r i DART & MUCKLE I 1 Carry a Complete Stock of the licst ia General Merchandise at Lowest Prices Consistent with Quality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Hoots or Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage- and As sure You.Courteous Treatment CT. HELENS, OREGON I 151 n? m ww w.f n? m mm nr mmm m wwwww I "A Shoe Store for Shoes" 1 REGISTRATION Of Electors to February 25th, 1908 I'RKl'INC'f Apiary .,......,. .Z, Auburn .., Heaver Kails Clatskanic Deer Iblund Goblc '. Marshland Nehalem Oak Point Rainier Scappoose Union Warren RKI DKM 4 34 26 10 86 . 3 53 45 161 6o 153 "8 soc I 3 6 21 8 a 4 6 3 2 i II 2 16 j 8 37 ! 9 21 i 2 23 ' 18 Is the dictum of the experienced. It i a matter of shoe history that the department stoics which try to sell shoes of the grades we sell do not make a success of it. The reason is that a shoe "depart ment" it fundamentally lacking in the clement of Skkvick that must go with the sale of fme shoes to make them really worth the price asked. Vahingtn ami Ti.trd "All Around the Northwest Corner" Show for WALK-OVER Only exclusive Men and children's d'p'L Women' SOROSIS j inJjPortland. J I I JOB PRINTING , r i 18 OUR BU8INE83 WK have tlio iM'xt and most fullv equipped Job Print iu Ofllco iu Columbia County Jnd tea are prepared to do all kinds of Printing on short notice and at most reasonable prices A TRIAL KILL CONVINCE OREGON MIST Johns, Or. ... j. . ..s :,,, l.lr is to i lie vpporiumiy "j invest Xow'in Xt. dohns. 1 hare the Experience and Will (Urc'laii My Jksl Judgement on Prices and Locations J.E.COLVIN, Oct off car at Chicago St St. Johns, Or 6. PRO 12 Z indto'l 4 8 6 i 7 7 8 27 4 29 8 53 46 lt7 102 5 73 77 234 87 230 8 1 23 ioi 11123 0. T. rRERCOl E. E. QUICK. f. B. PRESOOTt The Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. Titles Kxamined Abstracts Madh Non-Resident Taxes Paid Rhai. Estate vj Loans, etc Mist and Oregonian $1.80 II. a 13 ENNETT BLACKSMITH - Warren Oregon Good work at Reasonable prices. Wagon and Carriage work a spe alty. Your patronage solicited.. eL-X lirncrii-a Ir (unls llanlware lr ckery HiMir 11, J r'ei Hay Nl li t'andic Stationery Panctfiood H. MORGUS Carries a complete line of all the Best in General Merchandise At" reasouable prices. Your patron age Solicited. OREGON'S OPPORTUNITY COLONIST RATES from all parti of the United State and Canada to all parti of Qre iton and the Northwett will be put in effect by The Oregon Railroad, & Navigation Co. : Ami' Southern Pacific Company Uhi la Orro"- Daily During March and April,1908 From Hie principal cities of the Middle West the rates will be a ioiiow Prow CHICAGO ur 1 DDIS KANSAS CITY From SMIO COUNCIL BLUFFS X5.00 OMAHA - 80.00 ST. PAUL - 30.00 80.00 3000 Corresponding rales (rom all other Ktern points. Wopwrt vi 1 ..,!. R..te is the e.eatcst of all home builders. Oregon li unlimited Oren peotita can MOomplista splendid results by beriildirjK this pP7 ill the world, ttend OrcRoii literuture gMdR eol reliable infonuti .bout the rtrte to Md ide . Calf ou the love railroads for it If neceswry. FARES CAN BE PREPAID iclcg: . . ,,.. i, .lesired. Any Keut is suthoriied to accept the require.! P'' "d. Iwft UllonanyO.R.&N.orS. I'. .gent - WM. McMURRAY, Gen, Pass. Agt., Portland Oregon Ganderbone't March Forecast.' The idee ol March will come again, Wlim Carssr'i blood was let ; The foe of Bryan win hide out Ik-bind tbe tmnvn i And when he tvee them forking there, He'll roeae their fell intent And ran just like hi friend ail hope He'll run lor President. The candidal Retmblican will PM the stand again, and the portly form of Mr. Tart will show a Handsome gain, the wlilskerlets of Mr. Hoghee will float upon the breeze, the fleet that aailvd Maeellan'a Ktralts will erolee tlie west ern seas; the infant boom of Cortelyou will grimly yield the guoet, an.i me new will run the banquets on the other Latin coast. Another lot of foreiirn Ciunt. and busted sixirta arid old. will come acroa the tea to o.arry more of our dead easy gold; a count will marry a million eooi, and a viacouut two or three, and fold and girl (and bore: laugh load) they'll all put out to sea; and while tneuouw give Boni one just one more chance. a'ack, we'll all steal off and kk k oar selves quite low down on tbe back. rtie country pnprr'a will get ueed To Uncle Ham' mandate. ' That they may not hold reader ! Are not ojid no to date: Bat the Goierno e.t will not aeeist At suuarii c thl eomrbow, With old aoburiber mle so mad They nerr will pay now. March waa the 6rt month of the Ko- man year, and was named from Mats, the nod of wr. Mars looked like a tain brother to Richard P. Ilobson, anJ he was the regular Roman delegate to tlie eaoe Conference at The Hague. He was supposed to be the father of Romu lus, the founder of Rome, but lie was not: he w only the young man's g'jd- Uther. In ancient warfare It waa ca- tonury to place a good btonie bust of Marion the held and then Dgltt lor tu The mucey luditereetly ined Will faithfully keep Lent. And a lady teacher will tit on The pin when it is bent; But when the principal responds To srseains heard through tlie boue, he'll tiot tell him a hat happened, bnt Will my she saw a mouse. Until the 21t. Starch will be under ire iiifluenre of the zodiacal sign known j Place the Pish. Tin will Induce ia relative. Sturveaant Fish, to take the Illinois Central r-cht into the C. 8. Supreme Court, where K. H. Harrluiau rill he ditched with two bum lamps, a derailed back bne, and a swift kick in the raboofe. After the 21st. Marvh will be under the Infln. nee of Aries, the sin of the Ilea.!. Under this sicn.nU beads will come to the front in the presidential race, and Untie Joe Ca non 'Will come out of the last place and mnke tlie Pres ident imt two nnire burrs in tlie spacious bo iu of Mr. Tad's panls. Persons born under Pieces drink like a rish and vote wet. The? make eiorllrlit lubordinatc. like (rida and Loeb. Thi-v i-iin hi no. and it is futile to - po-e them to ny more life Insurance, for they wont take iu They are very nutiouH, and always tak m at near tlie Are eHpe. Perrons boru un l.-r Aries alway think b-foie speaking, and then never say anything. They are good organizer and generally belonging to the Anu-t-tnn ljmia. Thev nwkecood lawrere. ni generally ret the is continued un til they can elect tbe prosecUitiiig a ior ney. The Vernal Equinox will come, a Mil ilia trinhartll naraile: The boomi' g bulllr. k will resume lln music in me gwiv. The m ile w ill I urro iu the lawn, And the rash durk hunter toot His caller while pnemnonla drill. A leak-liola in hit boot. And then the srntle sprint will wine and the port w ill tssay, with r-welling i . I - I.I... l.i. luiin mnA M n attended lay; the -ooter Will annonnce .... 1 .1.. UAH will k..r I f I. F I ta HIS OrtSI II, WIIU itirfTM urn w. w.. dirt, and er)bd .will put on a thin ner undetshirt. Tliesa,va(ra will brew again to tone the eyatem rank, and the washout will upset the .train and throw J - ,l.tt l....lr . tli irirulfir Wlhl til inxwe will moult, tile meadow will be wet, ami tne spriiig-inuwcww ...... - .UM.t Tl. hnilaai will be mni iuimii.. ,7;-. 7 cleaned up again, the rebbins eonie in nrove, anu tne nuBimiiw tw.i.l.l ilia kitchen atove. The young man' heart will b-at. for love, anu tne wmow in -7 - find man and seise mm wuerw wore the beads. And then sweet April will return, And pay hi month' lnstallmeat on Ttiat Wliny miniun fw. ,rREE.(Igerrote,s Ffss 18 Tn TsTwonuca. We,wlll giveaway ten . . T.... TV11. UJw tnousanu 01 mow Croa puiutles, mad of Philippln i lionany. Difficult and lascinaUng. Write quick and enclose four eente In UmS . t ..:i:... mIa 1 1. ui all. to covtr cue m wwiii 1 - - Addi-e DMlKocl)sCo., 1307 Choutesu avq.( St. lui, M.