The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 10, 1908, Image 6

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Carry a Complete Stock of the
Hcst in General Merchandise at
sum i in i W
Lowest Prices Consistent with
Quality. Country Produce
Uought and Sold. When in
Need of Groceries, Dry Goods,
Hardware, Hoots or Shoes We
Solicit Your Patronage and As
sure You.Courtcous Treatment
i a
1 f
For County Judge
I hereby announce myself as candi
date (or tlie office of County Judge, sub
ject to the decision of tlie Republican
voters at the primary election to be new
April 17th, and by thU decision I pledge
myself to loyally abide.
For Assessor
I hereby announce myself aa a candi-
late lor the Kpublican nomination lor
Assessor, subect to the decision of the
Keimulican voter at tlm direct primary
Candidata lor Republican Conrsslonal election lobe held April J7tli. 11KIH.
"A Shoe Store for Shoes"
Is the dictum of the experienced. It is u mutter of
shoe history that the department stores which try
to sell shoes of the grades we sell do not make a
success of it. The reason is that a shoe "depart
ment" is fundamentally Licking in the element of
Skrvu'K that must ci with the sale of fine shots
tu make them really worth the price asked.
Washington Bllil Ttlild S"
"All Around the Northwest Corner"
nomination in the hetoiid Distilct
I.llMirnl aiuirniuiiitiona f ir watnrwav.
r.uiial oiitiurlun t and t.r vtltirc for
I-iilmr ami Cnpiiiil. unit Oovcrnineiilal
imuroi hi lorporaiiana.
for County Treasurer
I wish to announce to the votcra of
I Columbia Couutv. Slate of Orrifon. that
I am a cmididiitc for nomination by the
ttrpiibliran putty for the ollice of County
I irjmiriT, mill ect In the will ol lint
tcrsal Hie Primary Ktcrtion to be held
on April 17th, luott.
I'.. K. QUICK.
For School Mupcrlutcudeiit
I licrcbv announce that I am a candi'
lutr fur the nomination, fin the Repub
lican ticket, !r the uliicc of .School Sup-
rriutrinlciit fur Columbia County.
If t am nominated und elected, I will
work to increase the ethcicncy of the
public schouls to tlie end that the bovs
ii I mrls mv receive a hiichcr, broader,
aim licttcr education.
I'or District Attorney
In submitting my name to tlie elector
I the 1'ifih Judicial Pislnct for their
onsidrmtion for the ollice of lilrict
Attorney ol taid district, I dcirc to nay
thiit If I am nominated and elected, I
lll, during tnv term of office, honestly,
ntoroutlv and impartially perform nil
the olhcial duties iicrtatiiiuir to said off-
cc. without Imr or lavor, endeavotWK
Iwavs to accord to every individual, lr-
rcsnectivc of imrlv. noli I it a or iicrsonali-
Minute deal muter t lie l. aw, aecp-
iig always uppermost in my mind the
nlcrestanf the tax pavers of said District
jiid Mute.
I!. 11. TOMitK,
Shaei for
Men and
WALK-OVER Only exclusive
r I children's d'p't.
SOROSIS i in Portland ! Q
WK have tlio tw-st and most
H fully tiuiiiiM! Jo b l'rint
iiiSrOlllce in Columbia County
Jnd wt arc prepared to
do all kinds of Printout
on short lmtire and at
most reasonable jmcc-s
i I... i
Of Intereat fo Columbia Couofy
L lectori.
For Congrest
A. T. Law,
N. P.. Sandel for Aaaetior
I hereby announce mytelf aa cadidnte
for the Kemiblican nominanion for the
office of Amtwor of Columbia County,
ubject to ti.e deciaion of the Kcpublican
votcra at the primary election to be bcld
April 17th.
ft. K. RAMiiKi,, Kainier, ur.
Wanted for the Office Of State
Railroad Commissioner
tlila la what the people have a right to
exact. Mr. Hurlhurt believe In rego
lutlng the operation of railroad to that
they will perform their duty to lb pub
lic In a manner that hou1d;o atiifae
tory to all reatouable people.
There Ii another Interest to be con
Idevd. Thii 1 the army of railroad
employe whore welfare I Important,
not only from tbelrntandpoint, bat from
that of tb traveling public. Tbelr 111
ia In the main exacting and baiardon
at beat, and they iboold be well paid and
fairly treated. They are a a claaloyal
and Interested in lb lucceaafol operation
of tb property with wbiiblbeyar
connected, and the Commiialon nbonld
be compoaed of men who can give them
an intelligent and Jutt bearing.
Mr. Hurlburt ha alwaya lieenaloyal
friend of railroad employe and there 1
no quention but what, with blm on tbe
Board, their IntereeU will rerelve tb
jut consideration da tbem.
If the people of Oregon want an effi
cient Railroad Cotnmlation a Com.
Dilation that will have the confidence of
the public a Commission that will be
able to do things and deal Justly with all
interests, it Is their duty to vote (or W.
II. Hurlburt for Railroad Con-missloner
at the primary election, April I7tb.
St. Johns, Or.
The Opportitnihj f )'ur U'i i to
itrrst .Yarn in St. Johns. I n"'r
the Experience and Will (''' r"
.1 lest Judgement on Price and
.orations '
fift off car at Chicago St Sl Johns, Ore.
t'er School Huperlnfriident.
I hrrcliv annouuee to the votcra of
Oulumbia Count v that 1 am a caudidatc
r Cmmtv School Smiennlruilcuf..
I adviicaie miHlrtn chools, modern
iirihotU. a iTiiclicitl and umille rduca
ion. euual school privilege, acnooi
ruin by the sutierintenilent, and me
'Siuarc lcal" to nuoila, natrons, ami
II elrctcil I uniniisc cement am! nili-
cnt cfioit iu;tbe dwliarncof rov otllcial
Ulty. J. W. ALLEN.
I'or I'onutjr ( lerk
fnderiiKiied rcietcfullv o!lrr him-
clf to the IcruI Kepublicnn voiers Ol
Columbia Comitv a candidate for tin-
.nice ol coiintv court.
II 1 am nominated and elected I will
liifini! mv trim ol, faithfully di-
.harce all Ibe duties of Countv clerk
ecoiiotmiiiiiy umumiMcr uie uiinn oi
said ollice, and will not employ any
uumUrol ui Inmil) tberein.
C. 11. JUU.N
I'or Aaseasor
I brtebv announce thut I am a cnudi
dale lor tii nomination on the Kepub-
hi in tivltct insMrxr.
It 1 klioiibl lie elected. I iromie a iut
honest, und equitable "esmcnt to ull.
Will ii-1 employ any mcllilier ol mv fain-
ilv n. .IrtilltV. Mild Will WlbUlIt all CX-
ne.oill'lU to IliC Itnillll o ColllllliKS vrniit 'iUoi, ami approval nml
iitiiilr their decision.
run cle itK
1 hrrcbv announce myself as a Repub
lican candidate lor the ollice of County
Cleik ol Columbiii Doiinly. urcjon, ui
i lo tbe endorsement of the Kcpubli
.mi voter oi this countv at the Primary
..leotion to l-e bcld April 17th. I'.KKS
II noimimted ami elected. 1 iiromiso
. rlol Ion ol tht
.ilinirn ol that ollice, ellicicnt seVvicc, and
(nilliltil pcrformaMce id duty.
It Is generally aiceel that one of the
most important offices lob filled In this
ditlrict, istbatof Klato Railroad Cotti-
inieHioiu-r. To enable the Commissioner
to deal iiit-lliueully withtho many prob
lems prcMMited to it nud make Its work
HT.-ctiye, it la bigblt iliiiorlBlit that at
least one of its uieiiiiwra should poiseas
expert kno li-lj;t! of transportation mat
ters and tbe traveling public. Tills dia-
ti id is fortunate in pieeutiag a candi-
lato with inch quallllcatioiis to the
voter at. the primary election to be
held April 17h, in the perron of W. U.
Ilurlbnit, who (or u.auy years has Ijeen
inlitiiitely identified with the coin-
ercial and indtl-trial development of
this State. Mr. Ilurlbert'i wide experi
ence in Ibe liaiiaportation Held adtnlr-
ililr fit him for tbe important ollice to
bu ll the sulHtantiul cuinmercial in
terests of Portland seek to eled him.
AHIioiiKh there are other Republican
candi'lates in the flebl, in recognition
if Mr. Hurlburt' special fitness for the
dike, the Democratic parly has named
no one to oppoae him at thn prmariea.
He is conceded to be the right man for
the place.
When President Roonevelt was called
upon to make an ap)ointment to the
Interstate Commerce Commission, he
couafilered tl.iit it Hou'd materially add
to lh efliciency of the commission to
appoint a man with practical experience
in she operation f railroads, ami select
ed II .0 KdRir K.C'alk.a man ah haU
levee I most of his life to railroad work
an l opemtlon, for the position. Mr.
liutlbiiit has devoted his entire time lor
a period ol more iinin ininy-uve jeara
to the construction and operation of rail
rond. II" comintnced r.t the bottom
and gradually advanced in railroad ser
vice lo positions of trust and responsi
bility, lltf is not row in any manner,
directly or indiivetlv, interested or.Con
Reeled with any railroad.
lie Mieves in Ibe regubiti'in of rates
and thinks such rates siiou'd be estab-
It.hi'd u are just an l removable, and
that no diciiinin:iliii:i sbotl d lie prac
ticed between persons, tr 'flic or com
munities. He believes that il l not the
duty or priviUg- of u ta lroad commis
sioner to act as champion for the cause
or claim ol my pun'.cular community
or interest.
The dcvelq ini'iit of our State ba com
menced and tbe onergy of our people
will not permit it to lag, and more and
letter transportation (ueilities are in
dianemnble to tldf tie" eloiiiuetit. Ade-
quute service is tlie crying at cessity, and
A Twenty -year Sentence
"I have just completed a twenty year
health seutente, imposed br Bucklin's
Arnica Save, which cared me of bleed
ing wiles just twenty years sgo," write
O. S. VVolver.LeKaysville, N Y. Back
liu'i Arnica Salve heals the worst sores,
boils, burns, wounds and cat in tbe
shortest time. 25c at Honlton, Wvren,
Bcappoose, and Deer Island dealers.
forecast postponed another
John I'arkcr and family have moved
to Rxioitr.
Mi's Mabel Black i attending school
at Forest Grove.
Willie Clark of I'or Hand, is spending
the winter and spring with Mr. and Mrs.
A. Elliott.
Wm. Elliott sr. visited Mist last Sat
urday on business .
Miss Grace Powell returned home last
week for a yisit with friend and rela
tives. Mi? Grace is attending Holme's
Business College in Portland.
Miss Lillie Duggins is visiting friends
at Oak Ranch this week.
V. L. Powell msde a business trip to
OlnUkanle Wednesday.
About twenty young folks gsva Mr.
Bird Clarke a snrpllse party last Satur
day evening all leport a delightful time.
Many candidates are beginning to
make their appearances, and handshak
ing Uaain becoming qnite popular.
Chns Tetersou of lioulton, was in
Piusbiir a few days since. Cbas I
looking for a ranch snd wants locate ia
our valley.
lVui't forget lo attend the nonrartisatt
iiiex-tiriK at Natal next Sunday and help
discuss the nineteen amendments.
Will Triune made a business trip to
Cbitskiiii e Saurdny last.
Mart Ray has lietn pudl-ring with a
sprained arm. We presume b got it
out of place the other Sundny.
Plentj of Trouble
i-; cursed by stagnation nf the liver and
liels. To tret rbl of it and headache
and billii ilsness and ,tbe pnUon that
bring jaundice, take Ir. King's Hew
l.ile Pi 'K ihe reliable purifier that do
tlie work without grinding or griping.
2oc at Honlton, Warren, Scappooae and
I) !-!.. d.
C. T. PKESC01 t
1 lierebv announce mv candidacy for
the primary uoiiilnutioti, by Hie repub
lican rtv for the ollice of (.ounty Judge,
and .submit the following platform of
.....J,. , t forth ill mv tx-tition.
ill .' nominiiteil anil elected I will
.lnrltiir mv term ol ollice, exert v.iy best
endeavors' to secure an ellicicnt business J
administration, nnu wi flvo
attention, cure ami energy to all matters
connected with the ollice of County Judge
as to lKTSOlinl and private oiisiuess.
' 1 ' vv n riviti r..
The Columbia County
vi? Abstracts Madk
Titles Examined
For Representative
r h-reliv announce nivsclf as a enndi-
stc for tlie Kcpiiblicau nomination for
Ihe olbc'e of Representative in the State
LcKislalure, subject to the action c
KCnilDIUllll voiera in ""'" I'"""".'
to lie held April 17th. I further state to
the people of Oregon, as well as to the
people of my legislative district, that
'. I ( .ol'.,.,. I will nlwuvft
vote lor that candidate lor Vnlted States
Senator in Congress who has received
the highest number of the people's votes
for that position at the general election
next proceeding the election of a benator
in Congress, without regard to my indi
vidual preference.
Non-Resident Taxes Paid
Real Estate Vi? Loans, etc
G rowrlcs
Pry lioo'ls
1 lai d ware
Flour and Keed
Not ions
Fancy .Goods
Csirries a complete line erf 11 the
Best in
General Merchandise
At reasonable prices. Yotir patTbtl
age Soliciter