atMlwjW THE Z1 . i I VoLXXV 1 OREGON MI StHeleiu, Oregon, May 29, 1908. j I LOCAL i a iTilkloXnM. CiilumbUCoemlvBink Pi Werner I'elile look Hit America' Lton Ihi vVlllamctt fllougb route ,1 p but Sunday. In order lo give kiiM (mat a chance lo cwan up. n ndtt trip Ibey turned her looe aad ae tbt dittanc belaetn Portland Ljt Helena In Oo hour and l.wty two Lm ".aglneer Youutt Mr mm can IbuI better, bul that U food Vr.JerobOtm nl F. A. Rriioa ti lot Sound rouolrv to tea lb bet Itije. tad hll lbrt look u Ula In Victoria, li beautiful and tow la Job Hutl'i dumiatont. km. Chirlw tlrlxit, of Yaakkt), m L Krlrai vltttor Ul Saturday, ami U it tbt Mial onV lo Inquire why mar did B4 iMcb Ibal pnetotnc la i. Accident will bppo. and in pre wee lb all-auttlcleut cauta. km I no nioft pro pe rout com kty IBM Mt. JUW a on Hi Columbia r. Nr people ar coming in and nam art going op. Tue lna tin in ! great factor la tnit bill iwl. IM demand: lor their pew nit UH-reaee tarb y( until atveral limb of high priced workmen art it eaploTnieoi A good mill on Hit kit hi would rauaa lb Iowa lo Mill owf rapidly, Ixit II will grow without lb mill, especially latitat I no (m d latent when an Irk mad will connect nt with the Ujia. K. II KUf it vl'itlng ber oa hit lawlly t Georgetown, Waab., ktflat acknowledge lut receipt ol It elegant program of lb commence. turn, ol iht CUiakanle High W I'nJcr iUa clfk-ient tneaaee- at fiulw Coilln Hi CleUkaule bl hat uiadt rapid and ulnlantlal pnt ami ! a )ut nwirre ol if ! l lor kibe ol tbat cfliinimltr. tnouat conference of th Col- t Hirer MImioh ol lit Wetleyen ill cbmab it in araaton Ihla wrrk. op faring held in Hit chel In tbr put of town. Dili ron'rrenc In- h Orrgon Waahlnglon and t'elifor Uatyrartconlt tic w-i hrld al ad, Tlit cburi b It a mill nna and kiltmUiK will not b- large hut, paatantljr grort In me i hrr.lilp fntmt here will (at appreciated community, lit firat arwlnn It lUr- There will nrollily ba tlirrr 1 SAD AFFAIR Shootlnjf of (Jordon Roy Barker by Father. blltlaklnc bit vear old ton. (W.l.. oy, tor a crant, Otora lUntrr mm ouiiai crainlng throngh Iht by' btad, klllln blm Inttanlly. Th trandv bao- ptnad al ; o'clock Sunday molng. at a polol oa Hcappoott Bay, a mil and a Ball Iroiu btr . Mr. and Mr. Banr. wbo lit on a bouatlwal atar Si lltltat. wtrt tltltlua Job Slmtoa, a crawfithrr. Tb boy bad ooa atbor lo tilay, and lb It I her aolictd a craoa Bylag ovtr.and. IbtokinK baa allvbtrd In amall lake, took down a rid and atarttd alter It. Wbta within about M yaidtol Ibt wtUr b taw wuat bt lboubl lo b lb crane, and iHtntilittdy rtl. Going toll, tl bt borrlfitd lo find Ibal bt bad tbot bit too, tbt Ulltl enuring- tha back of Hie bead, about on and one ball Indict back ol and abort tbe right ear, and Cowlog out of lb forehead about oo and one ball Incite abov tbt tight eye Darger lioiot-IUirly weal lo Stmeoo t boaatboal and notified bit wife, and, lib S.meoa, lbe rtturnol lo tbe bodr. Tbea, apianully in compliance wiib bat accuM lo baa general belief tbat under tuch circumtUuce a body mutt not be removed until il baa been viewed by tb coroner, be went lo lb bouee IWlllngbam, Wa.b., Ihla week. Knroute be wltnetaed the naval parade at Seattle. -. vuariet oiacn baa tb contract and bat begun work Dialling away a Wllard'i retldenc and Increasing lb ui tot ttrect to twenty fert Mr. J. N. Rice, tb Democratic nomi nee lor aiierlB. waa ahaklng handt with menut m Bt. Helen, and neighborhood thlt week. He la making a thorough canvatt of Ibt county lo tb luterett of nit caniimacy, John Leonard, of Arthur miofflr. Sanvlet ItUnd.dled at bit bom on Mon day ia.t and wat burled Tueaday. In tbe cemetery at Scappoote. Mr. Leonard at a pioneer of 1852. and etteenarf t. the people of tb aoutbern nortion f Columbia, and by the old pioneer tuiwigeoui nut taction ol Ibe Bute. DKmrwT-Dr. Ratnbo will be In Honl- ton Friday and Saturday of each week. i ue craci Latblaraet ball team beat tbe HI, Halent nine In an (ntereatin ten Inning game at Catblamet latt 8unday by a tcore ol 9 to 8. But by tb time tbe team which bat been beating everything on the lower river had taken tbe boyt into camp they knew that they bad been playing ball. In fct, It looked at though it wat St. Helen' game right ap to the lut Inning, when by aotnc lucky hitting and baderrortthe Catblamet boyt made three runt, changing tbe tcore from 8 lo 6 to a lie. Hoover and Broueh, . 1 the Kt. Helena haltrv flnil a fina ava-l I oil.., .. , ". . " . . D. Green, wbo came lo St. Helena tr Coroner Cliff, npoo boae ordert Ibe body aat taken borne. Monlay morning a coroner' jury wat auiumooed. and Hie Inqueal held Bif grr'a Uttimony wai aa followt: At near aa I can tell, il wat about 7 'clock p m. Sunday, May Si. My wile, myaclt and Roy were up al Sluieou't We bad luncb I beta with Mr Simeon ixl alter luncb my wile walked to the :ir and taw a rrtnc riving Inward the lake. Hoy bad gone out id the bou etmot ten minute previout. Tliflcranc loan toward the lake and t took ie rifle and went down there. I flipped throujb the I ruth lo where I could Hie water, and I M what I took lo be Ibe crane. 1 dropped down on one ,ee In keen out ol aijrhf, and utt at 1 llmuithl the crane raited up, I fired. went down and fund Kor tbot through I e head." The fur nicr'a Jury found tbe following terdtct: I'tnt That death wati-auaed by a gun tuil wound Irtrni a 30 ?5 rifle, In Hie baud if Ilia 'alher. lienrKe Barver. Second That aald wound wat Inflicted Ittnalunlay aod all Nto atlcud. r tuiurr SntAsisKiyuli a lare lac ttaembled in Ilia clicu I court 1 Mouitty evenmg lo lUieit loan ha by a ra,t by the name "il. Careful alltntion wat vlen Ibtaneaker had to any and al Hie Foa a liberal coiitiilm l..n uaa "P. Mr. Ul U 4 llncnt and tptakir.aiidnod 11 bt told many wut Iht atfurea.iont of rapllal. deliiea Hit ei.. n. e "I evil, I ut Mny are onllt In lielirve Iliali " If the remedy. Thai in eocml- Nell la K,w n, K , , Wil Rbt trluiunh. but Ihtf who lie- y art of ,,Kl,nalr f h it all ol truth 11 doomed to diaappolnt- are cordially I under tbr iniireaaion thai he (George Birtfrr) ax linng al a crane; Third -TlMt, while aynipathiilng with Mr Ili'U r. and recogniaing that there aaanilfa eol Intentional wrongdoing, nil beliere there wat not tultlcienl caution ahown, and to find. K. II. Hl.AOrt, Foreman V W. Hl.AKK.1l.IIV Hhiii Vtiin 1'. A. Gmokck f. K, l.vcu J. II. I1KAVKK Ilia fnni-ril lookld.irefroiiilheclnircll hi ankioii on Tin ly Inat. the In U r nun Ulng hi tin Vai.kmn remelery. The KaUma liand boil vlaited St. Helena ail I Houlton laal Sunday and irealed out cillrena to tome very ginxl uiuaic. They Inaptcted tbe court houte H!Ti(ti-lwnl lo buy Iwonlut. prte to (lv niontht old. nem for tale nltaaa nnllv imte, Warren, Oregon. UUVIMll NI) I'LAeTRRINO Good Ktwraiiteed. Addreta L. It. Oulker. t' Oregon. m30 IJ4 F White bad th luck to capture PBerwbo robbed woman al It Sunday. Tha bov had i 'tow Holbrook to Scappooa and ' A. A C. northbound. 8om- bit actlona atlracted tha atlen ' the hrak.,.,.. u.k. 1.1... PI money for fruit, and, though l M the deacrlptlon the brake Mnttd kiui out to tb therlff, who "nto con verial Ion with blm and Hot contention from bim. Tha Mktn Iromihe train at Gobi and "wler took him to Portland on JMboou train. and pla and tapretaetl their admiration ol Columbia County' public Institution. Thlr vitll wat appreciated and w trurt they will come later In tb traaon, when the llttl park it completed and benchet are provided for their convenience. School wa ratilt milled t iar, Columbia County Hank. Mr. and Mr. Jamea Hheldnn vlaitml Seattle Saturday and aw th great parade of, Unci Sam'r fighting vettlet. Mr. Sheldon wa fortunate enough to be Ihe recipient of a tpeclal Invitation Irom aome of Iho nwpper men who hum wun him every aeaaon, and they made hi vlailunmuallv pleaaant, eattndlng ev.-ry conrtety to hlmaelf and wife, including an liitllatlon to lb Chamber of Coui uierc banquet. H y om of the hotel clmrged 3 er nlgbt for tbe privi lege of ileeping on a cot. W pay InUrett on Tim Depoalt. 1 ' Coluuibla County Bank. Walkint pitched a good, Heady, game lor (.atblamet. The St. Helen team will go to Catblamet again next Sunday on tbe eicurtioa to be run by tbe Wood land band on board tbe (trainer Maacot. Rev. Sleeth will hold aervlces la tbe , M. K. church it 11 a. m. and at 8 p. m. Sunday tehuol at tb Congregational church al 10 a. m. For Sale Money where, low rate. TV A. IS TT 3B ED Young men who detir to earn better! congenial work. salaries and do mora II able to read and wriU andambitiouitotucceedJweeanqaall. fy you for a poeltlon aa mechanical, electrical, (team, civil r mlning engineer, architect, etc., etc. PARTIAL LIST OF POSITIONS FOR WHICH tJfH TRAIN YOU BY MAIL. Ad Writing Show Card Writing Window Trimming Bookkeeping Stenography Commercial Law Illuitratinr Ornamental Designing Klgn Painting Stationary Engineering Mechanical engineering Mechanical Draftinar Teaching Navigation Sheet Metal Drafting Electrical Engineering Klcctrical Lighting Electric Railway Work Teleghoato Engineering Architecture Conetructing and Bilding Structural Engineering Architectural Drawing Heating and Ventilating Plumbing Civil Engineering Bridge Eariaaariaf Railroad 'r- rfiri 8uryeying Mining Fnglqajdm Metallurgy (.nem tat ty Textile Man French German Spaoiau EneliahBraaaha PnrparatistM Ir VJIMI berTka For Free Booklet, Course of Study, etc,ildfijP H. HARRIS, 45 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon, repretia t iniernauonai correspondence Schools of Scraatom, Order, good any Col. Co. Bank. Buiineta lot for tale, 50 x 100, between Wleat'i and Gilniaa'c taloon. for 325, Inquire ol Auguat Wleat, Scappooae. Ore on I have a lull itock of de t rmina tlon to upply the trade with a variety of choice groccriet, freah vegetablct and fruit. Granite, tin and queen ware. Seed, paintt and oila. Motor gaaollne and Naptha, and I heartily ap preciate your patronage. M.C.GRAY, HuiNuLaa roa SaL I carry a ttock ol cetlar ihlnglei and offer them for tnle tl from (1.60 to (2.3S r thoumnd. II. MORGU8, Sr. Helena a v e m 1) ANlE; i At SpenceB Opera House, Saturday Night, June 6th. Music by a three piece orchestra. HOULTON OREGON A Nw Bank We want bids for the con struction of a new Bank Build ing. Plans and specifications innv be seen at the Bank at St. Helens, or at the office of onr Architect, D. D. Near, xaa, First Street, Portland. Oregon. Columbia County Bank. 2 3 5S'iE fs lv .." I;:nl sl 9 iZn im ill 1 SflfflSBi if A 1 c?:i If " iifflirrlSI 53 3 S ea v r,r.i. VliacCa V : ? i 8 eCS !l lr i 8 if! 1 I f . l h : " z tj f i E2 1 WWW Clubbing olFer for Colum bia County oeonle is the I MIST AND OREGON. AN SI. 80 PER YEAR IT? ; f ! 1 i , 1 ? 1 "- itywi.a .