The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 01, 1908, Image 7

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Urn hi.u i.aoo.
. a i- . riM Minutes to Fruit Cammlialonan Maid Will m.l.
rtcriDto -j - -
B,m lb Town.. u" -ew.
..... .n fun i ii iii.i ...
U ,",'"'",y "i V. . l-fra oVe, . r ; : P that the jury look four ballot.
I,. nil III" K'ttl "I UODNi i . ,,...,,..,. ... ..i,,,,,,!,., .... .1 thn riml a.wiwitiir till... fin M.nvlrllnri
Lhni II uoi Tlbed I" ,BW afflicted orchards of Clin kiiiiiiia 'and lhre for acquittal.
,m of I""". ""I '""' l'"" Or. Hentctic, will he Impound by Judge
it 131 la it
Ll tll ' 1 w'h'
L,,.(i.,i with Mium
Guilty of Appropriating Htate Monty
to Privala Uh,
8ii1i.hi, 0r) April 24. Ouilly of
ciinvertlm lu hlii own uitu $2811.000
of Hi nl school ijtulH, wmt the verdict
rendered nk I' I ii Ht J. Turn burn Hobs
ly u Murloti county jury yeatcrdsy
afternoon. Tim Jury wan out an dour
uiiil tun tn In uu.
From whnt inn be learned It up-
II... MUlll O '.,, ----- -y. " n ......... '
. . mi'iiiburatitii sub- Hon t-r power A hallway Com- .... , . .r
t,-urd .mmursinu . , Krini horn i iL f -lumen on Monday morning. The
reorganises . , ... , ,, ...,.,.. ,,.,. I kvum 1 1 V iirovldnrf Iiv law U 1 111 lirlM-
County Krull Inspector A. J. I,nwls onmeut In the penitentiary for from
llMl .....I 111........ AI. ......... lilt! . 1 I . .
kiWM " V ""V .iihmtv i,, oilt, t(J fifteen years and by fine ot
l, iinomlng. t',1' Hedge., for the purpo... of carefully .double the amount of the defulca
i ... ....... .. i ii n ihuij .ii. .. . ... i - -.. . ,. . .. .. . .
rrniliin"" " ' - wi iiun
Lnruuiilily tomorrow Iwtrn- dlxuanvd onlmnU to ltbr apray
Li, imiirv will l brought im ir ir' or cut thiu down.
I... i... i in tour, nil 'I a colli. .Marlon and Yamhill countliK
I, jMiBiiiil' d L I'.H. ha ol.-yid tha law," nld Mr. KmIiI,
ClJin I'urat f fnthualaxm, "and It la up to t'lnckamaa to do tln
r . ....t..i HimiKii-f wari ... ... ti i. h ..... un.i r..i
1 . '. . . .1. ilia If. ... 1 i-.i I 1
III lli'i 1 I' i"i""n - - igmHiit Hint ii vi mi i mill jii'i iiiiin
',iiu Uh Imf ii""", iiMtuuiccr of tboimniiiU of liiniii'iTkiT coma from
. . ..1.1 I'lult tthn ... ............ f..n ...
int inning" iiw rnni iiiiiivkii vmiitii urn, mill,
mm rul't WO ' KUIn ufitir travillnu throiiiili thu outhi-rn
pur (' Ho K1M' ' portlo:i of Oriton and th-n throuish
Ll Cut tuiiiorruw. 1 1. unit, l.iun and Marlon intintli-n.
riun to t Inrkaitm and lii r are con-
L v.i ami H.I. a Hona tronlBd ny tli aprriarm of acaie-ltf
kn Will P" . f.,.i,l ir.., hulntr.,1 of m i... of
TI." i"f t'rlr, th,.i, almolul-ly of nu nlu. to th
,! in tho l"t mnrknt for thu own,r or to any on il."
Thn cimn arltl of roiiraM. tm an-
palid to llm aiiprcma court, whnn
lllH cn.n t4-HI hu Irlmt lirui'l If'Illlli
aimw, fur llm diffi-nau objitcted to
nearly an inn i-yiui-nce, auvvo i'xubij
llona, mid qui'Ntloncd thn rulInK of
lliu lrli.1 (.miff ttn ufl lullllt. if lllW
.that Ko to thi foundutloD of tho caao.
Attorney Mrt iiiiiani aeciuiou io
itlnriiM. Ihn vr,1lit tint n. V!rV
pliiluly deeply dlanppoliilvd.
... i,i, not raiiK'd many
., gniw u t' " u of bu
.t.. -'.on or SiiOrt rr
t l.ii'"l "P " 'I'" eiitlrw
.n.MiCli ard at" left, U
Un riiii.liil to (iroduio
ir If mt lariter. tnnn
Cugana Mill Fmdt Railroad TarifTa
Hava Doubled
j,.t,-Hi .1 M Htirlli.v. nf KuiO'ite. man
l ll"l IM1'C, ' " J - , X
I'ultitattiin l bwlna: ai-r ef the Kiiicno Mill rii'Btnr 'ii
ur lionllintied In om ec-, I tr. sm.i a trrent raian of
. .... .. te.-lw Iml thr iif in Im-nl
L i. i rr of tholr yard frnijlit rat. In that part nf the Mate.
trtliin of th maturml crop IU e,..-l..-. a liippiui! r.ipt .hnwinu
r " ... . . .!..,... ...... . 4 t ....... . iiui
b lilrkrd Will flepnna on I mat !' ' a '' " in. r
l matter can b arranited j iii l en wbi at and uat. from KuKrne
N.,1 A tflMUl tlianr fll ion " iwnimin, w , - ...
n. t-i.UK ahead with
In the hop that am
tlAlltll'U l.t'fora plrklng
Lit the market t a higher
a ihr) will b abl to l"f-
t t,n iimir rrooa. Tho proa.
k'Mimy one. hownrar, and It
k at If tlm lK rrop urinn
c tll only mah the mar-
Loon lima In Marlon
m,atv t'l-'k It i. Allen In
!.. rkn kin, liin the lna
v, mil I'nuntv hn-al (iptinB
k I f .nii.l the H litlnn lo be in
kti I'V 'vetal hunilfrd
.t (uais tti- law reipiifea. Tan
.(inn mil thncrfnre be uh
:h.r -i.i if Malum emintv
LU ttii-te ill bo ln fltil n
d ..flii-ra and tlu-re W
k in n nf Hie ataln emitent.
u f. t amliir, l l rerlalo
i!..n ini.lun will be tit"
N.urii all, lit Inn
et Comlea; lo r'ta
The Kuiten C'liti'tti'rclal
M ii... Lint in have Ku-
urninl at the 1'ortl.ind
ial in Jun-i by lit men In
ilrlil Ki' fl l UKt will
Mi (,;e ault. whlto ahoea
in.) cirry a I'lt in yellow
n u in tir 1 1 it bmirlnj the
rugMie, l.nne Citjtltr ," A
iirdim will be run from
I ii Kf"'it rrowd II "it-
b.i.v.ry for Crania Pat.
Tim lirnnla I'aaa may
a tr.e delivery avatem.
r liiiimill islvea tlKuri-a
hu rwrlni fur llm flitral
kit April I. 1901. lo be over
Thin U tin Inrreaan oi
r l.iiil ii nr'a bualneaa. Tne
II hi. iitntiT rnnalilernllon
pre itit Itrtl nae lh number-
"um Thla Increaan can
I'UtKled by the Inermiae 10
V Will Own Watar Plant.
v. i. pii'iiMini. uniiiMt and utireaaun
l,li- I'rmr In January I, lieiT, the rate
mm. Ii rnii Ttm tali- fur a little lunif
ir tli.tanee, a., fur in.tam-e, from Ku
gene to Hum burg, I new 31 rent.,
Kl.rt.m the fi.rmir rate waa 15 renta.
Tlt ( an Inernaw nf out I'MI per rent.
The tailruail emmi-iun win munr
Haady to Rtriaa O I
ti.., nil, 1 hu comnletH outfit for
i...,i., u .n oil wvll on tho Whltenker
farm, thr mllea north of Monmouth
h. .rrlrn.t ami ta be In uuioanea
and plared on thn alte for tho well,
ri... i.iir.iliina for oil Telna In thla
rlrlnlty havo attracted tho attention
of mperta for aevcral yeara paat. and
much Ititerrat among tne ianiunei
la taken In the outcome of thla work,
which la barked by ample capital ir
a thorough teat.
Frail N ppad In DouglBi
(..-hurg l.niglai I'mmty fitutgr.iw
nt. ain murh mnrertied a. t.i the client
f the damage rn.i 't bv lat night 'a
fro.t Kr-iii atime the rint
r..mi. that the peat". -aehea, cl.err.e--...i
r.tlv fruila Will be a tetul
Hill' -
)... while in other aeetmna the gn.wer.
am an vet unable t- -" ,lit t"' ""
damage tin y I.Be .utter. .! ir.nn wu
Vein front
....... v,nrli nrtrca: Cltlb. KIC
per buahel; red lluaalno. 2e; blue
atem. K"p: valley, "ir
Itarley K-d. IStr.O per ton;
rolled. hr M: An
Onte-- No. I white, 136 60' 2'
per ton; gray. $2
Mlllaiuff - ". ' ,7
mld.lllnga. ST.60; ahorla. '"""I"
ft B(; rlt. 121; and hurley
Chop. 13 I Vnllnv
l,iy Tlmotnr. nii"""",,v "
U per ton; Wlllnnieno
dln.rr.ll: l-Uatern Oregon. I ' if0,
lulled $16; rlover. f H; alfnira. It-.
mnt n,,r . ,iu
I ... a..aa MOatMfn f W I11H. I H T
Ai a miinl. lpi.1 wlmtlon l h,,,,"V "'VV brick Sue; B"l
tin. to piircha... per pound cream brick, .on.
!.m,.. Vuli-y Companya J.Ik.. .c; llm ... npr
Ika earrl...t l.v s& to 116. ultrjr - "'' . " "7
' .. . . I .. a. 4i IlLf lir rinmi-i".
ri.ini..n to voto $400.t)io lo. ; rnucr ....... Voller. ".
ra ,,,,. water Plant nM, Kri fry-r. J0,'Uu 'r
v r. n ... i" . . iw, mi. :ru..i..ii'.
! II 'I I 111 ill. I ll-l I"'
"1 nt aevernl prevloua elec-
eni h tlinii the flection wna
iil'-gal on account of loch-
Ca-8uparviaor Gallagher Blown
by Bomb
Oakland, Oil.. April H.Whiit la
believed by tho pollco to have boon
an attempt to naaiiaHlmita Jiitnea L.
tiiilliigher, one of the muln wttnuaaia
tor the proaiH-otloo In thn buu Fran
claco graft raaea, wna made ahortly
after 7 o'clock tonight nt tbo homo
of William II. bcheuck, (iallagher'a
brother-lu-law, Kaal Twentieth atreet
umt N'lnn!ii.ith MVenuH. Euat Oak
land, when tt huge bomb plnced ou
the porch enploded and tore away
the whole front of the home, tlallo-
rtixr w.a mi atalra with IllB wife at
m.. time, and Mr. Kchenck waa la a
rear room with hie wlte and four
children and or Uuy lirown.
All nicnpeij but one uoy, wno waa
hit In thn nuck bv a flying utlaalle.
That none waa killed waa little.
ahort of a miracle, finllngher'e hat
a... bv a aullnter. and taken
away aa a eouvenlr. The houao waa
completely wrocked. roe report waa
k...i .11 nivr Dakland and many
iii,iiik. in the nelahborhood were
broken A poat belonging to the
ponh wua hurled 100 fool away.
Valuable clewa to the pmpotrntora
of the crime were gained today
through the finding of a allk hand
kerchief In which ll la auppoaea me
Infernal machine waa wrapped.
In a search of the debrla thla morn
ing detcctlvca located aome wire and
fuan nnd capa, which would Indicate,
according to fhlef Wllaon. that a
bomb ot boiiic orl hud been umh!
Heney Had Warned Him.
Han KranrlHco. April .4. "The
. . ii, ,n uin certainly make a
,i...r.,...h iinrnui luntion of the
.11. ni
daatardly nltempt to kill one of trie
moat Important wuuenn m.
mate In the bribery graft caeca." wild
...i.....,i mm riri Aitorncv Krunrla J.
Ileney thla morning to the Aeaocluted
1'reaa repriwntntlve.
i. ii..,,..!- i-..fn.-il to alute whether
or not he had nuy evidence pointing
.. . 1. ..ri.i.triititm
in .1... .. ,. ,i,
"1 am BittiMU'H tnui n
work of a fanatic or cruna. o
..1......1 ihn Aaalalnnt Olatrlcl Attor
my "Neither did the attempt upon
....i...... nr., anrnrlae me. I
f O I 111 P. I" I " . ...K-
v.nrne.1 him more than three months
ago thnt If he wna not riiretnl tney
would get him.' tmu tu u' " "
him to move from Oakland, telling
him hla home might be blown up.
Aalde from thla I have nothing to
any at preaent."
ttaiuruay, April 26
U'n.litnirlnn Afiril 'ITi Another llllV
mmh .i.j.,,1 Iiv i In. w.nntn In cnnaideriiiu
ii. n ,....,.n.l,..,.n t.i llm nuviil a iif iroliriM-
.. i'ii , . . , ... 1....1 ...
lion mil, oiiv u void waa iniv ii--;ii.:.. i
tlm clnait of the iliacuaaion, which was
participated in by a dogi-n w nninra.
Ilali. aecured nil agreement fr a vote
before adjournment on Monday.
A t,,,.M ,.r 41m ...nuln fnllltn llliririff
tho day Indicated that the four ahip pro
gram will be defeated and that the de
bate Inn changed aevcral votea. MUC.B
i.r ll... .lit.,. ml,!, .n loill.V UVH. llllVntl'fl tn
tho improbability of war being forced
upon tin. L tilled rtuiB. jievernigu anu
I'll... urtim utiunilv nritinlMnl bv A 111-
rich, I'erkina and Mrt.'utnber fur their
atnlcmeiita of yeaterdny, and aevcral
heated eollonuioa occurred, lleveridge
will reply on Monday.
U.'uhlSniFl,in Anril 9.1 Thu actual in-
veatigatinn of tho wood pulp and print
piiier queation, involving ill pri.aM'Ct an
xumiiiatiiin into the uffaira of the paper
trunt to determine whether or not it ia
na alleged by the American Newnpnper
rubliahera' Aaaociation a combination
in reatrnint of trade and maintaining a
monopoly of the print paper supply in
llm t tilt... I Kfiil,.. wn. Im'I'DH todav llV
the aeleet committer iijin,iinteil by
Hieaker Cannon, w hoae chuirinan ia Hep-
rem nliitivo Jamea it. Mann, oi 'iiinoia.
ami the other nieuibera of which are- f Ohio, Malford of lu ntucky,
lliimii.n nf llhi... tSaffuril .if W lnl'iin i II .
Himin of Tenueaaee and Hyan of New
Friday, April 24
Wakiitriirtfin. Anrll 24. ArKU-
niei.ta In favor of the prealdenfa pro
gram for four bnttleahipa conaumed
moat of the aetuilon of tne aenaie to
day. I'llea. of WBBhinglon. opened
tho debate, declaring thai tne Asia
tic altuntlon affecting tne racmc
conat waa a mvnnce to that section,
aa war clouda might quickly rlae
there over aome cinart rjeiween Am
erlrana and the Jnpnnoae. He wanted
a fleet kept tn tho I'aclflc.
Thla, ha declared, waa a menaure
of pence, nnd not of war. H came,
he bh Id, from the aection of the coun
try that mitat be the atorm center of
nny conflict In the Tnciric ocean, me of tho I'aclflc were In favor
of four hattloahlpe. He Kent to the
fiict to aenato leadort toduy l re
gardod a reaponalblo for the n-
i.v iinio that he would ,
llllUll:.?., :. n ' " "
propoau an anitsdment appropriating
$7,000,000 toward mo cuubu uhi
of thoBO ah I pa.
ni.,. m,. i, .tatvil hla DOBltlon
!on this point with unusual eniphasla
and auddenneaa lonay, upon mum. us.
that the bill a paHsed by me nouiw
waa Blmply a "paper" provision for
n.i on I ificreaan. Authorization of tne
ships waa made, but no money car
ried to make the provision effective.
Huch legislation as this, the president
made known to nu numerous .u
Kresslonal callors, was a travesty as
to elTectlveneBB, as wcu bb rarais
all the earmarks of legislative leg
erdemain Intended to make -cldlcit-
lous his campaign lor mo greater
.. .. ....
That the presidents quicn ana
i.,n..,i. .iinn ia to ne effective is
evidenced by the action of Chairman
Hale, of the senate naval committee.
In announcing thnt ai me proi-r
time he will propose the $7,000,o00
Tuesday, April 21.
Washington, April 21. Against a
united democracy, which denied the
sincerity of the republican majority,
tho house today, by a vote of 184 to
110, passed Speaker Cannon's reso
ii.finn orovldinar for an Investigation
of tho paper trust and, in pursuance
of Its provisions, the speaker an
nounced as the commltU'o of six who
will conduct the investigation -nanu
(111.), Miller (Kan.), manoro
iw'ia t Bannon (OJ. Sims (Tenn.)
and Ryan IN. Y.)
Fltitgerald created laugnier Dy r
ferrlne to the speaker as "the whole
business" In the bouse. He said that
be had told some people, wno naa
written him aooui wooa puip, uui m
mm tholr tlm on the white bouse.
as the president had In a degree re
cently lost his Influence with th
house. ...
"We will stand by the president
to the last ditch." he humorously re
marked, 'and 1 expect we and th
president will go Into the last ditch
The McCall campaign puoiicuy diu
todny was unanimously reeommend
a icx iha hniiu for Dasaaee by the
committee on election of president.
vino iiri .l.tent'a detik a statement of
a voU of 162 editors attending aivl(. ore.ident and representatives In
. . , . ,. .LI.1, .A 1 .1 1 . . 1 a w A
Plenum in rew iora. .nun. congress. rnougn inirouuceu vj
showed 126 In favor of the four bat- repUtItean. It had the undivided sup
jtlcahlps and the prosldent's policy for . port of tne democratic members ot
naval expansion. tne committee, and oi nauonai puo-
u.' hi l.i tin hnil never been one of i ...n.iDiin
1 1 1 1 1 J W nw. ..
tho who feared war. It should not.
be denied, n said, tnni mere was on Washington. April 21. Tne re
the fnrlflc coast a peculiar condl- porled purpose of tho president to
Hon, nnd tho time wns coming oengend ,he fle(,t o battleships now on
ih. ii.i.niln nf this country would:... ,, , n,nnH iha world.
,.. i,. ihnt rnndltlon. The Pa
cific coast, be udded, had by Its op
portunities attracted many Asinuca.
who hud liwn reared in a ainerem
way from the people of thn United
u..,...u Thm. u.i n rioaMlltilltV Of a
cliiKh between these people nud those
of the Tiicinc coaat.
the Pacific coast around the world,
wna the basis of a discussion In the
senate todny when the naval appro-
prlatlon bill was taken up for con
sideration. Defending the policy of sending
the fleet of battleships to the Pacific
ocean. Senator Ldge said great goou
is already resulting from the long
cruise and It Is teaching the fleet
how to maintain itself away from
shipyards, by making repairs through
Its own mechanics on ooaro.
. 1. 1.... I.... Anrll It The hlisl-
llliniiini.Kiii, ,-... -
ness of the house proceeded today at
ii rapid gait, despite the fact thnt the
democrats forced six rollcans. um
I 000 pension Mils were put through,
the lurst-at batch of the session.
A bill was passed providing tor tne
.,..,(.,, r nf. on mi visible waters
during regnltiis nnd murine- pnramn.
There also was aiscuaseu m n-ns.. cost question in me iuuuuuuiuii j
the ' Hurlesoti resolution demanding speaker Cannon of a resolution for
thi report of the Commissioner orithe appointment of a select commit-
Corporations on tne cause oi uucioa
tlons In cotton. The voto on that
iiioii sure will be taken tomorrow.
Irqjiry Into Paper Trust.
ie.,.u,.inn Anrll 24. A definite
Li., uo. h.un tinliiv toward a solu-
i parades. tj(,n 0( tne wood pulp and newspaper
nt length fo8t quostlon In the Introduction by
i ti ir Sfic:
p,.r hundred: Wlln",pu" .
buying price, 46c per !
Multnomah. ' I'V,. m;
,1.1. S.udl.. f.paranio, H'"-,""" "V"1,, i Jf RHc
-nllle An Kaperanto Clnh' hundred, new lm .
f..r,ne, this city with six ! ' job p'rlcr I i4 .7 5 P-'
inewhrrs. for tho study of, "'"""rfwn. irU-e $4 2B tff 4 50
ll lit ........ .. I i ............ i I tltllliio". - -- . I
udred; buying "ul,a.
.reHit,.,, Arthur McPhll- PW "W; ...'"jjiirt "per box;
fancy'. $21 cholee. $ . rm,,,,r7'
$1 2&. ... liSOtffS
.u 1.11 ii , ii i, -". -
r remi . .
tarv. K it t l.nnta trensiirer
I' I'. Hwnnder, Instructor,
lll 1h held weekly.
F'tk Laid to OorrU
f'li I'ulla Track Inylng was
r" .i ,r.,i4.75: common
inpiiuim. . - .
II tin. U In inn Hi rlvnr lteg
11 in,. will be c-atubllHheil
f'at tail Year's Wheat.
V IV..I..1....... ..
I '" iKiin'ra urn vei j un"j
r'i"K wneat from tho Mnorns
on inn Ciillfornla North-, $a.B0fif 4 ; cows. best.
Dnrrl. vi.ulnr.lnv Thla new cilolllOII. $ 3 2 B (if 3.7 5 , cnivtB. f
'i so ulli of thn Oregon line 4. BO. ,M.ers $t 8 .f:
ullin from the steiitlihoat Sheep Heal win.
1 m ,1 m IAi altirlllir ltllllUPl
pound. n.ann. nvernge
K wheat from tho Mnoras woo t'.aaiei ,.,,
mere was n quantity or best, iiwiac. i . ,,,,.- RC.
on hand Inst fall when the to shrinkage; Valley. 121GC a )
....I . . . ' Am, mini IV.
ion stop to naming, nm corning vu j.jniin per
ho hnnln.l tn th. Rhanlko Mohair Choice, lOHPHUW
Tarnado In Nebratks.
Paris. Neb.. April 24 -About f.
o'clock thla afternoon a tornado de
utroved the eiiatern portion of De
port' a town 20 miles southeast ot
!. ..'. . i,n.. L- u lahell. u i nig-
runs, boh"h ,.,.
gist, and wounding several olhw.
The lahell inmuy waa ui "H'l'"' -
the storm came
Tract Icnllv nil tne reaiiien.T.-i.
-Li.. ,.f nn were destroyed,
me enai ain.j .- - -
at leaat 25 or SO being scntterod over
the country In fragment.
Oak drove .a town mm o. - ....-
vllle. on tho Texas J nemc -
riwid. Is reiiorted "V": h,i'
n-ny tiouaesneing ... o
without lataiiiifa aa
pi... mith of the storm was several
hundred yards wide.
Revive CoachlnR In England.
..n. Anrll 24. Alfrcd G. Vnn-
.I..J.II. Khnao' effort to revive Inter-
,,, 'coaching In England hu been
ho symptillieticniiy recc....... . -
. nih nn a series nf trial
.ion m.- : " rnll, ,,e w(lt)
trips over li e i ...n-"-,, " rtv f
accompttniea ;""",",, ollt.
P truffle m iVdllly it, order to nU
!;)w Ino cottoh to gain a free p.iw.
Mr Vnndorbin win nmno
regulnr trip on May 4.
Thursday. April 23
Washington. April 23. After one
of the hardest fought legislative bat
tles of this session, the house of rep
reaentntlves. Into this nf crnoon by n
I voto of 247 to 8. pnsred the Fulton
lnnd-grnnt renolutlon witnoui amenu-
mont Prior to tne vote on uoi.i
iii.aunn... Kordnev's nnit'Pdment was
voted down. 43 to 227. Tho resolu
tion will go to the president ny tne
end of the week nnd will promptly
be signed hy him.
Immediately tnerenuer si pa
he tnken to Initiate milt against the
. fnllrnrnin Until olid Com-
pnnv to s.-ctire forftMtiire of the tin-
sold portion or Its grnm. rw ...
time being. It Is nnderstoid, no pro-ciH-dlngs
will be nndfrtnken against
lumber rompnnlea nnd other pur-
rhnsera from the raiirona.
I.....VI..I.. inrii 93 As the
V BBIlI"K..i... "I" , .,
senate wns about to conclude consid
eration of the nnvnl npproprinuou
bill todnv, Senator Piles, of Wash
ington, proposed on amendment m
crenalng from two to four the num
ber of new bittiicsnips io mr ui......
A spirited debate occurred on the
nmondment for tne rosiricuou o. ...
purchase of mnterlnls for the con
' ... v, hnttlunhlnR and sub-
siruciitiii in " -- ----- ...
marine bonts to tnoso oi uom...
the appointment of a select commit
tee or six memiiers io inimusmo
nnd obtain all possible information
as to the reasons for the increased
price of white paper "to the end that
needful legislation may oe euni-vcu.
rh.. .miiiiiiiinn which was rcfprr.'d
to the committee on rules, of which
the speaker Is chairman, empowers
the committee to sit In Washington
or elsewhere during sessions of the
house and the recess of congreci nnd
confers the usual autnoruy oi iu-
pena, the administration oi ouius.
; Ircreasa Wldowi" Penion.
.i'..... in..tnn Anrll 54. Conferees
on the widows' pension bill reached
an agreement loony oy auopin.s mn
bill practically in the form as passed
by the house. It increases from $8
to $13 per niontn tne pensions m
widows or sonters oi ine ae.'i."i
i-,.i nnri civil warn, and will in
crease the pensien list about $12,-
Seeks National Registration
M'..hiniTtnn Anril 24. Senator
Curtis today Introduced a bill to re
quire corporations organised tinder
federal or state charters to register
with the department oi coramurcn
and labor and secure a permit there
from before attempting to transact
business in a state or lerruory ....nn
than that In which It is organised.
Ai-b'tratlon With Spain.
Tv'oohinirtnn. Anrll 24. A general
inufnrtnre. , .-hi.,.i,.n hotween the United
ru"lon from the b I U Tore defeat- Stales -and Spain was signed todny.
, strict ion irom w ,k ,w0tnnH ihnt the treaty fol-
el. Hale esttmnt ng " nl, ".. I ,,. h'r ,hn general arbl-
vimtinntlon or tne siwi imi "v . - " . . w
,V. i the Price of steel armor tratlon treaties already slgnetl be-
' . . . r r n ami
M.ehlnlati Slrlke
MnrshnllK''". ApJhLV"r7 tho' Uoosevolt will' veto tho nnvnl appro
wi..iu.. iii the vnrlmiB shops or '"i '"... vm .hl,i,i the senate, at
lowa Cenrl railway "'l' dTd" '.he hous. fall to make any a P-
i..,.ihun wiiii inni'in ' . iinn rjin f n a ywti iitiLLii-niiiifa
,,.R,.i.., i -,,(. ,,n hour propria. io.. ....
tlces. A renucuo.. . . whlch are authoruca in ine monau.y
in the wage schedule eausea l romDt announcement ot this
hurt been reduced from oio o
$600 per ton to $416 tr ton.
W.Hnc.H.v. Anrll 22
WnsMngton. April 22,Presldent
tween this nnd several of the Euro
pean governments.
Millions for District of Columbia
it- 1.1... Anrll !n Thn Dis
trict of Columbia appropriation bill
was reported to the senate today. It
carries $11. 494, tin f, an increase
$1,954,388 over the amount of the
bill as It was passed Dytnetvjuse.
-""jrlng monno.