I 'I P p The Oregon Mist Eutered t the rostoffice at St. Helens, Oregon. econd-:la mail mutter. Issvn Kvkrv Frioav Bv K. H. FLAGO. EtHTOH AND .'ROI'lltKTOR. SL'IWCRtl'tlON R.tTKS One year - fl-Jj) Si. mouths "' Advertising rate nude known on ampli ation Legal notice cent per line. TO REPUBLICAN VOTERS. rhe peoole of Oregon will be called upou in tkcjuue dec- tion to say whether they pener to uc rcpitwu vu C'lKCl lT COCKT OrKllRM houias A. McBride District Judge O. L. Hedges District Attorney CorNTY Orm-cas R. 8. Hattan, Judge St. He'e V. A. Harris, Clerk St. lleU-ns Martin White, Slit-ntT St. Helen Casper I.ilx.1. Coipinisaiouer... Mint H. West, Oou-inl-fioner Soappoo Edwin Uos. Tre.vurer St. Helen A. T. Liws, Awessor r?t. Helens ' T. H. roiu l md. School Mint... Hoillt.T F. B. rrv.-ott. Surveyor., H. K. CI I It, Coroner.... Kami ..St. Hele Blessed Is tlie man who bolt, (or ball receive the nonituaiiou the ne time. Down Clatkanl nay ihoy wm rote (or the exprespurposeof "obligi B.-nson." Independence In politic I n eicel l.nt thi if. and of course he who prac tices it will commend it to other. The King of Chits, rode down ,tl track With fully sixty men. He voted every one of them and se i them buck attain. The man who can vote one tenth the entire poll is a power Indeed at primary election, even greater than h would be under the old convention system. They used to say In Ohio that the sheep voted, bat in Colombia county the tree seem to control. The sheep could say "baa baa" to their driver, but the wooden men who vote at the dicta tion of their masters have not even that touch Independence. A lie may carrv a man through the primary election, but it la apt to prove a boomerang when the voter become ac quainted with the fact and render their verdict in June. As Josh Hilling re mark: "It is better not to know so much than to know so much that aint o." We are sorry for the poor, persecuted timbermen of Columbia County. Their plight is truly a sad one. Some of them have nothing but money, and they appear to think that even that will take unto itself wing. Senator Fulton cm surdy 8nd no little consolation in the great majority with whicu he carried lit own county, Clatsop. At least hi ne ghbor and those who knew him best personally showed how p .pular be was among thorn. When a man ha lived in a com munity for over thirty years, and been very active in politics nearly all that time, and can poll about Seven vote to another candidate's one, it is pretty Strong proof that he has qualities that merit friendship and adherent. School Report. 30 30 20 932 05 14 Following is the report from the Reu ben school for the month ending April 24'h, 19C. No. boys enrolled No. girls enrolled No. days taught No. days attendance . ..... No. days absence ... No. times tardy , Following were neither absent or tardy during the month: Loren.Byran and Fran cis Jordan, Mary, Bertha and Dora Nnss bamner, Anna and Flora Hoesch, Harvey and Gladys Jordan, John King, Cathrine Ebrlinger, Lizzie Hunter, Vernice Fowl er, Raymond Voigt, Orville Malcolm, Charlie Vurer, Jesse Hnow, Bonnie Scholes, Jenny Bell Link, Jennie King, Emma Wasser, Velma Wannamaugher, Angus Pond, and Raymond Tiibury. Johanna Maonuskn, I'rin. Hakkikt Hkss, Primary. Whooping t'ongh "In Febuary our daughter had the whooping cough. Mr. Lane, of Hartland, recommended Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and taidi t gave his cutomers the best of satisfaction. We found it a ne sain, ana can recommend it to any one having children troubled with Whooping cough," aya Mrs. A.Goss, of Durand, Mich., For sale by A. J. Item ing, druggist. TT..;..i Qt",.ti.c ?.,not. Kv ii Democrat or bv tt Republican. That is the plain issue and nil uttcinpts to obscure it will prove futile. With a majority of thiity thousand against them the Pern- ocrats hope to elect their candidate bv specious arguments as to the superior ability of Governor Chamberlaiu and to in duce Republicans to "vote for him on the plea that he has made a good Governor, that he is an able man and that their fore he would exert a great influence in favor of Oregon in the Republican Senate, . , The men who advance the latter argumcut must miu u is not true. Business in the Uuited States Senate is done in the com mittce rooms and Governor Chamberlain's supposed superior ity over Mr. Cake would be ot no avail to mm in securing committee appointments that would enable him to be of any particular value to this Mate. Senator I-ultou had achieved committee positions that eu abled him to do excellent work for the State but Governor Chamberlain, if elected, could not hope to secure these ad vantageous positions. As to Chamberlaiu's superior ability over Mr. Cake, that is a matter which lacks demonstration. Mr. Cake came to Ur- egou T)oorand unkuowu, and he has steadily fought his way upwara until ne nas oecome an important lactor in me oust uess lite ot the city ot rortiaua. u unout adventitious aid he has achieved a professional success such as comes to very few men of his age. and his past career gives every reason to be lieve that he will '"make good" in the exalted position to which the people of the State of Oregon are about to elect him t ' .-j.i.j. , i- ... . IDKTUKP id auiuiy we cousiucr imu may cquai 10 ins opponent, I and his personal character has not been and will not be at tacked. His fight in the primaries was perfectly fair and honorable. He plead his own cause without attempting: to j t. . e . ii f . aeprcciaie tue merits oi his opponent, auu lie won out mainly because he represented more Juiiy than did jenator rulton the principle of election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people, under the method provided by Statement wo I. From every motive of public policy the people of the State. without regard to politics, should tavor the elcctiouof Mr Cake. From every motive of party policy and party honesty the Kepuoiican voters are Douna to eive -Mr. Lake ihctr lnvni ana enthusiastic support. He won his nomination fairly. He is a man of ability and personal worth He is a Republican and represents the principles of the man who win oe the Kepuoiican nominee for .'resident The Republicans of the United States arc lookintr to Ore- gon, wondering whether it is possible that the people of this - i.i t i i i . . s cornmonweaun can dc oamoooziea into electing a Democratic wuil-u utaua lAuawi v uj UlUCI tlUUUU luaU that Ilf? 1 i what is vaguely known as a good fellow," We may quarrel about local orhces, and we may dead non partisanship even in the selection of State officers, but when .... w fcv v.-www ... . vu.iwu i4iM pcuaiur, with a clean man on the Republicanticket.no one who votpt nninS uiui suuum cvci aaiu iciaici as a txCpUDlJCan. . w m o. t. riiRst oi r viwtu. lnj The Columbia County ABSTRACf AND TRUST ft), TlTLHS BXAMXNIO AllTUCTlJI fNON-KKSIDKKT TAXIS PAID Rkal Estats r I - - IT If AT1tfH 11. Urocwrir Dry UooJ ilarilwar Ftoar and Hay Nltm t'audte rilatlouvy Fancy tiuol Carries a complete Best line in of ill tl General Merehr.(U )lc prices. Y gc Solicited. At reasonable prices. Your nr. Steamer Iralda C. . fiiri. MtHir. R.llI.KOAP TIMK. Im kini ii.nr iiir.fi otiw ton t.n.l. M A M . datlia tw . lltfm ml t prlw-S MXUralu. Im. rniawd lr x., until w ili . am, Paneuen ail Fait Frtii.t. fOI POIIIAHO SAILT LANIdNU. TAYLOR K7 rHEwcnLCraitstiviuiCfiiNi k LIGHT RUNNING STATE BANK? RAINIER, ONt cawtal nIMt tut rr rai lallil . Mvit.! d,, ?N Nrrh sJ W.. LOTTIAN.C, CtlClMM Ma .,. 1 ip - Colombia GoddIj f Doci General Bnk rrllKl ComtBatjAM), rirsi N.ikal k,o,iW,(J IlasKrm Na4to4l mk, XjJ Wm.M. Ross.Proprita nr. oil fHYSICIANA SURGft HIUM a turr. i t otr 0M 'ttri'rjrs'Trr . PHYSICIAN' & SURGE awwttvf JUfi,',K mm to aiu. .- mi iw R0 SUi ll Hnif T Hit in. Owl t-i!tttl .t (WM Mil Bmt4 bf iniUrUrsj 4lr mi$t OUR PORTLAND LETTER (Special CorrespooJonca) I'uaTLaiio, Or,, pril 27lli, 1008. No announiemnt made io years lias been more interestinc to the rjtntr I a rue than the publication of the plans of the Oregon Klvctric Kailway enmpany, wliicU wean a system aggro gating thrae tiunareii ami eighty out- miles in length, n I reaching the ptin pal towns of the entire WlllauiBiU' valley, with an extension to the coant as well. MitMinnvitle, Newtjurg, Dallas, tlgitne, Albany, Carcarlia, tlills ioro, m1 Tillamook, with inriuinerahle other cotnrnunitie, are inclu'lel. The line betweeu I'orilan'l ami Salem has re ceived aui'ti excellent pationage that on several different occasion it ha bem necesnary to revise the echedulo to aixomrxlate ad'lltional trains. In the KaiUirn rjtates the multiplication of oily lines has dKfireaaed the pnasenger raflii: on the steam roaH hut the laiW have felt no markwl an increase in freight traffic that the paiet'iiger lots has heen more tlun coniiensated in earning. A very large delegation from Albany vixited l'ortliuid last wtilc for a double purpose. First the city council enmu to inveslgate th subject of paving, and and a a result Albany will immediately begin the permanent improvement of her main Mtreet. Then the committee representing the Albany Commercial Club completed arran jementi with Dury I Daaent to take charge of the city' publicity work as manuger of the Club, May 1st. Mr. Daserit Is now advertis ing Manager of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company, Hccretary of the Rose Festival Association, and Sec retary of the Pacillc Coaat Advertising Men' Association, and hi experience will make his work effective. The greatest success has attended th n.... it i . - . . ""'" '"vciuprni-ni l-ejgue mwtle.gs . iiunnimui me r.sttern part of III Mate. i. (.rande uiwd Lmt In a hm ininnt, besides adding greatly to the meml) r-hlp of W Commercial Chib they will complelo a fund of X)0. Kl- gm out, nc.s men ubcrlM f kJ to ad ven.se weir my; The Dalle .III an- till II thftlr rti, l.ltnl . .1. wu( ,,vei more lilienil sc.le lh -,..,. , .. : ri.iiorr. i.er L-ny is alive t the value of !,. liar work. . nll. Ul.. .. . ... , . " nw-uays. Thousand i.f ..iiveiigiaveil liivltallon, nr l. ing sent out in - 'i'i"l livi,)p.g -i-ro- poems in accord with the occa sion. "The fuen of flower will hnvi rroumifi winier of welmme fo( yo and her sweet hcplmlitie, lUlm,r,.(i rrymg- Closes tile tMug, I he sc0ie of the J. S Crne, Portland, Ore. NOTICE TO CIEOITOII . '"H; " ,D Claris laf.Uk. i-'iiira if h.rvliv .1 ... it... .k. .. - 2 ,hT,",::rvh.'.r-. ".' Pvtr. a , Julin 4 kk.u.iiiii tli-'iKtt nM K.lal NOTICE TO CREOITOIS The undrunriiril I.. ... ...i .. jcti in 111 the Stftth dtv (i ii,ri, . 11 .. iwlntcd ,tn.iHi. . . .. . "r 01 March, A. 1) 'lnunisiriri ..i .. ...... rank I'.,,... having rl. ,.n" rrOM . : -XKIUIl Mill estate are rXi'lrinn wl,i,., llt .1.1. t I '"" "iM)n-i;ittrkton f w'dened to Include various Oregon cities, l-f.-ldeot .1 .1 AiiHtrt, of the Cubital Mmon.i i,i, A.1......I . VAVNK. Halem, l'remdeia K iv i P.... . ",l"n". 01 of I'rank hereid ,"n",",U,""'e II, a A ll. -. . . ... ....... i.j vomuiercial Club, B,i , ' "orge II. iieorge of t, wauonni Hank, will lie of t,o iaiiHs' iiimliurv win res- Antirls r'fiy. a tlroviili. r... .i Mcial enteruilnrnent of , f,,t,in" Vim fu'dlcitior. M,re, 27,h im JJAUJWJX A HIIKBWtWD I Mfaas so T Hun f..r ImmhIi i ml mm ro rSMw .1 tmi tiaw a Atmra. 0SIMII IUMMQII la Iks nMittenltt..UOa,M Allr N. Iwi iati. lilMal t) Ik... 4.- .j... In ll aanifl ni ik, Mia mi - m m kvrbt rV-llllMd U MMM. ullMMIII cmi.uiitl IM !.! )M I Ik, s1 IIIW.I matt on at l-nk ,m.I - " . imn .n, tnr IM dllfallH MOi' lU-alUm nl Ihl. .,immu l.ll d at) ik aik tUr J.r. laaitt Io an .. , .( ikMauiw rWlt! Hr lh. ('nun k it. mM pv lir moifilalHI bm S! fe.Mla teH Art1 rra m lmrr rt lk ,k4Mli! wa mhi m KriM r.1.11 markMin Hin4 .iiut,k 11)1 uB.H.nf.a I. ..,l,,i.k. IbiB.Tkm A Makrlda. iwtti i.ull ta) lha Mala nl llraa.. nfinif. an uM nrdar .. mto mi" k ink itajr i,l January IM aaaj UH a'l Iw IM kUlillralL.il ( IkalMSMMMS lh ;aou.rr. IK 14.0 BUS) M HIM! 4 rwfl ta)4 CEO. W. VOCEL A lallfornlan's Lark "The l"C.lctdavfmvfeWMw,wn I bought a box of llucklin'. Arnica Kalve;" Write Charles F. n.i.l.i' .! Tracy. Cal. "Two 2fc. w ,., ' " n annoying cam of?Iichln ..n. which l..t i...i.i...i 7 " i"'""' m ior year ami Uiat yielded to no other treatment." Bold under guarantee by Hrappno. Iloulton, Warran and Deer Island A.LkiErATE' LOANS, CITY AND FARM PROP ERTY. "'' to I at ReMwi.M, ttalsf ? Rainier Oregon NOTICI OF FINAl lUTUMOt Notice i hereby vina bv tk Ns IkiiwI a ttrrutur ui lb ' Jiuiie MiM-kle, Hr. decwufd, tbaS filed la the County Court ol lb Orctflin fur L'ulumbla CnunlTllwiatl count ol hi ailmlniitrallaa fs J eitate, together with bis finalrrport petition furdlstrlbtitloD tlKmif,nl the Hon. K. 8, Kalian, court, ha apimlnled lh ltb It? May, HKW at one o'clock la thssflrw" thtrtftl, a the lime , a.l lh " ol said court in Ht. Ilclens, Ortros place, for the hearinf nd trtUiat said account, report sad prlitk which time and plats asjr r".!! terestnl In said esiaU mr W'Z. obectlon In writing to lh " "fl part thereof. JAMRS Wl'CIU' Kollc IoBI.iM I'Utis and arwc I fu-a tlou for fw j work In road district No. (will "" at lbs Mayger postofflr. office, and with Ira I'arcntf, ass Hudson olofflr CWSffiw flt'.!RPVw.KW,I