The Oregon Mist Entered t the PoatoUice at St. Helens, Oregon, m second-class mail matter. Issukd Evrrv Friday Bv E. H. FLAGU. KDlTO AND i'ROI-RIKTOR. Subscription Rates One vear ' ?? Ri months - '8 Advertiaing rates nude known on appll Hon Legal notlcea 25 cents per line. Ctecrrr CocrT OrrtrcM nomas A. McBride District; Judge G. L. Hedges District Attorney County OrricsUM R. 8. Hattan, Judge St- Helens ir A LI iU.k Kt. Helena Martin White, Sheriff St. Helena Casper Libel, Commissioner... Mitt H. West, Coo'rulssloner Seappooae Edwin Roe, Treasurer St. Helens A. T. Lews, Assessor St. Heleni I. H. Houlton F. H. 1', Surveyor Kuiier H. K. Cliff. Coroner.... 8t. Helen. County Official Papef LIST OF CANDIDATES Following is the Hit of Republican candidates whom the people will be willed upon to decide between at the primary election to be held April 17th. Representative Elmer T. Counell ol Deer Island, E. W. Convert of Clats kanie. County Judge E. H. Flegg and W. H. Powell, both of St. Helena. County Clerk W. A. Harris and C. 11. Johns, both of St. Helens. Sheriff E. J. Mills of Mist, and Mar tin White of St. Helens. Assessor Joseph Holladay, Deer Is land; Alfred A. Harrison, Houlton; N. E. Sandel, Rainier; E. C. Stanwuod, Yankton; A. T. Laws, St. Helens. County Commissioner Stephen C. Tichenor, Clatskaoie; P. Bergerson, Kist. County Treasurer E. E. Quick and Edwin Ross, St. Helens. Coroner Frank Sherwood, Rainier. Surveror OharlesC. Brown, Rainier; C. F. Prescolt, St. Helens. School Superintendent J. W. Allen, St. Helena; J. H. Collins, Clatskanie. Justices of The Peace S. M. Boals, Mayger, Beaver Falls precinct; J. M. Blackford, Clatskanie, Clatskanie pre precinct; W. Symons, Biinier, Rainier precinct. There is nothing better than Kodol for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach, and belching of gas and nervous head ache. It dijests what you eat. Sold by A. J. Deming and Scappoose Drug Co. OUR PORTLAND LETTER (Special Correspondence) " Pobtland, Or., Ipril 6th, 1908. Recent investigations by the United States Government officials has proven that a great area in Harney County is improperly clashed as "desert lands'" since it will produce crops successfully without Irrigation and is now doing so. As a consequence some 60,000 acres are to be throw open for homestead entry. To celebrate the opening of the "Ri parla Cut off," which means ten hours between Portland and LewistoD-Clarks-ton instead of the thirty hours required bv the former schedule, the people of Lewiston-Clarkaton, are planning a "Blossom Carnival" for May lst,2d, and 3d. On the 2d a large party of Portland business men will be their guests, milk ing the trip over the new line in a special train. This cut off brings the entire Clearwater Basin into closest touch with Portland. "I have never heard so many peiple express their intention of building this Spring," remarked one of Portland's oldest residents last week. Building, particularly in the residents! sections of this city, was never so active, and people In a position to speak understanding through frequent trips over the State, say that the same flattering conditions prevail all over Oregon. Sheridan, Oregon, had a meeting last Saturday, with the idea of organizing for the advertisement of their town and its vicinity. The business houses of the town were closed so that every one might participate, and many farmers from the surrounding country were pres ent. Quite a delegation came over from McMinnville, A thousand dollars was raised for publicity, and to this fund the farmers were liberal contributors. Slier- ' idan will affiliate with the Oregon De velopment League immediately. A new feature introduced by the Port land Realty Board is a weekly excursion for its members, either to some lubur- bau addition to Portland or to some point more distant, to thoroughly lit uilllarlie them with the city, its euviron .it ,l iIim aiutn In ireneral. Last Saturday they chartered two special cars and went to tM.lem a hundred strong over the new trolly line, to attend the Horse Show in the capital city. in excur.ionists were uiianiiiious lit pro- .i.illlli.ilir i !... iiitartirlmn lines the most important fmttor in the develop ment of any section. There Is an assur ance that a line will be constructed be tween Salem and Stayton very soon. Paul Morton, the guest of the Portland Commercial Club a few days ago, return ed to the city on the Sd and announced that the Equitable Life assurance Society of which lie is president onld makes loan of 1:5,000 to the Y. M. C. A. here, that being the sum necessary to complete their uand'om building for which ex cavation is already made . The Y. M O. A. building if rapidly rising. "One Touch er Mature Makes the Mhele World klu" When a rooster find a nice fat worm he calls all the hens In the farm yard to come and share it. A similar trait ol human nature is to be observed when a man discovers something exceptionally ood he wants all his ;friends and neighbors to share the benefits of hi discovery. This is the touch of nature that makes the whole world kin. Thi explains why people who have be-n cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy write letters to the manufacturers for publication, that others similarly ailing may also use it and obtain relief. Be hind every one of these letters is a warm hearted wish of the writer to be of un to some one else. This remedy is for sale bv A. Deming, druggist. LOWELL FOR FULTON Former Political Opponent De clares for the Senator to Psxdlktok, Or., April 3. (Special) Judge Stephen A. Lowell, of Pendle ton, who has heretofore been opposed political y to Senator Fulton, has Issued a public statement declaring himself fa vorable to the re-election of Mr. Fulton, giving three reasons, as follows: Frst, Because be is a man of very great ability, now familiar with the routine work of the Senate, and therefore in a position to accomplish during a second term valuable work for the State and the Nation. Second, The Senator is a National figure, one of the recognized leaders of the Upper House of Congress. He is popular with his associates, and if con tinued in his preient p witon cannot f ill to occupy a prominent plac in Govern mental affair. Oregon cannot aff,rl to retire such a nun. State pride alone ought to keep him in the Senate. Third, Toe unwarranted attacks made apon him naturally arouse the senti ment of those men throughout the state who believe is fair clay. For two years or more insinuation have been scatter ed broadcast to the effee: that the Sen ator was connected in some way with land frauds or oth r crimes and, when tbe chargat finally ccrau in concrete form, they proved to be nothing more than that he had played the game of politics according to the old rules. Those old methods are n w gone forever In Or egon, and no man will more rea lily a oeptthe new situation than Mr. I'olt'in. No mm is perfect, and the stale cannot aff ird to lwe the services of tis able-it men because, perohauce, they have at somo time in the past engaged lu prac tical politics. Rheumatic Pauls Relieved Mr. Thomas Sten'on, of Pontypool, Ont., writes: "For the uast eight years I suffered from rhcuiiiath pains, and during that time I used uianv different liniments and remedies for the cure of rlixumatiHin. Lust summer I procured a bottle of Chamberlain's I'nin aim ma it more renter from It than anything I ever used, and cheerfully recommend this liniment to all sufferers from rheumatic pains." For sale by A. J. Deming, druggist. We pay Interest on Time Deposits. Columbia County Hunk Death Was en Ills Heels Jesse P. Morris, of Skippers, Vs., had a close call in the spring of 1U08. He says: "An attack of pneumonia left me so weak and with such a fearful cough that my friends declared consumption had me. and death was on m bw.1. Then I was pnrsiiRded to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It hclncd me iimnmli. ately, and after taking two unil a half bottles I was a well man again, I found out that New Discovery is tin. hot r,.,,. edy for coughs, colds and lung disease in all the world," Sold under guarantee at Houlton. Warren. Scannooiw. I ),.,..- Island dealers. 50c and $1.00. Trial bot tle free. CAKB. OR I ULTON-WHICU? (Advertisement) ,. for Republicans II fill w - - - I . study, carefully and well. ' :.!., ,.we- .fronting lh.Mil III the selection.. lac., did.tefor I'm.ed Mates Senator at the A Hl primary. didncy oUiov. Ciamberlein on tha take platform add. a., complication, t" situation. 11 the three eere to race for the Juno election It would certainly add material strength to Mr. Kulwn. both Mr. Cake and Mr. Chamberlain are committed to Statement No. I. " election "fa Senator by direct vole ol the people, while Mr. Fulton Is on reo- ord as opuosuig "ul ",n primary, sillier Mr Fulton or Mr.vaae ....ut .u.,. a.i.le. We have studied the situation carefullv and draw the follow ing couclii.ilons: lit. Should Mr. t ake receive me ive- publican nomination It "ill I'11' Mr i,hiiuilwrliin"belweeulh devil and the leep sea" without a platform to standi .... t o.. a on, lie having vmunninj - non-partisan, happy-go-lucky gait, uig the whole hog on Statement No. I and telling his IVllucriitic brethren ! recently loved so well that he lias l . . . . ., i ,i.. come luraiuaieu wim hi. KtHMevelt pilicles" until after the June election after whicli time the proi- liooarv slate will, ease and le again pef' mitted to exercle his conscience ty voting dm icratic measure III th Senate, if elected 2nd. That as Mr. Cake has Braily stood lor, and manlully dclended SUle menl No. I for the past two years, there would be no just cause f ir the Kepubil cans to prefer a new convert Irolu the Ihjuiocratie ranks on tlus.piealion to lh exclusion of all other que-tloaa of vital importsuce to the State and nation whhch will eouia up during the Nma- tonal term. 3rd. That In tbe light of a.t hlUoty, wiih legislative holdups, corrupt ue ( money to "influence" seiistors an I rep resentatives, men seeking election to the legislature on Senatorial years to see the fun ; soecis! train running with all other corrupting intiuem-es in con nection therewith, thus bringing ihsuie and disgrace on the fair name of out stale, our people will never again return to the old system of election by the Irg t-leglslature. 4th. That a very large m.ij ily of the newspapers In the state are first, last an I all the time lu favor of the people electing a senator. 6lh. That nearly ovcrr (rrange In the State has declared by resolution lint thry wilt not support candidates for the legislature who are nppovd li ;e.'tUn by the ieople. Oth. That it Is a Republican measure puss-d by a Republic in lgnUt ire. 7th. Nearly sve-y camii late thiii h.ts annoaticel for the L-tti stnre h sub set! twl to Statement N i. 1 at lea.t In a ill' xli fled form and ill e wlio I In t to come btck and take their iiied.cine. Bill. Wlth),0UO Republican uujority behind Mr. Cake, would It ! powiible for Mr. Chatiiherlaia to Jump s lews.. Into the l?niU .Stt,. Senate by minx a little soft soap on w.-ak kiied Uei.u'" licins? We think not. Vth. Should Mr. Knlt-.u tie n..iuinit ed, the conditions would be entirely r versed, thus placing Full m on the . (eusive Instead of Cham'mrlalu, which would at leoit greatly rluc the He pubiican niajority. In view of Hi e facts a, wn i, we must say that to ur u,in-l f-e safeit. surest andbeu thing f-.r Itepnl, hesns tod. I.l-i vol.. f r Mr ck,, , I'nited Stat-a Senator. -t cirvalln t; to He. SUMMONS , n(.lr.nlltV..r. "(Hie Mai... foree-a. -r H.e .."iO ill ol"'""ia All. w II, Wr. I'lal'"' ,;V,.;..Uh.r.h.r .el.ll e.. .,"-" ' ?. M n..t l.y e..l.t Hun. Hi ruitrl i'l Imilll :"'!"" ...... i .u.l II.. dale ul -MUt .lay .'I J...M'- ...,.. NO IlCt Of FINAL SmtlMilsT fivert bv wndrr- ..m-iiirts o lh estate or I rnr.t llorgrrn, .IrcraK-d. that she has rd III the County Court " tbe S'ale l lltriloll lot ColulllOl'l V i.illUT " ; count ol her .d.l.llll.trallon 'n id estate, together with hei Mnal Ww ' ,Klll..ii tor .ii.trib"tum thereof, and Ilia ... ii.... It S Italian, J'"'lie ol said I i. ......lined the ?Ul day ol March l'w at O o v!.k k In the l..rrn..ii thereof. the time . and the courtroom M. court in Si- Helm., t rrgi.ii as the place lot the hearing ami wu ruw... .....I rrit'it and IwlltUm, K 1 1 kiv and I'Uce any prrx.ll ln- III 'aid ' " "I I' M oliiectiuii. in willing e W. II. I'owe'd. attorney lot eseeulria, ........ J HaC8l .v'jNNING f. " '.,''.. i:.- lu.i.ry . , .- ... . ; . . : i MA't I. i M . ' .t. iv . .1 I. i! 1 ' .7 I CVl UW'HC f iCHi COMMIT f . :, . ii i; , t a , . ... i .! af S ' ' ! S. b uui)"ir4 srMlrr rnmlg J, S Crane, PortUmi, Ore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS til Ibr fci.Mef oi ol I L.'U. tf.'.l., .crjl .S illc- it ri.-,o,T (..-. .h.t hm .trfrl,lgoMl lii. .n -lali ',';--1. ,tc. I tM-ut,,,. .r lif - le . in i .."tt, l uo.l ..r ib M.le .! ill-"- .ii 1. Ifi . ,.,nsy ul i ... mnA ! -1 , i .;-,. .e. I. au !.., Mt ha -, ,44.11.1 .4---1 tilil, h.ty ,w K'-l '.' v'e.-'-l ., I., m:1 ,. -it-H. '. lb I . I .,..!, , rS -.1 I ... , il.C.. I ...iht,, l..f.M1. in ft. It.,.. Il.-.,rt ith iifi'tf i.u.-l, .-..I .it, r.fl. a tn I ttfil . ita n , irtn;.. IrmH tf,. :.-r if ilr.l ul e.'M pi,l.ll.Ii. hrv. r.l.f i.f I tlk invtt. h in ji'iix a kNui.tnti . .. ... .41.1 .cr He (ml What 'Nine He Veiled years ago it . .r , , , time had c. nie," any. Mr. ('. Kartliii.g of Mill Creek, I ml Ter. "I w, . riln "'" in" hung m u very .lend thtcii n wmilif.,, ,y .imi.t ri, riierioiu IMK.lric llittpr. I liottle aiidlgoiwluiln,.,.,!,.,! I had one it it, thegrav... but Kl... Hitlers put It buck ti, t,lri and I've been ,. nvr tiw,,, under g'liiriiiite by Houltofi. Wiirrer, Hcippooi.i!,nni U-er Island ,.-;,U v,,.' r urn-. bought a atreiith. tru KKIJIJK.V NOTICE TO CREOITORS Tbe un !rtii;ne. m. by i, t ,u and entered In the ci.unty f.mrt d Columbia comity, hl.te u (Hegnn. on the 2Mb day vUn.-i, A i. !p pointed a.l!iiiut!r4trn ol estate ol Syne, lie, ritri i-f4,t hating riaiii.s agaltul .ait rtlolc are hereby noiii-, to rewnt the miid prop erly vriinl, in n,r at my rr.idrnte near Srpnc in wi t i ,,ll(tv and Stale. Willi in ii s mouth. If., in ttic lit.t i.uhltiaii.m hern if . . an-nip: I'AVNi:, A'liuiiiistratriu of the estate ol I'rank rayne, .Irrea.rd, - ' ''"Jdlea' March '.Tth !S"H, d I'-irlland, wits ii, Jiiimts Miiikie, Uiwn lant Fridny. George Kerr, of Mi,,!,t.,n, ,,, resident of this county, i , K , day . Lute ArchiUild a,,.! family, j,,),,, ,,,. ami family, Btl,l (i. , H(.i(H)lf) and family IIWVBI, to Mll1(v1(l week. 1 f.. i. ,. . !'H. 1. C. tiitts Humlay. Willis Vanlforn and ir -r r . , of Hood Klver, owner, ,,l the mm Z' --K"'K "U.H 1)11 Jll(j .....i. town on Monday. Mr. Klliutt wen, in KiiiiicIhc.j, California lumUr ,,.,,r (), H(() ot!re r.r Hid. n ltoa.1 Work l ive liiiiiilrnl do:..i, ., ul r.M.,1 Work on r.d led,,,,, ( Sl rirll, to binibla City, will I ,., , ,,, wr,, bidder p.-r tuinc yar.l, lr crushed r.k. fiiruuhedoii Hie rn.vl, ouuiir.i, mg where ' -tuslleil r. k rn.led .,11 f,M,t U,( ytat a. g toward Vlnml,,,, . jty Atw T. twen, Ni gm . reek budge and north lint oleiiylim,., k. k . ru.hrr lurnl-hct by county. x.K.,1 , . (mr ,)fr. "X "" '"l1- tlir.lrp1holro.-k to l de Kriiilned by tl,,ctv..,r, who will suiwr vi the .p,rJUiK r, k on tbr r.M..i. Malid bid. rct'rivrd by April II, IK)M ( S ll.T-r. v County Judge. ((ti STATEBW RAINIER, OF.; CAI'ITAM,, or per rent u...... derail uJ? rooin. i Colletllons MaeWliMi.. I -f Columbia CoiJ? Doc General BaaJ ''"""lot Corrtsp, first National llsak, sew). Hanover Satumal Baal, jjj Wm. M. Ross, Vwd Hf .1 l.k... . ' 1 ur.i.r.iiif, OKI, PHYSICIANS: SURG t nr.iMi, t tuJ J).f lt. i urr. PHYSICIAN & SUli eT "atsas JJ.UV,V A MIKRVOoi t'sneattstas fn,J IImw lu l.iu.i.;. 41 sit yum J kiir, Steamer Ira! C. I. Mlirt. IJ KAtl.KOAflTiKI. taM Milt,' il-ll l-KnMfc-WM.i !ail. . a a a ... w itoaata -rt,rs ai.feiiM. Eaia r.aM.4 w.. axtiio,) at i. lUrfMrtia, I s Bit4ui . i su i.w foi poiTumiaJii hHTI.AM I.ASPISU, Tit kOTICI OF SCHOOL HUE, SUICrifil 'M.d .... taD4 !(, rwt ianua.r t. Kllr u b,'-y tl" W on inti., ;- l -yirt lii t ni Mrli-a IJ t 1 Kll lhl ..Arm Ii.. ..I frrfcwt Ikenee . In li. b M4iiMi4i i-4 mi U.l . Mtb In lh. i jt- fc m anr an-f U Mf,.f eui. 4i... n. m 4Br ay. Oire.r ... ei.i. ,(4l I... ... I4l l.-J t. 40. -Xt ,..u.. l.a wiaei am e. fx,, .f lnt"iu m-4 ik lc.4l eM4.i- 4h OJ SI IMt, Wrttl if. 14.114 ..1,-, 'r.l .rf r..i4l!l o. bR., Hi. .i.t .l.r "I M"1 J J.iur.oiis' I.IO ! st'MNoK III The aiH" '"' ltWtw In lh4 l .-unit l l "inn Vlrtur rm' I lainli Siror A nr I nuaber 'stjesf-' H ttci,.l.rtt4 T.i id. .i.- lit I itmMtal .atw-n 'I. In lnl , t ....... .,t i,'ei ihi a. Iii.l. i , Heel " Lnl th irti.. utl u.. ..... i.l M.rrl,, I ). ill. I l--IMl'''i ... . ,. ..... (M.e i .iimii m II. I. ..iiiiBKio. al "J ii, ..i.i .11..M ii" ,4j'?y, i.ei.l 4.l'.l .-. CI "" r..4!4 4,11.1 "";,, I hi. 4iii,.m.i I. 1 1.1 life. . . i . ...nm" I'M , I. -4 - j l.r.r.. II I' V....IM Js,rj,, ill .no r.r i on ii 1 1.---- : ,4 hiai. ol nrr..ii, -lair-l II. I Vut MlMI' illi'll J ?. - Marrli S, l:t. cnuunil rr.r.-H lh. I ireu:i i n.-'i I" -ilia ( imiilr i.l .'..tiiail- Mssts4lt.t.... , lanoa Irauu. I'islMIS CEO. W. VOCEL was looking ( the I,, ...i.... .. .i """" ""II andoti the dock MunnyllleUstSuuilay. " HEAL ESTATE, LOANS, .NVESTMENT5, CITY AND FARM PROPERTY. Money i J,olu, n( KrawmMblu Hiitr. Rainier :- Oregon .Itl. I...HIM' Inma. M'. f.l Nelll. i,l. bilMU '"" . Iti (TJ naioe.-r lksfa J ?i lierel.y rri..irr.l s (,M SW, lil.llil lltrri asnol nil an. I muni "i ;7, jeih luiai. and II '"'.1mmii': Kanl lliere..! me I""'""".. Inr III. rrllel al e.1 ( h. relii, in .11 to' " yjt-TsP. i. l iii.itrliiiiin, saWIM"' J lh. .lHilltt . ta, m0'' I III. .ion "rt toi 1 der rn.dr. ,y Hie J ,. ..I.Nr I...I ....IH'A llll, luua. a...l alii'N 22, e .tuniin.u. Ill IliK ii.MKisiitin o"- - a r ..... ... r'"", ;v-frtw:.j ' v."...:.- iiii inilillialliiil wins r"'" J Hartt aW f