fwbona'a ForsXMt For September. !,vrgi,l IfO" liy U. II. "') lry.tii wti t'v!ng HWoh phiint'Krni.lia.l . .1.1 ...Ik In ,1m miimi'u " - hunanl Hill Tttft- ll(lli..y laiiifbet. h mnriiln." M 1,1 y"' fclltvli'K "" l,y.d d'WU Ilia IKH.k- Lcoi.ik r r vUU," ;,,,iirc.tt IJelll.tfral t.il tli'7 LuiiM!" ...11 liryan. I be 1 1- ! Vntitiidil T'l w ottrii pvnfU ,,! Iii bowd I T.lt (tplrtC, VI'IH'IIV't , I, a. .nut.. Hint aW wtset, llVC J'lt l"l "'" p lie ' l""'1 'try M'ttl- lliymi laughed, .e tiv.inU tor .--i lliaae "ue yuuxi". lM alali o to oO flcr you." Kdl hand II, alma of ill'lriim. ill. "I tin nut Machine olllicUii" tliti'l ilitrntxll. L I. Unman calriilnt '""1m 1 SlUtltb month " I'" unia I.lr Day ainum! " the iln auuimer. All We U"i"" ' lml to march tar rluMJjti ny lliiprvaaltiii ' rapileL Idae .i.... .u.i,u. Ian Numa eBirain LtKir ViiW, l' 'Uli J Hcjitrlii- i tu lI'W UIHlll flare ill III 1 had UU lay fall " ' Autumn. Jlic untune worn ii'u" II to march ! a Ur, and u- lo refuea tllllj tnui lui school bell will Udl ili amdl thiol itnumcr jo. and the girla fcrkly Kl M ". t"',l"f ' Lya; Uul Hit gamer young-aier !.. out few days lr dleariii, nnu b u,c Ut una In will ruu lor J'iw- tnroti.rr lrl will grl In c -at and Widuw hat, and Journey liume- iom H.e ar iiiiieilain aluiia llm't l alduar cully rare Vd be- in alum l'it'ttr, will bru g a W.l.l.c home and li 'I I" tliv Bnirnt ulio li U.-mi lio..d on JsjI-Ic Ini'i, ai l I. mil w-'l Mend fc..tl Uj !c-k alt ar. on lti cir ml llii.iiinliig 10 lliHf k Mid tlirvcr Milling O'.a id I'll'lcl mi t to m allrra tlicV vMl H tlif rm'.Ki l Iicii tin-mil vjiiim. tiul-f- ni iiiito mt. Tin WW r tra tucliduanw.i ii.en'ur ! it ct-t miiiinipr uiiil.'f. .in Wi'l Kli'K H".n,an i ' " t-ivmu nayaiinw 1 1 11. 'H I'lrn l untiin and til ri"i I'll Hf"" IK inurit Ml lot li'i'" I.t ir will Uinol.iiv rrmi.lrtitinltari', virtlioly will lilt up tin Uau r ico. lulling entry frolll tin' I'lul' iil iii rluO'll id dtirt. llic rnW Kjy in in 'dl "1" lm It liku to liiint. i Tiildy mroitwlii 'll 0fHf bnip-l tluoiiKli I.U l'. and a'iik Id He li1f hi'Ih ul mini t '1' '" ih: and if lm li-nia tn rlait li Mullet in..'d of UwiK, I'i H 'Hid WlilUil) ll a IrW "''I mt'H'll" i. a. mid to !U l.d liiliiild.dwi' v. - luck i ii 1 1 ! kl tlicii ihiTij nill be doliiKi on thin "talilit ciiilli, und pvuiy iH-mu- Will uul hU ciiiil'ititll ilollai ; ilHdliuti,lHdi, und nil "f 1'itntial trv, wilt dnrk mt I"' und wntcli Hie Idtf evt-nt to ly. ho T.ilt iiimii. Inokiii on Hi ItH ' e ivoikr nun nil I will li d I " Jl- nott fiitinirt. "WliU l i:t "id of i idnT" I'-iich ul Kill a III m.iku tliu m e I fu'ling acuill thud, llm rraalWli will tliiuw up lit il I lllrrow In lilt llllld; flrwid liigH(iitlU will ilrparl "n lih inrrrHlliil iceui', die aa. wtdl Wumc tlio linivo i'li Ida fitoo nrtlnnt tlia acreuii. F"r th i 2,1 1. H nttinilii'r will li.i nu ll"' ilinuiiiicH of, Lilirn. tlio ai'Vi'iitli i film ..Kliiii!. Tlio Hlifli of Ulirii. P'fid h pnli- ol Hoalfi hf III in Hi" I ul a Howrplnn. It la of Clmldt-iin j and la niijipiiaud to iiiuiiu lliul lUmt the '.':id Im where llm ire mini unta atuiiK liliiunll. I'luiplo horn itndnr l.ihru arn lln aiu lilt) tlf lirnlrllM.; Iliu woiinu neviT k ian wiihli.u lhiy hiiti', niiil thu iiikii ily n Wll'trhril kuiiii' of iokrr, l.lhm ii'iiilu aim) linvrj nil fur for luiiali', and Ki'iiflal ly play imiiiiii pnitiviiliirly loud iiialiu llinllt ill thn villain tialnl. I'Iib awallnw will di-HUil tint ciivb And atnl't llm iiinvciin iit Houlh, The f n r in.-r i'iiun liliimi ll to nt Tliroiinli early anluiiiii'Hdnmtli; Thn puini kiin will itruw lm (Mild gaunt Willi til K K ' 1 K the vine, And when 1 1 in t lint ahull cuuin for old John l. to u"t ill line And "V liia inoiitir iiihtullliii'id on That tinny inillion line, Wo'll heir liul M'-lailKh that w ill K'Ve l'a ahin'ri down tlio iim'. Thn iiitHin all! Im lull on the lOih, and Ilia Ainerlinii Hi'nt will umko Iho Htirlely lalmid aliuiit iho I'.'lli. It ia lxiei'U-'l that it will imimin thern prriiinnflitly , xx'lcty having to nut) ila long ailll. Willi thenlvant o' antiini", rlea-prea- Ido'i'l il whiakera wdt lifgiu to hlsml wllli Nnt'iie'a tnrr it inlor ai lleine, nml both Mr. Slierniiiu nml Mr. Kern alll run a iitlte at longer on thu taili of tha r ticket a. And then I). t'dwr will r.iUiril, Thai glailaouin time and rum Wlieu the iiliipkili-iie will nni.r Il.ie!" l'cin thu I ll!-o!-litre. t'er Mure Keel ' "I have found Hit. klen'a Arniea Salvt in In. ll.c prner tilling to U'e lor.'re(eci it. well na li.r hr illim limn. mn-, c .1". mid all luoni.ernf tilaili." wilteaMr W. t.nie. i.t til I'.diind. Msline. It la ih. i.r.imr ihlnii tun for I'll" Try it! Sold under guamnteo at lloulwn, War irn. Iver laland and eVapuraiar dialeri. It ratinot lie ld that the campaign i fillrly on yet. Til" leal id the Ulontll ol Aiiunm will i.i. tiahly Ii coiiannied in notilyli gthooudidiiV. lr vicu preai dent. There, are many Initiation of DoWitt'a CnrlHill.cd Wltuti ila.ol Halva but juat oiiii origliinl. hold liy A. J. Denting and Heitppooito Drug Co. IXiWitt'a l.iltlu Kurly Itiwr-, tntt, eai-y, ileaaiit, Hurt, Utile liver Jiilla. Sold hy A J I'euiliig and reuppixjue Drug Cn. Ilrltix your country produce to Well ington, .St. Helena, mid get ita full value in raali. Wh Jamea I,ee Ut Well Kvaryhody in .uneavillo, ()., known Mi. Miiry life, of rural loute 8. 8hr arlU-a: ' My hushnnd, Jamea I.ee, (irm ly la-lifviM he owe hi lilu to the uno of Dr. King's New Ihecovery. Ilia lung ere no aevaiely allwdwl that CO lit!l- linii Heemel ineviliilile, wln-n a frienil rin'ouinieiiiled New Diacovory. Wetr;vd it, mid ila u. e Iihh imtored lliiu to per fect health . " Or. King' New Dl'fovery ia the King of tin nut and lui.g remcdiea Kor coughs and cold It low no equul. I'ne Ural done gives relief. Try It! old under gunraiitee at lloulton, Deer IhUii I, Warren and Kcapuooao dealura 'K)e and fl IK), Trial Ixittle free. UeWilt'a Kidney and Madder Tills will promptly relieve nil Kidney and H'ad ler diaordera. Kold and rt'couinmnded iiv A. J. Dviuing and Hcpj,oO'e Drug SOTIIK TO ('KEl)lTORS In Uii" Cin-ull imrl of Die Plain ol OregnOt 'ur I'nirtitiiiiM r,)iiutr In il. maiii-r of l.:e eitaie u( Marfarel A. A irk'Tlim. il.-i'ea.-'!. .N.iiice ii hrrebr itivenltial lha unilerlnH i. I.) Illc r.tulily i:iurt, ofUieHtala ot Or' ..ii. ( if Coliimliia Cmiulv. iM-rll ilnly ! )h,iini.,l M.lttiliil.lratiir ol Hie eatnte ot MaTKa- o l A W l. kn.ham ilereoc"l. aliit haa ililly nialme.1 a. .tiell. All iMflaonl hnvlua' rlailllR . ..Mo. t ml.l t-ftliili. are ln'ri'liv rixltllrii't to ITU ...oil the Hine, Willi proper vom-llera. Within ... ...... .11. i O.mt Ihe lfHtf (if tlili II' tle. lo lite ti the law im. or iular4 fajr. l Hi. Helena l.'.ilneilt'a I'l.ullty. "rrarin. lt.l Ihla JUI .land Anaiiat, Ha t WICKKI1SII M. A'lii.inl.lr.iUil I'p.a ia Su.-I have little .lg aalc at l.6t) each. f.ua l-kutte, tttthle place, Warren, Oregon. Mr. Ilrymr llt ot iniitionnlre u mirler tiielndea Clark t f Montana, Toiu Johns of Oliln. Newlaiida of Nevada, C.inpau ot Micli gan, .Mxoit ot New Virk and Wetuioreof Miaaoiirt. lliair -nun M.ck will lw e.pected to give the! fulleat puhl.cilt to his conference it'. , Ol- lltllua lieae fieice eiiimleof prelatory wenltli.! BASEBALL! Sunday, Aug, 30 St, Helens vs Hrunn's Beavers, of Portland Rainier Mills "It luked, iuk," i the preid.nt' idvlt-u, " I. ' a smiling jwin'. H'H ii-j.t-. 0411 ho S'tely pl.eedoa I lie wn'la ,f iho ai.imp depaitmeiit. Both Games For 25c C. T. niKSCOl E. E. QUICK. F. D. PRKSCOTr Tun Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. Ti mes Kxaminkd & Abstracts Made Non-Rksident Taxes Paid V Loans, etc IS? Rkai. Estate DART & MUCKLE Carry a Complete Stock of the Best in General Merchandise at Lowest Prices Consistent with Ouglitv1jCouMtry Produce Bought andSold. Wnen in Need of Groceries, Dry Goods, HardwBopta or Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage and As sure YouCourteous Treatment ST. HELENS. OREQON D 1U iff i iff if iff Nnmmous, and Notice of Kfgl it ration of Land Title In tlie Clicuit Court of the State of Or egon for Crduuihia County. In the matter ol the application ol II. It McIioIuk to nave registered tlie title to the following deac-riljed lota' and tracts of land in the city of .St. Hel ena, Columbia County, Hfnte of Or egon, to wit: IMS 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 0 ihc-ing a of block 102; Ixils 1, 2, .1, 4, ft, 6, 7, K, II, 10, 11, 12, IS, 14, lo, 111, 17, 1H, ill, 20, 21. and 22, (King all) of block 103; Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, II, 7,8. u, 11), II, 12, l.'t, 14, 15, Id, 17, 18. ID 20, 21, and 22 (being all) of block 0t; Lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 6, (1. 7. 8, (. Id, II. 12, 13, 14, 15, HI, 17. 18, la, 20, 21 and 22 being all of block 106; Lot 1. 2, 3, 4, f. (1, 7, 8, U, 10, 11, 12. 13, 14. 15, 10, 17.18, 111. 20, 21 and 22, (being all) of block 100; Lou 1. if, 3,4,6, 0, 7,8, , 10, 12, 1 3, 14, 15, 10, 17. 18, 111,20, 21, and 22 in block 113; Lou 1, 2,3, 4, 6, 0, 7. 8,0. 10,11, 12, 13. 14, J5, 10. 17. 18, 10, 20, 21. and 22 being all of block 114; Lotll, 2, 3, 4, 5, , 7 8.(1, 10. 11, 12, 18. 14. 15, 10, 17, 18, 10, 20. 21 und 22 (being all; of block 115; Lotsl. 2, 3, 4,6, 0, 7, 8. 9,10. II, 12, 13, 14, 10, In. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22, being all i f block 110: Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, A, It, (la-in all of block 117; Lot 1, 2, 3. 4, 5, 6, beirgall of block 118; Lot 1,2. 3. 4, 6, , 7, 8,0, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14. 16. 10, 17, 18, 111. 20 21 and 22 (being alt) of block 1 HI; lots 1,2, 3,4, 6. (i, 7, 8, B, 10, 11, 12. 13, 14, 15, III. 17, 18, 10, 20, 21 and 'i ibeing nil of block 120; Lota I, 2, !l, 4. 5. 0, 7, 8. 0, 10, 11, 12. 13. 14, 15, 10, 17. 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 I being all ol block 121: Lots 1, 2, 3,4.5, 11,7. 15.10, 17. 18.19. 20.21, and 22 of Mock 122; Lets 1, 2,3. 4,5, 6, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 of block 129 Lota 1, 2. 3. 4, 6. 0, 7, 8, U, 10, 11. 12 13, 14, 16, 1(1, 17. 18. 1, 20, 21 and 22 (being all) of block 130; Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 0, 7, 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13, 14, 16, Hi, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2t and 22 (being all) ol block 131 ; Lots 1. 2, 3. 4. ft. 0. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13. 14, 15 Id, 17, 18, 10. 20, 21 and 22 (being all) ol block 132; Lou 1, 2, 3, 4, B, sud 0 being all tif block 133; Lou 1, 2, 3, 4. 5, and , being all-of block 13t; Lou 1, 2,3,4,5,6.7,8,9.1(1, 11. 12, 13, 14, 15. 10. 17. 18.19,20.21, and 22 being all of block 135 ;Lo 1, 2. 3, 4. 5, 1). 7, 8. 9. 10. 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, 10, 17, 18, 10, 20, 21, and 22 being all of block 130; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 10, 17. 18, 19, 20. 31. and 22-be-im. nll-oi block 137: Lots I, 2. 3. 4. 6, a. 17, 18. 19, 20, 21, and 22 ol block 138: Lots I. 2.3.4. 5.0. 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 of block 115; Lots I. 2. 3.4. 5. Ii. 7.8. 9. 10. 11, 12. 13 14. 15, HI, 7, f8. f9, 20, 2 and 22 being all of block f40; Lots t, 2, 8. 4, 5, , 7, 8, 9, W, eleven, 12, l.i, n 15. 10. 17. 18. 19. 20, 21 and 2: of block 147; Lot 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 9. 10. eleven. 12. 13. 14, 15. 10. 17. 18, IU, 20, 21, 22. in block 148, Lots I. 2, 3, 4. 5, 11 being all-Kit uiock 149 91 jam City, Applicant, VI. L. C. Grav. Gen. H. Enij;n. the Ains worin Companv, Lolutuoia t-ounty, The Citv ol St. Helens, Hannah Tvaikiewics. G. E. Tyszkiewics, Surah I. Wilson, (ico. D. Gilson and all others whom it may concern, l ie fendantB. To the above named defendants and all others whom it may concern: fn the name of the State ot Oregon: You will take notice that on the I2(ti day of August, 1908, an application waa filed bv li. B. IMicnoias in lue circuit Court of Columbia County tor initial registration of the title ot the laud above described. Now unless vou anpearonor before tne 211th dav of Seotember. 1908 and answer or otherwise show cause why such appli cation shall not be granted, the applicant will hdoIv to the court tor tne reliel de manded iu the application aud the same will be taken as confessed, and a decree will be entered. nuietin the applicant' title and registering the same according to the riraver of the application, and you will be forever barred from disputing the simc, and for such other relief as may be o.iiml ermitllble Anil tirottcr. This notice and summons Is psklisbed in the Oregon Mist, a newspaper published at St. Helens, in Columbia County, Ore gon, ouce each week for six consecutive weeks, oy ortier oi ine non. j.unca tin, County Judge of said county, dated Au gust 12th. 1908, the Hist publication be inn Amuist 14th. I9H8. Witness my hand and the seal of said court this I2tU dav ot August, nivt. V: A. HARRIS, Clerk. H. B. NICHOLAS, Attorney for Applicant Notice for PnbllcaUoa Department of th Interior t'nl ted Hlatea Uiu) Office, Portland Oregon, June lh, 1WH. Voile la lie.'al.r liven that Carl (iuauf iNrom of Portland, 'ireiton, who on Juna Hth loos inane limner Miiul Applleation No. 77 lor honth of Molllhweat JiOIHwtloB 2 Townahlp 4 North. Itaime Went of Willrinetl Meridian, haa Iliad noilee of hla Intention to ma Final proof, lu aataollah claim to the land atMre de erlhe'l, iHifore ,tue Keiriater and Rfleetvur at f onland oreirou, on the (Mb day of Beptanabar, im. i.laltnaiit namna aa wttueaaea: Allxjt IV liwltrer of Yankton Oreeon. (iilat H.aajldtiergof " Joa Nltcli of Portland Oregon Charlie L Hanuburx of Portland Orernn. Reariater. I will wtv 150 reward for the arrest and conviction of any person guilty of selling liquor illegally in tteappoote pre cinct. ' ASA HOLADAY. Sollce rer Pablieatlea Pepartmenlof the Interior. V.iS. I. und O (Bee at Portland, Oreeon.'Jane Kith. 190a. Notu-e la herehr (iren that Foreat J. Peterson of ccatin.e. Oreenn, who, on June 10. 190ft, maile Timber liad Api'lieaelon o. 77K. lor sk. Hec -2. Town-hip North ranee sweat ol W illamette Meridian haa tiled ontlceof hia Inten tion to make final proof, lo eataliliah elaim to the Innd above deaerlhed. befora the Refiater and Heeeleer at Portland, Oregon, on me Ziia dar of Auitustiws. Claimant namea aa wltneaMi: l'hrlrD.l,rn. Robert Oaborn. William St.- Thoniaa, C. A. Baaa. all of Portland, Cm-eon. AUiKK.NO a. UKti'Sf.a, . Betiatar Agricultural College ( orvallls, Oregon Offers collegiiilecntirscain Agricnltiire, nc uilinir Airionomv. itorncnuure, a" litiml lliislmiulrv. Dairv Husbandry, ete Lureatrv. Ikiniextii' Mi-ionee aim ri Civil, Klectricnl, Mining and Mechani emt Kiiuiiipeiiiii? : Ooimiu'rce; l'll;irlli:i-v Olli'is I'lt'ineliliirv co'trsen ill Aiil'icnl tore, l-'orestn'. Dlinieslic Srienef urn Ait, Oonnneevc, und Mi'i- iin'c Arts, in cluding fniio work cabinet making, Kiciim lilting, plumbing, machine work, etc Strong faculty, modern equipment, free tuition; opens Sept. 25. Illustrated catalogue with full infor mation on application to the Kegistrar, free. REWARD Hearse Furnished for all poinU on river or rail, with or without horses, at reasonable rates. Addres Mrs. James Lowe, Rainier :- Ore i ! i I' Willamette University, Founded In 1S44 New $50,000 Building ThU Year. The COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS lias strong brain developing courses. ' Other courses in Oratory, Music, Theol ogy, Education, Medicine, Law and in the Academy, ii PROFESSORS -HItiH QUALITY INSTRUCTION Sute Libraries afford superior ad van tages. For catalague address PRESIDENT F. HOMAN Salem - Oregon Jiotlce for FabUcatloa t Department of tha Interior C. 9. Laud Office ai Portlaud Oregon, June 27.1tM. ... .. Notice la hereoy given mat Anarew m. rar kerof Vernonl Or?son who on March Wth, 1W7 made homeatead No. isan for any m, KWl.. an.t KkL. 8W'i ol loetlon S-i TOWU- hipS North Range 4 cm Willamette Meridian has Alod notlee of iiueution to make dual onm- tnuutiun prool la esti.Dlli.n eiaira 10 me uinia aiHi described, before the Keglster and Re ceiver, v. . ljind Oitlee at Portland Oregon on the 12th day ol August lwm. ClniuiLtu namea an wiineaaea: John D Maker of Veruouia Oregon, ileorge W Parker of " Kverl K. Mekeraon ' " Charley Jlalmaten" " 1" Kegiater rjB.B.H. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 8T HELENS OREGON. JgALDWIN & SHERWOOD Undertakers and Embalmkrs Hearse for funerals at all potnta on river auJ rail. Phone at our eipena. RAINIER. OREGON yyU. EDWIN ROSS. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ST. I1ELKKS OREOC" I 111 Iff I as m m ilea , POLK'S GAZETTEER i Dualneaa niraclory of earh Clly, nml V hi in uregon una Wnalilngtiin. giving a Oeaerlptlva en or encn piaeo. ijoeaiion. ulnff FHellltlea und a Claaal- tiireetory or eaoa uuainoaa roreaauin. L. folk sae. Hentlle, Waah. MHTEDS7 Farm or Bumlnmmm lata. Not partfcnlar abomt Knatfaai. r trom awaar eanr waa ract to oarar. deacrlptlon and atata whsa i naa. Wish to hear will a deacrii aaa ha had. AddxMa. LDAUtalUM. Baa ' . T NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the 8tte of Orefro n, for Columbia Countv. In the matter of the eilalo of Patrick Hughea, Dceeaaeil. Notice la hereby given that the underaiRned has, by the eouuty enurt of the state of Oregon, for Columbia Couutv, been duly aptKiiuted. administrator of the estate of Patrick Huihea, doc. a ed, and hits duly qualified as such. All eer-ona havinir elnlins airain-u aa'd estate are hi'reby raiiulred to present the aaine. with the Sioncr vouchers, within -ix months from the ale of his mil Ice. to nie at myottlee in the oily of St. H lena, Columbia County, Oregon. Date l Uila Mtlt dayoi Juty,08. fit & QUlC-Ki AdiaiuUUfttor. mi iinatmii ii iiiiiiiia" """" "" "'""