wo iro ro to oer-euil jour dootor yers Any good doctor will tell vou that medi cine Tike Ayer's Cherry Sectoral cannot do its best work if the bowels are con stipated. Ask your doctor if he knowi anything better then Ayer's Pills for cor recting this sluggishness of the liver. " "ill" 7 too 1. C. Ajer Co.. Until. Mom. TAXIDERMIST AND TANNER FURS BOUGHT F. B. FIN LEY 249 Columbia Portland, Ore. Raises the dough and complies with all pure food la (raft CRESCENT MFG. CO. Makers 0f MAPLEINg i better Utan Maple;. Painless Dentistry Oot of town prop to cou novo meir pjei ouo bri'Jeework fin. lahod ia on day If dooowmtt. rVe Mill five y 00 S foot 22k fold or OQrctlaiB crown for $3.5 Kolir Crown 5.0 22kBrM(tTootb3.5 Gold Fillinva 1.0 Cnamol Fill'mn 1.0 Silver Filling. .60 lnl, Fillinrt 2. SO 6ood Rulisor - " '58 B a iJ SV-l ' Plitoo D.UU kwfiltfc 7.50 i. r.v witi, tt nm wmmv m Mart mm Pilrtlnt Cxtr'ttM 6Q WORK GUARANTEED FOR IB YEARS Pat d I cm Jutrtvctiua t roe w httn tlvtn or bridtje worlt U oniorrxi. tV.otmlUtlon FrtM, V(a cannot gt IxKUia Miolt-sas work d(nenrwiier. All work fullr ruar Wise Dental Co. finiso Hi-ii.rn.o PORTLAND. OREGON artws asvu: a. n. t s r. n. , s a. L- III " Jk - rf 'i v ,- I X - la PMoomMtoua SHIP SUBSIDY URGED President Tells Southern States Tbey Should Work for It. ROOSEVELn'POUCUS UPHELD Taft Also Wants Federal Health Bu reau, to Look After Sanitary Condition of Nation. Augusta, tia., Nov. 9. President Taft yesterday played at golf with his host iu Augusta, iiajor Joseph B. Cumiuing, defeating- him, 2 up and to go; opened tlio Ueorgia-Carolina Interstate Fair; rode through the streets of Augusta amid the cheers of his "follow citi zens" and left the city at 3 1". M. for t lort'Dce, S. v. - A call upon the president at the golf liuks on hts invitation by Ty cobb, the baseball player, the extreme cordiality of the reception of the president in his "winter eapitol"' and the' good fellow ship extended to his eatourag were lite features of the day. In his address at the fairgrounds the president touched upon a number ot matters of national importance. The keynute of his address was national sanitation, that a national board of iiealth should accomplish for the nation itself what the nation had accomplished tor others in tuba and i'anaina. The president also talked ship sub sidy aad suggested that the plan mer ited the support of the South espe cially of cotton manufacturing states iika Georgia and south Carolina, air, Taft's speech in part follows: "It seems to me that the most ira portant subject and the most important collection o( subjects is that which re lates to the conservation of our nat urai resources. tales we can secure uniform state cooperation, uniform state legislation with reference to the preservation of our forests and the euqalixatioa of the water, which falls trom the clouds, and the preservation of our soil from being washed out to sea, we shall not be able to carry out the program set for us by Theodore Rooseveit, which to every thoughtful man must commend itself as of the highest importance to the safety and preservation ol our nation." fccgarding national sanitation the president said: e now have various bureaus in Washington which have functions con nected with the suppression of dis eases and the study of the different Iiseasos, but they are scattered and they need to be united in one bureau which shall direct its attention to the study of questions of health under all .-onditions prevailing in this country, so that by the circulation of the knowl edge obtained it may enable the people :o live hygienic lives. 'Sow it is true that the health of the citizens is directly committed to the state, but it is also true that the luestiun of agriculture is committed by the constitution to the state. Never tfceless the agricultural department has iitund much that it can do to assist the agriculture of the country. "1 expect to recommend to Congress there be a uuion of all the experi mental departments of the government tor the discovery of lines of health and tuily of disease." TRAINMEN DEMAND INCREASE All Lines on Atlantic Side of Chicago to Be Involved. Chicago, Nov. 9. Demands for uni form schedules and a wage increase of about 12 per cent are to be made by conductors and trainmen on every rail road system east of Chicago. The movement involves l-'o,000 men, and in cludes every railroad east of the Illi nois Central's main southern line and north of the Chesapeake it Ohio Bail road. It is said to be the most stu- euilous wage movement ever made by ne railroad brotnernoous, and has been under consideration two years. There are hints tonight that all western rail roads will be drawn into the struggle. incident to the eastern demands, the switchmen and yardmen in Chicago, wno are controlled by the Brotherhood l Kailroad Trainmen, are asking a wage advance of 5 cents an hour. highteen of the large trunk lines with terminals in this city were served with notice November 2. Under exist- rig contracts 30 days' notice must be given by either side of a contemplated ?uange in wages or working conditions. Eight Perish In Flames. New York, Nov. 9. Iron-bound win- lows prevented the escape from death f eight workers in Kobert Morrison "Kins' comb factory in Brooklyn, which -aught fire today, and five other men probably were fatally injured in mak- iig tiieir escape from the structure. William G. Morrison, son of the owner f the plant, lost his life in the flames while trying to n.-ach the safe and close U doors, ilis father was among the njured. Forty employes were in the factory when the fire started. Many jumped from the third floor windows and were injured. Mythical Mountain Beached. The Hague, Nov. 9. The famous 'Snow Mountain" in New Guinea, which was considered a myth by many scientist, though it has attracted the mention of explorers for several years, has been reached by the third expedi- ton organized for that purpose by fnc liutch government. The peax was at iiincd after the expedition bad sailed ip the Digalel liiver near the western fruntier of the lintixb part of the isl and. The mountain was formally hristened I'rince Juliana. Its height was found to be 15,000 feet. Hopgrowers Grow Bich. Wheatland, Cat., Nov. 9. Owing to the recent rise in the price' of bops, lie Jr.. C. Jlorst Company has e-ora- inenced planting of a new field. Poles to support the trellis all over the field are now being i-ct. The recent rise in hups meant 1,000,000 additional profit for tlio growers of hops in this dis trict, and one firm, the Dursts, made one half this amount. They own the i largest hopyards in the world. Many carloads of this year's crop are now li'I'I'fil from thii point. Gold Strike In California. Nevada City, Cal., Nov. 9. Word whs received here today that a rich strike had been made in the Omega mine at I-'orcst, near here. Several pounds of nujfcets have been taken from the travel, one of wbich wmir),nA 10 ounces. ' $500,000 MIS LOOT. Warrlnar Lot All In Speculation and Blackmail. Cincinnati. . Nov. 8. An oihVini of the Big Four railroad atated tonight that the defalcations for wmcn x Treasurer Charlea L. W'arriner has bean arrested would be far in excess of f 100,000. According- to his eatimate, it will reach nearly 1500,000. Eighty thousand dollars ia said to have been paid in blackmail. Two women and man are mentioned a the blackmailer. Detective! are shadow ing on of the woman, who Uvea in Cincinnati, but it it stated that the railroad company doe not intend to hav her arrested, but will try to get her as a witneaa for the atate. Warriner, who ia charged with ap propriating $5-4,500, waa released from custody lata today on a bo ml ot xo, 000. During the day Warriner made a re markable change or front In the af ternoon h gave out a statement admit ting hag responsibility for the short age, but declaring there were other in it. Later he changed tactic and declared that he admitted nothing. This later declaration ia taken to mean that he intend to force hi alleged partner in guilt into the open. The $54,(00 in the warrant for War riner'i arrest represents the present amount owing to the railroad company and not the entire amount of the short age. The balance, according to the state ment of General Counsel Hackney, has been covered by property that Warri ner haa turned over to the company. BATTLE WITH INDIANS. Savage Yield After Five Hour' Fight With Police. Victoria. B. ti. Nov. 8. After a five hour' battle, beginning this morn ing at daybreak, a force of 50 special police, under Chief Constable Maitland Doogall, and embracing virtually all male inhabitant of Hatleton, on the Skeena river, captured the Indian vil lage of Kispiox, and made prisoners several chiefs of the tribe who have been inciting the related nation of the Skeena to war upon the whites, ob structing railway construction and this week seising supplies and stopping provincial road work. Chief Constable Maitland-Dougall make no report of casualties to Super intendent Hussey here, although pri vate telegrams cay firing was practical ly continuous from daybreak until noon. Despite the fact that the Canadian government had ridiculed the sugges tion, resident of the North country apprehended serious trouble all alonf the Speena a soon a winter sealed the waterway, the Indians nursing an orig inal and legitimate grievance as to game law and fisheries regulations in terfering with their basic aupplirs un til it waa fanned into flame by agita tor who have all summer been preach ing the legal rights of the Skeena na t'ons to all the lands along that river. CATTLtMAN ADMITS RAID. Two Turn State's Evidence in Wyom ing Trial, f. - -- anc rai cot roe ev: tin be ( cot the sUi erti sheepmen would be ordered to quit the coli try. Keye denied having seen anyone shoot or having fired a shot himself. Farris admitted discharging hi rifle and seeing James Allemand, owner of the sheep outfit, killed. He testified that Herbert Brink, the pres ent defendant, fired the fatal shot. Farris stated that every man under ar rest was in the party when the raid waa made. Pierre Caffarel and Charles Ilelmer, sbeepberders, testified that tbey were summoned from camp on the night of April 2 by a band of masked men, marched to Orevhill at the point of rifle and kept under guard while raid ers made their descent upon the camp. Hot Tons; War Is Fesred. San Francisco, Nov. 8. The tore war ha assumed such a seriou aspect that the police have placed the local Chinese qusrter in a state of siege. The warring faction of the Yee fam ily and the On Yick fighting tong are so closely watched that it is not be lieved that the battle will be resumed in the regular Chirese quarter. De tective fear that host. titles may break out at any moment in the outlying laundries and garden, where numbers of the warring tong are employed. These place are closely watched Santa Fe Loses Money. . Guthrie, Okie., Nov. 8. The Santa Fe railroad in Oklahoma has suffered great loss since the 2-cent passenger law went into effect, according to an affidavit filed in the United States Dis trict court today by that company. The document asserts that the Santa Fe carried 237,441 more passengers in 1908 than the preceding year, it pas senger earning ibowing a 'oss of IM, 526. Owing to the compulsory low freight rate, it i claimed that the re ceipt showed a decrease of orer $200, 000. Prosec'ited for Air Scorchirg. Paris, Nov. 8. The first prosecution for furious flying will shortly occur In the courts here. M. Blanch, who crashed into the crowd at Port Aviation three weeks ago and hurt several peo ple, is the defendant. Two victims have summoned him for furious driving in the air. Curiously enough, Jthe pros ecuting lawyer is Paul Fay, who is a son-in-lsw of Mr. Harts berg, whose husband brought Wilbur Wright to France. Spanish Army Advances. Melilla, Morocco, Nov. 8. Sixteen thousand Spsnish troops, supported by heavy reserves, began an advance this morning over the Beni Sicar territory, The Infanta Carlos of Bourbon led the advance guard. arlvanea iruarrl. Old Favorites taraataeee. Honor and ahame from no condition rise, Act well your part, there all the honor lies. Fortune In men has some small differ ence made; One flaunts tu rasa, one flutters In bro cade; The cobbler aproned, and tb parson owned. The friar hooded, and the monarch crowned. "What dltTer mora (you cry) than crvwn and cowlt" Ml tell you. friend 1 a wlae man and a fool You'll find If onoe the monarch aoti the monk Or, cobbler like, the narsoa will' be drunk; Worth makes the man. and want of H the fellow: The rest I all but leather or prunella Uoaat the pure blood ot an Illustrious race, In quiet fiow from Lucrece to I.ucrece Uut by your fathere' worth If yours you rate. Count me those only who were xM and reL Ool If your ancient but Ignoble blood Mas crout throuah scoundrels ever since the Mood. Clot and pretend your family la young. Nor own your fatliors have bean fools so long-t What can ennoble sots, or slaves, or cowards T Alaal not all the blood of all the How erds. -Alexander Tope. The Caaaga aad the t'raov. The i-lioujrh and crvw to rooat are sons, ine owi alls on the tree. lhe bush'd wind walls with feeble niouu. Like luuiit charity. The wlld-tlre dances on the fan. The red star sheds Its ray, Cp-ruuaa o, then, my marry men! It la our op'nlng duy. (loth child and nurse are fast asleep. And closed Is every flower, nd winking taper faintly peep High front my Lady bower; itewllder'd hlnda with shortsn'd ken (Shrink on their murky way. Cp-rouse je. thru, my marry nienl It Is our op'nlng day. Nor board nor rarner own we now. .Nor roof nor latched door. Xor kind mate, bound by holy vow To hires a good man's store; Xoon lulls us In a aioomy den. And nit tit Is crown our day. L'p-ruuse ye. then, my merry men And use it as ye may. Joanna ISatltlo. WILL HAVE FLYI.YQ BICYCLE. a bat Jaloa Hula PraaJeta (or Ctolll " IUO Wan llaaea. Jules Ilols. a distinguished archaeol ogist. whose hypotheses In regard to ancient civilisations have been won - derfully born out by archaeological uis'overles, has attempted to fore?ast "le J'tl-WK Ukely to take place In oi in 100 years' time, based sole- ipoa hypotheses formulated on the ..i ,i. ,a . . . . .. .. . aa d,m' Iltlons. some of which, of course. not be traced to the beginning of nineteenth century, l th first place, says a Parts letter he Now York Tiroes, M. Bole pre a that all the great cities will be lcally uninhabited except by vlsl and for bustneas purposes during tne daytime. All classes will live In the country or garden cities at con siderable distance from the towns, to which access will be cheap and ax tremety rapid owing to the enormous development of all methods of con trivance, from pneumatic railways to flying cars. Tbe motor car will bare gone completely out of fashion, but the bicycle. In a new form, will be once more In favor, for a sort of flying bicycle will be Invented which will enable the rider to soar In mid air. Tbe average height of European will be Increased; so will the average length of life. Entirely new views will prevail con cerning the beauty of women, for wom en themselves will be greatly changed; their beauty will be combined with muscular power and courage. Parlia mentary Institutions. M. Ilols believes, will be greatly modified; Indeed, will almost have disappeared, and nations will be governed by delegates of varl ous castes. All existing aristocracies will have become blotted out, but a new form of aristocracy, brought Into being by the general alteration of the conditions of life, will be socially snd politically powerful. French will become th great International language. The Moroli Choree. Although he was pretty glad to take In summer boarders, and thus mak capital of his small garden produce and his wife's excellent cooking. Jededlah Hubbard always made a great point of never letting his guests 'get In ahead" of biro In any way. "City folks that hav been around a mite think thoy know it all fura A to Izxard!" be used to say. "They need somebody to take 'em down a peg or two once In a while.' One morning while be was chewing a long spear of grass, near the wood yard, be was surprised to see a newly arrived boarder, fully dressed, coming toward him. This propensity of "city fellers" to rise at "sunup" was quite Iregular. "Good aiornlng!" exclaimed th new comer. In a lusty tone. Mcrning!" responded tb old man, as !f uncertain Just what to expect. "Well, I s'poae you have to get up early to see that tbe oayoock crow properly, don't you?" said th city man, with an airy, Jocular familiarity which Jededlah was not alow to re sent "Well, no," be drawled, 'not siactly that I waa just out untying som of tbe knot In th cord wood." A man who associates with fool ,on tl,n"' 'arn r01 way. WUSBS WDi when be 1 eaibla. IU sVllllVof. in fi - Somewhere xp or ni Meaaant "Hook of sio,' Mrs. l.ucj I ril-h Parkins (alia lllililful Ktorj f her New Englntl eilcal great arrandfatber, who was limn ot lcuu It and resources. Hhe says: It employed more th.ui on devlct to secure wakefulness on the part ol hit weary comtres it Ion. 8liullii dur Ins the tiraver was but on of many My grandmother used lo lll us wltb pride of an Instance which occurred at a thus when a new rhurcn euinci had been proposed, and umbo warm discussion. Great graiidfathei thought this worldly and iiimeces aary expense, and emphasised his opln Ion by pausing In (he midst of his wr moa on a Sunday, wylnf Impreiwiveiy aa ha fixed the somnolent momlwi'i ol his concret.itlun with a stern look: "You sr talking about InilKIIng I new church: It seems lo m quit un necessary, since the sleepers la the old oil are all sound! ,...."rae..a'l Msssaa. Aa absurdly worded statement of a fact which was not In Itself remark- sble recently trUd th gravity of the listener It was ou the occasion of the funeral of an elderly woman In a New KneUnd towu. She bad left an old mother, nearly !0 year of age, and an only sou who was well on toward 60. The aerrlces were conducted hy a timid young clergyman, recently set tled over Jhe parish. Alter praying for many and various things, he said: And two, w especially pray that the laird will romtort and sustain la their loss and sorrow. On Is the or Pban, who. although no longer young. La an orphan still, and must so con tinue: th other Is th mother. Tar ad vanced In years, who ha survived her daughter, although considerably her senior." Warr ike Vra taoae la. Mr lucon I ui.disuid your bus. land Is i wiirk on new poem? Mrs Egbert H Is lies try n: l iomi niagasine lo accept It. lonaers Statesman Toa wlia f'alara. "Iarla la a wuiidnrfut enter r so cial Kly and popular psi-llemrM " Tes." answered Mr. Cumrox. thoughtfully. "I should not h sur iirleed If I'arl nnh one day tlalmj recognition aa lhe I'liutmrg ot rranca." Wanhinaiori Hiar. PrtU's fye Sake 100 War OM. relieve tired eyes, ijuickly rurraeye arhi'S. inflame.!. orr. walerv or ulcer ated eye. All dniggtata, or Howard u ....!. -irus., iiuuaiu, ti. Iaeael. "You say th man you married seem more kind and generous since your divorce than he did before" "Yet." showered Mrs, Klimnioon "He never says a word about evoiioaili log. but sends around bis alimony elthout a murmur " Washington Star. Thousands of country peopl know that in time of audden mishap or acci dent Hamlins Wixard Oil la the beet auhatitut fat the famil doctor. That 1 1 why It Is so of ten found upon th . thif. As Mailer at Jaolle. "Sir." one of your reportors referred '8, m lB '' ' tlsf. grnasy. drunken loafer." I want 't corrected. Ira a "I see It I Tou sre fount and IMn. We'll correct II to-morrow. Ooed morning " Llaleeo. Th little boy who had stuck hi head out of th ear window lo address s question to th man on th station platform drew It In again. "Mamma." hs said "that man out ther say this place is Wydopen ln'l that a funny nam for s loanT" Seullo the I'lrlure Mtlllcsnt What mad yoo rofiio Vfr Wllder's Invitation to go walking with h!rn Don't you Use him? Mildred Oh. yes. t like him well nough, but his red whlnkers don'l ook well with my new plak hat ummerv'lle Journal All Who Would Eryoy good health, with its blessings, must un derstand, quite dearly, that it involve tbe question of right living with all the term implies. With pmpcr knowledge of what is best, each hour of n-creation, of enjoy ment, of contemplation and of effort may be made to contribute to living aright. Then the use of medicine may be dis perued with to advantage, but under or dinary condition in many instance a simple, wholesome remedy may b invalu able if taken at the proper time and tlx California Fig Syrup Co, hobls that it i llike important to present the subject truthfully and to supply the Sue perfect laxative to those desiring it. Consequently, the Company's Syrup of Figs snd Hixir of Senna gives general satisfaction. To gi t its lienefieial effecU buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, and for sale by all leading dnigjrists. m uarra wamm POMMEL SLICKER nnd. - cheapest in the ena Decaase it wears longest SiCWsnasw MM GARMENT eiiAHAnrrto WAftJiPRQOr ZEM snd la guaranteed to give DeraerraV.ii. tww to dye, bleach AXiS;','""1- Ml ooas . . y mtm tciias Ait ,kii&.'iKK'Jii;vl;.t,L.; -il; At.cuJiob I I'kH oxr. AVr adaMr iVpttrtliwItitAl slmllallMhi'fbixlJi.llii'ijtto linB (lie Uvxkta auiilaM'oi Promo leu DiuS-jtUflsrifU vsa awl HrM footiini v1t Usimi.Mi)nihiie! loXrtaist- MJTiXAHCOTIC. saaasaaassaawasisSB. ajaBaaatwaaass AaWoa" dnifAeVe 12HiWia wwtPWjy estssrl Anerfrft Rminiv fiwrntnflsi Hon . Suur Saith.UUtbi orml 'iwiiitJwrtu tu'sjanl Loss or Sua rstSiaa iWt' ft Kiacl Copy of Wrapper, Sarat Wear yeur tight shoes for fashion's sake: tiesidra. 'II lot of fun- Two corns with Put a singl ache. Twe toes thai throb as una (ares WHM, Ailcn'o ytMl loo lo a rvftala nife faff hl, avoiMif. raltMt. Klfl W.llttt04 fa I tig M. Mi4 br on l9Us!l rrtre IH.ti I afraid any mUi lu- trial .. . MIL a44l Aii. mauir- lI.UHl. V V. laraee the Hlet, City friend leprndiii Hi dy In distant SuliurtJ I'ldil'l II ever sink you thai your servant Is Impertinent ly Inquisitive Huhtft My dear felbiw, It only th way ef a privileged jd family re tainer Why. would you heller U. that gtrl Ims bean with us over IU Weeks' IUrirr'o WeehiV She Meaal t-releeeleaa'.! r. A th young eiaa careaawd th cheok of hi lady lot she drew easy hastily. "I think." sh ld Indignantly, "you had teller see rather nrsl" "Why, what do you maor aaksd th perplexed lovr. "father." sh replied, a ah ntiroed her cheek, "1 a barber," tluccaws Magstla. Dorft Cough! Use PI so CURE Ttt tin Mtvuit nt (ja.ii Will (aounlly relieo your chin4 Ihrooi. 1 hre I auihing lik it fur Aslbraa, llroachillt aad Im" trouhleo. t Aa(lno M opMIs. Vary pteaoanl to lak. All IVeeeMe, S oaaoo. C Gee Wo Tin C.lctu Doctor Tklo wooidoful awn ko atodo a liteetwlr irrwllw ,4 Howlo, ll.rlo and Hoik., om! lo elvtn lUourhl lhe benerll ui he) ooeokaa. No Mcnaev, f aiaaa r Mts tloea. ha Oaerallaaa or 1 allio Ouoranloo lo i-ure falarrh. A.'drno. Ine. Huenork and Kidnoir lr.l,ko. and all Pn.ele uleoaoae of M a oroi Wrftwn. A BURC CANCtK CUKE Jtut raroid frow I'rkla. I l.ina-oale. euro and reiiotia. U. l.iili.e in lie auiko, II rw nnrut rail, arlio lr.r irmpun blank aad elrculor. IrirluMi i eonlo la olojnlia, COnMillAIrON ftt The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 1i flrol M car. Marrtoaa. rnlal, Or. ell rur Food Law BAKING I 1 i yii.lJi'OM" km eV Stands for Quality Economy Purity ft KG In providing the dc sausnca with ucsi. tt. u is guaranteed pence nun at a moderate price. It i.s: manes everything: better. rUaianf. l.Ull . Try and FADELESS "DYES 'S itn nV other d ve. One loo ...w... 1 , Aak d..,, OI w wlUaend Bo5VtC,rri send &&AT&lZtt"&Xu MONstOS Tor Infanti and Chnrieae, The Kind You Have" Always Bought Boars tho - Signararo of li! Use For Over Thirty Years lfl 2aC 'A liaaS Starer. "Can yon recommend m man ef good staying pi-rr "Oh. ye. r My daughters rotus, man."- Uattlumr Amtrsraa. To got rid of dadfhlen, lUol laduat Miry I bora Iu Bowers. Wbru tbe go, era are dead lb girl ore ..(.,, widow rae be otd tbrsu. POL "I have suffered with pile thirty, si yeaie. Oct rear gu 14 April I be jtn ukmg CsMuret lor ctiitk. la tlx ewura 4 a week I noitrrtl the rate began tu dioappraf arid at Hi end of U wveks they dal nut trmilde me ol U. Caaravi have dnrte wonder ( m. I ) eulUsly cured and feel Ilk s aW tuaa." tocorg Krdf, Np4ev, O. rWaeaat, feloleMe. Khom, fUw. ItalitiM Sieve? aorSoa, W ha r l.flea. h . tie. W. heeoe 0--14 t l-0 Trio po aawloiikot oloratwvl i. ' t". Uwoioaieoil ra eon at taw akuaee I A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Moono aa antoitiM ow ouare II a-ewie lha roa U kao ho 1 prorlt oal 1 i nle aaiee oitlr r' m aoa ha oleooual I or-Ik n (rum re I winter, aa eiee-"M aolar lit ooMme oa oroioo oaiie loolaoa M mt. look loon a haarooootL tmi ot eot en-t aoe, OM.I of . ! eteet, will out tuol 0J will loot aufeilm T wui ei I wh iho i rtg eron Bf frM). Ihoaoxllo Wjlee Holrlr Ak Imo our r.loK ol frx U..k M. "Iluw la-l.oaolr Wotet ( ItWIS & STAVtWCO. Portljixi, Off. Spokdnr, With. Boise, Idaho. t N U No. 40 w lir.M wrllln l.lertler 1 waallMW Ihl power Jaqnes Mfg. Ce. Cbkago. POWDER family's mcalu.don't anything but tho sec. Perfect or Money back. ally well DRUQ QQUtANt, Quinsy, lUiiw AAA" U7