The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913, February 07, 1908, Image 6

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    mil 1 1 " "'- m nr r tf
- I .Ai. 1 1 II I .1 I III. IIULI1U
UUUlll-- ajie
a Dmdeoscd Form tor Ca
. Bay Men
A RtwiM Of th UM H"1
kin lu lntaraatin: Evtt
cf the) Pt Week.
Hand murder continu
it diverting many migrnt
to Sooth America.
A nw cabinet oppoeed to Ftaoco hat
taken office in Portugal.
A plotter againet Prince Skholatoi
laooteoecro bat been captured.
tv. m St. Cuthbert wat burned
Scotia and 15 ol
UU MW . w -
bar crew drowned.
The higher officer of th battleahip
Beet hare been given a banquet by otB-
cert oi the Chilean fleet.
V... k n an.f (or 197.500 On
account of alleged Irregularitle in the
management oi m miw i"
linum militariett are raid to be
M.r. a the middle cUat if re
belling at the increased taxation.
Secretary Garfield Aid EfltrymaM Iff
ItMd of HteOertnc.
CMhingtoo, Feb. 4 .It it the par
ma of Secretary Gat field to to conduct
the Interior departtaeot and to InW rpiet
the public Und law at to actually am
k.. ft. I. Mtnnai who it en
deavoring to eetablleh a home 00
.-.I. a .i- fi-rat&r Garfield
bold that the land law were enacted
(or a purpoee, and to kg a urn imw
not abated, he tnteodt that the entry
nan ahall eo)oy It pro Won, and to
loof at he art in goad faith, ahall hare
tbe encouragement and aid of repre-
aeoUUTet of tbe departaenl. in oiner
i- Eniin tiarneia m cwroj'uii
on the theory that ewy man ia hooeet
until proven gumy;
rooogh to iwyh'M that boneet men
may mate errort woicn to 7
tb, or tboold not Uy them liab'e to
.-.- 1 ... nl Mr. Garfield t
UM MW. A .
annual report. " publlo yeaterday,
will eonvinc any man 10a w
been a phenomenal an aimoet ineom.
. . I I. Iti. MAIUIIA1
preneneiDie cmf
conducting the Interior department.
. . - a L . l alt., eh.
Under fcecretaiy
rir. dun of the Interior department
and general land office, 00 tpeoal In
ttructiont from the teeretary, proceed
ed on the theory that toe poDiie "
lew were enacted to prevent meu
quiring public lanut; every warn...".,
failure to eomply with tbe law wae re
garded at ground for criminal proeecu-
Uon; every owtacie wh P'
path of the honett, at well at the die-
boneet entryman, and Mr. Hitchcock
retired from omoe wiin n
President Answers Critics and
Proposes Nei Uws.
of rortug.'. -- M'"
xiiixt b ftottert.
. nl
fc. ingf tat
lhllipie. 'f.!.,.i. oi npr.-'
.ad tbe e V - ' ,, Uo.
kl! ;"li. but g-
ul, " , ' .1,- cton
rrn mVTfini P" " '!J
SATS UliSU RU faTrJmen",
Played Prosecution Falsa Fro
Very Beginning.
Criminal Rkh Banded Together
Reactlo-Err.pkYerV tleb.r
Lawt Lftl Injunctrtx t.
of the d.Tn-10 and the B
open cartitg- 1 Brelln
The police gut"l
..... .n.l kl Ivd 10
: hll UWT lV
miiiurw ' - -
upon tbetn, Biwt
flrwt npon the
1. Pre.tder.1 u,"'m- , Uro, .Mretoming (rum
- 1.-.. it had In
Jlln-a ttatton to the pal; A
nainiyioa "ir - ' .JtTtard wat m allegiance, --
., 1. milroaJt and truU . ...... t ik. ri( and the di-
nom-y recent owi"'t .
Lthe.ultaof hit citicaandtn , pW to
.0,. vgorou. d.n00ci.t.on of ..X'tJd
tbee c,iti .d thoe. whom the, But the ' ipnl lul th. eom-
.1 1. . , ..1.. it wt c-
Beginning the recommendation I w fr,1IO th, ry of the par y untU
. . i;.Kiiit. hit!., both .u ki-u hl Mme Into le
nf tut RlDtOTVI i' ' I VJ.w . t' " --
W.ihirntoc. rb
Boor,ltye.Wd.yteDt to wng.ea. a
:.i which U devoted
. a a .11. dMiawil hufl
I ItWfU W M we.- Kai Wn found In tb etml ji, Af hoowi lettltn of their lDJt,
. . . 1 1. h.ii,nkl I an . . . 1 I .km.
of one 01 tne
binding the government tnd intemUte
ccrporalioot, anJ ol lat ie.triclng the
itaue cf injunctioot. tbe n-mt pro
eredt to renew tbe preaUent't ftmei
lecommendationt for liiiatn dealing
with railrotda and mooopollrt.
it antert ooon a reply to the critieitm
of the prrtidenft policy, not mi or lug
1. , i. rKarmi-leriati of bit an-
.... (..brrakedrt. U tnowt
I . , ... I- Jotlie
waisai - diim " Landie nd Well''" after
left there by the m inert, bbl np lafge timet, under h ery d.mDWt tbe pre. dent t b miklet
i . x ih. nhio note, tne repcr c-c.. ..I mh.t iotlirea. U aiw
I will carry encxwKu" -j 1
to have been
.1 ih.i innnirlea nave been
made regarding the number of militia
men that could be ditpatehed to tbe
Pacific eoart on four boon notice.
Bryan eayt Bootevelt it an booeat re
The entire middle Wert U rofSering!
from a biluxard.
The lleinae tavingt bank at Butte
will be reopened.
Senator fortker aart Booaevelt it the
champion muckraker.
Tbe new bettleebip Miatiatippi hat
been placed in commiatioo.
The government baa brought tuit to
dissolve tbe rtarmnan merger.
tv . v.ii.h .ttwT a vltit from
Bootevelt at toon at bit term it ended.
Two of the 1 mailer ttreet ear tytteme
f v. York nave tone into the hand
of a receiver.
A Sew Yotk newepaper man elairoe
William A. Roikelellef, father of Jobn
D.. died in 1906,
' g'.k uintiM commend
the recent tpeeial meeaege of the preei-
deol to congreea.
A Kantat City jury grand hat jut
tnmd 200 indictinentt for violation
of the Sunday doting law
it 1. hi;ovi th talk of war with
T.n ill hrin increaeed aDDropna
hr tha defenae of the Piacific
fears a flood of Japaneae
.in .MNMminL to ever? en
. . v. 1. mtrWtnr to acouir pub
lic land for an hooeet purpoae. It it
a moet cheering document.
m nnivtnt tUvk catiDimi,
auribatet the 8ie to tpecuialioo and
high Cntnre, axi oeciaree tmi,
if the iridert t policy did conuihot
to the panic, it ia htttrr tbtn to aikw
dirhonett butinree to thfire. H de
claret hi porpoee of eonlinoing tbe
tame policy withoot Blnchitg
While the meteage wat wm
- iha aara ia mmn w awj iigi 1111 f iwk" w-
1...1 CI.. Feb. 4. Out of 1,500 1 n.u,l mnm it firtt. ami
Und elaimt in the Imperial valley, u(cw jt ,M half on)tbed they gene
.hnt M imnroved ciaimt belonging to I 1. oih,, mattert. When
..i-.i. K.v. Kn itunrjed on the I .v. v .
BUumtwuM -
wA hilnn tn eomnlv wivn we
Fifty Improved Ciaimt of Non-Reai
denta Are lumpeu.
Tbefliao m '" ,
prince reel in the royal pelfe. "J
tide thm tte qern l U
night, e.rwlroe. with . Hand prrf
lug the krebead of King ly ,n'J
o..time .troklng the tore of the dead
crown prince. The c.dili.w of 1'
newly pfoc'aimed kmg, Maeiwi. i
,atiif. t.y to the phywiat In etlrod-
. if. a .Mihii mtm not rvtviv,
. . - - . .
if there are no cou'plicauona. or
there ere 00 tigut Wiw, he l up"8
.k. . rwotefT. lie rai rive
hit aim in a eling. and dnlaf b
...J M ... .n n.ln
The bod ire oi Kirg aw
t .... .tubalmrd veeleMav ana wn
1:. . -...!, In Iha cUattHS of
liv m
T . 1 vill nrobablv M MM
iu, '. . . ... ,
February 10.
Thought Oedtioei f Apeellafa 0t
Would Hetult W RelatiK
Him From daH.
Kan Franelauo. Jan. 10. Aa atua
to kidnap Abe Uuef from the njt,
and 'I'll it bim away wm utmnut
latt night by rherlfl I arty Itoian. TU
JcUlU ol the pl4 were revre,led kj tt
of the gi"rle. wh bad te0 the titp.
ratlone. The pU wat being M.(iiM
t,t Iha Indicted magnaUe, who rene
Dine that they inoel gel Koet cxilgf Ut
tv at all haatrda to cava llwtMilt
In the midst of the denunrWlioa
Utg limp! Bp. the graft prr5l
by rttrick l ailMMia anu nie ieiiot t
indk-tment bat e-re a elar tigbltU
that the bruwtln ttaadt M a.
'-a ' - . . , . l
biMent Bxxrwnl at Hrung at, Kit
tiofigef. tbtn ever.
Abe Koert trial will M prew) t
tivoi. Then be wm iw esniatirni u
art to iifi. II may at u b
on trial aa-ain aai nia mumn
mwd to ! . Then fatrUk (V
Irfxta will be put on tiial and I
l,.mt trout 111 tuiena u
Ikia anengemeot oae m mm.
nacaawary Dv le owvr; iw
..,.1 tia itulu-inl MiaanaUM wee tml
iiattnt iurlng tbe "y 'me hat lat
... muter euaid. Tbe plot net M br Hieclal Aieol wimim
Buroa. ttvl it Include lb lntWJ
1 M 1 Ua.1 haJaa advance t'P
daciaiMn ol tbe Appllaie eoort, Li
......K.l tha ladictmeet atwinet kal
-1 . - ...... 1
With thit iolonnaltoo, Koar. DtierM
,i,. atimU ha turned luaw. rwkVl
ly ll hie memory 00 all mttleft ItJ
mild lend to locrlmtnalt Calbeatd
otbet indicled mattalea.
the atriking pmmm were reached,
many of tbe eenatort looked troond tne
1 01 failure to wmpij w.-. mtDy of tne eenaiorv kw pivv
law. A recent aecieiou 01 int cwju..-- ebanibr ana eimangeu rat-
eiooer of the general land othcee revere- m&Q ni atpecially pleaero with the
et tbe practice (bat office hat held here- got . u FolletU paid very eare
tofot that any peraon could take a fo, nntion; Beveridge, McCnmber,
8m.ll Percentage of Building Bum
of Cement or Brica.
Wathington, Feb. 4. la report
funding timber in the nj timber enpply the geological
torvey tayt ium tne locreaaim v
i.k. a raniillv inrrearioK uae of
perfected file proof evttma cf conrti no
tion ehould ao mocn in noiuia w-u
. l. . . . Bi,t.h (mMl, ararslled
upon to yield each year, bat to far tbeee tohtided
Bryan praiae tbe preaident't tpeeial
meeaage to ccngreat
Th hattleehio fleet haa tutted
through Magellan ttraiu.
Tbe hoot committee on centot want
a cenne of all
United State.
i...;. Rlnl. nf the Rant Fe.
deniee tbeehalgl of Ruoaevelt that hit
roid baa granted rebate on oil.
Senator Bourne tayt Kooeevell't tpe-
p a men-aia it ooanil to cairy bum 10
tbe White Houee for another term
a bvrnadn (nut north of Wesecn
Mise., laid waste a etrip three-qaartert
l nIU miAa anrt fMveral mllet 'jDt.
Six uerson were killed and a number
AffVi.l. nf tha Jananeee ecvernrr.eot
..v that th. like other nations, are
interested in the fleet' trip from the
Atlantic to tbe Faunc, at mey warn u
know how tbe thips ttand the ttrein.
Koef bat plea!ei not guilty to 14
cliaigm of offering a bribe. Tbe caw
will be ret for trial February 14.
Schtnitx, who it alto indicted on thee
aame couuta, hat already pleaded not
China look on the movement of the
Atlantic fleet at more than a pleatoie
Terror reign tnpreme in Libon due
to tbe arrest of eoorpiraU;rt againrt
th government.
, Boef ttyt be did not negotiate with
the graft defendant and that Langdoo
broke hi immunity contract.
Japaneae who ar tnppoeed to be
epiea have been at every port where
the battleship fleet or torpedo tquadron
hat ttopped.
' Chinee printere have been eicludtd
.. .. . . - . t . L 1 .
nnder tne alien coniract lauur
nntnberoC asijfnro3nU from ciimnii
u iw. than tnt. dot not exe4 320
V iVI'l av - " -
acre. It it now nehi mat a perron
can take but on aatignmenu
Many elaimt, incioomg aron- u.
well developed farm, are affacted by
th revereal, and a number of contmu
are filed. Tbe mutual water com pan
ic bave combined to tend repreeenta
tive to Waehington and lay the matter
before Secretary Garfield. An appml
will be taken from tbe decition of txm
Iiannat on tbe (round that
the Supreme court boldt that an eettb-
lithed ruling 01 a oepanment w
government cannot b annulled by a re
versal of the ruling.
So aonrebention if felt oy cieimanit
at to the outcome, but it it conaidered
neeeeeary to preeent the manet 10 sec
retary Garfield.
more t'ibtant ial materialt bave no de-
...4 tha lnmtr cut of the nation.
v..,wiv..t.n,lin the increated uae 01
cement and other fireproof material!,
the 1 reportt of the building opera
tion in 49 of the leading due 01 uie
rnitd Stata for the Tear eoueiea vj
iha f.1,KjW-aI tnrvev. thow that 59
per cent were of wooden contirocuon. An nnt inrloile ti.e Hrire uaan-
titv of lumber ud fo the conetruction
V ... . . 1 . 1 I J
ol dwellingt, Klorea ana oiner oaim.ufa
in th tliiuanila of tmall eltie and
towne, nitleri over the oantry anil
not included in tlie 49 citie on which
a reckoning wa male.
"Yellow Peril League."
nnc Cnlo.. Feb. 4. Several hun
dred repifeentativea of union labor, In
mar meeting iniv ilkiuuuu, .v.,u..
the "Yellow Peril Kiclotion League"
deaigneil to prevent further infloi ol
Atiatic coolie labor into the United
ia.i.a I m. nf the tneikrr (awl thai
thou"and of Japaneae wereeoming into
the United State through the port of
El Paao at ttuden'. A prominrm 'r
aneee of San Francisco, he at id, wat at
tbe head of tbe enterprise and conduct
ed th bufine from a clothing agency
in th City of Mexico.
Mall From Fleet.
New York, Feb. 4. The iteamer
Theepi which arrived today from Bio
r..i en ; of mail from
Knot, Galllnger, Selaoo, Klkln. He
menway and Bunow. on th Kepubll
on tide, and Culberoo, Teller. Ui.
Bankbead and Overman, among th
Democrat, ere etpeuially altentlv to
the document.
iha mnrtuaion of the readict of
tbe meetage. rnator Ivit, of Arktn
tat, promptly movrd that 10. 000
copiea of the roetaag be pi in ted at a
nnt.lir d'irument.
"It ia the beet Dem'jcratic doctrine
that I have ever heart emanating from
a Rmoblican aonrce." laid Iwvi.
The motion wat agreed to, and with
oot further comment the meruit wa
referred to th committee on intent!
Tbe Trading of the metaagt in th
hnnaa waa lirtentd to a ith inteniw in-
tetetL by the member, of ah tn there
wat an unot'ially large namlr in at
tendance. At the reading of tbe mreaage pm-
vrfard In tbe honae. numeToua mem
ber were betrl cadibly to exi'ltim
"m'et unn'ial," "tbit it red-hot." etc.
Tbe pretldent't vig"rom denunciation
of wwngdoer wis grr'l with load
tpplaoae, at wa bit detente cf Federal
judge- who pun nil often'ieri tor viola
tion of the law.
The frequency of the aprjleiwe In
created aa the reading prwtdel. Tbe
hum ot e:nvertaiion over tne inwaaK
and the mrmbrit follnard
Jury Aequlta Thaw But Declare Mlm
J. Ad!u.ifl )
txHlt of iha murdT of HUnford Wbitt
by reawin of icaanity at the time the
i.i.l ...! Brrd. llaTtv Kendall
Tn.a Kalnnla nl bald It the eUl to
a Hamiaooa lunaik and tl whirled
awtv to tht ttau borpiul (or tbe mm
inal Inaau at Mttteeaan.
The vtrdirt cam alter SS boor of
.iin. mA -than aarv ana rMinartad
with the cat had abandoned all hop
. . a ...
of an agrvement ever wing rranu in
thit or anv cthar trial, foot hour
aftar th foramao't lite) bad framed
the word "not niltr," with th ee-
imrifttin loaanitv claw, Th
nnitrtlin be wat ran, wat on bit wtt
to Matlfaatn. A little tnf nithllall
h had lieen received In the lnt;tatl
under rocnmitmrnt lawn whlrh di
rectd bit detention "until dterbargad
by doe courve of law."
eveiy word. But the climai came hrn
th rvadina wtt eonchidrd.
Withoot reirtrd to party, the mem
ber loudly applauded, rhepml, tlinmp
ed tbeir deakt and inve other evidence
of their approval of th document.
After a moment't tilenoe. the applatiD
broke out again, teveral mernlier. in
cluding many iJemocratt, arlxing from
their eeata and clapping their bandt.
Tbe meaatge then, on motion ol
Payne, of Sew York, wae retVrrwl to
the committee on theetateot the L'nion.
Aftar Trade In th Orient.
Seattle, Feb, l.Th Chli-ago, Mil.
wtokee A St. Paul will tlinrllv begin
in active etmpalgn for it hre of
trade in tbe Orient. President A. J.
fjirling, who it in Seattle, mid: "N
eotittiont liave leen rnaIe for a line ol
lUwmthlp between Paget sound and
the Urien. J. 11. Illltnn, ttnM vice
pretident of the bt. P111I, and f. A.
Miller, general panger tgftnt, have ant tn InvAatiiralM tr.lfu. rr.nll.
tiont In China and Japan, and will re
port upon in poeaiDiuiie ot trails development."
Tornado Kiltt Eight and Maim 100
In Mitalitippi.
Wrenm, Mi,, Frb. S. Kxtendlng
10 mile from wrtt to raat, the path ul
leatniction rravla by f niUr't torna-lo
)ul ninth of brr wa I'mr.d to bar
urterail t aorae dimiter thafl it tint
repotted. In the tomtdo fth Iha
known dead ntim'wr eixht, th fatally teriorialy Injitml
at teart 100. n.eie are Iwrv that tl.a
death bat mat rearh f at 20, nvit nf
tinwe lhe.l to be dead bring net rfv
no nave not iwrn t-niiimtel lot tiuce
tbeir rthint were rrulied
The datnaga it ratiuiatnl conanrvt.
lively at :ioil,!X0 tnd may rea. li a liall
million. In the wreckage lir (out
chnrchra, alt cotton gint and trvral
coiintrv atrtre.
The torntdo cut a path about hall 1
inlie wiile, Relief partlet bavn dren
nt out. Allatrwiiri are aaullrn ami
tlie country nawlt are ttrewn witb lal
len tree.
Workmen Baggier for Food. F.h 1 Tt.. nm. ,1..
tuperintendent of poor it Went Henera
ar.a naaiiwen rmav nv n i man i..m, nn
for food. The partial autpentmn of tba
tteel ana iron innutiry ttier htt
I ranted much tuff ering among th lor
Inturanc Mutt Bt Paid.
Kiniratofi, Jamaiia, Feb. 3. The
Kngliali intutam-e cotnrianira that I..I
heavily in the, eartli iiak arid Bre of
January, 1'.I07, have had t further ver
dict band d down aaintt them. T
ti t caet fur thu ivr.i nf I
fiwtainnl at the tune of the eaitl,.
quake wero recently .dl adveroelv
to the companie. Thw mmptnie tp
pealed to the Nupitme couit. Tmlay
iii niiineint curt upheld the deriaiun
ol the Inwer briilv l,i,.l. 1.1 .1..1.1. I
'-I ...... imtt
Ore wat not of earthquake
Tetbmony I Viua Denial f O
paracy CHarget.
l.vtl.n,l Jan. 30. r over W
boor ta.Wi.lav John II. Hall, et-Uj
1 f Ul aiunney, iikiiw u i
of th aiWgl v"pirey ehr4 It aj
Indictmatit on wnajn n v-t -i
In iU Feilrral rwMt. II vlrt
J...-I I.. i ta had ar eatared Ma
e.ipli- y ot in iliagal airrH id
.Htf.wrf and hi taworwit "'"
t,.)y '. Ila aMt-d thai l aotaj
hal l vt b onlalUimi w " ""I
.. . r.iia-iine nt!mf lul lb I"
mast, neither had h raf bMBilj
la priMweoling all loiUr ej
thai had bean repovtM u ai-i
...l h tha nai raain !.!. I
Hall will prolttbly wmplet b"j
tnoay thl morning and tit en ,
aminatlon ol lb witnawa by Heaey j
Inllua. ta d. front the Boat Vt
mute k lb Jury. lUney't cru H
Inal km of Hall promiae low'"-
ai ol the t;i.
J.ta U'.l.le ronnael Mr Ml-1
u:.l u.i i.hi thai h would ttoi
rail only ore ailiua when lb M
flnlalmj bt U-lrtoy. "OT,J
... ii i sin ha rwwlieiil,A mm. .ilnatUMi. I left J
offer a- u,e Iratintuntr In rebuttal 4
tAml H$ CM
Ir,. M.t aa at4W1rtla I" ft Mil
befi.ta totmirrow a(tinii
ably not until Katutday.
Rami for 1 htr Fir.
! i t. Ian. 30. t
. .' . 1 ' ... ikaitaf
riirii r.aa inn mvrat'tai' i
. a.. . t? ....,( uriera ien
mnw III . I ill. , ... - , ,i
I ... - . . 1 nVhua tt
inrnni in m vrrun . J
morning, in iirt aa rou"". j
ol the opinion thai Mr. m"i
.v.. .i i ' i., .L.r at Vtl
ui. nrni7 imij - - 4
teatvmalbl fuf th dlfr, v
negiigeiice. V i,uel th pn
ing atliiniey of llurk tnunff n
and II reiaelble cmviri j
- . .i . ....1 M wiafhllW'VI
owner oi me airvaiii jj
Hairy . Iiwhtrl, in j
tha rhlttfe Of " I
that the
Fank Clottd In Brooklyn.
New York, Feb. S.-The'JIome Hank
ol Bioiklyn, in Inatittitlon on whlrh a
ran wtt ttarted, dld'nol open for buti.
neaa Katonlay. Th Home bank la a
ill inttilution, bfaled In hVoth
Brooklyn. It hat a capital ,trk ol
lwi.lM)0tnd tiirnlua and dlvldl
......... w. . aiirpnu ana ulvlrtwl
proHIt imminllng to r,3,070. The de
ta. nun'' u1' '0r?',l' 't
a i....... U Panilont-
" a. ' " - - . j
Wnlilngton, Jan. SO. Jf2
petition bill, wblrh, II ,,t)
Inrreae tfie lntlon toll by "'' J
000,000. ha lieen Introduced
: ... , ...... ffl.
clialrtnan of th romtni"" j
penaion. in oui I" ' '
payment ol a prneion u " ")
inateatl oi n, at at prviii "
in oi vettiiana oi " -Mtt
in Hi. Ha ii vara an Wlll""" . ,J
oi in until war ynarri-. i'r.d
mu ana an '.iiaif
.!. ,lll nl dlteaet V00' I
in lb tervlc. ,
. . ... Yklav.
otna Of woman j,.;
Lublin. Rii-altn Poland.
Th polio of thl city ' "liti
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