The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, May 01, 1908, Image 1

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Vol. XXV
St Helena, Oregon, May 1, 1908.
,lk in Rot. CuhiiiiliCouutv Ilnuk.
. . . ii ' f,. i
I, in .st. Ilrtrn last week.
lKVrTlr Rauibo will I in I loul-
priiUv and ""y cn
L, KrDk mill wife, ( KrU-
n St. Helen vUllor on lr(al
. . . i.U
bihtkh--!! ' ilrl
L to dn In-fore the loth day o(
The book are now Open, ml It l
dulyol "rry citiren to m lbt his
( on tull Whether you r
bltcn. democrat, wilist. tndrprn
(M prohibitionist, don't neglect to
mi.iU ra Si. I crty a took l
iMhmgli' dT,r ,''"' 'ur
nil .So i, .!.:ta per thousand.
St. Ilflmt
i-S. Jl, Itoal, u( Matgcr, won lite
in the grrl word ctmtet, given
in I' Sharkey Ca., oll'nrtUail.
,n I Mr, C. C Mtcu were I'ort
nwti)i iln week .
In Sunday nutubrr of ll local
mk l,ut" vl'lled lUc ImII grwutida
bred ttcrv iiu iiounon, iw uibiotti
'. ihcjr cuuld do Some twenty ball
rrtturncd oat and evrry indication
L ihtr wilt I something doing Ihi
net id ll h ImU tine.
till Mrv J. H, liodlrrv returned
liolo lt TurfcUy morning ullcr a
t ul spriil ill St. llclei.
r l-'ioirme and I'.IU Hihchoucr
hurveyor J'reacolt returned last Wed
nesday Iroiu the ClaUkanie ticightior
hood where lie iIoIuk sonic work (or
the Columbia Agricultural
which U undertaking the Immense work
ol draining the great are ul marsh U,
tliet esiat there. The Company tain
earned and he tpent cerl thuuwml
dollar imichaiing Uml. It Ii undoubt
edly the uioat lni,rtcnt project ever
un.krtaken in thitcouiity and meant the
rcclalniation ol Ibounandi ol acre ol
tremely fertile land which, when Under
cultivation, will give e mnlovintnt to
buuilred ol men, lioth in Ulling the toil
and the cauncrie that wilt be built lo
bandl the product.
We pay Inlerett on Time
Columbia County Hank.
1 hae a hill Mock of determina
tion Id aupjity the trde with a
varirty ol cbowe groccriea, Ireih
ergetaldr and Iruit. Granite,
.tin and ijueena war. Seed,
paint and oil. Motor xtlnc
and Napiba, and I heartily ap
preciate your patronage.
Mr Autone Kill baa urtliril Iroin W.
II tuliard live lot in St. I Idem adjoin
ing the Martin White property and will
build a bom there tbi aummer. St
Helen i growing quite rapidly, more
bouic having been built bcrc In the pat
year thau in any town in Columbia
I'omona Grange lor Columbia County
meet at Yankton tomorrow (Saturday).
It iepeled there will lie a large attcn
danr and a vrtv inlerentinit teMion, n
..I.l ..-..I .ill. Mi. I 1 tav l"lK""' "" " Mi-iM-
. j ion ol tome ol the proposed menturrt
i Nile Money t)rder, good any
ire. uw rale.
Col. t o. tUuk.
up ul While t'incaud Tar, the old
: cmiU re::ic ly, 1'or wlc by A J.
"It. drucunt.
I. iii.I Mi. v.. II. r nk'llll. Ol leer
Ll...ued lloulton U.t l-nday mgbt com-ine., Kurt A lU.ytou turning on
c, the lerlure at the Artin'.hall. ' " "u' "' on
. ....I I . ... M.t.i.l lit,inl rlltiti anil
Iwltr m wir K, C, Iw Irtrtedout : -r, ,i i i i
'',,, .. . . , "eirctrical dip!y. Tb t lalkanie band
plaed undrr an illuminated willow tree
and rlrtlrii-al tnet ign were blaring in
coloml light. The new company uc
that are to be tubmlttcd lo the people at
lliu Jane election.
I have money to loan on approved
realetute acenntv.
tV. H.fOWiai,.
St. Heiin, Oregon
Cla'Vnie rejoice in twoelectric light
uiKluk ut Momlav lo Uo kiuh
ft. -r:mtwi:y III I He kouiler,
bburlioant. He will commence be,i
i . i ...i i. .i ..... .1 ...i.
..,.1 Seer CtV lo K, a..d " 7 " . ' V .
I and claim to lw able to lurninh light
I .1 . . . I . I . . ... . . a .. J ..I. I.,. . -
. .,.. ...y, ... jww.u ,,,,,, ,! heretofore Iren
luriiUlird, con.idering the lact that it
c ol the grrlet benetll ever "-' l, , all .lay ervlce and will alto be
Input the Lower Nebalcm Valley f.,, lo (t,rmti iwrr.
in omu!.'lH.ii ol ine triepnii
Irum Ci!kuic to Vepcr. The
lullv up to ilnte in equipment ami
Mug ricrllrnt tervlce. 11 it a iimin
iifMl and them are p-oviioin
rl.r nv individiiitl orcompniy mav j
litt )V
Clnl rntbed at par.
Gdmubi County lUuk.
Tbrr will be a tpeclal uiuHical pro
gram given iii Hie rrebylerin clnirch,
' CtaKkaiiie. Sun-lay mornnig, May 3.
. .. .. . L.-' -...i. Solo by Mr I,. R. Kutbcrlord and Mr.
i "it ui M T 1 1 1 a ll'itt " rum. wi... i ..... ,i
; , in .l.ioruc Vuii r, ol Rainier, Mitt Mary
l"i'ieritjiinliiig that audi crvlce alll '"" h ' . . ...
H rrciproral iwrvi.' In all concerned, U'oner. ol Clat.kan.e; cornet aolo by
I.UH lo nuuil, ol mil.- ol line and - A,i" ,'"r,,",u,
iixtalled, and that uch
Womk IIousi:h Kim Sai.K IJbave three
oi rt,e willl governed by the bead ol uork bore. lor tale. Weight
rrK,l:aii,m..llieoilgliialc..mMtiv i Iroiu t ' n'. v.e...Ke
UK .lut.iice KTvice C.riiiil. S-ik. '
fi'K rwii iii.i'.rn-Tlie lloiillmi Si. ' p,ir SaleOne roan mare, 7 year olil,
'I'Ummrri iiilCliib, by tlecreiary, : Mnigbl abmii i:lot. rI new -"4 wagon.
(i4v, mil lurnlob lice miuplilfU Kht inng wagon, I 12 inch IVering
fliin; llir icxiiircr o( Cnliimbia : clow, I 11 Inch g.irdcii plow, I ' arrow.
kH, luall who iletire to tend them lo u, mlc lit a Iwl'O'l. Impilre C. Smier-
- t the I mt who may contemplate ! vein, t'oliimbi City.
"g In Oregon, Now it the lime toj xir. A-n llolndnv, r.. died at her
ll"e i.iiiplilei where Ihey will do m,lllc al scappoote on the morning ol
nn.l good. They will jiinl lit a bui- Apnl U'iU, al er an illuew ol tevreal
C"UI"I !lmmlb.
II Oliimtead, Supreme t'bviciiin j jr- Mike Tredi, now of IVcr Inland,
' I'nilrd Arliiaii. delivered nil line- .., nurchated (he Silviu prowrty and
K Ulk lit Friday night ill Die ball -.,,,. .,, move lo St, Helen a toon n
e Ilo, ill, ,11 An.einlily No. HO. He ,), puienl iKcuiwft, Mr. At Iikc, ciiii
lor hi. tnblect "New York Alter : -....iher abiding place.
nd hiimlled It lu a way that j , ,,, . . ..,,.. .,,,1 entertain-
M plainly thai be wa well inlorrn- n cuuklle Saturday evening,
P liullieme. denile the lad that III 1 r...
Jlav -IIII l0 nioriow) --
" wuli many other lecturer who j (M,l(.Wl,11iecHv Hand. Itanciiig niter
'" Hint .ubject, tin would convey .)r(,Krillllle.
ttt New York i. IOKhr CIlri., KplaC01)Bl
"' iiiilir and crime. The mule 1 ' ........ . . n ...
that llu-re are 2,tHHl,lMK) pauir. in ' . ,! .,. ' ."L.7 ii.7i I .
fly 1h beyond belief.. A root, crowd , "'. 'T iheuw t r
.lM.,-inKwe.el...l,.-Redl.,. " . " . 8cvt.rn, ol
li'u lot lor ante, 5(1 100. belwetm , MWt Mtlliew' choir. Port-
r" li1mau' talooii. lor f -- Kmily aaal.ted in Ibe um.lcal pro
The county court ol Columbia County
ha decided upon the purcbata ol a poor
Unit that it lurin wbere the paupers
ol the county are lo be kept, provided
the title I ml.foclory it ba ordered the
county clerk to draw a warrant in lavor
ol llallour, Ontbric & Co., at the rate of
piO per acre (or Kiructbingover fifty acre.
A to the real value ol the land we have
no definite Information, but, a It i aald
to lie nearly all unimproved, it look like
a pretty high price. When the State ol
Oregon want to bay land it tdvertl
lor, and II teem to an ouUider
il thai would lie the best way to con
duct buiaea. More anon.
ll"lhe inlerett" area atrong in the
foiled Stale a they have proven theoj
elve in Columbia County, neither Taft,
Hughe, nor Rootcvelt wil be the next
Mr. R. P. Burn, ol Hudton, waa
vUitorto St. Helen the latter part ol
lat week, the gueat o( Mr. and Mr.
Auguit Ketrl.
Mi Anna J. Kelcl, who it leaching in
the Hudton dittrict, wot a home vltiior
lt Sunday. ,
W. II. Kytrr, of Beaver Valley, lited
SI. Helen on butiuet at Wedne!ay.
Mr, lldwin Roaaand Mr W. B. Uil
lard tervct tc o the ladieaot St. Helena
lait Wediietilay afternoon, tor the bene
fit ol the Hpitcopal church.
Pom Sl.K-One tborongbbred Jersey
bull. Price 10. Inquire of lliruey
Wier. Si. Helen.
Mr. Ray Walt, of Coble, ba been
vititing Iriend in St. Helen during tbe
patt tteek.
Right Reverend Charlea Scadding,
Ritbopof tbe Epiacopal dioce ol Ore
gon, viaited Si. Helen on Wedneiday
i but and adminiteret tbe rite of confir
mation and baptiam. Tbe Hithop'a ad
dirt wa mainly on denominational line,
but he evinced a broad spirit ol liberality
and had the cloae attention and warm
ympathy of all ii hearer. He i a
big man, both phytirally and intellectu
ally and would lie eqnnlly at home and
utcful among all ctatte of people. Hi
religion I of the kind that win men and
women to better live, repellieg none and
attracting all. lie is a member in full
ttanding ol tbe community in which he
retlde and there I no more enthusiastic
Oregoiiiau in the State. In (act he is so
in love with Oregon that even in tbe
pulpit he doe not refrain from sounding
it praitet and hi add ret wa interspers
ed with eloquent tributes to tbe scenic
beauties of the Columbia Valley and it
material, present and prospective great
neta. He poke eloquently ol the work
ol hi predecessor, Hithop Morris, and
gave a very gratifying account of the
financial (landing ol the tar ion church
institutions located in Oregon. We hope
that at some In 1 11 re time the people ol
Columbia County may have tbe pleasure
ol listening to Biibop Scadning at a "get
logether" meeting lor the purpose o( ad
vancing the interests ol this county. The
rite ol baptism was administered to Miss
Mugenia Iteming and tbe rite ol con
firmation! lo Mr. Lockwood, Mrs. J.
W. Day, and Dorothy Pretcott. Oi.
Thursday morning communion services
were held.
Mr, lid win Ross ussinled by Mr. W,
It. Iiillurd gave a tea for the Uuild ol' Church, on Wednesday, t the
home of Mrs. Ross. Over titty guests
were received during the afternoon, and
all hnd the pleasure of meeting llishop
('eaddiiig. The hostesses wish to tliiink
those who iittrnded for their Invors.
The Indie's Aid will meet with Mrs.
C, H. John nrxl Wednesday afternoon.
A few weeks ago we announced to
the ladies the fact that we had se
cured for our trad the justly celebra
This week we take great
pleasure in announcing to the
men that we have secured the
selling agency for this terrV
tory of the deservedly famed
and renowned
.Walkover Shoe,,
This Shoe Need no Introduction to th SIvm
Wearing Public For Year It Ha. Sold Itetf
and from now on will ba
Houlton, Oregon
.-) ) )))
At Spences Opera House, $
Saturday Nijrht, May 9th.
Music by a three piece or- h
Young men who deire to earn better aalarie and S an
congeuial work.
If able to read and write and ambitious to ucceed,we can quali
fy you for a position a mechanical, electrical, (team, ciril
mining engineer, architect, etc., etc.
Ad Writing
Show Card Writing
Window Tiimining
Commercial Law "
Ornamental Designing
Sign Painting
Stationary Kngineering
Mechanical Kngineering
Mechanical Drafting
Sheet Mctiil Drafting
Klectricnl Kngineering
Kleclrirnl Lighting
Klectric Railway Work
Teleghone Engineering
Constructing and liiklilig
Strnctural Kngineering
Architectural Drawing
Heating and Ventilating
Civil Kngineering
Dridge Engineering
Railroad Conatructioa .
Mining Kngineering
Textile Manufactures
English Srarlcbe
rrepmttiM for C.S.Clrtl
. Mn EtemlaaUon
For Free Booklet, Course of Study, etc., Address
425 Washington Street, Portland, Oregon, repramtiaj tfce
Internationa! Correspondence Schools of Scraaten, Pa.
"i Aiiuutt Wlett. SC0DIX1OHC"
e, 1