TO THE PUBLIC lloultun, Or., May 27. W08. In Justice lo myself and the eoeisllr-la ot Colnmlda C tinty, I with to make a statement In retard to the (jf in ! a.kiuet Mr. V. II. I'owell y E . Lewii, socialist speaker, wh has been speaking in Columb a County tlie past week. The charge were that Mr. Powell has notllied a laloovikteper ot lioble, that if he diil not support him at the coming June election, that his place of business would U elo-ed, or words to (hat el feet. Being doubtful as to tb truth o( th statement, and bating Uiat It would be thrown at the socialists alter the speak er left the county, I went to Gobi on the morning train of. May Wtli, to nseef tain the (acta, but found Mr. Hunter the saloonkeeper In question, very sick and knowing his physical and men tal condition, he would be incapable of giving intelligent answers to a question and being informed by hit sou on en tering the room, that he was Incapable of hearing. I therefore did not liav tlie opportunity to talk with him, at though I spent some time in the m k room in conversation with bis wife who is also my sister. I therefore asked his bartender, one of his ton, whether or not he had re ceived the notice stated above, and be sal I jet, but indirectly. I also visited Mr. Butts' saloon and put the same question to the bartender at that place and received the same an swer. As Mr. Powell would not allow me to give my testimony at the Yank ton meeting, I take this opportunity to place in vac II and the socialists right E. II. GIUTY. sworn ana iulwnbea belore roc, a Notary Public, for the State of Oregon dated this 2rth day of May, 19(18. D. T. GKKPES, Notary Public. The statement published bv Mr. Girtyinthis issue is an adveitisement and the editor is in no way responsible for it. This paper has not advocate the election of Mr. Powell, but neither has it had anything to ssr sgainstbiui personally. V hen the Socialist speaker was here he made certain accusations against Mr. Powell, and at the Yankton meeting Mr. Powell met hiin and de nied bis statements, producing a letter signed "0. E. Hunter" which stated that no attempt had been made to in timidate him. Mr. I'owell took further occasion, at the Republican meeting at Hoalton to emphatii ally deny the ao cusations made against him. This much in fairneesand because Mr. Powell .: It , . . win nave no opportunity to answer prior to the election, which occurs next Monday. CARD OF THANKS. We deeiie to return our sincere thanks for the kitidnese shown us on the oc casion oi the death or our son, Gordtn aoj carger. Geo. Basoib, and Wirt. St Helena School" Note. The teachers wooio greatly appreciate the fact il the patrons and friend t f the school would call and inpect the work being done. school will close June 19 with sn old fashioned picnic, to be held in the grove near town. v e are pleased to note that all the pupils of the eighth grade passed nicely. aw . . . . mss ixuuc ami Mrs. yule are pre paring some drills to be given at the loe of school. This is the most important month of the year, and parents should lee that their children attend every day, that t!iey may receive ere 'its entitling t' em to their proper grades foi the ensuing year. Promotion certificates will be given to each pupil stating definitely wnui ins work w ill lx for next yet r. Moas Fink stock a number of the progressive rsnchersof Columbia County have purcbared the famous stallion, Al b.iin, of the Palo Alto stock farm, of 15 ois- Idaho. Albain Is three years old, jet black and weighs nearly a ton and hasall the requirements of a goodper cheroit hore, being an inbred brilliant. Ranchers should see this stallion before msking arrangements for breeding. The officers of the company are: E. b, Fax on, President and Secretary; C. L. Ayres, Tressnrer; J. A. Wlkstrom, J. A. Nelson and Don Moore, Directors: J. D. McKay, Manager. Whooping I'ongb "In Febuary our daughter had the w hoopl ng cough. Mr. Lane, of Ilartland, recommended Chamberlain's Cough Kernedy and raid! t gave his ctttomers the best of satisfaction. We found It as he said, and can recommend it to any one having children troubled with whooping cough," avs Mrs. A. Go is, of Uurand, Mich., For sale by A. J. Item ing, druggist. rU'BEJC SCHOOL NOTES. An inicttiitnini'tit was given by the Keiiliei. school, at me pill" I I'luiir M. Soli,, ILii n " ...'.u-, sttiutiay evening, ' c V '' as liul'wa: Jiip ;.'. I tp the Oar by small boys. KiH'iUii-u Vcrnloe Fowler. "Suniuuiliii.t'' by six irls. Kecitail 'ii .. , Mulih Jordan. Dialogue, "The Troublesome Invest ment," (.seven scenes) Song, "Where the Pnuwblids Cross the Valley", .by Mary and Nellie Bross, Recltatiou Jack Klirlinger. 'Defending Our Banner", by Ave boys. Hoop Drill by twelve girls. Dialogue. "The Train to Mauro." Recitation Harry McGinn. Clas Poem Haymow. Volgt. Song, "Vacation is Coining," by school. Piesentatlon ol Diploma, by Mis Mnguussen. SCHOOL RKPOKT. The following is the report of the Ueubeti school for tlie liloiilU ending Mav 22, 1U0S: Number oldars taught 'A1 " attendance S.t " " absence 37 " ol times tardv The (oilowing were neither abmnl nor tardy during the nioiuh: Velma and Helen Va:tnaiiiaiiKl:er. Mary, IWrtha and Dora Nussbannier, Jennie, John an I F.ddie King, Francis, Smith and Byron Jordan, Lisste Hunler, Jemne Foster Hattie Smith, Flora lioeech, Ktnuts Witer, Jenny ilellMuk, Kthel Psrmer, Cra Grav. lack Klirlinger, William Snyder, Thomas Maglnli. JOHANNA MAGNUSES 1'rln. H.VURlEr HESS, Pri teacher. I Mlfffee KIST -"" "' """ Born May 22, to the wile of Tom An derson, a son. J. R. Dallas made a trip with a (our horse team, to Malmsten's mill last Mon day, bringing bacs a load o( lumber. David Richardson, ol Forest Grove, ar rived in the valley Sunday evening. His daughter, Mrs. A- Bcrgenon.and lnuiily returned home with him. Peter Rergerson, road supervisor ol district No. 17 hss had a crew ol mm at work during the past week. O. G Weed haa gone to Kugcne (or a few days visit with friends. Edwin North has been losing some ol his bet chickens of late. Mr. Coon is suspected. A new line has been sdded to the Ne- halcm Telephone sys'em, ruuuing from Vernonia to Pittsburg. Two of our neighbors, Phillip Sheeley and Hans Christensen, have been very unfortunate o( tate, each losing a line horse. T. B. Denslow was called to Sunny- side. Wash., last week to see his daugh ter who was seriously III. At last reports she was improving. Alfred Ifarrlfon, candidate tor county assessor, wasaNehalem visitor lat week. At this writing the railaoad news is scarce, but we are hoping (or more en couraging reports soon Willis Dallas passed the eighth grade examination here last week with a general average of 882-9, The Weed bouse has been infested with cats. Nine kittens have emerged from nndcr the floor and Mrs. Weed is looking for the rest of them soon. Rki'1'BI.ican rUM.v-Hon. (irsnt Dimmick, Hon. T. J. Cleeton, and Clyde Aitchison iddressed sn audience of Re publicans at Houlton on Wednesday eve ning last. At the conclusion . of the meeting Mr. W. H. Powell was cslled (or, and, among other thingi, took occa "ion to deny and denounce the statement made by the Socialist speaker at St. Helens and at Yankton. Bad Attack of Dysentery Cared "An honored citizen of this town was suffering Irom a severe attack of dysen teryr. He told a friend that If he could obtain a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy he felt confident of being cured, be having used thit remedy In the West. He was told that I kept it In stock and post no time In obtalnin ft, and was promptly cured," says M. J. Laacli, druggist, of Wolcott, Vt. For sale by A. J. Demlng. druggist. Insist upon DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It is especially good for piles. Sold by J. Demlng and Scappoose Drug Co. Valued Heme as Meld V. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar Vie, Mies., says: "I tell my customers when they buy a box of Dr. Kings New Life Pills they get the worth of Hut much gold in weight, if alTiicted wllh Constipation, malaria or biliousness." Hold under guarantee by Houlton, War ren, Deer Island and Scappooee. 20c. i i I YOU SPEND I s V Too much time obtaining J information Irom uncertain sour- J unless you are using Polk's J timelier o( Oregon and Washing- ton, complete Inlotmalioii of ev- J ety town In I he two States and a 5 clusettled Business Directory. 2 To School Teachere Yon can see at this office the finest line o( Commencement programs and An iiouncciucul cards ever sent out by an engraving couiany. We are events for the firm and can li'irnish anvthing in llit line ol line engraved work. Il voui school i going to hold commencement eiercnet, don't (ail to call and see what c have SOTHK OF l'll.n tnitl 'tute i.iil IVtlUu-l io o. A' l. l Ti lixni il Mr I'uiKvrn N.ll. la lifivix rli en lh tl' N.trthtn r iMflo Ktlwv I'Miati-r h nl.! iu uiu ..ffiv- 11. 1 ..I lin I, 'llualcl in lh li.mii'hll' .Wrlb.l Iwl.m. iul ! i.i.Ilr.l lir ltnl lur llul ! l "I" I" C1'11" i, ln..r. ll.m il l i' ilirv"l Im .! eipiu. uUllvUl. lu h Iwn jlil 1" " niiWlO jilr In HO, olS. lur lh n"f. l-n uf ll r un. lnlwlKl l"l tli ,.ulli' W llhlo iUr IH'M .lt .('lti lh 'llt ol tttlt llollt'iV "f"lil. if .titl aclitl the fllm nr (ho raiii) lo) ' utliH Ion alllila li wcllon t"'l "' "Hon Jo rntwJ In tlw IUI on iht"u"'l 'hi 1I " I, m,ir TI.iMr lor IHllKial lh" lot 4jH.'olli rI oir(--. will I wlr-l ii! poll fcn trlwirl l.i lu liucrsl I Hil l l"lr ! W uolu( loll l. V . t-M t.t.rsof l'KKiea. Krauur .(.no..w KlliKK ll.ri,.r N irlh.ill r. ill.' KulK' Ijoi U 1'ortUB.I Ititru-l. itfraon Noiih l.'tM:, ' ' swi; t Ml , ;i i 1.1 I "57 IjiI i " 1 v, y. 5 s "',!r'4 - i J Uil I Uil 4 i l J ("lI'llM W.l 1 I J 1 10 10 10 10 II r.i t mm I ' .s- ST I US sT -V 1 ATI top destroying furred and (cathtrsd esls srs made short shrift uf with a reliable, unerring BTKVENS. CFor Sport or Service 8TEVENS RIFLF.3-8HOTGUNS- PISTOLS are unaurpasasd. HIQM l QUALITY LOW IN I'HICK il m s4 iMi, "ri auasafc BVa.oaaUf las oj,ja. . B.,n MliaCaa. "nlal. BarlMavtls IvaralMM STSTSSSaaS STSTISS rUtw, J. 8TEVENS ARMS TOOL CO. r. a Boi soss. Chlcopes Fslls. Mass. THE WORLDS GREATEST SEW1NB MAMINf wmm fume aA ,u.Vi!;:,;,yv:o!"'!j''!ry m.whiksi,.,-,;;;;;;,;,;'"""') THI NEW HOMI SEWfNO MACHINE COMPART OeniiQ", Mnissi. "''". "" . few II .,,,";..',. Our gitaraiHi. wvn, rimaini Id by l,.n,.r, nly. run ai sv J. S Crane, Portland, Ore. I have money to 0 0n approved real estate security, W. H.FOWHIX, St. lleisns, Oregon Hearse I'uihtsheil (or all H0" rtv,r J or tail, with ot without horses, at reasonable ratea. Addres Wrs. Jamea Lowe, -:- Ore : Rainier e m' no?. Ill ih rirvuli I'niiM h aa ol Ora, tw l tiwnlr ol I oliimtil r,.4, I'Uinull a lhlsl. In llm asms ol lli ! ol Ols7"' Von, l.i aur. ate hanlv nilrt u. nar In ixnailiat aid snlnsl ,oo hcf.ln on ol IIih ih axh (Ur nl Hr. iim o,i..i Wins an renaw isa aa ..oImHOoo tiaraln, an.l 11 o tall la tpyl aoit natir h.ieln, eUiaolf will iu onu lo ih tlil i'til ! In k enmaiUlBl llr.l hamln. nj inula wilkalrl tlnS.4 " ilniM IruM IhlS naiil a I a !! Ill xm.laol niolinoiit am lln flan ab plalnllir n. ,Uin.lnl an lh (ruiiaj n ru4 n4 itihuinn lrlmnl eumMlllnl Sf lh uV n lanl lual lh plaJoilll. n4 lot mrk Mkf ,10 1 tniinai lll HI W.tallUIha. " thla aumaiona la Mnnl ui tM lion lhol ll n ! Inn wh In ha t'rr-u Una naaaMial ponllahal In (k . onma oli'olnnahis ! nl (iMt, n4 hi n.lrr nl the ll..i...ial.i a a IUiub. JuJr al .h cnilllT ni'Ul. nhlch nt.Ur U daiml t tai. Uf ol Ai'lO. I thviUia) ot lh Stl pb!ta. .!.. ol idla ijainaM la Ikn .'h .lr ol Spall. ;. n.l 111 iUl ol 0 lAal IMitn-1!1 a ISis tnmaioua lain Ml d ( W Isna. MIX I. li.llS"! Allufnr lot rlavlallrl. Sotlre ef I'laal Hetlleswsat " Notice is hereby given by the uoder iKiied as administrator ol the estate of S Millard, deeeairtl, thai he has AM in the County Court of the Stale ol Ore gon, lor Columbia County, his Anal ac count ot his admmittratiaa Uan said rstate lofrther with his Anal report and prtittnn for the d 1st ntm tkm o( the residue .( mkI estate; and thai Hon. It, H. Kal ian, Judge ol mid court, has set the SOth tar ol June. lis, at IU o'clock la the fotemmn thereul at the time, sod the courtroaitn to St. Helens. Orcifoa. as lbs place (uf the bearing and settlement ol aid account, npnrt anal petltlna; at which time and pUce anv ro inteteai ed way aptrar ami Ale oojaxUoos la writing to the same or anv tMrt Ibereot R K. QUICK. W. It I'owell, attorney (tie sHlnHol' trator. Retire ef laal BetUesaeet " Notice it hereby (tirto by the ooiler-alK-nr. ss guardUn of I lie estate ot Alfred C Woll, an Insane iwratm, thai he has Bled in the County Court el the Htate ol irri.a. lur the County "I t'oluenbsa, his final account nl hit sxImlnlslratkHi ot ll estate, together with hit Dnal report therei.l. and thai the Hon. K. ft. Itattan, Juil(e of said court has set the Hh day of June. MW. at 10 o'clock la live tate noon iberetit. si the lime, and tha trourt '"'m of said court. In 8 Helens. Ure Hon. as the place, ht the bearing and settlement o said account and report i at whk-h time and pU any person Inte rested tuav aar and Ala oliettlot,a In wnliin to the same or any part thereof. lUlWAkl) K IIAHN W. II. Towrll, altorncy for guanilao. In lh Cln-nll ! ,! lh, I filnm Ilia IVoinl, MiUraal Walla, (.Ulnllff at I "f a tin l;...i a aiih, atr.n4aBU la ll.lrh... .I.l.,.nl In ih nam ..I lb. nl irnta: Yon sit Kalahy IF-inlia.! In a et'an.1 anaarf Ilia auan l-ialiillS Rla.1 aaalnM tun la Iha tilklnl ..I il. l.. .iiml.l .mi n , ,. r,h "I Jiin. I ihalnalns Iht la Sa.l In Ika O..I.I ol lha.1 ., , la.,.,-.,, ,n ii.l mor. u,. ,, wkt ,,m ,h ,U( h Ski l.ol.ll. .io.ii l Ihla mminona. ami U .m . i'laan.l na.a. iha a'aintisr mil Urt raimtiLsa tsi H at i. ..a ..... . 71 M J'i-llfMMlt f,,f lh. m lJVOO With IttfefMl . .... w, pf tNjSRl kssf ftMUUOl ,h ..V - r i nnn lur ma anaaa ami illahularmrnla nl 11,1, Bm; , ,h, a,,,.. all I '."."""ea l-' Iha lollu.lna nV .1... j -o... m loiumnia c..nmr, auia ill r.f..n. lo .lc lu,innlna al a rwk r" V" ."nn '" Wais Do- ... . " " iin iDlftprlt Ilia Mttlar '. ,h I "rllatt'l ann at. I..0. . ,. inenra liiiinin, llri M iimln Wm I.. . ..-.i. .. m min aaat HAt rt lh.r nllh iha lan.m.Bla. hia1llanaanla anil iheiaiini,, lH,,aTr la an lor;:"'". i-til.ui liar IS m i . '. . '"" TM llwt, ' ' Pl'lllun iu,,. m. W II fUWRM, . ""''a '"' fltlnllrl Sollre 'or I'lblleaiieiT ."'''"''""""tiilarlnr, ...iHom...., for.t.,,.). 0on, rih Mmlr-a Its K-.-t u . v..,.i o ;;7 C ai.,1 ,1 A ' In n,a. HI,.",", '.," ,'" ","n i lnlin vl. li. ll ". '".""I snmairl nl l,la ;M . I I ' J J '"7, lunrtl ma le " sat XJ?nit ?"'. . and NiJ mi Mar I'm, lii, ' rilaii., Omgun, hu;, :,r'! ir":!'""t M..e.... m .m.. I. Hi.. I ;7, ilm, tin) ctilil,.,!,,,. Mi, irrn " ' ""I"'"' hapoiit. ,,( AtOKKSOS A. tlRKSMKR, fttuMer va-WH,,, 1L..I- I a i . aaaani DIU wjli . . , utyuno,W 1, loetheMl.riiLi'w -i-a.., inace U T1 toads. Unm,; n A andrnnlsau7'"j distance 01 sliT steeu .t wui, T H alov(ng one-Uali Irom ruaad on horik Ji.1! maiksal -c, gi,7!2v lwenty-,,u, IsetS?, Road lo be 34 IT.' than tnnuita 0 diichZ .i .a7"5""- Grade la cm Tee l work toUdoMta.?? aer. A rl.n to Tl Hiy to Inraw, tiwrtnfi oUe ord.rd talsljf,'' by the couni. . . 77 " ' vrterja r oi saariB I last . iVZJwi ol V.l(ore!SX lag and dtrwtiai tks-Ir' wialstrtitiis ol ..oi ,Mw estate,, 4a,,!? a i estate lur ik, --"t claims agaiati said oflriusaIe sad will .a?.11 blddM kr rath 71?.T LHl IWSst the roaidoj.H house oi Coiumbte Cstsr. a M. listens the WloetTL! jsmarfly b.wSb Ibe iikw. ill. saiaalh M .. al "g "Hgb-y ecrs. ot j?. aaccainllnal In ' ""I rjenlatrs halnia r- i . r ' a vwsstasi sa oatsaj tblt lad das of Haajii nmiammini m Uks SBaa J, .lectMrt llals ol Am MIettJ 1UIM. ItateoflMtaiklwL 1WV ' w la ika riaa-aii cii i ik. M . J n iaiiiua, .alaufl atrkanl Calfcarlsnsi. Tn aitkaM CatSatrsaea m tal " la Ika nana. iaf ik. aw I am fcaraby n-mnaa) mau-aa TT tnaaeialMl IM atalan a JZ '"-I ' aM . Z L aawll MIStawfclrkltasatsttTk Ik. ardaaaal lk ika Sns rill L Malaai. aM II fans f.n n, aaawZIT, Ika MalMllt will al, ha itTZm. w wMpwaa. aa an kai a a, i a aaaa aaaaaaa nr mauiaMa. aa aea mm atwais aa a - m-m ninaarinata laian aa Uaaanrakaa a. a Nana. Maw a a.. I axtaark atkar a4 lnaia.u iM saaaaa asaas tad laat kit aaaaata ) aaiauM V aa fc. iD assanaajk s Hat II U tai akiarW aa its M UkST A tXIit rirss imMmisii itsani. it in Setics ike ritakstki rTttahat Ua4 Hlmla t'allad saaaat Ua4 tnkta, tvtm 'aa, ft. Isnt. Halle It kaiahf tKta tkef k at Ilk Ika a laloua J Uat (at a) ta Jaaal It tnlllhM - aa albtt llaabartat'la la ika suit alCjitnua weeaaa a a. I naakiatiMa Tamaan as m all eakllt taa.1 titlaaS art Mallaaanaa title iaf I lJ. Luatt t Mull-Kr al rwutai la UMaerW ku aaoaa aaalaeanal S 1 Ika ynKhMa al ikt kuu ksliaiM aaat tjnarlar aal aarUat It T oar nan la aa t soria Santa sa I ) III near t nf to ah., a Ik at SM Ml la aanra ralttabla lo la, lur aertrnliaial enrsnKt, vri kaaa. rlalna In atlit laul talon aaatnaraWt at rnatlan.1. tirg.i as Tktnatr. Sa a nl Apfll, I an tka ataats SS ttlaa am.,. Malawi W M . . t a ' rntilaail. Olaanaa I ar aa4 all aaranna rlalaltf tbnaa rteaerlhad lan.s srs Ml law a hair tlaiait la ikia otVa ta tr Msa at oar ol Aeill. tw! AUixosn" mow tcf loeiioifiid The andetaigned wss by mails and entered In lbs sasss ol Colombia county, Hlsts Sf Oaf the SAth day of Marts, A. ft pointeat a.lnnuiairttnt of tatata i'moa Tsyne, decesard. Al W having claims against tsM hrraha In tnstSt IBS Mill erly verified, lo mt ei my f"" 1 ticaptawee In said coualy sad M in sis months Irom tbs M PH hereof. m,JI ASJIH WW Admlnlttralrli ol tbs sstaMM K rayoe, dsceatetl. First pqbllcailon March lill ef riaalAstlh"1 ank a Is herenr Slrta hf im wrtj fltnlnlHrtlll t M Iht ealtw aia rso m hmmm . inai ana nmm ilaraaaml, IBal sna n ';,k,atf ennrt. n Iks slate nl urer. , I nlussMt. ker Batl aerwaal t r kar anmlnlsiitllta ",,. luua. al laa elnvt In Int kMttaJi i a 4 it iha lime, awl le e""1 rJ TjTsrk In M. Halaat. (lite"". -'SaSt hearilis an4 talllemenl n) "TJil rennrii at whleh liaie sinl tiXsit Itle.ltal In Mid aetata ) 4 lia ilnns la wrliles M Ikt awns t .. a .aat' ineraair. W. II, Pdw.II K.alns It heiehr sia b' I'tjol aitmlnl.lralnr nl Ilia reitit fl A i .a.., a... Mleil Ifl nl iha nt.'la nl Oratnn. !l?iaa ma, nia niieltrtiniiHini rrrv; Hlii wteiher wllh tf Itililnn Inrillairlbuilna " , Tiff in.1 thai th a. K. , "''ftVi' cnnrl. hat sal Iht llh 'h,'J3li ' n'el.nik In iht !bjS siirt ll,.e..ilrl riia nl mM eJs Oreeiin, as Hit irtnce lor l1'' " aaut" meiil nl ttlil a.iitl. ft"'" JJrta, It-SJ wnica lima aan "e-e -,' 'i.trw"' may atttmar ami Alt nuti lleasit w tains or any part aktrtel' ft i W, II, fewslU AllorBsyW"" ....eriw' Aiwrntr (or t uaaf '' ' "A'f 't' iWH .?'( Si?'' ft !rr ' V"y Wtp)"iW :