LOCAL Try lirwcoiii'eeliuiiera.Ueiiiicti Una. lliiKN On holiday illuming lai , 1 1 I 111" wlf.' ill Herman t'ulici, mil. A ll'Hil tUn k nf 1 1 1 K I K' luiuiliiie Hi reasonable price at Wullliiliin'i. Pile 1rlvlll (or (lie big- dock l tu nr!y couitilelcit. and I ltd changed apnrum ul Ilia wnlrr (runt Is rriuiiiknhlc Wheit rows til burned oir piling, tlir iniua of n mall mill, ft Mm kainlih ahopmid i,i & Mtickle'.old slurp alMl lur ira, i,ir now I lie Urxvot uiill and tnul rtcnlvr dock mi tins Columbia river. Nut I .mi umikril urn the change in oilier purl of the city, New lnn-ri me being buili in ivrlV direction, mul liny utr icnled almost a won a they m i'iiiilriii rit. Filly rl'lnii r, III ntillllii In th.r nuw under Con.lruellou, lll be needed ttil lull. K'm t'iM sTv Faih All intiYeated lit loruitnil futility I'.iir Aaui.Uiloii nrr rrinflcl tu timet at i, T Gcldo' ji'tn-t at (tola Park. Hi, Helen-, on Friday, July iih Th rk, with It. eiicloaed ImII grutiud, taiga aaallug nuk building, and prtxltuity in Ixiili ilvcr mi.) (all. I the heal pi c Hi Columbia Con lily to hold the llr, II you arc In Irfralpil In tllit llmllrr I e sure tu BMrlid, K"H .SaI.k A ui il Mundy lugging rngluc, together illi iiinln and lilp lint M ki f Ic. Kitgitiv mid lino in K'K,'I 1 "ti ll i lion ami will I sold very rlirui .,i mil, Coll or will.; Mn.l.'n Mumv. Co, .VaiH-, Oic. Y"iir Uvotile rlgar at liftmen llr.. 'Hull, Natunluy, Aug- Irtfiiili In tin Mi llHii uii,l iii'ii-n, visile.) f, u. ily Mil) jms ut- In Ai lint ; Mini l,i,iir tiT,Mi. mi. II ini (iicwcii, i u II Via ll, w. r-k , A iirw 1 1 no nl .mi . "1 Willi.,,!,,,,'. mMi-KH H1.WTH.N..TI1. matter ol le "''"I'H'ill "' l.ITt!,l (t,C ,w chart, r Mill 1. Mrtil. it i, ii, ... 'j w..-ii ..ii ni'MKI.iy next. Hi r "I II"' lllM'l I, Mill "yea llii- i ll.., i,., wiiu,,. ,,,1,,,,.,., , lllv"',"r' '"l'l"'-lll'.ll,al.!lll,- l, Willi l.,v.,r ... , I. ...... , , .. , ' ! .1 nin , linciininig hip : m tlflivitl,.,. 1......I, ,. . , V i.U mi t ;ct mil i.u.l v,,., n my ), ,t I. .Ill-.l llic I'illT l-ll'l'ii Till! ii notice Mini lie Wl'.l.l, 1'AIH Kl'I.OHTi'.KH llnratre Stivciin, ri.,..r!iT fur I lie livening Tele, jfrum, mul A. 11. ILirriH, rt.-,ori.i.T fur Hie liVvniiij; J.iiirniil(liniii( tliu Miiriil irmi, iii',v i,v Ik, i, i : III A. nil' Hull, Suturiluy, July I Ml) :ihi. Mr uii.l Mm. W II i.,Iiihiii. ., ',t. Iim.l, mtivril Wr.lni-.iliiy niKlit (r, I'orl l.ttl.t tiinl mi Tliurwlttv m. iriiln i- iiri. f'l lur llicu ulil niiii,uK Kn,iuii, ., Hie niililiKf Mill iiruiK. wtn-re llicy will rti "l ull lllkll.t i IIIKIlllii. TlWIil ll ll.K ,S,M. .. ..,,,t I,,,,,,!,,.,! iii'ii i u( liinht r lii .tin ( m t r IIiiiiimiii) Sir I.iiwh nl,.,iii n, nl lii ni-w "like i.vrr llu- I'nliniil.i.i t',.uiuv Hiiik, Mirny otlu-r line rlnmi't fur iuvc-t tt )'... i l.in l inu-u.,1,, hxv in mil. sU.ik en i'l-r,illr liik-imt in i.ul i-l.ii' in Hi,-in-in lr iiiluxnl ol inr H,ni,, llMitiiii.n Hint 1 llilil, ,11 Innr ,l,ittc. jitr. ' Illr 1 1 uyOir l.uii li mul iiiiiiu-,1 it lltll, Hil l I.,', H:, royil V Ml, 1. 1 t 'lil.ln.l.ui r.i.ilt, iliirlnj; tvrry (I i;. tlu y w n.' here. Htuvrlit I'U' in Inn i-1 ii i in .,r fm mul I In. ri (or ! 'I In y i-r Miitiiii.iiiwil lur the tlc li i"iJ. Slivt-lls iliil not. li-i;liy lit nil, , ytt llu- defense never excuiwil him. I I'll riii win uti the Maud ulmnt U-ll mill iili' tu ti-tily ,m to ii tulle he hud with Muloiie in tliu i,imnly jnil nt l'ort1niil. I'lirsc ! iitl. iiii'ii were Hinlf roiH'Siioinl- ii!B Ini Hii-ir r'ivi'tiviMH.-rii, nnd tin-re wim no ii.'f,l ,.l i IIICIIIl in tin- ... . ni,n iii.'ni i, i n r. .Alt,- . 01 m,,ii. ti'Hlll! , in not onlv ll l.idil t-riltiiiial Inw- I ycr, lint In: iiiiiIciMhiiiI.h the lienelil to lie j mi iuiil fur liiH rlielit l;y tundiii)( ill ! with the tuewi. He ecrtiiiiilj K"l I'l" (ur CuliiiiiHu enmity's) nioiiry't worth. it wubii rleiir (jni't ul If'.'H of, Ihu ',i)en' ii uney. , l ull H.m.i iiiuti'trv, tix new hijiise lu-nr Ihe VM. M. KOSS 'I hi1 cn-.im..iy liliiii)ii. to (he Ni h ilrlil Vuliry Cream iiMuci.iliun of Mint will uii'ii fur litmitieM Anoint 2, with l'ii"l Miiini, fiiimrrly olu I'orlhiiid ifriiimry, mid K. I'". MtusillK llliiil ;. The creamery him heen idle since Nuveiidier, when the (firmer mniiiii(er n' wiided with wveral hundred ilollr, leiiviiiK the nvujun'inn in had Khiq fiiwuii iiilly. The en iimery will cover iniruviti.eiit n i-liliMii is a new i!i iit, la!iuiii'd off Clou-i lire mHhi iiiiite U.lii!y nt luiiii f, " ( film, The t.mn ;hi' thxHii f ii'ii'l, i-i'iU-' 1 1 1 . t , 1 1 i!,r .si t, hi ..ml l'iliili( U uue ol (he I'lduntiie-i Out n,, l-in . u..,ltn r hrl M, llrlrni mine J' l J imei.t .ni l n.l ..hly mi ;rnt wil over tli ( full K Uiiu Mild l. , tin te ,M,-u .1 . .nm.'. i.d.'e t-ij ital li.ivc the '4iilierv aicHW li.-ie. ln. h in-aiu ! aee lii.l luies m tliv lit udil-nlnmd ll r -lldltiil ul nrr!y lllne h'ui.iird mi.l d.. all m i! dulUi dally. Tint' rrtiv j;,..l uiu .-:r, mr nm I to (r one Induilry tu jn in tin uUti.it, teiiuui'is. n lid Ihe daheruicn heir are a (j.-xl iIi,m uf Clllcli, Many ( tlitni e trrn.a liclit lrldcllt line and lmrn The : lull l lnnrie and Inn full i Uv win A It.. fl.lwt.llfiil V.ft (illlrf I U ntrv llr ' lent. III M till tin I'm ( ul the rarih l'i-ni the j " '"r Ihe iiKhl (h fv,i. Ud o( the tlv.r o. tie ul ill Nr . 'iim'.l. ('i-.uity M -:r.-t li.lriu lillla It p.liii-r. I .-I lud.i. t. in omy. .St liri-in Inftiilte variety t.d iul hi. miii it y. j i ,,, Sn$ lieiKldiuih' iir jmer t'l illdu.' ll.ii v . J 4x1 Ulmid and nil lit - C ilv !.'! W M . UeU-l,, A L'uud .ti ikirlun- . A-;dv t . I'ul i,d Tit'c 1'Jiu- Sufi drinks on li:c nl Ihitinett Hrun. . IIui i.ton'k Nkw School IIh sk Thecilieiin ul llonltnii Imvn n-awn to lm iroiid of their new t lnil huilditiK, which in iici' liitf coiiniliditin, the limt lll pliint now heltiu iiilnllcd. It is a heuiitifiil huildiiiK and to lrronted lis tu he a (('l dvi;rliittienl to li-r liy on tl' Iruiu of II. e eliternlioe and desire for ediieiitiomil f.tell ities in th t ciiimunity It 1ms four lurije cluia rounii, well mipplied vili hliieklxiiird cp:icc and linviiiK .l"litv of liht (rum Ihe left ( thw piiiil' wal. Ill every innpeet it W modern und njuituiy and the only fault wu have lo find with il in thut it i not twli e a lurjie and liaated midway be tween Kt. Ililc'in am) Huiiiton. Thecun- tractom lire Hewitt & Wiixlit ol St. .lohntund the architect K. Kroner of Portland. Stock IIok wanted at hh;hei'. market price. Address ) Snider, St. Helena. Ileiiuelt linn , cuiilcctioiieM, Morons' new huildiiii;. N. A l'erry, Chaa Hnijlish, mid (). h Howard, uti.rled for the Nelmlem country Tuewlay, for a fc dava fishing ami hunting . 1'aiuia, Oih, Slaina, Vuinishes and Ilruahet at WellinKlon's. We wish to (inuounec to our IriemH and patron that wc carry a full line of Ilrown and Hamilton celebrated Ameri- ... !!..,:, i ,i.i'l American ladvhhoCS almusl the whole SVhalem valley with wl)llJ 1)t(,.t.,i to show them lo milk runtes, The Ni luilem vu!li-y n well y)U Ttll,rc m,)rc itllIM)rUut detail ' must ufColuuihla County is last liecom-; u((;irltje ,,,., You will find 'K 1 diiiryinK section. Mng artcr or correct than our new l ull Sai.i -Man or HoiiiniiA.'il'Oacre American Gtutleniaii Oxford. The up Hr.tnh A lr ii an veteran bounty land cer-! erioiity of this, like all American gen an it.- issurd by Ihe department of the ' tlcmeii shoes, is not only in appearance, nil. -lior, I ioveriiiiient ui Canada, Ollawa, j jt covers every detail, inside and out. under the oluntei r bounty act, I'.MIS. j J,.S. Ml CKI.Ii & SON. i..m.i lur .;:.) acres ol any i.onnuiun , ,W u,,fiut (linli,llre? If you lain ujien lur enlr;i in Allierla,. Saskatche wan .,r Mamtiihii. Any person over the aue ul H i. arn. man or wuman can ' unit.- lltiK l.ti.,1 uitli this eertifieate with ) iienvers me xuiiiif in j.ui u,, oui I'imier eiiaiK-. i'ur iiiiiiieuiuie saie, suii m. Write ur wire, I,. I'.. Telford. 131 ! I'ooN iKAM;i:-Ti.e meeliDK of , Li t v , i i the I'oniona C.rm-.ye with the Heaver : ""$50 Kkvvabd file city of St. Helens will pay reward of fifty dollnr (or the arrest and conviction of the pi-ryni or jiersons who tore up the planking and other b il,iri.fif:d a norlion of thu trestle on the road Inrtneen Ht. Helens and Iloii.t'.n on July 7II1 Those who kiio.v wl "t' what know (iriiya store in the right spot. Mairiage liceii-e was granted in Mon day last to Mary I',. JJutcher and I!. J,. Powell of Kainier. Sho. a, lliat HI'' 111 kind you want. Whether il ii di. fcs B'.oe or for work inv lino in complete. J. H WlCUIN(iTON, Mr. Clive M iil, of Vernonia, was in St. Ileleimon Monday last. Oo(jd grade Jersey, four years old, for sale cheap. Inquire at litis office. Fear of the presence of an escaped luna tic named I'.lliolt hascaut-cd something of a name in the Virrcii neigliboriioo'i tins week. Several parties claim lo have seen hi in and numerous requests have beeu made upon Sheriff White lor ln capture. The cheriff ha made several trips to Warren but has been unable to locale the man. It seems atrane that the Asy lum authorities at Salem do hot end their own men down here to hont him up. Iiance in Acme I'all, Saturday, Aug. 7. Music by four piece orchestra tinder the management of Mrs. Virginia Gilson llrowr, of I'ortland. Miss Kathleen I.awltr and John W. llelcher, of I'ortland, were married last Monday morning at the cathedral resi dence, I'ortland, .Jr. and Mrs. Kelcher have a number of friends in St. Helens where they have visited several limes in the past few years, and where their talent ns voca'i-U was fully appncuited. Hw about furniture? If you are j "'a'" going lo buy lake a laik in Wellington's; .M.C. OUA . ... - 1 ...... .i..:.iu 1 . i.iv I Imi'tv llos'.i'.s Fok Salb Larue bar- ir..i..t.i ..n.l l.,...li..,. eliiiiies. HelB-dns and small tiargain'. lyocaled in delivers the good lit your iionie. ( uinerent pans 01 uonmioia. perty 10 suit all buyers, aii casn or pari eaah. I will x rleased to answer cor- () tiruimties of ail kinds in farms, timlier lands, and citv loin Valley local Saturday, Aur- 7ih, prom- i to ! the best alteilded and most respjndcuce and an sale I can tie of scavice to von. Ccluuibia Couuty and is Ijest ui the State of ,, . ises to I tile nesi aueiiue.i aim utoi i If von want . .. . the t-ucaiiest ai.J . buy . se,l property o, any deseri.ition j Z ! '" " . - made, i.ion 1 wasie your nu.e uu.i i.i!,ul. 4 St 4 SV, '. At v SV' . . i v SV. sv SV. SV. SV. 4: SV , , SV SV sv SV. v SV. sv SV, 1 SV. SV SV SJ- SV st v - SJ- - SV SV v SV SV SV v SV. SV i at lilrgull. Acme H i -.till tuiv voa toTrmsuU A. T. Laws. .I IIt an, Ore. Ii.ui. e Aug 7 at the Acme Hall, .llrrrlor of till- K X I IT i lllc Ii t Stall 111 Ht I ll... Crv:.1!i Avririillural College, and made. H urt waste your time and money luoginS for huir.es on Government lauds . ... , . ' . .. . 1 i ...1.. .... c in. uiiv t .:tl- ,,u . it lit. IHH.1I.1J..1 I State Lecturer Johnson, give, aurance ; h; ht. rural routes, cheap j that tho who attend will 1 well pan . , . marka ;r .., f.. .1...:. I.,.,.!.!.. I. l.l..,n.' I,, tun nl ' . . i the ablest men in the of interest to lanner . , letter or personally , stock raisers and Consult me, e'.ther by A. V P( )i.NTEE J J tyj . 1? u...ni,M- Or.M.on. haslet street and j-.v.v iiiuinvii s'p ox) VM . j . J.. 4 1.. ,1 tlinllMT 1 rA-s tS. sewer eonuacis u m tniwi S $SO,000 this year. Ti:is is the same 0, 111IIIVI a....... . - xt a diminutive steamboat lamiinw, at ...k: .1s iv.mii Ul.nu'hard's woodyartl 1 HICI1 Is-stl a-"- - . XO S and the poslollicc were ncomj ic. - tines of nt'ominenee. 1 here is a line , with u KHl water fnmt iaeilities and $ nlentv of timher to mu - W i.s.a rs.,.iiv.itv has a line lu- a On'im lliail. orchardists. Gel olf the train Raiui r j and you will find the 11. aver Valley, brethren there to meet you. Taints, Oil-, Htaius, Vandal s, 1111.! j Urushee at Wellington'! . j Sec Skinner and Tiinmon about your , papering and painting at Houlton Ore. Messrs IVnnis 1'eiry and It. L Wood-! worth and a burro started this week on a ! trin lo Rock Cr.ek. where the men ex-! peel to whip the waters for the speckled inii.t uhi'e the burro recutx:rates on the green gianses and pure wterof the ealicy. Shinnies, Nails, Locks. Hulls etc. j M. C. GRAY. I W. V. Clybouinc and R. J. Young of ! !-un ka, cab, stopped off at St Hel . i.s. on returning doui the fair, visiting with ! Mr. II. A. McCormick. j Ihessy shoes for women and children . at Wellington's. j To I-'KflT GkowiiRS Millard O. Lottiisdale, of old Yamhill, fruit com- ! uiissioner for this disrrict and one of the i j best informed and most practical men in j We lej -ice to hear tha' a steel bridge I Ihe State on fruit raising and marketing, s 0n he built nero-j the river at this ! will be in St. Helens August lOih. and j ,,;uv . A Mr. I-oiiir, of Houston, hub 1 will he phased to meet all who urc in-: t,e cont wet. j It rained ruain Saturday and Sunoav. Varnishes, Tl.e gardens and grain w beiichtcd but Stains ami Oils. 1-loor l'aint in seven i some people s hay got pr.uy we.. colors, boat Paint in ten colors. JCimin- J 10 r a long time it l.'okrd like the Linoleum, Dressing, Brushes, c;c. , grain crop would ba very shoit, but M. C. GRAY, St. Helens si,lce the rains the f.irnicrs are great! When you give your painting contract encourage I. The straw i3 getting .0 a . . ... , .. ,.1,1 , 'Booil leugtll ana 11 win uiiueauituij T. LAWS, St. Helens, Ore. .1. T. Kohison and family, of I lalts moutii, Nebraska, rtcatnt reidenis of St. Helens this week. Mr. Robison will haw charge of the planing mill of the St. Helens Mill Company. Chas. Ivy, on Sa'nrday, July 17, hired a saddle horse from the St. Helens Trans fer Company, statiu that be would re turn iu less than two hours. He has j not let iirncd, and on Ihe Monday suc ceeding tlie siaoie men uegju iiivrsugui itig, but learned nothing of it until a letter was received here from the boy's father, stating that the son had so'd the horse to a lawyer iu I'ortland named Haines lor the sum of 13. Mr. Tuiner went to Portland, where toe father set tied all claims, and the horse was re turned. The intelligence or honesty of an attorney who will buvahorsi worth al ii ast 101) for t lo is questionable. The Ivvs at one time lived iu St. Helens. KIST. I terestcd in this important subject. Wall Paint in thirty colors. tat ole lels, ture.M-Oreiionian. .. : t.. 1.' liiiior. Hie iu.litstiKS arc uu m.K - iV'tho lin.o for the wise man to invest, full jKUtit ul.irs apply to NOW l'or to? Ml 1 spp.rp.iarv Rainier Boosters uud MVV vv J p RAINIER, OREGON m - I iiiiN lur Wood. jyj K. MIll.HIl " ATTORN KY-AT-L AW Sl. Helmut, Ori'ifoi) I KI1WIN li)HM, P1IYSICIAN & SURGI'ON RT, ntlLKNH ' ' "Kl!!l - IVIl.ll.R, CUVt, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Hbls lor . . . , , . ...Ill lu Vi'l'niVlHi Setlli'd Dins , .,.,.... ,lt St. 1 August, mm. 101 w00ll. Thottoodtolo 1 in ,1(,,t.liveiedim sound n.'timh.'r,rl' County .Indue rellahle cough rcme'i . DeuilnK. ilntgkjtst. ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE . ,1 i the Sinte nl Oreii, for livUie ; Uitiie.oiu., -:"'.,,, ; ,, l-olilliiiii. ...." ,..,,,,, In (lie mutter nl mo wmie " - , tumi -a"'' 1 , " ', V, , , e,mt: ami l. (inn. - " -y ; .,,., t,,P Ihu Mi'UlfllU'lU "? "u Kl T, re i t: n ileh time ami l.law nl mil.l II nil ,, '"',,,, wi,mii,.,ver. intei u 11 v emitee, Heir er I" "'.. .,. ,ii ,,. tliesamo. KPC1AK WTKVKNS, Kxoetitorof Ilia Kstato of Jnuiea Fullerton jaagsvd. the lest job that can be done for he pos- tively guarantees satisfaction Mr. Cottrell of I-ureka Cal. was a viitor in St. Helens on b'riday lust. I'MMi'iioviin l.A.sli Sixty acres with in Uo miles of St. H. lcns at $-'5 per acre, nearly nil can bo plowed when cleared, l-scellent fruit land. Will sell part or all c tsy ; terms. See Laws, the real estate man, over the Columbia County bank. Will not c-st over f-tl) per acre to clean the great portion ol this laud Mai.o.nH Pi.kaos Gi.-u.TV Roy JIa j lone pleaded guilty last Monday to the j robbery of H. II. hMuke'a bouse, near Gobie, on the eighth day of last Decem ber, and was teutenced bv Judge Camp bell to two vears imprisonment in the Oregon penitentiary. During the Mur gatfovd trial Maloue swore that on the j eighth day of last December he aw the iu ToUt brothers, one ol whom he afterwards identified as George Murga ir.,v.l eoiiiinu out of niuke'a house the day of the robbery, and thut they gave him the stolen goods found in his pos session when he was arrested. Ivy lus plea of guilty be admits that he com mitted perjury in an attempt to semi Mnreatrovd to the scaffold for a crime which it appears probable he (Malone) participated in.. Have you seen the new delivery wagon of las Mucklo & Son. They are pre nnrftt to deliver all Hoods on short 1 " notice. Try them. Miss Kthel Matthews left on Monday last for a visit at Walla Walla, Wash., ,.ai, Mr and Mrs. Kello. Mr. and Mrs. Kello bad been visiting (or some time with Mrs, Kello'a parents, Mr. and Mrs Clmdiuitl. With (our clerks I am urcpared to wait on all customers promptly. We will endeaver to please you, and request that yon report any dissatisfaction to U9 in stead of your neighbors. We will ad just matters to your satisfaction. They wont. . M.O.GRAY. -1ATS 5ln THE PUER OF ALL $3.00 HATS Others, in all Shapes and Colors, at from 75c Up i z i : : t z ! Ki I II A l Jh, M. . A ,rfc Jt, A A fh A A 1 A aVJliaTar- ' HATS HATS I yVVVVTVTTWVV V VWVVVV VV I Everybody is particular about the kind of a liat tliey buy. To please all it is absolutely necessary to carry d large stock of the best styles and colors. We received a shipment this week that includes just the one that YOU are looking for. Come in and see. WlNGTONJj ST. HELENS. OREGON ! z x ! z z rTrVs-l WALKOVER -SHOES- ; YOUR SHOES mm ticad well Jau. Duiheldsoid his pony to the West ern Timber Ounponp (or i'SO. Mi- and Mrs. T. O. HogsVie, brother in-law and bister tj Peter Bergersun, eanie here last weokoua visit. They have sold out in Dakota, but have not ,...t ,l...i.l,.l where thev will settle. Mr. llogseie ha? gore (o the Seattle l air, while his wile Is visiting Chas. lhrger- son, or eitioiua. j Mrs. XleitUn Malmsteu and Mmg ret 1 Spencer, fioat the Veinouia Sunday UchcHil, Mrs. J. K. Dallas and hut Smith, of Pleasant Hill Sunday School, are deleeatea to tho State Sunday School Convention, which convenes at .lenning's Lodge on the SStii and rJt'.i of July. Tliev ttarted out oil ! i iday of this wcU. Do they fit well? Do they look well? Do they wear well? If they are not up to your requirements in every particular it will pav you to try a pair of WALK-OVERS the next time. WALK-OVER shoes are Trustworthy in Every Respect. Cut show a Uii.t Color Russia Blucher Oxford liytoe nodel Price $4 50 OTHERS AT $3.00. $1.00, So WE ARE SOLE AGTS WHITE & ANDERSON Houlton. Oresron H LT Jt. V r A ft Jt- JV A A .1,1 ii j". A J ml m A afli jlk A Electric Light Notice. Those figuring on the use o( electricity for lighting purposes are reques'ed to have wiring done in the near future. ST. HELENS MILL CO. Notice For liids. Bids will be received by Trustees of at liUn. I ,!... 1 17 t (1 f. V.. for t'.e OL. . 1 . H U J ...... , v. ... ". -- building of a hall according to plans and specitlcatioiis, which may ueseen tiy up plying to A. 0. Fopejoy, Houlton, Ore gon, U. W. Clark and W. A. Ilanis, St. Helen?, up to 10 a.m., July 24, UHW. A check (or 5 per cent of bid to ac company bids to be lorfelted in case ol failute bj enter into contract within live days it awarded contract. Bids to bo addressed to Trustees St. Helens Lodge 117 I. O. O. F., St. Helens, Ore gon. Trustees reserves right lo reject any or all bids. A Business Snap Want to sell a saw mill cheap or trade same for (arm or timber lnnd. Apply at once tollenignus Lumber Company, Houlton, Ore, During the Season 1909 via the Oregon Railroad & Navigatoin Co. OREGON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD from Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacouia, Walla Walla and all points on the O. R. & N. line. To OMAHA and Return - - - $60.00 To KANSAS CITY and Return - $60.00 T ST 1 niJIS and Return - - $67.50 To CHICAGO and Retnrn - - $72.50 and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South Correspondingly low tares. ON SAI.l ' J I'NE 2, 3 ; JULY 2, 3 ; AUGUST 11, 12. To Denver and return - - - - $55 ON SALE MAY 17, JULY 1, AUGUST 11 Goiuj transit limit 10 davs from date of sale, final return limit Oct. SI. These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stop over privileges, and choice o( routes ; thereby enabling passengers to make side trips to many interesting points enroute. Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a slight advance over the rates quoted, , Full particulars, slleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished by any 0. K. & N. local agent, or Wm. MeMURRAY General Passenger Agent, Portland OatitiO!. The Mist AND Weekly Oregonian BOTH PAPERS FOR TWELVE MONTHS $1.80 ', r i i 'I I