The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 29, 1908, Image 3

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    .1 -
Don't Poison Baby.
tORTY AGO almost every mother thought her chad must havo
I , PAHEGWIUU or wuaonum to uiako it Bleep. ThcBo druca will produce
und A FEW DEOPS TOO MANY wiU woduco the sleep from vmmr
2EEE 13 NO WAEINO. Many aro tho children who havo been-killed or
lose health has boon ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphino, each
which la a narootlo product of opium. Druggists aro prohibited from Belling
thcr of tho narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling
lem " poison." Tho definition of " narcotic w is : "A medicine which relieves pain,
ndproduccs sleep, tut which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convuU
onsand doatlu" Thotasto and smell of medicines containing opium aro diBguisod,
2d sold under tho names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. Yon
not permit any mcdiclno to bo riven to your children without vou or
. . M .. . " . .1 H
bur physician know ,oi vrnat it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CON-
flAiii,uuvo. wins uio eignaiuro oi urn il iictcncr.
M-it 1
AVrjftaU JVanfbnEr,U
lin tfr Skw!b Obi iWad
Pro!notin DiMkmfWrfii
Opami Mufphmr iw Miami.
,4m AW
'ip&f asW
A iwffrri IVtttrdY fur
lloit. M Mnsurh.lKaiilrM
Letters from Prominent Physician
addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher.
Ir. J. W. llndal, of Chli-aKO, III., says: "I tiso your Cor.torla and
dvls It tie iii !t families whrre l!;ere nr !is:,:ren."
lr. Aleiacder C. Minile, of Cleveland, OMo, tars: "I have, frequently
proscribed your Castor ia. and Lava found it a reliable aaa pleuant rein
djr fr children."
Dr. J. 8. Alexander, cf Omaha, Neb., aitys: "A medicine ho valuable and
beneficial far cblldrea as your Cwturla la deserve tUe blgbcut pralso. I
Cud It In um erorywhitr."
Dr. J, A. l!c;icllo, of Hutfalo, N. taya: l have frequently preacrilieil
your Clorla for children and alwaya got good rciulla. In fact I im
Caalorla fur my own children,"
Dr. J. W. Allen, of 6t Lnula, Mo aayt: "I Jieartlly endome your Caa
tor la. I diva frmurtnly frt-scrltwd It In my medical practice, and bav
I way found It to do all that la clalm4 for It"
Dr. C H. CSIddun, of St. Taul, Minn., aaya: "My tipwrlcnca aa a prao
tltloncr HU your Caatorla baa bren blgbly aatlafactory, and I conaldor It
aa eiwllent ttm-4f for tha young."
Dr. II. D. Ikisistir, of I'niladnljhta, Ta aaya; "I have used your Caa
torla aa pursuit in tb (rawa of children for jrara put witb tin moat
bappy effect, and fully eudorw It aa a f remedy."
Dr. J. A. Ikwrroan. of KanaaatUty, Mo., aaya: "Your Caatorla Is a aplen
did remedy for clilldrea, known tbo world over. 1 Due It la my pracUc
and bar no hoatuutcy la recommending It for the complaluU of Infanta
ar.d cblldren."
Dr, J. J. Mackey. of Brooklyn. N. T, eaya: "I consider your Cnstoria an
eicwlienl prirailon for children, U!n composed of r-l!ali!o medlcinea
and plwiitant to tUe taate. A good rcwody for all dlaiurUmcca of Uia
dKmtira orcana."
Uoan the Signature of
Eim Copy of Wrapper.
M II' M II M i . wi liti B Mjpm
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
,. t U KtW
KiWfl f Ifil nnn MW
Land Worked for Hundreda of Yaara
Silll Baata Oura.
Tbat American farmeri and promoter!
f tgrleultuml luduntrlee are rather
lux in granping their opportnutl, and
re In dsnger of being outgeneraled iu
the marketi of the world, nnlem they
improve their method, ii the belief of
Duen Jemc'i E. Kuwell, of Columbia
(Jriiver.ity, New York. Dean Ruieell
recently a vieitor at the etate eob
lege, and during hie etay there ad
drnnied an aewinbly of the teaebera of
the Inland Kmplre, who wre attending
the teaeheri' institute in Pullman. Kola
tive to the problem ju.t mentioned, be
"Thirty yeare ago New York wm
lending butter and rheena to the Lon
don markete. New York butter and
thee.e wxre ruling out limllar product,
from Ontario, and other parte of the
world. Jut thirty yeare ago Denmark
bean to think ehe could make butter
.ml tint it in the London market. The
(mention w. How could ehe overcome
the lead that Hrw Vora aireauy nan in ;
the London marketef She nt men to j
London to atudy out the ground; to Hnd
what London wanteil. Then ehe aet
bout to give thmn the required produet.
"Denmark ie a country of poor oi,
which baa been tilled and overworked
for a thoiiMind yeiire. Nevartheleea, the
Hanih population nnniiallv !! in the
marketi of London ,'l5,00n,0l0 worth
of butter. In l'J)3 the entire 1,'nited
Statci exported only 1,064,000 worth
of butter. In addition to the vt quan
tity of butter mentioned, Denmark
tnd out one fifth much pork aa we
do, and junt a many horarej and cer
tainly, we eliould lead the world In the
lireeding of horeee. In the meantime
the Daniih nation hi taught the hem
how to work. Four hundred and fifty
thouaand dollar worth of egg were ex
ported by thi country In 1875, and ia
II113 thi export bad reached a value
ef 18,092,000, -In the laet ten year
Denmark bne taken ,000,000 worth of
eora from Iowa and Nebraeka, via New
York, which he baa fed to Daniih cow
and pig, and then placed the latter in
the Kuropean market in ueceul
competition with aimilar produet from
"I aid a moment ago that twenty
year ni(o tho competitor of Denmark
iru the State of New York. In thee
twenty year the Danieh people have
increased their export from $1,000,000
to $40,OUO,000. In the eame twenty
yeare farm value in the State of New
York have decreaeed $-00,000,000. In
the lnt fifteen year Ontario ha outbid
New York in the ame way in the
ehrene market. Twenty year ago New
York companies received Canadian
eheea nd nut the New York tm on
it to get one cent more in the English
market. Today the New York farmer
are ending their eheeac over the Cana
dian boundaries, and paying two cent
per pound ui order to eell it at all."
Showing the uperiority of European
method of education in comparison
with American educatien, Dean Kuell
When the
Hair Fails
Then It's time to act! No time
to study, to read, to experi
menfl You want to save your
hair, and save it quickly, toot.
OO lliaac up yuui unuu una
very minute that if your hair
ever comes out you will use
Ayer's Hair Vizor. It makes
the scalp healthy. The hair
stays in. It cannot do any
thing else. I'3 nature's way.
The beat kind of a testimonial
";;oId for orer elity yoara."
uj Ayr co., LowtU, M
a4.itf IsaaUttaJMUUraMT Of
cinaty pectoeaj-
ond guaranteed
Z, cmsoiuiny
Every garment guaranteed
Clean -Ught -Durable ,
Suits '3 Skk39?
total wf ofjuttt nrfrmiKt
Mar tmmhlm.
l kttiUnd hud an awful Um col-
ll tii ,i,s, Mrs jtw.liit ae
"I dun'i iiftiiiul lo imdrrstand
fw Utl I hostd hiai nisv tint !
u'd f ihe mon.f he bed 10
tt the moil's w
J Free Premiums Given
u:m;t ion onto ion M
lUf lUmtt fKOM
P Mule Team" Itornx. ttriraxo
h I'owiU-r. Violet Iliirir Tab-urn
kder. lionc 8iingli. lloHc Arid.
uaidHuap I'uwiirr. "M Mult
Fin Nuiti. ,if m K,ml.
'"aid l anmlry 8ap ami "SW
i!e Team" Soap fbis
I'luit!!. m. i.h.. Must
M Y dlrl 'AiNl li ..t ...... ,k. :i;.t1 iT
I'TY ..J .!,..,, i,Aii(ii-ir VAt.rt:
""", '' ' t.i . r. r !
I f 10,10 nut.a mm v Irse.
kf.ifu I smi Ns t U.Hsm), i el.
nm Mertna t'erMl4.
The Vnii)l'' ril'"d hn r-rnt!
pMlfl notUn III il sriOii wnrtslllMi
fmliiddinc iirnfaniir l ri'w ' lh" ',f''"
enl ratlrued lliiailoo. whr not put "()
t,ti.- m the ii!ie oltliTS and malt
oo. r,., sunk holder' Well Wr-et
Journal. ...,
Aaolher ! Molorm.
TV r,lit.r l,H.kl the nwnuruit it- l,s.k.
i " don't like your ilialct." he aid.
' "Hut sir." ssid h llieiar aspitaul.
,lrlir.l and liul.Bliaiit, "HiiH
Tl.sis writtt. In ilu- rfotuil
j M-the- wttt And Mr. Wlnstow-. "")'"
S.iiiug lbs iwiiilua ir.wJ.
j l.l.r. HI". o TrM.
i "l-n.!- Il-irr. don't '' "J " lltr
work britia a .-Hfin?"
-Wi .i all. tor Iwjr. I' '
ear? to be eouertaiie atmut
. . . i .u i.....,;Mi.t. rravntc
die of ba.vit and nt I
to It." t'lilii$ Tribune.
Jack--Whin's the matter, old maul
Vou bW worried.
Tom-till, Miss Knliillieart l;is''
tftli-aslns. I"ie hasn't prtinMied .vi't.
Jm k- Hut yu told me u didn't In
ton.) to marry her. s
tm And I don't. Hut. lifter nil the
time I've wasted on her, I tliink elie
iiilubt nt bast iflvo me a eliiimv to re
fuso her.
Shake Into Your Shoes
The irlarhif irwsra Sex.
"I'leas give nil two bills for my
hnt. one for $10 for my husband and
for 1 nhiiw my lady friends."
Megioiidiirfer Itlnetler.
, . -a
and Quality.
appeal to the Well-Informed in every
walk of life and are essentia) to per
manent success and creditable stand
ing. Accordinply, It Is not claimed
that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of
Senna l the only remedy of known
value, but one of many reasons why
i. i .-.r .,(.2.tiit nnri rnmttv
j ii is nit; ui-iiv .
"WurtemburK 1 a email German laxatives Is the fnct that It cleanses,
state, a little larper than the Inland I gwe,.(,.ng Bnd relievos the Internal
Kmpire of Kastirn ahin(ton, anil
having a population of about two mil
lion penon. Thirty years sro Wur
temburg bcjinn to realize that her pop
ulation was be(jienin) to dwindle; that
ometbinjt had to be done to maintain
her integrity a a tate. So she et
about building up a tyetem of ehoo'
for all the people; that would help the
boy who wished to be a carpenter, a
plumber, or a farmer, in the unit de
gree, according to hi need, aa tbey
would assist the youth who desired to
be a lawyer, an engineer, or a phy
sician. Today Wurtemburg has a uni
versity Riving course of world wide
fame; technical school, weaving and
manufacturing school; two hundred and
thirty industrial schools in towns anil
organs on which it acts without any
debilitating after effects and without
having to increase the quantity from
time to time.
It acts pleasantly and naturally and
truly as a laxative, and Its component
parts are known to and approved by
physicians, as It is free from all
objectionable substances. To get Its
beneficial effects always purchase tha
genuine manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co.. only, and for
tale by all leading druggists.
V7 i., m.e.. li rarm 'thirty industrial schools in towns ano
ffiEffi village; ""ool. for metal workers, snd
ww r. KoM t-r sl shoe 0rker in the tentile trade; schools of
si.. Ikint s-li nr ,".
i FKCK. Aitdross A S. Olmrtisl. U !"
It. Wlli-n
for a bl
art, of agriculture, of preparation Mr
household management; and numerous
farm schools, and high schools through
out the state.
" Wertembun A stm but i:"(
larger than the Inland Empire of East-
uvllcd em Wasliingtoii, siipports all lifs -u-
stitutions, wun an inronie oi irn uouar:
(rltiurorihlrl Humeiice.
They -re reluruiiig ti'om ihe siiellinf
Mr. SisMinaniore," shi said, "why did
you m;s I hnt easy wnnl'f You
Honor Willi n , . . ,,;.. .!,. -....I.l
1 ...u. I "lh riil. I'or lirM u " -iiiai'i'ii. i.v ..,i.v.
,.. nil ui owe that 1 just .American eiiu.rne luma
More Converts
Every Year
Everv dnv In everv year thnt comes, more house
wives ore irivlnc uo their exorbitant priced Baking
Powders and turninu to K C. the honest and reliable,
which has stood so w.ill the teat of years. They aro
finding out that
costs one third the price of powder any
where near K C quality, and makes
better, purer, more healthful baking.
2a Ounces for 2d Cents
"I know II.
Ine 1'iuiie over
roiihtn'l get
Wiih aliirh old. old story he won her.
along wllhoiit 'ii,' Mis
$100 Reward, ft 00.
The res.ters of this rapera dl oe ilesel to
f in addition
to supporting agricultural colleges, they
were aked to support five hundred
technical and industrial schools for
every two million of population! This
is what is being done in the small state
of Wurtemburg, snd from the point of
view of American eitirons today, it is
almost inconceivable; the contemplation
liouii t si th-rol si limt onoorvsoVil disease
. I. .. ...... I. H. IU.,',1 HI, , II, I'l't ill nil II"
'. ....I i rii. Hull's t'slarrll nt n-hih inn.t Inarl ,nv Amnriinn riti.
l.inil tlw oim I'osuivo I'lirvnow known uiuk
llo-.lirsl (rsuiriiliy. i win or us
luilisl din so. requires eoiisliuillollal iK'ift-
nii-iu Hall's I'aisrrh Cure Isiskeii InK'nislI,
tlllif ilili'i'llv U'noi mi. iiHtiimioi nim-i.iiH...,-
(w.n(lliesili'iil.llieieli Uii.foylUK uie 10 .ni
dation u Ihe ill-i s.e, alio kivi iik i isi
inniiiUi liv i 'ii no i us onnu l un-iuii
ssii in uiilim' t "IoIuk li" aork. Uio pro-
I lllllill lism so inuru IBM n "HI-; mn.
sra hat liny ffor Hue II ondmi iionsrsiorsiiT
raw ilmi It tails to cum. He id lor list ol
"a l',Vro-i"h"'J. CIir.SE V CO., Toledo, O.
hold I'V nil itriutglnts.7V,
lake Hall's Kami.)' fills lor eonaitatln.
Work lor Live lmrovemeit Soplely.
Ill siniill centers of iopulntlou where
none but tbo must general la govern
It la necessary to form an Improvo
nient soilety to look nfler the health
and well being of the people as a whole,
snys the Ms Angcle TIiupsi. The laws
of hygiene must be observed. Kuth Bow
er mid surface drainage should lie pro.
vbled by th peoilo a whole, and
where no oily government ejclsts thla la
a splendid work for a live society for
civic betterment.
No, aa-oi
II1CN writing todertleerepleae
sen to infer that his country has much
to do and learn before It can success
fully compete with the old country in
the products of industrial education."
Answers ti Queries.
By J. L. Ashleck. Washington Espsrlmsni Sta
tion, Pullman.
Ilaverford, Vn "Is it considered
that hog raising is practicable in the
northwestern part of the I niteu
States! " H. W.
"It i probable that there i no place
In the United State where the price
for pork products average a bigh as
in th I'aciile Northwest. A eondition
of significance, too, ia that the people
of this region are not sufficiently alive
to the necessity of their meeting the
demand for pork product. Thoe who
are in th business are making money.
Condition are improving, however, for
at the present time we note a growing
tendency among farmera to pay more
attention to tine business. The era-
shire breed is preferable, in my
opinion, although the Duroe Jerseys are
making same neanway. ai mo experi
ment station w have about eoaeluded
tbat a eross of the two breed would
be batter tbaa either one br Itself."
Farm or Business
for sale. Not narth-nlar about HH-slion.
Wish lo hir from OWNfH only ho will
wll iiim-1 to buvr. liive lrio. dmcrip
Iwm sn.i slat whrn poasresnMl t'n oe
had. Adtlr.
Clatsop Beach Seaside, Ohegon
'Tuc Dlreettr ea the heaeh eTrrlmkiar
Int tbs arras. Hot salt tlhs au4
fi irr Uniicr ISIII eaiaiss. nrrrra.
ULIFF nUUSt ,0II yi,r (or (tsblair.
nc ! parlors. Kleelrlc lU-bls. Hre
ur slsre so strsia krst. Vise wslks
nrrnOM" drtvra. Srs tmxls S lir
URCUUN tstltsr. Kstrs. $i.40 ao KUM1
eer isy. Kprrlsl rales Dj tke wees,
I UAM. J. SIlXllU, I-ravrlvlor
0. Gee Wo
Th wU known rlihlo
Root and Kerb
Fit nwto a Ufa aturSr of
rw mid httrlut. ti in tAKt
uuijf dtskxivwrt-a titl U tiv
ln to iit warM hi wiMktMW"
No Mercury. Potions or Drugs Uscd-Ha Cares
Without Operation, or WilhouUh Aid of K.l
MS HttarmtiflMW to . ur vmsrrn, nwiini A'Vn.
rTTlUsin , (firi.UB laBOIltl,
riBli WAnhnuMi stml All ITivnte UitHMs
Just Received from Peking. China-Safe, Sure
and Reliable.
U rou oaimot osll. writs for sji miiton blank and olnw
Isr. Inclos i i'iiii In slamjia,
THKO. (IKK v,o rHiNwsiiKiiionntca
Mt41Plrat St.. Oor. Morrlwa, Portlanii, Oraasas
Visas U.sllon ThU Pssw.
i I
.-1 ", i
), -1 II
j ii
i ' (
suaniloa nl l'P"-