1 1 I i THE OREGON MIBT "".VOL. XXVII f. ---- - ' 1 ' ' ' ; MT. HELENS, OltEGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1909. n rn EVENTS OF THE mst, . - ;. - "aro ii ii i in ii OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of m World. PREPARED FOR THE BUSY READER lets Important but Net Less Mi estlng Happenings from Points ' Outsld lb Stat. IVkln Chine ar planning a boycott against japan, Three death reeulud from Halloween at Kanea City. ; A V-ofM revolt agalnet Japan la ex pected at any moment The National Geographic society ha acclaimed Peary aa th,dlerovrr of lh Tola. Cannibal on Admiralty bland cap. tured ant au two Englishmen and Hire Chlneao, next m to tend w Ritibyltta to the arts ion of emigre. Amrrlran Ambaado WblU ha re fuaed to accept a Legion of Hunur dec oration from franc. Cannon h promised to support mrrtuar giving Um waterway of tha rnunlry ample appropriatlona. A rorel jury at PilUlurg haa found David G. Richardson guilty on 24 n.unU ol misapplication of the fund ui a bank of which h. wa cashier, A rv In at a tunnel near Dunamulr, i i , rvwiiiw in lit death of two men The accident happened aa freight tram 'U passing and tha dead rrwn wr members of lb train erw. NtW WIRELESS RECORD. M....M BMtlvf- Sm Fpndio From 3,300 Miles DlsUnt. San Frnci.co, Nov. l.Th long. distance wlrelee record nM bwm turd by th. Pacific Mail llr Korea on th. flrat vom wiUl , wjraew plant. Saturday night Operator rh.l. k. v .. - .... hdi an aeroirram ti. united Wireles utlon IRRIGATION IN MALHEUR. -rivaio company Planning to Water 150,000 Acr.i. the R.im . , ,. "" " va aovicea re in m r ih ft, unit i l -i . . . . . from .,.!. .,, . .. ' " ""J " or in slate en- r.. , , w t Weit. niimer ai Balern, Trowbrldue 4 Niver ward, or 1,200 milu beyond Honolulu meiia rporud the diaUnce at tl, Urn. aa 2,6tn m. from Japan. The weather waa cloudy, with a r.tle aaUrly brei-i. and ara prevailing. I belli alao received a t......... .. ber.. " Tbi arcompliahnutnt more than - feed Ui xpectalioii of General Man 8r chwerln, of th IVidc Mail, wno aaia eorne lime ago ha would in .n wireiea pianu on the Uan. 1 aclflo liner when it waa ahuwn they private reclamation company with a plendid record, ia conducting a urvey vi ireci, iniiuoing about 150,000 acre of arid land, eorne of which i in Malheur county in thia iUU and eorne in iciuno. i he object . I to learn through the reftult of the aurvey if it wuuiu o iuaaiuie to aUrt a reclama tion project covering thia territory. The land which la receiving the at tention of the reclamation company' engineer lie bweteen th Owyhee and oiieno river, me water for irriga lion win probably be taken from the ould do effective work at a d I. lance of Owyho. river. The project ia in it I, DUO mile. The Korea not m.l k...i In touch with the atation here. ,..! ... able to receive maaaag from the lo cal operator. The K year old aon of General Funi ton la dead. . A Chicago jurtg haa ruled that gold in ine leeia la not atUchabl. Tb Swim watch making Induatry nuanrtinten to bair It one-time )ie. Another Wool Point cadet ha been probably fatally injured in a football game. A runaway auto at New York killed r man and fatally Injured two other. I'urUand la likely to far a jnilk famine fallowing the cleaning op of dairie. King Mvnetik, of Abyalnnla, ha bevn etrlckrn with apoplexy and hi death i probable. Speaker Cannon ridicule th idea that be la to ba retired by the next bouae and deftea hi opponent. Alabama i facing a deficit of $1, iioo.uiio and nothing in tight with which to pay current expenae. A paenger train on th Wabaah ruaj waa derailed near Patteaeburg, Mo., and a dozen paaaenger injurwi, Inh a pch at New Or lean Taft again declared congreaa ha hmefully neuleatad the Improvement of th riv er. New York la to tpend f IS. 000,000 In Improving and extending iubwa;-. Governor Willeon, of Kentucky, hi been naked to furniah troop to up- pr night-rider. A California Chinaman hat aecured a patent on a machine which will nteaaure celietial die la nee. Trttip have been ordered to Ilatin, Wyo., to rea train abeepnien and cattle men from engaging in a rang war. Chicago buafneaa men do not blame Crane, the recalled Chinee mlnieter, and think ha waa unfairly dealt with, General Ea trade nropoae to divide Niraritfoa and mak a aeparate repub lic of the province on the Atlantic id. Conductor, firemen and engineer of me railroad eaat of tha Millppl are about to demand an Increaae in wagm. Naval oiTWra in Greece started a mutiny and aelted an arennal, but were beatim in a battle with th army and timmdered. vS , Two book r windier hav been found Ruilty In Clilcjigo. They are aid to liava auc-ured nearly $600,000 from buiine men throughout, th country hy txlng aa publlaher of a buiine directory, Jolm O. Rockefeller haa given $1,' hm),oiio to tight tha hookworm In th oouih. Iowa women hav reaolved to adopt militant method In their fight for euurage. The church and atat eontrovniy In r rainr ha been revived by tha cchool Mueauon, Tli murder of Trine Ito haa been traced to a plot In Corea and a revolt ' MH!CUd. Judge H. H. Lurton, of th Unltod Stat. Circuit court of Tenne, i timei for tuprem Judga. The Dry Farming congre at Bill '"K. Mont.,' paeaed reaolutlon con ""liig (h mathoda of th Interior 0"l'rtmnt, The will of th lata Dr. Shoemaker, W "llkeebarr, Pa., provide for ovr W't.ooo for tha medical department 01 hI unlvrlty. The Northtrn Pacific hat Innounced "ny changea In offlclala and will ptihd Urge aum In th bettermant of 'Ine In th Wot. HEN AS COIN MAKER. ,, Output for Single Vear Reachet bum of (290,000,000. Topeka, Kan., Nov, 2.-Statitic prepared by the I'nited Slatee board of agriculture ahow that the earning of poultry In tb United Statea in one year were greater than the value of either the cotton crop, wheat crop or twine output The lateet report of the deoartment bowed that the value of the egg out put for a ilngle year amounted lo more than ::;, (Hill, 000, Twelve year ago the farmer of Kanea began to pay mora attention to their poultry, and thia (tale haa become the greateat poultry etate in the Union. The i.ro- uct of th hen la rapidly paying off the mortgage on many farma. and the buaineea ha reached a point where the laying capacity and profit of hen it a paramount ijueetion. Th Mate Agricultural college i conducting Interesting experiment with poultry, and a recent report ahow that th coet of keeping nine hen eight month wa IH.IU, whereaa' tha egg aid In th am period brought in Sd.fitS, leaving a profit of $17.76 or 1.61 for each ben. Incipient atag, and no definite infor mation a to th rilant of Trowbridge w miver can oe obtained. According lo Stale Engineer Lewi, th work don by Trowbridge & Niver, ha proved highly atiftctory and in thoee diatricU in Idaho wher the firm haa already aecompliahed big reaulta, the people of the atate prefer the com pany' opi-ration to the United SUte government' project. The day after Oregon' new water law went into effect latt tpring, Trow bridge & Niver ent a' party of ur veyort and engineer into th Owyhee river valley to take obaervationa. Tb work haa been continued until the preitent, which lead the state engineer to believe that tha private company win anortly take up a large tract thia elate for reclamation. FARMERS REGISTER KICK. Pata Reiolutiont Protetting Againtt Marin League Meatur. Pendleton Retolotiona protecting nrongiy agalnat tbe efforU of the Merchant Marine league of Seattle to ecure an order forbidding foreign vea el which bring coal to th Pacific coant from carrying wheat on their re turn trip wer patted at a maae meet ing of cititen. held in the Circuit court room at the court bouae her. When th vote waa taken not a diaaeating voice waa heard and tbe indonal waa unanimout. Judge 8. A. Lowell waa made chairman and Charlea A, Barrett. or Athena, aecretary. uongreaman W. K. Ellia waa pret- ent and voiced bia aentimenta aeainat the propoaed mraaur and extended hi service in cooperation with th citi zen. J. T. Lleuallen, preiident of th county organization of tha Farmer Educational A Cooperative union of America; Judge S. A. Lowell and C. A. Uarrett ware th apeaker. Aa th proposed action of the Merchant Ma rina league would tend to lower th price of wheat, tb protest wa couched in vigorous terma. A telegram waa aent to the secretary of the navy by the meeting, aaking postponement of action until tha receipt ot the aigned circular of proteet. Con gressman Ellis alao aent a personal tel egram to tb aecretary, requeating in vestigation into tbe farmer' plea. TUNNEL THROUGH MOUNTAINS CHEESE EXPORT FALLS OfF? New Zealand Tak Trad From Can adian Provinces. Ottawa, Ont, Nov. 2. Canada ia loaing her hold on th checae trade. Th production of Canadian cheeae ao far thl aeaaon it approximately 1,786, 000 boxes, which I only 8,000 boxe in xceaa of th production during the tarn period last year, but the price re ceived It, on an average, one cent a pound lest than waa obtained a year ago. In explaining thit anomalout situa tion, exportere aay that the lower price are due to a considerable extent to the increase In tb New Zealand cheee output. Last year 620,000 box a wer mad In New Zea'and, which Ave year ago produced only fifi.OOO boxe. New Zealand'a sal of cheese hat now displaced th Canadian makes on th English market in the winter Bea ton. Explosion Fatal to 12. Johnstown, Pa., Nov. 2. Twelve men wer killed In the Cambria Steel company' coal mine, two mile from here, tonight, a th result of what is tuppoeed to have been a dynamite ex plosion. All the dead are foreigner. Thre men escaped by a perilous ciiiiid on life ladder through poisonous mine gaa and falling slate up the steep walls of the main thaft. Only 15 workmen were In th mine. A force of men at onceb egan clearing the debris and fall en alalo In th lower level. When the final barrier waa passed, tha party found th 12 bod let. indication Point to Huge Undertak Irg by O. R. at N. Pendleton Rumor in local railroad circle here predict the greatest rail road undertaking that haa taken place in inn tectlon of th tut for years, of which th crew of turveyor which re now working on th Stanfield Coyote cutoff are tb vanguard. Tbia underaking includes, among other ac tlve change and improvement, tun neling through the Blue mountain and the elimination of aeveral bad grades for th purpose of shortening the time and distance between Chicago and Portland. Tbi tunnel, which of necessity would b from three to five mile in length, would accomplish much in the saving of time and power. By pushing up Butcher creek canyon and there en tering tb mountainl, the wortt part of th grade and many windings would be eliminated, and on th east tide of the mountain the famou Kamela hill would be avoided and the diatance from Huron to I -a Grand reduced to 12 mile. Rumor also aay that conaiderable work will be don on Tellocatset bill between 4; n ion and Baker City. It ia believed that aurveying camp will be established it Duncan and Encina and at other point within the next few day a. If theaa improvement are ac tually contemplated by the 0. R. & N., it ia evident that it I not the inton Hon of the olllcial to divert freight or passenger business down tha Snake river, as haa been proposed. Electric Roada for Rogue. Memorrt John K. Allen the miw of the Pacific & Eastern railroad, now being extended towards the Klamath valley, will make an application at the next meeting of tha council for a fran cnite to operate an electric road n Medford. Ha will also apply in the other citiea of the Rogue river valley, A company composed of Wall street men sre backing him. A company has been incorporated for a million and a half dollar and will start construction work immediately after tha francbiaea are granted. Heavy Prune Yild. Roteburg That prune growing it a highly profitable businesa in Douglas county ia demonstrated by the crop of C. H. Msupin, of Kollogs. From an orchard of 900 tree he harvested 2,840 boxe of prunes this year, which when cured, weighed 64,116 pounds net. He estimates that at least 600 boxes more went to waste on account of lack of holp during picking season. The fruit sold at 4 cents per pound, bringing a total of $2,164. From this Mr. Mau pin paid out $230 for help, leaving his net income $1,934 from the nine acres of orchard, or nearly $216 per acre, The crop averaged 816 boxes per acre. S. D. Evans, of Coles valley, reports hit crop as averaging 248 boxei per acre. Vessel Bumps Mud Bank. San Francisco, Nov. 2. Passengers on tha tteamer President, which arriv ed from Seattle last night, had a thrill ing experience when th vessel, aftor aafnly negotiating the passage of the h. nrf the Ciiiiien uace. uumpeo on mud bank of Black point, well within est in uia Mexico, Own Valuable Gold Mine. Albany The director of the Mexi can mines, owned by Linn county men, have just received word and assays from their mine thowlng they hav struck a vein which goes $106.90 to the ton ot free milling ore. The letter ttated that the mine it one of the great- Considerable stock the hsrbor and ran hard aground. Within aa hour after the mishap the President was dragged free and hauled Into her berth, none the worse ror ine r. Tha vessel struck close In snore. There was no Indication of panic among tha passenger. in the entnrurise i held by Albany people. Dr. J. L. Itill of thit city, is th president, Fred Ware aecretary and L. E. Blain one of the directora. Big Potato at Elgin. Elgin What i thought to be the largest potato in the world ia on exhi bition by tbe Commercial club here. It weighs eight pound and conaiderab- Qerman Run From Army. ri ii VT O An rllete In the Kreuxxeitung deplore the Increasing ny oversiaee ...jr .ow ... ; number of desertion from the army on wnicn vn ... .... .. ,h. Western frontier It is said that fair in Chicago the prixe for the larg th.ra It an epidemic of desertion in the est poUto ws secured by Dunham s-arrisont of Upper Alsace. The Kreuz- Wngnt, or memcai oprmg-, ... ... .r'.T ...i fh i.v.nch eountv. who showed a potato which "JTrh" it ii . TlvVn to !&- 6X pounds. Th. Elgin mon- In.n- nronfa of nobilltv and generotity. iter boats thl. Farmert to Build Road. Pendleton That tbo projected farm- era railroad from Umatilla to Milton ill be constructed as far aa Cold Springt dam, if he haa to build it him self, was the atatement made by A. A. Cole, local ttockman and capitalist, who is one of the leader in the move ment . The propoaed route of the road extends almoat directly acroes th cen ter of th government project from Umatilla to the big reaervoir and dam. It Haa Been Reached by tha Civilized World. Washington, Oct 29. "Tha civ ilized world baa indeed arrived at an era of low mortality." in is conclusion it t la lea in census bureau bulletin No. 104, on mortality ttatittica for 1908, prepared by Dr. Creasy L. Wilbur, cbief ttatittleian fur vital atatittici under Director Durand, who haa tranimitted it to Secretary Nagel, of the departmentof commerce and labor. Th death rata of the registration state in 1908 wat 15.3 oer 1.000 of population, which waa tlightly lower than that for the entire regiatration area, 15.4 per 1,000, and it ia the low est on record. Dr. Wilbur etatea it ia probably the lowest death rate that haa ever occurred in the United State. Tbe death rata of tha rural oortiona of these statel waa ttill lower, being omy l per 1,000. while that of tbe urban population waa 16.6 per 1,000; tha latter including all citiea having a FALL GOODS Constantly Arriving LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES H. MORGUS St. Helens, Oregon COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS : population of 8,000 or more Inhabitant FlRST NATIONAL BANK, in 1900, and being, at usual, eorne- TT e M1TmMiI Pi.-tr what greater than the rural rai. Such H &' NATIONAL BANK, Portland. Ore. Portland, Ore. New York Officers Wm. M. Ross, President and Cashier: Edwin Ross, Vice President; A. L. Stone, Assistant Cashier. Directors W m. M. Ross, M. White, James Dart, Edwin Ross. rates would have teemed quit out of "ANOVER IN ATIONAI. BANK, ine question a few year ago, nearly one-fifth of all tbe deatbt that occurred were those of infanta oander one year of age and over one fourth are of children leaa than five yeara of age. Nearly one-fourth of all deatha rear- ittered were those of personi born out side of the United States. The states having the largest proportion of rtmtl ta Kstaxr 1 M.U a. I. the passage of effective regiatration laws, i oeref ore, tbe actual mortal itv of Americans of Dative parentage ia not fully represented in the regiatra tion area, although over two-thirds of the deaths registered were of native born person and one-third were of native-born with native parent. It appears that the month of maxi mum mortality in 1908 waa January. with 67,763 deaths and that jf mini mum mortality waa June, with 49.701 deaths. I We Will LOAN RENT SELL 3 3 ZELAYA BOTTLED UP. I 3 3 Hogs Equal to Fat Steers. Condon In a carload of hogs shipped from Condon, Fred Edwards placed a hog for which ba received $36.40. I his Is thought to be tbe record price for a tingle porker. Large Crop Alfaba Seed. Union From tix acret of alfalfa 129 buahelt of teed were taken thia year. The market value of the seed is fully $1,000. The crop waa grown on the Townley farm. PORTLAND MARKETS. and aska them to find a happy wlutlon to th Question of the Foreign Legion a question preoccupying the world. Earth Shock Indicated Rail Lake. 'Nov. 2. A well earth shock waa recorded on defined the teia- N. P. Gets Land Patents. Pendleton A patent from the Unit ed States government to the Northern Pacific Railroad company, in which full title it given to more than 80.000 acres of land In the counties of Uma- Gilliam and Sherman, r- . ... ,.u tin. Morrow. Gill mograph ineun.v. u. r... a heen DU(.ed on Mcord in th. H ''h 'fill inn muriniiH T - i " r . n .ok .KA thl mnrnintT. Mexico or Southarn California. l865. Wheat Blueatem, $1.02 fi 1.04 club, 92c; red Russian, 90(t91c; val ley, 91c; Fife, 92c; Turkey red, 92e; 40-fold, 9&c. Barley Feed, $27 per ton; brew ing, $27.60. Corn Whole, $35 per ton ; cracked. $36. Oat No. 1 white, 28.50 per ton, Hy Timothy, Willamette valley. $14ff. 17 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $18 (t20; alfalfa, $15(al6; clover, $14 chat $13(?14.50; grain hay, $14(iil5. Butter City creamery, extras, 86c per pound; fancy outside creamery, $30i36c; Btore, 22H('t'24c. Butter fat prices average 1 )c per pound un der regu'ar butter prices. Eggs Orrgon, 3636c per dozen; Eastern, 80(ii34c. Poultry Hens, 15c; springs, 15c; roosters, 9dil0c; ducks, 15((el5,S.c; geese. 10c; turkeys, 17Jc; aquaba, $I.76(n2 per dozen. Pork Fancy, 9(i 9 He per pound. VealExtras, 9JsfiJ10sc per pound Fruits Apples, $l(d,2.25 per box; pears, xidt'i.&u; grapes, 80c(i;$i.26 per crate; 12c per basket; casabas, $1.25(l 1.50 per dozen; quinces, $l(i! 1.25 per box; cranberries, $8.50(d'9ier barrelj persimmons, $1.60 per box; huckleberries, sc per pound. Potatoes 50(u60c per sack ; sweet potatoes, l?i (if 2c per pound. Vegetables .Artichokes, 75c per dot ; beans, 10c per pound; cabbage, ftClc; cauliflower, S0(60c per pound; celery, 6U(i!Hhc; corn. II((1.25 per sack; horseradish, HOi.lOc per dozen; peas, 10c per pound; peppers, 5(ii'6c; pumpkins, l OH ibc: sprouts, 8o: squash, $l(il.lp; tomatoes, 25((60c; turnips. 76cfti $l per sack; carrots, $ ; beets, $1.25; rutabagas, $1.10. Unions ?H(i!J. 25 per sack. Hops 1909 crop, 2426c per pound; 1908 crop, 20c; 1907 crop, 12c; 1906 crop, 8c. " ' Wool Eastern Oregon, 16((l23c par pound; mohair, choice, 24c. ' Cattle Best steers, $4.60; fair to good, $4(iD4.25; medium and feeders, $3. 60(n 3. 76; best cows, $3.60; medi um, $3fi 8.25 ;. common to medium, $2.C0(ff2.75; bulla, $2S.60; ataga, $2.50((i3.60; calves, light,' $5.25 5.50; heavy, $4(0)4.75. Hogs Best, $7.85(i8; medium, $7.607.75; ttockera, $56. . Sheep Best wethers, $4.26; fair to good, $3.76(!!4 ; best awes, $3.76(34 ; fair to good, $3.60(a3.75; iambi, $5(& 6.50, Inaurgenta Have Nicaraguan President in Tight Place. New Orleana, Oct 2. Passengers arriving today on tbe ateamer impera tor from Bluefieldt, Nicaragua, report that, when they left Bluefielda three daya ago, President Zelaya waa virtu ally bottled up at Managua. A gene ral advance by General Estrada ia be ing checked by want of ammunition. Several of the passengers on tbe Im- perator stated that general newt of the revolutionary movement waa unre liable, as the revolutioniata were in clined to exaggerate their successes. They said their own assertions regard' ing the serious situation faced by Prea- loent eiaya were based on their per sonal ODservationa. Captain John Pederson, master of the Imperator, said General Estrada bad already established a provisional government over Grayton, Capo Gra cias, Bluenelds and Rama. Tbe strict est discipline waa being maintained. all saloons were closed at nightfall and drunkenness and disorders were imme diately suppressed. Captain Pedersen confirmed the As sociated Press dispatcher from Port Cortes tellmg of tha capture and hold ing of a launch sent by the revolution ary leaders to Port Barrios. The launch, he said, was to have brought a large aupply of ammunition to the in surgent. De Lara Out on Bonds. ' Loa Angeles, Oct 29. L. Guiterrex de Lara, the Mexican attorney held by the United States immigration author- itiet on chargea of being an anarchist and illegally in tbia country, waa re leased from jail today on $3,000 bond pending his hearing before Chief In spector Kidgway, of the immigration service. De Lara1 bond waa aigned by i Keynolds, a prominent and wealthy hardware merchant and Al fred M. Salyer, a well-known local bus iness man. You money. You a lock Box. You real estate or farm land SURVEY Your lots or land. INSURE Your buildings. MAKE Your abstracts. SELL Your property. DO Your notarial work. '3 S LOAN Your money. j3 : COLUHBIA COUNTY ABSTRACT 3 AND TRUST COMPANY 3 -i. SEB OUR ,1CT . Zjg 7 ''IMlMlMiMlMiUiUWW Battleship Plan Stolen. uonaon, uct za. Discussing a re cent rumor in the house of commons today, rtcginald McKenna, first lord of the admiralty, admitted that confiden tial drawings having to do with the construction of the Dreadnaught cruis er Indomitable had disappeared. He added, however, that at the British battleship had been in commission for eome time the missing plana had lost much of their value. Tbe loss of the sketches has resulted in the usual tug- gettion that they have found their way into me nanaa of the Germans. Indefatigable Is Launched. Devonport, England, Oct 29. The new indefatigable, a larger and im proved battleship-cruiser of the In vincible class, was launched today. Thia vessel will complete the quartet of battleship-cruisers of thia type de signed for the British navy. Tbo In defatigable has a displacement of 19, ouu zona, 4B,uou horsepower and a planned speed of 25 knots an hour. Her length ia 570 feet She waa laid down in January. r ' Epidemic Hits Academy. Atlanta, Ga., Oct 29. Forty stu dents of the Georgia Military Academy near bare, were rushed to the city to day suffering from an Illness which haa affected .the school in epidemic form. They were distributed among several hospitals. The nature of their illness baa not been learned. Jas. Muckle "& Son Successors to DART & MUCKLE ST. HELENS, OREGON Having moved into our commodious new quarters, we cordially invite our friends and patrons to come and exam ine our goods. No effort or money has been spared to make this one of the best appointed stores in the county. New goods arrive daily, and when fully stocked up we will carry a most com plete line of the best in General Mer chandise at lowest prices consistent with quality. Country produce bought and sold. When in need of Groceries, Dry Goods, Paints and Oils, Hardware, Fur niture, Boots and Shoes, Men's Furnish ing Goods, Etc., we solicit your patron age and assure you courteous treat ment. Prompt delivery. Jas. Muckle & Son Successors to DART & MUCKLE ST. HELENS, OREGON V