Ui 1 1 1 f pi REGON XXV St. Helena, Oregon, June 3, 1908. No. 27. I 0 MIST LOCAL l Kim. I .fiumt'fll'imntv llalik ,: in li ..ii , I S.. 2 rl..sre (III- 1' III .trir wtt'i picnic ill ('" gtovs. ill ! .t.uH ruinlit through il.il. i''lt rrium lor anlr ln. 'i! I the library ttttt'l. ., i, '.' 1 I" "inr unit Iritis lc .'.!. .. ktYtn :' 1 " two l, lirt !i ' -months old Any He :,nlil.! m: 1-lr.M- li.i(t(v Utt nt, VI . n. iKU. ;i'i i . i, . r'.i.li. r wilt ..n It ,!'ui' .: !!n ai.le ( llotiS! u lt:i, ..t l!. .it l?rjhUi I.omI.. v;.. . .u! ...I III. )u!., for Olhi! !ir la It 0.iHtl ttoikel, 'i . n'.. ..it l. i ii ii i!v. ,- i.rrv livid Ml ill Mr!li'!t ni .:ii : iv Tl interior ol Hit; lilt ! i ;-llllm-., Ut Ii, ' . li.dir I, and 4 tlslltl" li,c!s:.. ..li-n llie lt..mr There ,tf i Litre hand .Hie pulpit . , i-1 1 ' VKogrtii. r ilici lum ls t !:.:;! me and atU .it,' live III V itr I ' ,.! credit t due IllC V ..! ,., Mf WtSSiaill K-ni, VV.; 4.M - tic painter, ) t u .t!rii.'. i.f hi M'fvur lor the i.. l-rt. Sttfu I ptwi.d ft Isle jfasi. mi ami llict It-i: i'.vt M'lllltUCllI lit ' ;. . i:i Irt I doliv I Ui will Iv ria.ly l- I" vet I i r , M-.inly. Mr l:iin"ii iiii tnl rtv:eiiuM :. i he tttpiicie have tr 4. .1 t" r , CieTl.iUall lirl lltr i tiJ.Ii" rtv-.l, .v;s ! I'i.ATimts.-i-t'.iVKl ilt::'..- ' V I Hrl I, l.ilrr, r ;! ' mil t; li'iin'.-r i.l i I .'. ,., II ..,t!. j-, . ..cc.i i'l-''. i.. .. j . . U n July i lo! ;. V. ; -.- i . .S; Ildnii !ui!i i. t ( . V r e x -iiu ! I! i!f'l . -. n il i an i.'.I.n .1 i , THE OFFICIAL VOTE On the County Ticket at an Election Held in Columbia County, Oregon, June 1st, 1908. Hail an.; Clark Kkrk-d. - White ami Harris Have Big Majorities. Comity !ws Wet. Scaj.poose Dry. liuoA- for Union I'ririiKt. -.1 B ! i 5 i 2 P : 3 j i "I l iM; li'i' ! I VV . t II .... j V. I ti. r t li, ., . i. IIiihv i!,-ni ' j ..... I .Imii.'i ! i '.. ,,,,, , 1 1', r t.. I.;. j V II. IVArU . , i I I .. h ! I'll(rr !l I ,ir! , , V. , II urt. ... . : S jl.N K.... .. . j iUi'.ui vv luu- , i i ic o-i k . . . ! A. I'. I -l..- i A"..! -' (Lit vv VV . lriMii , ' V. VV l ; ,;k .V'tr.H ! t in:-, ill i I M i(r ..,..i ii j Th . n .ir. ... .. ; l.i' iu . ,;. ll V. ii. hfll.T ,. 5 S t I. S; I r. : . li, v :;. ... S. li v r i! . C T I'n n ..... l. ll... MX ; vv, ii, K,M t j I' ( I'lulu: i:mn ,. .V -..mI " '-' '' -i I if 2-i ii'1 t'. na i! ' 53 !: ' - 1 1 " ir w, ij -1 i" I: I". i.'. in hi it: s;' . ?,i t, T2 i 1 1 .' i; 1 1 M ,v.i 3 I'' :;. 1 tl I'm KM 51,1 JW' , ' 1 ! t : i h I" i" I i- :" "ii rat w, 47! ' ' W l' 7. U-i 'j'KI f..' 52. I0R2 " I --' l1 h I" -l.V is' (vi u; ?! .' v I :" A in :vr mi. 74 2-' :n '" :i" " -" --' H' 21 lt; 251 41 4t TS3 : i ?! " v; l 2 I :i j.v;. :tixi f,7, 67:u;y l: i l ! 2i- I ir 77 :io: f, m 41 I V 11 I" - 5 21 -J 41 u' h 17 li,:. -7 .:. 2.' ;!( .i ir; .-, -M x ;!-- jos " !' '' 6i i.v;. 74: io.i; 2j r.ii ' I ' 2'- i'T ::: :i k. , ir mi' hi' H M 1. ... i:i U i.l -J H2. :; 42: 17 2.i 2'. . : : .V. li 212 I UI l'.".i 41 47 7 IS 1 : ! i ; ; i . 2-.-1 ! 2.; i'i ir.7 :'.27 i.iii 2'.7, .vi r.t n20 ; i ! ! i 4': ;!, ! 2 Mt :l2ii 101 2S7, 41 150! 1587 ' : ' ' i i '! 1 2l" 74 .12. 111 40 I" i'"- 27 7. '. j ;;. j:ti ;:io u 2. i I.l1 utt7 21 27 If' 27 I'i 47 J. IK) I In ."mH 4H: til; t '.' :. I" I I -' "'' ''. 4'.' 7'i 211 xn m jr.: 4il' s2 ' To School Teacheri You can M!e at HmofHc the Cuet line oi Commencement prof(ram and An tinuticcinciit canli ever aent out by an etiKMviuK compiiiiy. We are agenti lor tlic firm nnil can furnish anything in the line of fine engraved work. U your clionl i going to bold commencement excrciM.-, don't fail to cal! and lee what e liave .N'OTIt'K OF ULlMi I'nlU'-l stl Un.l Offlce, I'.irilun.l. iirion, Apr. 16, VM&. 'In Vi limn il Mny ( unrein: Nollctt In lu r. I.t rln that .hit N'nrthern Pa- rillr Knlltmr out 'a ! y haa HUM III lliln (.Itli-e I iiti oi laiM. .iiuii:il III ttm titviiNiip ipM'rlbvt Ih-Ii.w. n.i in. .ti-'l lur a (latent fur anl Innil.. a ii. I inai thu lil la hhm t.. il.o .ul'llc li.r inii-iiiiii aii.l a ropy tht'iudf by (le'itj.ttve IIInIIvI.I.iIi IllIM tl'tl iMMtlt III CO llffllU'ltt Half In i liU oitii'., Inr ui. iti.Mi.tiou nl all t-r m.ii. Intcri'tii'il and tin- iiul.lln uc iifrajly. V lllitn Did ntrxi .ixtjr ua f.ilUiwIiiK tlia date r.f thu iu.1 ira. i.rt.li'.la, or cjitiU'.ta axali.t the i'ImIiii l tin ntmpaity to any Irart or .ilUlltit lull within ant iM.'liuU or oart of avrtloti ill tfrlln-il in tlii ll.t. on iliir irrouiHl lliat the tuiiic U moia vnliiahlt lorniinrral than for agricultu ral .iirHHM, will la- mri'lviM and notl for "-! lo nig In ii. lal Laud Ulllce al WiuulUK tun, l. C. AUiKKKOS 8. IlKtWKR. lii.Kli.t4r. (Jsd.) (it W. nillKK. Kereir. Ni.nliarn I'a. uic luilvtn) Landa. I'vrtland. I'l.tr.rt, Oruaoii. North I... I 4 l-.t r. iv, Ni!; Lot 4 Lot i NK'i tier. .'I ? It & S .'J Afru a. June at Moil III Wet I 3 S 3 10 It) 111 111 11 K.t i In the clrrnlt Court at the Hute of Oregon for (.'oliiuiHIa County Mlliiie.1 Wall., lmliT rt K. P. Rcu how and Paul R. flpath, dafendaal. To K. Y. Hclchow, defendant: In the nama of the Hiat. of Oreiron! Yon are hrehy re.iilre'l to apppar anil anawer U eom plalul of the plaliiUn Bled ajralnalyou In the a'K.t entitled ault on or before the Z7tb day of June, Ivua. that ImIuii lb day fixed In tb order of the ou rt for you to appear and answer, and more than alx week, from the date of tbo flmt puoltratttm of thla auminnna; and If yon fall to no appc .r and anawer. the plaintiff will apply lo the t'ourt for the relief demanded In her complaint filial In eejd ault. to-wlt: For judicme'ti for the anm oi ?nrM wltb Intereat theieon at the rate of elKht fieroent per aooum from Jan. III. IMJ7, until pavld, lor the further aura of tto.ov attorney'! fee, and for the eoeta an.l duhiiraementa of thla ault; for the forat I'lotuite of a mor'naire upon the following, de af:ril)d land, a. limed in Columbia Coanty. iilaie of Oregon. I wlt! Beclnuinf at a rock ret In the North line of (lie B. M. ttatta Uo nailon Lin l r'aiin North "0 dc. weat HA feet from whe Kald iiomh line Intenerta the center of the Puritan I and Ht. Helena Oouuir Koad; thenre ruuniH'f iwiulh M de. ISmln. Weat MS fret ; llietu e South 3 dej. ii min. east US4 le to a riMli: ttien.-e north Mdeg. lAtnln. east 647 feet; thi-nt e Nonh 3 dear, ea.t 140 feet to the place of beglnui)!. eontairJnr, .wo and ia.100 ai rra, aitualed In Hec. li, Townahlp t North, Itaii'inl'i Went of the Willamett Merlnlan; to-i-'ether w:tli the tenements, heredltamenu and ep,.iirti.oaniea tli.:reuiiu belonnlnc or In any Mi. apiwrtnuitv: thai a,ld mortgage be deelar ei to tm the tlu: Ken onaald premises, and that iatd prrmlrea he sold to satisfy plaintiffs da ina'i.l-: and for surh oilier and lunher relief as to the Court may seem juat and equitable. This atimm.f: la puhlisbed In the "Oregon onre a week for air ucceaalve weeks, by order of the Hon. T homas A. McBrlde, Jades ofaald (-"Urt, daird May 12. 1W1. First publi can. .n Day li, IVSJti, last publlestion June M, 1VWS. W. H. POWELt, Attornera torriaintifl (DANCE! STATE AND DISTRICT !''!b"" v..i.- t eiction j Yr. I nil; N :u.. I : .. u '.: ..u- . ii ii'. mil : t!-' ii tui ,1H Yfs, 11H7; No, ., t. I , j. ,. ! , w, 1: l li m, , ; v'tv uinit lloutl liiver County: Ye, v ... .... .. V.. ,J I . , ; .1 !i I ;l !i V , I c III , ,i; . I !,.(" . t , t. J At Sjx'nces Opera House, j Saturday NiKht, June 6th. Music by a three piece or j chestra. utt? ssa krrv -f ' V.r .! K.. Illr 1 ..mill - y j. ! :e f:i..n ' ici'i I; 1 1 miiKiliiiii; )( r.:,' n n i.l ! i.l i .".. tin: ' v i-l I- .''. - 1 '.- nil vv it,!.- , .,!(.: s pi t wi-m t . lit. !. ,; ! r M it mi, u;i l hi- r I I . !.: i I Im I !h. till., U, .1 lit II 111' . in i ... v. ., 2, ', H l. mil", i ruiii. JiH'..i' .1; l.-il C.-iHl. lii.til'll S i., ,.,i, , i ;i , c J Ui'.giit, t'o'iit.. ti,.' ( . ; -i ',, j- a-., j i!ftin' .!nt- ., i ;. t-.M (., .) . ; i ... .1 fiiuiu t.aii.f.tn: J. V. ; i'.. ) , ! - ; K. N. Kinetv, iH-tii., ..c, i i: .... '.. m, I'lu'ii , I'.iO. luiilt-y'r . ...... : ,1. II. .1.i..".rr..lu i i : ( .i i :S,r, ;.. , h'M ; if . K i r S I-, tu , 7.12; J. t l l'l'r, il -. ,. , ; .; t .,, plurality U'. j..'. .it I, .ii a It- '..- ;; !. , ,, ,.i, t.j n i : t'lj.li' II Aiti-lit , ,,. ,,, j, ., , h ", A. S. Hiitiillli.il, Intl., , j. N o II, I'm'.., I.M ; O.'iiNl.y V , . iii , Mi. A tttlii ii.'m I'llir- I',., ... , ..ii. All. iimy; J. Y. K.iiilT-.i-.in, k I- Tut'inn', 1'ri'i., M25 I'. , Kn..V i.l.niility. (K'l. "am.-.miiii:m, Hi', 1 m i im jiii.' I'.iy l I.t'tliliittirj; Yos, N'f, 12.l.. Ti pirmil t-inli' lnilliitloim to bt' I'i-iU'I i' fliiH. Hi. 'II nt the ni)itnl : YrH. 7v'.', No. I'"' In.Mi.i . nuiulu-r nl Siijiri'iue Juilitcm Yid, 471; No, SlKi. ( ImiiK'itit; l'm" "r t!!"'llv'l ' Niiveti.l't.ii Yf, 122:1; N,, 211. .tvti.tr (.Iprilt i'ti-t"ly of .rlnniiira: V,.., 01S; No, I'.H. ti iiitili g tiiilriud to funimli mm: v, 42!'; N", l'-'IH'. Ai.'op'ii'Hlon lr Niilii'iml (luaid: V.. l:N; No. 1 10. 1 fuiviT.iiy ii..ioiiiiioti: Yi-j, 7:W; .V.., 74H. 1 i.ml Kiill'rttK.': Yvll, 'Wi No, Wi. 'l liver iit.li bill: Yt, il7; No, l'S Minili'ip il I'm, trol l.ill : Y't'i, 721; No, KI2, UlnuloTiix: Yrs.WSiNo, 10n0. liiiiiiiillvi' M .tiiliilt': Yi'. N. ir.n. '"ll..l'lilHlltl Ii'l-IUTH-Illilll'll, I'tO. ; Yi', l'2-i No. .' 21 foirii.t rriifiii'in Aot: YuH, 1127, No, .... Inaliiii-'iliis iiit'iiiliuia of LegiaUturii to oUi tor wudl.Uto for Beiwtor receiving .11 ;li.H I, I.I...IU14 I t"i tu - ;" .i.k. ii.u.l Li- .till l; t.! ; ;i ft; Vn .. : ll- ri.cu 1 1 l.llll.l Ii -.ilie Ui.-ti,' li i at au'-tiutcr i! -.ti. .1 .ti j. ,r, ' 1 'l; i l t'ullti'. H .i.l , '. hew ll-i'll-i.. ml list" c. '.'.f mi l t ).. i. 1.1 1 t , i. '.il.il.lf ,i.v,!i im tr t.lii ii W 1 .ill tty cx...n I" ' l. till II ll: llltcll! t l ...I t nt 1. 1 our fiitipiits ii c in,t nit i, u live nnil Mm,; ..tunc. ilici.il voi til tlir rotintv ' i 1 1 . m y lmut the SI. tic in i' It. We ive still fi-llilii; l"t i in- iltilUr per j-ciir, or tlif w" I.lv i)u j;iittliiii fur f I I nl i I In lie ttilliotit lliftii "'Ml f.lllli U j allillillir ilu- I (i .iii iunld toiMii.m t iiroKL-h 'Iy .i 1 1' i i t il nrfiiic.rlv In Wilitrl I'littittgdiiHii a good itumIi- r"i. I iU.it w ill aiiiiul w.'ur lor ilkiiiM.ii. foriMiiiin of llm St. ;,r'V. is confined tu tlie Itmtsc I' M llm wrvk. ileMnm.y Ordern, good any H' r.ilt-. Col. Co. Hunk. li.i Inr null., 51) 100, liclwci'il ""'I c.iiiuiiii't anlooti, for ftS. of August Wleat, Scappoose, lny, .2t'; Wi., UM.I2. I have fn I utock of dcternilna- tit.n ! supply the trade with a v.trift v ol clt 'ioe griKcrios, fresh vrgi-liil!c u; .1 (ruin, (iratiitr, tin nil 1 que. ;is ware, Sceils, paint ntiil oils. Motor giin..line nm! Nuplila, ats 1 I heartily ap prc. ' v your pa: .onage. M. C. UK AY, Mh. M C, liray rrt. trued the Inlter part of last vvrek from a visit with rel tCivtH on I'll sjsrl Sound. Mrs, l. II. l'liigg rclurncd Moniluy from n vi'-tt with Iter sott'i family nt SlMltlC, t. K. Won lerty v..n in St, Helena Tiu-siUy. He 1-mnght the Iwllot box from Apiary to the county seat. "SiiinuI.cii I'oh Salk I carry a stock of cetl.ir slilngU'i ii -nl o.Tur 'lie in for tnle nt finni 1.50 to 52.115 jr thatiMttid. 11. MOHGl7!5, St. Helens. I'iik Sai.k A mowing machine and r.ikc, in first class condition. S. II. l'rrctnati, lH'er Islninl, Oregon. J5 Ainotig the cause that led to thn de feat of t'nke, don't iorgrt that State Con-vi-nliott. It don't pay to ruh it in too hard. The St. Helena Quarry Company will ton put In a stcim shovel and start working a night crew, vvhich monu the employment of n greatly increased mini her of men. HOULl ON OREGON ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIOS llids will he received by the clerk of school district No. !l for the erection of a new school house nt Pt?cr Isliind, up to noun on June 15th. Dans and specifi cation can be seen nt C. H. English store, lH-er iHlaud, or nt the county school superintendent's olllec in St. Helens. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. J. A. llOLADAV, Clet k District No. 8. W JSTS TED Young men who desire to earn better salaries and do mors congenial work. If ahle to read anil write and ambitious to succeed ,we can quali fy you for a position a mechanical, electrical, steam, civil or mining engineer, architect, etc., etc. PARTIAL LIST OF POSITIONS FOR WHICH WE TRAIN YOU BY MAIL." Ad Writing Show Card Writing Window Trimming Ilookkccping Stenography Commercial Law Illustrating Or.namcntal Designing Sign Painting Stationary Engineering Mechanical Kngineering Mechanical Drafting Teaching Navigation Sheet Metal Drafting Mlectticnl Engineering Electrical Lighting Electric Railway Work Teleghone Engineering Architecture Constructing and Bilding Strncttiral Engineering Architcvtnral Drawing Heating and Ventilating rittuibiug Civil Engineering Bridge Engineariajf Railroad Construction Surveying Mining Engineering Metallurgy Chemistry Textile Manufactures French tier man Spanish English Branches Preparations for 9.S. Civil Service Examination For Free Booklet, Course of Study, etc., Aite H. HARRIS, 425 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon, represemtiHjr tilt International Correspondence Schools of Scraaton, Pa. .). a4 mttmtttet 1 - tit W ' ' V ' ' -- 4 ' ' S t ' TJLIJ2J BEST Clubbing oiler for Colum bia County people is the MIST AND OREGONIAN, $1.80 PER YEAR i -1 ! ; . ' ' ' ' ' ; iv ..- ywwae wwwwwwww.wwwwwsrf 1 f i ! 1 1 i :n lV-'