DART & MUCKLE Carry Complete Stock of the Beit in General Merchandise at Loweat Price Consistent with Qaallty. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots or Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage and As- I I snre You4Courteous Treatment 8 ST. tIBLBNff ORBOON 8 COUNTY COUivT Monday, April )th, ItHW. Court came jtirmiHijt to adjournment. All nu'iiilH-ra lwingl,rrw)iit'ncf it;i)on. Caapcr LIUI. l)u piocliiiimiloo bilng made ill fol low Ihk proceeding) wer had: In Hi matter of opuiiinii (lie ballot imai-a which I m vi. tlm Inlly ilicxti III, ml which a reunited: ll pix-aritiic t the court Hint mini of bllot Im,c contiilii the tally sheets and that tlm riOlri il canvass can nt j ma-! without opening mill boxes, it il there fore ordered by lh roil r I that the. can vanning board lw allowed loopen mill Imae ami take out tlm aid Inlly sheets In the iniilliT of appointing a coiiii- lent perwui ti have soperviainn of the MM A Shoe Store for Shoes" ji Is the dictum of the experienced. It is a matter of hoe history that the department stores which try o sell shoes of the grades wc sell do notmake a lucccssofit. The reason m that a shoe depart- Writ" i ftinilamentallv lackinc in the clcmentlof r j o Bkrvick that iiiust co with the sale of fiuc shoes o make thcui really worth the price asked. KNIGHT BOOK GO. Washington and Third tft. "All Around the NortlivcstJCorncr" Shoes for Men nd Women j WALK-OVER SOROSIS Only exclusive ! children's d'p't in Portland. kiuMilffilimiuIwwMiuiuutuiuN JOB PRIMTIMC 18 QUr"bU8INE88 WE haTe the bert wd most folly f (quipped Job Print, ing Office i n ColambiaCounty And we are prepared to doallhmdsofPnntini on short notice and at most reasonable prices k TRIAL WILL CONVINCE 1L OREGON MIST ota ncing iiiiuo unucr .contract iy inr i rtt1( cC'.llon. (IIIKIHIa I.llllllWr tOlllpHliy, IIIIU lO I tit If Kvur pi mm worn h ll n couipieteu accoru-ijrt lurcier g.o.prc.uc.iinns: Wilbur Mo. ri. Un thia day II trordered by the court Natman iwi w, n. i Piiii ix) ami lie is nereuy I pi... i Merrill IKiinini to nave lull supervision oi the ooniiact woik now bring done by llenill ua LtiuiW Company and accept the ittiu When Completed according to ipeC- iflcaiicini Whetenpon the court adjourned until Wednesday, April 22(1, 1008. Wr.!irtly, April !Bd, I WW, Court en inti pursuant to adjournment All mriiibera being present Ihie proclamation being nude the fol io lug procredlnge were hail : In the matter of part payment to W , . Cooper on contract work : Un this day II la ordered by the Court i bat the clerk iaiue a warrant upon the prcial rod tat fund of road dlalrict No In faor of W.C. Cooper aa a part pay aieut ol hia contract work. Matter of claim of John Ulmen; On this day cornea John Ulmen and resent hie claim for work in opening the I'lmrn road, and the court being ad lard in tho matter, il ia ordered that the tame be allowed in the aum of f.W, nd that the clerk tttue a warrant on ibe urneral road In lid In favor ol luld John t'lmcn for Ihe aum o( fM. Ir. the matter of orMitiitiir the J. N- Itriun road ; On thia day It ia ordered by the court that U.S. W'fpaln, upervior ol roaii Jmtrict No. 3, be and h la hereby or lere.1 and directed to open for public tr.vul the J.N Urinii road, or roan turvry No. 182. Matter of bid of John Kdholin lot iWKfliratton No. 4. Ik-aver Crerk portion road ditlrict No. 15 On thia day ihe bid of John Edholm lor tprcillcalion 4. waver C reek portion if 4i.' roU at II. 7B twr rwl wa opened auJ by the court nnvpted, mid Ihe con- trai t nwnrd.d to aaid John Kdholin. Matlrrof petition of U. II. Sliinu lot rebate of taxca puid on property In the urn ol (I 6T . It appearing to the court that U. II. Shinn had pjid txe to tho amount ol l M on propwrty not owiieo, nil or dered by the court that Ihe petition lor reiwitol allowed, and the clerk la or- lered to iaaue a warrant lor !.66 in fa vor ot ll. II. Shinn. In Ihe matter of purchaaing a poor linn lor CoHinmia C'ouiiIt: Itatirwaringtothe court that a lull- able tract of land can be purcbaaed from Italioiir, liilllinc ft 1.0. lor rv vt lor a p-or faitn, "'' "' 0UM 08 Ior tho beat InterrH ol me coumy io pur- cluuw the ". 'I 'reiore omcreu by the court that aaid land be puronaaeo aii.ltliat Ihe deed and abatrm t be ro- (t trcd to thediatrlct attorney ror exam ination, and tlpon hit report, it the title la good and the raid property tree irom 1 uit til hianrea. It i fmther ordered that t.clprk inite a warrant on the general fund lit lavorol Balfour, initiine t.o., i... il... ininhaae orlie ol aaul traci. u, ...v i . ...... r. n i.. ,i,., mailer O N (teen irotii v. ,:ii-,ii it at lora County roftd: ., il.ia duv the did l l ""mn " . a ..I t, ll.din Vv- al lor a count foai owneu or - Oregon Milt, election tuppllei 44 10 II Weat, commlaaloner 67 40 Caaper Libel, coininlialoner -69 80 Ulaaa & Prudhoiiime, election mpl.48 90 Clatakania Chief. iUtionery for aherlff - 8 65 Oregon Miat aup. ichool eupt 4 60 jutxiKa aMDCLiaaaoa Kbit-TioM OE Wondeily $ 8 W L Brown 3 JBII-adlee .... 3 TDCrl.wick 8 Roy Foil a 8 Joa Hackenbeig, iiicm 8 40 K K Nlckeraon 8 JudaonWed 3 J V Bheeley 3 I. B 8luart 3 1 1' Spencer 3 W rrlngle, meg 8 20 John McAdam, nirg J ' Wm Johnaon 12 Cheater Parcher 2 40 Frank Parcber 25 78 Mitchell, Lewie A Staver 16 76 II L Good 16 60 Uupont rowder Co 227 20 No 10 airli Erlckton 10 J V Wlleon 108 I J A Robert . 10 Dan PI ion 10 Wm Henderaon II 25 Evan Johnaon.. 2 60 F B Elliott 8 75 J Palm 6 No. 2 Du Pont Powder Co 34 70 8 3 3 3 8 3 M Freah.nin-g 4 N A Andreiia 8 Jn (inht.-iiH 3 W E Clark 3 FredHAdann 3 S Merrill 3 John Itair 3 E I Tichenor 8 J V McDonald 3 IFJohnton 3 Geo 11 Conyera 3 J N Kice, iiiaag 10 20 C L Conyera 8 J M Keddick 3 All Miller 8 A W Ulackf.iid 3 AM Merrill 3 Wm Blackford 3 T 0. WatU, uiwag 5 40 M Link 3 (JC Fowler 3 R L Kenny 3 Henry Vaer 3 Jnmei (1 Kennedy 3 II J Bullhorn 3 Oeo Freeman 3 Thoa Boyle 3 Geo Graham 3 J F Graham, meag 11 Muk W Etliottt 3 Frank J Pete-to" 8 J A Van 3 John J Banier, mefag 0 4 I) W Fremart ,.. 3 A U Melia .... 3 J It AMrldge 3 118 Payne 3 John liendrlckfon 3 II II King, meieg 20 Fred Flubrer 3 Harvry Brown 3 Carl J 8acriaen 3 Dean I'.lanchard 3 It ' l.oveliico 3 G B llangiii 3 HK nibble 3 S C Counts 3 Frank Htrman 3 M Kice 3 N 8 Si'inrt, meag 6 60 A Brant..... s t. h' i;i.ikrr 3 A 1. Clark 3 T J Fllppin 5 J G Walla 3 W F. Steven 3 Geo. W Grant 3 Gnat lJiti 460 MJlinnlert 3 j n McKay a K Ox " 0 W F.meraon a B I)tt 3 II W Clurk 3 JB Godfrey 3 W l Machiv a W J Mellinger 3 Fred Brigga Frank tiorge VNCy A Mclnlvra V S npitin a N F Bilker 3 Rtfllaxcn ., 3 F M Uoyt 3 ,,, a 3 The WerU' Beet Climate la not entirely free from disrate, on the ilgh elevntiona fever prevail, while on the lower level malaria i encoantwed to a greater or lea extent, according to illl'ude. To overcome climate affect iona, laaaltude, malaria, jaundice, billontne, fever and acne, and geenral debility, the moat effective remedy Electric Blttera, the great alternative and blood purifier; the antidote for every form of bodily weakneaa, nervoupneap-, and In aomania. Sold under guarantee by Houlton, Warren, Deerlaland and Scap pooae dealer. Price 30c. It la expected that the Ventoela tronbie will warm np come when the aaphult be. i begin to boll and the Jlm ona are in bloom. The Heat Co mm en CaaaeefMlftrlnf Rheumatlam cauae more pain and suffering than any other dieeaae, for the reason that it Is the moat common of alt ilia, and It is certainly gratifying to know ,het Chamberlain' Pain Balm will afford relief, and make real and deep poaeible. In many cases the relief from pain, which is at first temporary,' liaa became permanent, while in old people i object to chronic ibeumatiam, often brnuithto bydampneaa or change in the weather, a permanent cure can not 1 expected ; the relief from pain which this linniment afford is alone rorth many limes its cott. 25 and 60 cent sixes for sale by A. J. Doming, drnggiat.. In taking a cenaaa the Japanese count ihe houses and multiply by five. Hav ing no tenements, akyacrapera, big hotels or Fifth Avenues, the Japanese (lud the average reasonably correct. Bad Attack f Dyseaterr Cared "An honored citiien of this town was nfTering from a were attack of dyaen teryr. He told a friend that if lie could obtain a bottle of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy be felt iiifldeni of lii ft cured, he havinv used this remedy in the West. He was told ihat 1 kept it in stock and ,lont no tim in obtninm it, and was promptly cured," ys M. J. Laach, ilruggiM, of Wolcott, 't. For sale by A. J. Dentins, dioggiat. Alter August 1 next fM 000,000 i f 3 lr cent government bonds will be re deemable and can eat-ily be refunded at 2 per rem. In credit Uncle Sm Uvea at the bead of Easy street. St. Jfohns, Or. to The 0r,jrtmti, y of Your Life is Invest Xowiii Experience Kj Best Judge Locutions Tohns- 1 Ha ; ir;7 (live Yon linn " mint on Prices and jt i 5.COLVIN it Yalaed Same as Void V. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar Vie, Mit-s., niys: "I tell mv customera when the v buy a rx of Dr. Kings New Life Pill they get the worth of that much pold in weight, if afflicted with Conailpation, malaria or hiliouanesa. Sold under guarantee by Houlton, War ren, Deer Inland and Scapttoooe. 25c. The Populiaia get little but jibes in comment on their presidential ticket. rt.cv a'ruck te tobogiHI from th I inonieiil nl tlielr mercenary fusion wuti the Deni-'cmtic party. B0 I ... iiooiton wan itiw i ... . ... twectl M. Jiei"'1' '"" " i iv 4 iupiii i to ihe court. wU'cn in" f. Allien Freeman ,rt accepted, and the same is oruereu 1ftviM a ln l..i rioorileilin me "ecu rrvoi- unia alloweu, general ro .half of the County ot uo.uu.um. t.,,. ii;ll..illoed. general luml: ti. r,,i Mlat 20 60 ' .. , I. .11. . lluirv lliiivilll, wiinc" A Co ' H nil 1 " ..... nn trictattotmy ; " "I Beal Co ll" ,u .. .. II. ..rb lllHieriU 0IUBV..1O cu-. Sailie c. it". . i .. '. utatnet sioau ruim Mm. J, Ktel. wo' " " " a on No- 2 ,rlnuiuenla onicc - - f....i.n i V KLiver 3 76 . . .. I.. 1,,,1 mi. 1 .Hiiiiiiv.., Kllft C. Kt'"'. w"rR .'" aft m liiitemleiil'S oince - K Cliff, coroner's inquiiy.Frank 1'avnc U R Cliff, coroner' injury, un- KIIO"" A T Law, traveling exinemse- mm a Peter Maton, interpreter .no bow g lor . , i...'... sii.l mlbllBll- Oreiton lt P"'"""" r I .,r notiCCf, BJdwin Sherwood, tofnn for on. . ..-... SrniiDlOO il Una Kidcl.. John Briti . Riley Girt. . Fred Trow. No. 4- No. 0 20 25 S3 'JO 10 2o 10 It Reached the pot Mr, K. Humphry, ho owns a la ge general store at Omenn, O,. and ia pres ident of the. AdKina eou ty Telephone Co., aa w.llasoft!. Home Telephone Co., of l'ike County O, aaya of Dr. Kinga Sew Dist-overy; "It faven my Hie once, it Wat I think it did. It seemed to reach Ihe spot the very aeat of mv cough when everything else Ldied." Dr. Kinu's New Discovery not only reaches the cough srot; it heals the fore spots and the weak hki in throat luugs and chest. Sold by Houlton, w'uneii, Scappowe anil Deer Inland dealers. 00c. audfl.00. Trial Uoltle free. ..67 B5 ,.U 30 ,.15 00 No. 7 .... W .... 61 18 Chas Nelson " i . . , . E Blcknoll E Blcknell Herman Oorgol. It most be true that China ha turned its hire toward the modern clvil sation. The pile of meat in renin ha recently advanoed 30 per cent. No. 8 L Alley rh.rll f!roue The navy also talk ot the need of an aeronautic corps. Father Neptune ana the mermaid must move off to the poiea If thev expect to enjoy a quiet nm toff car at ChicS t. St. Johns, Ore. 24 E McVey.tuppW" lor McDonald .hereafter. Charlie Croute 10 25 0 oo taiuiiy ..