The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 29, 1908, Image 2

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    Changing t& &ym 'Qld GlokC
The admission of Oklahoma Into the
("nlnn Iihh nenwIlHled the reiirriim;e
ment of tilt- slur oil tilt Hag to admit
tin- symbol of th new Stale, and it
has lieey.M big ;;ik to tvnrrangc the
stars on nil the military Hag of tin
Various Idoss hare been advanced for
the slmpllltcnttou iif the Ill-Id of sturw
on OUI tfUiry. The dlttlculty In' lidding
new star. In tlint tlii" row nr' noi-vs
ariljr n.a.l op of uneven number, and
thi makes It lms!lble to arrange.
field of aurs Hint l -rfoctty balanced,
la order tu obviate thW dltllculry It hits
been suggested Hint tin star be plios'.)
in ii i'Ip-Ii', Hint no ninttcr how many
new Still) ntl stars are destined to
apply for a pla.-e I" tin future they
oolil Hit lie i.rovhtcd for by Hi1 simple
CXMdlfUt I'f. addlUs;. OSlStljllSthW to
the end on tin' circular iliic. mis
a radical d.'imrture Hint ha fouml
oiii fuM-r with .'the government offl
Vat 4 Hull fcl Ul4 III I. si ll Hi n MM fZj
"Lear inc. Kura!" said g.! Aunt
Hannuli. "I ilo wish something would
happen! l.aud o" liberty! I pi '
fill tired of thi monotonous lift-- not a
single nelgbU'r linn than mill away
an' not a chick or child at home, t
ought lo I 11 shamed to rtiiii'laln,ml I
ani: Itnt I llo wish something would
happen right here lu front of-our house!
Something lu look at!" .
Aunt Hannah, good soul, llttlf
dreamed that In-fore three hour had
Passed sonietlilog would happen.
The one grail en In ber luonobe
nous life wan the dully Kiwdng of
the overland passenger trains.' which
brought their eager tourfat to 4'allfof
nhi or carried home, ret urn lug wander
era back toward the rising aim.
In Aunt Hannah's dally .life thin sim
ple pawing of the trains grew to be an
event of Importm-. She could rnf'-h
tantalizing glliuiau'M of wonieu's fair
fii-e and the luiightug eyes of 1 ft I tfi
children an Hie Overland flashed I.J,
not thn-e rods from her own front door
Sometimes she waved a snowy dl.-di
towel at them ns. they rushed past, un.1
J.s.k.-d wistfully lifter tln'tii tiH the.
tone cut hid the etirvhis train, . '
Hut on this particular dnjr . Aniit
M.-inniih's lieurt nlinos; i.t.l ti (n
her ample howm. Ir the (ierliMil.
crime Into nitht. rtnulnc more nixl ni-Te
alowly, mid dually cnmliig to ii hil'oi'-
ina. ciHiikiiiK wop Hiiut'"! i : hcr vttji'
d.K.r. . . ' ; V''
Sii' Ji :i tiling hnd nej'enjinjn'iie.l.
fore, and Aunt IliinimUy wjinVlliled wUH
wiirdlew exHlemcnt. nelhlmf' JiJiL
liaps-nil at laHt! I mlf ln W;
rlnx around mnr the hriJe.4-kc-ni-
watchful eye upon rtir lKhiU,"itt
white horse, whMi waspiitinfy Ik
ing tiever-endliig inlhn In Hm tfeajtiiiltl
which MiriiTH-il Witter for rfte Jihii.snd
garden and the neighboring urWinrd of
young wrung trees. . . ;
Aunt Hannah Kpeedify fnftinweil-blin
of the great event, aiuf'TuVIe Kzrfl,.as
woiider-ttlleil us she, jilked
the nillroad truck to see what might
la wrong. '
Aunt Ifunfliiu. from the porch, heard
him say hpitiil)ly to th conductor:
' Why, y , "we've got a telephone. Come
right In gli' JMvft
And In a Ugft 'V''Xii, i'i"1; w"'
derful ereoturT-y tie hlue iiulformiil.
Iirnss-hnftoueih:eoniictor of the Over
IiiiiU was stantllh'g-'oii Auut, ll.untah
lrtglit' riVg cnrpt njid ti'tlkfTiie ln'rVfi.
curt, maMcrly tjfle to sonuf'iinseen de
liii'iuent at the jji ten miles tM'liind.
It appeared tlfai ' wwne oti', h;l I'Vtuv
dered . . VfV "
The, pnHWIiaer slvariueil out of the
c;ir anil watuhjreil inih-ssljr nlimg'tlic
track, Then lhe",Vmen and children
begun to Htniy.luto Aunt IMiIiiiII'm
front yrd. looking fVlth genuine tour
ist eiirloslly at every llltje iiMijty'jIi
plu thing that ih"3l 1helr(giy .g.-r.
For-' toil ws n tb-iialond of brand new
tentferfeet from' thcnfiir Kind, most of
whom were stepping upon Cultfitrtila'
soli fur the flrnt time In their lives.
Aunt Ilanimh was radiant and over
flowing with hospitality. IMr ten
jnlntiti bnd nsKvl she had discovered
an olvl lady from her own town In
iwuN and a 'young lady from llostnn
who had kuowu a seintal t'U'iln of
Kzra's flrxt wife's nephew or some such
item- relative. Aunt llunnnh was lu her
element. Kvery n- king .-hair she pos
mummI and every straight hacked one
as well, she br light out into the front
yard under Ihe grent dnophig s-pr
tree, and her iiueected gm-sis nt
around and kl highly Intelligent
questions of every ottlclal they could
waylay. 'Smm caige.-and the long
train slill weria to- move l u-act-iist.
'in"! rliuleis of pemplratlon
trickled down the portly eonijiietor's
fai as be walked up snrt down In 111-iViiK-egleil
InipnUeisf. : '
Aunt llannBh's h.splistile soul ei-
lindeil "hi fry erery egg-on the
place." she said, "and steep that Hf
V4,muli of inlTe I've Just got. and ct
np the sli loaves M bread I baked yes.
terday. anil open every glass of Jelly
I're goT but these women and children
sha'n't go hungry!"
! Ro she hijuUd liid'irs and. tied on
her second t-t whit apron, made a
"i no wtM 'iio.1i r'mtmKWufi"
i. . t: , ..-- . - - - i
flre.nil, wi'lng In tier liual
esi'pable ';ty. r"Jxilid I" whe auld. ' It's
a long time slu'i.- 1 , hiuj siedi; a run
of (KUipuny .' ; '(If cinirn', they .liild gc.t
tth'lr 'dinni'f on tllM train, luit ' mchby
good home cisikln. TT tame gnod locln-!
Apyvny.'lt wouldn't Ih i lgM for pie
iMi' .r to s-l down ami oat an' iiof
ask 'eiii j ' i ' ' ' ',.
, 'JTie ying lady from llotitoit iCeil fn
Aunt Hannah' very best White gpron
iwniiiiruiiy inmeii unit sirM'iiinx (o old
fashloiied litvendi-r. and CarrrlHl ,plate
ami nips and forks shU h(is out to
the Wiiltlng travelers Miulcr. tip' Ifreat.
Iepier tree.
And when Aunt llumiah's famous
coffee began to si-nd forth Us enticing
fragrance, one by one the men ciuue,
ton,-standing Kfntfnif looting sheepish.
if f;xwtl'il-- . ' "
They sal on the porch steps am)
uultuil f.utluliflv l.tlltllV fI'Mi Tilt.,.
thu higyiaik tif donglnitti wetjt .n'iliidj
sinj. roiiI'to sllcii. of liviifAluIihah's
fi'iKh bread mid golden huller and de
licious ln IrM of Aunt 'IlannaJi's lluc-it
j-JelllwaiKl prisrti;'S', j J, (',, 1 1 J ' .
I he two doJ'ii eggs illil nut last long,
Ixit Aii7il,lliiuab hel)Ml,iii vylOi yr.j)
slices' Jf'ijM'ftrf't.biiMii, wlih-h, ns
the blue uniformed iimiljiclur sald,(Wfpt
rhiht )V Hie-As; j vJtJi-i. I !.',!
lilt- ni)Mi it)'"-i "'in' i" -iu n
few select souls lii lie illulng car of
i fie!,. but, Aunt llnnuiih's was
ly far Hie more toptilnr lunch. Hln
bustled iiIhiiiI,, lliish'l ami hniipy.t It
was like fi great, beiuitlfiil parly a
surprise "party! Hoinethlng had luip.
lairied nt last.
Out nf thu abundance of her gener
ous heart Aunt Hannah bad fed the
clnla Intrusted with the work of re
arranging the ting, but It h "'
,., ... . n....t l.i adont the blew
inoii'" - i -' .
without piel I" I'ongrcw mid Ihrougn
Congress I.) the nation, for It Is felt
that au.-h an lm.rtnnl mntlerss the r.-
designing of ill.l tllorv l s mstier o,
full national iuislderathui.
r'arsivlng illlicns have lnt.'l out
that lu time the dHtl "t ' s''u',
ml the'le division of single
Stales into double or treble isuiuiton.
Wrtillhs will so crowd the Held of slurs
as at present arranged Hud It H' '7'k
luartislle i"l imsiitlxfa. t.-ry The
gmiter the nuniN-r of !:ir the smaller
will I the symbols, for the .-omi'-irs
tlve sle of the Held enunot b" bnng'l
Wltbotll s.llng Ihe Hag "l .b-ir..y-lug
the apts-iirau. "f the I' ''' banner
on earili or m This p&.bb m l Mns
dl.H'd by I' .-rs..iis who lake
an lntetvl In national matters, ami
numU'r of d.-gn nre on Hie at the
Mir ottl'i- that ulin to provide an ar
ilstli and striking arraiigi-nieut of slurs
thai, Ilk" that ! the . tn ular
array, will permit of the addition of
gr-at nuin!rr of ..Hi.tcllatl.imi without
making the tl g lk at s little dl.tame
like a irld Imtiner with s )'k f
pure while, as would Is the cn- sere
the blue Held crow diil with stars.
Wlllluinsport ll'.i I 'int.
ttiultltilde, but the multitude was not
i-ontrtit to hare It so The brass but
toned Conductor hlmwlf (Who bad
a very tuid ciaiuple by csllng of Aunt
Haunah's cooking lute;ul of the ini
oreil chef's i pawl his i.m.isl csp and
gathemt In a shining shower of s!l
vcr. which he presented with a n-sl
little sssih lo Aunt Hannah
Then the ever present tourist miners
lime Into n.-tlon. and Aunt Hannah
as taken with her big while apron
on by at least a iben amateurs Thru
there were oilier k.iapah"t, to- I'll
ele Ktra In his overalls, the great pep
lsr tree, the disabled engine, ihe er
spiring conductor, and eieu old !
bin himself
The old Isil.v from Iowa and tbr
young lady from Ihsatou Inslstnl upu
helping with the dishes, and there en
sued a merry clatter from the kitchen
Some of Ihe young folks fit hired
around Aunt Hannah's parlor organ
and sang old lioapel hymns, ur looked
over Aunt llnniinh's plush invere.1 pice
tograph alhmn mi Ihe marble t.iiprd
eenter labls.
At lust Ihe conductor l-d bis
streaming brow and lh.iiiii "Ail.
alswrd!" iiihI Aunt Hannah s tn-mitt !
fill party was i.ver There were hur I
rted handshakii. and one nr tvto Im
pillihe hugs ami kisses f,.r Aunt I lull ;
:iah. iiinia i heer words of thanks and ,
npprifl-iiloii. aii.l.tlieii tiny all ran to-1
ward the cars iuul s.'r.imbinl alxmrd j
.Villi! llahimli. l.s.klns nl,. I fis-lhij
twenty ymmger on t!,e
.rch and wan hcl the Ion iraln as It
got Into motioii and slowly polled mil,
wining her while apron In rcs;'iii- I..
ii sinre of sating handier hlcfs. and
isuild s,.;,r.e!v see lli.-tn for Hie ler
which dimmed In r kind c.i. j
And thus sin- t.l as the long train '
olih-r'-d the nil and sinwiy dls.ips.arei
from view
Kbe and hv .tia ieijrry trii; '
chairs li t,, IhVhmisr-' A'uhl 'llaimnli '
was n Utile fremiiloiis from i-tcUcmcnt i
- "" h .,).r;- n M. w il,Vd this
pioniln' thatf s.auhlng .,ld, hapji !
I dlilu't n-allx iiinf. tin- Ccr!aitd'
1es" growled nbl H'mey. -"
lover lulervb-wcij Ui bod lUghl. Htuj.lil
fellow ! im sense Mt H."
"Ah!" r-V!llnw4 A"lltn, "I new t
won't li hit" tr " InUwr
IT ltt hnie 1 l wl"' "I
Men of Ms .NUtillig I" " ",,M,n ,tm
girl ami her m-uW re atlsile,. If
he hnd sny sense ImM Miow thai set
tied II."- rhllrtdelphla I'ress,
Nvasssi Ts-elses.
"IJI jmi Jmt hl ,tt "
t,ow Mm tslksd Hi. uih.i d.f
wh'n .h. i r,sl !' Von Jen I know
what vou missed"
"Whsl did '" sSV. Jdl?"
tir, Uis! V"U "l "'I' '
tht tlnnrs (.. said, da JouT
Kwi.rlsa U.swsirr...
Talk slmt Iks'niy ot W'""
,r auttLr- osl'l
Ui.l r "lis lift "I. nir s It
,,l l. I -.1" '' I'' lh'"
.(..a I trust 11 t "iir nwuwry, V'i
,.. , 'M-m-il .l s .I'pef l-st-'
sisk. ttirii...isubiis t.f It
's.eelas "s1 lissile.
His Wife - I see they had
a bread In fpslu rtssuilly.
Her HnsUiud -Yea; snd we'll hs
one t home v It there Isn't n Im
provemrut In ur blsiull
should breaktd...u. but' Km awful
U OH! .
.'. "My! Mvl'l ib.u't know when erer
did have sucfl a ..! lime! And, Kra,
fn-re's $'27 Ihnl i-on.luctor fu,,, ,,,
ls cap. Wli'sl In mercy', name, ,Hii
f do with m, imieh -Money? (d,,
know! I kniw! kii' fare
oqt here dir. '. and the bahy's! K,wn
like use It ,:(. w,r lkB
flifit.. tui-Unr tny'o-.i!!,,,, restaurnut
bs.k a bd vf ni'.i.imer. away from the
dining rirr riti the Ow-rliind New Or
leans Thin. li iin'rat
' ' ' i
. ' -
1'rr.Mneil lsnusprli,
James i(ri.. r l I , rim first HI
to. of tlib' Allium,-, was wlk,1: nrr,mH
Cail,l,rlgi.-e t.rblg,. wbi-n IiIk hat blew
,orr mid f.-ji im., ti. n,lirl,., .,, ,iliir
if ilo..-,, ,,r mai,u. rlpi, ,
which rr..k.,i , w,a,,h h,
,Wiyi relnrbing u, n,e l!.t., ,lti,.,. v
Is'.BIinnn recovered n.. ,a, .but the
V"'Hus.rlpi. 1-rh.hed In (hose
waves of ohlivl,,,,. "if .y ,,
iiccepled nrllcles. 1 uiil,rl't have be,,
ipille ai.'bail, fr, ' )(, WM
Willi iwime grace a.k n,,, Mr,.rK fll(.
rr",,l I'1'" how can you te n
self r.-spectliiK contributor that his
miimiserlpt has Msn not only reject,
but senl to a watery grnvn?" J -jj
.Jrowbrldge In Atlanlle.
Is S cm-tltmusml tf)
lo.pur blwsl nd ttap,itllg
trsstiuriil m-llni Uir,mKhtMl 1
blcssl h Ha rsdlrsl .nd p,tniJ
Ths srsstsst nuiMlll.,.!.... ... "V
. istmjj
Hood'j Sar8apar8
In must ll.pild form or u, rtj-J"
lsbl-.Hi known., tarsatabt. vttZ!
S'.ssl sod utlwi ks-al as-mi
ar. rellsvsd by Cl.rfUt(. l7n
lUinniallon and,,fu, iiriBsjJj'
mm N
u x Kins?!
(l sua km Im ssossis, m w.. J,
nwi an,
Tfc. rvlonie. ut II.! , tfn J
tnoiher euumry.,
sud (Lrsuny a,. "
tlld rssssw...
i.miis ! R, II. kits', I.
sst sJt I
"en kt t,
l.S.14,.- ,
There is au tvapotuttnn ffm lli Usly ffuing on r.n(jnuny, in
nighl, Ihr.mgh the potrs and j-lsnds l Hie skin. This natun.
lualitUiuing the ptoper Iruifiefatuts- ol nr systems anil ptcs-rmnf ft.
tirss am) Ikxtlnitiy oi lliv ssin. ami lng m the bl.sxl i. frc Ii-m n
Hies no Uouble will tcsiilt. When, howrvrr. I ho blmsl Ua tftm
tsreomes itifr-trd with liumots ami ariils. thrssj tuu must U t iptlosl
coming in coiitai t the ilrliiate filitf ni tis.ues with whkh tbtilai,
so ahumlsntly suppti"! thry tlu Irritslion and inflarumathsi, tti
e(ft i shown l y l-Uiriiu Arne. Tetlrf. and skin fleeuinc- V4ti
These impurities and humors gel Into Hie tiKirnt thmufh drrufsir!
ina.-live tliti f Hie system ; lh wenilsrtt who duty it lltoanyj
the waste ami irfuw inaitcr ut the t-esly fall tu pfvlwrly tarrfotni thru h1
and thi iiupurc, leimrtiling msttrr Is left in ths) sy.t.wt la twabsattsgi
the blis. The skin is not only sflevtnl liy imiuu gruftslt.) stUuii
ystciu. but IhiIsoih Irmn without, . I
such a I'.tti t'jk. fuison Ivy,
Ncttte Kaslt, etc . niter through the
open pair, ami elan.In, ami Ihof
mighly du they Tn-ome rootr'1 In the
blo.l that they are rvrr ptrsent,
or rrlurn at certain ses.ns f tsi h
year to totiucut ti.e sufferer. SUr,
washes, lotions, rtc, cannot cuie.sin
diseases, True, sui h Irrstincul te
lirvrs some of the itching sii.l .In
comfort, ami scl tn keeping Ihe skin
clean, but it does n t trs. fi the teal
cause, an I at lst ran 1st only paltl-
ating ami aooining a iuofu;n .
cleansing of the l..-l i the only certain cur fur skin diseases ttl
yrnuc stoor, s-aiu u.iei iiiTi.rr, nisuir soiirriy f'l inmn
ut the (otcsl ami field, ,s tlm pu-)r tie.ttmrst S S H. goes chmattfek
ctrrutslion, and nrutraticrs Ihe s. nls anil huiu-tts. thorutighly rltwaHSi
purifying the blmsl. and Hiring km aBcstions of evtiy kial. Iltaai
to t) bl.ssl t!:c frrsh, nutritive iiuslillrs necessary lu ausUia thrliitsi
all ntlirr parts of the body, and rids th M.s.l of any anil all txusoat, I Si
cures I'lretua. Tetter, Acne. Salt Rheum, I'm sun Oak nJ tv, Netllftat
and all other ism troubles, and cures them srrtnanenlly by removisr
trace id the cause Iioui Ihe bloist ,s.ei t Na.k tn Skin fteui
luolua' advbc ilrsifird f.iim!nd f'ee lit all who write
I kass sows) rx 111, ssaaV
' "ss tsws ls nsa. sat owsassajiii
ssusif tsltnsal sm sf tmm las.
ssss mt Smust ss until ms -wss,
ssshs- tosss. ss. ta lax a tajs.
sssnssi sf ssf kss My (tsss
MS I ScM ., a s. ssssa a.,
sss c, Ksi I saitue4 tk rmuH
Iks isssM ISsI IW tf. astttsg srssss
lusty SssfssaHs4 I rttts s mai4als)
res Hs4s, tss) kat. hi sum 1.1 ti
ssasss situ tsssi I'.), tin n tssaa.
sssslwias sssSs, ssS I ls ssssnasa)
(sswassMsS n ts u isn sf tllWa,
skis s ... CHSf. kWU I
s. i
Teeth With or
Without Plates
Out-of-Town Pcojif
We ran do y-ir rntir C"".
Ilrlilg-n snd Plat Wi
day, If ncesry. ftsiMl
rli.0M Kslt' tirsjrnsi"
I'lates or llrwlges r otb
Sensitive Teeth and Rw
moved without thkstP
Ten chir. Only U w4 s
entiflc imj csrtful
20 Years m Portia
1 " ' .:;rs'"fli''
railing Bldg., Third and Washington St
8 A. M, to H I. M,; HumUys to 12, Painless Kstractlon ; ,V
f,.m. JWth rhomsj, A mid Msin 2WW.
iciii'. sjiMr ,r on tvr si fiSfff 8 1 $mmA In
U(. ...""""'"MtHtrHMIll, B I i irfl
ovt, womih, missis ANocHikongN. R Mv'-r j I
"if I """g-'ss fnmknm snrf nmtla mssesi s-sr B JS ffl
finvr;.. mM&
W I n....l.. at. a .A. . " ..... . . s.Uai
."""'" "IM b m m Shosi Cannot B ItuilM l wf
.- " riir. W , ,w T. . SMI.
T.Tr:rr-.s to svf fr imi
, -T'-ll.sliisjHi,in,
"X.iZ 'fioilsii-. s -v