The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 01, 1908, Image 3

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    1 '
All Humors
.. II.. kt.. Hum
i impurt niatiera Will... .... ..... ......
j1(lM, t other organ m"'1 toU Car
j without lflp. ' 5
IMUII'M. boll, -'WMta """ rup-
. ... ....Mltlrt Hint tirvil ftMlllltf.
Until. "
MiW ,ur"' "' ln'll',,"0,,' '"''
,nl many other trouble "
(HMO. Tla-I r removed by
Hood's Sar3aparllla
l u.uil IhiuM """ or 10 'o'atd
Ultfeti known eWMtOlM. Wdue II
I .
Iinr What your Ida la ntln
id faux """ ""r""
. ttiilt tr r,ri. U't morel a
ll Mufiiwrw'iii ' ('10 1 y i
... - .1 . Ill .1.4 M. n Mm . I 1 1 .
MuihlMaj 'r.
ri'ra rom to l.loara. haven't thy?"
,,ll iIk uiiilial fjnrir, wb wat
Itj. CI lu ' ' cnlf of
ifca rioa-l. '
y," atuwereii me mil man, mm
IpmlJ the ( daiurl-r of the pea.'a.
Firat ' l"ti lit
:. tut " "i t
L k itturl fit. - t IVlbUBe.
til,.rlr4 Ml .
t'nda Jerry l"bl llr do-ft hi
I aonfoony oaa tnaani'
L) m niua thai tain i got an? awrni to
Uti Man It. til 1 ai auiuua lur
L i l Ilia aiuall of !"
Ilea In III, K.-ar. I
Hitwlli-I ,. ll,t (ir(i (ba jf,
llnurniico agent, la married,
JwwpttVM. nn.l lil. ,rrlag to ,
etia tf ill (rimy of foin.
"How la that?"
"IIm didn't know until firr he wni
miirrled Hint Uin woman In ttu cu
rnrrlr.1 t lt f II r Inaurnnw, nnO
li will tiiivt t tit tlte pr
iilutim vu Iht pulUlca." IturtxT't
Nrtlbln In Thla I U..
Trlaittt Wnnli n .. Wat try In jlva evary
Intunitt wnrk with wlil.'lt lit l fnuitllnr.
Wluii'a. your irmlt'T
tw t'rliu.iit.r I iti
Mt.thart will (In4 Mm. Wtnilntr-a d-.,We, JwiaJ. aatMin
Aaiuthar (uHtnltlua luminal.
'That h. ,, ranrk4 '
r, iuifira. la ruaring .inin, tlt-a
Ufa. yiijlr)r ItiMtril p,
"Mrlw II ttirati. Una IIm.," aha tnnp
"that our took la t'mt to laara in!
I eaw bar Mv.'fliaiilln hr trunk tkla
nurnlitf !""bl''"" Trlbuoa.
"Poor Jtilin! Ho wm kind and
furixitrlnf. hiialtnttil," t,Ubt- lb wlij.
am on lf rt-tur frt.ut lha fgrtrnil.
"Y." wld Mijjb.
br; "but lt' til fur ilia brat. Vtm
0.a ttf ami ruwf.irt fourtxlt. luf
tWar, with t!i t limit: lit that jour hua.
btmj It tt jxrti it liat'Kketdtf
ll 'llllllll, wlltt
Ilii lO0 I au rtiMtlti t 'ana aa
laa MiaMWiaat iltat aa4 aaujaa Klaoi
Mia4 iritlt Malaita thai lor a ,-ar I aa
alma a pfcramU vtatk. I b m4 a oimW
ti mdHtmm racMupaoo4 a Wood purlA
af. (tilt (orta, aaa Malaria afa4wait,
aul ttothim M ma aar tm4 naltl I Wand
la uaa l t. (. Tba taaull a thai nliM
altinf far abJ I vat aa awtl anl
aooa a I aar aa. I bar. aarar ba4 a
ab4 aaca aw tba aUfblaai aaiaHoa at
MaUutav I boa mtftt anil a braaAlad
tr mf aiyariwwa, atal antk that aaa la
ata I lata taatimoaia!. kaavtnf that
t. . t- M lha baat rataarif lot Malwia.
Aawrr, Mtaa. a. B. CUWLIT.
Mj;aiu ilnr tu itupurttica and K.tti In Inatra.l
.ch. itf'tu ' .iraltlir, the circulation ht twrome Inffctcl wtth gcniin of
wn.i,,,.,r ,KU. ra rorpuvira mat lurnnti nr.uriahtueiit and
uaiiKlll tlP My, nd mtttctrd llllt Vital fluid to tilt h a wralt l-r
mJitimt Hint it U no loiijjrr title t kwp tli vtrm in liralth, or ward oil
t-.t oiunllraa tlmraact mitt tiiMW.Jrti that ttMtil it. The loa ol thcac
k'l cortiumlrt tiikrt the tttlor mid flow of health from the cherW. and wi1
It jwlf mI' f.ue nud whrd out, chalky complrxuxis aitionir the tint i
krupliim of .iUlart. Ilttl MtUri i i grnrntl tyaltniic disease, and i
l.l..l iconic motr Heavily bwlrd with Ha ifrrma we have mnra) arrimta
M fompti. atrd ntj.nmi ; the liii) ,u t.lofHl htvint' its effft-t on alt part
t the U-'V Hie tOIH-tite fall. (Iicetrtiun in weaVrnnl. ehfli and altL'ht
xf are ftr.ttritt. and the tuflefer lor eneijjv and ambition -tue of a
nitaitt t trd out and " m miouiit " fccliiik'. Tb 1 k 0f nctciaarv nour-
anmrnt and healthful oualitie in
t hhaal 1 4fw 1il and iWnivi,
In afln It. ma. and iti aom caite
xa and ti'irta . hicok out. and
mrliRir the attrnt it J.rittitrulrd
lit a of ttiitl.niiil fever wlm h
iy have hi health twrmanctitly
hwitT'l T cute Malatia both a
-J juitifier and tonic are nn-eaaary,
ufdrr t lemwve the rauae and at
c tame time build lij the ayateiu
l-ra it wcakrnril and run down
mliti.m. S, S. H. i the nielnlne
;t btlrd fur thi woik. It i the
at (i(c t of all Mood liuriflet. and
U purely venrUlile intr redienta of
!ik1i it ! romMMed make it the
r!rt and aalrat of all tniiir.
S S. giw down into the circulation and remove every trace of impurity
poiaon, and at the wm time eivr to the blood the health MinUininc nual-
in it nrrds, it curea MtiUrta thoroughly and ttermanently berauae it
tranvr the i;enii and xi.ii which pttHlurc the diaeaac, and while doing
in tottr up and atiengthen every (Matt of the ayitlciu. When 8. S. S. has
fiinwl the bl.H.l the vmptoni mm away, the healthy color return to
ircouiplexum. the old tiretl, lepienl ferlittf l gone, and the entire health
trnrwea, llook with information about M.tlarm and any mediral advice
ft the swrrr specitic co.. Atlanta. ga
M I .1
I my (if nprniaiM'tiily (,vnmey mmn
p-j vHiul offoiU'witltllii! ossistarM:o
of tlw WW truly bt'ticlii iat lovntiw.'
ri'iiictly, ry,,,, , 0)U LUalrolSttMvr,
iwliii li i'iwiIiU.h unotufoim ri'V'ilue
uiljtts (Idily sotlmt osKistuiKftunu
"r '"Jiy of grutliHilty liKpinJwitli
lirtii'ilii'S.wliiii mjiurwri, tiro to auMst
iitiTurit utu) nut t.t tlt ntttur.
I ttlUM Jl'IKHtl ulti
ly liptai iirtiK'f oouiiMirru'riT.
titt(rf0ils,tiiul t liv'mfj fiotif-rully.
ItlJM'l Ilk Ul'lll jK mi i jjt t is, ul
yyr wk ;iliuttlf
Fit Syiu p Co. 0N1Y
win wi'util,. uutur Mii ity p Uollia
HowAitn r., rrriTos n.mi..
Ir.wtv.1., i v:,it r t.HMH. Itfl. m: UoU'.,
fllv.r. I. 1. l."... , I, mlar.?' Onld. tvli T. uaar
t ..bfr,l. t t. . H.llli.. .i.v.:.jt. a..
run .. .-. ti.i i,tt at'tii.atl4i. Cotilr.4 and L
Uuoal Hank
l.araa Allaadaaea A.aarad.
"And now, boy.' uld lite teni-her
with a mild reprlinnud, "I ui)ki
titer I no way nf gettlni you tu nt
tend 'b"0l In cold weather."
"Itere I one way," Kke up tb bis
boy In the red Juitiper.
"And what y I tbstr
"Why. move the 'tiio boue nrer
the lake ud give u tl.tet liirrtead of
Familiar aiaa.
fhurchI at the puhlle aerrlre ha reeouitiientled aide
4oorn on the ml I road tar.
(ioihum And will Ibey eixvt to
bar the wonla "fninlly entrance" orer
ILcwI Voiikcra Ktatvaiuao.
who believe in quality
23 Ounces for 23 Cents
Made from pure, carefully tested
materials. Get a can on trial.
a fl
You never saw sucn cakc
and biscuit They 11 open
your eyes.
-agjr awirra, rot tvtwvX&l B VW'Aa'itl i
MtMiiKH orTMtr aajiir, H X .mf 1 I
-tv. nova.woMin, maatt aNocHiioarN. R iW,: 4
pi" ; ttauotmm lathi autrf anWa -CA R A w'VTS, C
W t n . " 'w aw-wF
,"1- uouolj, S4 nd t G, t, Sh Cannot Ba EauiUed Al Allf
f ',1,,.',,','". W. 1. ln, jUi namt ami ntirw ta at.npJ "!;';
torn. Taae iJ"
"Ton aay thare't no f lrli Ihinj a mat
tar? 1'han Uire la no a. i- It thin( aa a
gaa ir.Kar. Vet jou r pajliig out .tour
l money for N,0"0 fr( of iaa fa.
terrd by a tnai-hinv ibat diKnu't eiiHi."
j "t'artaiuly; tUrrt la no auib tlunf aa
I moner."
r r..M lb Altaaaalal rolnl of Ylm.
He ho your niarrlage waa a failure?
Mi - nil, I flott't know,
lie- Why, 1 thought you bud aevutvd
a rtiVDn?
8lie-I did.
He Well, doti't you rail (bat a com'
ptete failure?
8b-Hardly. Tou . my pnrluer
made an taalxninent and t nvelted a
tery Bent um a preferred creditor.
lteObuui r I be. your par-
Ar.t l-.Ttt.tea.
kl. V'fna ur an all Mamma IMfawaa
) lrmar..ailr rur.l 'r a.i)M a t.r.a
wv. lirur.r. na.l li.r ur n d.xu .tmi
twnaa, Kr. U. U. k lla, 1J-. m-nrbeu, l--t.l-
Om tram Waablaafaa.
"I bad letter from a conalituent,"
tnld CoUKn'taiUHU Nallinn Wealey Hale
of Tennraaee, "wbo aaked me to for
ward f bliu, gtilikly at Hmltile,
the 'Unl.- and IteKiilallon of Con
err.' Ity return mall I tent hltu n
nhntocraiih of Joe Cannon. If be tin-
(liTitlnniln the same like we do. he will
hare no trouble In ai-elim Hint my u
awer I dei'ldedly to the Hlut." Sue
via MaKtiltie.
"Tour Intext Htb has uinde the
crentet hit of any In your career,"
uld the flalteref. "I uiHwt. you re
fnrd It t your mnaterpUiv?"
"Not ntceMJirlly." niii'rl the ora
tor. "The fact you recite merely Indi
rate an Improvement In public tate."
Waalilnittoti Slur.
A r bnlra l Kvlla.
"Tour dau.htrr cu ctmie to me for
her muale Icnaon mid can do ber prac
ticing at home."
"I'd rather you'd give ber ber le
ton here at home and have ber do her
nrartlclug at your room." llouaton
Beren bnudred dollar akirt la on ol
the Item in a bill for $.t.US0 for clothe
which Mr. Howard (iould wiinia her but
hand to Dfir aa nr.VHsarl.-a of life.
The "Peacock Throne" of Prraia I the
moat extravagant tiling of the kin I in
Hit world. It value la eatlniati"! be-
t-een ten and fifteen million dollura.
Voa Caa Gat Allaa'a root-ran. rttrt.
Wrlta AIIkiiH. (HinntiHl. 4 Itoy.N. Y.. for a
fr.'B .ntni.le ol Alicit'a Vinit KH0, It rimw
wuallntti tiolKwollmi, ai-tiltitr l.t.t. U umkt'H
hi-w or tittlit mIhh( .itsy, A t.riHkn euie lor
ntrlti. liittiowlna tutu, aii.l t.uiil.iia. Alltlrutc
KUU aull Ik Uuit't i'iH't any itiUutult
II DepetKled.
IiiKlliih John and rut were two
friendly workmen, who were constant
ly tilting, each olio trying to outwit tba
"Am you good at uieiiaureuieut?"
aaked John.
"I am thai." wild Pnt, quickly.'
'Then could you tell ma how, many
atilrtaj I could set out of a yard," aaked
"Sure," aald Pat, "It dependa op
whot yard on get Into."
Chaaea foe "Jerarmlo. .
Her Mother Hut what objection can I
ou hiive to Mr. Io Scudd, my denr? j
J'retly laitiKliter Ob, he all rltflit
In moat ri'ie. t, hut he but tiK'h ub
aurd Idena of what a wife thould he,
Her Mother Oh, that doean't cut
any Ice. Your father wna the tHine
wiiy when 1 married him, but tlx
iiioittii Inter he didn't liuve a
Idea of hi own.
aitla l.laltla oa Mrlbaloar.
Vulcan hail jtint put four nntr bora
lioi-a on Iht fi-el of the (Vutniir,
''Kaaii-at job I ever did," ha ld to
th byatanilfr. "He alood terfwlly .till,,
tnd wb'ii I Imniled him Hie fly bruab be j
kept the flii-a twny hlmwlf."
Making t liiiudaoinf il .'oiint from hi
naual price, be akl hi cnalomer to
drive hinwlf to hi. alion whenever be
needed any more work. i'bieago Tribune,
'Ilia lllahre Malbematlea.
Nlbl.a- Iio you aii.jiH! It'a ever poa
alble to come anywhere ncur Ilia !
of a itiu u' income?
fllgK Vet; Juat take the fliiire he
given to Hie HioMwHor, add to it the II I'
ll re be tell hi friend and then divide
the rcetilt by two and you'll have It
near enough." Illuiiti'iited Hi la
$100 Reward, $100.
Tbtreaderaolthia taper will b ilea.e4 to
-arn t at literal atIra.tonailrrad.xl diM-aMi
iliat arlenotj ba b.u al.ia to eu.a in all I',
latin., ai,'l th.t It t'tiarrh. Hall'. Caiarrh
Cm a I tim oni v imaltlve turunow aiiuwn to l ha
m-lh-al Iralrritlty. Catarrlt be na a rB.ltu
tlonalOlx aaa. rrqulreaa roiitlitollonal l.caf
mem Hall' Catarrh rurii.kett imertiaily,
a tnia r1r-tlv "litt ihel.l.Mxtan.l muratii.
fara. ol t lie a . ttriii , t l.errl. .le-l-o) lii tlio to , n.
ujttln of ttia dl-av, audglvioat oat ant
atn-natb by lnil.llii tip llio eoti.tuu Ion antl
aaalalltig lialora In doing lu work. Tho ro
tnrl.,ri liavea.i mm b fallhlull.. urat'vr pow
er bat tlirf (lerona Jl.iaJrwl Poliand.raiir
rum thai It fail, to curt, Ka .d lor liit ol
A l.lre.a K J 'TtKNEY 4 CO., Tolwto, O.
Bold by alt rlru.gui.. 7.V.
Take Hall' r'awl.y 1'Ul. for eont!ilnn.
uoes lour
Heart Beat
A II ef Lark.
liuftlen Old fellow, you look blue,
are you on tbe wrong tide of the mar
Trumbull Market be hanired! I
moved yealenlay. The run man broke
i5 worth of the furniture, I ft a five
pound Hank of Kuglai'd note, the gir
company held nie up for double tlje
umi I delimit, and I've Juat boon autu
monel on a Jury. London Xf.-ill.
Yes. 100,000 times each day.
Docs it send out good blood
or bad blood ? You know, for
cood blood is good health;
bad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what to
take for bad Mood Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for 60 years.
Ona trfnwrt r nt of I. I.'nrw) to lirr1.b
Hr. 1 hi. c.i,tl.iiMtM.i. I'dii'i.tou
iitO.titti.'... nf. lli..ii tl.4'.rl.C'l l.tia tliw rn.MHt,
Inaleu'l i-t btfi- K ."IM.."I form lha l-ly UaCf
a tiAlura li.'.'.l'-'l Ker. tl, t.owei. jmb
wnb Ayar' I'tlii, livar pili. All va.utbla.
br J. O. Ayr Co., T-owaU.
AiM -.anufaWt-r-- of
HAIR VKl' t.
aoi e euMi.
"I am ao norry thut Mra. P,rl-bm If out of the city. I shall mis
ber no much,"
"Were you au di gtod friend?"
"Oh. It Ixn't that we were ao friend
ly, but alio he the nicest aet of flat nil
ver in the nel?!itiorbixd and I oaed to
borrow It every time I wanted to en
tertaln." Iietrult Free Preaa.
Clat3p Beach Seaside, Orebor
3v U
N."'- --
afforded by a
Every where
'f cr .'tw .
"TUT Dlerrtlr aa tt brark evarhwklaa; F
nt the raa. Hal aala katlba aa K 1
Tlirr MftllCr a-rfh lar. -eerea.
nf Naa aarlara. El rlria HfkUv, fire.
ur plara aa llrara beat, fiaa nalka
flDrririaf" aa trlvaa. pk-a foata a ar
IffUttUn ,llr. turn, ta J0
aer ear. kperlal ram br tba week.
mm UA.1. J. MOOIU rromtrtmrmmmm
C. Gee Wo
Th ml attkyyaarn rellabl
Soet aad Herb
Mid In tiBnl
Mid 1. tt.
Do CfMtd While Tat Mar.
It I a good and aafe rule to mijourn
!n every plmv bb If you meant to
pcnd your life there, never omitting i
ii opiiortunlty of doing a klmlncwa or
aenkluK ' a true word or making a
friend John ltnsfcln
'ir;? . ......
fr Sr?3 ') tn lire wtMr .ec
No Mercury, PoiYont or t)rm-i ltd -M C rct
! IVittwot crWi!hotttiAiclof mkmtU
Urn am ?"- t.. to (.Sir 4"t,irt h. AtAhKitv, Lane
lIIT-t. ITt iTn. Nc--OUain-at, raVf-iOttf) Pli)t;(
H'om-M-b. I.dttr, Ktfit Inm' ie aianhi UiOaluoi
i llul W ., ii pup art't All Jrla!i ii.tMnaita
Jwal Rtccivctf from Pifcine, Ikina Sala. Sair
aad Reliable
dujii' auk i.aNi.uuiik.
ti ana eaaa.4 ca.ll. writ far .ymrtoa kl.akaneipva
l.r lurliw 4 .-..nt. in rlr 1
TH'.e. .itKwo tHisiiiiiKLit'nccrn.
XI l a t int Ht., Cor. UurrkMMi. Portlaad, Ta jl.
Jb U,nlMa Thla Papet;
No. lS-Ot
THKX writing to drtl-r plvttM
roaniio. tiit pfrr.
IZtO'r ; :..'.' s H
linjllf Siomaros andiJowlsi
Pfomolcs DiicstionJClw iful
ncss and iVstrontalrts mite
Opittnt.Morphinc nur . j
RU I 1 Alt i ui IV.
AwaS W
,a la a
k latrlMl
AnrrfeftRtmodv rorfuTrsBM
ttnn . Sour StoMch.illarrtara
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
lacSuniat Sinatu of
For Knfants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
mm m m
For Over
Thirty Years
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Tmi otimu ohmnv. mc vr rrf
i I'
I 5