The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 01, 1908, Image 9

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An Enthusiastic Gathering Nom
inates a Full Ticket
Ti Sik l.ui i'0 I .limb Co n y ci
in tuass eonve turn ut Spetice's Hall in
Houlton l.tst Saturday afternoon. There
were abn trty in attendance.
S, 8. Long was elected chiiiruian and
D. T.Uerdea ecretary.
The following ticket was nominated:
tiepreseiitative 11. uieen.
Commissioner Limit Siegerl,
Jurlffw l. T. Uerdes.
Clerk E. Oirtv.
Sheriff 3. 8. Long.
Treasurer Perry lsher.
Assessor James Harr,
Purveyor Marion l.utehison.
Coroner W. A. Kyser.
Nomination for School Superintendent
will In tilled hy the cou.ny central cum
unties., winch It i-oiuuomM olA. v
Bluekfurd. 1). T. Gerde. Kred Hill. f. Y.
Koffinait and M. HutclnsMi, there lieinn
uvt socialist orgHniutlons In ColuiMlua
Kach candidate noiulnmjd bv tr
e invention iuned a resignation, to b
ma le effective whenever, if elected, tlie
socialist party concludes that he ha
been false to hi trust
"W hen a Man ia Single was given at
the Opera House last Saturday evening
by fie Margelet Dramatic Club of Pert
laud. Hazel O'Brien as n society loader,
Clara Habecost, a New York belle, and
Mamie Durkin.mi American beuty, took
'.neir arn wen. mine tkxlaay, a
countryman, Lawrence l-avageUo.a law
jer, acid Merle E. Strike, a bachelor.
ciinu in for a Rood share of the applause.
Anthony Campbell, with his long, gaunt
ngure ana uncle sam makeup niaue a
typical donrneast farmer. His witty
sayings and droll remarks made him a
favorite with the girls. Nettie Habecosl
as an Irish maid brought down the house
with her brogue and song. A distin
guishing feature of the play was the
clear and dir-tim t manner in which the
members read their lines, and showed
that much time had teen put into ill
w.nk. The house was crowded and
standing room was at a premium. Afier
the play, the young folks enjoyed danc
ing until midnight. Miss N'uit. Mr
Duvisand Mr. E. Nutt furnished the
;;.usi.; for the ncasion. Father Servai
desire t hmk al. those who assisted in J
making theaffair a success, and especial
ly the pe 'plenf Rainier for their libera
patronage. The pr.-ceeda will be used at
a nucleus fore fund to be raised for II
building of a church.
Father Servais celebrated high uiag
atGoble Sunday. The Kaldier choir
sang the mass and Mies Exel LeDuc of
St. Helens, presided at the organ.
The patent medicine man ia in ev
deuce this week. Many good people
availed tbem.elves of the opportunity cf
purchasing a two ounce bot'le which
only cot a dollar, and Included a chance
for the Que gold watch. The ladies also
use the soap which they say cleanses
the hair.
The nate vslvcs or the water works
have been delayed, in consequence of
which many ditches are open in nil parts
ot the city. The gates are expected to
arrive in a day or two and the evil rem
I urge the utmost pui.lic ty of all bus
iness brought before lie Hoard oi Kiuul
liaton, that the vote ul es.'ll ine'iihef he
a matter of record. 1 p edge inyseli to
give personal asse smeiil if el cted in
June, and give fair warning that timber,
men, lumbermen, corporations or farmers
will receive no favors as I shall assess
property on a uniform and equitable basis
regardless of persons. I am ass dated
with no riuj or combination and wilt
give the people, as I have heretofore
pledged myself, a just, holiest, and
equitable assessment and I mean and will
do Just what I say.
Ai.fkkd S. IUhuinon,
Republican Nominee (or Assessor.
Death of Mrs. Hazlett
Mrs. Nancy Jane Hmlett, a pioneer of
Kchaleiti, Columbia County, died Sun
day morning at 3 o'clock, at the home
Of her daughter, Mrs. Jessie Miller, T.'il
East Tweutteth street, Cortland. Mrs
Hailett was 7(1 years of age. and came
with her husband to the h'chalcm Valley
30 years ago, where they lived until four
years ago, when they sold their (aim and
moved to Portland. Mr. Hailett died
three years ao. The following children
are living: Mrs. Jessie Miller, Mrs
James Neeley, Mrs. Agnes Alack, of Port
land; Mrs. M.rg.irci Arthur, of Van
couver, H ash, j Mrs. Matilda Young, of
Ellsworth. Wash ; William Hailett, (
Seattle. Wash. The funeral was held
last Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
ill lilts. 'HI'
Mi ni loi;i mis
lli'.s ever mill "
the liii'-'l I't"
inn! Au
nt tiv an
You can tiv
oi Coiiiiiieiui
i-ner iviiif '"i' minv
the loin and i m luriiisli niivihing " the
I.. I l,llr . IIl'IiIV. ll WO'k. it
iieiav.-il WO'k. w
. a
H'llOol i gull..., to IIOUI CHimnss
cserciscs, don't iailto call and see what
We me agents lor ;
we have.
Five Imiidred thoiuiuid dollara will
I appropi iated at this session of i
greas Inward pallieipalioii in the inter
imllotul espiwitmu to lis held al fodva
in I'.'U', II the lloweof Utie.eiitaiives
concurs in a repot t Ici'euUv made by
ihe I'oiiituillee on llidumriiil AH" and
Kspoaiiloiis. The n'liaie lias acted al
ready. I'll committee recoimnelids,
also, (hut a siibseiiient appriipilatioii
Ui ininlr, l ot to eseeed f.W iHHI.
rulhlihrd for all pdllts oil river
or rail, wbb or without horses,
at reasonable rales. Addres Mrs.
James l,ow,
NO I II K TO t OM K.ll lH
Sealed bids will l received for the
erection ol a public school lunlding, I'ls.
I rut No 7. Watren. V'olumbia t ounlv,
lregon, in jccordtiiice with Ihe plans
and siiecittcatious now on eihihltiou at N.
F. linker's, Warren, I liegou. Ili.Uwill
lie closed on the ;UHh .lay ol April,
at 1'.' o'clock noon Ihe right to eict
anv and nil bids reserved Hv onler of
the II ard of Directors o( School District
No 7.
Attest Wu, lldLT. I'leik.
Raiuior -:- Ore
Archie McDonald was so badly crush
ed at Stella Monday hat when brought
to Kainier, died on the operating table
Mr. Crimes was brought up from
Stella with a badly crashed Jfoot, Tues
day. Dr. McLaren dressed the Wound,
ana the patient Is getting along fine.
The Jury List
Circuit Court meets on Tuesday, May
12th. Following is the list of jurors.
Burto i A. Leg, St. Helene.
N. F. Baker, Warren.
Frank Lonkey, Mi,t.
J. 8. Adam?, Ve-i Oiia.
Cnri-ti tn Jensen, Warren.
Burt West, hcapioose.
8. M. Bonis, M.iyger.
Frank Malrabrig, Mist.
C. B. Harris, St. Helens.
H. Kratz, L'lUka tie
F. A. liuru-iam, Clatska ie
Ernest Bryant, CI ili-kiiniw.
E lvart Kil -rtson, CUtskanie.
W. C. C iii-r, Wuiren.
ieo Murry, CUtskiinie.
Turn Grewell, Warren.
Otto B. Malmstn, Vernonia.
Wllbnrn Hall, Vernonia.
Fred Lftngasher, Keuben.
F. D. Kainrneyer, Scappoose.
E. T Connell, Deer Island.
Peter Meyers, Kcopponse.
Alliert Johnson. Scsppoogu,
U. M (eenlny Ve-rnoniu.
fiavid llenshiiw, If.nil o .
Wilh 1 in Kickeit, ''c 'iippo-1
Tlios A. Carter. Clatskanie.
A. K M rgaii, R.n n i-r .
J. F. I) nerli'd I, S nii',c
W E. C'oiver, Clii'fi!;n ie.
John Dibblee, Rainier.
The lavish entertainments of rhh
American diplomats whj have taken
thisuieaiu toeaiablish a sH-ial stand
ing abroad, have been severely con-
lemned by conre'i. Mr. I.oiwwurlh,
President Koo-eveli's son-in luw, de
clared that Eniie'o- William hsd l.i-e-l
his objections to Ir. David Jiiyne Hill
.Amoasrauor io ins court solely on
account of that gentleman's lack ol
fortune, and the fear that he would not
be able to maintain an establishment
eiuallr.g that of the ( resent American
ipioniauc representative, ut couise
the aim of all the speaker lias been to
how that all these difficulties and cm
lilIUCUIS coin. i tu nvonle.1 It i on
gr so would provide residences for its
d pi .malic sepr seiitntives and compel
ntjiii, oy ibw, io otvupy lliese Iicua 8
luring their term ol lhYlal sorvice.
The Secretary of Treasury has trans
mitted to Congress an eMtmate ol fIJ.
two for the payment of messengers of
the respective states for carrying to
Washington the votes of the electors for
P esldent and Vice President in the.
coming elections. Twenty. five cents a
mile, one way, 1 the basis of payment.
1'KOI'OSil.S 10 It III OH
lliils will be received by the dlttnct
clerk ol biK)l district No. v'idumbu
Cou .ly, lor the imposed eitenslou ol
the M'hool liuiisc, tlislrict No. .Io. colum
bia coiitily. the , up to noon, ,Mv ;'iid
I'.K'Is. I. e., u aditition to the prcteitl
schtHil house .HJsM, out bouses aint wosh
All bids to lw handed in to t lie district
clerk ol s,iiil dist'ict on the ahove dale,
at the Neer Cilv school bouse where ihev
will be ojened
The Nwnl ol directors reserve the right
to reject she lowest or anv bid.
lor further lurticiihirs ai tilv toll. I
Thomas, district clerk, No. Coliindna
Count v, lire
Hy order ol the l!.ird ol Directors.
O. J Tiiovus clerk.
t ullff.1 st!r lti l ll.fl.-r
r.otittii'i. I'tr.tii. t.
To Whom it u i -,ti. cut
Nullcj If t;t-r,-M Ui il lliftl iHw N'1le-r
f :(le KailWi,. I .Hiit-asi) ..4 in iitu . il
ll.l el tAit t, .Hn.,I,.. in Hi n.wtioi'l, I
l..w, ali.l ha, .t.iie,l titt m 'At,l 1e
UIHI All'l Hi4l tnv ii,t It , , t Oir t.,j;
l.,l liiN.. tluli n I m .!. r there,.! t ,)r r i ,o l44 1,-H ..Or.l tn a c )tr:rll J
lst V In llo ..fllr. ..r li,e lH.-eli,,u el U ,.rt j
si, Itoer.'.lnl AU.i trje uhlu irrnvr!!,
W llliiu Ihe iK.tsts:, .!. !..;;. .WUirf ti. ,4iB j
nl tu nnili r ,f..tMU ,ir i-i.iitr.l, 4gir,.l ti i
i .Allil Ml li. rtimtNtti) 1,1411. t rat. I ; .,r,t
loll WUhlll AH i reli.,1, or Jir fc,!.t,.,t,
si rlbeil im Ihe !lt. on ihe s-r.-uii-t lttt ih s-.i
Is mofsi sluli:e (-'f minors! than ..r miri. u'c ,
ral imrvM-.. lll tree l te. I ,nl ,,( ,lf
reiNirl lo lliti U,itiera. t,u ortiiff 41 W.,ii,g
lou. U. I'.
(. ) Ali.K.KNiA n. IiKK-i.) li
(s;. i n... w iimrr. iie,.,.(
.-..innsrii I'siine i:.i!.i i,u,i,.
IMstriel. Ufeuii.
t s
' r.
r..riun i
The recent tour of some of the larg
est cities of this country by the distin
guished Japanese business men and
women, has served to call attention in
more ways than one, to the rapid pri-
gress Jaoau Is making In competition
along Occidental 11 s. It wna signifi
cant, for Instance, that each niemlier of
this party of sixty or more Japanese
had his lugage marked in Eugllh let
if'. NW.
l ot 4 '
1's N K! .
l ot l
l.ol 4
:. at'. e. .1.
- ! 1 1 .1, Juue .1'.
tt r,l
I 41
Jiotlee For I'ahllrallon
In iho t Ir. .ill f.Mirl l'. Stale l uivs.iii, lol
t oimi. ut .'liimhia.
I're.l kur. riiniill
ISO k ilitt t-len.llil
In iIip usn.4 ot llitf stale n( Oregon
Lot, i-o s,a"Sr. ara hnelo silt In
4fi4 sn.l suti.ui ! eiit.l4iitl nist
nl hrrrltl iu il tuOorw Ilia lh lar f Slat,
iin, 0t4t itc tains' sis aasi4S from ha BMt
oil' herein, s'el II ." . rail to aeK-ar
4,1.1 sn.ner hv.-vln. ltaOOir will attr Io Ilia
i oil.t l..r Ilia rlu.( tl4ir. lot Iti lha e,,,ialltl
fllr.l herein, aiel mora ta.inaUtl latiua. as
I. U'aas.
-for a .le. re IrorM Oils eentrl .JlMnlslas lha
i..i.. -J itiatrltti..!., mist aiistins: lls.s tt.a
(.lalt.tllf Su4 .t'eh lanl on It.a gro.l.ol ,l efual
411.I ii,I'.o4ii OraC'ueitl eo.omttl.vl bs Ilia la
leit.unt th ;!f, an.l fr sued trther
ao t f.o'har re 1st a. u4 ta ttlttaMa '
thi. ioa .it. .ris I. .011 l.f fo.b!l
.all. '(I lhrrw.1 (of wot InM tfir, tl s ttaS III
'.haO'eft. .1 I.I a nsa ei-.f .or.ilb r. ll, lha
i ..llhll ..(I .':hiNi sit, ,t Oregon, ar.. Io
or-h-r of lha ..o..ra! la K a Il4,l4n. Ju.lta ,.l
II. e conn'., iio.-t aiwh or'lr is 4t,l lha 1r
la. of lirll.rsls ! he U'c ra I-. rat ., .
'..'.. ol this .,n.n.urit la the !Uti ls ol Al'fl!.
1st.. 4lel Ihe .I4tc ! ths ta.t l"0.lH-4t!oi. vi thi
tsmm.m. I lha ."U ,1a. el Ur l I
HIV i. t iiUKM.
4IU'.n. lot lallttllt.
Hf vfrluo f n stithmriil. rtitttilim a4
.r.,srf lf (M";s, l' If. (tr . t aysjrt M
tfisj tntuli u( Mriim,rnri Utw f tit
th Kt'i -Ut t Al!. 14W in i fi.o hn
tn Ihv mAtH utr W'til , r-Ha1ii(
ll ill t , (rMrr;n ixrljui,! nintl
Arthur f Vfuih tvt 1 u iclftih -t -Un
-Unit f sf Utr tttx est l it 11 -4 iii t t&i i aVsifci tsjti
lii!4?w, Sth itiUrtcet t the pts t ft f rsj,,i
t attlt'ttH m -I tum Ibl .a I tit st lit
lf;t- kttit .f Tfttny n Tt:i trliUs
sift i ttiiefs'at s rutsj 6 i-ctti tw fcet,
It i nit (hub pri tib t F, saUh til
t. .'.. ll,4 - It (;'( '- Ills? f I sVAl-J
c.-uu -t th ivh I ,
It i1' Ufvt to i-i n'll tttsil itt
l.i..jwr,y !la, firs) Id i4 s '.iutl t!,l -H ftWl
, :ii Aims !..! ( tt ll.l i 1 ; Uif. t ) U)
-ar.'ti m 1 '. . I .... j-, I.Mnt.t
ffkin umiooiiH W'H uf i I i4rl,i. n i wtl
" Uf lvc :u I .Us -.1 im,' At (fv
rv .lf i f ll . f k, mi ilirf ku ., i Mi,
Vlt U( (IsJ.r.iSi, (UlfiUt t .rutlff , tv
:i U t!'!t. Ul.'f U t y4t .,1 .alt.
tUntK c tnh iu :et Kh tiU
c.ii Mi iism.! Im taiUti'T lli 4U t'O-xiUti
'"f ' t'iiir muu owl ft l ... fc'v r, r f, ar o
a"lif(ff ( 1 111 , 11 1 I i,s . (1
w (.-iMiniioh A.ifti ;,.;. MM 4t i,n,!i
na.sM.v rsn.ulla.1 ,.. . "s atlu
(laltil SI.,1, ,'Z'ssaJr
mU ai.4 In ,1V i, i IS s.'Jjs
"akslinm lh,,.T. Vsa'
in lha i.iVi'lS.'NI Ut.
lall lt. a,, at.iiw , '""as O
fi.iniiii wi.'rrv
(.a. ii,. ..I,,. ,
lo.wil.ll... II..C ."fj" iMsTi
Itos. esl. una '
an. W.llo.viaZt . "''"stij"
astllll.l,!,, llslsj,
ss i nuitunii. . .
eattt.ti, Io , " , fcl
llllasl vuutl, , Jj, "J? L
Mnh la.- "i.'iaaejIa.T.
II,. a.i.tti.,n, , tfc '
arrull., ,ew ss
Us IsMarraUsItt,
k. , tt"liilirTrS
Notice Is !,a.. " I
oIsh o,d,r oi sal, TV
y the r..ul.lvf0,'!!ll,
court tw
v"..niT, male o Dn,, -"S
In end .!.,.,,.,
wmistrwinsol MiJTl
I It.
In Ir, utt i...,rl l tt.. slat.
(of I IJI' .4 I I .1.
Mr.a I. Ma Is.,., fuiauif
.1 t.tasiu
i lanl
ll.c alftta
"U ale
ilrrgmi. Mar. li. ."ii,
It looks as though that active little
rson with the minimum capacity for
pestering other governments. I'resident
Castro of Venezuela, were about to re
ceive the much needed spanking which
Senator Hale has so frankly declared
wrs his due. Congress seems likely to
give to I'resident RooiKveit a free biind
in the matter in which case be would
apeak Softly and "
Depirtmelitof the Inter
I.SU'1 "met at I'ortutfl
N.lllee lattaeat.e l..n ..... . . .
va..,.,...r,.tt' E.. i ' i .
lion to mat.- Una) ,,t,.,i .'.,.,
" .ir,, f.n-.rt
-PI. 3t. Ivor! lor it,,, .n ,.,.1., .
r,( urt t, .,... tJ, NW. .,( t,wi
ol r.ut e.'U.,n ;i, fowust'i'i, ', ,
west, alio ih,t ,,,, (,
elver al C,rlUi n,
Ihe l'..K!.l.-r ari l It
ou Jla) I , tl. Ijtfl
lie lisnies II, n Inllowing
... . .ootimoTn re.l.lrin
III, the Ln-1 .1.
oleplien l.ailil a. ol Vank Liu. u
'e..f l.nkl I,r,.l; jh
l Unsl.ili.l,,,.,,,,, U,,.,,,,, ,
lorn) ni 4 '
e ;l,
sn.l m,i
rlh ran.'ri
J'loi Uule ti
T" yi'ohu
In Ihrn.m. .,i .ai n ..
hereto rr.,.,. t .. ..a. ,.t .
.. .. O , I ..t ,...4 , ,,,,. ,,;.,
.'. ,...""" -a las Mar lash
,7e l'"l .""',.'".'"" ' Iha lala
orure. I . i- ti.41 ,,,.,.. o .... . ..
, ... ... ,11,4 n,s
i.:4!, . 1. . . : ' t ,0
estate I1efs.i14.11,, awnhJiT'l
aid eat.t. .llrS
Claims agwiiiat said saiiu''
and tipsnssrscl a.l-,,."'
bidder for cash oa lha u,i ," 1
IWM.tlh. tbwr
houss, , culumlH CosTtjX'
jrrty to wit; w
the souih . ,lutrl (( ,7 I
W rl ol U'
t r-lgh-V era. ,,l Ls 11
"ssssajwi mas si
ascor.img to ttovcfBi 1
irstttaFfflo I...... ,H ... . ""H
Haled ibis Stid .!, Jt J
aa.m, .sj
V, alertol.l. ,trrcr.r.l I
nam rwntsvjs kd
U lha fit. .IllVrstetattju msmj J
l-lalo, astsss
"at Irallasflau. 4alalU
au h.r.l fuis.ris.ra, t.artaas
to UlehaM t ttlV.tonn to
In (ha Statsa ,a suu
J (!. M lu ayvaat sari m-i
.u,,, faas. a. ss -as.
..i 3s isama .hufcL.ts ...v7
Ilia ,lasr ot-OT.. 14 am
le. in.1 tt ,,. I. ra 4-i i
- - 4rr-i n.. .. m,.i , 4
" aanciait... I., ) I41 tr.,l
Itm lha Uo4a vi aatrl4aa,s aa ,1
'""1 4 1 ii m 04 i tuajaltf sail a.
sll..,.,ih., v)
wwma a-a, aal It.ra
1 h IS (uBtrSAa. k. taLlaa-J fe4 4M.,
Il'.ro ra!.i4 h tlastaa. haaaa .4.1
.ela arvl a.iarr-l ara Usa a art
41' 41. .1
si-t'i. ror r.r n L.l ....,? .... ...
Ihe I.,t4.a main,!. ,,
" " l lao.liit.o l .1,1,1,.!, 01
.. ........ , ,,. ,,,
W rl. I. J, .,,,, , 1 ,,,, ,,
teliel a. Io ri a,,,,,.
thlt sntht'in.
lis... Veil
an I lor
Si'O.ll 4 ,4,
' ar 411 I lorioi-l
'.I an. I loal
s i.iihil.h,.; t,, r,t.,, ii,,,,
. . i is. a'.,.a ,.,c I
.'w .., na a'
Ol, iua,k- ,n. ,t,,.. , , Ur
Ural .i.l,!l,.4.j.
Il'.l. Mai 1 x,
J atltliu itllll.-if
"' l" llaUllff
Ust ulileA
oktr a sit it.v S
flrsl .Mh:i,ll .. Ii.r si L-a
ellre far I'sUlrstM
I Tiaaiarf Us4 ,l 1st. I n
I alle-l si4'e. I4.I I'M. far-sat i
ai ;i. i.aac
Jiolle. 14 h-t., a.,,, laal ts ata'
srllh .! (,. isloua vl IBS as. al is..
Zona I. Isr. ,nm I 4a art ka .
tiihtos.ta ... tha suta awtaiiam tri
a.a4a ar. I n aaltlt.(lo Tamle 'arrs
SO I uhstv ; ao t slatsaaa arts.
I ISO.', I..i.ia t Vl jr. l,. at -w44
slultlanmaH l titaasHB !aa aai
I. lnisfA. bn, a.otn ailattssaral Ik's
th. bisrraaaa ot :-. taofts aa.tas.4
vaa4 uartr l aarlla. Sa 1
T isn.M . Kuril, kasa. I Stl
sail tilTct w a.f to .h. that 0a at.
IS mills S.H,alia ?--s Its UastsH a Sraf
! aatsrrittnr.t iMiriwaa, aivl brassia'
Ola..lB, j elaln Io Sal. I I40J La I. 4 SUtlsSH .
S ttsraal, j " .stiarai. "raa-oi on raarwaj. .
... a or 1 1 . 1,444. a.ia nasarra as arcaa
'....a 1 I llaltv af W II S. . as
.-.ifl.'an.. tr.H
an. at... .li ssaraelrs etslsstsg arSa.'
.tai-.lav4i rlh.l Ian Is at. "aisans'
Hiss elaima in sh. .Araiia afsasassv
n ul Atoll, IW7
aljifcsmux I MB
'1 si'ti:. ,)fl. us
S "ii, I
toll, llresoll.
illler.e. Io ,,,,,,, ami ...iiliivaiio
1 ll..l,.ri
"I Vsus
AIjKll.NllN tt. !He.,:K.
3, Do you remember, cn a boy, hov
delighted you woro with your first
STEVENS? Truly an event otthet
time. Qive YOUR DOV a
STEVENS now. Will add to hi.
happiness and education.
It fa. caastat atttals
"""'. r a.plla.
sVaataaalptM ZZ-,-.
P. O. Box 409S.
Chlcopee Ealls, Maas.
M '().)
I'l Ihallre,,,,,. .,, ,
I ..ilnhls 1 1.11,1,
Ih.ra ll ,,r, I :(,
I Oregur, fof
tea. Itia
lalan'lsitl al.
rraa al.k., ho. u, 1.1,, , T v.
e..rjrl4jhu, ato .a. , VIt l"J"-
'... Mrivuk lf,,,-1.w
wfiVe.,lrl,Ln:.r, p,,c,ic ui-
U Slsla sua. .IU4 ,UUa
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In lit. nam. nl lha aula tJ Otsaat 1".
tiatehf rai(rw,l In aesar aSd
trlallil Blr.1 acshi.l i I. Ors " ati.l ... r tartortlaa "
A frit 4 ll Its. aaM.lau Waia"
anda'lat llntflrs. Iiithllealh allS'a""
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ii.,,i .. hha ml. , .1 1,1 tl.,;.h 1 ll ina s.-:
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. ..., ,., , ris.lll... " ,w" an.l II tou tautua-sa.-
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ii,,,,,,.,- . .... r..i,,f , 4,t, ,,. ll loreerr .liaa.,1, e. 4,1,1 . "7" .
mill,' "t her nill.., am,
Ttsls tllliiltilsM la saftfst stnS P?
' la o il. 1 t .. . I ........ . . ... tt.,n,tfalat
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In! Ih. f '.til, If I . olumUS,
J W. M.l.lU. 1'
' I Illation there..! a l m"lu
I tt.a ami sii-ju. aeaaslliisa",
si. 1 ,.i.. ,,
' I" run lioin ii,
"I ni.-l 11,. Hi,
t in ill,. ., ,-r
C'sr 1,1 in. .
"Hill, l,l.,,
and CURE thi LUNC8
Dr. King's
New Discovery
OR jw:
I Hi
, hh " lime
la nl Ih.- a,
".""'".ill ul,, 1, ,.,.,..,,'.,'.
tt.a ami sniN-ossl..
a wnaalv .a ml 11 , n..ral ''"J'SJU
'III haul,, lain, l-rlllle.l .eesijr mt a.
i.iii,inii,,i, i.uuuir, tirofott
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HI 1.1 Ihls ,,.
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Mlnr,,,.,, , i.uf
l':rsl ,iil,ll, allon M.'.'-tilW".
Ih. I ut v r.o, ..i .. .....
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Mil. lion, ,. ' "' Hi- llr.l tiiihli,, .,
o .. nun, ,.. ,r,,.,r, ...' "" I' it'llenlliin ,,l
Too much IUM
liifiirmatloti (n.m uiirrll
cot, iinlt-n! yon are alpl
(Inietlnr of OrcilOtt ritl '
ton, complclo
cry town In IheUoSUi
. Willed lluilnew PlrW