The Oregon Mist Entered at the lWorliee at St. Helens, Oregon, an second -class mail mutter. Issi'Kn Kvkuv Fridav Bv K. It. FLACAJ. Editor and i'roi'riktor. SUtlSCRlPTION KaTKS One year - I W Six months ."ft AilvcrtMng rate made known on appli ation Legal notice 21S cent per line. Cnici'iT CorxT Orrit'KKa Thomas A. McRride t'i-trlt-t Judge U. I.. Hedge District Attorney Coivrv OrrickRS K. s. llattaii, fudge M. Helena W. A. Harris, Clerk St. Helena Mat nil White. Sheriff He-en t'asMT', Commissioner... Mint II We,. Commissioner Scappooe K lin Kos, Treasurer St. Helena A. T. Imv, Assessor St. Helena I. H. Cnprlind. School Supl... Houlton F. K. I're.vlt, Surveyor Ktt-tii.T II. K. Cliff. Coroner.... St. Helena MAKE IT UNANIMOUS Just no tlirre aft-. to be lillle doubt that it I Senator Cake ol Oregon. Once the Campiigti started it was speed lie seetl that the itbo;ind personal popjlarity of (iro.gj thd Governor not o almighty stout a it was ou Various thinj thai aome folk have known alout our chief eaecutive liave om 1 1 light, and a lot of folk are to day doubtful if George was such a whule of a man after all. The nearer Oregon makes it tinutii wous for Cake the better for Oregon There are a fear platvs wheie party poll tics still count; they don't usually in city, county and district affairs; but they do ill national affairs, especially in the upper home of Congress, where the majority party gets what it wants and the minority aita tight and waits. Or egon wants a lot of thihgs from Congress ; it can never get them throngh a demo cratic senator. Between the'men personally the issue is not drawn ; it is not a personal cam paign; if it was Mr. Cuke would not be on Ihedcfeiisive. It is also remembered that Cake was oue of tlie Republican who had the nerve to stand on a Statement No. 1 platform when it looked as though that meant defeat; he stood for the popular election of the United States Senator whether it profited him or not;' Cham berlain stood for it because it was tin sole chance of ever landing the place. The vast difference between being good because you hope it will pay, and because it is right, represents the dif ference between the stand of Mr. Cham berlain and Mr. Cake. TO HKIHTHI.ICAXS There ;uv isis reKistcml Republican voters in Columbia Countv, i ; Democrats, Socialists, 3o: InJcpctulcnt urn 16 IVo.iioUMnisis, a clean majority over all of b$i votes, ii the SoottliM and Democrats stick to their own ticket there shouU be a plurality tor the Republican uommcc tor ben ator of at least eleven hundred votes, and wc sec no good There is no true independence in freak votuij? and the he- publican who votes tor the Democratic nominee iw . h.h s..,,,te cimnlv tn:ikos himself ridiculous and ntlortls anitiseiuent for his political enemies. Both men arc able, and theonlv ouestion is whether vou desire a Democratic or Republican" United States Senator. 1I KTV MKT I IODS Parties interested in the election of A. N. Hamilton to the oflice of Railroad Commissioner have this week ent out to the voters of the Second District circulars anonymously at tacking the character of Clyde H. Aitchison, the Republican nominee. Anyone who makes an anonymous attack upon the character of another is presumably a liar, and it takes a large amount of evidence to overcome this presumption. It is especially cowardly fot Hamilton or his tricuds to refer to the fact that C. B. A.tchison's brother was one of the ofttmls of the Title Guarantee and Trust Company. The statement that Clyde H. Aitchison "was the legal adviser tor the title Guarantee and Trust Company" is also a lie in that it is au attempt to deceive, as it docs not state that Mr. Aitchison has not been the legal adviser of that compauy for several years, i he statement tnat Mate treasurer mcci appoint cu Mr. Aitchison Mate Railroad commissioner s another lie, because it takes a majority of the State Board to appoint, and Governor Chamberlain and Secretary Benson had just as much say m the matter as Mr. hteel. voters in Colum bia County should remember that Mr. Aitchison's record has been so good that it earned him the solid support ot the I tt tit ber manufacturers, who arc more interested than any others in securiug fair treatment from the railroad corporations. A SWEDISH HUMORIST FAIR EXHIBIT. It is to be hoped that the farmers of Columbia County will do all in their power to assist Mr. W. J. Fullerton in his eflorta to make a creditable showing at the State Fair this fall. There is no earthly reason why Columbia County should take a back seat for any county in the state unless it is the indifference of the people to its welfare. If we want people to come here and settle op our vacant land we most show the good. Mr. Fullerton it a hardworking and conscientious official, and with proper assistance can be depended uiwri to worthily represent the county. Conic through, Gentlemen, Come through. There is a dipl.ty nf very beautiful and unique fii'iil lire in one of fort land ' leading furniture store", hut the disp'ay itaelt U no more unhU than tlie in-, nouncement attached to it. which in- j forms the rentier that "tin furniture j was made by Mr. John Anderson, archi- ' tect of King Onrar of Sweden." When1 John drew the plans u u I pevith.'tioii. for tlie construct ion f King Os.arwe trust he did not cottteuipl ito quite. as crooked a niece of work a he has evolv ed from the vine in.iile of the Nehalem valley. Tlie announcement further states: "There is u somewhat curious history connected with lliis furniture. Mr. Anderson came tothis loumty, and, searching lor solitude, went lo Hie Ni naiem valley, wliere lie ieiit one year. Martin Vln:e is a sure winner for ahettfl. It is only a question as to the sice u( I. is majority. Might as well make it unanimoiis f r Martin. What About Salmon Protection? That the food nf our Stale iiwl letter protection llisn is now afT'irdot Is ajred. loii have al.-e,y or.h)llhtle- will r Crite considerable li.eralurt oil the .uh-j'-rt. hut no matter Iww attrariiva tl,e aruuiiieut, stop and consider hw much it may 1 colornd l.y aelfdnterest. The C nurd S ales Bureau . f i-i.herlrs Irlcted In their movements, ara also uiifavombls fur the whrels. lhirlnj th iasttwour three season the raich of s iliiiou by Wheel lina Imvu ioiiiprail ly aiiull; but even if ll were very Urn It would be a fact ot no spit-hil sigulri cune In tli prulconiieetlon. Th Columbia Htvrr Is, however, made to yield tt quantity of silumu lar sjiewUr than reard for the future supply per mits, and the drain Is yearly beenmli g more serious. No una Innil lar with the sltuaihin call (nil IU appreciate the meuac lo llit perp'tully uf the Industry that Is fuililshed by the Ooiitwiiliatlun ol lieniendou aiiiouut of Hid and lloitliiir ni'pit.'tui. f ispturoliiaild irar the in ui n of lin river. TV aparalue couipnse about 4HU pund nets or liape, over 0 Ion,' swien swiue. and uioreiliau J.'.fO fill nrlt, Iha lait hatiii( an asit h'tle approaltiist lei(th of otr ,70 miles; and theso appliance rapture moi than Wi r rent ol the fish taken III the OietfoM and Washington walm uf the rivrr, the figures lor IWt being nearly 3.sA,ls v..,o., or IM 7 cent of the lotal yield. t'lldrr BUili lidilloiis, il IS .rlfrvldenl that but cemparaiivei) few nsh ar prroiiud in leicli the Upper waters where lie spawning gruunds are located I lie .let II ol 'he Ueeeaaary to plate the saluioii Industry ol tlie Col Uiutii ((Iter on a periuaiieiil bast csil uot tw elalairatcd by Hi Krar luielil at ililt time, but III grtieral It IUy be Mid that tlierw should b(l) restriction the amount ol aparatu emplotetl In a giVsn sec lion; i.') an adslat weekly close waa.UI rooelmg pusslhty two dt at (list, but reduced later If Hi clxuin aiancM warrant it; i3) an annoal cf sea "in . p-efertly at the lapginnlrig ol the salmon run. and (s Joint arrange, meiua lastwren the Males, so thai pro tective inessure may I IwituiHiloos. IteaperlfuMy yours, lSig t OM' tU . HTIUt't . hceieury. IW dill .No 3 1 "I riutudtn Uoeu. inent reeommeiidationasud sJiouUI paaav It I a square deal ft all "eM o. i Adwiniitrijjf, ""Ml VUTIC 3 iS X VMS llill .No. 3.U was f .in j in Ion, , sellUli interest of a single hrilty. ll la Ka i net Ihs li .teromeul rKuuimss. lations, and will uiran a heavy tat on the Mate lo carry out lis proslikins, ll laiors monopuly and la unfair, U should not t a For (ktaatj r JarM W'sll knows k.Hj, ' CembuCeeMy,; baa osd amli,.' as ms n li 5 l'isd pabbc edtuhlm. MSja' citing Inesa broaghi blotttkia Isaikw., thai lbeet,-t1 a matter ofrecwit. glee a ,nrrial ssassaaat June, sad give Uu nn) a, I u tn tarrmsa, eersssaw wlllrec.iT ao tsnaiafJ proper Iron usllorsj tX J regsrttlss 61 prrsoM I J with mo Hag as coaUsa,' glee lb iwople, . iJ p)dg! myself, t Its, J s)utlawaessas4sV do lust what I ... j AtrtBl Repobhtaa Xaau VOTK 333 - X - NO are the xreatt-st eirt a:h,ritirs on and, at a pastime, auiun-d hl.n-ell ilij;- lu" subject and lure on at to grind, ging out vine maplu roots and making i Head what they say ; pretty and odd pieces of furniture." ! Hon Charles V. Kullon, We are sorry Mr. Anderson left the 1 I'nibd State Senate, Nehah-m valley. He had a mission to Washington, ) C: (icrtoriu there. Any tnui who re(iir.! Th IVpanmeot the digging vine maple roots as a pastime , ''"l"rtance of th various questions af- 1 M ... anu tour.-e oi amusi-iiieiit, should live a : "(,' iu a:ino,i iisherv in ihet'ol.iiii I . i-., , . life of uncontrolled gaiety in the .Nrhal-, W Hfer brought p m ,,.. , J n L , " " " '" emv.lley. There i. stretch of country , I"" lt,u., .,,,, Mtn , ,,,, .n"7,.n .TiV'' ". between Vt-rtmnU and l;ve l-ree;,i,.' pori.mity to uke thorough Invest " b e u,,ctt. Mr. Chamberlain is willing Oregon should have a Republican Governor pro vided he can step from the executive office at Salem to the United State Sen ate at Washinghon. At one time he insisted that the prosperity of Oregon depended on a Democratic Governor as a member of the State Board. A fat lot our George cares for hi party. His lithos do not even state that he is a Democrat and he has not dared to tell his audiences how he Htnnd on party principles. In Oregon the party is George and Georue the party. If you vote for Chsmb rlnln don't for get to vote for Bryan in November. To vote for one and not the othej would be the eatreme of inconsistency. After the election is over, if Mr. Chamberlain should receive a majority oi trie votes cast lor United Slates Sen iiwr, our democratic Iriends will quit bilking nonpartisanship and give their Jtepiihhcan dupes the horse lsugli tliey will have so richly earned. pluo on the H-Ii Ibiwk containing gallon oi n.e nmtier. There ran be n't enougnvine tnaplu roots to kiep the que'iion that the status of II. c fisher. Uu I...L Ct: , ti,,.li.r i nv,.q,, iihuuii uuiiiJiuiK Willi Joy lor "" i'ii j, ai)i Lliat tlrolr .wl.ii.. . the nem Century. But why should Mr. j c "'dirions the trend may . expend lo anuerson sense ol humor discriiiui ate u-i"'"y uownward, wbh the resuii iu favor uf vine maule? There is the ! lt'l '" ' -liiMrativiy f, w yras the noble fir, upon which the patient plod-1 "'" saluiou in that' strnuii will he ders Of that vailcy have Worn their lives! "''"'''I 1'' ': degree that thousaiuls away, wmiout making iniieh imprenon. I u'neru.en nuy l, ihr.,w out of t.i. ....i .... , . """ " ''"I'1"'1 ""i.lere. our. ine l eilera (:,., ' " """''IU is lit Wit's l.itil faces liters are auta U safe, ir and gslHle little pill rJd by A.J Ih...igaud NrapiMKjaai larwg Co ll wmii d ba a happy com, i.len.e (TTe reaiur.tiuu ul tha moitu to the cuius and ; a t ! mrrg, n. c.inaucy la should J cvuie bKr(i,er j I Kennsdy's Uimm f. ogli h,rup due ii .i coiiailpaie, UU on ln ,e l laxstlv ,,r.o ImIs gently mot h eilwels. i hlldrsij like l fiuid by A i Ihuniig and i..i., i,u4 (.o lb. other W,i.a....i.; ..i ... ... . too mi oiii.uvui ivinn ucar w ill place flr stumps upon his list of pistinirs and amusements, and can pursuade about ten thousand of his countrymen they can extract amusement from the pastime of extracting fir stumps, Uiere will be something doing acroi the ndg that divides the beautiful Nehalem from the grand Columbia. N j more will the wormy pioneer of that delightful but little known- region sufTer thu pangs of nope deferred. j, ,ore n tll,,y jJt, compelled tn present to the railroad octopus their claim for consideration. Mr Lytle will get a move on him that will make all his previous efforts seem like 1'ortland's last year's bceball team compared witb its present aggregation. The Swedish reuse of humor should be cultivated, and there could be no more competent cultivator than the architect of King Oscar. out any Jurisdiction In some tespects the Chamberlain ad ministration resembles the Christian religion. There is pardon for the vilest sinner and, he dees not even need to re pent. All that is necessary is for biji to have a pull. No county has a more efficient, clerk than Columbia County has 1 , the person of W. A. Harris. lie understand the business and can give better service than could be expected from any new man. Muring tne lost tlir e months of VM7 tne railroad disutilities were 20,4TH, 0f which HM1 were killed and 19,:Hl in. Jured. Such a showing in the whole of Europe would create consternation there. nil- whatever in tli. i'r "n 1 l 'l'iy of M.,w,lng thes.ilmonsuppKi,,,,,,,.,,, U volvesoi, the Milt),f , w llurtoli. mid t.h.i... . i.... , ' , 1 l'patiiient b...heeuc rg.., by , .r.r,unt .,s , .,,..,, 1)(,r,:fm, ,n Columbia b. .,! , , ,.,, jo-l.liuiebi.iineto direct a.U.itlon U, '"-P-enting ,,e ,,,,, Tl ''"' ' convinced iu, r(' ( J ' "c """"l.u can be ,,., inulntaineil for .... 1...1. "'"I'ly nrt.n, ' . r'"mo I1"-' If l"oiink-nr.l!iri a an,.,. I . . rational milin a 7N K'dmgation alone cannot,. ! . "' .ituation, and, as a maiUr of ' .... recent expercince of the lu... '. . ts-r- ai.,.. . " . . . ,H""r "' the ... n,.,,rixuii, this ct '.lri,,,,,,,, noreawn to, ad vocatinir 11,.. uii...i. . .! . . """sil fro,...,,: :.:'"n " ,M , hb mere Is 110 evidene, sbow that this f,lfll, , nt; l" ticlarly deslruciv. , ,T, ' ' U. I '""in, M,rio.l f "r rtignaui.un en liar """"Ton the ground lhat be ha wieketlpartiiar. In tllplom.ry and sUir tne 0,iet,ul m.nd is m. o peculiar "'iir Bit, nyrupof White Tar, Ih old rciianie cough remedy. For sale by A.J. K. uruggial. W K. Tichenor h, rrtir'l as a mem b- "t the Tmheno, l,mMlf Couiuy Ill It., .a ...1. 1 v (jiiiiirt The plant of lb.7),e7icans Lur. ,'0;"l"'"r. lUi.d.r, ,M bn thoroughly overhauled and th. ea,;t, '".e.,U u, hh.UW fe.1 dalle A ....... "saw ha b.e ntalle,. adv-rtislng the irZZ' Z, '""''""f eoiiniv i., .ti "J"1"1 "I tolunibia " '"., eL".' con.empl.,. . envelo,; lu.l lil a bu.. j STATE Bi RAINIER, 01 CAPtTAUanj! tot p ft ml tots' on sating dKsMa ks eonipHiiHl siai as Wsrrh I sad tWyM VY. t. t.0T7lsal,tat Collect tons Mas ortk Colombia to Docs Ccnertl But rriaclnsl Cuiii Flr.t Nathmal Baak.NlJ Hanover Nsi tonal Mi M Wm.M. Ross,rW T. IIKLKUi OB ja, owi. sow. PHYSICIAN & ST r. 1 1 it a 11 a lutr, I) PHYSICIAN & Sit T im sNs n AI.DWIX 4 HntWM t,osaTiM """k llaaraa lor lunsrsli si rll. rks"r .id utiMisa. Hr Vote Per t Very I W. J. FULLERTON ! ijSteamer Ira. I 0 KUPKBICNTATIVE A aiM!.'" ""'", MM,.i;.0H::jTS'i11,''a:Brl- sl-illliim ,. ' "'' "' . '". Z I'-sMlou nllu'liU;"' e. 1. nikM. " RAILROAD TI Uar MslnleriUllr(i la ml. as S A. St.. ital'"" T.-l o'sliwS, Hsliirnlnf,. W"L M arrllllal.Hl', fOI P0lTUllf are much rt- '.1 tev " r, wuen the Hah