The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, July 03, 1908, Image 1

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! l
St Helen., Oregon, July 3, 1908.
No, 31.
Lt ImiKiUiit marling held In
I) iu i vr -
L iiio k I' hH at lUiiilcr
(hi ilio l'.dumbl Cuuw
Wrnl league waa organized.
li.iiiip ' prmr-m worn m.
,g!tut:, n I Claukniilr., mid
A Un t, ttr wiiUltv of the
sti;tii and the HarrtnitlH
liplilied Ilia pt .poattlutl,
,,oi a molt present who wan
V In favor l Inking up !!
rU i tiflt!y till; HulUrt
UI i half u -lver-
.rh iiioii'.li l.r tear lor f
, Irll tl.,,vvid pamphlet ol
lilj;" cae'i. l I foil'iwwd by
lad In re I twelve rcll.
i. 1 1 ten thoti.nttd ol
reh. A many ol thr
fouiiiv iiuv ileeirv. can U
Inane lu Im distributed
1 II f ! Iv lhr Silliwl MnsJ
.wrkrr' IUirto of Ittforliie-
k!i in r Av,lr l Hi ilarriiiian
I tint i-vrrr agent of Ihe liar-
tat ! i -t tltutt-r of ll Ultra)-
c II r, . ..! I ni'll lual tlii
ilv t l i,i cil nut I Km -
m .tv c t of tim I r loidtlon
Ui u;o i roiirr tint f inc
Infra; ).rr I lenl lo llm
take pi. !,). ni!n, mitt will be
lr .pre ! vmtcr In write tip
'I ha mailer to be sibui't-
UUvc of liwjrii for their
k all it., ii ki y clm gealliry
r '"l r.
.ioua lectntora will travel
h rail ihintw Inn winter
I 0' C (iutul-U IV tilt) J Of
7 ti ir u n a i li'tml In
gave a very liitreling talk on tin tub
J . of making Mtuiiiii pny for clear
li, K Ilia lun.l. U Mated Hint Die by
lrtl lift of one, cord of llr wood Imd been
proven o bo worth 12, and Hint the
uiillilmj of the ainmpa for marufactur
hig purine tm oiib of the greatent
problems now before the people of the
Norllmint. Much enthusiasm wai cre
ated and It was thought there would be
no difficulty n forming a stock company
to l It a up (on mutter of clearing ttuuip
land", A factory la now In operation
at Anacurlc, Vanh. which uses all the
atUnilM hrutlifht to Ilia factory anil inakfi
I land clearing caaynnd cheap. A scheme
ill l.f a..t till frMil. tji liawn ai titrtftrv Am
of any wlmiv from ten to one hiitnlrl luhlUhed on the Columbia river, which
forwlgn faiinlut to Millie ilia rprlaln dm- ll carried out will he a ureal boon to
trlct the funning cuimmmiuty in this county.
Nearly vrrwiio inriiit aj.ku ami! The uieetlng waa not adjourned until
tlir U dft lull M itiimint .litf Voirl. Mi' lllttiliilflll. It, ttim tlm itHiinnl Anlntnn
r. ira, luiik, 1'it'KMtt ami Flanu, of llmt thia waa the opportune time for
l, Mii'H, Mmii i oiiyira iiimi jinrrni i oiiiiniiiit county to tieconie known
u Ctniakaiiiv, and Mntr Tro. Hourne, tiirougliuut lh country, and every effort
i.i . .1 . . I I ....... I .. . , I. 1 u. .11 I I.. .. .. .
Iiiaili itatil, l."U'l.i, an, i ii.aiiy i,mi-in i hi i- umiiv nui iiiny vt mrry out nv
ol lUmipr ki' eiiihimiimtualty of llic ri lu'iin! Uh the SuiiM-t ople, but to
.v..iteuitl,,f ii'l vert inn in furlnii.
Columbia County Develop
ment League Organized.
Huron and a nunraiitie eaili-.l "Al,r.,nfl"
la piilillnlir.l itiiullnneuiily In dilTercnt
p.iria or r.ur)-r moiiihiy lu .everat lail
nuaiiei. Il.ifntly tlie in jiwhic
ntllely of Oreg'iu, Thrtmgli tlii bureau
arrangviiK'ula can l ma le fur imIoiiIi
Tim fiilt.iii. ofltivrll elcrleil l'ir
llift rtiruli "'f: J- ilolirne,
I'rra.t;. II, StrVell, Krm-Ury; Kdwin
How. Tir; lfl Vim t'rta., Am II la
d.ty,SrlM?e; Ja, pari, of M Helen,
U'iverlinn in variuiift wnv.
It ia firniKMMl to raine H2.O00 for the
purponea of advritiaing thoroughly the
ri'xiurcet of Cohiiuhia Countv. One
ihimaiid dollar at leant of thia money
will I' nnx',1 by private nubrcription
t f ..It t U'.r,,. V.. Pi lMf. Hn.l I ih l.lii,L'il Him on,, III v illrl nmtll
H , J, r "III I Iv"l "-". ... - . . ...v- ........ j t.v
I ii.i tmUm Weed of Vernuiii.i. the petition nf a larf iiiuubrrof interest-
W K Tu tieiior ol t'lntukaiiie, U. K id taxyuyera throughout the county will
A. K. Ildrn'v cf tii'pr'pi into nn aihlittuiial fl.OtH), lobe
t'ml.titiMk lt. O Th mia of Uobie. J ewnile.l lur tln worthy purpore
Muaiu'-a if 4'iiiny. I'r. K. ' Moo I'ei'i twenty eomuiuiilliea in Ongon nave
i.i.n.l V A lVir nf II tiltoo, l"iu niieptinl l!ie Nitincl pronoallion ami
ai ....I. ..f ii Tli a Ituvln f Miiuli- II. ere h every reawm tobclievo itial none
laud, U T. Horn of llu Iron, Iml nun- o( mem will receive oeuor rciurna ior
icr of .UK''ri la-'f''"' I"!1''11 ul lln'il nioney u.aii v iiiuinuin cuuniy win
Yankton. ' the next year. Thia le the firat orgauixed
l'.oirl if Itr.- tuf, -I red Trow el and practical effort that hat been made
lUliiier. I'r. II. K- t't'if of Si. H.-lena, to lii.iko our ad milagea known to the
C tVner ol l'!tk.inie, I . T !er : bundled of tho.. .mdaof deaimble poo
drofllmi,l.1M. andllnvWMtofScp- ph. Iiith :it and Hi Kuro who are
Mutant ialud with their prinent abodo and
'Taoon a olllcfie were tWte-l a wo- ar h.-kin weatward fur houieg and but
I'tin waairal ' ''""' i"!r"l",i"'-' im npp .rtuullii.f. Don't aiHtill and
ii ,pUentai..l.( reliiiy 10 clone the :tu h Oolumbm Countv roW but get
Wotrlcl wi.. Hi-' M win -. I "i l do your ahar 10 help make it
Jodit.. rd.vicl.aid pre.Vd.vl at th.'gr-w.
Mr. A 'in a. ' i'"1
rillllwt Mlfifine
Just at present we arc making a Specialty ol
U nil)
i i ;i! o
."ill l-ewiir 1 tr the arrest
i.viriuinuf anv i.irson cuiliyof
: netting liquor illegally III Srappooso pro
' cmct. ASA IIOLADAY'.
: .'t.u.c ntiil l.cst stock of General,, ;.w.1...ti.., ..vr-rvllntlt' JlCltlcll llbOUt tllC llOUSC
rn. t.t t..A.,. twv will mrikc a vrrcat
at Reduction of 25 Per Cent
rw. . v 1 . ... i t.A.. n ic T .ulleV iind Men's Shoes
quints una tms vruwvin,
ts. On everything except Staple uroco
I our mock, ana in oruci i :...,,,
paralcllcd offer. An opportunity never befo u gnu
,h;.. fv....t.. kl, ,u...,r. in these lines. Loirn. ai
d secure the pick of our great slock.
Stock of Shingles on hand. In our Grocery Lute we
ue very l.est ol goods ana we w - - . f
uro m'a V rr,Mir nr ces with aud allot our
! Senlcd hid will he received by the
; county court on llic i!lh day ol July 1U08
for the following rwid work.
' A till to be iiiiidc al Warren on the main
icmiulvroad. etxiiit 2(H) jarda north of
; Warren stntioil, oppoaile where prweut
, ..... 11.. ......... f.l
luiitce now aiHiius, mm n..... . .
' Commencing at a atake marked 'A ami
i running to marked 'II a distance
ol M teet. Fill to be tweny feet wule
Ion lop, with banknaloptng one half pitch,
dirt to he tuken from the north eiul ol
i Itll a far a Hiwcn road, and from the
outh end of the fill a far J W arren
1 station. Hirt on aoulli side of fill to be
. , .. i,. .i.i.- nf Hie road where
tlm ditchen are to lie made, and to leave
the road unilorni, with center tt inches
diigher than outside, aud to be fifty feet
'between ditche. The nmtt lietweeu
stake 'A' and '11' tob nuitorm. a con
! ..,' ,.u...rt three feet wide at ba-e,
'with wall a foot thick ami eighteen
i im-hea high with an arched top, making
i Md culvert three feet high n center,
'ceinenl in prowrtion of one to seven.
I SaMclvrrt tote fifty feet long. Work
ilo la: accepted by llu. county court or
Home person apiwlutcd lo the
VOIiniV v-uun
lv R. 8. HtUtan, Co. Judge.
!y, .V,i,,Vhi' nniy.''"'Koii'i tl''J'"'
! r:.',r ( J u , lVi ",".l i.1 . t n I . t ..r of the
at llieo'llee. ' . " iiWiiut . wltlilii
Si l ." date o V
llualtuu ot this "Ut'.KTKU JOHNSON.
Kint pntilleatlon JimefcHh l
iliii VuUticaUuuJuly uUJiwa.
Not for Style
But for Quality
A Coffee that Wins a Place
in Every House Where It I
Tried. Roasted and Packed
General Merchandise
Houlton, Oregon
In oflcring thia coffee to the trade we hare no hesitancy
in saying that NOTHING SUPERIOR " 25-cent
Coffee ha ever been sold in thin vicinity. Onr nunc on
the packafle i our gurautee nnd we will back it np. Sea -.
our window display thia week, then step in and takt
package borne for trial.
White &. Anderson
Houlton .. Dregon
I will be ready to receive
the public at my new Store
in St. Helens in about seven
days. I am going to make
a Special Offer to get your
first visit, and after that I
believe my good goods and
low prices will entitle me
to a fair share of your trade