The Oregon Mist ti"Po.toff,ce nt St. Helen., OreRon, M second-class Suuschiptios R.lTK One year - ' 11.00 , .SO Advertising rates made known on appU- nion. uki notices 28 cc"uJli!!!!; ISSUSD EVKV FIAV BY B. H. FLAGG. Editoh and Proprikto. County Official Paper Cmcrrr Count Officers: t ,t Camt.lll IMstrict JmlR I VEvX " . District Attorney Countv Omvaas .... St. Helen " Helen J "un"e: clatskanie H. West, Owmiseloner 0. T. Presoott. surveyor ilAw sh.nnit Coroner Rainier r i ah k. nv - . - WETS WIN. Bv a majority of 64 Columbia Countv has decided to postppne mine rlrv until next November. The peculiar action taken by the people of Rainier in voting in tn-A hnllnt boxes, one labeled "nitv" and the other "precinct' leaves good ground for a contest, if tVi nrohibitionists so desire. This was done on the theory that the city of Rainier, by the pro visions of its charter, is exempt ha tt-nrlcinO" of the local 1 l Vila v ODtion law. and, of course, ,;. ie K.rrwt the citv's votes 11 lit? vw should not be counted in deter mining the result in the county DKY WET 21 5 52 34 16 11 25 26 126 140 13 75 17 1 43 20 63 32 32 28 78 177 63 69 177 209 53 16 779 843 Apiary Auburn Beaver Falls Deer Island Clatskanie '-. Goble Marshland Nehalem Oak Point Rainier precinct.. Rainier City Scappoose Union Warren Wet majority 64 ELECTION. NOTES. It will probably be noticed that Union precinct cast 386 votes to Rainier's 315 and Clatskanie s 266. As the Mist is not printed on asbestos we decline to publish the opinion entertained by the Ralnnn men in Clatskanie. Goble and St. Helens of their Rainier brethren. Rainier is one of the commun ities where the saloons regulate the city instead of the city regu lating the saloons, and St. Hel ens is not much better. We thought the hobo camp at Goble had been abandoned. We are obliged to H. W. for a life-like picture of Mr. Sebnng, the eentleman from Florida, with a national reputation. "My poverty, but not my will, consents," says the prohibition taxpayer Who voted wet on Tues day last. Like the apothecary in Romeo and Juliet, he is will ing to place the poison within reach of the would-be-suicide pro vided he may thereby avoid the payment of an increased tax. The men who believe the licensed saloon is preferable to prohibi tion are entitled to respect, but the professed prohibitionist, who believes the saloon is a curse, yet votes wet, as many of them did last Tuesday, can certainly not expect to retain the esteem of right thinking men, and the sa loon keepers with whom he allied himself must feel like spitting on him. 1 The people oi the Clitwauken Viillcy in Lake County aie getting tired of the postponements granted the company having the concession from the ttate board for the conrt ruction of an irriga tion canal to irrigate 12,000 acres of laud. The people there have waited several years for the project to assume shape. It looks like a scheme to them to play dog-in-the-manger. Tae valuea of land are greatly increased hy Urina tion. Nothing elso is. Tho lima who cm get a franchise to build an irrigating Cnal and can hold it a few years stauds good chance oi selling his privilege lo ctunl capitalists who will finally do the construction work. This has been done repeatedly In railroad construction. ,5oiMST Whereas, notwithstanding beef Is Going upward with a bound, Pork is higher.'aud our butter Coats us foi ty cents a'pound, Ha-h is doing welt, the weevil Having vrtil it, and the prune Are the finest and roost filling We have raised in many moons. And whervca, the reign of terror PinothertHl'by the suffrsgeUe Is remote from ns ."matter Oi an ocean trip as yet, And the polar controversy His subsided for a bit, Iavina us to reassemble Our disseminated wit ; And wherci. the railroads bave IVlivereJ Tf t the debonair lleieand there around the country Bight side uppermost with care, And the Oungree in it wisdom Has arranged a vt of true By nhieh business and reform have Soil of turned each other loose ; And ahereas, no one Is running Very hard this year for place, And ae'ie neither disconcerted Nor distracted by the race, And the present stal of being. Notwithstanding we rehearse Some complaints to keep la practice Might quite easily tie worse; There, Thursday, or November Twenty-ftUh. is set spsrt As a day of tliar.ks aud fullness Of the stomach and the heart. When the (sacrificial turkey Shall resume its.festal sway. And we may rejoice it isn't What it rn gtit be, anyway. Vnrm.lwr i?pt its ititse from Mfven, the Latin word for nine. It was an eientlv the ninth mouth, but that brought it around at the season when the Kotnan explorers were getting in j frviu Britain and other parts end rais ing such hullabaiko with their claims snd counter claims that it was nnaiiy made the eleventh month, when the at mosphere hsd somewhat cleared ana there really was something lor wiiico W be thankful. Incredulity i.i those days was much worse than it is now. When Caesar returned to Borne anil claimed to Lave dn ided Uaul into three parts he precipitated a dispute in the ainlenea of which botb his Eskimo were assassinated and the empire rose and fell four or five times. The countersign for November is sup plied by Charles R. Crane, who was for a minute Minister to China. Mum is the word. Mr. Cannon will be coon for the month, with the following cast: Dogs, Mr. CUpp, Mr. Cummins, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Borah; lantern, Mr Bris- tow;axes, Mr. Beveridgc, Mr. Dolliver; gamesack, Mr. LaFollette. i'tom the first to the twenly-secona the son will remain in the constellation of Storpio, but on the twenty-second it ill paw into that of Sagittarius trie Archer. This will give the aolf the ball again on onr 10-yard line, witn oniy three meals to play. If wecan hold them there for downs the consumer will eat cn the ninth, seventeenth and twen ty-seventh, as be has been doi&g; but if they score on us, he will eat only once this itonth on the twer.ty-lifth. All of us, no doubt, remember some thing of the month November, when the pumpkin pie is blooming, and the husk ing bee is on ; when the hillsare turning amber, nnd the hoz lies down to slum ber in the melancholy knowledge that be is to die at dawn. It is then the apple hotter has a ten dency to splutter and to radiate a per fume uuite a distance from the pot; it is thenlthe orchards beckon, and its pretty j hard lo reckon a hether father had his seiites when he moved to town or not. Then the pheasa it, that great drum mer, wakes the morning, and ior sum mer iu the sad heart of the forest is a sweet and plaintive wail ; and the geese go over flying down the arching heav ens crying loud alarums, as if winter fairly had them by tbetaiL You would think lo hear them hollow tiiut a blizzard were to follow, and that , anu iui Boreas had stang them where they didn't stand the pain; hot., know tbem pretty fairly by this .time, .nd it . rarely that we ever loos for snything . oeyona.. But its not eo bad to see them, Nor atnUs lo want to be them Thev are free, which makes a married Man look at them more than once ; And a thoughtful contemplation OI that wedded gregilion Is nut, anyhow, exactly What made any man a dunce. It arouses his suspicions That too many politicians Have to do with the direction In which humankind is bound; And he wUhfs it were fated That we luiaht be recreated And lx;4in again at Eden V'ith a new deal all around. But, howeverwise it may lie, this No vember is the baby for that plenty which is pictured with a long Pomona horn from which sustenance is pouring in abundance on the flooring in the fhape of . sweet potatoes, pump kins, cabbages and corn. All of us know that old picture, And its what November's like, When the days are soft and hazy Aud the farmer's on the hike With his corn and his hog-killing, Till he's all but out of breath With exertion lest the people ' Im the cities starve to death. The November flower is the olirysan - thetntmi. To wear red or pin one signifies love, a white one indicates mat yon are tor Cook, a green one that you r for lVary, aud a urown one immune that you do" not know what to think. November's birthslone is Hie topes, " Itlsaitood month to be marneu in, inMni.tH hli)ir too much occupied with getting Into winter quarters tube ..i.-.u... ..,.1 Uvir.linir occasional bliss. After Thanksgiving, the greatest ony In the month will be the nluth, which is the day the rUgrims landed, mere will be a big celebration at nymoutu Rock, with p.mde by speeches by Messrs. Aldrlch, Morgan, itnkfeller. Cannon ana oincr friends of liberty. , and .iath Mr. short miniver- . i. 1. Outhe fourth, nut), will umke few ,t. around the house (or old time's sake. -And then December's cruel blasts Will bite the weather vaue, And Sanift Claus will skid aiouud Upon his aeroplane. ALt'KKU 6Ui.MHiS VMM Mr. Alfred Shaunaliau dtea at ine , ion. In TortlauU. sunoay uioru bran trouble, aged (SU ye.s, 10 months. Mr. Shaunalisn was oue oi .'"- neers ot me upper eiwinu . Uing there wiih hta laiuuv iu i miU ahovM Vrruonia. He had been a resident ol fcorest UrpvB for about lour years. lie ta HVleu oy w',ci sons, M. O. tthannahan, ernoai ; Pm u. tun, eruoma three dautera. ,,of i'ortland ; Mr. Siianuahau, lhiudeet Mn T. J. Cleeton -..i Vni,t.mi AoLiiiia: Miss Merle SuaiiiiuJ)o. of Foiest Urove. The re mains were laid away in the cemetery of the Grand Aimyol the Republic at Forest Uiove, Tuesday, November Jinu. 3101EL UAIKV AT 1)EEB ISLAND. ........... ,;..u .-.I tli duirv ol K. L. Thompson, at I'ecr Wand, ws made yesterday by Dr. S. W. McClure, ol the ttoreisoi AuiUial IndUetry I Or. W. H. Lytle, State Veterinarian, snd Dr. B. C. Venuey, Stnte Health Officer, in Ol der to detpiniiue the qualifications ol the dairy toproJpcc a sauitary milk pro duct. Mr. Thompson's dairy was found to be tn excellent condition. The herd had been tested ty Dr. 11. K rinserton, ol the Bureau of Animal Industry, aud found free liOtn tuberculosis. T''B brU was in most excellcut sanitary coudi tiou and conducted iu strict compliant? with the most iiid suuitary require ments of the L'mted Slates Depaitmeul of Agriculture. The barn was also found to provide 740 cubic feet of air space aiuilour squaie feet of air aper ture lor each cow . All manure aud dirt from the barn U rvmoved by gutters to Tileetdiaiaut, aud hauled away each day. The milk huue was found to be fan in n.n.triii'tiiiii and auDolied with abundance of light, pure clJ water ami boiling water for sierilixiug purposes. It was found that Mr. Thompson re quired that all his cows should be curried and cleaned euch day, aud theii udders cleansed befoie milting. The milkers od attendant are required to keep personally clean and dress in clean white linen suits while milking creat ine for the milk. All milk is draan directly Into small top milk pails aud os soon as drawn is removed from the dairy barn lo the cooliug room, where its temperature is reduced in a sauiUr; cooler lo 00 ae grees Fahrenheit. The milk U then bottled and sraltd with a private seal, insuring iis delivery to the uustouipr" jo its oriii.l fresh state. "This is the first dairy to receive the sanction of the State Board of Health lo sell milk kr.o n as "certified miik," saidfctstd Health Ofll er Ye ney, ' but the Board is rca ly si any time to ex amine the dairy barns and cows of any wrson desirini to meet the require ments of the Bourd necessary to produce certified milk. Mr. Thompson has demonstrated that the production of a pure milk is prac ticable and intends to enlarge his pres ent plant. His enterprise in establish, inga dairy of this character in the vi cinity of Portland is most commendable and he has been isued a permit by the State Board of Health permitting him to sell "certilled milk." Oreg.mian. We wish to announce to our friends Mimni that we carrv lull line of . - . - , """" car .Gentleman and Amer kan lady shoe, nd would be pleased to show- them to ?ou. There is no more .mporUnt d.U, 'of vourattiie than shoes. Vouwill find BOthin2 smarter or correct than onr new American Centleman Oford. The su,v . I . . . ... .n .-an ; .. 1 , . . ... tlemcn shoes, is not only in appearance, it covers every detail, insiqe ana out. JAS. WUCKLB A SON. tee Dr. Montgomery's new pianos and organs. Organs, 20, up. I'ianos $'2TA up. One term of music leswms free with each nisno. and 12 to 24 lessons with each organ. Mrs. 1'ilkington, graduate I in music, gives lessons every Saturday at ! our store for 50c a lesson . Join "the class. ftlO.NT'.OMKKY, lliilip Bueliner, one of the leading lumber and timber men of the coast lays that Oregon has stumpage values of timber of fully 5ia,000,000 Oregon should employ bim as the state afsessor tor all the nontillable lands in the state, opon which are all the timber land', is now given in at $m,m,ZM. Th en tire assessed values of Oregon on every kind of property the assessors can find is less than yxW.OOO.OOO. In the timber barons we have a source of revenue Jor our school houses and roads that if properly looked after would enable os to have all the advantages ol civiliza tion without burdening Die farmers. Hllr up your assessors, who are more charit able to the absentee timber lords than ! to the men who ekst them , J THKCOM'CK I'S'uUW. The Medlord (t Mall, of ! .la,.. ilm f.ill.iw 'iiii? Itrnl wllit'll Will be of interest lot ii Mil .'Wf: Yesterday, C, !:. tier, innsiirer n( tho lWar C 'i ...irrl, leeeleeu l..tittr fmm I ..c I S (e Senator Rourne. with rn lieloed theek for rue, WHii rn wmmi . The letter rcpiested the sltlp- t ol slsly h.tlf-les ol CJomlee 270 incite v j - - . uiit In Mr. whistler, aim the check was m pay"'"' ,lr tieme The sum paid tor me pr y rveauts 14.50 per halt box tlian-eise hoxesVor U wr box . "Senator Hourlie. In his letter, Siaiei that It Is his putpoao to take the pears , h (l ,aWa.l,. f lh , .! f cmtress. . . .. i. i ad will pu sent alios or u e w I p.l.t.dt. Tuft and a vikhI rample tot each member of the rWn.'t and to ev k a w i- -r "V " 'l - i . ...i.i... .ii,.i.iiui .i coriia si "The significance of Senator Bourne's ...ri.M, ran hM iuditvd bv the fact that the diplomatic corps to whiow he refers . u Every goveinmentwll. therefore, through 'u M,mp,hlg ,,, (W(lillg judg. ., ,hB Com ce ne.rl ol Hit D no iim River vallev. We here in Inll vail,. have no dpubt what tut ous verdict will be, and (t wotn.i anoru Wonderful liidlng to the ben'tlbteu lie Die or our o n iamn . . : .du,i u,, iur,,, it,, (am o the JiS" ROLL OF HONOR aiiVAMrsi) tiKAUKS Fred Morgu, Berlin Yo,"!,n, Chas. I.... Teddr r-rrscott, Frank Thorp, Carl Hamilton, Cecil Kofs, MableCtaig, Kenneth Siecht. Clr Stevens. Ruih Decker, Osaald Deinlng, Ruth Wchxrd- Hilda Soeclit. Mary tlur.iion I jvit a Poecl t. Anna Uui.k, Lauf Br ber. 1.B1.UUAK. Al Oleson. Itiea Harhsr. Oladjs w.iivm. Mvrna Yeonians. Bomice Van fioldie Hattan. Lois Clear, Fay l vnKh. Kturah Dixon. Charlie Brought, Chaille iiiiiith, 0 he Leliare, Boy r-"- ... . Law, (two taidy marks.) INTKKUKlll.tri;. John IKmin4 Esther Kill". Na Uartmii, Bobeit Dixon, Hex Miller, i:.rrl..l U'i.ika J.,uk l'rccott. K'hel I n.-h IVaev Smith. Mild'ed Fennl mnr. Matthew McKie, Kdith Hamilton William Barber. Hobert Schell, Minnie Anion. R.,v TUoris. Marie lion. Kd ward Malviu, Maude K clisnison. itmisv. Willi t.vncii. Jimnile Kills, Gordon l.hi.tnr. Kdna Gartmao. Mrget B iul t,v. IjDuis l eBare. Walter Smith, Hoy (aire. Nora Gensman, Katie Lynch, Ag W it-ks. Viols Woulley, Mae Rubra", Theodore Biakesley, Willie Ursy, Henry Grav. Mason Dillard, Iviao fccueii. i Hrinn. F.velvn IlelKon, Frances r;iinieki. Chandler Gray. Liie Woolley n.,,iii r.n.inau. Laura Grant, Irene Grant. Ruth Jiion, Grace parnlug Raymond I.undgreii, DR. MONTGOMERY'S Real Estate and COMMISSION HOUSE Real Estate, Mills and Tim, oer Jauas. Lumber aud Building Material. WOOD LATH And Other supplies. 'Organs t: . SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of th flate ot Oregon '" ............ .w ... 1' lllO MIT I wtmnw, piniunii, ..mi.ii... . Kiiih. Kmllle L. CImmwII, Jonatih Ctoiucl anil . ... , - It . . ....... v V- iH'hlia r.. wi(iier, )iroui.m. To ltilt Hi Wagnsr, ol ths dtlniianti le nataiNl; In I he nam of tho Staut of Oreuon ton arc herelir re.iiilrs.1 bi aimr n.t im' llm nom i.IhIiii fllA axalnu you tn Ilia aliov iilltlrt milt wllhlii lis mki from Km itnui of thv rlr.l biibltrailou of Hi l unimoiii, and If ton fall m toaoawer iilalntlir hnrcin will a M1 v to thla court lor trie relief prayed for In said m lilaiut, lo-wll: Iora )ultriiit agalnal rteluliil aiiu, Alhnr K. Vclauth, tmlHt-1.. Cloaapt and Jiawiiti L'losaot for tl! om of iimiiw with lutorrat lliorton from April ii. vh: lot lit'ono atUirucrt (sea, aud tl i (( and dltliiiraemaiiU nf tlila anil: that allelalma and inwreittin ami mini! follow, lug diivrllxid prerotMM: "Alloftli'j norllieaat inarir and lola nevsu, elht and ulna of noo lion 21. also iolnoiic, Iwoand three of awtion all tlliiau aud twins In totrnthlu four north of runic one wot of the W illamelie Meridian, Iu Ibe Countv of :oluml.l, Male of (irni.ii;'' li and of anjr imrlx or part'ei oilier than lalu tl rr, I declared otMeiueiit lo and aulilei:t Ui the lien of nlnlntlrrs mortiuwe: that aald nion nair Ix forecload and the aald iremlw!a told ai:rdlng to law, and Hie prneecda d lo llie iMiymrnt ol aald judgment; and lor Judg ment and execution agaliut defendants Arthur K. Velguth. Kmllle I.. L'lowet and Joaepli C'loaaet, for any deflcleucv remaining aflr ai plyliig all the pnMeda of the aate of aald tirem (aes, (.roporly am.lltable, to llie satufaellon of Ilia H.l ((liriHi.-iif. u.....i...(il.l. .ufflmritiili mailA on vnu tiv ntitillcalloo In buiaiiaiuia oi l or'l"r P' ) linnorahle Jaiaea Usrt, Coiihty Judgool Cill- .. .. .. ...... tana ma -nn day of Oetuoer, im, dlreoliug Ihanupli imlill eaUon lie male ouoe a we.jk (oral siieiieaalve weeka In tha Oregon Ulat, a newapanr inili llahodat SI. Helena, C'oliiuiklsCoiiuiy, HWt of Oregon, aud naviug a general circulation lo M'j;h"da"iMf the first pulilkallon of tills sum mona la October Sth, lui. , 1 lie date of tlisr laat publication Is NoremU-r MU'mJ- COKI.KVAIaSEm. Auorueys lor fUlutiiT. wmmmm$m - Are You GOING TO BUILD ? nvestlirate the HefltS OI "V""""' CONCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS rr Artistic aiul The Best, MoM . A ,ril c i aij Durable Material for DusiBesi iii . i.. lt..M...d rl, inincvi. DlotKS, inniav, i T.V,,,,,! ,,!,-,, Ortmmen tall penc:t. jf tc j a ilM V. BVs-a m.i...... .i , .,na. or writ,., and we will call and furnish estimates, SANDEL A FULLER MANl'FAC UKERS Daner OreROIl BtBTICf . , o M0,t Nu,i,,, ( ,ty given that on the third Monday In Qctolr, , ," ! 'T' ' .i..7 .. u , in satton will Miemi, i"" vu.. tfg&TJZ Vt . Errors In valuation. descrlpMon rev mil ivi. ... . t M or qualities of lands, lots or other nro- . . .. I I. U . I . . . K till It perty siwwpi - , , shall be the duly of persons iulereale.1 lo spear at the lime anu piace rpv, ! ... i t t.mra. Assessor of Columbia county.' Oregon. Dated this 17th day of September. P1LLARD & DAY Attorneys-at-Uw PraPtdv. In- is Court. BtaU ol Federal. Neil door to court bouse 8T. HELENS. ORK. gnwis Rosa, PHYSICIAN & SURGKON sr. HELttN) i i oamtcf DR. R. h. JKFKCOTT DENTIST Office with DrClifl 8T,!iH Steamer Iralda C. I. Htmhkirk. Mutlir. RAILROAD T1MK. , H.inirfr it.tW irtri.l Hun.tat)lt.r lnrt- i..i a a U a.;iMruntf Irnm Si. Hrlrii. 1 S a Hriuinius, !, I'rllsu4 si l f , arrlvliif t l uit f - Passenjers and Fast Frtiitt. FOR PORUAHD DAILY VOItTLAND LANDING. AI.DF.R bT ra.u. a. cur. PHYSICIAN ST IIK1.KNS M . Mii.i.rui ATTORNKY-AT-LAW St. Helens. Ori'K'.n VOU 'OKTMM t'AII V 8TEAMER leaves HI. Helens 6.00 A. Arrives at Portland A. leaves I'ortland at Z'M) V Arrives Si. lleluiis at tt.M V. KL'MMONS. Iu Die Circuit 'ourt, of rlii of Dregnn, fwr l.'olnmhla County. t.uln K Hryant, I'lalnlllT, William (l-yaul, ietrruaiii. To William llrjani, lieleiidaiii. fl. tl. .. ... ll ll.h Mlklk'lil Itt.llw Irt.a a... harliby reUlrrd o a't-af and answer till 'om l,lalnt ltll nlll '.li In the lr tiilllet conn anu n'iii, iM, r uiMorti ine rriii oay i October, IIKW, tha lal day lirricrllwd In IM ordar for Ihe itilinrailon or ihla atunrron. and If yoil fall w loa-i,-ar and eunwer. the (ilrtlu im win iii y 10 ma aoove niiiiei t our1 for the relief prayed lor In the alxive anillod mil lilaaoivlny liie iKinda ol jnatrlmnriY IJow etl.t lug l twi , n llil. .liiliiiir and thla dt fendaul. and fur a lu.lgiiiriit for her uil aud dlftbur' iiienta In thla iilt.and tor Sawn further relief a Ihe mi'irt mar itiem lnt nud iiilthe. 'thla uininoim la liohrllid .uiimnl all order wiadn on the Till dy ol heitmur, vw, ly the Hon. i. I'. Cutiiiihall, Judgu nf the aiiove entitled eoiirt. hv which order It la dl reeled thl thla anminona Im tpuliltahMl In the Oregon Sllatoiire a week f.r alx eouaeeullve weeka, anil the date of Ilia tint puhlli atlon la the I7lh day of Meiiieinlanr, law. .K, MKM'fcMlAI.I, AT. I. II K WITT, Atl irucya for I I I ol f IT. Ft rat nt,llaalton Keplcinlx-r I7ih. liaJ. Iat publication Outolier UUi, tuny, A complete stock of Gcncial Merchandise Courteous treatment and I $ a square deal for all. t WTTVILLS ST. HELENS 2 0W4rmwwww I E. C. STAHWOOD I I H mu Z Why ft "to When you can furnish your home right here in Houltou on the sume easy inouuuy payment plan the Portland houses use. FURNITURE, STOVES, DISHES In lact everything to furnish sa ' . the home INVESTIGATE OUR I WHH sLaaHi WHITE & HOULTON, fllLLINERY A Complete Line Trimming MRS. E. Montgomery HUg. f rw V VwTWS'li'we T T i w - w w . w -w w -www i r r -rw -ww w v . , ti4it4l')w'MmMtMMi St Helens and Houlton Cleaning Company Ladies' and Cents Clothes Cleaned and Tressed. I'lunics Curled aud Cleaned. Leave work with Fred Watktus, St. Helens or at the I loulton Barber Shop. ! Try the New Coufcctloucry aud Pool Rihjui BENNETT BROS. PROI'KIETOKS Candy, Tobacco, Cigars, and Soft Drinks FIRST CLASS BARBER SHOP In Connection Oregon Calls p "MORE PEOPLE" I'ass ilis word to your relatives snd friends lo come now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon will September Oregon Railroad SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINKS IN OHEOOS) From Chicago . $33.00 " St. Louia 32.00 " Omaha 25.00 " St. Paul 25.00 " Kansas City 25.00 FARES CAN BE PREPAID Deposit the amount nf the fare with the nenrast O. B. A K. nr B. P. tKn tend Ticket will ha delivered In the Kt without exirs eo"- I Sentl us the name and address of anyone Interfiled In llie Hlste (or Oreiion literature. WM. MCMURRAY General Pansenjrer Agent PORTLAND, ORB. 4 "V VTsyyaasyyy ay Portland? ! : ; : : : j complete. EASY PAYMENT PLAN ANDERSON OREGON of Up-Tr Date Goods a Specialty. I. NIXON St. Helens, Ore prevail from the !'at 15 to Oct. 15 VIA TUB & ANP- Navigation Co, ay ay ay ay aywt