MAD CAREER OF Death of rH .Srtptathrt Recall Memories of America's Mont Desperate Outlaw. WAS a sLannia ahd robber, Outrages Upon His Family Incited Hin o Deeds oi Maniacal Fury. Kecontly tli knTi at V, : Ueuben Samuels, . of Missouri,' baa beVn an nounced in a line. To tlit majority of readers thin Item conveyed no lg nltleance. Yet H.wtor Samuel was a figure In the guerilla warfare that mail of Missouri and K-ins,i scttlnpi for the bhsxllest and bitterest (trite ever waged by handed assassins. Sam ui'ls was, however, a passive llgure, the accidental center of affair ti which he look no part. Conflict waxed about ti I ill. Its fiery billows surgitig up to the threshold of his hoiiie. For he wo the huslwnd af the mother pf Jeo Jaiiws. a woman with tho heart of a lionet, loving her own with an Intensity as Here as the hat nil she felt for her enemies. Tho death of Doctor Samuels recall the mad career of Je.e, aa Intrepid n freebooter, aa ever murdered ard robbed ; a man who for years, moving In a community where everybody knew there was a price, go,, his head, uerer ti Inched In the presence of danger. James was a man of curious paradoxes, lie was strong In friendship, terrible, unrelenting In bait I a. whether, under the black 'flak of Quaptrell or warring on the society that: bod mdn him un outlaw, 'jto hie mother he was always kind and'alTeotloiiaUf to hla wife a model husband. Hla children found In him, so far as their tender senses could ajipreclate, every desirable element ? fatherhood, tor a long time he as sumed the name of HowardThere was no better 'citizen than "Mr, Howard, no more thoughtful neighbor. Shortly before he was killed thfre had been a municipal ' prooesefina In Bt Joseph, marking a local etont. .At the head -if the parade was a platoon of oIt-. Immediately behind the police rode Jesse James on a blooded horse, bis little boy Jesse held before him. Such were the chance the bandit took. . , There have been attempts to exalt Jesse James. That he wait driven Into the hard school of Quantrell uut be Bad as was Uunutrell, aa monstrous! his cruelty and measureless his passion there were ho,li opposing hliu that lacked iiona of his nmllgiilty of pur iHwe. hut did lack his leadership. One day the representatives of one of the. bodies rode up to the Samuels home They found lHietor Samuel at work with Jesse In a eornlleld. With oaths they demanded the wlicrcntvouta of Uuantrell. Samuel could not tell them. They hanged hliu to a tree an, kept hliu suspended until nearly dead. Thrice did the doctor have lo submit to this torture, and was left senseless and bleeding. Jisjse had Imvii obliged to look on. Then with whips he was scourged up and down the corn rows, prodded with bayonets. Little wonder that there arose within him a tumult of hatred, rnwlttlng'y tile visitors were training Mm for a place with yuan trell, that grim Individual who with his own hand had slain thirty nut of a hand of thirty two that had killed brother. Leaving Samuel to suffer, the Inter lepers next demandi-d of Mrs. Samuels that she betray Uuantrell. "I am like Marlon's wife." she resHimleil, what I know I will die knowing." They did not kill her. A little later she was) James, (from a l'tioiugrsiia Ttkea In 175 taken to Jail In Liberty, and there, with her daughter, subjected to hardship snd grossest Insults. She was a Southern sympathizer and. far from denying th fact, gloried In It. In a community aflame with excitement and prejudice. growing accustomed to every cypres stun of vlolen.-e, this was offeiidlug enough. I ash tee ol Troupe. It was enough, too, to drive Jesse from the perils of bis threatened home Into the ranks of the Quantrell guerrll las. mere Ue found himself among men fittingly desi-rllied aa crossed lie- tween highwaymen and tigers. He wai a smooth faced boy, yet soon there was f, a j L . UOP.nF.RY ' OFTHjp' STACK ,COACH JAMFS (J A NO. admitted. Ills mother was a native of Kentucky, and when the muttering of civil war were tlrst heard her sympa thies were with the isouth. So were, those of Doctor Samuels, iu these sym pathies It was but natural that the boy hould share. Quantrefl' guerrilla or ganization had os?rated before the dee laratlon of war. It was a sinister group, wholly without mcrcv, hideous in Its methonfrflH members made up of social renegades sti-eped In crime, snd bent upon revenge. f' . qejaatrefl's Ciurrrllleui. Quantrell had a grievance against aome of the msurauder of the border. Others had sworn, tiirtH1 oil the Fed erals they could In reprisal against outrages committed hyr sympathisers with the cause of the North; 'A Quan trell gained prestige soine'soldli-r de serted the Confederate rank tfl Join him, lmre!led by a -tdood-liist not to be satisfied on the battlefield. Tbey 'era veil the Joy of murder. Tbeygnve-no tjnar ter. No prlsrirfcr. wisTipnred. -'As fight ers they were de'mofia. Thcy rolled up on skill as horsemen and with revol vers. When they went Into action It was with a JJendbib iet that could not be with.v v,;, , It waa the practice 'of every Quan trell follower to take the reins In his teeth, guide the horse by pressure of tiie knees alone and, with a revolver in each hand, plunge at full speed In'o the heart of the enemy. There was no preliminary -r,'.'JoL;' gallop-!," but the trained horses,, sprang to tho utmost gait on the Instant The rush was n terrifying spectacle, pitiless, awful ; a reritahle swath of death. not one of his comrade a more dan gerous fighter, lie was as good a rider as any, a better shot than any, and the ferocity that had slumbered wltbla him was roused to a pitch that made hliu as demoniac as the rest of ths Ini quitous brotherhood of butchery. The exploits of the guerrillas. In which Jesse soon took active nnrt. were almost beyond belief In their reckless daring, their frenzied brutal ity. The affair af (entrails Illustrate the actuating spirit. One day it was September 24. IH--s train bearing twenty-four Federal soldier. rolled Into the little station. Ipon the platform awaited Hill Anderson, one of (junii trell's most savage followers, mil enough of his associates to orerawo the soldiers. The twenty four were march ed out of their car, stood In a line nnd slaughtered to s man. Soon after :KiO troop under Major Johnson, sought to punish this d.-ed, 'an approached a rendezvous where there were 22 of the guerrillas John, son adopted suicidal tactics. (Evident ly he did not understand Quantrell' way. He caused his men to dismount, and thus they stood awaiting the on slaught. On came tin- guerillas like a whirlwind. They could not be with stood. Human courage could not en dure against these grinning devils, who rode with teeth bared ami holding th reins. After one volley the troop, ,.d, They were pursued as foxes are (pur sued, and of the iUKl only eighteen e enped. The rest were not wounded. They were dead. In thl charge Jesse James, having the best horse, was In the lead. It was Millet from his unerring revolver ths! laid poor Johnson low, and many other were accredited to him that dreadful day. The guerrillas lost four men. SiHi wa their usual fortune. Hy experi ence of thl kind Jesse Jamc u hardened. He was a butcher of men. Crime WIiIuimI Parallel. All Incident characteristic of Jev Jamc tuny be related here, After the war, traveling In Tennessee, he found the widow of an old comrade. It hap (xMied I hut n mortgage upon her la wa to be foreclosed that day. and she momentarily expecting the Sheriff and the I ley lender. The sum sle needed wan J-.M1 Jesse had thl l" hliu, but no more, and he was far from home, but he gave It to her. Then he secreted himself by the roadside, watch cd the otllclals and the lender arrive and depart, and stepping from ambush with leveled pistol, made them du gorge the entire amount, lth which he went on his way. Imppy lu hmlng the widow's home at the cost of 8 ,r'' tllng Inconvenience not In Itself disa greeable. When fully launched tin hi crimi nal course, Jesse had with lilm Hill An dcrsou, the (Vntrall butcher, and fif of the Younger toother, a '!l some othi'rs. Iiiclmllng bis own brother Friink. has Isvti for iimny ear now a reputable, law abiding Individ mil. He always tacked Initiative, sn-t never bad a tithe of the singular abib If y nf Jesse The first act known to have hern committed by the gaiig wa the robbery of a blink t ('orydon, low a a b"ld and os-n raid, whbh the pe- ! Mtrator nnnouueed lo a gathering of citizen a tliey .te away, firing their pltol. Ill July, is7:t, they rohlsrvl ! triiln on the f. It. I. A I". Hear Council Itliiff. murdering an unarmed engl neer. At Interval followed pibtrt I on the Iron Mountain, netting IiM: i one ori the I'nion raclflc, where the (I wns I.Vi.kii. mid another with a j $IT.0oil haul on the Missouri I'Ai'irtc In ea-h Instance there was displayed ut-j ter Indifference a to the killing of I trainmen or passenger, although j si lily an inclination lo leave few dead BABCOCK MILK TtST. fllmpl. Accurst "! " VVdh Lltll biuov J It "! I'is''-""f llrt. llnl.r. vol tit sbw, I A l"t deal ha t-ce " 1 toting mil V farmer use lw lUlwa-fc but em uh ln.U.rle. bav. ni l writer lo wirul tha-eillon thai lit ,b ct Is no! yet dillr uml-ito.J. Many ee,n to have th Mr. Ihsl Hit lUUns s trtt I compile.'"!. ' Iw.t an uurlll'l f"1'- ' rroiiMxi Idea and ahoiild no! tw ! los, lo prevail. The tel I lmpl. awiirate sml e'Hy m"erl br anyon who HI give the matter H"' ''' ful tu ly nd attention. It wml b Ix.rn in mind thst the awuitey and value id the t' drpend lud a lull on the lest, bal quit a un'h ' pr er taking ol Hi mpl. If ll' i improperly doit th rtnlt r of llttl lii. Foe eismple, lb writer lis knoan ol cow oiiii hc. when devirlng lo ll n111 "n 'f"!1" nl cow, h tn lt, mpl by milking dlieetlt lnUithsmpl bl lis. When U I no n llul h lrl Pt of a eo- tiiMk i K'go'y "'i long .m for malm in. i kwij ....I ii, I.. i ...rl uf sir tiling I vr i -i.,. ,n. .,.i ........ ' rich In fst, H i ell evident iht 'l' Blip! would yirhl rull "ll'ltl vlu o fr a drtermlning tl aeol llebne ol that prtliulf cow' milk. '(he milk to b tt-l ulioold I p mred (mii on can Into ni !irr 11 tlmr ot crelill llnd nh ,t-:rrr until tl I of uniform minor The .an pl U then ltnmllll Ukn, Ii-frrb:V itll lli!l. long hsn llrd tl ik !IOirf esttnot list duo i i - n ... . . .ti.r ,. i. tkn it mu .i .i ' . " t p'nce.1 In in inun )r i " prervtiv ddl lo k.p II wt. Th Hl.'.-k tt Udtls si grtsln ted on th sitiixlttoa thai n II rhaii.! rtlele to pis.r TT This m result m,r g, . H h fH tmpmliit i. li-W";H tU.ol.l. lowmtUi .nwlijw or to.) weak cl,i (ir too ul.l. N of th milk uwy ruli 0 , JT le.t. 'H t Much more compM m.iny onlfll ih p Molthls.rtk,!.!. , Ulllier III Simplicity J' ihsl II. r. I, nmhln, uivillfvin sU.,.1 li i. 'H"I a -m . ... M lifc... tint any on .. ot lln... u..,.r willing lo lv. It . jiB," ilene. ran tlly lUMlM . W ben th fanner fully r-lttiw lurnl.I.e biro k.y t,0, TV" Ing mil hi .unprotlubl kJz for chm king up hlcr,tm,.. 'Jjf will not b ilow tatnak, .TV IlatcHirk ImI. "") fAMIUV HOI BIOS, Stmt Good ImiiIoiii tor fm fwa"r, tr I It ttktsa, t'sfsaniir f Usk - Houi kind ot hot's! I k ttrtoi If on I lu -.!.-. J" Uit rnli a, ttJ2 long Min for msttiiin ITT! also ftntda in ..i,........ it- . ... -n 'Fwri(, Win rrr, such radishxim) Imim In ,v,nc ol U st4sti , nltn a lomaiittw, rlbii. rlry K4mZ 8or. .rcl,mily dru..r.d lhllkk l.l..l IN 11. 1.. .. II. T ... ,..,,:,,,, Df(Jf (I,- Itaii lanted to H.s u,,f -t,un' fc ih Noilh, At the. cMp aH 4 U irg.ldnl Us lplB(ttt- evry well tlMd gi.a, th it iroetloa nd ol setl gram s.mpl i takn. MUk vn very llttl In It )--i8o gravity and p pett grsduatwl to hold 17 eubh cntiuitr will rlvllvet pprniltnalely IS grim ol mlik. Wheo lb n l I r-dy for iMtlng, th ) oeUioin it .hottld b plactnl In rm ' and slowly tiMtisj lu ln)p-rtowof abuot to lend ImpresNlvriii- to the occsston ;g dgr FIlinhll. Un lh pt wll: pcllly ' thai sny cream whlrb may liav itlird oo th ld of th Jar 1 csiatully tolled with lb other pirl of th strep'. Th msin- Ing p pett ll now flllnj to th n-aik Flisl of all. liulUJ sf b a.41 m an Ineliwm mirml aittikM lurnlshesl with titlficlal KesttUtt in ai ipt is aa iftlvslyp. ing rooditlrn. Common ,tbl renitllutM Ih wla oure k mv Oil bl. Thai are Html tnt menU lbt ahould b Baud tfui in ainti ana iiiiif at exn rot bottKHl. hould trset Ih lg thioufboal. sag It U, b of o-h Uitur thai ht saristl will avithef b dufT ollll oggr. On In othr haa4, II U rp.nd Willi (pfingy litkdr t natih lb lghl of , iUm flufftni op wbco lb pmsnr h s moTxI. Her manai thWh luttssj This i. don bv tucking lb milk p I o,ihira lo ooe h.lf nr ( Into th p'stt bo th maik: ih. j (u bulk will ism.lly U hoi k .lw. I...H... t. I.l.ll.l.'w . ... .... With sporadic outbreak the Jsmes gang did nothing rHvllly notable after the Missouri Pacific robbery un til Septends-r, IHTil, wbnti they under took tu rob a bank t Northfletd, Minn. The eltlren (might gisl fight iisu learning that the bank cshler had lieen kllbsl. Mill Chadwell. t'lell Miller n I f'hsrley I'lft were hot to death and Hob and Jim Younger, wtlh Jess James, were wounded. The wounded Younger, together with their brother Cole, wer captured ami sentenced to prison for life lt,.t db-d lu prison. Cole snd Jim were pardonm) In p.sit. and a year later Coir committed soi l clde. Frank Jame mntuwcl lo get ths l lowin tna mil u mlum fun lnl.i ll,s ,. . . l u l. Killed h. f r,.rt... - - . " - . nH ,n ,alaj ciimaie. n mm m so,,, . ,e . j. j,. ' ' V" '"i ft'-! "' v irrwiuiiiiT irtrm in dtii, i i. -..a .in t. Imund to culminate In tragedy, lioii Th. ne.l ...n i. ..I.l,n, lb. .,lI i""""".. "-""'" "'.. , xt i i . t Wsttsin 7(t4. ii nn itiww'paf , .n. ,c .-,,..,,,,, i. i. me.uri in tn. ia griMi; ,tt,, to u Uttirtnt. r omrer, ni de h e.s-t .mount to as .ill depend m.rj fr ,, ,b, pli., dtUfi offered rewnrl large. 1 on Ih tisiigth ot lh acid. th I ,t. i. . . .t .lim t t,.,du. . ... . "a wi O'-s niunrv mnjww f JiHKsi f,,r 1st cnplurc. line "," , Umperatur of th tamp! lo m trts, ! ,. , . . . . .. ,k. w Ml Ford, with hla brother Clnr:.. d. ter tc If ordlnarv coinm'C!l atituhut ir ' . "...i ...i .. t. .jJ I I be approslmalaly co.,.-t l... Mt,,tn,y,l tmy toM - nun , i'i'iiii w tiwi i iiivii i ; iiv dry (oteDiiger I lmmedlt.'y pUrssl over Ih l p nf th piptl to rvnl th milk from cp,ng. My gnlly rslraslng th prwur th milt t al ios! to rlo oul until level Ub th niark on th item of th p ptl. Th p ptu now contains th Is giama. Ih nmpl I now ecu plied into lh tfovld till 1011 in tun. M- over, thl manor hiul4 b fnd, t otdci that (imuUlloo may ftiimi tspidiir. Th pfoe of Ui own tat l ttHirlsl twfor lb tmour I plcewl Is Ux V tfs. To mttnpll(h this lh tmtm I oo I ly piled la hnii. abl. .Iboti!.. To dolhl th. '."rfil ;(Kin,r.h,pp4,tlM! II dry .be pH .hould b in a !nting poIiicn, nvurt.,, ihroughoti. a4 If 11 Injured J.e Into Cnkot. and w.y i P"-a" P P '". ,,t ( beoitn tr Mtl, M k V ernor Crittenden at the (utile efforts teetlvi-s to lute him mined to sts-ure this smn Thev lout wiii the c nflden( f tiie .nitl.iw. th.. ' miliary Instance. rhaa in whl. h h s Judgment f men lei him iistrn) he,e boys bad I he frisdom of (!. J.unes home. They were iMith there .me lay in HC. Iteesuse .f tl.e h.-nl J.-ss.. had removed cat rind e.-st iiuiltlo-n laid aside his arms, n lock of ore. nntlou be ; had never is-fnre u-en known t rhi' I ii. iinwrimg itnil h i.-titre on the wall was askew, he mounted n to adjust It. This gave the Fords their fiance. They bad;e. betw.n J,.,, Jam. and the be.I on which ny hit pistols Hob then shot (,1m In the tot. i of the head. There were f,w yn', and J.-sw Jamt. bnudlt and oiitUi. was dead lie lived Just long enough to lie gathered Into tin. ,in 0f bis wife. The revolver that Hits 11.-.I r... hi undoing hurt been his (twn ,,ft r the man who used it. The Ford, got (heir money, a pardon from tl. ii,,. ernor and the dctcafiitlon of p,,. ,.. enemlisi nf Jesse Jume Tlo.p,.r.... Ihey knew no pose. There nns nm,,- so mean as to eitend a bund to them Charlm Ford rommltted aoi.i.i. i Itlchtnond. There were no mourner. loo. IC,,,I .liri.i 1,. .. . ' ' "' ' "lornno. ts-.ll Mir i..,. 1I..1 ik ... 1. Ia ftjel ' "'" ' n'"' rr"l' in th hotlss.1. .monnl tou. To the b. n - Af,rf on thoroughly ar4fitt ng o, oUrrlng o ny , ,!.. th. m.U ( Ufipntlmnt ,,utl. 0 ,,ft W t .. c,. ,. pour. . .ir jo. ,(,. .,,1. j , , ol th. Is,lt,e until .11 h. ln d 11, , .h, , ,L S,,..; . lht , boll I geotl. n,t.ry,n4 irllon rf ,h pll ! ft Now giv the motion, tho giving lb arid a rharwa li sd ,H.lly ,m all irt o' th milk. ha r i'""1 !"' 'l ,ln'! "-reo of (mir minute, .after which it I. glvon anothar fot.ry movemeut and Ihro plawt In th toater. Th Ixittle ire placed It, U Mtei I in iucu ixsiuion M lo keen th. in. fit r usually dug from Ml." IrieliM tlnr n etitl ill enf1fi.ol it I mil lb Ir.n.e being f Ihelf wall. HjcIi pit hol U rttail near torn much-fits)' ( in ofdet thai Ihey r lilt th riultit tinounl of atwoll J way luiv th hotbed lm ' '.' L f l'T . Ih' b",lr" h,,,,M tn-l U iuch (It. I. availah .. palll now b whir!eI (or flv or in nilnnte at such iiM-ed I geneially marked on th msi'lun. Ths machtn la now l lowej to alow down for lb purprsw ol adding water to the bottle. Knongh water l sddftd lo bring th content up to th neck ol th bottle, after which th machine gin etaite.l and run lor two minutes, stain .topped and ufhoint warm w.tor iddr, u bring M th fat content up Into th grwlu M rrt of tl,, botll.. A,,r ., whirling of on minute the .mpte r to h read. It .. he ..11 ..- an unwelcome habitue f ,mhMll, j tUt 1 prefeisbl. to UM ,(i w,Ur "i ini in t.mpeistms ihonld b tnl i:o degress Ksl.renl.flt. To reid l ltr smounl of fat, take on JK'ttl. nut .1 , u,r. hold II upright, the grs.lusM part should b on level will, th ej,M. ,,, ditf..r,,1M Utwren Ih highest and loweet ,ti nf lh butter f.t column I. t, , of ,)t. ter fate, prei.ed n W, ul()(,t Moat milk h.Uls. are graduate,) up lo 1" I'r rent, ,)rK ,,,in est... on. pernentand each s,,,l dlvl. '" tw;,-,,M,;,,, " lr cent ol butler lo lllustrnte the inih..l ,.f ..i soldier of vengeance, who warr.s .'" J!? ,A 'l m "PI""' that the top of soclctr. hi hand i,.., " '" mll,ln" ' l HA, ,,! tl,. ..I. " mnn. 110111 at I B ii.n n.. T. . " ' 'lal. 4perc(,nl(at. Thl. , ,,. tl,.l hall, and wns shot In a drunken brawl for long there has hung In the Ham uels home a framed scroll berig ,,, insr-rituion : In Ixivlng Itmernhranre of ,r ,,ut, ison JKHHK W. JAMKH DM April .1, IHS'J Aged .14 y.-srs H inonlhs 'iH ihyi Mnrd.-r.s1 by s Traitor sad ('.m,,i Whose Name is not Worthy 0 ,,..r Here. finch U a brief slfelch ,1 nous, (iiiuuiiess, ilesiierate of .less., briitiil society, hi bum) agnlnst riiu itivnev r.u. ..,.,....... . . . ... ..." .. . II1MI H , ,,, ,il,l,.B. Henry James In l'hlliidelphl,i g,-r. The f'tmp, "This flat Is 11 mere coop." "Yes. John," said his wife sweetly and the cs.k has Just (lew i "ti,,J burg Post. In 100 ixniiiili 1,1 11. 1. li.. 1 . ,.. '--.i'..,,.,:,,;",-;;,;, I' ll , (,,,, ,,,, tjmi , , I' lmtt4.r fat col,,,,,,, ,1 , be per Mlyel..r,of.b,UMll((ll y.nJZ. hi. 'V'Un ''tn th. acid w'WBmraivw-JL" "e va eauaa black or th tooth ld of om boiWlw tril fm.t r hill. ProtartM " tea Is sough! (roin ll lol wind, fur wind hav J!" In rtirylng tway th be. dnlmrl l.tlon i sleoaa e"!' "" uiremrnt. . HoHmsJ ah ar Sid feet t " cft a Unit 3 each, Ktame ( ea.h si rritd with th br. II hlgh llitn th front, U Jj 10 Inch;. Th number oi tl. til o( fh will ilPM J" th nr I of the Imlly. lrm 3ifl fl will tHaii" bolbexl are for t family o ail. . Iletoia Ih (rm I pl" "rV T pll th fermenting mannf P'Tj In pit anil thoroughly MmZ bringing Hit !! ol l". within Hire Inn!; of lh 'fVZ lhax.ll. rtom ll.r lo 'frV g'MJ loamy garden toll venly over tha gurftr In order lo lurnlsh "j,, l I no plani4 tmlll 'h,'JT heat tf th Out lew dy hrt JTLg subside. My th use of t ' th tetiiiftur may !',JI," certalned. Toinateai niy !" leiripertnr of 00 to BO '"T bag and le-lluc fiotn 80 W TOM"- (Ullw.y whistle Inflict "1 miiy ijpl thai tin '1"'u fn ch k Hi plagu hsv won W"J j th peopl. Au.trla h. I" p. ytm of dumh .ig""'""-!, lop Ih tralne. Jl!,im,",r, . .1. l ...... i, f " I I W II l P - . Qermanr iprtmntt w v.