The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, April 03, 1908, Image 7

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Ltary Bnon Has Mailed 95,000
Gopie m rour uy.
itom-lu ,,Jr1 'MOO ipl
4vil ' relell ldtlm pamphlet
,tMNn mailed to registered voters
rrgn by Hwiflary of Htat IWittwui.
MinplilvM weighed over 4
I uiiinn iuo iniiii ',
Ld fur mall. Tha poalage
rk 01 aenuiiig u niw
lilsts In "lily one-quarter uona,
luf lliei will be at Irani
iU r t'l voWr In tlt ilata,
tiiuat rewKa a copy, narre.
lienlia v oieik engaged m I
iotk, aWralng envelop, pin
hi ilio iiempliMa. arallnii. lr
n tend out about 6,000 pamiitl
isy, ind al Ilia present raw will
i, nrk dona in It "ly, or by
:ih of A pt ll. II the registration
r.'li the trf-relaty ft enough.
oiilrt U aid tit imwUI olrrka, Mr
i la having th pamphlets put
nsmt Mi-kt fur each ctitiiiiiiiii
. . i .
U Mr pwiuir, uua aavnig
n In Ilia reajtollloe.
bmni In the I umbar Market
Hurl Wheal Turning
iff City On "I l largwil Indue-
lUkcr my thai a an-t; by
sent panic. ! to Iwgln opera
Liin ami all! give employment
krtl hundred men. Th rkiulh
Lumber Mil Hi tiara bran Mia for
Li t months, but lha whaele
Lm turning aa aom aa enough
aa t brought do a l Itmir
ran. Al ilia lima tit ohwlng
11 Uterm Lumber eomiamy had
apply of fluUhed lumber in lit
sI owing la Uta lmaite4 do-
iur luruiwr wiara haa been no n-
to run lha mill.
KUaMard liMiher I mnl-ar com
Km lmn running Ita mill In this
wmler, turning out about 40,
to( Amaha-I luruiwr each day
ii or iia Oregon i.omiwr cviih
! Austin haa iwon running atoadl
Nirtlcr, Imnlng uul like amount
ioUliMl prlnct. l.nmlwr con
i rt Drgintiiiig I-) luiprov no-
W tmaih at Hoaa f aallvat.
fc th klamalli Ponnljr ill
8l In Ilia (arada at lha l'r!
MlMlltal, and tha nrnimltto
r(ti an apking for auggratimn
icillixna of Klamalli county
'.y It ting piHMiinUrt. In plan
aai ll. l win iw fully rryt
' o( all tlia cuiinly a rrm r
jffil-r ui cmntnarra haa apMiinl
f (iwrga T. ilaldatn, John
M T. W, Hirplirna aa onmmit
Uicy aok tti cxv.?alion
r rruilng a li;nlllninl Klamath
Work on Kano Canal.
Ui f allaW.Krk on lha Krif
ftH of ilia Klamath pnivl
M frMtimauifkl ,Mt rr. haa lwn
I. A tniall frva la getting
"I in ruadimwa for the largo
ihouUI in tha work fHimplatwl
"n a tha tmitar rjlant that
Itm. niwraln In nmlnnn.
' Ilia ranal. Hurvvjrra ar
'! ii inn Piirnalon of th
B iim Mver to Kano, hut It l
n l,ni wotk on that n i:
rn to Farm at School.
!ir-l uplla of tha aavonth and
""l l tha Albany publlo
alll ilarota Ihnir apara time
'"Ki KMwlng vagrlahlca and
li'y "HI ( iiifMira In nmidl.-al
f f 'wtion ulih tha nw atudy
lura mm re.nilrrd In tha av
I"" rlKlill, !,r.l... ..I ..l.ll
..I - ............ .v
" ami will haatimti
uv pn.irla I. ...n... nt
f'-i-riHl Ihrmigh lha arraiiKamelita
r'.niamient A. M . Handera, of
r Pblir ai hixda.
y "Dm" M.n.. ff -.
"Inn Kynrv hniaa nn i Iw. rfma.
r'vatinn rangn la to b ttlpitri)
F month 0( M iTOoniiiig to
"Med hv Dr. H. W. M.l'lnra.
t'lJ wlm U hiatil of lha bureau
1,1 ImliiBlry In tho Soithwoat.
i ii wholesale dipping
n"llcat miiK, whloh la pruva
l" tlt Im.ii.
I"! Iw T.,.,ii,.t A i ....
f i Pjinlaa, all other eirHinne b-
"vanity D.t. In Bullatln.
E ,, Oregon. Kimeiio A
' n !' iuat bean laaued from
W'y oille, eontalnnlg brief
likaln i ti.. I....I."., .. .
Ki .. ne lliniUUVKin, 1MB
I ... T,'"'" t)ilr tormi of
bni. V," oh"rl the ofllwra
FUtratlon ,nJ lntnit.Uon Bnj
P'i riM i n.. .i ....
Slock at O. A. O.
Bhow Big Yield.
... in .
Kirvaiua An Amh n n, .... it.-
winega larm, in u.a milk ikoIihI of a
mile moro than Ian monlln In.i ,.i....i
haa ylaldml J1.07U iwuiida of milk. Th.
amount 01 duller fat wai ami nu
pounda, eiulta)nt of 614 47 pounda ol
blltUr. At 30 cmila per hound tlia
grtiaa valua waa I03.S4. It noat to
la hur during tha iiu. Invl
nr. prom oi ai.M,a. Ilnr tllet Waa
Haifa, with a very light ration of bn
and rolle.1 oata during tha tiinmrr,
io imunua ol velrh and rmtm I, .
30 iwunda ol kale and eight pounda of
i"an ami roiimi irler during winter.
me animal la 0 yeaia old, and raina
item tha farm ol Mr.. Iloneyman, of
A o-year old llolaleln from tha
rrakea herd at jpeldel over
13,000 )ounila of milk dining a almilar
fwibnl, which ehawd in lMM.mlM.r,
making a holler product of over 60
poumla hlia haa fieahened, and !
now giving 70 pouodi cl milk prr day.
Horaa Show at Malem
Kalem Klalvirate proparatiuna air
under way lo make tha horaa ahow to
Iw held In IhUclty rvtuiday, April 4,
tha banner hoiae fair of tlia year in lha
VVIllamella valley. All the oiliaeiia of
tha ( apiUl City ara taking hold of tha
aoik Incident hi iueh an uuderuking
with a vim that auguia well for tha iur
ooaa of tha affair. Die flnanca comraii-
tea la mealing with tlia vary beat of
itcreaaand anoouiagement. and will
eadly hara rollerled ovar l.'iUO In caali.
oeeiiiaa many valuable euna, ate. to
offer aa prltee, hefora iU lain rt are
handed. Over 23 beautllul ciid' are
already eubectibed by Uie rnUrpnaing
Until of Halem. Many of tha leading
horaeman of tha atala have algnl fled
theli intanlinn of anleritig their high
elaaa animal, and everything point
towarda miwt aocceaaful, proi ta il
ami e.luratioiial meeting Kulrm tat ir-
iy, April 4.
BcMatlng State Fair.
Haleiu F. A. Welch, aecrelarr of
th eiaU board of agriculture, la mail
ing prepare) 1 me leu u,e atate lair, to
be hehl heta In Heptember. I'netal
rda ailvortUing tha lair have been
tent bruadewat over tha Tniled rltatea
and it la protwhle that a greater Inllm
of vl!lnri than evei tiefora will attend
tlila year. Claleop, Columbia, Ijine
and Clackaoiaa miuntiea have already
ent notiucattona that they want large
ectmna reaervrd fr their eihiblta.
Plan Condenaer at Brook I.
rialem Negottatloni are in piogie
for I he eatabimhtiient of a milk con
tenaing plant at llrwikii, aaven till lea
north of thia city. It la aiidrtitorl
that Portland men ara lack ol the en
ternrln and that they are ready to In-
tail the plant aa noon aa they are aa
ittrel that the omlenner ill get the
milk from l.mxieoaa. M. I., joiiea.
a prominent daityman at luike 1-abirh,
haa Indlcaietl a ailllngnota to tiipply
milk from 300 oowa.
Formal Charge Filed Agalntt Slayer
of Stevana,
Han Franrlaeo, March 27. In. Whan
C hang and Ming Wun Chun, the Co-
raan palrlota who elmUxl to kill Dur
ham W, HUivuna for what Ihnv btdleved
U Iw treachery to the Hermit Kingdom,
-e.o una morning charged with mur
r. J hey munt face trial for their
UMt in the courU of thia city. Hold
in iluUinllon wudliig the atrugg! for
Hie which the couragaoua diplomat
made, the two men were clmrged on
the police blotter aa aoon aa newa of the
end waa conveyed to police hcadiuar-
tn Whan Chang, tha Oirean who
nred the ahoU which proved fatal to
Htavena, when liifoimed laid niuht
ai me ja.ll of hla victim'! doath, re
ceived the nrwa without aururlae and
with manileatdHlliiht. HI nee tha dav
.i . ... . .
in i lie anonlliia I Iiinir h.i hnen ax.
preaalng the hniie that Hlavana' wounda
might prove lata). I.t niuht when
aaked II he waa aorrv for what he had
icme, uiang aald: "No; I am glad
He waa no Irlend of Corea. and he la
better dead."
There la ! movement on foot imoni
the Japetiee to enct a monument to
Hievem. Jafianeae commenced going
ataiut among their fellow oountiymen
thia morning broaching the Idea and
euKgeeting that aulawriptiona be forth-
.Kilning. The propoaitlun ia atill In
the tentative atagn, bnl, judging from
the feeling the Japanaee ahow toward
tha (had Ametlran, there will be no
dilllculty in briniiinir It to aoconiDlih-
meiit. Whether the monument aha 1 1
be elected In thia city, in Tokio or in
Keoul, the theater of Ktevena' eervioea
to Japan, haa not yet been decided.
Wheat Club, 2S'R3c: blueetnin,
S4riH.V: valley. HSlAHSo; reil, HiKuHlc
llarley-rred, ;'o pi ton; rullrtl,
f 2Hi3 ) pet ton.
Oata -No. I white, i:'7(r: per ion
Corn Whole, 133.60; cracked,
134 60.
Ilav Valley timothy, !Sc. I, l7ir
ion; Kaatern tiregen timniny, I im..o;
lover, H(4I6; cheat, I6; gialn hay,
II4MI1S; allrtKa, tK'())3-
Fruita Applca, f I (.43.60 per Imx, ac-
cording to ipiallty; cranlierriroi, IstaiM
er barrel.
VegetaliUMi Anperagtia, w.o l'"r
pound; beane, 20c per und; caliDage,
I ( 1 ". raiillliowcr, .n; cei-
ery, I4.BU per craie; cucumoera, rj.iu
per doaen ; raiey, sno per ooen , pep
peie, 20c per pound; rmlifbea, 30e pel
hiten; tbliMirli, l pr jmunu; epin-
aidi, H6 per orate; apronia,. too Pr
ooond: aomwih. HjHa p' pomi:
turnlpa, H6c er aack; cairota, Hftc per
sack; bet-ta, II per aack.
On lima- Oregon, 14 lr nunitreu.
I'otatoea 4(K85o per hundred, dm
llverod I'oitland; awwt jKiUitoea, i
per bundled.
nutter ranoy creamery,
I'onltrv Average old hem, Hffllno
per pound; inUrd oblokeng, 12ISo;
prlng chli'kena, ukib-ocj inrey, u.-,
16M17c; dreaawl, choice, lnwso; gecae,
live. 8tl0c: ducka. lKa17o plgtKUH,
76c($l; equaba, H "W"3-,
Kgga Kroah rancn, 101100 pei
doaen. . .. ...
Veal 75 U 126 poumia, mlo; no
to 160 pounda, 7o; 10 to 200 pounda,
... ,. 7
Fork l'locK, (o " ",u p"""""! -w
lc; packera, 6(io.
lion 1IHI7, prime aim -v
Wet olda, 1(3)23.
w,.ii.,.irn Orcaon. average tmi,
12(4100 per pound, accoming io aur
w .f .....llna In nlial.
age; vaney, iw.m, -
Ityj mohair, choloa, S8o par pound.
Immenea Frauda Olacoverad in Chi-
cago Water Department.
Chicago, March 27. An amalng
ayatein of roblry and grwlt, Involving
city employe and big buaineaa firma,
and attending back through aeveml
ynara, baa been discovered in the water
department. Two employee, Including
dlvialon bead, were remove!, and 38
(inordinate employee will be dit
cliarged. Home ol them may be indicted.
Thiough tampering with met era and
tha connivance of city employee, aeve
lal la'ga corporwtlotia have drliauded
lha i Hy ol hundreda of thouranda of
dollar In water taiea. City employee
have told nietera to Junk dealer and
Iwrleied niatetlala for drlnka In aa-
tuppllea never naed by the city were
purvhaeed orteiiaihly for the water do
laitmeiit and then ued by plumber
in private blneae.
The paymlla were padded with Idleia
and Incomiidenla. The lore, which
originally numbered 200 men, waa re
duced by Hiiperintemlent W. J. Me
Court, ol the water bureau, to 60.
Striking. Alaaka Miner May Destrot
Heattle, Waah., March 27. Troop
hav ten ordered from rort Howard,
at llainea, Alaaka. to preaerve order at
the Treadwell mine, on Houglatu
ialand, where H(X) miner have gone on
a itrike. The troope are due to arrive
at Treadwell early tomorrow morning,
and aerioua 1 1 out-In it anticipated
foiled HUtea Marrhal Hhnup, who ha
tnitt returned fmm Wanhington, hdt
lor the arena of the trouble, on receipt
ol dl'patchca from hit cbiel deputy.
The miner have threatened to blow
up the work if troop are landed on
the ialand They stole 10 kega of dy
namite today from the mine atorca.
Colonel linen, in command of one
company ol the tenth inlanlry, left
llainea tonight with gatling gun, ami
ho u Id reach the nlneaatan early hour
thia morning. The other companle
atationed at Fort Seward have been or
dered to be in ndineea lo reinforce the
tlrat company If notded.
J net btiforo bla depaiture for Juneau
at U o'clock liut night, Marahal Hhonp
received a mitmige from hi chief depu
ty that no MMloua dietmbancea have oo-
urrcd, but trouble ot a acriou nature
ia anticipated when the tioop are land
ed on the ialand In the morning.
Bribery I Charged,
Han ranciaco, March 27. Tonight
it waa learned that the new grand juty
which today heard the teatimonY of
many of tha wltneaae who appeared
before the Oliver grand jmy, when Pat
rick Calhoun, Titey L. Kord, Ueoige M.
Abbott. ex-Mnyor E. K. Submit and
Abraham Kuel were Indicted on many
count for bribery In the granting of
the United railroada trolley franchlae,
have voUkI to bring three joint indict
mont for the aameoffcnaeaairninat Cal
houn, Ford nd Hnef. Bohmlti la left
out of th new indictments..
Mora Warahlp to Hayti.
Waahlngton, March 27. Two addi
tional war vemela were ordered to Hay
ti today following a conlerenoe of offi
cial of theHtateand Navy department.
The De Molnea already had been aent
to the rcene of the recent outbreak.
The two veiaela diapatched tvlay are
the gunboata Marietta and Paducah-
loth of whlcb have been at uuani-ana,
Monday, March 30.
Waahlngton. March 30 Tbe bbjrc
tlon of the preaident to the comtrno-
lion of dam acroe navigable river by
privaUi ootnpanina, eicopt when the
public Interest la fully guaranteed, fig
nred In the conilderation of a hnune
hill In the lenale today. Tbi bill pro
pose to authorie the lk n ton Water
ooiriwny to conalrnct a dam aero
Hnake river, In th atate of Waahlng
The urgent deficiency bill, appropr
aling 12,000,000 for armor, etc., for
vevaela heretofore authorized, waa
paased. On motion of Warren, 150,000
waa added for mileage of officer and
contract (tirgeon of tbe army when an
thoriaed by law.
A bill regulating the aal of liquor In
licenaeil tavein In Ala-ka wa( paael.
It forbid gambling In place in which
liquor ia told. Ferkin aald that in
the da! of prohibition In Alaaka there
waa much amuggllng and illicit aelling
of liquor.
Waahlngton, March 30. Charge of
a lei lone nature againat Gilford Pin
ohot, chief of the foreatry bureau, were
made today In the bouse by Fmith, of
lalifornia, and Moidell, of Wyoming.
during oonaidcrath n of the agricultural
hill. Umith ace naed bim of entering
into a toe ret underatanding with the
city of Lea Angele, with a view to re-
curing to the city valuable water right
In the Owen river valley, aa againat
the Interest of private partic having
prior claim. Moudell denounced bun
for, a he charged, illegally paying the
axpeneea of foreat ofllclala in attending
convention In the Weal, in which the
government had no part, and aUo lor
pending government money to boost
hi bureau in the newspaper. Mr.
Pincbot waa defended by Pollard, of
Nebraska, and Bcott, of Kansas.
hinilh, of California, denounced tbe
lore try service for attempting to ac
quire tha Owen valley in California
Saturday, March 28.
Waahlngton, March 28 But little
progress was made In the houae today
in conalderlngg the agricultural bill.
The diacuaaion dwelt mainly upon the
proposed eeablisbmentof Federal stand
ards of cotton gradea and Federal In
spection of grains. Mr. Crumpacker
and other oppored a section providing
lor Uie establishment of federal labor
atories for examination of sample of
seed or grain.
lha clause of the section providing
that the reports made aa result of auch
taboratorical eiamiuationa "shall serve
as a baala for the fixing of definite
guile, a urn grade to become the offi
cial standards for tbe grading of grains"
waa atricken out on a point ot order
afU'i a lively debate.
The section was then adopted a
dentlala of Senator-elect John Walter
8 nllh, of Maryland, early became the
lubject of a dlwroasion that contained
nearly four hoar and deetroyed all
bene of disposing of the currency bill
befor adjournment today.
The reault of the delate on the pro
priety of swearing In Mr. Hmlth waa a
vote of 84 to 39 In favor of receiving
bl credential and leaving1h regu
larity of hla election to be coneidered
by the committee on privilege and
election, and by the eenate later.
Washington, March 20. More shaft
of sarcasm and Invective were aimed at
Prealdent Iiooaevelt in the (house of
representative today. In one of the
moat scathing arraignment of a public
officer ever beard In that chamber.
ileal), of Texas, charged the president
with having been guilty of "a disgust
ing usurpation of power," not only
toward the national legislature, but
the judiciary a well.
When the agricultural appropriation
bill waa read for amendment today,
Macon, of Arkansas, endeavored to
have inserted a a new provision his
bill prohibiting the dealing in future
in agricultural product, but the chair
sustained a . point of order against it.
Hcott, of Kansas, in charge of tbe bill.
expiesaed hi entire sympathy with the
proposition which, however, he insist
ed should be acted on independently.
On a point of order the several new
stations were stricken from the bill.
These station were proposed to be lo-
ciated in Texas, Kansas, Virginia.
Michigan, Vermont, Missouri and Indi
Wednesday, March 26.
Washington, March 25. A good deal
of progree was mad by tbe senate to
day in disposing of proposed amend
ments to the Aldrich currency bill. It
waa evident throughout the seaeion that
the bill will be perfected in the form
approved by tbe finance committee, as
no proposition that railed to receive
tbe sanction of the committee received
any substantial support. The amend
ments reported by the committee were
all adopted without opposition and
then one senator alter another ofleied
additional amendments which, except
In tbe cases of one proposed by Dupont
and one by Lodge, were voted down.
Friday, March 27.
Washington. Marsh 27 The Aid
rich bill was pasd by the senate to
day by a vote of 43 to 16, in the main
a party vote. Previous to the taking
of the vote on the Aldriob bill, a vote
was taken on the Ha i ley subatiute an
authoriaing the government, instead ol
tbe national bank, to Issue the emer
gency circulation for which the bill
provide. The vote on the substitute
stood 42 to 13, and this vote waa en
tirely partisan, even La Follette cact
ing his vote with the Republicans. The
bill haa been before the senate ainre
January 2. The vote was not reported
until afur 6 p. m. and the galleries
were practically empty.
Aa passed, the bill provides lor not
more than $500,000,000 of emergency
currency to be issued to national bank
upon the deposit by them of state,
county and municipal bond to lie ap
proved by the eorelary of the treasury.
The currency is to be (nailed with a
view of securing an equitable distribu
tion of the cuirenoy over the United
Stales, and In aocotdance with the un
impaired capital and surplus of banks
In each state. Itanks are to pay for
Uiia emergency circulation or.e-half of
one per cent a month during the first
four months It ia circulated and after
ward three-quarter of one per cent a
The bill provides that national bank
ehall not pay less than 1 per cent on
government funds deposited with them.
A amended today, the bill carries
an important; change in banking law
relating to bank reserves. Thl amend
ment provides that of the 15 percent
reserve required to be kept by banks
not In reserve oitles, four-fifths is to be
kept in the vaults sf the banks, and of
Washington, March 25. In the
coarse of a bitter denunciation of the
preeident, on the floor of tbe bouse of
representative today, Stanley, of Ken
tucky, compared him with Alexander
Hamilton, whom he designated "an
obscure adventurer," and both of
whom, he (aid, bad profound con
tempt for the constitution and display
ed everlasting impatience with its re
straints. The president was a man
who reliahed glamor and who became
intoxicated by applause. On the other
hand, he aald, Mr. Bryan had the re
flect of tbe country aa a statesman and
waa trusted as a man.
When Scott, in charge of the agricul
tural appropriation bill, today sought
unanimous consent to limit to five
hoar further debate on the bill, Sai
ler, of New York, objected. That ao-
ton forced the hon?e to a vote, and it
was agreed to confine geneial debate to
four hours instead of five.
The remainder of the session was de
voted to brief speeches by Griggs, of
Cieoigia, who gave notice of an amend-
nieont increasing by $100,000 the ap
propriation for the inveetlgation of
soils; by Bell, of Georgia, wbo favored
governmental aid to public roads; El
lerhe, ol South Carolnia, who also fa
vored increased appropriation for soil
Tuesday, March 24
Washington, March 24. Upon the
conclusion of Senator La Follette'a
speech on the Aldrich currency bill in
the senate today, a plan was decided
upon by which Senator Aldrich will
tomorrow move to take np the bill and
continue Its consideration until it has
been disposed ot.
The colloquy which resulted in Aid
rich's announcement followed the con
clusion of the third and last installment
o.' La Follette'a speech In opposition to
the Aldrich bill. La Follette declared
the statement that the industries ot
this country were controlled by less
than 100 men had been attacked aa sen
Rational. Declaring that such was not
the case, he said that he had been too
conservative, and that in fact a much
smaller number ot men dominated the
Washington. March 24. Determina
tion to eondnrt a fllihnatnr nn nil iwm.
that amount one-third can be in the siona where opportunity presented it-
form of securities of the kind required.
Wahington, March 27 The honpe
paused 300 pitvate pension bills, at the
rate ot ten a minute.
An urgent deficiency appropriation
bill appropriating 3,U00,000 tor carry
ing on the work ot the Washington
naval gun factory was passed.
Thursday, March 26.
Washington, March 26. Although
the senate met today with the Inten
tion of devoting the entire time ol the
mo, Cuba, preparing for target praotic. j session to the ourrencv bill, tha era-
self, In order to force the Kebpubl leans
to action cn an employers' liability bill
and other measuies deemed necessmry
of enactment was announced by Wil
liHinms, of Mississippi, in the hours
ot representatives today during the con
sideration ot the agricultural bill. He
said he had waited until today to see
some evidences ol nn Intention to trans
act business which the people were de
manding, but, finding none, had reach,
ed the conclusion that the time waa
ripe to foroe the hand of the Republican
party. The Democrats cheered tbe an
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