The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 01, 1908, Image 6

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sm.iI tack frMay
la a Condensed Form lor Our
Resume of tha Less Important but
Not Las Interesting Event
of the Pad Weak.
Admire! ?an took an auto ride
and la feeling much Improved.
The boycott of Japanese snort by
Chtneae. tut exteuded to Australia.
The supreme court of Illinois de
claro the new local option law valid.
Pensneola street car striker
stoned the car barn and several ar
rest were made.
Lieutenant General Llnevltch, who
managed the ltusslaa retreat from
Mukden, 1 dead.
Representative Rayner, of Uary
laad. aay It la time to curb the
power of tha prealdeat.
The Independence league of New
York U practically baukrupt and lta
creditors threaten suit.
King Edward aay of the dead
premier: "He was a faithful servant
of his country. I am truly sorry he
has gone."
The Illinois democracy has In
structed It delegate to Tote for
Bryan and use all honorable means
to secure his nomination.
General Manager Gruher of the
Great Northern, estimates that the
damage to that road by the bursting
of the Mauser lake dam wa about
Los Angeles will take about 3300
men of the battleship fleet on a tour
of the city. Then they will hate a
barbecue luncheon and see the wild
west show.
Widespread rains are causing
great Joy to California farmers.
It Is reported that threats have
been made on the life of Abe Huef.
Sudden warm weather Is causing
great damage In Alaska trom floods.
Four million oysters were destroy
ed by striking fishermen at Cancale,
Southern 8iorm Much Wors Than
First H parted.
Now Orleans. April 8".--Probnblv
800 lives lost, 100 or more person
fatally injured and many time this
uumbvr fatally hurt, together with a
property loss running up in the mil
linos, is the record so far of a toruadv'
that originated in the west two days
ago, sweeping Texas, Arkansas, Louis
ana, Tennessee niul lloorgia. It lias left
a path of death, desolation and want
in its wnko, seriously interrupted all
aomuiunication bet weili cities in the
south, and brought about rliaotiu eon
ditlons iu in n n y smaller towns.
Mississippi, already a sufferer from
morn than one tornado this year, has
nguin borne the brunt of the winds and
rains. Kstimatcs of the number of
those who lost their lives iu that state
plaeo the death list between 1.10 and
15, with a thousand or more injured.
In Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and
Georgia the death lists are also large,
with serious loss of life in Arkansas
and Tennessee. Authentic, information
is in many instance larking, owiug-to
the crippled facilities for comniunica
tion and the lack of time to form any
tiling like an accurate estimate, of the
damage done in many section.
la half a doaen communities martial
law ha been declared, so terrible was
the destruction and so helpless were
the stricken people left bv the disaster.
Serious disorders have occurred in some
places, including Amite, La. looting
and other crime have been reiwrted
but those iustauces have on the whole
been rare.
Several place have issued appeals for
aid and in .Mississippi ttovornor .o.-l
has boon asked to provide tents for the
The tornado has lasted in all a period
or nearly two days, it wa lhursday
night that damage bv tornadoes travel
ing was first reported from point in
Texas. This was followed during the
next Si hours by similar report from
Arkansas, Louisiana. Mississippi and
TennoiMoe. Last night Alabama came
within the flight of the storm and to
day report of serious damage by the
wind in (icorgia have beeu recorded.
t'tter misery of every sort was found
today at l'urvia. Miss., by relief parties.
Despite the fact that of the 2'eiu uihiili
tants which this little town boasted yes
terday morning, there were only poo to
day, still there were not sumctcnt c
coniuintlationa in the wrecked village fur
even the wounded. Negro mammies and
little black children lav wounded and
lilplexs under the broiling Southern sun.
.Some had broken boues, some were part
A bunco man who has been rob-1 ly crushed and others had been wound
bine women bas been arrested In
Four masked robbers held up a
fashionable club at Hot Springs,
Ark., and got away with 110.000.
All the regular army troops In
the Tlclnity of Seattle will partici
pate In the welcome of battleships
at that port.
Mrs. Beulah Hawkins of Los An
geles, has now been asleep 78 days,
and there Is apparently no change in
her condition.
Eight consecutive witnesses In the
Ford bribery trial testified tbnt Gab
higher paid them money to vote for
the overhead trolley franchise.
Roman Catholics of the United Liner 8t Paul 8maih Into Warship
states win raise a tuna ot one mil- i Dunn Snowstorm
Southampton, April 27. The Am.rl
can line steamer St. Paul, which left
An attempt was maae to ssssiisi. Mouthamuton on her n .mini- nov...
nnto ex-Supervisor Gallagher, of ban bound for New Vork. this afternoon ,n
rrancisco, oy uiownig up uia nuu ia dense snow storm rammed and d
with a bomb. No one was injured. Utroved the liritiab second clans
Russian forces have repulsed the M'ladiator off the Isle of Wight.
ed by sticks and splinters. These unfor
unates were lucky if they had a blanket
or a wrecked couch to rest upon.
There was not enough shelter in the
town to protect them from the sun and
many nf the walls which remained
standing hid no roofs, and by a ipoer
ireaa or me tornado many of the trees
which had not been uprooted had lie.-n
snatched off a few feet above the
ground. The grove of pines was muti
lated in such a manner that it appeared
a if a gigantic scythe had swept
through tho grove about 23 feet above
the ground.
Dead In Ihree States Number
At Least 225.
Negro. trd Most, their Light
Cab'n doing to fiscal Like
Card Houses.
Atlanta, tin. April 35. --Report
up to 3 a. in. Indicate Hint 335 t
son were killed and at least 1 000
were Injured Iu storms o( great vio
lence which iwssvd over section of
Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama
yesterday. Several town were al
most totally swept away and the
property duninge will run Into large
Nearly 30 town wor struck ly
the "twister," of which there etiu
to haw been at least five.
Most of those killed were negroes.
whose cabin acre swept away like
so much unpvr.
Niitchoi. Mis, report that or
persons killed In that etlo only
two were white.
latest report from Amite, a ininll
town In Southeastern Louisiana, say
tho town whs almost entirely de
stroyed and the estimate place the
no in ter killed nt between 35 and 0
while nt least 7a were Injured
At Mi'l.nln. Miss . eight ar re.
ported to have been killed, at Vf-
dull. La., one white woman and six
negroes are dead; at ljullman Land
lug. eleven In roe wvre killed.
The latest report at hand come
from l'urvia l-andtng. Miss, where
:'5 whites and 50 negro were vie
tltn of the storm, and report nf one
to five death came from many
town scattered over the storm-swept
area. Details at present are meaner
.New Orleans aud .Mobile were rut
off rrom wire communication with
the outside world for several hour
today and telegraph companies re
port wires down In all directions
Tonight the storm Is sweeping
through Georgia, but bevond turn n
tlnl rains, accomplished by high
winds and hrlillnnt electrical display
serious damage or Inns ot llf
lion dollars to educate candidate for
the priesthood and aid poor parishes
Kurds who had tbetn surrounded.
Saloon forces were generally suc
cessful la tho recent local option
Two dry kilns of the Seaside Lum
ber Company were destroyed by fire.
Loss $20,000.
A St. Louis councilman has been
convicted of bribery and sentenced to
two years in the pen
Partners In nn Idaho mine qunr
reled and fought a revolver duel. In
which one was killed.
Kansas courts have quashed In
dictments against H. II. Tucker, the
oil company swindler,
I he first report stated that from 20
to 30 of the Gladiator's crew had been
drowned, but later intelligence reduces
the number of casualties. The exact
extent of the disaster, however, cannot
tie accurately known until tomnrro
No one on tli St. Paul was killed or
injured, but the bodies of Steward Wid
g-i-y, Writer Cowdry and a Maltese
steward, !i bras, all attached to the
cruiser, have been brought alburn; one
oilicer, Lieutenant William (J Pr.1.0.
who attempted to swim to land, ia miss
ing, and eight injured have been taken
to tho military hospital at Golden Hill
for treatment. It is believed only a few
others are unaccounted for.
The Gladiator was benched and her
crew took to the boats. Sh is onn of
The house has ordered an Inquiry I the class of vessels designed to nerve as
Into the paper trust nnd a commis
sion has been appointed
Minister Wu Ting Fang says he
had nothing to do with starting the
boycott against American goods.
rams. She is 320 feet long, ha a snivel
of 20 knot. and carrie a complement of
450 men.
Cor vict Murderer rt Hinr'u.
Oregon City, April 27. After de
lta been reported In the state
Report also say that the storm
struck Alliertville. La., lute this aft
ermxm. il.lng much destruction to
life and property An uuconflrme.l
report from this section glee the
loath list as trom 30 to 35. with
score of persons injured. A trntn
wa ent from Ilirmlngham tonight
carrying physicians and a squad of
state militiamen to the district
Richmond and l.ntnourl. la .
were struck by the slohn and nenrlv
a fifth of their population Injured
Winchester. Mis, a small town.
I reported wiped out, though only
two persons are known to hre teen
Mobile report nine dead at Hat
tlesburg. Miss., but this has not been
Th tornado thnt first appeared In
Concordia Parish, La, appear to
nnve been the most serious, both In
respect to number of victim and ex.
tent of territory covered Although
It cnvrecl rural dutrlct and sirm ii
no large town, tho known results ,t
Its work, were fit dead .ml n
I 0 Injured, with the r,rtiieet thai
tile list w be considerably swelled
by morning.
More than 50 of the dead are ne
groes, whoso log robins proved par
ticularly fatal to the oectipan's. be
ing easily torn to pieces, while the
weignt or timber crushed (,n
mat to deutli.
it -1. .. . .
mini, iipiieur in nave been tw
uiiWeot tornadoes srurk In Western
einioniiiH, one claiming six victims at
norg.m & I noma sawn.HI.
UHtAUs. IN HlatlUliY.
Qrsal Conference to He Mld at Whin
Huul In don
Washington, April !2M. Whim I'rwsl
cnl linnsevolt calf I" "ler the tieiilng
session of the great Wlilui llous emi
ference mi May LI. there will be gnlh
cod iu the Lust llootit of th Kxueu
live Mansion the most notable assent
hinge of men iu the public eye that has
uver no t In the history nf the I'lilled
The governors ef all the stale live
signified t Itt-tr intention ef being pre
cut at this conference, ttlnl each Will
bring "ilk him three noli, carefully
ehciscu from among the learned ef hi.
stale, to act as adtisrr in the convert
tool llen-le the goinnors slid tlielr
ioIvimts. rej-resi nUtUes of all Hie Im
poitant iistional iitganuatl'Ois, the we
tire nf which ib petul in greater 01
less ib grew upon natural resources, will
be in aitcmUnec, and further, the pre
lb-lit has united fle special guest,
chosen for their suietUlie filnwss, ,i
net " lu l St latgo to the eon
llrevef rleveliltl l, Ihe only living c
President nf the l uited Stales, will,
health iM-ieuittng. be one of ItieM ,(
visels 'the others Wilt be William J
llivaii, Who hopes to be president; An
drew t'arie-gie. Itoluntrial king, Joies
.1 Dill, railroad monarch, and John Mil
ehcll. leader of Isk-r. Kicry candidate
f,r Ihe pivsidealiat nomination this vear
with the etcrptiea ef Iseerctary Tan,
w he.e duties to I'suama wilt prevent at
tendance, will be there
Un king at the meeting purely from
Its historical side, pt...efl way br
aid that tieier before in the country's
hoo.ov have the governors ,,f K) j),,,
tales assembled ia convention for any
p!lt.e whatsoever Cashiered iflildy
s an epoch marking event the robfef
cnee will casilv take rank with any as
sembly of public Bif eei held IB th
Civilited World, for al this nowling lbs
etilire goiernuif at ef the I int.. I Stale
In the " roh c.f Inst go.ernairtit '
heads, wiil be Mmhied t limo If
for ol her re. a, ihe hc w i ,e
interested in the oaf ofrnce bscauss. of
this rct
NtW ELttTBicj?
Wiilametta L
Branchjs U
P"ih""n 01 Or,,,,,
ta. ..L 1
rorttanj, A.,fl, I
wn.meB v,;7'rj
tha .,, ' " IrJ
- - - t d ju, i
! Il.ll..'"!
-isu r
T' M . . 1
0" K.le... '"
, ...... "-slllto.J
,,... titira win i.
Oregon Klmrtrle n.,i
lh original ,c
. . .. " "i'tiaiifii i
SO0.0M0 Wa,
1 1 Ik it tut in..
uri tsf (h,8 .,
Senator Cats Ml( Million for Mettllrg
ti g I '!.
Uti, e
lie. ;
e, W
e I . I , .
!f iti'.r,t ,ff t
. ',- . - l'mt.,1
hsinso I P;!.-., f l!, is
Was giwn of
J"hsi lilU 411
t:i... aho-.l appr.ttura'.e!, fl, 111,
f'.i ends a litigation fUt ba
tt-ti.l.-d cf p..til ef cgai ,,., a6d
Which b.e pjollfv 111 imu be
lii.tory f the .'ojJSliaa famih In Irel.o.l
I aoe, la u vfia, cu.t, f hlt
lif'H year ag- J.-ha hiilhv.n.
pr.uiin.-nt r,iii, ,.f Health, owner f
.tie , f the tugged bgs.n... bb-ks in the
and suburbs sad iurl iii.i,ilr.
i.e.i i.-ing no witt .i,..
from e.ertwhere. aiifcouii Moii.v . t,..i
retail vp , f, ,B)W , ,h
Meritor I ,e,. ), , f,i,,J f
uiinan wet-i 1., ir,!ie,i i
KlOekhold... ..T?
company m,, ;"?1
ms ( or belt bii.i,t.
rtlrle of Ihco, w,,"
1 no follow lug n n-J I
fatty al rtrdav . L'!
to Albany. 1 1 toitLTHi
to Hlllsboro. u ,
1 itiamiHia. j a.,...,
Ihugeoe. US h,ii,..V"t1
t Itv. i h.iu, V ."T""
Wltk the So mil. u-Tf
bjMb. company ZT
ana Maiem. ,.. -1
line. I,...
tho Oregon Klecirlc it, 1
sinecrin firm blth . , '1
h. tiregoa Klectffc.X, I
b ed rcirtstri.eii. .. ... .' 71
Wl- .or. h si::
,leH II 11: . . ' "
' ' '"uoro IlM N
.-omtileti.,0, ttenti J'
to building ,e.m
It I ,hM lM-
L B eTl - i I, " ' ' tJ
k bolder, .nd 4Ht
company i ,t,dsr', ,,,
All tha new Pne., pktM.
e, whteh I. ..,1,4,1, g,
""!. nn thro,,!
MofTatt & Whit.. I
New ..ra city. , .)irn
) ndl at. that is sutn,ti.
tal for lb Oregon J
com mil tw u made an of tin -Ing
New Vork rapftnliitt 4J
ror.l. lieorgw llarrUy K.
William a. White.
PfttBIOtNT llOMtw
..ilerplor' lUoui, jw
s..i. . . .. . I I ossninfien. atirll
i.raiss were esamiard. churrk fee.,. .1. IHWiertell (M siiacd II.
-aimed, b4 fm.ily tu true rolalk, ., " liability bill un-, sJ
c- iuiisn Were l .enlr.l TK, . .....I M"IO")a from A ttorassVsM
gn fietiM,,, (,!,, nn ,,(! laparin that the nmtatt tn 4
":o ' o-l' li-l It l.'.lll.l Ik.
line a sure f , e s..l.l.
l-lst'l r
r,, thirty
1 I. a In,, t tLili
gl'sn, since .-e.ed, of I'ut.hw, Ireland
-in- nee,.,,,-., ,,, ,,, ,.,
'" ''''' f"w al. t rew
' .. wen , iho s.nator I ,r bringing
"I. f'ght, the remarUbb. J .,.
-I... IU nil. .late, to ma ,
Qoeineine ToHcva r,vilr nt Ann Prsn.
Cisco, has asked to be eicused from lih"ratin 13 h""r"i tho jury in tho case
trying the California Safe Doposlt ""K"? M
I'le.euiHin, e. iiiinin I'lCKcnsori, .lolin
llickenson. r.arl Itnnsier ami John
T. J. uyan or nan rrancisco. tesri- ijilev. rhnrgeil with the murder of Uni
fied that part of $500,000 used in nan HIiibIi. a Hind n. near Ito.inr.
me crooner. lorry aeai, weni io poll- brought in a verdict convicting .1. M.
i..i,!iih, I Dickenson nrul his son. Wil hum f
Florida republicans hold two sop-1 dor in the second deifren and tho other
arate and rival conventions, tiach ont throe bovs of iminslaiighter. Ttm mm
electing delegates to the national ally for murder in the second degree is
New Orleans. April 2Ti 3 a ni
At this hour belnt-d n-mirii b-
swoiien ino total number of (tenths
07 inn lornniloe n Mississippi ,m
iniann ami Alabama to '. ui..i.
niiuu surrereu innnt. ,ut pr rom
mtinleatlons kept t,e full .-item ,
tho illsnster from heromtn.
tne (lentn m was suddenly awoth-n
oj neiirijr ion aciuitional victims In
.ni. in lion jinuii r ii. v i,.u,.
... , i ' im
...n iieiiru in up i midnight.
in- ursi report Indicated that oi me Vlrtlm, were lie
groes, but the later report ,wB,
an Increasing number of whites.
Survivor of Moc;n, Bir.rl
New York. April 25.... With
USViterl , ....
' ' nen a tn ruber of
.Morgans raiders during the CV
wnr cinsp.-ci l0 (,1a heart Colonel w
llnm H Warwick was fo,,d ,,.,t(j ln
his bed on the top foor r h( .
In tho Ilron vosi.r,i,, .... ' .
W,.,u.el. ' ' ' oionel
n iiiiioi III a I:.,,,,,,,. .., ,
uiiillw... n ' "II
V. . . """ Wl"1 bom
viiKiin'i an yc-nra imr, ir
imprisonment for life and the ponaltv l-.e,,, i', . . , K" '""I
Two morn hndles have heen ctlr manspniiinirer is rrnm onn to 15 years mi,.... i,.i..i.i.. o. ' ' """i "until
covered In tho ruins of Chelsea. ,u i""""'"1""''
Mass., making tho total deaths by
tho fire 15.
A movement has begun to release
Harry K. Thaw from tho Insane asy
The second trial of Tlrey I,. Ford
for bribery has begun In San Fran
cisco. A Los Angeles woman has slept
for 76 days and shows no sign of
Troops to Central America.
Mexico City, April gi.--A peismtent
rumor h"rn has it that, the cruiser Al
Irony, which is to carry special Amlins
aonr tiuciianan r, nri'iuri t . ;reel to C'en
. hlu " . ha
niiiillte, Hlfleo then
ho had lived in hiirnblo lodgings
Tka Orrhsrrf, Depot tlon.
Ounnhori, Colo,, Anrll n,
trlct Judgo Bhncklefnrd today Kr i"
o,l ii..ll,, .. .. ..
trnl Amerieii, i to land armed parties n., t,.- in..... . . "H'on, ntfor.
should conditions In the southern repnb-1 position from ii 1, . '"' n ""
lie. warrant the move. Official confir-! ,Z e r tod w , n ''i'" ' ,n
mation of the report eould not bu ob-jlrtal for the klllli of A t"hu "r '!"n
ttt'' at TBllurldo, Colo 'r Co,ll"
"I i
The bill make raltrtwd
comiooa rarrlsr.. t)h ttaM
Ititeratat rommeft. IUU tr
Injury or death of a rmami
injury or death --tigtt It sm
IB part from tho nrgllwrxt t
"f the officer, tgeiit of mitt
the mltroad. or by ojf fjifen J
sumrt-ncy in tiipmt T!
visb.n i. made ppl!cahl te oi
in in terrttori.ig, id nams
lumbla, ih psnsm rsail l
thef pmnr.s!o, ot (t 'A
It I provided that ! l q
brought under His' nrwvUSew '
t anthrntir information bill Ihe Inltireil tmnliitt iksBl'
'g g 't.i ir, ke b Nolan held to have assumed the r;
be a I of tha k.,o' ..h leiiiiilinrfienl In iii esse Slrrni
liowe mm ,h . latlon bv the carrier ol l? '4
Wloil the .OiLn tt . I ellaele.l I... ...f,.l of.mR'Marl
f -'-I bans on ihe dl.on irlbuted to the Itiliiry Of n31
i "wa hands and aaw eiiililnvci. Any rohtracl. r. M
'U U.hl On k. 1...... . II - fc. '
. , iks iisiHl. ihiiii m iisiyirs. rnsuis "
nan I reek i !v .1 ...... , f a . M.l,rl
from tl,.. Arci.. ,, ., ... . ., .;' .w. .. ... . e. . ,-(
. ... - .. nii'i 11000 were mi ei in rriioereo, niis.i.ii
.'noil l.o men o, I!., ....... e .. I il.u.l...o... ... o.i
. j. - - -- ..oil, SHnaoiisiHiiiiH MJ ia. we-.-
holt howe lefl f,. II.- ...... . I , . , ... .... k...Mtf
e, - , , oui.oi,,, i i rovisiort i inaqe, bi""-
1 in- tnko w. ,.... ... . .. .!., . . ., kf
abom io . . " oepm tifiinn rnrrier snail rawn
i .1 reet ,! Klt (J,M) u J,,,, cntrlbiitlon P)d tt &
y crude ooeratlon. It l. IllloVe n, hi. fun, 1 1. Ill IkS f KTS
entlmatml the elean ..... " . .. 1.. ' ' ''. ,"',. Hi
f tl:
from lie
th- fir.
"'rftdiiig th
' '-'Ii, nt ,
Not 1
t'r... k
and nasi,, ,
r'aim with h
list, i-.
I (100 to ih fan.
M"l -'s V T ,.w. bi.h.,1,
- in ii i ,,r me leflil,,rv
- . '.r.i ,o ii,e rttv to.lny
"'r't, ,,, Vacua
this summer w( , ,
Improves Raolulv.
. , KuM" " Hl"'g.. f, April
Idar Admiral Kv, cntinne, to
e Unlay hn ealn.e.l ... ....
ro n to ii ,i i
" It 'tile t
I ""k". no was seeoli,,. I l. n.
I i,.. I, 7
Iission San Miguel,
urgh, ,lr
An action for tha riSeOyefTw
e must be commenced sit"
year from Ihe dale ol tM
f Mtllt. Burei' stkH-
Washington. April 81-TJj
etamlliallun of Womlfnftl 0 p J
formerly clerk In lbs tfm"
oitlce. wa Ihe fcalnr W . j
llyd-llenoit nimond ectiaf s'l
fraud trial. J. C, Campwi-j
M' llonald and Jain.-. It..,.
g' to-riil i,.., . . . Ic'rnni'lirn attoruetr fnf H
vi ,.f.i. , "'-"" "nt r.vnn nrif Mm. Mn - ni tm. i ..ji
'It If his't .. .1 . . I.,..t.. .--.I..- I.. SiWlirff ITVi"-
. i ... iiiit'iiii iti r..ii i i hit MtiTtvr ii nisi. .
Knnii, llarbara
v-r Hiorm Ing England.
London Anril "s ...
'anl the ,,: , 'einaraabln till
i. no. ei,,,.,,,,,....,, , ,.
..... ii, ..iiii ii
1"M coi,tlo,., ,,ra.
Ihrougl,,,,., "., Kd
o,.l . u. . . '
linn govern meiii. jjei
thnt under tho ln'MC""""ir-1
III I... Ili.rnt U f''A
iio.i.oo nH... ,
ilniiiaiiileit money rrnm " 4
I . . - e.vrimt w '
I menu Ol lieneoi.
iigiainl ,i,
icallv nil ,..
Newhttrg. N. Y-. APf' ;J
...I f. u.erv If. Tha leu'
o IU III H II 1 1 Mi. I .. ..I .... I ... . . 1. .. atOiefllll. V
Hiirdnv mliloi.i. - ."" ""V oroer oi ip - o .,piv
i,l.... .. .." ,l,,1,'t. Telegraph (ha .oMLrllltendellt of In',
i -ii u-ii was it nr....i I ....!.,... i, nerrrm "
""'I rm way Irani el ... i . 1 1 "sunn asjumi ... r mJf
lye, H; , or ,, , ,,, ,"",n """'o-ly do- sign anappllrnih.n lot J
,!, a i. "T hn !""' hen. corpus. Th wIHJ
young fruit I Into court for a neari. -
Hon of bla ssnlty.
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