The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, September 10, 1909, Image 8

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    Bad Breath
i.u..r nuintha I had lfreiit trouble with m
stomach and uavil all kliule u( tneilkiiirs.
My tungu ha lireii actually aa green m
ras. tr breath ItaviniC Uil (l.,r, Two
eekmiKoa Irwuil rvioiiimriiilril Curort I
tn.1 utter using them I cau willingly ami
cburfulljr ar that they nUroly
.rl tua. I therefore kt you know tint I
hall rrconunatxl llirm to any otic auffrr.
Ium from ewta troubles." Clws. II. 1UU
ptrd, 114 7 W . . V.
! Palatal, ratwtl, TaaiaOnod,
i ii,hI. Nvr at. kn, ut UHim.
jo,., tOa, Nvr .tl la bulk. Tha im.
(im ubKI siamiieu V. v., UUWMiMU
aur of irux uMr "k. I
I it
Mot Keeg. Avrah.
-When you alia Job ' work In do,
or,' ) Uncle Khan, "don't Imaaina
ou'e a chicken on a roos an' kin In. Id
vh position by ('in fa' salesp,
WaiMngion Hur,
MUM HI r.n.
-Till" popular fiction la all rot In
real lira ttia girl' father aelilum u
jn to Iht man of her rhole."
you're wrong thnr. lie often on
torn, but h'a usually too wis to say
anything. Kanaa City Journal,
Wkwi Wa tire.
The trouble with a woman pretend.
In 1 to hellav har huatanl when h
lull! a falsehood la lliat n la in niir.
sed. Inateed of being ashamed. At
chiton doha.
Hiui liar.
"Wall, Johnny, do you wlah you wart
4 grown-up rrtanr
"Tou bet d"
tl.ll M ll V T
Hi iiia wouldn't aak ma such fool
a, u.a I Ion " neviano i.aan r.
Fml ml Lats.
-fo you think really la lov.
No don tit rboul II Why, ha think
she's attra'tlv In aufo goggle."-
lumill ( ouner. J wnwi
Cmm KadMelaag,"
HUH. a woman can't undaratand why
an eighteen Inning haa bl imi
thuuld Inlaraat her husband mora than
good hot aupoar. iMtrolt re
Talk." said t'rwl Kb, -la umpln'
Ilk rain. A certain amount la
com an' nev-eery. Hut doggon a
lug' Washington Hiar,
laadlaaj m Mia Uhie.
roll.- Jutiira Hav y toy way a
akii a tiTinc r
Vtnt l , y'r kooor. kla
EMit titooma.
I'aluv JtiatlrTo oast Wkr did
y Uara Uat tfitT
Vrot I dahlia 1' aotwtr, y'r kao-
rat hekl
kuM4 thai
' U lt!l II,
kik pwt4 h.kiu
II hMiM. ti
awa a4 Mftk m liht-
CUtSCtNT Mro. CO. Stattla, Wo.
v I
. youAwyat
to Iramm bodily
lh aaQi it atathar
of lit kiad In lha Northwail, w Invil
Ik lnvr.iii.iion ol thoaa who want lha
hl in a practical adoaalloa. lt ut nrovt
uptriority. Call, phona or wtita. Cat
l"u, hutinata litrrat and pen work Ira
"The School of Quality"
Ttnth and Morriton is! Turlland, Orr(on
a. r, Akmsihonu, IX, B., Principai.
tR. W. A. Will
B Ym a lu In falnbaa DtnUl
Work la fwllartd
Out-of-Town People
?kkJ'li,r',",mh,,r thai mir for la as tmil
i ,.K ' N lx THKIII KNTlHki C'HtiwN.
J7""r?- l-ostTIVKLT I A I N LBMH Kt
" I INII yiiKK wh.B nlalaa or lirl.laa amor,
rAIN. NOHI UDKN IU, no unaarUUUir.
For the Next ri(M0n Days
"III (In irau a foo l tokl Of aora.
Jln ir.n (,., M M
t k,w I W
i A' """ , .. a,0
w mim. w
"l ruhl.r plataa. . ."
lir ruMiar plataa '
a ainlama aKrattinat , W
Dr. W. A. Wise
Praaldant and Manat at
The Wise Dental Co.
(INC.) Third and WHhlntm Rta.
No. J-0
, . . aawa a4 IHlrM.
Hi 4 Ta Waa aa knk a4 Uaa
I . I. t' 1
I ( Ml anaa I II
win ipnaawitwiwawafp ym mm,v www"'
1 . ' , '
',? .
Vlllcr w"
L' manil
rltlng tn adaartlaara
ULU i a .
i.aiu uarga nd Prlca. High and
urowar. Batlaflad.
of 19(19, which haa now boon brought
to a do, haa bn otia of tha moat
buccomiui in in mabtry of tha aUta.
Tha yield waa larva and tha ii.k.u'
and tha (rrowara ar antlr.Iy aatitflad
wnointrrittii. it baa alao bn
proHjabla, to fr aa it baa gon.
for tha doalura.
Tk. .....1 .11 M n ...
.... nuui t:,,, g, uragon thli yaar
nattail tha farmara of tha ataU about
H.000,000. Thay hava alao recalvad
vary votxl rjrlcaa for thalr mnti.m
ahaap and lamba, and ar albRthr In
aa prt.ioua condition aa tha farm-
ar in other part of tha ataU who
nav tiavotad tbalr ariargloa to raiaing
It haa ban an Idaal yaar for tha Ora-
gon ahaap man with tha waathr right
at ary aaaaon to prodoca tha bvat r-
auiia. a a conawjuanca, tha output
waa larger than It haa ban In rcnt
yaara ami lha quality waa twtur. At
tha pame titna thar waa a aharptr da- irom uuyar ana pricca wara
hlghar. -Tha
quality of tha wool waa aiea)
lant. It waa of bat tar atapl than lat
yaar, though of hcaviar ahrlnkaga, ow
ing 10 in ary aprlng. Th avaraga
waigtn 01 lh nca waa plarad at V H
puumia, in nravieai avaraga avr
known In tha atala. Th wool ahaarad
fully 00a pound to tha ftca mora than
It did laat yaar.
Tha highaat prlra paid during th
aaaaon In Eaatern Dragon waa 23 ranta,
wnicn waa raaitaau on a part of on
clip at Shanlko. Tha larger part of
tha bat gradae aold batwaan 20 and 22
rnU. 8otn arourlng woola want at
IS canta, and otbar coaraa gradea mov
ad at prlca up to 17 cntv For tha
clip, aa a wbola, tha avaraga prica waa
at; pout iflt4 canta.
Bpaclal Agania Making Visit to Kla
math County,
iuamaut raiia 11. r. jonaa, a 1 pe
dal agant of tha ganaral land oflica.
and I'aur Ogdan Applagata, auto land
agant, hava arrlvad from 8alm to in-
apact aum land about th lakaa th
title of which are In qoeation between
th aUta and tha United State.
Tha greater part of tha land In thla
auction hava long tinea bean claaaltWd
either aa government or aa belonging
to th atate under th aw amp land
grant of March 12, 1800, but thera ar
eome odd and anil atlll undetermined.
Th claaaiflcation of three become
very important, tinea the Klamath
baain la now coming into ita own and
lha rich alluvial land about tha lake
ill toon bo In great demand,
Meetra, Applegata and June want
up tha Klamath lake by launch to be
gin their aiaminatli n of tha low landa
at lha bead of th lake and will prob
ably tpand aeveral dayt In thalr lnvee-
Railroad Naart Completion.
Hood Rivar Tha all railea axtan
a ion of tha Mount Hood railroad, under
conatruction for tevaral montha paat,
la nearing completion. Th Una ha
been extended in a southerly direction
from tha preaent, terminua, Df. and
will tap on of th rlcheat orchard ac
tlont of Hood Rivar valley, conaiattng
of approximately 10, 000 acree. Th
grading of th new line la completed
and th tiea ar being laid rapidly.
At aoon aa the new line it complvtad
th company expect to run two train
Forttt Grove Make Improvement!.
Koreal Grove Five modern brick
buildirga, two of which will b three
atorv alructure. ara being ruahed to
completion hure, A 110,000' achool
building I nearing completion and will
be In read in fur the new achool year.
The Chriatiana ar ramwleling their
Church at an pxprnae of mora than 4,
000. Tba Catholic are preparing thflr
recently purchased proiwrty at a coat
of aavaral thouaandt a a site for a
$10,000 ediflc bullion the California
miaaion order.
Remove Government Dredge.
Manihflalil Captain rVtera, who ha
had charge of tha government dredge
Oregon at work In Coo bay, haa re
turned from rortlana ami announcea
that tha dredge la to tie removed in a
week and taken to the Columbia river
f..r rnnaira. The work tarted here in
aa yet uncompleted, but the elTort of
the people W keep me ureiige m-re
were fruitleaa. It it quite likely now
that tha port contmitaionort will build
a dredi; of their own.
Complain of Lata Tralnt.
Salem A. F. Will, of Aurora, ha
M,tm.taind to tha railroad commlaalon
of poor train aervico maintained by th
Southern Taclllc at Aurora. The train
duato arrive at 9:25 o'clock In the
morning la from two to four hour lata
regularly, ay Mr. Will, and that city
had about a well not hava any train m
far at It It an accommodation to pat-
acngert and thlpper.
Governor Benton Invited.
Q.Um Thar hat been received at
th tfovornor't office a copy of tha ofTi-
clal call for tho fourth annual tetaion
of tha Dry Farming congrott at Bi.
lingt, Mont, October KU. f no to.
featur of tha congreaa will b gov-
. t L. M.a.eaeKnM TW a
ernora' day, wnen w
number of tha Wettorn wwi win we
Coot Plan Own Oradga.
u.rahnaM Now that notltiv an
nouncement h been mada that th
government dredge Oregon It to b re
moved from thi harbor, th port com
munion will probably at once begin
.iinn nf a laraer uml better
dredg to b used pormanontly for Im
provement on loo nay.
Orchard Land 811 Well.
ir,i meJ. E. Hall hat told 10
acres of hi 2-year-old orchard In th
Oak Grove dlttrlct to ft-neljlrwln. of
Franklin, P... for $5,600. Mr Irwin
will tako possesion atoncnd becom
Lebanon Fancier Succeed in an Un
usual Undertaking.
Lbnon-R. F. Slmpaon, redding
hare, la preparing to ahip a carload of
ringnack pbetaanta to tha gam war
den of Idaho, tha bird to be uad for
breeding purpose. Simpson I said to
be tha only man In America who could
fill such a large order for th much
priced gam bird.
Mr. ttimaon embarked in thla In-,
duttry laat year. A persoa unac
quainted with th Increase of this
feathered family would My that he had
mt with fairly good success for an
amateur, but tha gentleman declaree
he haa learned eom trick which will
materially aid him In th futur.
To commnc with. Mr. Simpson had
212 bent and five rooster. At this
tim he baa over 200 young one, rang
Ing in lira from thre day old to half
grown birds of this season's rearing,
and tha hen ar still Isyirg.
Wblt bantan hens ar used for listen
ing purpoee, they having bean found
to be more careful and painstaking
with th young thsn tba other of the
feathered tribe by Mr. Simpson.
Experience ha taught that ben of
larger breed are apt to becom reatles
and move about on th neat more than
tha bantam, thus causing tha death of
many of tha young immediately after
leaving tha shell. v
Mr. Simpson i raiaing two kind of
pheasant the ringneck and th gold
en, tha latter being from tha northern
part of China.
Prune Packers at Work.
Eugene Th Eugene Fruit Grower'
aeeociation ha begun packing freah
prune for ahipment. The association
expect to ehlo a carload of nrunea to
the Real ever ntr Hav fm. Imaub. !
or mors. Contract bar been mad
for over six carload a. Th crop In the
vicinity of Eugene thi year, while
light, I of xclint quality and will
bring tba highest price in th Eastern
market. Betide th prune to be
shipped by th Fruit Grower' associa
tion, there will be several carload
ent out by th Allen Fruit company,
which operate an evaporator and can
nary here.
Supplies for Psnam.
Portland Portland bay and feed
dealer ar given opportunity to bid on
what will amount to two full steamship
load of hay, oats and bran for th use
of tb government force in the Pana
ma canal tone. Copies of a request
for bids on 1,600,000 pound of hay,
1,400.000 pound of oat, and 200,000
poo mis of bran have been received by
the chamber of commerce from th
War department Tb supplie are to
be delivered by September 21 at the
Port of Ancon on tha Pacific side of the
Isthmus of Panama.
Koier Return from East.
Salem Insurance Coromiasioner
A, Koter ha returned home from hi
trio of inveatigation In the Eat While
in San Francisco Mr. Kotsr spent aev
eral day with Governor Benson, who.
he report, I In better health than for
soma time. Whii In the Last Mr.
Koter attended tha national convention
of Insuranc commissioner and also
looked into the method employed by
th Insuranc commissioner of th
Middle Western states.
Planing Mill for Pendleton.
Pendleton Pendleton i to have a
new Industry in the shspe or a planing
mill. Ben Hill, manager of tb Fen-
dle'on Lumber company, ho mada an
nouncement to that effect The com
pany will put about $20,000 in equip
ment and expects to install the plant at
soon aa a suitable location can be found.
The mill when in operation will employ
about SO men and will do both retail
and wholesale business.
Butter City creamery, extras, 84c;
fancy outside creamery, 30t34c; ttore,
2 1 fit 22c. Butter fat price average
i,c per pound under regular butter
Egg Urcgon rancn, canaiea, nwij
31c per down.
Poultry Hens, lo(U&e; springs.
16(i.lC,S,c; rooster, 9(.il0c; ducks.
young, M."v.; g . young, iw, tur
keys, 20c; squabs, fi.iMQZ per aozen.
Pork Fancy, UKu mc per pouna.
Veal Extra, lOdt lOc per pound.
Wheat Blur-stem, 94c; club, 84c;
red Russian, 82 V: valley, 89c; fife,
84c; Turkey red, 84c; 40-fold, 86e.
Barley Feed, por ton; Draw
ing. $27.60.
Hay Timothy, Willamette vauey,
$13(!ll5 per ton; Eastern Oregon,
$16.50iU7.60; alfalfa, $14; clover,
$14; cheat, $13(il4.50; grain hay, $15
Grain Bag ec eacn.
Fruits Annlea. $l(i:2.25 per box;
peart, $1.25(al.50; peachea. SOctft 1.10
per crate ; cantaloupes, $1( 2.50; plums,
26(t75c per box; watermelont, Ktfle
per pound; grapes, 76c(iii.xo.
Potatoes $ I per tack; tweet pota-
toea. 2iiC per pound.
Onlont ll.Zft per cx.
Vegetable Beana, 4(i5cper pound;
cabbas. Ultimo; cauliflower, 75cCi
$1.26 perdoxen; celery, fiUcfttSl ; corn,
1R(n20c: cucumber. I(Xff26cj onion,
12)iil5c; Prley, 85c; pea. 7c pr
pound; pepper, otrtitw; pumps me, 171
.M t.- radiahea. lScDordoten; wuash,
6c per pound ; tomato, 40t60c per box.
HOP 1 WOW COnUttW, v w.
1908 crop, 1515e; 1907 crop, 11
UHe; 1906 crop, 8c
Wool Etrn Oregon, 16(il23c per
pound; valley, 23(26c; mohair, choice,
"caUk-Steera, top, $4.50; 1 fair to
good, $4W4.25; common, $S.76((i4;
cow., top, f3.40W8.66; fair tc . good
$8n:3.26; common to medium, $2.BOo
2.75; calve, top. $6t5.50; heavy,
$3.50(.?4; built and ttagt, $2.75t(f3.25;
common, $2ffi2.60.
Sheep Top wether, $4; fair to
good, $3.50fti3.76j awet, he let on
all fc-adet; yearling, best $4; Wr to
gooil, $3,606.13.76; pring lamb, $5ti
r OR
" Hogft-Beat, $8.25Ct8.76 ; fair to
good, $7.75(,t8; ttockor. $6ii7; thin
fate, $7.60ftj,8.
Sefcaol With Aata-rleaa aa Kaallea
Taarbrr WaalaS.
la Comiijinttntpl a few weeks ago,
before a room foil of Engilab and
American women, a young Turklah
f rdua'i living In 8umboul was ask
ed to say something stxrut her fellow
countrywomen. No nenrouaoeaa was
exhibited by th small, black robed
I ir that ro to speak to such an
audlenc for th first time. With
yashmak (veil) thrown back ther
being only those of her own sex prea
ent reveaMng a girl pai. delicate
looking, oval fare, whoso fascination
Uy In the Urge hazI eyes and ex
pressive month, she spoke without
hesitation In the purest English, her
low-toned voice Laving but the slight
est Indication of an accent
"I feel I should apoiogiz to you,
laillea, for speaking In your own
lingua;, but 1 hat been commanded
to speak by an AmerU-an lady and I
am accustomed to obey Americans,
having been educated at the American
Colle for Glr's In Scutari First,
the women of Turkey mart be awak
ened to their need of education P
thouxh this 1 necessary for th men,
too." she added, trailing, "a they
have received airoost as little educa
tion a the women; then we shall es
Ubllah head schools in Conanttnopi
with Enxiish and American teachers,
after which we shall have our own
instructress, who will be sent to dif
ferent towns throughout th empire.
For years the teaching of Mohammed
has been wrongly construed; bat now
we ebsll go forward, giving Justice to
ail. a we are commanded."
Thi young girl the only holder of
a degree for wolcen In Turkey wa
permitted by her husband to spend a
night at the ho ate of an American
woman and speak to her friends, th
only stipulation being that ther
should b no men present English
Mail of Frankfort.
The meetinirs which Sam Jones, th
famous Georgia preacher, need to hold
t his bush-arbor tabernacle at Car
tersTllI were generally unique and
picturesque, and It was not always
th preacher himself who made them
so. On one occasion he Invited a
woman who had established a very
useful and successful school for tha
untaught boys from tha mountain re
gions of tba South th -poor white"
children to com and explain her
work to bis audience.
She came, but ahe brought with her
one of th brightest of ber boys, for
ah told Mr, Jones th did not be
lieve In a woman's speaking In meet
ing when a man could be got to do
It Tb preacher wa skeptical of
the boy's ability to get through with
his speech, for be was evidently very
nervous over the ordeal; but the
young woman Insisted, and Jim had
his chance.
The youngster atarted In with th
speech that he had written and learn
ed word for word. He did very well
until he began to enumerate th
buildings that the achool rMteased.
"We have a recitation baiL thre
dormitories, a bam and a poultry
yard." he declared. Then h paaed;
th next thing he had forgotten.
Th only way out that occurred to
him wa to go back and begin hla
speech all over again. This he did,
and by and by cam again to tb
"We have a recitation hall, thre
dormitories, a barn and a poultry
yard." he aald. Again there wa a
dead atop. Everybody was by this
time deeply Interested In his struggle,
and there was profound silence tn th
A third time the speech was begun,
and a third time the fatal poultry
yard waa reached, and It proved a
-hard to get by as before. Mr. Jones
winked at the teacher and smiled at
tha audience.. He wo enjoying It
lilushing furiously, but "game" to
the last. Jim began a fourth time.
This time the excitement as he ap
proached the poultry-yard yis Intense.
There was no laughter, although a
few smiled.
"We have recitation hall, three
dormitories, a barn and a poultry'
yard." said Jlra. The silence was al
most painful, but thin time the treach
erous memory liecame submissive, and
Jim went bravely on with the rest of
bis speech.
When be had finished. Mr. Jones
told the audience that they had come
as sheep to be sheared, and must help
this needy school, now that they had
heard one of Its boys mako so elo
quent an appeal.
"It Is making these boys lifters and
not leaners," he declared. "Pon't for-
eet the poultry-yard that Jim haa
struggled over. Everybody must help
by giving a hen. If you can't glv
a hen. gWe a doten eggs at least"
Marshal aad th Kaeir' Orders.
Apropos of the centenary of the
death of Marshal Lannea a Paris con
temporary tell th following tory:
The marshal bad a norror or eti
quette and appeared Tery little at
court On day when n was amusing
himself by ahootlng lark on hi es
tate of Malsons Lafitte a message ar
rived to Invite him to th Tulllerle.
where hit absenc had been much com
mented upon.
Th marshal, not th least per
turbed, replied to th Invitation tn his
blunt soldierly and characteristic
Tell th emperor." he said, "I am
at hi order to rejoin th army, but
If he wants m for anything els I
an shooting lark." London Glob.
Th Ptrat laapraaaloa.
"What was your first Impression oa
arriving at Europe"
"Great Joy," answered th traveler,
"over the fact that I was through be
ing teaslck." Washington Star.
Th average girl brought up In a
religious family has th same Berc
desire to becom a missionary that a
boy ha to go out West and fight In.
Why 1 It that a fat woman seldom
ha a disagreeable tamper T
White Steamers Use Kerosene as Fuel
i l Ja -
Th most Interesting announce
ment ever made tn connection with
the aatomohllv Industry waa un
doubtedly that made a month or two
ago to the etfwct that th new models
of th Wblt Steam Curt could be ran
on kerosene, or coal oil. Instead of
gasoline. Everyone at once recog
sized that tb us of th new fuel
would add materially to the advan
tage which tb Whit already pos
sessed over other type of ear.
Ther were some people, however,
who were sceptical as to whether or
not the new fuel could b need with
complete success and. therefore, the
makers of the White Car. th Wblt
Company, of Cleveland. Ohio, deter
mined to make a public demonstra
tion of th new fuel In th 1J0 GUd
dea Toar. ,
From th standpoint of th public,
no test mora satisfactory could bare
been (elected. ' First of all, the dis
tance covered on the Glldden Tour,
from Detroit to Denver and thence to
Kansas City, wa XI50 mile. This
waa certainly more than aafflclent to
bring oat any weaknesses. If such had
exiitsd. Still more Important waa
tb fact that the car wa at all time
while on tb road under th supervi
sion of obaervers, named by tho
wh entered other contesting car.
Therefor. It would have been Impos
sible for tb driver of th Whit to
hav even tightened a bolt without
tb fact being noted and a penalty In
flicted. At night the ear were
guarded by Plnkerton detective and
could not b approached by any
Kara Iixilmt.
Sunday School Teacher Now, Dan
ny, what do you understand by "rtsht
sous Indignation"?
Danny Gettln' mad without eay '
aay cue words. Boston Transcript.
Xottm wCI ad Mrs. WWknrt Boetaiae
tyra 0 teetremadr IDUlutaUcaiMraa
t ( ih imtn period.
Ia Part ther ar thirty-two miles
of underground railways, which carry
1S.M pasaensers a day. Twenty-fly
mile more road are under considera
tion. Strong Wind and Sand Storms
cause granulation of the eyelids. PET
TIT'S EYE SALVE soothe and
fuickly relieve, 23c All druggist 01
loward Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.
Haatata Im.
Rankin Why don't you open a sav
ings account t
Fyle I guess HI hav to; they've
shut down on me where I've ba run
ning a spending account
Msybelle That tall, alender chap
went on the stage made up aa a wom
an? How did he look?
Gladys Strictly up to data. Tou
know, n hasn't any hlpa.
Cast Tso Mack.
Ueenlster And why didn't y com
to th kirk laat Sawbeth? Sandy I
had nowt but a ahlllln' in my else.
That'a ower muckle siller to pit In th'
contribution box all at sin time.
Clevelaad Leader.
IaaFOsalhl Hew.
"There's a funny item in this paper
about an Ohio was refusing an offer at
a fat consulship."
"Wher? Let mi set It"
"There it is."
"O. yon ninny. Don't you sea th
headline over that collection of itemsl
'Happenings of Fifty Year Ago.' "
Chicago Tribune,
Lasaoa frost th Put.
Uncle Sam had Just paid $7,000,000
for Alaska.
"That'a a good deal of money," he
aald. "but lt'a cheaper than benevolent '
Besides. In those days Uncle Sam
had not bung out hla algn aa a world
Wa Mot Blaaaa.
Touni man," aald the atern parent
"when I waa your age I bad to work
for a living." "Well, air." anawered
th frivolously Inclined youth. "I'm not
to blame for that I hav always dis
approved of my grandfather's attitude
In th matter." Washington Star.
Mattow la Moarala;.
Butcher What can I aend up to-day,
Mra. Sty lea?
Mr. Style Send m up a leg of
mutton, and be sure that It Is from a
black sheep; we are In mourning, you
know. Red Hen.
t tuw ck.
Mistress Jane, I can't have you en
tertaining company In my kitchen all
tha time.
New Cook Faith, an' It do b your
own fault ma'am. Tea ahould 'ava
advertised for a plain cook. Puck.
la Bad Caaasaay.
"Surrender, in the name of th Great
Jehovah and the Continental Con-
greaa," demanded Ethan Allen when
Ttconderoga fell. Congreaa wa then
In much better company than It la now.
Detroit New.
Out of 6,600 member of th London
Diocesan Church Lads' Brigade over 8V
000 attended tha annual tarries at St
Paul' cathedral
Oolor more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dy. On 100 package colore silk, wool and cotton
d Is guaranteed to glv perfect reaulta. Ask diar, oi W will nd post paid at loo a packag. Writ lor .
tajw to dy, blachaad mix coii- MONROE DRUQ COM J PAHT. Qulncy.
a - "BI .U J I r '
Tba complete tuccesa of tha new
fuel while on this 2650-mlle public
test and the advantage gained
through it use were well described
In the following dispatch which the
correspondent of the New York Bun
ent to hi paper at th conclusion of
the tour:
"A feature of th tour which was
watched with special Interest waa
that th White Steamer used kero
sene, or 'coal oil,' as fuel tnstesd of
gasoline. The new fuel worked
splendidly throughout th 1850-mile
Journey, and all claim made In Its
behalf were fully proven. First of
all, as regards cheapness, th White
driver secured kerosene all along the
rout from 6 cent to 10 cents cheap
er per gallon than wa paid for gaso
lene. Secondly, th new fuel was
handled without any precautions, and
It was not unusual to se kerosene
being poured Into the fuel tank while
the crew of th ear and an Interested
crowd stood by with lighted cigar
and cigarette. At tb finish of the
tour, th Whit waa th only car per
mitted by th authorities to enter
Convention Hall, where th technical
examination took place, without
draining tta fuel tank. Thirdly, the
new fuel proved to be absolutely
without amok or smell. Fourthly,
kerosene could be purchased at what
ever part of the route waa most con
venient and not once during the trip
through the ten States of the Middle
West was there found a grocery store
where kerosene was not readily and
cheaply obtainable. Finally, the
Well tarllU
1 find It hard to kill time," de
clared the pampered pet "I only hav
my music, you know. How do you
manage?" J
"Oh. I do very well," answered th
other girt "In addition to my music,
I hav my (weeping, my dusting, my
sewing and my dishwashing." Loule
vLU Courier JournaL
Ha Time t
Mrs. O, Jack! Dolly told m the
moat exciting; secret, and mad ma
swear never to tell a living aoull
Mr. Well, hurry up with It I'm
late to the office now. Cleveland Laevd-
Vp wag Stws.
Redd Don't you think th prlc of
automobile Is too high?"
Green Sure; but they'll cfa
down after a while."
"About th tim that airship be
gin to go up, I suppose?" lockers
ILL.. JTHt OIL TMT StWCTHTIt 11 I laltlaXsllI JsW
Is constantly incrt4vsinr. Th biff crrartvery eompanl-i mm constant! r on th lookout and
ar offering good prict. A rret many dairrnMin ar buyin mora cow instead of trying
to $rt U th profits posaibl out oi tho they now have. Thy Hen to think about all
that they can do i to run th milk throotfh a cream separator, never stopping to consider
whether th cream separator is doing its duty as it should. If Its an old-f ashioned, out-of-
We have a
ia your
He is a
good man
to know
' r mW' '
amount of fuel used on the trip
showed that kerosene I at least
fifteen per cent, more efficient, gallon
for gallon, than gasoline. The car In
other respect made a most creditable
showing, and there was th usual riv
alry among the observer to be as
signed to the White so that thay
could ride with the maximum of com
fort. Tha only adjustment or re
pair Charged against the car during
the long trip were tightening a lubri
cator pipe and wiring a damaged mod
guard. These penalties were not In
flicted until more than 2000 mile
had been completed with an absolute
ly perfect core."
A particularly Interesting feature
of tb new White Steamer I that
either kerosene or gasoline may be
used as fuel. The necessary adjust
ment so that the fuel may be changed
from kerosene to gasoline, or view
versa, may be made In a eonple of
minutes; but so completely successful
baa kerosene proven to be, that it Is
not believed that any purchaser will
care to uso gasoline.
The White Company report that
the demand for their new steam car
both the $2000-model and tha
$ 4 000-model exceed their most aan
guina expectation. It la evident that
the combination of steam the pow
er which everyone understand and
has confidence in with kerosene
the fuel which everyone has on hand
and can handle without any danger
Is thoroughly appreciated by
up-to-date purchasers of automo
biles. Photography enables us to see the In
visible. By exposing for a long tim a
dry gelatine plate. It shows the imageg
of stars too dim to be seen through
th most powerful telescope.
tTac tr Chsraa Girls.
"They say that melody makes th
cows yield more milk."
"Then tba Installation of a textette
of operatic milkmaid might lncreas
th dairy output, and also keep tb
boy on th farm." Philadelphia
Inanin ru utn
roamwa ox J
A Flavoring'. It makes t
syrup better tkan Maple,
s J SoUly
date or cheap oiachin it can t tret all th but
terfat it wasn't intended to. Your dairy pro
fits can be increased from 6 to 26 per cant by
tb us of
Th Separator that haa won racornltlon by tha
thrss laat expositions, St. Louis, Portland and '
Jsmsstown, and haa tha andoTseBMnt of all
ths lssdin dairy expert. Ita use actually
means th savins; of a srsat amount of eream.
It alao bmji that your cream aiakss batter
buttsr and n ar haa that separator taata pe
culiar to 1 1 st in akimmed by other machine.
Thla la because th Iowa la so easily cleaned
and never becomes choked op with filth and
dirt. Among ita many advantages ara these
waitt-low supply can: enclosed gsarinr;
case of operation: adjustable crank: neat ap-
Ksrance: Interchangeable parta; te. IT 13
ON THS MARKET. Sand to catalogue.
Most complete tn of
Agricultural Implements
and Vehicles
en th Coast.
Prlca and Goods Right
quail y wall
poo aw
t.a ania aapar
retldent of th Valley.