The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, June 19, 1908, Image 2

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    The Oregon Mis
Entered St the Postoilie t St. Helens,
Oregon. a second -class mail matter.
K. 11. l'LAGG.
St BSCRirrioN Rvtks
One year
Pair months
Advertising rite made known on appl
iation. I.ettU notice! cent ivt Hue,
County Officia
Ciaccir CovuT Omi'KK
Thomas A. Jdellride...
U. L. Hedges
District Judge
.District Attorney
Cor NT v Orrtt'Kas
R. S. Hattan, Judge St. Helen
W. A. Harris, Clerk Helens
Martin White. Sheriff i"t. Helen
Cutter LiU'l. Commissioner... Mist
H. West. Commissioner Seappoo-
Edwin Koss. Treasurer St, Helen
A. T. Law. Isnair St. Helen
I. 11. foreland. School Sum... Hoiilton
K. K. rrvittt. Surveyor - Kmnie
H. It. Cliff. Coroner...- St. Heiens
Senator T. B Kay. of Marion County
did not sign Statement No. 1, and does
sot believe in that method of electing
United States Senator. Yet Mr. Kay
will rote for Chamberlain. Unlike th
majority of opponents of the Statement
he believe the people should rule an
that, when they have declared in favor
of liny proposition it is the duty of the
Legislature to carry out their wishes
He notes the fact that the people hare
adopted by a large majority an act in
ttrueting the Legislature to vote for the
people's cb ice, and, U'lieving that he is
servant of the peopl-, he says "the
only proper thing to do now it fur the
Legislature to carry out the instruction.
That would eem to be the plain deduc
tion, and the only one to be ma le by
any honest man. Vet there are many
so blinded by the love of psiwer and hope
of political preferment that they rave
aguinst men like Senator Kay an 1 swear
that lie has forsaken the party. Mr
Kay s statement t!l tring down upon
bis head the wrath of the factkinists in
tile Republican party, and probably thev
will defeat his aspirations to be ch sen
as President of the Senate; but that
will not hiiu to deviate a hair's
breadth from what he believe his duty.
He U a plain, blunt man, and neither
blandishments, threats, nor bribe will
have an; effect upon his course, and we
are very much mi-taken if the peoplt
whom he serves do not remember Mr
Kay and call him to a higher position,
where his ability, honesty aud integrity
will be of great service to the Slate,
Senator Kav's views are so clear and
forcible that we herewith preient them
in fall:
Does Not Belies in Stslemeot
"While I do not believe in the princi
ple of Statement No. 1, and ia the pri
maries voted for those l-wgialauve candi
dates who took the Republican votes'
choice pledge, yet I believt the majority
should rule, and, since Chamberlain ha
defeated a fair representative of the Re
publican party and, further, since the
people have adopted by a large majority
an act instructing the Legihlalure to
vote for the people's choice, I believe
that the only proper thing to do now is
for the legislature to carry out the in
struction. I understand, of course, that
the instruction (row the people is not
legally binding and that the Legislature,
under the constitution, is free-to elect
someone else, yet 1 believe the vole of
the people is morally binding upun the
Either Chamberlain or Deadlock
"If the Legislature should succeed in
defeating Chamberlain I do not see what
they could do then. They can't elect
Cake, became he made Ids fight on
Statement No. 1. and In cannot do
otherwise now than advocate Chamber-;
Iain's election. Neither can they elect j
Fulton for he repeatedly declared that
unless he received the popular indorse
ment he Would not nic before the
Legislature. In view of tin-fee facts, if
the Leg'slatuie Hhotild turn Clinmbi-r-lain
down it is practically certain that
the members would be unable to agree
upon any one elt-e, and the result would
be deadlock. This would be to the
detriment of the State at large and dit
pUaiing to the people, who denire to
avoid a i-itu-ation of this kind.
GJ-a Up Own Candidacy
"Am to my own candidacy for Presi
dent of the Senate while I thought of
running and had encouragement which
gave me a fair proipect of winnirg, yet
I consider my first duty at a member
Of tlit legislature la to the ptouls, and
ihv nersonnt am' ',. us must W sec
ondary eontd.'ia'i.'ii. Therefore I shall
not shirk m di:i s, as I see Iheiu. in
carrying "lit tin' people's wishes, in
order t ecin e vi;ci " I irhliitelf. The
only thing th . - o m-ciipying the
position at lr-tlv t -f I lie Senate la the
honor, ami .1 .i u m il sacrillea honor
in order to g,-t t h .l Mter not have
"While I ih iii i lie legislature shorld
elect Ch iiiibeit.iiu. vet 1 do not believe
the Legislature s ioiild be organised in
the interests of the leui.erstie parly.
Reaibika Skswlsl Onuin Seaal
The Kepiihlicaii member of the Sen
ate, regardless of whether they will vote
for Chamberlain or not, should orKnie
the Senate, thereby aiding the enact
ment of gxl legislation in lite interests
f the State, Hy so doing the prestige
of the Kcpiihliean partr in this slate can
be regained. I nlena uufonreeu con
ditions rie of such importance ai to
make me change, my miiiil, I sliatl vote
for Chamberlain lor Senator, notwiih
t'.aiiding (was not a signer of Statement
No. 1 "
Senator Smith said that lie would mil
support Kay (or President of the Senate
unless Kay would pledge himself not to
vote for Chamltertain. This, as shown
by Kay's statement, will not, of course,
be done .
The l'evic would lilggcst that if
I'ro Flag would have run a few such
articles in regard to the saloon III St.
Helens, previous to the election, a ap
peared in the lant issue of the Mist the
result might javsaibly have been a little
litlereui wiirn lite votes were rounteu
in Coioii precinct Ksinier Review.
Also and likewise it dro. Fry. a pro-
aoum-ed prohibitionist, would cut out
five a!oon ads be is now running in the
Review, it would certainly help some.
(Special Correspondence'
Portland. Or,, June loth, UKM.
While cyclones and floods are visit-
iiir the South, Kftst and Mid'lle West,
and the rising waters ar destrovinif
illioi.s of dollars worth of farm and
Cty property, Oregon is enjoying beauti
ful weather, delicious fruit , and looking
forward with the confidence inspired by
assured crops this Kail.
Portland lumbermen will meet tonight
at the Commercial Club to arrange for
big excursion to Co May. Concate
nations will lie held at Marshfield June
iil and Itandon on the Jlth.
P-jrt'anl business men will b the
g iesta of Kugene. A special train will
leavs for the University town at seven
m tiie tunrnlng and the party will par
ticipate in the opening of the ne df
pot Ihrj, will attend the commence
ment exercises at the University and le
euterta:ned at a reception tendered by
the Kugene Commercial Club.
The Oregon Humane Society has In
stalled nine ornamental drinking foun
tains at various points throughout the
city. In add i ton to the regulation
drinking cups, places are provided for
dogs and burses, flight of these foun
tains were presented by citizens of Port
laud, while the ninth is the gift of the
National Humane Society of New Vork
ho ure presenting similar fountains to
different citios in the Uliiied Htates
The house warming of the Portland
Commercial Club in its new eight story
iieci notne, which was iienl at rridiy
night, brought together a large and eu
lliusiastic body of prominent citizens
and it was probably the liappiest event
that ha occured in this citv since the
Ieis A Clark Espositiou.
The daily rose show in the lobby of
the Chamber of Commerce draws thous
ands of visitors, while at the Commer
cial Club huge uuantitiei of nerfect
looms are furnished each day by dif
ferent members of the club for the dec
oration of the rooms. Oregon City hat
occupied the center of the ttnge during
the last week with an especially success
ful Koto Show and Carnival,
.Secretary C. H. Marsh, of the Pendle
ton Commercial Association is enihud-
'.ic over the future of his city and
matilla Connty, and lidvises that his
soliciting committee will not cease their
efforts until they hav secured $tf,000 to
give publicity to the resources and ad
vantages of the county.
Few lecturers have had as representa
tive audiences, few lecturers have been
accorded the rapt attention, as greeted
Mr. K, II. Thompson, City Engineer of
.Seattle for twenty years, when he dis
cussed "Good Koads and How to Make
Them" at the Empire Theatre laid
Thursday night. He proved that such
improvements pay both from the stand
point of sanitation and finance.
Friday June llMi. IWH.
Court came piiiu .lit lo adjournment.
All officer being p' 'nt
Uue proclamation b Mug made the fol
lowing proceedings w re had.
In the mutter of o ii.iderlng the re
turns of the local option liquor eh ction.
for the entire conn') "I Columbia, held
oh June first I1HVS. and declaiing llie re
sult ol mud election
On this I'-'th day of June, P.hw. tins
matter coming on for theoniilertlon
ol the court iikih the abstract of the
vote cast at the election on June lt.
I'.SW, for and against Prohibition '
Columbia Counly, as a whole, made by
the county clerk for the .Inlotmatl'iu of
the court:
Ami it appearing to the Court there
from, that a majority of the otcs cast in
Apiary I'rccinct, Auburn IVcluot, lea
ver Falls precinct, U-er Island 1'reciuot,
Marshland Ptre net, Nrlmlein l'rivinct,
ScappiKse Precinct, and Warren Pre
cine; ale For Prohibition iurcli of said
It i therefore ordered by the court
that the sale of intoxicating hpnt III
said Apiary pieeinct, Auburu precinct.
lU'aver l sils precinct, l.-er Island pre-
. . . i .. i.i.i
i tl.r mutter', t H ollltTIwi HIIU I'm uui
of A. It. Tatbcll a-veptiid and Hie
coin tart Raided lo said A. II. Ullmll
and H at h Imnlsli a bond In fJ (wr
Cent of Hi" bid.
In Hie inatter of a.c.'pting the work
done by w'uUacl or F. Ftiioil.
On this l"th day of June, l. 1 '
ordered by b comt that wuk dona by
Contractor F. A. F.tlv'ii on the ptiw be
au.l the same I hereby accepted, and U
it luiiher ordied that the clerk diaw a
aana t on the gt lietid fund In Isvor ol
I'. A. I.rtvui for the, suin of MtRfcl -ttO
Ixlauce ilue In lull ymclilol said coll"
In the county ruin I 'd the State ol
Oregon, lot Columbia county.
Ill the matter of s tllelili'iit with M.
(i. .N.-asf, cruising coriltactor.
(In this l.ilh day of June l's thl
mallei ituiiliig on for hearing, and (be
com l Mug advised In the matter, It U
oidere I by Hie roult that the le ctulw
s ma-le ad rep.-rtd I and Ills tame
is b) accepted, a"d it l furlhel or
dered Oiat lb" cruise as !oi rot-led t
and the siiuie is herebr sccupte I and
that the siiiely oil his undertaking t
and thev aie h.-reby rciertiwd from Bly i
further liability on sal I eoulracl or
Uil'lcrta'sillg. '
-i the matter "f change tit th St. ;
JlUdly Mpralued TtSTfa
Thrw years agtinurdtu,,,.
her ankle and l, u,.
-,,. ,vr. Kit n at
T.n tail,. .
.. t .,nl tntU,.
and got a bum. ,
silk In I Wo or Hire. . . xm h
lieit morning sh. ,M
In shorl time could . l(ZT
had i.o n''etrrtjbw(iwTr'
M uvm.,IW T J-l
fO cent sl.ea (r wtb,A
druggist '
eiiu-f. MurstiliiiiJ nrecinct. '(iairin I
precinct. Scappotwe precinct and War-1 Il"-'l,'i''' '"'"f '
ren precinct, as thry are each unw csiab
lished, Im an i the am 1 hereby ahto
luteiy prohibited on and alter the llrsl
day of July, I'.KVJ, except as in tlu local
option liiplor e'ectioll law provided,
until such lime as the ipiaillled voters ol
either of said pm'iiu ts at a leg il e'ecti oi
held lor that purpose, by a tusjoritj of
Vote divide othewise.
In the matter id considering the re
turns ol the local option lupi-ir elivtion,
for entire county ol CVlttmnia, held on
June (list, 1;H, aud divlartng the irsult
of said e'licioii.
Now o;i this I'.'lh day of June, l'rx,
tins matter ixtuuugoii lor c in-l b r iti n
of the i-ourt in-ill the alntra. t of the
It ai.HMiinj to l ie comt thai III the
iniprovenieiit ol esid road It WuU'd Im
,K(iiiUg.,nn 1 1 make ai''iai go lo avoid
t ilts'ii iti a. le. c uuuieiicitig l S niase
marked "A" s.-l at the North end of the
bridge a-f. li'iliie Creek a Iter the old
Nl.vUi I; .ad and th lUinlef road Inter
th' I. HI S- . tioii !l I! ?, theric III I
Northerly course lo a tiakn Instked "U'
thrtnem Notthoester.y course lo a
Uue marked ' V" al inteisectloii ol
main c Httity toad ,
l if theivforu .mb-rrd by th Court
that tne baid l cuuty Kad viewer
meet mi (-.. bridge across U dile Cteek In
sec, II on hatuidsy June ?tli, l,
to vie and iirneir th same and to d
For p r rem murvst
on saving UMfiM. hz
eouitKMindssI tstinitB,,,,!,,
March I and JVptsailiir f
W.B. I.OUMAN.Caa.g,
tolltHtlon Made t. DrsfU htm
vote cist at the election i f June 1st.
t"t and against pt-.hibitt-Jii in Co!-
lllllbl l County, al a whole, ma-le bv t'i
county cl.'tk for the information of the
court :
And it appearing lo the Court thai the
total number of voles cast For I t'lii
bition was tl3) and that ilia total nu n- ;
her ol Votes cast Against Prohibition
was looi; i
It is therefore ordered by the court'
that .be ma) inty of Volet c.i"t on the
l-a'al option Inplor t-leit; n, f it th? entire
county as a whole were against prohi j
bition. ;
Iu the matter of considering the re- i
turn id the I.M-al option liquor election '.
for the entire County of Columbia, and;
for subdivision "f said co inty rvtisistiiig r",1'!l"!i"tia! aiun-liuent omit
of Union I'reclncl, held June lbs!, I j t,u ' cti n id au instlittlinti
and declaring the result ..( sal I elrcti ui. i '1 '""" ''ai'ital. submitted by lb
On Hiis IMi day of June p.ow t4,i '-' K:"!aiiire
matter coming on for consideration of i A cmsUmi ui! aiu-tiJuint rhanging
the court up .11 the abstract of the vote j "' k'"" ral i-lrvti .iis Iroui June
cast at the election ol June ,t. l,.a I N"tiiii'-r, ul,iu;n. ,r ,), Utim-
For and Against Prohibition in Col un-i u1""'
1 1. - . . ... t,. ... t i
ma ctuiuy at a wnoie, and lor the tuls- j " "' ' giiaittr giving
uiviinn or taut county consisting u 1 rsciitsiv colitnd ul oiuutj
Lliton piecnct, imtde by the County , (''-"'h'-rs, submittal ujcf the refer
Clerk for the iiiforiiiation of the co-irt "'dm.
An act t,l the l,.g.a!ui. annrtmilat.
. - . -
Irinnlie the value t the land liic'udcd
In tatd survey and Ihn damage if any,
that the owner or owners of taut laud
w.iiiid sustain br th appropriall'iit of
said land for such r Ml I p(iimtet. and re
port their hn lings in sa d matter to lite
county court .
til the matter of issuing warrant to M
ti. Neae f r 'aliin o duo on rruiaiiij
On (hn day it is ordered by th court
that the ilrrk lau! a esrrant on the lurid in l!ie sum ul'i.) V2 Ijlauee
due Mr M ti Nese f r cruising
W lirreupon c .iirt dj,.urricd
Columbia Count; M
Dues General Banking
Prtneipr.i Corrrspnedtsu
l ift! Nalional tlank. fo, li.s,,0p
llanowt Naltooal Rank. NreVai,
Wm. aM. Ross, Proprietor,
KT. tIFI.F.N.'s. Ollt,
Steamer Irali
ci.nnt. gut.
haii.koad time.
i..... wi. astir (rp4siasiili.'l
Uii.l.slta s .i.hmibi Irailie
. KloS-S
w,, arfisiiig i i,
rt.iiiu u.a rnkstll!
IsisM si I tk
hnmm ail Fail FrIiE
Pi'ltTI.ANl) U.MdMi. T.YIOIC
I Hearse
And it appear ing to the co.irt that (lie
total number of vot-s in "ai l I'niou pre
cinct for prohibition acre l,'i, mud ihe
total n umle-r of vo'n iigtmst pr .hitM
tion in raid Union precinct wem
and that the majority of nil Vi!i'ft 111
mg i.: aMiusliv for the Mate Ui.i
ver.lty,s!ib.i.itlcd under th refmetidum
-ua, i ,r.. !i,.,.,v pr diihiliug li.limg
t r wauou in t!. i,.rr Columbia, tub
lliitte I iiud.-, t-1P initially,.
re against i.r.,- ! l"iis:il' aiiiriiduienl antl.nrii.
I'iltion j mg the recall f ,,ubc o!l.,;uls. .uhinll.
It is therefore ordered by the poiirl i ""'l,'r imtialue.
lhal the majority of 10l.-a evt on Ihe j A" ' t In.trii tu Hn, . (,, of ,),
Local Otition .i(lu.,r Kleetion for lhen. i ''K-dature to vote .,r ti, i)tile's
) i . ,
(of , ,i,.,, v,-..,,. ,,. .
said Umon Precinct e
tire county , w bole, n. r ,1,,, ,(,.
rlivision of said c'inty consisting of
Union precinct, were against prohibit,,,,,.
In the matter ol making part imun..,,!
lo llenlrigus Lumber Co , on contract
work :
It is ordered
that the clerk isiie
The net result of Jeff Davis' mission to
shake up the Senate is that Arkansas
hat slipped in behind and given him the
by the court
a warrant on the
special fund of It. Ii. ;i j (iiVr (lf
nus t.t.r in. in the sum of I;-, (sj,
part payment on contract work.
In the matter of milking a part t..v-
irieni. vi coojx-r nn contract work
r . i it...
" "y me court ihsi il...
clerk isMie a Warrant on the special find
of It. I. 2 Hi favor of W. C. Co, , ,
the sum of f.'!.V).Ot) a n pl(ll pvn,e,,t
on contract work .
In the matter of openlm ihe b d C,r
a fill on th.) county mad i,n,r ln-p,,!,,',
" t"'S vmi (lay of Jm,,.. iium
following bids were opened'
fc. K. Ifydo. for 117 cents ner vd
.ii.. 1 '
not to oemenauriMl In nil,
O. W. (irsnt, for -10 ceni, y,
dirt to be measured in IU,
lienlgnilt Lumber Co. to maW.
at high in present bridge and 14 ft wl.le
uu wp lor f.Mo.UU.
A. II. Tarhell, To mnkn
to MpfCiftcutiniis for Ki.M
I. I.Lund, To make fill according w
-ilciilcat on fur 4"r. nn
I iicc. rding
nutted under the liiitbitive
A;,u aillhori..
Ing pro(,.i,u.,, elPC
Hon I,, ii,,nl, ,lau.., of pluralities,
auhnntted uudrr iiilliaiiv.
A Corrupt practice l( limiting lb,
cpen-hture. o( caiidldat.,, for nice,
prohibiting o,,u,tl ,.Vll luititstncoa In
alupa.gns and publication of
niuipa g., Im-rature, subm,i under
Hi" Initiative.
An act p,.,hib;tlg M,r,tlltl ,
1-iliwherls. ,,!,. l-HH-rCohimhu,,,,!,.
iniU.-d under the luitbulv.
A coii.litml,,,,,,! a,,,-,.,!,,,..,,, r... ....
l't "l.ctuient U, hy .,, Jlry (mh
""Plthatalnstrut Attorney .,v ill.,
I'utnlshed lor til potots ea rt
or rail, with ot without beea.
al rtssoujiblc rates. Adders Kn
James Lowe,
t Rainier -:- Ore
Money to Loan l RtaoeW
Rainier :: Oregon
Jlotlra af llaal etUl- hsrel.e ttrnl.ri.h'isrSr
vltnlnislitlor ut lbs nisi nl
ilr. ..r.l. Ih.l he has Slil ' l""1!'.
r.l lha Htele ol llrnn, lr ll .ufWT V
I.I. Ills rtnal eremml "' I"' S.lllll' 'IB P"
l.1 iih sillh Ills Sosirsp-' , II''".1'1" 'V3
an.l thai ma linn II. llsiisir, ji
'wnn, dmi.1 ...wi .ii. - , . i
nel.M-s 111 ths
"it ntucniled ldi. . . , ' Ut. e r.m "I sai-l a'V'..Jm
ruu.iie i Indictment whi n, the first "r... a. in. i-i. . lor m '"""lii a
"nd defi.i-tUo. ...i. i., i I mom m ssi.i nwioni, rr ruwii
ui,i,.ui, suhmltte.1 ' whirl. II... ami plae si
has bemi f,
wider the iniiitiv(
net creating ,),,, ,,,milyof
liver frm t(.rf,,,v ...
... iiicoioiKi in
.. ..n. o v ouuiy
I' rr" "r ! tl.ecl,,u.r of the
,,,'l"'l'idl.rami1.uiir , 0(
' ''' l.arbor l,provemt,, tub
- Voter, of t(l0 ,.tlft um,r
. ubuiliti,,! ,!,., (
tplciilcatloiig fur 420.00,
WUeraupon tba court being aVted
passiigu f i1B ,., ....
pled a .r,,,t ,I, 0, l)m,mk
'''-bM --
ni iiiMir and HI nniwlaiuis ""
ssnie ur an) iart Iherenf, fi ,y. "
W, It, I'ow.ll, Allornny fur AartittHrsW
Motlra Far Phllrll
luirlfnnlllorihrilrlnf. -ms. )!
It. Ii l.snd iirne al rsnlsnd. Oit"'
luih, pais, . . , .Krs
Null. Isherelir slvas uni""":i u. I
liresoll, w nn, " '-j- en is
nl S.-aiiiMMe.
ttiao TiiitlM-r
HK'i ae , Tuwiislilpl Mens rw ,(-.
W llhiiii.ll M.rl'llaii has men ' i,
Hull lo mak Ittial linsil. I" J1 !,, trf
Ihe land slur ileserlla"), fjj
and l(.M .l v.r al Purilaliil, llrrgias,
ilay of Ailsiul H.
f'lttlmam names as wlliwssi.
l.'liai ssosi.rn, Koiwrt o.w"i i-.a. i
... . - ""'tS."
.' ' '7 ' ""wmmnntmmnm.