THE OREGON MIST vol. xxviii. -- - ' ' ' ' - : ' - ' ST KSNS, OI1EGON, Fill DAY, ,1VLY 30. 1901). ' " " tr - " i EVENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of tbe World. PREPARED FOR THE BUSY SLADER . At . kl t LMl imponsm pui nai less misr uling Mappanlnga from Point Outside th Slata. Canada l aariouely considering the ftilvtuol'HUy uf building navy. A urtirml etrlka l on at llarcelona, Spain, against the war in Morocco. Hawaiian sugar planters propose to Import Huiwian laborer to displace Th baltloahlp Michigan, the aped- Ir.i f her claae, will go Into eommle lion in Auguat. Th aem good that Thaw ill In- declared sane ami ralraaed (rum Hip aaylum, r:untxan prwaaur may yrt eaua ("tin. to Mum American a share In the railway loan. Thi- uiatalit eaahier of a Tipton, Iml , hank, rolitd it of 160,000 and rfi fur part unknown. IUI.-rt Latham damged hi airship during a trial flight bafor attempting to the Kngliah channel. The Hriliah cahlnet ha announced that f.'r mora battlshl of the praadnaught typa will be built. The tx ahah of i'eraia ha been offer ed an annual penalon of f2S,000 on con dition thai he leav the cuuntry. J.pah ha adopted vigorous policy aaiimt Curean Insurgents, The drath roll of the recent Gulf storm ha been Increased to 41. A (rain struck an automobile at Me nonumc, Mirh., killing an entire fain tly of three, tlnti man aaved hi life in the recent t v. i..n atorm by ualng hia cork leg tu ktp him atloal, K'iii ia on tbe verge of a vrrolution twraua of Knglteh am) clerical influ ence ovrr the iif g. J A Si attle woman baa awurtd a di- rorre iwcauae brr husband baa been too tirrd to work fur 12 year. Lightning struck residence at Aweru-an forks, Utah, four time. One ..ii,an wa killed and four oilier prtur. hurt. lJurinif a balloon rac at Newton, 111., two of the big gaa bag collided t,i fort In the air. One man1 leg u badly crushed. Kaptiarl M.tiro, who aerved in the Chowan war, later aerved with "Chi na" (inrral Gordon and then aw amice in the Civil war, ia dead. He had livn. at .oe Angele for the paa( t! rsra. I'n-tnicr Hriand ha formed a new Fn-nrh cabinet. Iti,r.ndt la being proposed for may or of Nrw York. A li foreet fir ia raging in the ttoui'.tmna near San Bernardino, Cal, A clou Ihurat In Colorado killed" two Penan, and did much damage to prop erty. Premier A)ulth say Hrllalii ahould ht aiii-d against tariff by American fld exporiPncea, In an automobile race at Grand RplK Mich., fit) mile waa made In SI miiiut.. and 22 aecond. The acriou condition of King IVter i hVvia la aroualng anxiety. Hi "lh would rauae no surprise. A Vancouver, II. C., K)llca magie t"te IIiikiI himaelf $ 6 and coat for needing the pcd limit with hia au- lomiiiiii,,, A ,i,a Anu.dc judga In denying a aivorr n which the plalntilTa' mother " involved laid no houaa waa big nouith for married coupla and a ""olher-lnilaw, Th Dual count of dead in th Texas ktiii Hhowi a ua of 28 live. Com ""iiration ha been eaUbliahed with w point anil the property damage "III tin ov..r ll.ftoo.OOO. Bollvi and Peru have agreed to ar urt. ii, w,n, Ji.,,,,.. inBt.ii r ROADBED CRUMBLES, . rem uoe. (0 Rlv,r ,nd , p()pi "'m ana ao Hurt. Kantai City. Julv 97 nt r. luat and U pro,,. fhju YJ, threa rerhap fuily. th, wrBck f n paaaenger train No. 4. whn ,,,, lI19 MiHuouri r(ver j)(J ..ifa rani U nere. The train left Kmi, r.i.. ... O'clock .. . . . .. ..,., ,K1IV, .,, WUM lh HU Unit ten huur later. Of (he eight cara that made up the train, Ova and the engine are now in the river with tha water covering all of them OHM n,1 .if lt,u ... i.. ' A deadhead I'ullirmn, a rnailcar a baggage car, a day coach an I a alee'per followed tha enilne Into it,, -i...... Tha chair car and two I'ullmana re mained on the track. P'or day flooded water h.v.. i undermining th roadbed, which paral lel the river. Three houra lirtr. the wreck a freight train of 45 load) car paatiHl the point fcy. Three hour later No. 4 urM aero the ame bit of track and 60 feet of the roauneu au'Menly collted. Tbe train wa runnlnir li mll.a hour, and the forward car telecoed, allowing the rear car to aton ir.H.i. ally their occupant were hardly ihaken. MARK TWAIN AS PiLOf. f ormr Stembot Man Will Conver Prealdent Down Mitaiatipni. St. lunula. Mo.. Julv :7 U'k..r, I'reaidcnt Taft take hi trip down the Miaaiaalppl river from St. Iuito New Orlean, Mark Twain, th humoriaL will act a pilot on the boat carrying the eountry'e chief executive. Th prraident'a river itinerary ha ocen compiete and includra towi at t'a (, Carutheraville, in the Mieaourl; Cairo, Memphis, Tenn., and Vickahurg, Mia. When a preaidont of the United State take a river trip, Mr. Clemen alwaf haa been Invited by the com mittee In charge to pilot the boat. Ttie uaual Invitation wa extended to Mr. Clemen on thi ocraaiun, and hi friend, who aay he ha a high peraonal regard for Mr. Taft, declare he will agree to pilot Mr. Taft eafely down river. I ' ' J - I ,1 L LJi JLJI OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST a -i The Six Companie hava forbid mak 'II n Kranclaco'a Chinatown a ahuw P11' for tourlta, The Itullun pre ia gratly excited y '"Port that Ualltni In tha South ttatv are practically alavea. Snih troop hava proteated K'ing to Morocco. There hava "evoral riot among the poo- jj,11 fldcago health eommlaalon haa www that paateuriMtion of milk ia JWfoctlve ,,d uaele, If not danger- cl,U Hl.h "mn hM J wmmlttad aul " l ' tfe of 80. vlhl"t.,'""r Vanll haa aalled from (mn a, r,,r "uon" Ayroa with $8.- . . in Kld, tha heavleat alngle ever mail to South Amorl- Mpment Mil po lh.y..( of tha tanneriei at Keno hlirL. " ,mv" KOi on "trlka for nj '"' Bim. Trouble la feared and IV. !m"'." ,mv " called out. ""mn have been wounded. Moor Gather in Force. Madrid, July 27.- Official diapatchi concerning the bombardment ycntiTifay around Mo. Ilia tate that thi nuanure wa taken to prevent the eiemy from maaaing. The gunhont Martin Alonio i'liucin In the boinbardment. afler which (!e chaaed, but did not catch, to teamer auxpi-cted of carry ing contraband arm. 1 he bombard ment waa renuu el tulay. The Moore are gathering in great force in the KilT region. It I estimated that they now number 20.0OO, ami are preparing for cuiicentrai.'d attack. PRUNES SOLD GREEN. Salem Grower to Ship 30 Cart to Eaatern Market. Salem-A new era in the---' nea of the Willamette vatic rrud in, when tho imlepen pool, reprcinting about iwunda of fruit, practically accept a propoailion fron Fruit company, of San Fn bout HO car load of green he picked and ahipped to 1 market at once. The pric 40 cent per crate of 24 j prune to lie accepted and thi rate Lufore leaving S grower are told they will that the prunes bring in over and above thi figure. will bold 12 ton. The Kaatern Wimhirigton Crop haa been old green year. I.att year the out ection wa 1,000 ton, there ia a light crop, amoui about 950 ton, and thedea iruu are aeeaing v maKe up me ce ficiency by buying Oregon' Italian prune, which are a lmiltedtobe better than either the California or Waahing ton product, l.aat year the grower of Washington and Idaho realized 30 cent per crate of 24 pound, or about 80 cent per bunhcl, for their green prune, which the Salem grower con- aider more profitable than idling the dried fruit leading grower itata that 80 car can be picked from the orchard of tha member of the pool at thi time and not decreae the output of dried fruit to any extent, a the pi une that re main will attain a much larger growth than if none were removed. SECURES LAKE TRADE. Klamath Merchant Booat for Good Roade Over Mountain. EQUIPMENT GOES IN. POWELL INVITED TO SALEM. Will ..,... improve the roal to this isolated aec tion, so that the vant territory in the remote part of both Klamath and Lake countiea will be enabled to get all their luppliea from Klamath Fall. i nil city ia so aituated that the ar rival of the railroad haa made it the natural .distributing center for all Sou i hern Oregon. The only drawback ia the road question. Klamath county is now prepared to busld good roads at a reasonable coat, but the county is too large to construct highways in every section in a short time. The opening up of the Lake county traffic to Kla math Falls also make an opening for Portland wholesalers, who will have to hustle in order to meet the competition of Sacramento and San Francisco. Bleriot Awaken Engliih In.lon, July 27. The lAindon morn ing hewapaiiers publiab editorial on Kleriut' leal. A new xlnt brought out I it striking apiHBt to the imagi nation of Kngliahmen that ('.real Brit ain Inaular strength I no longer un challenged, that the aeroplane ia not toy, but a possible Instrument of war fare which muat he taken into account by soldier and itateirnrn and that it wa the ona thing needed to wake up the Kngtiah people to the importance of the acience of aviation. Trolley Wreck I Fatal. I.o Angeles, July 27.- One person wa killed and several were injured, aome of them seriously, tonight, when a heavy trolley car on the Monrovia- !x Angele diviainn of the Pacific Flectric line crashed into the rear end of a car on the Patadena Short Line, on a curve near F.t l ake park. The Short Line car was partially tcleiicoped. The two cr were running not more than 300 yards anart. according to the statement of passenger. B , Four Crath Hurl 42. indinlulia. July 27.--Forty two persons were injured today in the wreck of a louthhuund Hit: Four pan . nger train at Zionsville, Ind,, and all but 70 psengcr who were brought to hospitals in this city were able to con tinue to their destination. The bur gage car and the conches behind it left the track while the train waa running fit) miles an hour. Nebraska Pay Note. Omaha, Neb., July 27. - It Is evident that the people of Nebraska did not mind the recent panic, lor during the year IU0H there were 17,8i)(l farm mortgage paid off and cancelled, rep resenting a value of 12,377.71, ami lfi.fifiM new farm mortgages were re corded, representing a value of IHO. r.7 l..vli,!f a tidv balance of about to tha property. Speed Tt Sets Record, ii.itaiiiihlii. July 27. -- I he abiii Michigan, which credit of tha battle returned today snip mic"iK"" , : . - from her trial trip. Is reported to have broken all speed records for vessel of the battleship type. Tho Michigan Is said to have ma.le a fraction over 19 knots an hour. Hr ced requirement wa 17 H Thrse Lives Lost In Gulf, rensacolii, Fin., July --Wth her rigging damaged and her sails torn al mort to shreds, the llahlng Mhorner Minnie W. arrived today and reported . ' f her crew in the Gulf hurricane of last Wednesday, and the narrow escape oi two uu.e.n. Blocher's Orderly Diss. Quincy, III.. July 87,-John Leo. derwhodiedSatun ay at the If iuul..l t.iu .,.n waa nurieu i.... .1... .. I s OI WBierio' iiiK , i,ii,. ed as orderly W uenerei nard age toilay. I'ur- er act Fruitgrower Want Demonstration on Pr-Coolieg of Fruit. Sttlem-S. G. H. l'owe:i, of the United StftU s department of agricul ture, will be tho guest of the Salem board of trade and the Salem Fruit i union, and will be taken out through the fruit country in an automobile. The department ha been engaged thi year in pre cooling and shipping demonstrations at Puyallup and other Western poinU, and an effort will be made to have Mr. Powell sent to Salem next year to take up thi line of work. Just at this time, w hen the tthipment of small fruiU to the Kaslem markets i being undertaken, it i believed the aid and experience of the government expert would be of great value to the fruit industry in the Willamette valley. Activity in Gold Mine, (rants Pass There will be much ac tivity among Southern Oregon mines this fall. Many mining men looking over the field in order to obtain good options on some of the best paying property, In conjunction with this movement on the part of buyers, some (f the owner are introducing the dia mond drill. One of these machines ar rive! this week to tie used upon the property of the National Copper com pany, located 17 miles from this city. It ia un.lersUKxl that the Buckeye group of mining claims will also have a ma chine of the same kind here within a few days to make tests on their piop erties which are in the same neighborhood. B g Tract Subdivided. . Grants Faaa Subdividing of large tract of orchard and farming landtill continues in this part of Rogue river valley. Along the Applegate rivtr, near Murphy poetoffice, 600 acres of land, with 200 acres under irrigation. and sufficient water rights and ditches to irrigate 150 more, besides abund ance of water in the river that may be appropriated for the remainder of the premises will be subdivided into ten acre lot and planted into fruit. There will be an earnest effort on the part of the owners to sell only to men with families, who desire to have homes in a pleasant climate, and to be close to the railroad in order to market fruit. Detchute Canal Breaks. Hend--A break has occurred in the big canal of the Deschutes Irrigation & Power company, and before the h ad gate could be closed, 200 feet of fium- nir was carried away, l he aamage to the irrigation company will amount to $3,000. A force of men was put to work at once to repair the break, but it s feared water will be shut off for at least ten days, and as the farmers are much in need of water these warm days the loss will be extensive. Regular Mail Service Now. Prineville After three years' con stant effort by patrons oi ine uiscon tinued Crook postofflce, which was lo cated in the Hear CrecK country, tt miles south of Prineville, regular mail supply whs begun Monday, July 19. A series of four prostofflces have been esaldished by the postoflke depart ment for the accommodation of the res idents of the district atlectea, some 400 in number. Harvesting Starts at Weston. Weston-Tho wheat harvest ha just begun in this vicinity. Many machines ar now at work, and the wheat will soon be in the sack, ns ideal harvest weather prevails. Fall wheat is yield ing about 40 bushels per acre, anu mo few samples brought in test 60 pounds to the bushel, smut ia uhuju.h, vslent, because of the damp, cloudy weather early in the year. Coos Bay Wants Artillery Company Multifield The members of the Young Men's Commercial club are be coming active in boosting Coon bay. One of th atepa taken ia to push the organisation of an artillery company here. A committee headed by Dr. E. Mingus will confer will vne ii..o... Guard ofllcera. Many young men nave already signitled tneir wining"" " become members. Brief Shortest Filed. Salem L. H. McMahan, attorney for J K. Sears, plaintiu in ine kim '"' " . ... . r i m nnn tit to prevent me use ui .w,v. money In the Crater lake highway, has fl Li his brief in the Supreme court The brief is one of the shortest ever placed on record in me nppew of Oregon. Normal Property Leased. Salem At a meeting of the executive committee of the board of normal school regenta the action of Secretary C. L. Starr in disposing of certain property of the schools, was confirmed. Part of the buildings at Monmouth were leased to the school district and all of the property at Drain was leased to district No. 22, Douglas county. At Ashland and Weston caretakers were employed to look after the buildings and part of the equipment sold. State Veterinarians Named. Salem Governor Benson haa ap pointed the following members of the Oregon atate veterinary medical board to serve for four years : Dr. Alexan der Reid, Morrow county, reappointed; Dr. F. T. MoU, Baker county, to suc ceed Dr. D. C. McNab, Umatilla county. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat New crop: Bluestem, $1.02; club, 98c; Russian, 96c; valley. 97c; Turkey red, 1; 40-fold, II. Hay Now crop, Timothy, Willam ette valley, $12(a 16 per ton; Eaatern Oregon, $17(il8, mixed, $15 60 16.50; alfalfa, $13; clover, 12 Grain bags 5 t'c each. Fruita Cherries, EdiTle per pound; peaches, 90cfti$ 1.10 per box; apricots, f 1.25(f) 1.50; loganberries, $Unl.S0 per crate; raspberries, $1.50; black caps, $2.25; blackberries $2; wild blackberries, 10c per pound. Potatoes New, $1.25 1.50 per hundred. Vegetables Beans, 6c per pound; cabbage, li((flc; celery, 90c((r$l per dozen; cucumbers, 25(n50c; let tuce, head, 256i;35c; onions, 12 !4 (ill. 5c; peas, 7(u 8c per pound; radishes, 16c per dozen. Butter City creamery, extras, SOKiC per pound; fancy outside creamery. 27.m(((30c; store, 20c. Butter fat prices average 1 ftc per pound under regular butter prices. Eggs Oregon ranch, candled, 27 2Pc per dozen. Poultry Hens, 15c; spr'nga, 1E 16c; roosters, 9rl0c; ducks, young, 13(n l4c; geese, young, 11c; turkeys, 18c; squabs, $2(i!2.25 per dozen. Pork Fancy, lldiilKc per pound. Veal Extras,;10c per pound; ordinary, 7(;8ci heavy, 7c. Hops 1909 contracts, 18(rS19c; 1908 crop, 12(13c; 1907 crop, 8((i!9c; 1906 crop, 6c. Wool Eaatern Oregon, 1623o per pound; valley, 23(if)25c; mohair, choice, 2l((i25c. C it tie Steers, top, $4.50; fair to good, $4U:4.25; common, $3.75(if4; cows, top, $3.60; fair to good, $3(o 3.25; common to medium, $2.50(f 2.75; calves, top, $6(5.60; heavy, $3Cf 3. 60 ; bulla and stags, $2.76(3! 3.26; common, $2(ii 2.60. Hogs Beat, $8.75(9.10; fair to good, $7.75(0)8.25: atockers, $6(f 7; China fata, $6.76((i7. Sheep Top wethers, $4; fair to good, $3.60(3.76; ewes, c leas on all grades; yearlings, best, $4; fair to good. $3.503.75; spring lambs, $5.25 fti5.85. Rush Orders Given for Railroad Con struction on Deschutes. The Dalles, July 26. All yesterday four-horse teams, hauling wagons piled high with railway camp equipment, have trekked out of The Dalles, bound for the Deschutes river. Beginning at 7 o'clock in the morning it was not until 6 in the afternoon that the last of the 40 wagons ahinned here by Porter 1, who are or the Hill o the eouth- j conclusive to establish :amps, as if e ground of eye. They 'a the re ives of the as to tbe i of location. tat men and atily, and it rue that the general way itablished, i to contest .ffic of Cen i acquisition regon Trunk y soon unless dieved to be the cauae of the rushing of men into the Deschutes country. hither alternative raises conjecture as to whether Porter Bros, are playing anom upgame on ) I am man or are backed by James J. Hill or actually in tend to build a railroad themselves. iff iff BLERIOT CROSSES CHANNEL. French Aeronaut Make the 22 Mile in 23 Minute. Dover, July 26. Louis Bleriot, the French aviator, accomplished the re markable feat of flying across the Eng lish channel Saturday in 23 minutes. The distance from hia starting point, near Calais, to Dover, is about 22 miles, and be therefore traveled at the rate of nearly a mile a minute. The aviator left the French shore at 4:30 and within a few minutes sighted the white cliffs of the English coast He descended gracefully in tbe North Fall meadow, behind Dover Castle, at 4 :63 a. m. M. Bleriot looked little the worse for his hazardous trip, although bia foot is burned by petrol. This gave him some trouble, and he bad to be assisted to an automobile which waa waiting. He drove to the Lord Warden hospital. where he was greeted enthusiastically. A trench torpedo boat destroyer followed the aeroplane, but so swift was the speed of the machine that the destroyer waa soon left far behind, Although the start was made in calm weather, the wind soon rose and strong breeze waa blowing at the time of the descent, making the perform ance all the more noteworthy. The French torpedo boat destroyer arrived at Dover at 6 :50 with Bleriot'a wife and a party of friends on board. By his achievement Bleriot wins the special prize of $5,000 offered by the London Daily Mail. Jas. Muckle & Son Succecsori to Dart St Muckle ST. HELENS Carry a Complete Line of the Best in General Merchandise at Lowest Prices Con sistent Tvith Quality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Gro ceries; Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots and Shoes W e Solicit Your Patronage and As sure You Courteous Treatment, Prompt Delivery. ii ! Hi ii ii ff i Hi Iff ii l 1 HI fl! mffrffrmflrn?mwffMff?fl?mwwwfl? I We Will 7J1 3 3 3 LOAN You money. 5 RENT You a lock Box. 3 SELL You real estate or farm land 3 SURVEY Your lots or land. INSURE Your buildings. 2 MAKE Your abstracts. SELL Your property. DO Your notarial work. LOAN Your money. COLUHBIA COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TRUST COMPANY mn SEB OUR UST 3 3 MOORS FIGHT SPANIARDS. Tribesmen Put Up Desperate Fight Against Trained Soldiers. Malaga, Spain, July 26. The steam er Menorquin, with 80 wounded aboard, arrived here today from Melilla, where the hospitals are overcrowded. Pas sengers on the steamer declare that the residents of Melilla are panic-stricken, the successes of the Moors giving rise to the belief that they will Bwoop down on the city itself. Friday's battle was sanguinary, there being much hand-to- hand righting. The Moorish tribes now gathered close to General Marina a camp are es timated at 16,000. Their recent losses are said to have been nearly 1,000. The Spanish forces lost n t less than 3,000 men. . When the battle became general, the Spaniards endeavored to trap tha Moors between two lines of fire. The tribes men, however, were too wary and fought desperately. They retreated only when they were literally hurled back at the points of Spanish bayonet 'At dusk there was a lull in the fighting. Victory for Americans. Pekin, July 21. On account of the failure of the negotaitions at the re cent meeting of bankers in London and Paris, an attempt is being made at Pekin to close quickly the Hankow railway loan by increasing the amount so as to give Americana equal partici pation and not reduce the original allot ments to the other three powers Great Britain, France and Germany. This arrangement was agreed to by the Chinese foreign board Saturday and the four days' negotiations ended with the consultations of foreign bankers. Export Argentina Wheat. Buenos Ayres, July 21. During the first five months of this year the ex pectations of wheat amounted to 77,- 700,000 bushels. A decree has been published modifying the law prohibit ing the importation of cattle from cer tain countries, so that those countries may send cattle to the exposition of 1910. The government has also sent instructions to our minister in Wash ington to agree with the bureau of American republics on program. Lightning Hits Scientist. Christiana, Nor., July 26. Captain Englestad, of the Norwegian navy, was killed by lightning today. He was taking meteorological observations dur ing a thunder storm. Captain Engle stad waa to have commanded the polar expedition ship Fram on the coming Amundsen polar expedition. JOB PRINTING 18 OUR BU3INE88 WE hare the best and most fully equipped Job Print ing Office in Columbia County And we are prepared to do all kinds of Printini on short notice and at most reasonable prices A TRIAL WILL CONVINCE OREGON MIST COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS I First National Bank, U. S. National Bank, Hanover National Bank, Portland. Ore. Portland, Ore, New York Officers Wm. M. Ross, President "and Cashier; Edwin Ross, Vice President ; A. L. Stone, Assistant Cashier. Directors Wm. M. Ross, M. White, Jameg Dart, Edwin Ross. 1 Ladies' and Children's I TRIMMED HATS 1 In All Shapes Summer wear for infants. Ladies' wash dresses just received in latest select line of Waists and Summer Goods of every description. All the latest styles in blacks and tan shoes and stockings H. ST. ready made styles. A OKGUS HELENS