t;.,.. The Oregon Mist others who have large luvost mow would he freed lrom tax utioi. Tho people, howeyei. win Sablv eouoh.de that they are ,w rayiW sullioiVnt sul.su y to these" gentlemen, and deehne I further aid them by paymg their rnlcmWM rosioriioe at Si. Helen., OreKoti. s nccomU-las wail matter. 1SM'KI l'Vl'RV VKIOW V U. H. 1'I.AOC. KDITOR ANt rKOI'UltWK. Si iiscKirrios U.vi;s 1-W t, mc v ... Sijr months . i r,.t.-a mnile known on yM niiii"'"s - ... , ,H.r 111C niton t.eipii !""- - local taxes. INFORMATION WANTED Cihctit Cor rt Om.'Ki.s . .1 .n..:.i Coim y Okhi kk K. S. Huttiu., Ju.ke St. W A. lUrrto, I'l.-rk M- ' n Martin White. Sheriff-; ft. lie.'..; BSlM'l UlH'i, v v U. lvr.t. I'oi.Mi.l-.l.mer r.awui luw, - . ,,.,1.,,., T Jjiwc Aswi-sor m. ii " 1. II. Oopel in.l. School fittpt.. K I! rr.'O- ott, Mirvi'vur II. K. Cliff, Coroner County Official ...Paper... SINGULAR IDEAS l or Counly Mi VnWri. Ulu- l"'" , , I i.l.iltiH ,.rtl nll-vthu i" - I'dlVI'V 1 ItKAt UK.K'S ll"HK "Some of the Ktjmblioan eai;; .lutntofl for the Lotfisl.iunt. ...PlrtrioUu. says the Crop-man. 'Vi I lW t.1 m.. ... - - i: ....... v,..i hor ( ake or r Ml l.llllliu.llv. "" t0'ic u-.. understand it. the opjnv. nents of Statement No. I themselves to vote tor m.ii .. , . ... i t..:..,.l Ct.it.x in:ttol" iiuinro lor i iium - 1 1. .nil. in I ...t i.oii v.w.mvo the hiirnoM HUCIU'V... Willi PIUHI ivvv.-- - , . var Kiui.KT rumi,or f votes "U the Juno eh i- '' S. provided he is a liopuWi- fan. , , . SuniHwe t Inimtieriain wm-. tho largest number ol votes the Juno election. Are the anti-1 , Statement No. 1 Uorublicanst hen ,, bound to vote for the candidate.;; of the U.publican primaries, or.,, . i... t.i tnrm anv coin-, ait.' u Hi. i ...... . binationthey see lit. and with; the aid of some ot the ihuioii. pick out some money bag whose; name has not neen -.ijmuui..-. .... the people. If this is their mien- j tion of course tney wni u- . best to secure a majority ir election. ! eoi-NTvTKKsem.'sO'M'', Sr. il.a.iixs.OH., M.ir. 1.1. I; .. . .......i... ..Ivn. that nil ion-"'1 .. .. i vv...,n, of I'otiimW V l.i.l. Iiuv W-' l'" . i ... i....i..r...l Sol Punt "'" ..,1 I.. u. l-rri. 01 l iuio". ' ' . ,, ..... 1,. i ... Ii,lt-trl wio ' - . .. ' ....at ul 1 11 In iiii,.. Republican ' . ullr tl, .utc. cc . . . ....i ... f iv Hiriioii, TrcAliT "I toiiniioi v M,OM KST.UK if, i . r '1 '! ,.,! ., ,illi..o Mill i.l :u- v-l I.' .( ,..f Mvi:ui.. t . tv .U. ' I'' . AU' l'ii!( .IlltV ' ;i I ,.t Hi.. .!.'' ,,,. .'I 4 ' ' I . I'l'' l l I'-' ,., I I,. ... ."-I .IV. i ,.( i.uii;. i itl...i- '"" .v";!.Vi:;',r,v.i; .. i .... k i, . u l. '("I in.. v.. 1 1. )" ' ,i ... ..-hi. iii ' : ,!., I . . i.l. l ' " - ,l,.. i... l.i i'.. linn ' t""" . v.l In ..llix 1 - '"V ... k .lcl '...T.. I iiKinl In '" ,..i. i , .i,i Uli'l I' 1 ""''.. ...uimv .1 ,,.i:,ii..i i 'i " " !.! . ,.lillllt.i ,.,. l III. ll.-nlioiO'lI ' V . Vi..(...l I' Cm'.'l. """ lli.ll. ..1 l" ',,,.... , ,i,r. Ih.IuiI III ' I, ...I.' tt Uii"'-.l" llv. li. i." .li.n miiiii" - . i l4l'l lOl'l U lMl,f '' . . i - iv.-.t li'lml" ' ,!' U .,, -1 !' ' , i,.,i. .ii.i -y 1 . i..k. :. ".., ,iv v.i ..:' ".'.. 5 ni;;.i " ,"' S1?ATEBAKK05 BRAINIER RAINIER, ORE. CAI'ITAtTliLoti l or ir win iuUiMi mil (Ml ..vlHU ilrn,, jn " oomiMMinlwl t l-noii7 Muri'li I mill SniMraig, 1" V. It. t.OTTMAN, Cm, Cull(llun M J -i. Ortlu hi .:.i.' 3 I., i. .i."1 Ir.l 1 I'-'' ,..r I I" In .!.' ,.t m.i l ..il Ulllll. If (! lit. Jl .-l. .., I"! mi.l.U I'MH.Ii. .11 1 1 vl li-. I i te,..,w.-.l -Oi'1 ,1.1,1 iii!m" .t.i I i, mil) ' i,itli. mH ' ! :,':.l""i.:.;s,.'! y :n.W ';4:., ft - .1 ti 4 . l.'-.t'tt tirtt '1 i i -i !( I . .Mi- '! ...Ml UU 1 t I'' ! "! om A. I) n..;....., th Oivo-on lax Ke- form Association, a ipute lengthy article in answer to the letter ot Glen 0. llolman opposing tho pro- tution exempting: from taxation I Chamln'rlain ul the. hint f" nr(wirfv in-I ii . .....iKli-.-.n i ,( , V ,; 5 I It (- B,.llti't ,rf ' -til . t r J tnf-i U''',p. Mt is.r h-ti-u r ,f . ih lu on . . I! l..t rcMl i'i 111 tf Columbia County IKk-s Gcucrul Uankiaj l'rtiuil Cwrrtqio l lrtt N.tion.l lUnk, l"oiilajlr-j Wm. M. Kitss, Ptopriftg HT. IIKI.KS8. HUB. mm is kom. PHYSICIANS SURCH ,1 1 ,!. ,.( n .1 :.,.ir. 1 , Hii r i , i.,ui -i Si.. tUH l hoNi i ff.nti j ii- ;-ii ! ,1 11 ii .nUii-l. I .mi lb.' i.,....w iirnniirrv. in fcruiui iiuwi3 ,i ii cludinjr "all machinery and buikl- incrs used exclusively tor manu fneturinir tuinoses. Mr. L riay;e in rtf tho'nninion that he has a ris-ht to space in this paper to present his views on this subject. This is one of the peculiarities ot rvrtlitiV-il fifiinnmists ot the LIU.- Ji.-.n....... - . -..;,i,m tvw. Their ideas ot mine" and "thine" are soco e i ,!... u., ...imTIvj hih.ivi ;i iuseu Liiai wi.'v iimij paper is bound to make them a ,,-.. c.inf nf ir snac? whenever it expresses an opinion contrary to theirs. Logically, if their ideas are to prevail, there would be no need ot Democratic or ih'iiuji on nriTv.ru What would be the ..,v-;.. nr nr!vw.ibilitv of start- J Itl. V."l i. J "I MV. ... . inj; papers for the purpose of ad- , vocatink' any particular set of principles; Just wait until in. other fellow starts a paper and Hun fill his columns with your ideas. It is a jrreat scheme and Vim-n fi-miiipnt.lv assisted in mrn-imr it nut: but we have about decided that from now until thf. mmnaisrn is over, we ,,.;n n.l ill th editorial snace W III i 11 U WM V,... - ' , of this paper for the promulga tion of the principles we believe to be conducive to the welfare ol the neonie. In order, however. i.- i?. ..hi i H-.-in catiiiiiiau ii 1 1 1 1 1 mi " ,,v t for Representative mmm: . ; had itrniMl Statement .No. 1 tnt-n. ; would' have Ken no tear uluu.- ever of Chamberlains election and anv danger there may no oi xuch a result comes lrom tno oi1 i position to that measure, llu Oreuor.ian has worked hard to I discredit it with the p.-.plf. but we believe they have ta;U'i. .uut even m .Multiuunan hhh;;i "j confidently expect trie elec u.miu atement No. 1 heiniinR'aii.N makintr sure mat tne ui u' the neople will be the next L nin-u Slates Senator. j In u. f . ' V.i.i K. :'!' I . i' ?v.' ' I i :. r .uci l SUMMONS ' .! . t. i-n, I ir(. (1. .1 .!! I ( ii . I I i r itm.(i. I j j.u u i i.irr. PHYSICIAN it SURGE T MtlKM r. 1 It i I . li. i i (ii?. received from II""- ,vn.ithin ttiiiirne :l C.'tiV o! the article that cost h:m M.""". inir considered the best arvunn in : in suiport of the Senator's p"t 1"'. theorv that i;..iseveit snouiu ana ' will be selected and elected for a j second elective term. We don't j;!.; know that Jonathan cares lor our , - opinion but we are reminded "! !,, tne Inirersoll story, it !- o-'i the jjreat agnostic wandered ir.tu,(.: one of the chonen few churches ; in a jrreat city and took a seat m one of the elegantly upholstered ; He noticeil that tlie other;;: occupant eyed him with appar ent disfavor, arm presently w.m.i. handed a card uiion which was;,; written "I nav .l,boO a ye'r for this pew." Intrersoll turned it(i; over and handed it back to old;, crusty with this .sentence: "Youi nav ton much." W e are of the : opinion that Jonathan has over-1 played his nam!. Die people ,i understand that President Uoose-j," volt will not accept a nomination, and they would not think as much of him as they do it they believed he could now be nHuc- I Kvr,.-- : me lruinc. n "'v".t i Dews to show the peculiarity ot Mr. ; ' Cridpe's argument, we quite om r,.wrririh which SCCmS tO bt the keynote to the entire letter. "Th irnrli t.ixers." savs Mr. Crudge, "know better than the ordinary st.udend of economics iv.nl oil tMVf. must, be naid bv IHUl . ....... , ' - labor, and they also know that all speculative prices on land are also paid by labor. Where the ii.,tivn v!i!nf on land are DK.l.Ulttvl , v. ........... ... . done away with the utility values -remain, and labour nas snaKen tho uiwnhitnr from his back, sim piineu mo cum 1,,"-M" ,.,1 n, change his mini . letter and has only.taxes eit. jr S(.nulo to l)liy , 'fake the .speculative auo out . stamt)i. f- ,h(, next cam-i of the timberlanos oi wiumma ' (v,,t,i in, vnn wm i avc h-il ' " Vj.juiiv.ji cii'. . "" ; ; nothing but the value of the tim ber for immediate consumption, and this would be very small. The cleared and cultivated land of Columbia County at present bears an extremely small propor tion o' the taxation, for the rea son that there i so little of it, and the same is true of town lots. By far the larger portion of the burden is borne by rail road corporations and timberland owners. The amendment pro posed reads as follows: "Excepting that all dwelling houses, barns, sheds, outhouses, and all other appurtenances thereto, all machinery and build ings used exclusively for manu facturing purposes, and the ap purtenances thereto, all fences, farm machinery and appliances used as such, all fruit trees, vines, shrubs and all other im provements on farms, all live stock, all household furniture in use, and all tools owned by work men and in use, shall bo exempt from taxation." , , rt t'i Writ , t., wti 9" 'I-' j . ,' ,', .... .'j ,,; i , r.l. r - .i' u .U 4 It H l it' UK NOTICE Of FINAL SUUtMfNT .,(mt u hrtt'. tlrn ty llw Uielfl" ;::r! at nrfutllH itw l I rur.t llti;im, .Imiwl, llil li' hlr-l tit Hie V urtl 5 Cil i'l U' ' ll K.,n t.. t..:mt.i liiaol lift IHil tuotij i. Iscf .!minl !.! Ui'o wet t.ll'.c, !.)ttc!!l-f l!ll hct t.ll! !-.( !lt (te.i.m ..t .!:lf il.-.il..ii Ihrff.l. -! !it thr ll.ui H ,v lliiuti. Ji'.'sr .i Ktl-1 r,..,t' tu4 is;.iH.I"! '.'t!l iUv el m .,. h i. ,.i rt 1. . .;..' in issf (.f-iiiiit Hi. rr..(. ii Ihr ri?i- . an I lltr f.it.i(tlml r,l I in S: Mr n. Kr lli i. r. Ii.c l!l. hr ttifg b4 rtntlll 1I Wl-t m t .ill!. I ll,.t Hll.l )-IKl.HI. ! wtiii h l:mr an I f'.'"' " t",,," 'n" . ?i itr-t lil .i;-i rs'-i'' HUT J.Jrl I lil ! '.;i' ii..i. in r ;'.!!!,; I" t!.- .utio or in i .e tlicrr-. '.ISSii: lni.HHN I V II IVweH. a'.!,. (itev eltl. JJAt.DWIS A Ml EH WOOD 1'ii.xnii.m u I'mutcw Ut l'f l'lkUl it dlMli toil ' l U' miim. .... fumM 1 i s- I! 1. 1 ..I "l... I V'Tll.. Ih. I! . ,u.;.l .,fM .-I : I I "l l U rt Hi. -.Hi .il. I s..r t I 1 1 -l.tl Niitlic fur IIIiImiii Itnuil Work 1'ivc tiiiii'lr.'I il'i'lannf 'ij.f'i i i'. r.Kul mrk on rt,.it Iim.Ii'.j f r .in St. Ifilfii. to.nr. Ol- mi.iii Citv. will In- Irt l.' tlie l.. i-t lii'lilur p.-r ciitiii: y.inl, f'.r ru-,!i 1 ru. k, furiii-.lii.-'l mi : In' mail, (.iiiiuiu-iirm whi-rf ciiislii'.l rui lc (-tii'.i-'l on r'i.i'1 li-.t -1 r i;o- iiirf towiinl l,..lunilii.'t City Alvi ln: Iwptn Nt-ro ':rivl( liri.lL"' all'l nurlli hnr I ul t:iv limits H.jck i:ne.hi:r lunn lii-.l I In count)'. Kou.l iinut liuvc (UK- .Ifc-in-1 on top. the ilcptli ol roi k to 1 ili:-tt-rijiiiicl liv fwijietwir. li') will ujr- vi the spri.-'i.hliK ol rork on tin- roj.l. St-iili'l lii'U reciitvcl liy April II, I'.KiH iv . ri lino uriti K-s ,. I., i i H i! tl I, I I II. ' iihI M.ii) II", l iuh mi l l ... t r i !.' i WA. m i' RUNNING sit fl A BT J UCJ'B U i 1 -IF ' .- Jul 0 t Steamer Irali HAII Uo IP TIME. ( llln!f Ulli tnitm-i lun-l. l M I. ! j ......... . 1... klhrtlAuJ:ll U .iKliliil limit. HU. Uml hmim ui Fiji kit FOB FOIHANO SAIll NOTICE Of SCNOOl II01K stucnoN l nil -I '.! trfiui) :. fli J.iin.fl l 1-- ,1 .HU. I. l.W'f !" VjT ,1 itii,Vf tut '!' I "1 In .lii'h ,l;--'l ..-"' "TJ it.i i. ..iii i- o' '" ""r,z.- An. ...t i. I " I.'-". . . ... J .......... ,l.,rill'. !. .. J I:. '! I 11 YA i'i "F IfV'HI 4 Miil i,nt. H.iify . nil ISII. 7.) mil. I...:' .il. I In- A. i.i::..l i. TMI M(W HOWt srwiHa ttktnm COWf ANT Oruntiv, Mimn. County JihU;''. I ri.ll. A. II. i- ..ill. I- n II..;... I 4 If . I lit ! I III- !,. .1 I,.., t.,i .-, I 'I in' 'l.lin'lnn lull S I inn . l.ili-i .'i". I'. .in. i n,i iMilf '.-oi,.- it. i 1 i.r i-.-ii.hi . -ii.o.ii,;. -i h.,,i V .ii-. 1,1 II. J l.,l. 1 1 ir c Ital.l liy mi i It. .1- -1 !,,-'! '(.tl!.M 1 1 Ml.li .1 li.tt.ln . cl. ,1, I .... . rlrol tli'ttlrr eol. Mil-1: ii si MH VIHt I'm' I'l.mi! I . .: . ....... ..utt,i ""i Wib rtr in""-' - j lu.,..llAtllt Il t Hi ..." n.il"w- C.I1..U. ,ll.l.lnl a.i. riilltl-.i ..'I'". ' w j.fifJ ..I h. !'.. '-'"'wW ,-i. , .,i ii.. ...in '." u 2 w i ..II.. II ol II iiini"" f.i.i(l1 . ........... Ih. til. " . inniii i"" '"" "'.,:", ,i,i.ti h ...I...., ii f tt.ikint -mi '"..-' " ' : . ........... a.r .j ui ii.Hi i ni"1' "'.v.' il.twl l'( tll .,.... I.. v.. Slnr. il , ! w aid .1., ll. tlr.-.!l emu ' ( Iho LmiiiIC "I " "mWt lltll. IMIIIII. ' i" V..III. Io..l. i'Vl" ''"iti t Nlll liiliii - . tat .""' b'M-i.y i-iii'-' ,"..I"",D im "T-V tii.iiii ntfi ." it. 1.1 Hl.Ti-1 in WtS, iim lu.iiiini ..ni.iithni r" , "' I'm. .iiinmiiiit 1' " Vi..oi Jjfl ,,ao ill III II II I. ill '.li "I .1 ' ..-! ii ul I: -II Hi Ii.-. ..I Hi. 'i.-.ii iti 11." it "f f- ul fll. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tin; tmiicHsi(;m-'l .'n lv onlcr iltily mule aii'l L-iiti:ri.i in t!)( cuiinty i-ouit i ill CoHiinl.i.i l otiiitv, Stall- of UriK'on, on ! (hir L'.'.lh day ol M.-trcli, A. II. 11IDS up jjfii t:'l .-I'limiiiHralrix ot cs'.ati' of Frank I'ayn.-, ilncrase'l . All .i-!.oiiii luiviiiK cliiirii-. iiaiti'vl mi'l i-slati: nri-lu-ri-ljy uotilit'l to iiresi-iit tin- 'amir .ri))i erly verilinl, to inc iitmy rc")i.!i-iii.:i' ni-nr Scappooit in sai'l cuiititv a"1' Stale. Willi ill six moiitlis from llm firnt jmlilit.ition lii-rt-ol ANNIR I'AVNH, A'lmiiiifilratrix of tlic estate of l'raii! layne, iuet..iu '"" "' !' ''' tim riln-l of iWy wm: ,yT fe!rj Wrrly , iMk,Uom w , J. S Crane, Portland, Ore. ni . ii, ii.i-i ni i ::v i il,-- ir j .,.iiiii-r ..I i S..II1. Ll K"!l:-' - Mi. r. M.ii ...i.l i-IiiImi .:.'..i ii'-r,--i ,ll., III.- lull ' l.'.il H in t.lrt I in I..,.-, j, i, ., I .-111-! ijl,illrl ,i .1 .. tin- in ' I II." ii'-.l Itilli -.. li. i, Mil" I 1 ' .21 ii!-.. III. ... mill i In- ..tutu j l"i il. I I..M ..I f . ti.ai !. all In u,.,v, . , . : - ' ', ' ;.. i.i.; i, iii.iaultii ........ n,,. . .. v.. i I I II k 11. VlH. ,1 I,-, ii in ! Ti,.,.j 'll .i li.l-.,, i-i ! 'i Hi In id. I. N,,ii, NOTICE TO CREDITORS M.-r ( tt; tlqln u CtforU KllKlUll, '1 -1 til "I II, i-i 'initt. r of n-.rttt ! i .i r f - r im u r ..i,. ) , 1 nf ..-!),, i I 't .irh I'IMf II. 4 M tl 't't.y prft-j fml Om iii.1itflf.rt y Ett-t't.u.i.i.t Ki(..t i.l ii A. t Umj ( iv.iMty l Kurt f h tii onMif u( ('ftiiu)th mitl iifio'I m kiii ti AU til; ruth ti. i Itt i i!i I'Httt lllfifn 'lily ,'lnk ff.r I "I- m Hfh Kit, lltrif'tM, I'litMinn nit t MUIV Vtt riflcl A fp ll.tif I- 11 Oi l!- try itrdnf Ilft'.t lllllj 'l' it - I.i ,.r, nrni Kit ni lit" ..ftii f. ni ii, r.... ....(rrrr MI(. lir-J nt ( lil'N'.il, ImUA 0,1,1 nr"1 ioi4 r.rury 7Ut TuVIn H. KNciMMI. .JOHN A. KNUlJHU .1 L ..-llit I "" ..lirJ P ......( l'nlU""..-Ji ... liirinoi ..ii"'? " - " ,pifr rLt ., ,i, ,i. mt i' ,'"'", . ";,t;K piiiiii..iii tmblUMlIu .. , . .. Mk. II I'." lit. n.ll.ll..ll..ll I-I'' L'Z"itt. . id