SALMON DECREASING The annual report of Fish Wardt VanDuseu for the year 1W coutalns some interesting data In regard to the packi of salmon on the Columbia Bivet far number nf years and shows con clusively that if the fisheries are to be preserved, steps must immediately h taken to stop all Ashing in the spawn ing grounds. Kvery voter should read this report, it says in part as follows: The salmon product of the Columbia Kiver canned, and packed under Uie cold storage processes, and handled by deal ers and others on the Oregon side of (he river tuisl year (1907) was s follows: Chiuooks, 15,7t'S.ll6 pounds j Steclheads, 1,112,009 ponnJs; Silveraides, 1,045,810 pounds; Bluebaclse, 100,102 pounds; and Tules, 67.15S pounds. As compared with the product of 1000. this is a fading off of ner 17 per eent with the Chinooks of over 3!) per rent with the Kilvewddea, of 28 per cent with the SteeUieads and ol over tS per cent with the Blnebacks. I have no figures from the state of Wash ington showing the product that was handled on that side of the river this year, hut I Infer from closo olwervatious made that the same condition exists on both sides of the river and that the en tire river showed a general shortage with all varieties of salmon of about the same proportion. This year the combined park of Chi nooks. Stlveride, Strelheads and Blue backs on the Oregon side of the Colum bia Kiver was, .743 pounds, where as, during UKX1 it was 22,908,700 pOui ds. Comparing the Chin.sik product of the Columbia Kiver this vear with the Chinook product of 1902 or 1U03, assum ing the theory to correct that the fish raised from the spawn of IMS! or UH)3 would reach maturity and return to the stream of their nativity during W07, we find that while it is only a trifl short of the 1902 product it lias fallen 20 per ceid or wore below the l'AU pack. Whether this theory be co rect or not, it is very plain to be seen that such a conditio!) i f. aflairS U) alarming in the face of the ex tensive hatihery work that has been caaried on BinCe l'JOt, and the matter should be looked to and the wrong cor rected by our people before it :s too late and this valuable food product is lout to ns and four or five thousand of our lc-t and most loyal citizens lose their prin cipal occupation. In 100(1 there was a shortage of 8 per cent over the year previous, but the product of 1900 showed a gain of more than 20 per cent over either of the yesrs lflOl or l!Kt2, ami every year since 1901 tnere has been a fair gain over comparative years, under the four or five year theory, until this year which, notwithstanding that the weather and water eondiions for the Columbia were more favoiable than what they have be-n ior y ars, the pro duct fell short as above noted. On our coast streams, onr people w.-re confront el with ; his very same condition of af fairs prior to 1901, the product was de Creasing gradually yea-by year on all of those streams on acoount of excessive fishing which was carri-d on from ihe lower hariors to the extreme upper waters where the streams were very narrow, and comparatively few salmon ever reached their spawning grounds, and those tbau!id.-iadi their spaw inggrouotl were mhms ttaar-nfter -ei ed and marketed by unscrupulous pers lie, therebv d.-st roving mUM-fiia id spawn that nbuuid have' been deposited for a future supply. Thesituy was alarm ing, large inveetmefitshad been ma.le in canning establishment ii the packers and in fishing apparatus by the fisher men ; a sscritice had to bu made som pla e for something had to be done to save the product, and, as I have hereto fore reported, the legislature of JWJ1 proved to be fjUriJ to the occasion and wisely pas-e-d lawsconfinmg commercial fishing to he lower watert!. Ijead lines were established on all of the str aws, some of which were several miles Mo the head of tide, and no fidiing abow tho-e lines have been carried on since, excepting with hook and line, wi'h the result that every season since, thoosan .is fit sa'mon of l! varieties have be-n en abled on the tMesaad during the fresit time to ge! by the lower river fi-her and have ascended the : wains to their spawning ground where they are pro UxttM and Ht alone to spawn naturally, or are tsken at the ha'cler'es etablt-h-ed toieit riitare in that resect. Thi restrictive measure was somewhat hard at Crt on the tipper river settlers who fact that it was, oonaldored a very un favorable season for all of the Const Streams, on account ol tho long PII of dry weather throughout the entire fall season, it was very noticeable gh. will be seen by comparative table here in submitted. The Columbia Kiver should have been lucluded in lids meai-ute at the time it was enacted and the law made a general one as fur the xtat of Oregon was con cerned, but IlliMiillucllC brought to bear by the upper Over interests was too strong slid the Columbia was excepted therefrom. In the face of this, we have ever since llKtl been endeavoring to hold the product for the Columbia, by assist ing nature with a system of artificial propagation work that has been carried on persistently and It did look for a time as though we would lie able to hold the product for the river, for in ll, o., ami '03 plenty salmon for hatchery pur poses were lound in Snake Kiver at On tario, and In the Wallowa and Grand Ko. de Hivera in Knst.rn Oregon; hatch eries of large capacities were established, and during the 1IK)2 season 4.447 female Chinook salmon we e taken in Snake River at Ontario, from which twenty one million eggs were secured ; the same srason on Ihe Grand Kond Kiver 0W female Chinook salmon were taken, from which over three million egg were s-cured, and 1173 female Silverside salmon were taken, from which 3,ti4,tKH) eggs were seen ml. Again during the 1003 season at Ontario 4.767 f male Chi tioik salmon were taken, from which twenty-five milli m egi; were secured; on .lie Wallowa, UW female Chinook' taliuon aere taken from which 3,707.lH) eitcs were secured, and 1,342 female Silversides Were take , from which 3. 001,000 eggs were secured. Hearse I'eWiitVCarboliiwd witch Hare! Salve. It is especially good for piles Sold by A.J. Deiiiingaud Scapp..os lrug Co. UAINI KU The city council met Monday ocmug and revoked the license of W. C. Mr. was warned that unless hr con ducted his business properly his license would be revoked. The revoking of hit license, to take effect one week (rum to day, came as a big surprise to Mr. l.ce. The council was divided 3 to 3. Fry, Kverman and Hoogbkirk voted to re voke. Bed, Stennick and leiu voted to retain. .Mayor Hughes cast thedeciding vote. Meat Monday the curfew ordinance will take effect. One long whistle from the Str. Iralda will be the signal for all children under 1(5 to move for home, quick. All games such as dice, cards and other games of chance in stores and saloons were put under the law . The water commissioners met last Thursday evening and formally turned the water fulds over to the new treasurer. Mr. Mears, superintendent of the wa'er works nays be will have water running in the new system in two weeks. K. C. DeWitt A Co., Chi.-ago, 111- Gntlemen In 19" i had a d-eae of the stomach and bowels. In the spriiiK of lOs I bouWht a bottle of Kodoi ami the b nefrt I received all th gold in Gejrgia c 'iild riot buy. May you live long and prop-r. Yours very truly, C. N. Cornell, Roding, Gs.,Aag. 27, 1'sjK." Sold by A. J. Detning and atjiyimn Drug Co. Vuthi.hcd lor all p'"t " ,lv" illi or without iio.", or rail, at reasonable rates. James Iaiwc, Rainier -:- Ore te Ad.lres Sirs Sotlce r'or rulillratlot tVl-rltil..lilotllirtill.-rho V.ill, 1 1 lu-rrM tflvoti llisl lnn.lf.- A-. ..I Ys. it. ' ' -' ";""," t,:i. o i ..k.- I-.-' l.,1; vl. Il,.riic.le.t k""' N'' l'4'"t. m l'i lur tliK', "t "'i Jl t ;.', s. . NVt', ..fSW's.are ol SK'1..I -.-li.." t.n.l... norlli '"-' ii..i mm !". "'' iho ltri.i. i mii-1 HitrOsr i l'..ri!ii.l nrv..i.. .hi Uav I ih. I" ... ... II,. IU.1H1-. I!l Mil.'li Wilnee 1 ", 0 hl r..itlinii ivI.Iik ulni. wet .-!tlU" ui.lh Inll-I U ,, , M.-1.I.HI I ml. at V Ilium. llfr.m- Ktxl R..-v, nl Vanll.ill. t'rriHi: J li J'"!""" ol YauMuli, inn . IjH'luiJ tmi'ill. u V ten. OreKiiti Al..;i:sns PHtfSKH. NOTICIi TO HIDKKKS Sealed hi Is will oc reiiived hv the counlv court on the lllli Uv ot April I'.nw, to nuke till and construct an Arch Culvert at the Zirwiian pUic on Siulh Scap creek or Dutch ( anion Maul counlv road, as lollows lo-wtl: Arch cul vert to lie ot concrete, made ot c!eti washed gravel of "tie to arvto, said oil vert to 1 (ortv tret long with nut on eicll end mtficirn! to keep the ilirl from the till from sliding in the creek, sai l arch culvert to Iw three Irct aide at Use and three Icet high 111 center, walls per pcmhcular for eighteen inches, with arch on ton A till is to 1 made over this COUNTY TRtASUftCR S -OJICI COt'NTV THM i'lt Orl'K'K, .Sr., Ols . Mar. 30, I. Notice Is berehv given that alljunpald County Warrants of Columbia Comity, Oregon, which have lieeu senld and ....t..,-d -Sol I'aid for Want ol 1'unds," will be Jld nw preseutath"! at this ofllce. Interest will not W auoweo. .nr. this date. jioWINKOHS. Tressuier ol Columbia County, Oregon NOTICE TO OWMIRS Of riMHIttAHO IN COLUMBIA COUNTY MICON M O. Nesse, the cruising contractur. and the coiititv court of Columbia Coun ty, Oregon, hsving l:ied u.,n John 1'. Cheldelm and W . R. Uk arbitrators to re-crulw any tracts in ihsrule; . , siotice is hereby given lust soy and all persons not satisrtnl with ihe amount id tmilr ss reported ttv the county cruiser, can have their land re cruised he the r hu.atorsby tiling thnr at plleattous with the county cletk on t lloi April. 3tth, lisw, and ,leiituig with thee erk t lis c,t of the rr cruise, to be tssl.t by the applicant In case the report l O at! I trator Is within JO r crnt of the amount tetsirtcd hv the county cruiser, otherwise the money lo I refunded iMIcl this 17th day d Maich. lW ly iHdrr o the County Court Attest; W. A. Hams, clctk. NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Special Road Work. IfouHon and St. Helens Road. Hseellte4tin N" I t itiitieticleg at Vf oi.fswlte Sain Kellv'e housss and niiining to stak "H' distance of alsiut twenty tofs I" l rlar.j o( ail stumps, brush and li" the full width ol the road To I gra le-l tinny rt aide in extitrr of ruail tirade 10 lx laelvv Inches higher itirn!ef than im oillalde of roa.l. with dilctie S ifflclefil to rarrv ff all aster Hra le to t grsd ual and Uniform t-'roitt s:k 'II' to stake C rva-i rot la Ills ('Irruli fo,,,. IB Uskas. flalsiii S VS ' , Te J.mss E ,i,k .Z?.1 ' ! am """ess,. IN Ih. ....... ... .. "S liesls (laliil I runii t N th. nam. nttk,,. u , "t I'f fsiilrl lu., .r''ISw ! I mm or U,. .V. Iks ! lrom.i.,1 mi., Ib...l!'f"si77 t tiiisaiiaiianm i w wltr? .lay ot A..ll ln l J ; klL" i .rt In, Ih. "iu ' L u Rl, h.r.lJ?' tsftl !liy.,M. fro as Ih.'.,'' it' "'I sml, ""ism ' IMS MNOt!,.t 1. fMt , "l II..H It s "JJiH Wsa. and swt.1 oot.r .. ,VlssJJ .i.y ol r.knwrs !. .T? W lliissuT'iSk l.y ul rl.t r-uhtlcslUoi i r .In il.r Ik. la ih i iwau i'hm . t. w. n in, i., j lsl i tt, a. a lrn,in v. 1 la th. , ." 1 Wlhru,s..n, .J.I.UI, ,?"H.-J " .. s.wa LS!"" tft r.wl uf W1..H "kSii,' ttllS St)W,ttt(l l t-,,.!,., . . I -, s .. SoJ .S...S .klC' i SUM h, l,l.u. aitUM' Ul, l-st is n. ut.r;s . l ll.l, la,M. ,rX7'l I. .Ill t,.l k, IciliT"' ... ,,i,M ".' i . . ---- Ul tar si-"ua. fit, isi t!tUJ culvert which a ill Ire fo.rt.Tn Let j , ,w uk, , .,.(,, , nil the lied of the creek, or eleven fret tovr top of rulvert. said fill to t suteen fcrt wide on top Slid lc stead at least eighty feet on the ea t side of culvert and seventy five feet oo west side ol culvert till to be uniform with r-wd. and will contain from twelve to lifseeu hui.dred yards ol dirt. County Court, K. M. llvrTvN SUMMONS. for 'lumt'i t tumtif U f tit n tilt to) I"rlrn t j ulft tott Wild '( l fuft fiVit il Krn ffilH lop 'f lull ffJ ilwr - Uk H' ttint tiakp 'C In t UiiiKrfUt ukr "A' Biu( (' rlrfh: in Uti r t ! n-l fin tti 1 J Wrcn Haktf'lr fttl j V ctifttttl m( ftuo c?w!j fotk tUt I Hichif tlrrp, .I'fttf! t tU mill I rwtivr hf tho ftMittty utrt fur ti fritlrUttt ,ou A fit HiU. I j iYmitty ( "Ufi, b U. S Iftmv T ib M-lwn, tinffl Milt. (! Ihf tlf!" Eh s "MiP f f"j(i t'nrj rtt l":itt r :r ic:iist 'i-j jit Hie t otitir"1 r "in DiJ rii on ft Wf'fv .lt'lv Wt JJWahir'h ta i 'et t I H hJ .! my fill to i-i,'r uT t r . jll!!(t Will i.p!t U'f Mit trirl lffr-! (.if ift hrf i-tmii iftiint. us-wit .r iitrt-p l:t'tiJig thf t.rsi!i 4tT l4!'i)it',tti tJo e ill f.f; l.-'ineni t-ntni-sl !T it !v f -1 1 n AO I t f.i?!fSer i!'i'fr rJl,lt!iff i,iM!, ft '.rs Marlrt I. , r. :- E-.f at;.'?: -hmt r 1 1 itlhrf Tv)ir', (n lit Hi ci.rjrt e-srf tnsct Thi !if!iii'.; si tnf,(;.h-4 t; Mr -.; iltt fTp i A M. IW!-, l. W.r .' ftniiifl -nnn, pifcls- t i I f.ilrfehj ix lt Uy -J tn m, h.,!tsli(f mi ir(oT v I'i" : t hi i'mwAff. u ml ... ..i. tuii4 e,.,,k i.k& ... ' ' Ibis !..,, if,., a, "J la tl.. ..( l,i , lmM JT uo i. ., p,., ,M .il Ih. r.ii.l ., M tr-W,. thU ta. nl!u, WrtfcMSjJl i-i.BilWiw 2 this sisrass it tw4. nam "" r tiowol iMij '"' ". ! I, M.-Wjk - ir- tfM -IR.I a iiHUw.t; Jlli, !... Ill) I'i.lliCfT Klrl A.fil, : Jjkt p'Olli.- liuii '-U-. I SOTIi'K TO C OTUilTOBS t !,i5.: t ,i-il I Wf aifagJ't-U, J .iRUff V Rt.1 !tM r i i rt . Vet Uai l i Kli Tnif'l ttl'r'Uwti !ia. htttri 4fvo ho-r'-j ?"jrlfsre! f. i5, 3mI kfc th ftiiis--ii,'.l He-i in th civ I ! ''it ".t ?i t;Ai: .-( r .e v(i if .- tliw !s:t fee I 'i Q 't f.-ltiar lt lt fit UtM I H T I! !s Hi Jije niDf telle! jsi t """ - w n-s-s! fr'-nin'l tt ! ts-(ulu(, f-p tic b .ih m;l hntti tellmt m It Itt fiMfl r-Tv . i ;'ttl r'-'" H le i i-u of t v.nii ft I S1iVft.Mv t IhiasUtlfcMiJj., ik. i, M.1.I.U la 1 ll.J SUMisnak Se.ilrd bids will x received f.rr the ; erei turn of a psililt.: s. tni! building. Ins-1 r,. trict No. ",. VVarrro. tn'uniliis t otinty, ! Aim Oregon, in accordance with the plans j and specificattonsnnw on rshihition at N ' -! (taker's, Warren, I trrgon. bids will ' he Closed on the :nU day ol April, I'.a'H, j at l'.'alia.-k ntsrn Ihe rivlit to ieit! any arid a!! butt reserved Hv order of the fi d of Due,, tors of !xhooi District No. 7. Attest; W (,T, Clerk I tl..f. j i-l in !c 1 a-.-T. -,t, ll.c nit ut M.l- i l "i i utt a i; : ii skt in- 'Mii i-.i I' suiirt .'.i'-i.-(i -a Mf ti tei e.! II.-.UIM) l las Sollre for I'alillraUoB Vhkk I'AMi'Hl.KT The Houlton-Kt. I Helens Cotnmercial Club, by its secretary, In !.'. n M. C. Cray, will furnish free pamphlets) iot"i"t-. advrtiain' the resourees of t',,fii,,il,ia 5 ' j fl(lcn f County, to all who desire to scud tlittn to j i , u si Nxim - i:tf.,.i.i.,(i!.t I,.,,, ( (,(,,. s ' n'llltV m. C.... t..t. Mallr t ar Hriift lS Scaled Uds will t Ntt!ai County eirurt oo lb 1st shy M in mks till and coast mtt Ms .i man pi t.u the M M r Unlch kaityua Una cotn lollowa to wit. A All as te l ! Side of the evs I MM .Mn will lea. h acreasltstM piers ot the Irridg lo t sk crete. 1'iera .lifen Itfl m feet high, three leet thklmteg hat HO, k al !.:, tnncm m mule ni clean wsstml tm seven, five stringers kmhf md decking 111 tve by Isrelst tt StKI g.l banisters on si.let ol Irr id ou east end ot tf!gt Is aH f-el long, bi t-s k yyl it se lateen feel wiue st BrlsMfl atwtul neyen hutl!rt M " yard, of d rl. ha h is to Is the tad, The til! ea WM of Ihe bridge is sevtnif ink las letel with liriiflll ul .W st lop and ctmlatMsWas limit .Hit sev.lltt 6tt ysrim County Court. tytlM ires. ! f 1'ivrca. I,-., (,;.,!. i .1,. I-.- v. . i... . """""i movine to Oregon. Now is the tunc to i " : i 1.1 ft . .1 . j - .. .. pot these pamphlets where they will do ! !( i,r i,U the most good. They will just fit a bu- j t$U???HTtTi nest eaveiope. r..eru,e...K..,,(,s,n, i ' i.i' n -i: 0-Pj,;i, 1I lOUA.i ill,- !..., i. r'i II.,- ri. ! vcir .ll,,.iu (.'bainberlain's has the 1' reference. I Mr. tred C. Hanarau, a prominent ' drugzist of Portsmouth, Va ,say: "Fori the pat six years I have aold and reco mmended Chamberlain's ('ol'C Cnolera and iJiftrrh'ra lieiu'-dy. It is a great reiely ami one of the tt patent med icines on th market, f bundle some others tiist pay me a'-r profii, hut this reinely is o sure to affect a r-nre and my ens otner so s ire to a(ir.ciaie ' my recommend!' (f it to him. that I give . il the preference." for sale by A.J. ; Iteming, druggist. iHiM.lliC t.. i-iitifi,- I i M .. , ',. li I In ti l .. a. .iilll1 ! ,.,. I 'UI'I it.; lj 1 t, " 'lrl,.. , 1'M'fl, U J-jli llrtHtill, jli-j I I,, . nl -VJifii 1.1 ,1 . i i.i i- c : In ii,.- ,. W fil,,-, il. , , l-ll-h- lli-,n -.-.ij . HI;.. t.. riifi !, it.,. , nf aii-l II... In,,, . i.ii'i-r .i i , i illif Hi Oil; (On. .ui.:;i's-i,n, li.ins I- Yrt'Uv, April i't. fin '1 OH , !"'( t.Aint s t ;.fi i i.?s) : ! i I.i, 1 !.. r.ri.i. frca ,a j N .lir , !,..,, lli.l u en.W ! ,Oi lr,. )..,(, !..., ( , , aUfnm ! 1 I ;-. m'.'iir.l An tUUt lh i,f ; t.'-i"- ( . !, i,i thv i'.,u .sir..,t,l. Ifrr...,,. j N... i,-l ilin,f;,, r.(lf( - e.leiKt ,r ! !-, Ii I'l.I-ll. I. , I hi.Iot I, t it Alusl U.'. I.. .. Il M .,! !,, .,1 - .-i:,.,-l i. uiil. - - ' " "i .. (.. oT ll i .U O.i, r.. i, , ,.., s j;m) i" t" " ' B-.rtn lisllr.l tl t..lh, I l 'i",'i,r ,,r ,r o-ti .H lo, i I ,ur" . -"'I Xllc is bereh. lt"H ; Jan..,-.. v,,.i.,i,i. I, tu ni, .., tn. ih.ii ol an ooler id lalf dulf J "." "Ir l-'I-isi,. ,.t l,.MUl,ll,kli I ha r,. 1,111V court W 1 ..... , , ln',,lf i.r.i.i. , a, iijwAi,., '. ' SI I-. "I Afi'li 1 An ln. i I II. On. I'(l:.,il ..r.K.ii, An, ,fi. ji ,,. ' .lt. .1,... ,,(,,) lli.-lC !,.i. j,, Ih ; 'Isr i.l V 1,1,1, In; Adailulstrslrh f I 5 . I '- 1 .r.. I' lln.l... i ..' ' , ,, alkj mi tl.M(..l,i ih. ls,u.iV""!1."",""".'-JJ a, i f of Mar. h ! In the ticr f...n. Is nntv I 1,1 t II,.- i .'If! i ."Hi !y Oil i.,f, ,,, !,(, Ill t.. "HI. I. .ici.-, ,,, 111 III ll,i. .(, u, ".it 4 an-a h I a in ' l" , .li,,), ,. r.-iilrnt 11." inl.r (,,, doll Ih. If.ili ,1a II liio.r.W J i i.s, all U.l Htllus U ateifofil. Wi"" "1 I ... ..... .i. ...... .1,. .BitartosM . .... . i ......i.oir. . ,,l ikiid etlswP,r-1 h..i iniimifll ,, , It ' ...iJ un .f if.,e ... I tin ; .nte hereinafter detiw"" ... ........ i... !.. Mimal.y vlalius sftaiust nl e"f aim esvi.''., j oil r foi sale and will 1 bidder lorcasliontbeSJ Al.',r;iiMiK a liin:srti, li.ji.ur SUMMONS hi il,.- in i ft .f rr,- .. I M.l.ill., I It A '.li if !!,!, l irt .i li,. c lib of inreui i"' "I i oluwbis. I'liunnn i..rr,,t,.i. H.M1..I .1. tanl K,. U.l.lll, HIT 1,1 ,(.(,, i l Hiotit, .,1 Hip Hm at the Iro'it )'' ' I ... foatit, w i sa. lil...i. in. hillowISl sn j ijirotarrvy io an. :, ,dgi ItlicVrUih we.tipisrt In ha'l been ac-iretri-iied to doing th"-ir fisri- ing right at tb-ir own door yard, a it i Kennedy' Laxativ C-mgU Kyrnp ads were, hot tinee, tbev hvt l--sme l t. ! promptly yet gently an the b ,w, ee where it was wrong, and thy are' throofih which the cold is f ir. ed out i,f now irfect!y i!li 'ig to drop d iwn on o he system and at the saine time it the lotrer harU' for their fishi-.g and allay, infltma'ion. Hold by A. . Ih ui join with h o-l in hrv'irig the ing and S--pp e Iirug Co. product wh'ch is (i"W ntt ng them I NOTICIi TO CWI.OICOKS " " Oregi, ft " ""' M,""!"' K'lnlee IK,,,. iii-iii-. rill i, I I iriore than doable w.' at tier ud to reaiize. Hie g'exl rm)!:obihic 1 from this prde-live uerjre as. very H'ie able on all of the eoat sr resin, dunn 1S06, si.d this year, botwiUisUoditK tbs FOf;x At -Natal '.range Hall, Murth l Uh, a purse containing money and other valuables. Ownercan have said itw.();i1 property by calling and identifying same. llAk'ns W. JUv. in i!i e,,ii.,tf i ' ii'iiiiiiii, t In II... mit,.f I.:m.- i,.,.....i i.,'il';.,!r"!',;vn tt-s ih -1 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I ,y t Mel .., ..... in.',.i,,. i. 1 11 1, till 111. ...I . . i n, , , , "l mr l, ''-'). i it Hi I In- -lull, nf H!(, I"- li. ri,. vrlB, a .t.i.. .ia lli IWKlfl " "'"' i l!.',,,,'r1'''',,','r'"! '"' " Ihe una. i tt'est' nnVlllaWfttt HW4-! tvv ,' I ''" ri m iii ai-. aniiiM 5'" " r'' "'', ual pan I., 1 "l'l i" . .is a.k. from Wording tioversiwf ZJ pr..rty l-elng W toW"-" " i "mi ri.f ih,. ii, ,i i.hi.i,. ., '.."' , , , - --- .,,, pi,, itntiin. . - .111111,1,11. K,l,,t u-xiii A li lsi .ii,t at,, u.i ri'iin. ! Oif :Siii, lmi.ll. .M.iii Ih, A. li 11,1 IV "f i-cui ii i10't.( ,i Mor i Dated this 'Aul ,i ii . , i , i. ".' "-r. lot asm " ., i,,r I .1.1 S.'SIII .,1. mini) i riitl III," (Ml. I . . . ""'I". " "M l-OH.I 11 L, . . ' 1' I'1",""' lr 111 t'latntlir ... i n in " ,,H,T nll .ImIii.Im.., Il...v,.,l ,, .,,.t, .....i,, iii-o-r ill, un ci I riu ,Mi,n,. I. In, Uisl I'lalhtin l. urn If, III.. Ii'iili,. Ij..l.r I I) l-Uliitr HI, ,. ma m if hebool warrants cashed ,r Coluiubia County lik III I I IIS llltlllin 1. ........ , ... .. . " i;iiin ,i ii'imii, ,,.( i r. . , ., ' " y in.iie- i i-iMi.,,.!;!., :,', iio.ii. .,7,:;.! ""m r. . . a r. ',iili,-,l I mi th. ivii, ,i ,., i. .. V. . '"''. '' ' OIAVV Inn .In I '""' ""SIS. i,ihii. . a.el tl! ,1 L "' ""'al''''.'"ailii.'t.ll.he. lo I. ill :,""U, IllKKun. i,oltlllll(IS S I.M I'" " U!.tO) A.lniliiislrat'ris OIQ' '.,.l.,l ,lrceasl. Hate d' first VbiiLlf II. ll.!-of lust BUWI"0" tWM. I f0! J ale id ltP WW. work at the "-S" ..... Plans and iiwf,r irk tn road disWl il'w Mayger in ,ii.ii,,, . UaM ! ofllce, and with i Hudson atoflif ...fliJ J wSf.sjiiKiWjUi s sr 1 1 .t puWkaUon Mar. J