OREGON MIST ST. HELENS OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK Oar PREMIER RESIGNS. WEST MUST UNITE Important Legislation Pending a National Capital. In a Condensed Form for Busy Readen . Return of tha lata Important but Not Let Interesting Event of th Patt Weak. The torpedo flotilla has leached Mag' dalena bay for practice. K:ng Edward ia severely criticised by hn people for leaving bis poet at a ' sriais. Naval experts ray many new records were made by the battleships Beet at Magdalen bay. Howard Gould is suing hit wife (or a divorce. Drinking is her worst offense, according to bit ttory. Oliver C. Dallas, nnder arrest at lie! ena, has admitted making many false reports on mineral surveys. Hartiman denies that he has main tained a monopoly of the ti importation cosiness in Oregon and California. The Canadian Pacific railway has de sided to build a second line through the Rocky mountains to the 1'aoido aoasl. The Italian car in the New York to Paiis autnm bile race hs srrived at un Francisco and will take t Wanner lor Alaska. Representative Hobson, of Alabama, says the navy needs more thtpt. That Japan could easily whip the United State at present. On her return from San Diego to Magdalena the Connecticut exceeded ber trial rpeed, and that after the long trip from Hampton Roa.lt. A bitter prohibition campaign in 1111 ois is near an end. Philippine Democrats have Indorsed Bryan for president. Japan is to abolish thestigma of caate on the lower classes. Many Chsnsss in British Cabins! to Follow ss Result. London, April 7. Ureal IlrlUiu I in a peculiar position, being without either premier or ministry. The long expected resignation ol Sir Homy Campbell-IUmiermnn, the prime in In later, was otlloially announced pautr- ..,. rinnv nl dy night. A.Mi..g to ti.e ....t dr- TH yosK WOULD GARRY DA ctuar, ne resigned on ine uigcm tow iiieiulation ol his medical advisers, and, as the constitution provides no uto matic successor, it reetiim with the kirg Dr Farm Homestead Bill, to choose a new head of the govern in cut, and in eccoidance with the cus torn and precedent, the w hole cabinet resigns with the premier, no tep te appoiut a ministry can be taken until Herliert 11. Aequlth, chancellor of the excheuer, who has been summoned to Hisriita for the purpose, hat even the king. The position of the country is quite In Which Wett it Greatly Interested, Among Meaturet. Wa.hlnifton. Antll 4 There are sev era! important h lit pending lefor senate and home, or In their commit tees, ol great Interest to the West, any unprecedented, there being no previous one ol which can prolwikly lw peered II example of a change occurring In the Western tenatois and (oogNwaineii will DreinirnhlD while the toverrign was ml tonethei and make a united rnori abroad. On thit sccount the courts of Moet coii-bUuous among thorn tt Hit procedure to be followed is In tome present time It the 320-acre diy farm doubt. hoinretrsd bill, a mrature that weans 8lr Henry's condition remains un- ureal ileal to the elate west ul the changed, according to the phvtician' Missouri river, In many of ahich eel bulletin. The king, (111 telegraphing Dement it practically checked (avails his acceptance of the premier't reaigna- the hrtt lainlt htve paaard to private tion, conveyed an expieeaion of his re gret and etteem, with best witles for Bir Henry's recovery. POLICY IS CHANQEO. ownership, and what reuialut cannot tie tuecetsiully entered under Ihs eilst- uig homestead law. Another mot meritorious nteeurs hanging In the ha'attre is the liorah bill, providing liin.lt fur building tchoolt, Inttall.ng aewei and water in terns Slid making other municipal Im provenisnti in towns estsbllshed on uoveinuient irrigation projects. This bill proposes to donate to such toana sll monevi derived Imui the tale id Japan Much Ir fluenced by Comlcg of American Flt. ion to, April 7. A few davt ago Count Okiima receive. I deputation from the Japanese residents of Sacra mento. Cel.. and from the Jsuai see town lots, a fund which, in most in newspaper men of Han Francisco, who stances, will be ample fur ti e nirp wished to solicit hit viewt on the euii- r,pei ev hat show i that towns en grai'tou problem. The count It report governmeit pioincts hsve bwn th.wet ed by the vernacular part to have of development than lown.wi Carey act sanl tliat it was very dnlicult ti find propvis. ine letter Lave grown lepld out wherein lay the object of thedis- ly. arge schools have hren em-twl patch of the American battleship ailc.tiate water end e-'wrr aittems have squadron to the Pai'iUc at this time. A been luitalled, tlrcelt have Imn Im good deal has bee'i made ol the move- proved, etc., whereas in towns on gov ment by the Kuropean pre, and It wa eminent projects the ellitei t have born lookeii upon there at an occurrence of obligwl to go down into their own pi-ck- unusual lignifliance. Japan, however, eta to provide and maintain tch.mlt and had received the assurance ol the property hoMer Lave been mniMilled United States government that it was to lar the enure eipent ol all civic not intended as a menace to Jinan, improvements. bu. at merely undertaken for the tiur- pose oi i raining omceis ami men. Nevertheless, whatever the rwl oh ject cf the movement might be, it wa emigration Oreat Britain is alarmed at the growth of Socialism. The chief of the Crow Indians defends "pu-abl that Jan's Indian Agent Reynolds Russia is inclined to the demands on the control of Manchuria. ieawa re ttepuoucans win send un instructed delegates to the convention. An entire trainload of oranges has just been sent from California to Iowa. Japan is making extrosordinary war Ev,ni 8' Vov o Pacific preparations to continue tbe expansion Wall Timed """ ban rrsneieco. Anril 7 a,!,,i The national diairs.-e hill, which mntetnp'atrs the reclamation of swamp snd overflowed lan. la In all parts of tlx I'nlted States, stands little cl.aice ol paa.ing this session. Though It is s n. t policy had lieen considerably sflei ted mcasui ol great merit, there da lk.l,. . .... 1. . . . . . wmcuT a,,,, ik wnn ooi erT to sever on- oi im mat inierrai ir ji la mi-n tirely the dispslch of the fleet from the tial to force through s bill of such ng policy Jspan l ad lately pursue.1 towtid the United Ktstes in this connection. FLEET ASSURES PEACE. Wtt homeless. The German diet lias forbidden the ore of any language at public meetings Dot uerman. - Harriman officials announce that ex tensive improvements to Han Pedro har bor will be made by the Southern Pa cine It ia announced that'the coal mine at Hanna, Wyo., In which a score of min era were killed, will probably never be reopened. A general strike in Rome baa follow ed a labor riot, nitiltle and Importance. It i dinVult to riplaln thie lack of internal, ton, for there it tcan-ely t state that list not nine lands that Would be beuetlttrd by a national drainage law. fliere Is one hill that eonirrewa will certainly n..t pass this teeston, yet one insi tmm I.) have been emrted lung sgo a bill repealiig the llmUr snd aton set snd anhmatitiiting srimt mora nrac- ticable ststnte providing lot the d'toe ai ot g..ve'nm. nt timb.-r. It has l-n smply demonairsted that the timbei ine ou rum avenna hotel in Niuulr t-an.. in n lniervinw Tork has closed and ivilHiri.n. .n printed in the Chronicle tolav. , ,. r 'TI. i. . . ' .. . . Btates today is In tho Pacific. The coming of the fleet to thit coast hat not ,n'l '' act it vicious and unlu.t. ooiy uenionairaieu lo the world that we have 16 battleships which ran he bronght togffher for a long cruise it s moment s notice, but it has called ihi attention of the people ol enr owr country to the fact that we have a I's ciflc coast as well as an Atlantic coast, Lou;s. April 4 for pmldent nf .w 17 unirnnei ii4i tmii puu. irw.rt.siai it w..- mnj'h m.m Atrorn inl, r.i t i ... I .1 ' " mmi ... - aats-SI Vl rOUftJ .I'W P' iuik, iuu uui our in oriv i tn t m . ! Vli nrnilt Umt K-..v..a.i w a-l. .. .-.stiaiJi T uiuc iuiibt urn urtniar ifian n t . it. nam, ol I mlm mi .1.. ... I., " itouii- ..." . .in convention fi., POPULISTS NAME TICKET. Walton snd Wriliami Their Ch0"C for Nstional Cflicert. HOPELESS SPLIT. Imarttsts Commltslon Cannot Agree on (tpokans Ksts Cass. Wa-htngton. April . After liavlrf the Hokaiie rate esse turner consiuer. Hon for more I halt one year, Ihs Inlr atste t'otiiinen-e commission Is appar eutly hopeleasly dlvlihd legarding tha drelalon which should I rendeietl. Hie It the wot liiipurlanl !"-" the d, .kola ol tha ciiiiiiila'oii, and uj- on It hinges the entire. rate(lshilo ol the Culled Males. II theccuiinlssloiiMumld decide with the ahimwia ol HiH-kane. the lhry t- on which the railtosds have mails rat. a from the esrlle.1 days Will H"it and iia.l drctainlis on the shot! Slid hug haul clams ol th omuieroe act will t iil.-re or Iraa tlullllleil. Oil tl.soth.r hand, II ihs e.umiil"lor ri due tc dia turb the pieteiit adjualmeiit. a long sit p toward e-tsbhshlhs "he Jnalloe ol lha raieinaking tnethodt ol the railroads will hsve tiren Uken. He.- gnltl.ig III ImiHirt ol the i-a Ihecoiiuutsalon went Into a most carvlul and tlaloiale Inves tigation and hrarlng nl all the facie and lUlened to srguneutrt frutl a larg nuinbel ol the lu.llir.a. la.lrad and continental lawyers In the West, Hlite the arguments weie heard tit c uimlaeum has ha-1 nuinerooa eotifer ences rvsard n a decision, and It de velopa that there are at Iraat thie dll (eient views which thus lar have proved. lirocooellaMc. The romnilssiun lias atruggle.1 in vain to get a lna)r If it iMrft and at.firaevnllv Is In a ileadlork " t ........ The rase Is one which had son trt vrlng the rai!ia !t In I lie N. rthwrst lo years prior to the roiiiiiilsalnii I being given greater powers. Ualng to water romprlition. s.rorllng to the ia lr-ds Ihs rales to t-r'tan liom the uUra aral ta'd are the ratrs U Ihs l's Idc newt, plus the liasl raits from the I'a clflc rt ha.-k to hpukane. Ths latter l y in.lsta li st this la unfair. ROADS ARE Blig Blizzard and Soot Tight ITri'Dt TEMPERATURE CmiffitJ From wanllobs IK, snd W. Mono1 wisugt af Inaaj '"It EW.' HI. Paul, April . "wing hei to,,x r1" . iikiii iriJ I. a eohl wave down liu ,k? J FIQHT FOt SALT BIDS. Ospot.lt of Enormous Value OUcov seed In Utah. Washington, April 8 Title to lands u the tUle ol fish containing tall ilav plts ul sn ntrtil and purity hitherto not only unknown, but nu.liraine.t of. Involved In a evhaalioitalevuilftt now Mng fought out in this eity. Atii terra nf la'.. I. lying tlg the wratnn border ol t'tah hats Immn it la. covrrl lo be overtuppnj with salt, and n attempt It being made lo aciille em by the filing ol p ' mining claims on the Jtrt ol Individuals. Tha suls ul the lands was t.lav estimated by one ol the claimants si IJ.i,ihk) Iirp.ite.l by rature un the lands over which the nuitral la balng msda la ld ol pur salt, which lo pla.-ee es to a depth of all le.. Tills salt Is l fines quality that II has beam lound unntteaaairy lo ratine It. It ran I marketed dlrwl fi.n the deprH and irata nave shown It tu t . rs m r.laliorsU prtrairatiort liave Wll. Rnef s last objectionjto been overruled. "This is the short rna.l tr r,imfhf., it... .' - ""'vnuon artri a trial has , , V """rB 1,18 n''! """y sessions, triroughoot which The Brssilian cruiser Bergsmia Con- sunt is to visit Honolulu. I Mmma,.i. I .lA.,Al,.. . : - , t k- I . . ' . 1 i j i ti! With 1 e .oiasi( ,n, Minnesota delem. development will come war, but it will tions, working in the Internals ol W J --"---- ""i wiiu lo-incii "oiiiiiriiuirni itu arti-r n.,,..i.i. - .. . I fftini IK hm I l. i. it . i. . i i . . anurew warnegie baa eiven 15.000.. " "'' a"eraieu Dy men men "'i '"'en u,t u, n, n,. i,.,,,i. ... , 000 more to penaion university profees- M ""flmsn, and the part ol the navy Republican itiea. Ih,ptl.,!y on(. ore. rraoy. w e (10 not "moerel. ami Willi,,., I . i ninnniMI,n,..i.ii..., . . m"J re Hard times hsve fnrt H.i.n rm mti.. 1"Z I K"lnl"i 10 retrencn ber charities. trial schools in which she are to close Retired clearing house Chicago to ths amount have been sold to a cardboard factory i i . . - auu leuuceu to puip. Charles. Fisher, aged 17, dropped oeaa in ine streets of Bedford, Ind. He wss addicted to the cigarette habit and nad one in bit mouth when death csmo. ine proposition to build a new sub way in New York from the Battery to object, the uoiiiniK oi ine Imi n,,..i Pelinuika fiuo, (.,... .i . Two Indus- nnrv.rtnn.1. .i-i i. .L" 7. . """"I'ersieiy lo the . . , w i'j me preeii ent, '""'i ami, wnen Jay A. Format ,,r n is interested and ta arr va In K. P.ia.. i. ,.' i v 7 r.irrw, i, A. i .u snimuit. -.7, ., mounted the platform tn ed in the present assurance of n..Mn.. place Mr. WaU.m in . " W certificates of Nof tn,t ' . l!ved thst there withdrew from the convention .'i,..7 of IM fggi nnn n7 "cinai danger ol war. Th iw,r,i. ed bv the Mii,.... .1.., ., ' ' '-7wm uniriniLion. of both countries realized too well what a oreauiui calamity such a war would nave ocen. ' CoHset Money by Autos. fian Francisco. Anrll 7 win, . .fli i ,, : . . . " . ', 'V "n m. l"n ''t""'0- A.N. Toiler a -hark f... .t oi.ee pressed mw Service lor the rcc.. fa. ,. ., , . ' , . - ... . vn unn in mi) 8melter Trust Pays Big Fs Helena. Mont., April 4.A(i.a , (,ie ilnK company trv'.y a,m,lt,d II. dnfent by sending to Ker-rry ol Wl. ... .w.. awsa-a .; un ill wi ii I n rjA r net l l l a-wt m ..... un.isi srosuiway and l.ex- extiaordlnarv effnpta -mi.- ; '" k from 6 msi . Un, th. t.t.A ti i .i u. ... .nr. I. il, . ."e sw Jersey msds lis m.,,,., - a s,asau3 u nil WW rr tx LIIM I - " vvnurs.t iiii II W w Wlflcatust 1 the Ohio river at Cincinnati is above flood B'ore stage. A Chicago jury hat decided that $60 nais are excluded from the "necessary household expenses" for which a hus band Is liable when Incurred by his wue witoout nis approval, Indiana Republicans are boosting for rairoanis Germany Is preparing to float a loan 01 I ltZ,6UU,0U0. Diamond worksrs of Germany are on true lor signer wages- col lectors Wednesday. ind nn I Iw.i a M n. , ... . - I ZJT i"""J D1Kfit they will visit asioons sna Bim restaurants with in the boundary of the eitv ami ti,- r.j . .' i ... .w ..o.o piBuna or Detween 115. 000 and 20,000. ' Transport Sharmsn Balls. fian Francisco, April 7.Tha i.n.. port ehermsn will sail at noon tomor. row for MsniUi with a ,k. of first class passengers besides 100 enlisted men of the TwenU.fliii. artillery and 130 recruils for the troop in the Philippine. Albert J. Malnii ruled other necessary tinneral wise. The fee Is the largest In the hi. try ol the der,tient. Will Fight Two-esnt L.w. Uck on ths 2-oerit passenger rats is prom se.1 by the rall-oad. Ih.t o ,.t. J? . Mlnnetot. nd Ml.S I is prolmbl. that ths tuils will u Hied next week. The call l. . snc to meet ,t which offloUI. 7l Z Illinois roads will U ... . l' . .nedto,l.y nd ptaMfoTuhTwui then then be laid. been marls lor th control of the land by Individuals, who have thus lar kept th discovery ol th ilep.it out of tl in wip.t. For two or ihrm n. nth Iimv wens amr-esaful, but now Ihs state nf fuh s awakrncl to the ...i ..-.ihiiiii-. I this salt depo.u tnJ th, l 11 senate of f,i HtsU and the presidrnl has ba.n Invoked In tu effort to letalu the prodmt, which ti e com monwealth claims under a awlloi, (, the enabling art making It elate. SOON DECIDE LUMBER RATES Then Commlil0n W, Act on Open ing Poetlsnd Qalswrsy. WsshlngUm, April a -The Poitlsnd gwtewsy case, whl,-l, was ar.ol l..i (all and which Involves the shipment l lumber es.t.,,,1 (,, j-,tfvt V,,,, . .. .an.,, win ,,, arplU 0)(1 . i otniimrtw rnmnilssluti has i tsndrre. n opinion ,,, ' ',, ""'"mniia.ion Will this wev.k hold II. Arst conference on th. I.....I-. rate e and It. w , ((t (B .Ik. ... . r'"''t l"t many , .,,,.,,Kii inrrn la a .n..-i.i.. ... ...II. .1.1. I-...,. una otlMll.,n tei.l. . . na.1, il... .' "" " V " '""'. as It Involves the "w. iiiuiuiiry west. IL. u . I eoooidlng to tha (iBiu.i .7 ""N lmre.,1. The e.., M "Tf 2 drop lMtem,ruUNU,tto", ? alw.v sero. 1 ly Very low UnnajtaiBj, lerrlM.es. It was .0 Z' sa.oatU.dk.1.,. , "V below alprlne All ft ' W Adlspetchfu, "A heavy sii..wsto . -lad. ransed dtl., ZTZ' North lk.g. unlay. Tt-, ?? trrlenul llmlud of ths OiwrflT ainvedfwir boors Ut mjTJ that Ihs sturw rased all ill J?. (Itat Fall,, juo,!. 3 tha Fast wer f.om hall u Tha snow la Rifling sod II b W'. tame will be lied e. m i t Forks AIkhiI a U of oa, .Q (. In Ih latl U iV,a H lJ .1 IW.I 1... iL i... .. ... .- l.B, 0m Ari . - - -w lamr un tp - In tha Or? f a ts,, -.L..- .... rwaHw, aviiin., AlMll st entira Ked river valley has t j iaai nigni in II, grip of ths Ua sard nf Km win lei. PORTLAND'S ROSE CAW k ol ths entire North- Inersstss Firs Hsrard. rraiiein,,. Anril n r. . unsallahiri,... 1... '. . - "" !"" ,)... . ... "en rran ",i sunt, v. m,-i.ii. ths wdnt ..I .1 " V ii.. i,.,,. i " "' proiecuno agalnai ..n.....nlc.lim Q - uperris..rg tw. I,- ,. .S "nderwriters .,1 tl,. Sui! 1. n" tela f,...t. ik- """0- '"Port - kliaiL lltm ravala. ... city la a ... V. sysioni ol lbs "7 'vlty syitam a.lih iinM. ur not lUniUr" .d I.!! .k.5T 'llslributlns "'" Ihsrltv ",7, 'nks within plj ' " d" "", E""tl" lys' sup. Colics Aaal.l n ... Inrtaas who w. i. J ' i Q'eal Preps ration Stssg Mag Floral I i. Ton land. Or , Ap.ll 1-n.J Ih manavwnl of lb fA!! fealtsal, wb chaill glvi3,iw, bitln during th 6ti til Aa June, lnanrua!d a cswraifi d J iirny uirout-wwt all sertMias 4i cwintty. Th campaign eossieWt J nllng out by nail of 2M.M kW ftillv akjiLital .mi.il. J "lna.ru. " In which pita tilths J a ... a 1 a i and trtait Mnwe. bolts, tmi ants, publle srhoolt, drag sfcrax a have l-fn stillal. tirval ha ba mails for that tilnvtiw i torts lrly t-d lhy will kt art); regularly unlli th leailrtlateeaJa. im of I he On fealnrwt of 1st t jubilee will las th grand tajsrsMtl lo be held one valngdartetfca. r.vrry individual, ttm w sotmM that owns pleaaur or boslsss) st thai lilies In M; waters of ih hi west has been intllad is satti m craft In Ih magni3cnl deramuif si llumlnaled auutlie psgwant ('apt. J. V. Hptlsr, haibm satkr this port, 1 1 airman of 11 tlbt m at Ml.,IHltlll. ka. Imubm I . M.U. ti'Mi with many ajtiwialicM tlaattj streams snd river nf this swIM tt i Iriurvslrd In water tparfc) talss; f them hsva seanrs.1 him IM M wilt l glad tn i.rltclitlUiiw. g ilt a number of lnt tut V of llierm, out.! le of Partial. eiun lo th front la help MkttWIt tlvsi a hug awve. Mum kte t pi.i,rire.l ss high ss JtW andr1 dellay th eipena ol tnlldlSI t st .leroiatcl and lllumlnslad tot splendid i l.'hl para.1 "Tb tfU tha (iolden Weal," Work nn the- final Ittlltwijs way and new cnmmlttrt rt m beard from ever few dtrl. H H Is short, to the iiianagsmsal rr,; lowns that dealre to tat ptita ilamniialralinn bl enmmBSKSB) f the laatlvat nianatftunsal at osnk ('....... ..i.l h. .h Imn all 'I Califninla will nuns bsrstottei three days of ths festival. A , hnalnaaa men 'a eictirtlOO tfitt auspices of th Callfomli (as""1 of trail, which will ftfbnvs ttims from all ths leadini III' " eominonwralth, has already ttJ ranged for. All Aa.laua la SS Ft). Melbfliirne, April AIM I' ...l -.l-l..-. ... In.lralll. I'. .I.IV Ullllll WI jy Urn Aa.ftrtoAO !illhlp L all.l.la,! is. I A rtsWMO' VV III m UITIMIM IIJW "M eight warship each, III "'"J i n newt win I tt Ths youth ma.U . . ? ,wl,n ''1'r. ..... .,!i:r,"","lT' ,n whleh Heiilamher 1 u u.... is Tht njiiiir rw..(Mitn-f . i. crnlaers, howvtr. win s trallan walsrs. Mr. Mi","T Washington that It ! V . a , . a sai I nmi usr ouier Austisnsn sun" " rLk, should visit Hobsrt, Tuts, A" and Uriabans. Buffslo Bill Brakl'!y, Chlcaso. Anrll l.-Colw'. JT f. Cl. (Buffalo Bill) I JjrL, hera at Ilia Btmttord botU Iron - a gtosral asrvooJ