SALMON DECREASING The annual report of Fish Warden Vanlhisen for th year llHii contain ome interesting data in regard to the packs o( salmon on the Columbia Kiver f r a iihiii!ht of years and shows eon clusivelv tint if Hie fisheries are to be preserved, steps must ttninediiitely it taken to nop nil fishing in the spawn ing grounds. Kveiy voter should read this report, it says in part as follows: The million product of the Columbia Kiver canned, mid packed under the cold storagw processes, and handled by deal er and othen on the Oregon side of the river this year (1907) was as follow: Chinooki, 15,7tS,ll6 pounds; Stcelhcads, 1,112,009 ponnds; Silversides, 1,IHS.510 pounds; BUiebseks, 1W.102 pounds; and Tules, 57,158 pounds. As compared with the product of 1W0. this is a fa.Iimt off of near 17 per cent with the Chinook of over 39 per cent with the Silveswides, of l.' per cent with the Steelhead and of over 08 per cent with the Bluehacks. I have no tlitntYs from the state of Wash ington showing the product tliat was handled on that side of the river this year, but I infer from close olwervation made that the same condition exi.'ts on both sides of the river and that the en tire river showed a general shortage with all varieties of salmon of about the same proportion. This year the combined pack of Clii nooks, Silversides, and Ulue backs on the Oregon side of the Colum bia Kiver was, 18,151.743 pounds, where as, during 1900 it was ,908.700 potn ds. Comparing the Chinook product of the Colum -ia Kiver this year with tin Chinook product of 1902 or 11H3, assum itijf the theory to b-correct that the tl-h raised from the spaw n of 1902 or 1903 would reach maturity and return to the stream of their nativity during 1907, we find that while it is only a tritV short f the 'M- product it has fallen 20 per cent or more llow the 13 pack. Whether this theory be co reel or not, it is very- phi n to be sen that such a condition i f affairs is alarming in the face of the ex tensive bat. lo ry work that has been caaried on since 1901, and the uiattt r should be looked to and th w rong cor reeled by our people In-fore it is too late and this valuable food product is lost lo us and four or five thousand of our be-l and most loyal citizens loae their prin cipal occupation. In 1900 there was a shortage of 8 per cent over the year previous, but the product of 1900 showed a gain of more than 20 per cent over e ther of the years Uttl or 1902, an ! every year since 1901 ttiere has l-een a .fair gain over comparative years, under the four or Dve year theory, until thi year which, notwithstanding that the weather and water condi ions for the Columbia were more favutablo Lha-i what they have been ior y ars, the pro- duct fell short, as almve noted. On our coast streams, our people were confritr el with .his very same condition of af fairs prior to 1901, the product was de creasing gradually yea-by year on all of those stretins on account of excessive Billing which was Carried on from the lower harbors to the extreme upper waters where the streams were very narrow, and comparatively few salmon ever reached their spawning grounds, and those that did reach their upaw iDggrounds were soon thereafter ei ed and marketed by unscrupulous iers ns, thereby destroying mil'iotis of spawn that should have been deposited (or a future supply. The aitua'ion was alarm ing, large investment had been made in canning establishments by the packers and in fishing apparatus by the fisher men ; a sacriiice had to b-? made some pla e for something had to 1 d ine to save the product, and, aa I have hereto fore reported, the legislature of 1901 proved to be equal to the occasion and wifely lawsconflniiigroimnerelal fishing to 'he lower waters. Dead lines were established on all of the atr-atns, some of which were several miles Mo the head of tide, and no (i-hing above tho-e lines have been ca-ried on since, excepting with book and line, with the result that every season since, thousands of satmon of all varieties have lie n en abled on the tidesand during the fru ,et times to get by th lower river fl-her and hive ascended the streams to their spawning grounds where they are pro tected and left alone; tospian natnrally, or are t iken at the ha'Ci.eries estahli-h- el to assist nature in that respect. Thi restrictive mei-ur" was somewhat hari at flrston the upper river setilert wh- had been ac -usto ned U doing th.-ir fish ing right at th ir own door yard, as ii were, but siiic, thev liav- l-nrne I t fact tliat it wa. considered a very uu fuv.iialile. aason for all ol the Coast Streams, on account ol the long spell of dry weather throughout the entire fU bidyiin Uu.,, veev noticeable again, ss will be seen by a comparative table here in submitted. The Columbia Kiver should have ten included ill this measure at the tune it was enacted and the law made a genera. one a lai the slut., ol Oregon was con cerned, but the influence brought to ta'ai by the upper liver Interests was too strong and th Columbia was excepted therefrom. In the lace of this, we have ever since 1901 been endeavoring to hold the product for the Columbia, by assist ing nature with a system of artilloial propagation work that has been carried oil persistently and it did look for a time as tkotigh we would be able to hold the product for the river, for in 1901, 0., and '03 plenty salmon for hatchery pur poses were found in Snake Kiver at I'll tario, and In the Wallowa and lirand Ko de Kivers ill K.istcrit Oregon; hatch eries of large caacitiea were established, and during the 1002 season -M47 feiual Chinook sa'inou we e taken in Snake Kiver at Ontario, from which twenty on million eggs were secured ; the same season on the litand Kond Kiver 7iJ female Chiuook salmon were taken, from which over three million eggs were ured, and 1173 female Silver!'!.' salmon were taken, from which 3.0-1. 000 eggs were secured Again miring me !9tVJ season at Ontario ,7.'7 f male Chi no.k salmon were taken, from which twenty-five tuilli II egnS were secured: on .he Wallowa, 9.V.1 female salmon were taken (run which 3.707,000 egg were secured, and 1,312 fetnsie Silversides were uke , from which It, 901 ,0H) Cj-tfs were secured. leWi'fsCar!s!itd Witch Haiet a've. It i especially go d fr i Sold ly A.J. lVmillgaiid NMppoae I'rug Co. Hearse iiiihlthed l.-r or rail, with or at reasonable rates James Lowe, oil points on river without horses, Addrc Mrs Rainier -:- Ore ollce For 1'iibllrutlon I ... I l ivnlsntl. Union. 'March, J . l. N.UI.'e l he 'el'T IH" "isl "I Ysnkl-ll. lrvni. ttsi tlleU n.Klirol lilt Inleli lien In nuk,- Siisl I""-'1 "t ..i-u.n i.r hi. tslm l ll.imwtcs.l MHO iww p -iffl . eiti t,,r (lie -r "I -ee .,, -' Srt1,-.,.. n,,niiel ii-r .... . , v.-i .., ..,i.. -t l.IHn,li,ii .i.irth rsnss . .,,.1 II.Al .At. I L-r.w( Mill br ill.! t-rfv'f Ihe l. l.t. r sn.l Klsrsl I'.imsml. Orrr-e. tin Uv I '.Hi. law. Ill, nslties Ills toil. 'SOUS Willie. it 'ii 1. f.intoi'limt lett.lrltce tlin. siel cnllUsllelt I. (hi lict t it , . Mrlilisn I SOU'S, -it YsiiUoii. "r.-smi Ki-rt K,..l- nl iiklini. Orettin: J is. eh 1'iiw nl ol tukieii. Oregon l."tl'l Psjiwnl. t.1 Vsnll lott. ottfc-on. AUikHNOS s PKt:sr"i Brlle' COUNTY TRIASURIR 8 NOIIQI Cot"srv Tm!U'' tifficn, St. IUI.KNS, Ott .Mar, 20, 10OH Notice Is hereby given that alljiinpatd ftuuitv Warrants of Columbia County Oiegou, which have tweu ptrsented and endorsed "Not I'aid for Want t Funds," wilt be ld lui preseiitatlou at this ofllce Interest will not !w allowed alter """' .nWINUOMS, rrrasuter ol Columbia County, Olegon NOTICE TO OWNERS Of TIMIERIANO IN COIUMRIA COUNTY ORICON M. ti, Ncase, lb cruising ctm tractor, and the couutv court of Colouihla Coun ty, ilregon, having selected and agreed upon John 1". Cheldellu and W. K. Uk arbitrator to le-etulse sny tlcts III dispute; , ,, Notice is hereby given tnat any and all iK-rsotit not winded wiiti i he amount id timts-r as irfortrd by the County cruiser. can have their lnl re cruised by the ar- tu'iatttri by bllng their applH'allon Willi the cuuttlv clerk on r tviore April, StitU, l'.srt, and depositing with lb rlrik the cost of the, re rriiim. tt t paid by the applicant In rate the report of the aftl' ttator is within ?t per cent of (he amount trpor led hy the ctKinty crulrr, otbetwta the uionev'lo t refunded Hated this Klh day of March, H lly Outer ol the County Court Attest ; W. A. Harris, clerk. In Mi rireU Twin " lorn.. iv.m.t73 fill " I )' IN lilt hain. otk., sn.l i, ih, , '"f-WH; I-I.1MI. a;, ", i& .llsonx ih"',j'"-."It C wir.1 mi B,,,,,,!,," ",asii ritls tnmiu.,!,, u i-ot.. i it.. i iKiryjj, I.i.l.llr.u.,., ..lUliy.C!1 In lh. l,e., ; iv L"'T 1 "i KAINIKIi SpecUl Road Work, lloullon nd St. Helen Rod. Sr. Klcstton No. 1-tVnittiertrieg at slake ',' opposite) Sunt Kettet's tinttso ami running to atak 'H a tlislarwa nf altjtit twsntv rtsl.. to I clearest at all J ttimij, l.riish and l-iys ii, full width llheruaa io i (rwlel llitrty l-rt iid til rotitrr of ruad. lilode lo Us lilihrs s-iflltlont tirade lo be 'd rock ...... ."-r lbs Sim asw. , ("JW, to ii,. s..,e,.1 I J I'l.lul m.,,, umJ rtl.., lis u, l.l,iriilS i , ''" sll iis ...4 ' ." II'" "" SUul uT'l l lh t.iu -" i 1 luLH., . luu.n eiVT! "w ll..n a I trlku Thlt tuMoi.,, I-j hr l-:r itr. : lee-tit I i"i'l tfi .'J!ii : ' ..tlM Ht!i-a. I'ltiat.iT The city council met Mon.'.av etenin;; and revoke-.! tie license of W. C Let Mr. Lee w warned that unless he con ducted hi tc:ce-i proprrly his hcent would te rtri lnl. The revoking id his license, to take effect one werk from to lay, came as a hi: ar rise to Mr. Ir The council ws tlivi.!el 3 to 1. frr. Kverman and Iln;hk:rlt voted t. re voke, Iteil. Stennick and feitx voted to retain. Mayor Hughes cal the det iJin); vote. Mcxt Monday the curfew ort!:ooce will laae effect. One long whistle from the Str. Iralda will t the signal for all children under Ifi to mvve lor Li.-ute, puck. All (.lines such at dice, cards an d other Karnes of chance in stores aod saloons '-"' ' ! si-ic jiut un'icr idc law it, ., t ,v.-i i TM- S','Ir!-...;.. .t I'-v't. The water commisaiuoers tset laat JV a r.-.i.. ;.-i Thur-day evening and Jormaily turar'! the water fulds ovcrto the new trcasmtr i Mr. Xtcars, superintendent of the wi er work savs he will hate water r-nt.injj :a j the new system in two weeks. I NOTICE TO BIDDERS. NOTICK TO llIt'l'KK.S Sealr.l bids will If retvivcd hv the county coitn on the llth lav ol April psw. to make till and construct an Arch Culvert at the pla.e ou Smlll .Vapiioose creea or Imtcli I anotl Vlaln Couulv road, at follow to wit Arch cul vert lo be of concrete, nude ul clean washed gravel ol one to scvyn, said cui . ... t l..,u t-M. I..IO. with till, oil each end sufficient to keep the dirt frm S l .ill ...., . I. i. ii... ti.l 1 -ei-l, culver. I .hree lert w.ile at' tW ''' .'"'" ' 'U"'t and three leet hih in center, wall, ,-er- i !'tdt.ufi r.d, with srn.hcuiar r ciKhteen inches, with arch i '" "II ''" on Ion t li 1 it In In- mi.! ilvef this i ... wi....i. i- i f rt"'ii stV 'ff to staka X rtsrk e-ot k. or eleten feet ! '" ' "". nn lo iw ptir in r iii ii nc loMMrisii iimpi w t.l ..l lop, Willi !( cf fortt (tyw d tide ol cnlvert and gr... irom ...p o, ,,,lt tijiaa ii tu t lutt c i rss ttniiurut l riisle- ris k to I put nn s'alrt 'X an, -l' riht inch's ttrt and ethl fet wi.e, nulei l the lM,ini and One on I p ttrtwrea stake 'It' and "t" a coatme d Bi,e crushed hall thr pji-uione j Itii-he deep Sieaied i.i.!s will t tss-elvetl by ' Coiinlt court for lha ' on April llih. Cast ! Couutv Court, by K X. Il.rrs """si.-i i ist, " " we-.ii.. ti, , iirnv't, ItSfSW n.- y. ...,,iMk","', i si St II.:.,. , .N2.T lla.. will (, u, ,22 Ot It'inilbl In . BW ' it. !. a., JtCl' in s.M o..ti m 1-si .nwir 4 rsi 'u.i, ,i "stiiJ UltUc, wi the ls-d of the cr.ek, or elesen feet lop of culvert, sai.l l:M to t-r tisteen fret si !c on lop soil tocslcu'l at leati eti;hiv (ret on Ihc ea-t title ol cnitert seventy live feel on wrst side of culvert till to Is- uniform with r. I. sin! will contain from twelve to tif'.een hut.ilred yards of dirt. t otinly Court, K II trrvs i .tit . t "taflOM l IS J 'llewll t m, , n. J a. lt. it i tw,.i, ,T" I tle lt.k.. riiut rtaat ttst. ltlM t rum i.u, ik. u. ... in Ih h . . .... I ftaint i.d '.VtsIiT" ..oi .ea is. k. .taswwMaJJ .. l.t. ih. u , u,, t9 J In lb. rein kit t.kintuL tIT isn I,. i.tawt ,bl ..-; i.i.ioi.s .1,1 TLz""" j l. ii ftt It,. 7 lb I s"t'iuii ! tss-elvetl ly lb I 'im t-i.. eu-nf., ah ic s--ei5.-l.,ii I "', f 4i- si m J I UiiAlAS Mi I T.. j- , !.eM r;r,.'. t . A;wr n 1 w ! P '. -r-i. ArftVbtt ti--y ill Ki" Csiia f.tit.tU-.t I r r.-4 .-() V's H -I: U My i' : r-.rt' ! . I e-sj. si'tf h , I 41 lh e !!y, ; I"r f f '..r ftftt W'.;'(i-iti irf lti ' Si-: .1 vj U iv, r 1,(11 mntmrt !J-. ff fti.rl Jt'iir.) f.. hi tols-Cisirial -mtttf tUiaiifl !.r 1st m i .'-'it. u T 3t:si fJia;'- (' .-ii- rttoiti, kW!tv Uul Kfe;.f-t 'u;(ftf-n bs)i dalatt-i- !iss'sjtr;4 l ; !5i r i .l.!t ?-(- i -Ir'rt, Ufi. iv t tut .f (.. sjjrttin t,iis U. .As t? l.f lf .if Hon .:rf.l Ui 1. rf f.i-Usk'iit, fj'.rsj Umv L .t. OTII K TO ItJiTKH roll- a. tul t,i the rtttftt Ihn Sltl firvfna Vw : t.. fct-v.-T Inj-iffr-t If, ta ;f ml iMff lb. , ei. i.iiil t.t.l f .. ) ,1,. .Wo. m t.l.t-l r. -ol t'i I . .01 tit t'lm. flt-t.t i aioii ; s ti m j U. tl !l I l . to. Six (mbtleatlo) vl Ibis ' 1 -i. e tfi 1 U , ! '. . 1., t.t.. n .lower !"' !-oooi m tn,;; r.,tn ui r..,i i "I !-- ' -i ' :'l. 11 wtl l.-t -ia re .fitMt ' ' C -i.e '' ..f (-.Aiflm.-n. It t t:!t, tm '" nsi. fi.iiutt! t.l , !.i.t r.,r sifk raa.r sv. fuit&.i nn. u Iw Ih -' (Hl r, 1 '.i.l j llil. i. ".fiittl,..) lit .s ,r4 h , lluit' ii s ii. :..i. jii it. nl ii,. i-nn oittsi m ti.. th iial n m.,. u tbis tuiaia mm It Ma J e.ib.n. I., tirtM u s. ttt l a. J lllclwirl .l.,uMaH,k ,"Jt SH-1 (, r4 MSMt i in. iuitimim in tin. tnili " l e.Mt.?!,.tl. Msiilii. twti ?S SM J oww I. at ) tit SiS IMSkl si m i iJ anenx st w "K- C. fVitt A Co., (hi, a.-o, n -lientlenien In KC i ha1 a A irate tf tiie stomach and bowel. In the sprlns; of lis); I hou'jht a buttle of K'-'lol and the I) nent I receiv.-d ill ih. ,1 , lieorja c -ui 1 i-ot buy, Mav f,,U live Ioit( and prs r. Yours very truly, C, ' S. Coineil, Kodinir, (ia , An. Ti, 1''.." Sold by A. J. Iieminjf and .capp ; DniK Co. Scaled t em ti.-.n of a i rut it U ! a tmti'i.- hool 7. tt arreo. Coh rreeived for the tiul'bn, li. tmitiia i ouniv. ante with the i,!n. : .uu iiu-tiiimi sow on e i mini ion ai N f. l-er"s, VV srrrtj. i ireou ;u wtll ' be cltsed on the JJiU day i April, !S'S, itt ...,t,.t.. n-jn me rtj Jit to reet.l any and all !.;!, rrtervvt By order of the fe.anl t,( Jiire. tor of St lnsii Kuirit t No 7. Af..-.! VVI, IIOI.T, ClerV I :-sat .-I ina i.iir v n: tuxpMi to .ft.,t t,. i-.iiiiifi ill .n M.r U I tiUtt-l! .otlre for i'abllralleit Inn. 4 is-sj .! frirf.a. 'iwen f '! Jr, !.,,:, rt4:,...: :.v: I'KF.K I'AMl ltl.KTSTbe Houltnn St ; Helens Commercis! Club, by its secretary, ' M. C. Cray, will ftirimh free patnphl. tt 1 aoveriisniK tne resources of Columbia county, lo all who desire to srud them to triends in the fast who may contemplate moving to Oregon. Now it the time to put these pamphlets where they wi;l !,, the most gcxxl. They wi.l jut t a brni- ' "mV,'-;;, ness envelope. j -,.i-r n.'. .. j 7-e.r .1,1,,,, (hamberhiln's has the lrefrrenee. '"w,'.'' Mr. fie.) C. Ilanaran, a prominent 'l'Uiist of I'ortsnioiith, V , says- "f or the pa-t six years I have sold a,',.) reco mmended Chsnila-rlam's Col e, Cholera and fliarrhw-a Ketnedy. It i. H yreat remedy and one of the h-.t pntent (e,l- ' icines on th market. I die some others that pay iu a larger profi', hut this reiin-ilv is o sure to ttff.-r.-t a cure and my ctis tiiner s, sure to at pr.-i ite my recommend) g j; i,, ,,ni. that I (t, it the prefereme." r,,r ate ,y A j : iJetnin, (Iriiot, -u-t ,.(t:.r -.!. ,.( ,-,r,.( ' , t, ; i t, i'.t.,').-.ifl, s i-.'rv..',n-: I' it., in. .;,!, ui '. lit!l I If ! l-.etWrltn Voalt si ; e-1 t ,;j . 1...M t-tniiy t'oart. fcyl s S-S' .,( r t . I tn,.,,. It. On- at.,, Il,t- fllllllrl -tf !!. "ii-" It.t ,,. ,-f I "-7 1'ti inii.iii'..ii..,, ' rI I ,au.r it n, ii.' ! h, r;i.i'i l.ttt.t I t.:V I . (..rl llt "'' ' '"'et. t.tmn lh. In .,nt,! .-Ti f, t - ... ih. ., nl I ... ' '' I l a. tar Itt. tain i-t tt lit the fu nl i .HtnlliU, Ofegun, I .!, lui, .,, t-.l(b,lr, ' ..sai.,H j' 'ill- I an-l Sl.lo. I, art nl tugutl ti U to.ti. i i-,i,,t.i.a ,,. ... I . , , - , I"" "ie ii,ei I .11 0,0 .m. ir hi. w..',i at.'.i-eli.lil .i ,i -.(, (i'-ii. i.l (h. n,,f!I, h, II,. B)ri, ( . i-att c.tflrf ,i atl.,ii Nit ttt ml . . in-... v.t-i.l.i. l ,r II. lino.,, ... .. ... l ,. miter ol u edu "" ! r tjil. i:tni., i,.,,.,. .,, aM,,,,,,,h h, I , khiH fel M ill S.ltrs r.r BrMfS Is), fiewled Itid wdl W isteWI eoiintr court on thslw Jtrsltlf ta ni.k 1)11 and roauract tni .eiswosn ii n iks tufi k oi I.iuh '.auruB Utis Mtl loitow. lo wit, a till wast k S eat Ii side of the nui Ss I W spun will resell ac sua Ikr ou piel of the till.'.,; la ( sa s crcte. Pins titirta MM lee I hlKh. three h-ttkkklas1 iuut thb k at top, coseres jm mad ol clean waslsn) fl even, five sir iicr Inar lsj .let koi( Ihle by Iwvlts T S1 l!'il taaiilstrr i-n Witts s Wr fid on east end ol i -nti sfj ft l-l toliK, lo tat lit I witi WiP j llstren wide at ef. mi 4 atut ts veo liUBi!re4 d Sj vardtold n. whicti tsWitW the rMl. The till M ol the budge Is wrynlt 11 istj Is !! with hei;ht of st wtile at liipand cueUiaasW it ml and seventy fie yank a A dmtulslrwlrtl W ti'-ir, .,'; ar, n,ifii . I lo. '.! I-ii.'-, i; -. i t tt... IMi'l' ti -1 fi'e-. Ii,4' 'r .i-. , "l-l". -ill ,, ,, r U. I'll, 'ui,. -rii 'I. t.:r I'i'.llt ! I'r.'Jav I. I",l.. f. 1 it, J - I 'ii aitU : I'V . ,',1 . . a . Is, -I -I . 11 '"II ' ' I '-a.-i ', I i- r.r.t . 1 t r ). r "I-, if l.v tliaM, il ri,r; I M:i:er IV "H a.i-l loiii,,!! hi m i-imiit i i.imiBj lha ..e ri larut. ai. ,c.,i,ralc. lit SI. ia.iiit ii, itiii i.lti, im .,r lM,i,.,n ..1,1 ia,h I A tl. 11.,- '11 : -Vi lli, le I Sot , lit I ' I- ' n.'iiiit '' "- r .re j III ttli, . I, I iTi, c- .rr, ,,,, Hi ij-itin ; At.,r,i!xiy a tuiKwHr tt. heaior "t I,. i ii. ii'j i-li-r I i , SUMMONS tu lli. t lr,,,,, , ,, , WU(. , y ' ' ";r """ ui otuii.iii,. oili; '' ' 'lil'.ll l -i.l, , I'll.l.Ai:, A ,AV . -i Ui : I . Ill, ft, tl,n U--lulile, -;,ii,t,tt I" 'elutrnl. ' lit' i h.ine .,,!,. , ,, VlI( , t,w,,., .is iiii a,";"'ir fill Westol WilUmelle"-- nl ti. at t..r .ii-l Ait.a n. I Sr-alntl ).ii , ei) .. in, ,,r l,il, ,i llin tllh .lK. l. ll. tit,, a( rrk, I, nl kulnt Haterfiifd, ileftawsi. 1 i,, i,.l ,l.,.- n,,., the aaJerW" Uillilttiallis ol MldisJltfJ elile hereinafter ilescntaua aid estaie for the Po claim against saiil etUK ami eiiitesid a.lrniar oil r for sale ami will wll bidder for cash u the m r.ais it! i ne irion v. - IIOIIIH- Ol a 'f ..- j-r St. Helens the Mlowlsf Tj uroiieity to wit: III t 7. the soul ti w In townthi (.1) Westol VY projierir ... wo .. - I -leleii iani, yr, M.i.iii-. the soulii weal ipiantr -( a - i ssMlf lli . i . . - ..I IIKU - l in eiK'u y - . -ss acenri Hut to NUIICI Kennedy's f,a;iti,-,- (; -?-rut net. promptly yet .;t.tlv ti,'.. t, eee whfire it, was wrotiir, antl they are I throutih which the cold is f ir. e.l i f now perfectly willing to drop down on o toe system and the liiWer harbor for their fiihuiK and join with ih o'lier-i in harvesting the product which is uw netting them more than double what they ued to realize. The trowl rtultrhtainci from this protective measure wa very notice nble on all of the const streams during 1900, and this year, notwithstanding the at the aat,,. i,i,m ii allay. irifUmation. Sold hv .V. J. Ij, i. itiK and Scnpp ,o-e ;nijj Co. l-ot-Nfe At NsUl Oraie Hall, Marr.h ' l lth, a purse contaiiiinmoney andotln r valuables, Ownerean have said ja-rsonal property by calling and identifying tame. lUiiTl W, JUv, la tt,. i:,., ' ! in. Ill tl... I.:-' - !. . '111', i. ii A, I , n 1 'Hi'.,, It , Ai!,-, wilt , Hi. , It i, . r.i iime li- ; to CKLDiroks -oi -ii ilia uite nl On-, "t Uu- i-.tnf,, j 11 I .ir ti'l'SMl r.lmii ,t - ol ,.l 'If U,'J Ii'.k I'' If iieriy ' l"ii.;.'''.!i ,li, I Mam ii A "I II,.. '-I ''I I lie i ., "' tl 'I..i..l UI"". ioai,t .j j r.t '"' '" m l Hit l,,,,,.,, " wmiiii, '-' 'I,. :,i,.,, .,,t,i ,, ,tl erilii-.) ,,. , t'Uillt flir. "-ol an.t Ai.rli a , 1 .'.''e.'io' ,'!:.,"'", l""''"-u,. l tin. aimimiina. I .. .r. twlstaf in CeltM"" ,, . , , ' , "' ' tioiii,,,.,. iH.iii.m IIrT,y " v J - t-iii, L .,,.;; ;.' '" , tutr. ' -ltli,is ali ,,,.. i ,...,'.., .... I ' ..Mbt " ' .r.,e.i i, , ,,,,;,,, , ;,, Adniiiiistratru oi I n'-i'tiiV',',. 'I;;,'" Ti.i Waterl..rd, decrase.1. , 1 , 'nrrlsi,e..,, ,.( ,,t puWlcatioK , ItXlM. l, I llll'to.f It, II,., 1 I ' ''"'""U Sll'l " i Hist i.l,t!i,i,ii i i im na.ijiii n Ml l 1 """ ' "'"' ill...r..t Hunt iliileml. I 'il. "Hilllu.n i. trrve.l I Will. I. HI-.-.-illAW. fcsw'iitrla fccbool wauanta ciished lU )mr Columbia County Utuk. Vsm, tlirmtttuif t,utf K litf kls tNtf)rtM lU the. "lfrflM( Umi" In (iiKlli.H Mi).) US' in H, l,MIUtllU '. i"V Pi'rfr- .,f ih. ,i ''" V'" l'""lt "I kU-, III .111.111 ttll'll-, (,. lit" sn.l iuve,iV, ,.., a ai-i'tly i.,i,,f,,,i .., , s.i'klv .1 Ml ""I iiln!.. ' ""HI), .lrii(.,. . f. YATKS. V...lre U IM" I'laus and 'i!1T?l work In r.d ihslrld J p' at the MavKer IXH (i ofllce, ami with ha W Hudson po.lulllr .s-TA. , " " ' f" - - .,.v ,.t, ' -J "W-ses