nn NO. 20. vor,. XXVIII. ST. 1IICUCN8, OREGON, Fit I DAY, APKIL 10, 1909. THE OREGON MIS EVENTS OFTHE DAY dewy Items Gathered from All Parts of tbe World. PREPARED TOR THE BUSY READER Lti Important bul Not Lett InUr liiK Happening from Point Outtid th Slat. riot In Mexico ended In MUCH REVENUE LOST. A religion JS drl)l. Germany I to tblib iflww uutlc school. Tft ha rented hou Bvrly, Ma., fur uromr horn. l.urky Haldwln' iWlor ha put In claim for 1100,000 a hl fee. t M.llnir tmer ha been lost off th. Newfoundland ct with IU crew of SO. Japan shows every InUntiun to wield . eomi.leto control over Maitchurian railroad. MVMM arthtiuake r r- (Ifium - , portwl from IVru and much damage to Dfow-riy i learwj. Student of Columbia unlverally, Nw York, r constructing " ro- plwie tong entirely new v.... r'hInBM tvinir to enter th United State at San Francisco from BritUh steamer have twen caught. A Sen Francl women h bn awarded lifl.OOO fur th death of hr hatband, who u kilted by an automo bile. Tt,- l.altlaahin Mecbuttt l In rommlMion after an Idleli i v. ara. ilurlna which tim ah tu thoroughly overhauled. A. C. Swinburne, th poet, I dead Many anthracite coal operator have prpr-4 fur uri, Holland I eagerly awaiting lb birth of an heir to th Urnm. v.. Vofk CUv ahm consumed about 25,000.000 egg fcaater. Th rmy transport Dl to n mil to 8-tll with exhibit from to i mi Irolne fur the fair . ..... I lll.o .f CVuinactkut. I '-' - ....... . dangerously aiek and little hope i held out for hto recovery. Indictment agalntt Haklt nd oUwr prominent Oklahoma" for land fruia have been diamiaamt. Caalro' wife will attempt to have Goiiipi rmlgn u president of Vmuo to and plac tb dictator again in pow tr. rHtfurri elherd by th buru of Utintlr hImiw tht mrrie rt fil ing off nd divorce Increwing in In diuia. For th flrt time tnc th Sinih war th United 8Ute army ii Up to IU full atrength and wruiting haa atoppwl txcept to re enliat men. A iwlil (rain wu Uud b Urge Kulrm firm to carry botwU from San Franc iaco to Now Torn. inimw wm cheajwr thai paying pri. Kevelt h arrived t I'ort Said. Kmma Goldman will fight any effort to deport her. Kleven Jurom have been finally ac ceitd in the Calhoun eaee. EilwrlmenU are being conductel at New York with wireleaa telepnonee ViftttMH fell inmiihtlea were destroyed In a lire which burned Chicago ,.m...r .naairnl in a pitch ed battle with moonehlnew in Went Virgin! !.,...( I n. mrm n.arlv COmlllete for the tlarriman murirer lUit at Salt Lake, when the government will try to tirvak the combine earn u exieu Two men were burned to death and three other eeriouely Injured by an expluiion of oil tanka at Tolnt Klch mwid, Cal. The damage will reach 150,000. The defenee haa cloned It argument In the caa to dliwolv the Sumlard Oil company. After the government flnishe the court will take the cane under advlaement and a dcctolon i not looked for before fall. Further earthquake ahock are being felt at Meaiina. A large gray wolf ha been captured In a Chicago euburb. An Erin millionaire ha been kd to give up $6,000 or auffer death ltmuirta .(.. tka r.lat wnrk at Mfl Ina la a fare continue to find thelir way out. ah u.. t.ii.... ...i.mUa have been .. inn, xiiiiimi vwiMtMuii cloned agnlnit Caatro and France will expul him from Martinique A (l-v...p nld S.mih Carolina boy idiot hli a.v..nr i,i Kmtiiuii and la (aid to have attempted to hide the body. A Columbua, 0., official ha received "Black Hand" warning agalnet iu Ing marriage llcenae to blacki and White. Someone put a 1 0,000 bill in the wllectlon plate of a Waahlngton, U. C., church and the deacon ar looking for the donor, feeling ur that It wa mlntake. Robber hold up an Ogdon, Utah, Bmbling and aecured t,B()0. The New York legislator ha turned iown a direct primary meaeur. Amendmenti Pu Through Take Away wanif motion uonare, Wlilnilin. Iml'iq n. ...i .,... g iin-i n ravi matei of the rnvneue which the I'nyiiB tariff bill will prulure have Icrn re duced nearly $20,000,000 through lh amrndini'iiU inml by the houte. The aeiiat flnanre commltte mutt provide meaiia fur making up thia difference, if arigoiei vniimaii'i are lo bo lnrt. Tlie etriklng out of (,,vral rountcr- vaillng duty clauura will ltiin the bill productive!) another $20,000,-000. The amenilment taklnir ulT the K -crit duty on tea uhlrat'Uxi fYH.OOO.OOD from the vollinatnd revenuni. The etriking out of the couiitarvalliiiir dutv on coffee dlopoeee of what probably would have been 115,000,000 in dutiel, Takinif out the rouiiUtrvaflimr nro- vleo for lumber and for ix-trolcum mvam a lot opxirluiiity to incrcaw the revonuri by teveral million dollar, ll I eiiiiiaieo. The annate finance commilU-e nmU r- ially rxludred many of the Dtngley bill' Dchedulr a it tiaiuwd the houne. but In order to Incrvaee the revenue- prwluring power of the 1'ayne bill tlie committee muot take different action with rmrant lo (h taller maiir. In 1HK7 the aenat committee placed a duty uf 1 ' cent ix-t iMiuml on hidea, which wa chanced later to 15 tier cent, but the Payne bill, ai it pawled the hiiune. ulacea hide on the free Int. Under the Dlngley law, hidei have produced more than $;i,000,000 reve nue annually. Tliru ara manv rhanffeii In the Pavne bill from the provielotm of the Dingley law. He maximum and minimum re talialurv feature, the additional melh- ckI of valuation for the purpiee of pre vaiitini umler-valuiitiiMie and it tiro- viaiona for the JtO.ooo.ooo laeuance or Panama bonde and a lif.O.OOli.OOO liuiue of Traaaurv Ce rtificatit are new. It rxteml the drawback privilege o that domealie raw material maybe umm! in lieu of imported material for iha mrtiiuu or roi eri nir a arawuar i.rnviitatt an eoual amount of identit-al imported raw material I manufartured mm thn aame nrialurt uion which the drawback i Collected. An inheritance ... I. a h.rh it la hHM)d that S2O.OU0. 000 will be collected, i provided fr. In plaring a large number of article fra lint ami In mlucinr the (111- tia nn manv other. It ha twen found nruarv to Increane materially the dutie on many article in order to pro .lura iiMvuin revenue. The Payne bill inereawd materially the rate on t.r,K- alenhnl. trin. L-rail) miirit. Cor dial, and liquor, but made virtually no lrn.ia nn rhaniiiaiHie. The aenate ha decided uiwn an In anumntinir to about 2f Per cent -I.... . il,- .ili.,ni rate on Wine 01 . it A number of other article, regarueo a luxurie. have been Increaeea. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST NO NEED TO COMPROMISE. Oregon Already Own Sand 11 id, Says Oovarnor Benton. KHl.,m:.,u..r.w.r M V Uuv l.t Wellington, ha writton Governor Iien aoti, of thi itate, In regard to the boundary question long pending be tween the two Rtatoa. It la understood the WaahiiiKton authoritiea favor an arbitration commisaion to conilder tho entire queMtion. (lovemor lienaon ha acknowledged the receipt of the communication from the governor of Waahington and baa taken the matter under advisement. White he will aay nothing a to the merit of the matter, it i gathered from other source that the Oreifon au thorities may not be anxloua to hand thM ma!fj.p nvnF In a ifimmlMNlon. amce the Sunreme court of the United State ha already rendered a decieion in favor of Oregon' contention in the matter. Tbe principal! ground for litigation i Sand inland at the mouth of the Co lumbia. The Waahlngton people are now making an effort to have the case reoiendby the United Mate bupreme court NORMAL. GETS Lll TLE AID. NIAGARA IS STILLED. Eastern Oregon Indifferent a to Fat of Institution. Weton-J. O. Ruaael, physical di rector and teacher of mathematics at the Weeton normal, ha returned from an KwU-rn Oregon trip In the interest of the tchool. Among the place vis ited were Ilermiston, Arlington, Cove, I ji Cirande and Elgin. Mr. Huiutcll report that he met with much popular misconception a to the natnra antl inhere of normal school work, and the financial encouragement IT a P 1 taVflat rather slim. For instance. the La Grand subscription toward mnninif tha aehool until the end of tbe present year, which close with com mencement May lit, wa oniy oo. in Mr. !ueir view there i no hope for any general assistance throughout Kaalern Oreifon toward continuing me school until such time at it would be possible to obtain state aid by means of tbe initiative measure, which it is proposed to subpmit at the November election in 1910. Smuggled Oalt, Say O. R. & N. Salem Complaint is made against the Frank l Smith Meat company by tho Oregon Railroad & isavigation company before the railroad commi aion for false billing, by which, it is I claimed, the meat company smuggled tiO ack of oat into i'orliana wnn a consignment of baled hay from Hutch inson spur. It is the contention oi me attorney for the Oregon Kaiiroau et Navigation company mat pcrsone ami corporations other than railroad com panies may be found guilty of a misde meanor under miriiiraiii"" act of 1907, end that when the corpora tion by false billing obUins transpor tation for les than the published tariff :t ha tiroaecuted. ana iouno LOADS MUST BE HEAVY. Some Absurd Blunder in New Ore gon Road Law. Kalem -Amonir the auaint and curi- noa blunders of the recent session of the Oregon legislature was the passage of a bill makine- it unlawful to drive a imnrnvod road west of the Cacdo range, weighing with it burden less than 2.500 pounds. The hill la hnnaa hill No. HI. and i design ed to protect the roada from the result of overloading narrow-tire wagons. The bill wa referred to mo nouse committee on roads and highway and hu ttw.m amended and tumbled UD. Section 2 give county court authority tn rnmtlata tha Waiirht of all load of variou commodities, between the first day of October and the first day oi way t .aeh vaar. Section 3 wa amended to read, in referring to the weight of loads that may be hauled : "And the maximum weight thereof ahall nnt h mads les than 2.500 pounds nor more than 3,000 pound for anv vehicle nav air tires oi any wium than four inches, nor less that 600 pounds nor more than 4,500 pound for anv vehicle havine urea oi more than four Inrhn and less than six Inch es in width, nor les than 4,600 pound for any vehicle having urea ox six inches or more in width," etc Tha hill la intended to aoDlv to coun ties wholly or in part west of the Cas cade range. Any violation may be punished by county court for contempt of court. GALE CAUSES LOSS. 8ever Wind Storm Pastes Over At lantic Coast State. Boston. April 9. Moving Eastward alh ineroaaincr VfflofiitV. the Storm which ha done io much damage in the Central and Lake states today swept Now Entrland. and a tale of woe ha poured into thi city irom nipping Interest a reauit. inegaienas varied in velocity from 60 to over 92 miles an hour, and shipping up and Ar.tvn tha enaat. haa aoucrht shelter. From off the Rhode island coast it is nmnrton1 that three barcrea with their crew have been blown out to sea, and staunch ocean-going tug nave stanea to their reliel. un me weacneroua aanna nff Cane Cod a slooo is reported ashore, and from Vineyard Haven it is reported that many vessel nave pui in there tn a disabled condition; In the path swept by the storm wire are just being restored to work ing order, and tale of loss of life and tfToi-ina ara mnidttf enmincr in. Throughout fc. astern oanaoa me gaie was particularly severe, and from On tario it i reported that many house wars unrnnfed. A achoolnouse at Guelph wa demolished and many per sons injured. In Rochester, N. Y., the gale ac- nnirnd a velocity of 58 miles an hour, and one man wa killed. At Wheel ing. W. Va.. one man wa killed and thr seriously injured. The oil country near Pittxburg suf fnrnd creat damage in the eale. and over 2,000 derricks over the'well were ! blown down. I ne loss to on men- win total at least $100,000. Houses, barn and fence throughout the, country were wrecked. DART & MUCKLE Carry a Complete Stock of the Best in General Merchandise at Lowest Prices Consistent with Qnality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots or Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage and As nre YouCourteous Treatment JSJ fT. HELENS, OREOON gj m..r la Frortn Solidly From Bank to Bank. u..ir.u v Y Anrll 13. The voice of Niagara wa mute today, lor tne eccoiul time in tne mrimj iv mj "-" , . and the river is froren solidly from guilty, be subject to a fins i of not le bank to bank. . , than ;io or more .- On Wednesday tn. s,r,wberry Day. aaaaun !ilel the SO HI ireiiema . -- - In a huge m t the lower end Milton,-Plans which were sUrted Krie I" v.i...,.,r- ,..i..i.r.i inn of Milton' nnual had ten' "a heavy Ice bridge in the pad Utrawberry day, .1 a U-low the cataract since um - h-k"-.- - ..... tKr. t'nder the impact of the ice ball, are progresamg and . is thought f tha lake slwve and me auoeu Uy me nni i..n v...B - r oi me ie , ..... ... .;n hau hemn completed. uSe gave'Ty d Zgan to.. ? VpVhar to celebrate on bridge gave way , L ',.: ral than ever be- down the rnplds. i u oe - --- " ,lnntlitljr,ry Bnd win freelom In l.SKe m. " . tore. .'"-hnr.hn wiii Itid ill if till to tne norm. i"j i munnai - - , the moving packed at the mouth form a part oi the "- Th'e pack fh-., readily wa. last year an -"J jndesch hour orougnv .owe., ,. -- better than on frZto traverse its natural chan- l-thWn nel. the level of he r.verrM-... ,r " Wa!)hinKlon. The highest llmxi irn miim m.n; . previous years . ..., Se,,on On mal. U.t nignt ne r, ,-;;.Vi,h the .Urtinir of .bovenormah y, ar .... I-"' henVii plant, at Ar.ing. window aiiia " "-.... , i . " : t.iu .hearinir season in the Ontario wer com,.a.., - ,, ...u . - opcn(jd the lower sieei a.v ?:"""T.,l u aveenlionallv clean . I r.cno. n iv" a.. . - : ton. ....... tha ...... . mialitv and prices from Conservative esuinaie. neece - ,, .t ve Copper Mine Near Rogue. Roseburg A valuable mineral find in Southern Oregon ha just been re ported by G. W. Morri, n old time prospector from California. It consists of a ledge of rich copper ore, carry ing $17.48 in gold to the ton. The miner al crops out of the ground for a dia- tanra nf KOO feet, and tne leage is irom Mm tn f.no fet in leneth. A piece of the ore about a foot square yielded nvar three ounce of copper. The l.fr. la aitllatad at the tOD Of mOUn tain about eight mile south of Rose burg. New County Up to Voters. Salem Advocate of the creation of a ennntv nf NVumith have not eiven up the fight, but will initiate the measure which failed in the legislature, i nis hoeama evident when A. B. Wood, of Pnttacm r.rnve. called on Attorney Gen eral Crawford to secure the latter' opinion a to the legality of an icitia- tiua ruatitinn nrenarpd for the purpose of appealing the Nesmith county mat ter tn the IM-ODie OI me siave aw uic next election. Teacher to Meet June 29. Salem The 1909 meeting of the 3tat Teachers' association will be held at Albany on June 29 and SO and July 1 ani 2. and the state convention of county superintendent at Salem on June 28 and 29. These dates were fixed at a meeting of the executive committee of the Stole Teachers' asso ciation held in the office of State Su perintendent Ackerman. I We Will I MODJESKA PASSES AWAY. Famous Actret Lose In Her Battle Against Death. Ta Anirlele. Cel.. April 9. Mad ame Helena ModjesKa, tne xamous Polish tragedienne and one of the most noted actresses of the American stage, diad at 10 o'clock vesterday at her island home at Bay City, in Orange county, at the age of 65, after an ill ness of about two month. For seve ral days she had been unconscious and her death wa almost hourly expected. Rricrht'a diaaaae. complicated with heart trouble, wa tne immediate cause nf daath. Gathered around the bedside of the noted actress when he died were rnunt Bozenta. husband of Madame Modjeska,; Ralph Modjeska and his wife, son and daughter-in-law, of Chi cago, and Ur. J. IS. tfoya, tne iamuy nhvaician. The fatal illness of Mad ame Modjeska has been a hard strain on the count and the otfier memoers oi the family, who have watched almost incessantly at her side for a month P""t. . . Tfle body ot tne actress win oe e ni hil med and taken to Los Angeles, where it will lie in a vault for some time. Later Count Bozenta will take the body to Cracow, Poland, the early home of Modjeska, and there it will be interred. C BBBaBBBBBBBBBaSBBBaW LOAN You money. 3 RENT You a lock Box. 3 SELL You real estate or farm land SURVEY Your lots or land. INSURE Your buildings. 73 MAKE Your abstracts. SELL Your property. 5 DO Your notarial work. LOAN Your money. 3 71 COLUHBIA COUNTY ABSTRACT 3 AND TRUST COMPANY - SEE OUR LIST 3 PORTLAND MARKETS. UNITED STATES AROUSED. damage at $1,000,000. Maard of Teddy. .. i rvi Anrll 13. AI San Iternarwi"", . , . ,, . ...... n i . and for 15 bcrt Courtney, m j. -- , ve"r a recluse miner, arrived In this iTf l v from the wilds of Southern . .. ...1.1 k.. hmt aeen very Nnvaila. lie bbih ' , ,. - r"w" i...i..hla lonir solation. ...... A..- t hiirher than last year the season has oiened unaer vne ....v auspicious circumstance for some years. Improve Drewsey-Burna Road. A iuoi road is peine maue tut. i, over the Drewsoy mountain, which is crossed by passengers en route to Burns. When completed the m. h vul here he learned for J Uy improved. Here- he U im-that tjueen Victoria was B0 ,,Up as to make V1 aviro-aed surprise and would torore it n. eyen an Sot belle, il until shown paper, men- and th, drive dwn ha. tinning King Niwaro o. u.-y .- very dang.rous. tne new ro... .e When newspapermen , Mng cut around tne mou...... ..-Wdy.' he thought they were joking q lth"""' Sriom-Governor Benson has re- Brllish Sailors Landed. R ,tt8r from Secretary of the r i Anrll 18.-The Persian Bit- N GuorKe L. von Meyer, stating om the cruiw ' " (r TtJ ia. " "vFi nment will send two of to-day. after a ' " " the Salem for the atate- from th necessity or mi. ; , ,,. noun. f.Lrnors. H l unui -- - innuuiH ' Russian governmeiiv. Cattro Barred Again. Land to Be Thrown Open. Salem-The desert mna ooaru, . . . .ntinir In the atatenouse neciuou w Irrigation ce i " r Vt- f nnen the company', fltregation of C",,r0 ii ia 'he .overn- open the. company. greg.-. r n Aliril U rf - I O nilll HOrHH. X llv ",v vl . S to Und in that territory. I overruled. Wheat Bluestem milling, $1,250" 1.30; bluestem shipping, $1.17, 1.18; club, $1.14(il.l6; Turkey red, $1.15; Russian red, $1.081.09; val ley, $1.10',. OaU No. 1 white, $40(r41 per ton. Barley Feed, $32.50((f33. iiavTimothv. Willamette valley, $14il6 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $17 ,K- clover tlU(i:12: alfalfa. $14(ii 14.50; grain hay, $13(i)14; cheat, $14 (U14.5U; veten, ia.ou((i.i. " innl.i fiRcii tV.. SO ner box. I'ntatoea 1.25fil.40 per hundred; sweet potatoes, 2((i3c per pound. Vegetables Turnips, $1.25 per sack; carrot, $1.25; parsnips, $1.50; beets. $1.75; horserailisn, lucperpounu; ar tichokes, 65( 85c per doien ; aspara gus, Oregon, 75f 85c per doien; cab bage, 21(t4! Pr pound; lettuce, head, 85c per dozen; onions, 40((50c per dozen ; parsley, 85c per dozen; rhu barb, 8(i4c per pound ; spinach, 4c. Butter City creamery, extras, 27 29c; fancy outside creamery, 25(C 29c per pound; store, 18ef20c. Butter fat prices average 1 Sic per pound un-i- Mmilar hnttur nrices. Eggs Oregon ranch, 21K22c per dozen. Poultry Hens, 10G817e per nnund: broilers. Z5c; fryers, 18 wf roosters, old. lOfiEUc; young 14(15c; ducks, 20($22c; geese, 10 llc; turkeys, 20c; squabs, $2.603 per dozen. Onions Oregon, $1.751.85 per kttnrlrak1 Veal Extras, 1010)jc per pound; AUiiiDe! heavy. 7dj8c. Pork Fancy, 9g10c per pound; lama SlQe. Hona 1909 contracts. 9c per pound; 1908 crop, 6li'(7e: 1907 crop, 8 iCe! 19015 crop. 1 Wf(i2c. Wool Eastern Oregon. 16(fl!l8c per pound; valley, medium, 18 ty(ia9c; coarse, 17(fl7ic per pound, Portland; inhale rhnicn. 23C(i23Wo per pound. Cattle Top steers, $5.2505.50; fair tn nnnA J. 7RfTfi! common to medium, s or.r.iia.KO: cows. top. $4.25; fair to .rnnd SS.KnriM: common to medium, S2.60ftr3.60: calves, top. $55.60; heavy, $3.D04; Duns ana Biage, tlfn a.riO: common. $2(d 2.75. limr Rest. 7.25fti)7.60: fair to good, $O.750!7; stockers, $5.606.50; r-klno fato l! 7R ShaanTnn wethers. 1505.75: fair to good, $4.604.75; ewes, o les on all crades: yearlings, top, $6.5007; fair to good, $66.25; spring lambs, $7. Nicaraeuan President Must Account for Mutilating Papers. Waahintrtnn. Anril 9. NicarStTUan mutilation of official dispatches to this .vrammpni ana continued crave con ditions in Central America, are under earnest consideration or the vyasntng-1 t. fnveatiiration have convinced the official here that cipher . . .. l.t. IT dispatches passing oetween jonn n. Gregory, the American charge at Man and the State depart ment at Washington were purposely mutilated. ... It mraild nnt he aurnrisinc. in View of the unsatisfactory conditions, if the American government snouia uine ac tive steps to end the existing state of atTaira in Pontral America and notify Nicaragua that henceforth peace must prevail at an nazaras. Mnral anaainn with NicarBSTUa ha failed to accomplish the object sought that oi impressing ner wun me oe- sire both or the united otates ana Mexico that there be a cessation of the contention which keep other Central American republics constantly guess ing. Intervention in Central American ffairs haa been talked of unofficially. JOB PRINTING 18 OUR BUSINESS WE bare the best and most folly equipped Job Print ing Office in Columbia County And we are prepared to do all kinds of Printing on short notice and at most reasonable prices 4 TRIAL Will CONVINCE OREGON MIST Build Sanitarium at One. rhieawn. A nril 9. The citv's approv al of a municipal tuberculosis sanitari um by a vote of 4 to 1 ha been fol lowed by immediate activity in prepa ration looking toward it establish ment. The idea ia to have the sanita rium completed by a year from next fall. The first tax levy cannot be made until next year. If it is round noasible to borrow on the strength of next year' tax, the work will be be gun almost immediately. Accoraing to tentative plana, tne sanitarium wm be located outside the city. Boosta for Irrigation. Malana Mont.. Anril 9. Arthur Hoeker, secretary of the National Irri gation congress, which will meet in Spokane August a to i next, i in at tendance at the Montana publicity maatlnr ham. He said: ' Iheirriira- tion congress has a national policy to the forests, store the floods, reclaim the deserts, make homes on the land. It emphasize the great vaiue oi water to American people. It show the Immense development possible." Balloon Italia Tumble. Schio, Italy, April 9. The trial of tha dirigible balloon Italia today ended rHaaatrnualv. After maneuvering for anma l ira at a heicnt oi i.zuu leet. the engine broke down and the balloon descended precipitately. It was badly damaged, but th aeronaut were not hurt. COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS JJBBBliBBJBBBBB PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS : First National Bank, - - Portland. Ore. U.S. National Bank, - - - Portland ure. Hanover National Bank, - New York Officers Wm. M. Ross, President and Cashier; Edwin Ross, Vice President; a. l. otonc, Asumi. vmv.. Directors Wm. M. Ross, M. White, James Dart, Edwin Ross. New York Store Carries the only complete line of General Mer chandise, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hay, Grain, Flour and Feed in the City. Courteous treatment, good goods, prompt delivery for all. Your palronage solicited. Ready made clothes for Men, Women and Chil dren. Crmplete line of Gent's Furnishings. H. RjlORGUS St. Helens, ro 8 jet