AAA, HHk - All Kind Of Cakes, Pies, Bread E. J. Boyle, Prop. 0. Box 63. 'Phone 262. C. G. HEDGES GENERAL CONTRACTOR RAINIER, ORE. ft 1 1- ii fin nil Litwlti a( u,.i:.,.. jnforci'd Concrete, Cement Sidewalks Solicit Jiusmes.s YjivwIkuxj Oi.ntiht lr. KniiiIki will Iw In St. Hums, ut tins St, Hclrim Hotel friday awl Niiliirduy of eirh ,, prepaid! to 'I'lHll kui.lfi t.( ilentiil work. A.NNOl'Ntt.MKXT Having purchased the intercut of James Unit, of Dart A Mucklc, we with to an nounce to our friends mid patrons that the ImimicM will lie continued under the num.! ol Jim MiickU- & Sim, We elicit t ie HttroitnKe ol the public, assuring them of courteous treatment Hml lowest price., finality considered. Retpectfully, JAS, MUCKLF, & HON, I O.H THAI TO HS NOTICE Bids will hi- r "reived by the under signed until Juno l.t, WOO, for the con- irm tioii of school hoimti In Di.t. No, :)4, Columbia County, Oregon, School limi will be of one room and basement outside niiwHiiri-iiirnt 'MxiH. A bond of flDOtl will lit required. The Iwnrd re ;ives Hi rlidit to reject any and all hid 1'Ibiih nnd iti'iilcHtloni enn lie "en ut ih bourn of the clerk, 11. C, Wood, ler Inland, Ore. I. Q. Wikstrom & Sons Manufacturer of and Dealers In ROUGH AND DRESSED LUriBER CEDAR POSTS AND POLES Dry Klin and I'Unlng Mill In Scappoosc Oregon LEW DAVIES & CO. W'r li!l secured the bjji'IH'V for Columbia County for tbe Ccluurated Indian Motor Cycle Columbia Bicycle Crescent Bicycle Rambler Bicycle Bicycle Sundries and Re pairs. WARRKN, ORE. OKI How RAINIER Town Treats Knockers 38 Down in KainicrTown the Boosters Knocked a Knocker down. Sore-he hit the iloor-they drowned his roar-there are no more. Boosters sinijin--cheers are riniina Rainier forward goes. Never slumping, ever jumping, How the City grows. Room for you, if you're true Come to Rainier too. No knackers will hereafter be permitted within the city limits and the people in the country have no use for them. At a recent meeting of the Boosters' Club one capitalist subscribed $440 for publicity purposes Hood River Apple Growers are investing ex tensivelviu land in the neighborhood ot Rai nier, they know their business, lake a pointer from them. Big industries are coming to Rainier. NOW is the time for the wise man to invest, tor full particulars apply to Secretary Rainier Boosters Club RAINIER, OREGON 9 fcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcfcti LOCAL E. Mil. I. Kit ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Ht, Helens, Oregon Jit. KlIWIN HOHM, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON IT. HKLKNH 1 ,ORKir PHYSICIAN & SURGEON IT IUUCM ORgQON. . . M apw nun wc YOD SET WHIT wfc Ut 1 Prove if H WW ""B"." . , vnnr i injunction. ' ... iv-.I, if wnntod. We not onlv a-t top prices, but you can satisfy yourself I 1 I O - , ,.i. -l, ,A nliunliite v at any nine uiuu juuk" "" vMr" pot, I'll f I uMon nsiunmj CHICKENS MllTHERN OREGON COMMISSION CO. Oi.h Nkw Jijix'.k Governor Benton at noon Monday n .point' d .lumen A. l'.akin, of Aitoria, to All the newly created addi tional )ud(c.bip of the Fifth Judicial Dis trict, couipowd of Clalsop, Columbia, Cluckuuiinniid WaahiiiKton Countiei, to nerve untill the first Monday in January, 1011. Mr. I'ukin In a brother of Juatice Robert Kukin, of the Supreme Court. lie wui Miorn in Chicaxo 4H yean h(0, and came to Oregon in 1800. Later lie grad uatcd from the Ilotton Law School and returned to Axtoria, where hat be been In pMctlre continually for the patt 12 yeum. He wat admitted to the bar in Oregon October 14, 1887, "Wbttt'e under your bat?" If you do your buying at Wellington'! it proves you have brains under your bat, for he handles only the very best goods at the fairest prices. Cleauliuens is bit bobby. I'ree delivery every afiernoon, lie sure to order In time. Dr. Moss, of Currico, Has county seat visitor on Tuesday lust. Are you using Peacock Flonr? No? Dont wonder yon look ane feel bad. I've sold a good many t t of it in St. Helens. M.C.CRAY A KutlneM Kunp Wunt to sell a saw mill cheap or trade r.inw for (arm or timber land. Apply at once to Ilenignus Lumber Company, lioulton, Ore, The case of Roberson vs. Rills was de cided in the circuit court on Tuesday last in favor of the plaintlfT. Roberson found $.'20 in gold in F.llis warehouse, and afierwards turned it over to Ellis on the latter's promise to give it back to him on demand, but when the demand wat made Ellis refused to refund aad suit was brought. W. II. Powell for the phtiutiff and Malarkey and Seaborg for the defense made very able presenla tions of the luw. Vou,SM.e A five-room boute and two lots. House is new and the lots are very desirable, having a beautiful view of the river. Apply to A. L. Stouc, Columbia County Ittii'k, St. Helens. Capt. K. B. Parker of Astoria known here as pioneer river man, waa in St. Helens lost Tuesday at a witness before the grand jury. For Sale A full blood Jersey bull Two years old, dehorned and gentle. O. W. PERRY, Houlton, Ore. Weariug nightcaps will be a popular fad at Morgut's hall to-night Friday. Old and young, mule and female, will wear them. It it the occasion of the grand nightcap sociable lor the benefit of the St. Helens public school. Mr. Morbus donates the us of the hall, the i ladies furnish the nightcap and the lunch, and the mcnfolks pay the bill. It will be the Kreatcst fuu fest of the season. Itout neglect it. Don't forget it. Don't let it stip your memory. All are invited and everybody will be there. Trouble begins at eight aud huts until all are ready to go home. The biggest and best Ii.-ll in Columbia County should be packed to the doors. I wish you would try Buckeve extracts They are strictly high grade. Call for free pauiplc bottle. M. C. GRAY, St. Helens. The Portland Daily News devotes con siderable space to the manner in which C. C. Wilton, of Raiuier, is said to treat men sent to him by the employment agencies of Portland. It claims that he employs about sixteen men, but that more than five times that number have been sent liim in one month, and that lie nipiires of them five days notice be fore quitting and then makes it so hot for them that they quit before that time and he refuses to give them their money, and the amount being small, it will not pay them to hire a lawyer. Toe Suite Lalior Commissioner is investigating the matter and no doubt will arive at the truth. The News is in the sensational class of papers, but is tacked by un limited capital mid if it bos libeled Mr. Wilsou no doubt he can recover heavy damages. Fob Sai.k Several choice farms. Win. M. Uoss. The Hainier Boosters' Club will have a display iu Columbia Couutys exhibit at the State Fair that will attract the at tention of homeseekcrs and investors to that enterprising community. When you give your painting contract to Williams you kuow that you will get the best job that can be done for he pos- tively guarantees satisfaction The Houlton public school held its closing exercies at the Acme hall last Friday night, in the presence of an audi ence that pacteu tue room, ine pro gramme comprised songs, recitations, dialogues, drills and a drama entitled "Borrowing Trouble-" Ice cream was served. Our shoes are as good as our word. Come in and prove them both. J. II. WKI.L1SGTON. Mr. Aaron Gray and family from Missouri, arrived iu St. Helens last Monday morning and will make iheir home here having rented one of Mr (lilsons cottages. He is a brother of Mr. M. C. Gray, When in need of second-hand buggies, heavy nnd light harness, or horses and wagons, inquire at George Grant's Liv ery Stable, Scappooee. Joe Kthridge went down to Rainier Saturday night to help Scholtes, in his wrestling match with Ben Iiodine, Scholtes won in three straight falls After the match Kthridge challenged Bodine to a match, "Squeeze" to throw him three times in an hour. Syrup of White Tine and Tar, the old reliable cough remedy. For sale by A.J. Deming, druggist. Si Dingey, who is now in the em ploy of the Warren Construction Co. at Albany, spent Sunday with friends in St. Uclens. The company is putting in several blocks of pavement at Albany, aud Si is iu charge of their rock crusher. SKWINO MACHIN8 FOR SAIK A good machine for $14. Inquire at thi office. Beaver Logging Compsny, Portland, has been incorporated and has taken over the timber, logging operations, rail road, camp and eqmpmeu of Jo. Erickson & Son at Quincy, Ore. The road f about three and one-balf miles iu length aad bat a daily output of 60,000 feet. J. H. Wellington baa put iu a ware bouse which occupies all tbe space be tween bin building aud the restaurant Mr. and Mrt. J. A. Harris, of Portland visited over Sunday with their daughter Mrt. R, God frey of I hit city. Wall Paint in thirty colon. Varnishes, Stains and Oils. Floor Paint in seven colors, Boat Paint In ten colon. Enam els, Linoleum, Dressing, Brushes, elc, M. C. GRAY, St. Helens W. H. McPbee was found guilty by a jury In the circuit court Wednesday of stealing several bottles of liquor from a Goble saloon, and wat sentenced to one year in the State pententeary. Houltan Circle No. 478, on Tuesday night, elected officers at follows: G. N., Minnie Morley; P. G. N, Mn. Ella M, Flagg; Magician, Minnie Kelly; At tendant, F. A. Frantz; Inner Sentinel, Nina B. Gage; Outer Sentinel, R. Will lams', Mutician, Gladya Freedenburg; Captain of Guardt, Lillie J. Ferry ; Man ager, Dorothy Prescott; Banker, Leota Ketel; Clerk, Berdell Williams; Delegate to district convention, Lillie J Perry ; alternate, Minnie Kelly. The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mr. Edwin Ross next Wednesday, June Sd. See ns about fire insnrance. Do it vow before tbe drouth begins. Cou'mma County Bank, Shingle mill for sale, boiler and engine, complete to operate. For particulars inquire R. A. Dupont, Yank ton. Mr. J. R. Ueegle and wife of Ketjhi kau, Alaska, were visiting Mr. Beegles sisters, Mm. D. W, Richardson and Mm. K. II. Flagg of St. Helens, on Monday and Tuesday last. Mn. F.dwin Rosa will serve tea for tbe Ladies of the Guild on Tuesday, June 1st. Mr. J. Warren Quick is in Salem this week, at the bedside of her father, who is an immule of a private hospital there for the purpose of having an operation performed on his eye. For Sm.K City Lots, WM. M. ROSS. Whiskey Johnson a well known character of the lower Nebalem Yalley, was found dead by the roadside in the village of Mist last Saturday Built, and near his body was the cause of his death, a jug nearly fnll of whiskey. Whiskey made hint a worthless character, sepa rated bis wife, and finally killed bim. The people of i latskanie and other incorporated cities put the liceuse money on the streets, and course they are grateful to tbe Whiskey Johnson tor contributing their share. It was highly improper, however for him to go to sueh extremes. JR. L. Jcffcolt, a graduate of the North Pacific Dental College, ol Portland, lias decided to locate permanently in St. Helens and will have his otlice with Dr. Cliff. Have you seen tbe new delivery wagon of Jos Muckle & Son. They are pre pared to deliver all goods on short notice. Try them. Do you pay rent? If so will it not be belter in every way for you to own your own home. Good residence lots in St. Helens can be purchased for f50 ou easy terms. The price of these lots will be advanced f IU July 1st, you will save that amount by begining now. Apply to D. T. Gerties, at Oasis Park. The ball game at Rainier last Sunday resulted in a victory for the Rainier boys by a score of 12to0. Next Sunday St. Helens plays the Sunnyside Colts on the local diamond, and a good game may be expected as the St. Helens team will be greatly strengthened . See Wilkins abont a Fourth of July celebration. Money talks, and if a rea sonable sum can be raised St. Helens will have a glorious time on tbe Fourth. For Sauk 100 acres adjoining the St. Helens Rock Quarry. Price 73 wr acre, Wm. M. Rosa. The W. C. T. C. will meet at the Wesleyan M. E. church, Lottville, nn Tuesday, June 1st, at 3 p. m., and every two weeks thereafter until further notice. Mrs. Jacob George and Mrs. D. J Switzer were Sunday visitors with Mrs. R. W. Conyers, at Clatskanie, returning home on the evening train . We pay Interest on Time Deposits. Columbia County Bank. Two Farm Wagons, a Mowing Machine nnd a Hay Rake for sale. Inquire of Jos Holaday, St. Helens. 6-4 Wastkd Two chambermaids, and two waitress at the St. Helens Hotel. Rord Hull, of Deer Island, bad his leg broken while at work hook tending in the Peninsular Lumber Company't camp last Tuesday. The accident was caused by the line breaking, the block hitting him between the knee and the hip. He was taken to the hospital in Portland. Cedar fence posts for sale at 4o each. U. 8. DitsPAts, St. Helens. WANTED To borrow 1250on im proved farm property for three years at 8 per cent. For further particulars ap ply at the MtST office, St. Helens, Or. It's Luck to Smoke Puck The Better than 5c Cigar The Cigar in the Green Box. If it's printing, and yon want it done right, take it to tbe Mist office. Rose Hill Cresmerj Butter, handled exclusively by Frank George. Every roll sold under guarantee of full weight and first quality. Try it. Choice residence lots for $50. One third cash, balance in one and two yean time. Call on or address D. T. Gerdes, Oasis Park, St. Helens. alOtf Our Line of SHOES Is the Best Why Not Take Our Word For It? Quality Right Prices Right Styles Right FIT AND FINISH RIGHT WELLINGTON'S ST. HELENS, OREGON summer Kates nasx During the Season 1909. via the i Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. E 4 OREGON SHORT LINE AND f j UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD P jj from k 4 Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla and all points on the O. R. & N. line. To OMAHA and Return - - - $60.00 To KANSAS CITY and Return - $60.00 To ST. LOUIS and Return - - $67.50 To CHICAGO and Retnrn - - $72.50 and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South? Correspondingly low lares. E ON SALE JUNE 2, S ; JULY 2, 3 ; AUGUST 11, 12. To Denver and return ... - $55 ON SALE MAY 17, JULY 1, AUGUST 11 Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit Oct. SI. These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of atop Ik nrivil.a nnd rhnir rf rrtntHft : thprphv enablintr EaSSenPefS to make f: 9 side trios to man v interesting mints enroute.' w 1 Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a alight K 2 auvance over me rates quoieu, . . i Full pnrticulars, slleeping car reservations and tickets will be furnished p by any O. K. it N. local aeut, or B A Wm. McMURRAY.General Passenger Agent. Portland Oregon. WALKOVER -SHOES- What You Have Been Looking For An Oxford that will fit snugly around the ankle without chafing. We have them in the trustworthy WALK OVER make, Several different shades of tan and in dull and shiny leathers. Here's art Outline Cut of One of Them. MEDIUM SHADE TAN CALF 8LUCHEH OXFORD ECHO MODEL PRICE S4 00 OTHERS AT $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 WE ARB SOLB AQENTS WHITE & ANDERSON Houlton, Oregon MONEY LOANED ON REAL ESTATE LONGTIME EASY PAYMENTS RELIABLE REPRESENTATIVES WANTED The Jackson Loan & Tr ust Co. Fort Worth. Texas. Jackson, Miss.